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Dalam memberikan pelayanan keperawatan kepada pasien, seluruh perawat harus

dipastikan kompetensinya sesuai dengan jenjang klinis yang dimiliki. Masing-
masing jenjang klinis memiliki kompetensi, dan standar kompetensi klinis itulah
yang dijadikan landasan dalam penyusunan Kewenangan Klinis.

Kewenangan Klinis adalah uraian intervensi keperawatan dan kebidanan yang

dilakukan oleh tenaga keperawatan sesuai dengan area prakteknya. Dalam daftar
kewenangan klinis ini dibagi menjadi lima kelompok sesuai dengan jenjang klinis
yaitu :

1. Kewenangan Klinis Perawat Klinik I

2. Kewenangan Klinis Perawat Klinik II
3. Kewenangan Klinis Perawat Klinik III
4. Kewenangan Klinis Perawat Klinik IV
5. Kewenangan Klinis Perawat Klinik V

Selain kategori berdasar jenjang klinik, juga dikelompokan berdasar area

klinik yang meliputi:

1. Area Klinik Keperawatan Medikal Bedah

2. Area Klinik Keperawatan Anak
3. Area Klinik Keperawatan Maternitas
4. Area Klinik Keperawatan Jiwa
5. Area Klinik Keperawatan Kritis
6. Area Klinik Midwifery
7. Area Klinik Emergency Nursing
8. Area Klinik Holistic Nursing
9. Area Klinik Keperawatan Ginjal

Referensi utama dalam penyusunan Kewenangan Klinis di RSUD

Banyumas adalah Nursing
Intervention Clasification (NIC), karena kami telah menerapkan SNL (Standar of
Nursing Language).


Perawat Klinik I (Novice) adalah: Perawat lulusan D-III Keperawatan dan

telah memiliki pengalaman kerja 2 tahun atau Ners (lulusan S-1
Keperawatan plus pendidikan profesi) dengan pengalaman kerja 0 tahun, dan
mempunyai sertifikat (Penugasan Klinis) PK-I.

Kewenangan Klinis PK I adalah sebagai berikut :

1. Reduksi Cemas KLINIS
2. Pembatasan Area
3. Pencegahan Aspirasi
4. Memandikan
5. Perawatan bedrest
6. Pemeriksaan laboratorium di samping TT
7. Bottle feeding
8. Teknik penenangan
9. Perawatan gips: maintenance
10. Peningkatan komunikasi : defisit pendengaran
11. Peningkatan komunikasi : defisit penglihatan
12. Perawatan kontak lensa
13. Peningkatan batuk
14. Manajemen dimensia: memandikan
15. Distraksi
16. Mengenakan pakaian (dressing)
17. Perawatan emergensi
18. Chek kartu emergensi
19. Manajemen lingkungan
20. Manajemen lingkungan : nyaman
21. Bantuan pemeriksaan
22. Therapi latihan : ambulasi
23. Memberikan makan
24. Pertolongan pertama
25. Perawatan rambut
26. Humor
27. Administrasi medikasi: telinga
28. Administrasi medikasi: mata
29. Administrasi medikasi: enteral
30. Administrasi medikasi: inhalasi
31. Administrasi medikasi: nasal
32. Administrasi medikasi: oral
33. Administrasi medikasi: rectal
34. Administrasi medikasi: kulit
35. Administrasi medikasi: vaginal
36. Manajemen mual
37. Perawatan perineal
38. Posisioning
39. Posisioning : neurologi
40. Perawatan jenazah
41. Kehadiran
42. Perawatan ulkus pressure
43. Meminta berkemih
44. Perawatan prosthesis
45. Orientasi realita
46. Therapi rekreasi
47. Bantuan perawatan diri
48. Bantuan perawatan diri : mandi / hygiene
49. Bantuan perawatan diri : berpakaian
50. Bantuan perawatan diri : makan
51. Bantuan perawatan diri : toileting
52. Bantuan perawatan diri : transfer
53. Manajemen specimen
54. Asistensi pembedahan
55. Sentuhan
56. Transfer
57. Perawatan slang
58. Perawatan slang : urinary
59. Cateterisasi urine
60. Cateterisasi urine : intermittent
61. Fasilitasi kunjungan


Perawat klinik II (Advance Beginner) adalah perawat lulusan D III

Keperawatan dengan pengalaman kerja 5 tahun atau Ners (lulusan S-1
Keperawatan plus pendidikan profesi) dengan pengalaman kerja 3 tahun, dan
mempunyai sertifikat PK-II

Kewenangan Klinis PK II adalah sbb :

1. Abuse protection support KLINIS
2. Acid base managemen
3. Acid base monitoring
4. Active listening
5. Active listening
6. Activity therapy
7. Admision care
8. Airway insertion and stabilization
9. Airway management
10. Airway suctioning
11. Allergy management
12. Amputation care
13. Analgesic administration
14. Anaphylaxis management
15. Anticipatory guidance
16. Aroma therapy
17. Artificial airway management
18. Asthma management
19. Autotranfusion
20. Behavior management
21. Behavior management : overactivity / inattention
22. Behavior management : self harm
23. Behavior management : sexual
24. Behavior modification
25. Behavior modification: social skill
26. Bladder irrigation
27. Bleeding precaution
28. Bleeding reduction
29. Bleeding reduction : antepartum uterus
30. Bleeding reduction : gastrointestinal
31. Bleeding reduction : nasal
32. Bleeding reduction : postpartum uterus
33. Bleeding reduction : wound
34. Blood product administration
35. Body image enhancement
36. Body mechanics promotion
37. Bowel incontinence care
38. Bowel incontinence care : encopresis
39. Bowel irrigation
40. Bowel management
41. Bowel training
42. Bowel examination
43. Breasfeeding assistance
44. Capillary blood sample
45. Cardiac care
46. Cardiac care : acute
47. Cardiac care : rehabilitative
48. Cardiac precautions
49. Caregiver support
50. Cast care : wet
51. Cerebral edema management
52. Cerebral perfusion promotion
53. Cesarean suction care
54. Chemical restrain
55. Chest physiotherapy
56. Childbirth preparation
57. Circulatory care : arterial insufficiency
58. Circulatory care : mechanical assist device
59. Circulatory care : venous insufficiency
60. Circulatory precautions
61. Circumcision care
62. Code management
63. Communicable desease management
64. Comunication enhancement : speech deficit
65. Constipation/Impaction management
66. Consultation
67. Controlled substance checking
68. Coping enhancement
69. Crisis Path Development
70. Cutaneous stimulation
71. Decision making support
72. Defibrillator management : external
73. Defibrillator management : internal
74. Delegation
75. Delirium management
76. Delusion management
77. Dementia managemen
78. Developmental care
79. Developmental enhancement : adolescenct
80. Developmental enhancement : child
81. Dialysis acces maintenance
82. Diare management
83. Diet staging
84. Discharge planning
85. Documentation
86. Dying care
87. Disreflexia management
88. Dysrhythmia management
89. Ear care
90. Electronic convultion therapy (ECT) management
91. Electrolyte management
92. Electrolyt monitoring
93. Electronic fetal monitoring : antepartum
94. Electronic fetal monitoring : intrapartum
95. Embolus care : peripheral
96. Embolus care : pulmonary
97. Embolus precautions
98. Emotional support
99. Endotracheal extubation
100. Energy management
101. Enteral tube feeding
102. Environmental manegement : safety
103. Environmental risk protection
104. Exercise promotion
105. Exercise promotion: strength training
106. Exercise promotion : stretching
107. Exercise therapy : balance
108. Exercise therapy : joint mobility
109. Eye care
110. Fall prevention
111. Family support
112. Fever treatment
113. Flatulence reduction
114. Fluid/electrolyte management
115. Fluid management
116. Fluid monitoring
117. Fluid resuscitation
118. Foot care
119. Gastrointestinal intubation
120. Guided imagery
121. Hallucination management
122. Health education
123. Healt screening
124. Heat exposure treatment
125. Heat/cold application
126. Hemodynamic regulation
127. Hemofiltration therapy
128. Hemorrhage control
129. Hope inspiration
130. Hyperglicemia management
131. Hypervolemia management
132. Hypoglicemia management
133. Hypothermia induction
134. Hypothermia treatment
135. Hypovolemia management
136. Immunization/vaccination management
137. Incident report
138. Incision site care
139. Infant care
140. Infection control
141. Infection control: intraoperative
142. Infection protection
143. Intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring
144. Intrapartal care
145. Intravenous (IV) insersion
146. Intravenous (IV) therapy
147. Invasive hemodynamic monitoring
148. Kangaroo care
149. Lactation counseling
150. Lactation suppression
151. Learning facilitation
152. Lower extremity monitoring
153. Malignant hyperthermia precaution
154. Massage
155. Mechanical ventilation management : invasive
156. Mechanical ventilation management : noninvasive
157. Mechanical ventilatory weaning
158. Medication administration : intradermal
159. Medication administration : intramuscular
160. Medication administration : intraspinal
161. Medication administration : intravenous
162. Medication administration : subcutaneous
163. Medication management
164. Meditation facilitation
165. Milieu therapy
166. Mood management
167. Music therapy
168. Mutual goal setting
169. Nausea management
170. Neurologic monitoring
171. Newborn car
172. Newborn monitoring
173. Nutrition therapy
174. Nutritional counseling
175. Nutritional monitoring
176. Oral health maintenance
177. Oral health promotion
178. Oral health restoration
179. Oxygen therapy
180. Pacemaker management : permanent
181. Pacemaker management : temporary
182. Pain management
183. Paperipheral sensation management
184. Peritonial dyalisis therapy
185. Pessary management
186. Phlebotomy : arterial blood sample
187. Phlebotomy : blood unit acquisision
188. Phlebotomy : cannulated vessel
189. Phlebotomy :venous bloog sample
190. Phototherapy : mood/sleep regulation
191. Phototherapy : neonate
192. Physical restrain
193. Physician support
194. Positioning : intraoperative
195. Positioning : wheelchair
196. Postanasthesia care
197. Postpartal care
198. Prenatal care
199. Preoperative coordination
200. Pressure management
201. Pressure ulcer prevention
202. Product evaluation
203. Pruritus management
204. Relaxationn therapy
205. Religius ritual enhancement
206. Respiratory monitoring
207. Resuscitation
208. Self care assistance: IADL
209. Selft esteem enhancement
210. Shift report
211. Shock management
212. Shock management : cardiac
213. Shock management : autogenic
214. Shock management : volume
215. Shock prevention
216. Sibling support
217. Skin care : topical treatment
218. Sleep enhancement
219. Spiritual growth facilitation
220. Spiritual support
221. Subarachnoid hemorhage precaution
222. Surgical preparation
223. Surveilance : safety
224. Suturing
225. Swallowing therapy
226. Teaching : desease process
227. Teaching ; foot care
228. Teaching : individual
229. Teaching : infant nutrition
230. Teaching : infant safety
231. Teaching : infant stimulation
232. Teaching : preoperative
233. Teaching : prescribed activity / exercise
234. Teaching : prescribed diet
235. Teaching : prescribed medication
236. Teaching : procedure / treatment
237. Teaching : psychomotor skill
238. Teaching : toilet training
239. Temperature regulation
240. Therapeutic play
241. Thrombolytic therapy management
242. Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) management
243. Traction/immobilitation care
244. Tube care : chest
245. Tube care : gastrointestinal
246. Tube care : ventriculostomy/lumbar drain
247. Urinary incontinentia care
248. Urinary incontinentia care : enuresis
249. Urinary retention care
250. Ventilation assistance
251. Vital sign monitoring
252. Vomiting management
253. Wound care
254. Wound care : burns
255. Wound care : closed drainase
256. Wound irrigation


Perawat Klinik III (competent) adalah perawat lulusan D III Keperawatan

dengan pengalaman kerja 9 tahun atau Ners (lulusan S-1 Keperawatan plus
pendidikan profesi) dengan pengalaman klinik 6 tahun atau Ners Spesialis
dengan pengalaman kerja 0 tahun, dan memiliki sertifikat PK-III

Kewenangan Klinis PK III adalah sbb:

1. Acupressure
2. Amnioinfusion
3. Art Therapy
4. Autogenic training
5. Bibliotherapy
6. Biofeedback
7. Bioterrorism preparedness
8. Birthing
9. Case management
10. Chemotherapy management
11. Cognitive restructuring
12. Cognitive stimulation
13. Conflict mediation
14. Counseling
15. Crisis intervention
16. Eating Disorder Management
17. Electronic Fetal Monitoring : Antepartum
18. Electronic Fetal Monitoring : Intrapartum
19. Exercise Therapy : Muscle Control
20. Family Planning : Infertility
21. Family Therapy
22. Fertility Preservation
23. Fiscal Resource Management
24. Forensic Data Collection
25. Genetic Counselling
26. Hemodialysis Therapy
27. High Risk Pregnancy Care
28. Hormon Replacemen Therapy
29. Hypnosis
30. Impulse Control Training
31. Intrapartal Care : High Risk Delivery
32. Labor Induction
33. Labor Suppression
34. Laser Precautions
35. Medication Administration : Intrapleural
36. Medication Administration : Intraosseous
37. Medication Administration : Ventricular Reservoir
38. Medication Prescribing
39. Memory Training
40. Nutrition Management
41. Ostomy Care
42. Pelvic Muscle Exercise
43. Peripherally Inserted Central (PIC) Catheter
44. Pneumatic Torniquet Precautions
45. Preconseption Counseling
46. Pregnancy Termination Care
47. Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) Management
48. Program Development
49. Progressive Muscle Relaxation
50. Rectal Prolaps Management
51. Reminiscence Therapy
52. Reproductive Technology Management
53. Resuscitation : Fetus
54. Resuscitation : Neonate
55. Risk Identification : Genetic
56. Sedation Management
57. Self Hypnosis Facilitation
58. Sexual Counseling
59. Social Marketing
60. Substance Use Treatment : Alcohol Withdrawal
61. Substance Use Treatment : Drug Withdrawal
62. Substance Use Treatment : Overdose
63. Support Group
64. Surveilance : Late Pregnancy
65. Therapeutic Touch
66. Therapy Group
67. Trancutaneus Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)
68. Trauma Therapy : Child
69. Tube Care : Umbilical Line
70. Urinary Bladder Training
71. Urinary Elimination Management
72. Urinary Habit Training
73. Validationn Therapy
74. Venous Acces Devica (VAD) Maintenance


Perawat klinik IV (Proficient) adalah Ners (lulusan S-1 Keperawatan plus

pendidikan profesi) dengan pengalaman kerja 9 tahun atau Ners Spesialis
dengan pengalaman kerja 2 tahun, dan memiliki sertifikat PK IV atau Ners
Spesialis Konsultan dengan pengalaman kerja 0 tahun. Kewenangan Klinis
PK IV adalah seluruh Kewenangan Klinis.


Perawat klinik V (Expert) adalah Ners Spesialis dengan pengalaman

kerja 4 tahun atau Ners Spesialis Konsultan dengan pengalaman kerja 1
tahun, dan memiliki sertifikat PK-V. Kewenangan Klinis PK V adalah
seluruh Kewenangan Klinis ditambah dengan menerima konsultasi dari
PK I - IV.

1. Area Klinik Keperawatan Anak

1. KLINIS pencegahan penyalahgunaan : anak)
Abuse protection support: child (Dukungan
2. Asthma management (Manajemen Asma)
3. Breastfeeding assistance (Bantuan Menyusui)
4. Caregiver support (Dukungan Pengasuh)
5. Developmental care
6. Developmental enhancement: child
7. Discharge planning
8. Documentation (Dokumentasi)
9. Emotional support (Dukungan emosi)
10. Environmental management: safety
11. Family involvement promotion
12. Family presence fasilitation (Memfasilitasi kunjungan keluarga)
13. Feeding (Memberikan makan)
14. Fever treatment (Therapy demam)
15. Fluid/electrolyte management (Manajemen cairan/elektrolit)
16. Health education (Pendidikan kesehatan)
17. Immunization promotion
18. Infant care
19. Intravenous therapy
20. Medication administration (Pemberian medikasi)
21. Multidisiplinary care conference
22. Normalization promotion
23. Nutrition management (Manajemen nutrisi)
24. Oxygen therapy (Therapy oksigen)
25. Pain management (Manajemen nyeri)
26. Parent education
27. Respiratory management (Manajemen respirasi)
28. Risk indentification (Identifikasi resiko)
29. Surveilance
30. Teaching : infant nutrition (Penkes : nutrisi infant)
31. Teaching : Infant safety
32. Teaching : Infant stimulation
33. Teaching : Todler nutrition
34. Teaching : toilet training (Penkes : toilet training)
35. Therapeutic play (Therapy bermain)
36. Total parenteral nutrition administration
37. Trauma therapy : chield
38. Vital sign monitoring (Monitor vital sign)
2. Area Klinik Keperawatan Medikal Bedah
1. Acid Base Management KLINIS
2. Airway Suctioning
3. Artificial Airway Management
4. Aspiration Precautions
5. Asthma Management
6. Bed Rest care
7. Bleedingg reduction : gastrointestinal
8. Blood product administration
9. Bowel Incontinentia Care
10. Bowel Training
11. Capillary Blood Sample
12. Chemical Restraint
13. Chemotherapy Management
14. Circulatory Care: Arterial Insufficiency
15. Circulatory Care: Venous Insufficiency
16. Code Management
17. Critical Path Development
18. Discharge Planning
19. Documentation
20. Electrolyte Management
21. Emotional Support
22. Enteral Tube Feeding
23. Fall Prevention
24. Familiy Involvement Promotion
25. Family Presence Facilitation
26. Fluid / Electrolyte Management
27. Gastrointestinal Intubation
28. Health Literacy Enhancement
29. Hyperglycemia Management
30. Hypoglycemia Management
31. Incision Site Care
32. Infection Control
33. Intravenous (IV) Insertion
34. Intravenous (IV) Therapy
35. Laboratory Data Interpretation
36. Mechanical ventilation management : Noninvasive
37. Medication Administration
38. Medication Management
39. Medication Reconciliation
40. Multidisiplinary Care Conference
41. Neusea Management
42. Neurologic Monitoring
43. Nutrition Management
44. Ostomy Care
45. Oxygen Therapy
46. Pacemaker management : Permanent
47. Pain Management
48. Patient Controlled Analgesia (PCA) Assistence
49. Patient Rights Protection
50. Physical Restraint
51. Postmortem care
52. Pressure Management
53. Pressure Ulcer Care
54. Pressure Ulcer Prevention
55. Quality Monitoring
56. Respiratory Monitoring
57. Seizure Management
58. Seizure Precautions
59. Self Care Assistence
60. Shock Management
61. Shock Prevention
62. Skin Surveillance
63. Staf Supervision
64. Teaching: Desease Process
65. Teaching : Individual
66. Teaching : Prescribed Medication
67. Teaching : Prosedure / Treatment
68. Total Parenteral Nutrition
69. Traction / Immobilization Care
70. Tube Crae : chast
71. Tube Care : gastrointestinal
72. Tube Care : Urinary
73. Urinary Elimination Management
74. Vital Sign Monitoring
75. Vomiting Management
76. Wound care
3. Area Klinik Keperawatan Ginjal
1. Acid Base Management KLINIS
2. Bed Side Laboratory Testing
3. Bleeding Reduction : Wound
4. Capillary Blood Sample
5. Case Management
6. Constipation/Impaction Management
7. Culture Brokerage
8. Decision-Making Support
9. Delegation
10. Dialysis Acces Maintenance
11. Electrolyte Management
12. Electrolyte Monitoring
13. Emotional Support
14. Environmental Management : Comfort
15. Environmental Management: Safety
16. Family Involvement Promotion
17. Financial Resource Assistance
18. Fluid/Electrolyte Management
19. Fluid Management
20. Fluid Monitoring
21. Health Literacy Enhancement
22. Hemodialysis Therapy
23. Hyperglycemia Management
24. Hypervolemia Management
25. Hypoglicemia management
26. Hypovolemia Management
27. Infection Control
28. Infection Protection
29. Laboratory data Interpretation
30. Medication Administration
31. Medication Management
32. Multidisiplinary Care Conference
33. Nausea Management
34. Nutritional Monitoring
35. Organ Procurement
36. Peritoneal Dialysis Therapy
37. Phlebotomy: Cannulated Vessel
38. Physician Support
39. Pruritis Management
40. Self-Efficacy Enhamcement
41. Specimen managemen
42. Teaching : Desease Process
43. Teaching : Individual
44. Teaching : Prescribed Medication
45. Teaching : Procedure/Treatment
46. Teaching : Psychomotor Skill
47. Technology Management
48. Telephone Consultation
49. Values Clarification
50. Vital Signs Monitoring
51. Vomiting Management

4. Area Klinik Keperawatan Maternitas

1. Birthing KLINIS
2. Bleeding Reduction : Antepartum Uterus
3. Bleeding Reduction : Postpartum Uterus
4. Bottle Feeding
5. Breastfeeding Assistance
6. Cesarean Section Care
7. Childbirth Preparation
8. Electronic Fetal Monitoring : Antepartum
9. Electronic Fetal Monitoring : Intrapartum
10. Environmental Managemen : Attachment Process
11. Family Integrity Promotion : Childbearing Family
12. Family Planning : Contraception
13. Greaf Work Facilitation : Perinatal Death
14. Health Literacy Inhancement
15. High Risk Pregnancy Care
16. Intrapartal Care
17. Intrapartal Care : High – Risk Delivery
18. Invasive Hemodynamic Monitoring
19. Labor Induction
20. Lactation Counseling
21. Medication Administration
22. Medication Administration : Intraspinal
23. Newborn Care
24. Newborn Monitoring
25. Pain Management
26. Parent Education : Infant
27. Parenting Promotion
28. Postpartal Care
29. Pregnancy Termination Care
30. Prenatal Care
31. Resuscitation : Fetus
32. Resuscitation : Neonatal
33. Risk Identification : Childbearing Family
34. Substance Use Treatment
35. Surveilance : Late Pregnancy

5. Area Klinik Keperawatan Jiwa

1. Abuse protection support KLINIS
2. Active listening
3. Anger control assistance
4. Anxiety reduction
5. Area resriction
6. Assertiveness training
7. Behavior management: overactiviity/inattention
8. Behavior management : self-harm
9. Behavior management : sexual
10. Behavior modification
11. Behavior modification : social skills
12. Bibliotherapy
13. Body image enhancement
14. Calming technique
15. Case management
16. Chemical restrain
17. Cognitive restructuring
18. Complex relationship building
19. Consultation
20. Coping enhancement
21. Conseling
22. Crisis intervention
23. Delusion management
24. Dimentia management
25. Dimentia management: bathing
26. Eating disorder management
27. Electroconvultion therapy (ECT) management
28. Elopement prcoution
29. Environmental management : violence management
30. Family involvement promotion
31. Family therapy
32. Fire-setting precaution
33. Grief work facilitation
34. Guilt work facilitation
35. Hallucination management
36. Health literacy enhancement
37. Impulse control training
38. Journaling
39. Limit setting
40. Medication administration
41. Medication management
42. Milieu therapy
43. Mood management
44. Pass facilitation
45. Phototherapy : mood/sleep regulation
46. Physical restraint
47. Reality orientation
48. Reminiscence therapy
49. Seclution
50. Self awareness enhancement
51. Self care assistance : ADL
52. Self esteem enhancement
53. Substance use prevention
54. Substance use treatment : alcohol withdrawl
55. Substance use treatment : drug withdrawl
56. Suicide prevention
57. Support group
58. Therapeutic play
59. Therapy group
6. Area Klinik Keperawatan Kritis

1. Acid base monitoring KLINIS
2. Mechanical ventilation management : invasive
3. Airway managemen
4. Mechanical ventilation management : noninvasive
5. Airway sectioning
6. Mechanical ventilatory weaning
7. Analgesic administration
8. Medication administration
9. Anxiety reduction
10. Medication administration : intravenous
11. Artificial airway management
12. Multidisiplinary care conference
13. Cardiac care : acut
14. Nausea management
15. Cardiac precaution
16. Neurologic monitoring
17. Caregiver support
18. Oxygen therapy
19. Circulatory care : Mechanical assist device
20. Pacemaker management : permanent
21. Code management
22. Pacemaker management : temporary
23. Decision making support
24. Pain menegement
25. Devribilator managemen: external
26. Posisioning
27. Devribilator managemen : internal
28. Respiratory monitoring
29. Delegation
30. Sedation managemen
31. Discharge Planning
32. Shock managemen
33. Documantation
34. Teaching : procedure/treatment
35. Elektrolyte Management
36. Temperature regulation
37. Electrolyte monitoring
38. Thrombolitic therapy managemen
39. Emotional support
40. Vital sign monitoring
41. Family involvement support
42. Vomiting management
43. Family present facilitation
44. Fluid / Electrolyte management
45. Fluid management
46. Fluid monitoring
47. Hemodinamic regulation
48. Intracranila pressure monitoring
49. Intravenous therapy
50. Invasive hemodinamic monitoring

7. Area Klinik Midwifery

1. Abuse protection support KLINIS
2. Active listening (Mendengar aktif)
3. Admission care
4. Amnioinfusion
5. Anticipatory guidance
6. Attachment promotion
7. Birthing
8. Breast examination
9. Breast feeding assistance
10. Childbirth preparation
11. Decision-making support
12. Delegation
13. Discharge planning
14. Documentation
15. Emotional support
16. Environmental management
17. Family integrity promotion: childbearing family
18. Family planning: contraception
19. Family planning: unplaned pregnancy
20. Fertility preservation
21. Health education
22. Health screening
23. High risk pregnancy care
24. Hormone replacement therapy
25. Intrapartal care
26. Lactation counseling
27. Lactation suppresion
28. Medication administration: intraspinal
29. Medication management
30. Medication prescribing
31. Newborn care
32. Nutrition counseling
33. Paint management
34. Parent education: infant
35. Physician support
36. Postpartal care
37. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) management
38. Refferal
39. Risk identification : childbearing family
40. Self-efficacy enhancement
41. Sexsual counseling
42. Suturing
43. Teaching : individual
8. Area Klinik Emergency Nursing
1. Abuse protection support : child KLINIS
2. Abuse protection support : domestic partner
3. Anaphylaxis management
4. Airway management
5. Blood product administation
6. Cardiac care: acut
7. Circulatory care: arterial insuffisiency
8. Circulatory care: venous insuffisiency
9. Code management
10. Crisis intervention
11. Defribilator management : external
12. Defribilator management : internal
13. Documentation
14. Dysrithmia management
15. Electrolyte management
16. Emergency care
17. Family presence fasilitation
18. First aid
19. Fluid / electrolyte management
20. Fluid resuscitation
21. Heat exposure treatment
22. Hypovolemia management
23. Intravenouse Insertion
24. Intravonouse therapy
25. Mechanical ventilation management : noninvasive
26. Medication administration
27. Neurological monitoring
28. Oxygen therapy
29. Pacemaker management : temporary
30. Pain management
31. Phebotomy : venous blood sample
32. Rape trauma treatment
33. Respiratory monitoring
34. Resuscitation
35. Seizure management
36. Shock management
37. Teaching : individual
38. Thrombolitic therapy management
39. Transport : interfacility
40. Transport : intrafacility
41. Triage : emergency centre
42. Triage : telephone
43. Vital signs monitoring
44. Wound care

9. Area Klinik Holistic Nursing

1. Active listening (Mendengar aktif)
2. Accupressure
3. Animal-assisted therapy
4. Anticipatory guidance
5. Anxiety reduction
6. Aroma therapy
7. Art therapy
8. Autogenic training
9. Bibliotherapy
10. Biofeedback
11. Body image enhancement
12. Calming technic
13. Caregiver support
14. Cognitive restructuring
15. Coping enhancement
16. Counseling
17. Decision-making support
18. Emotional support
19. Energy management
20. Environmental management
21. Exercise promotion
22. Family involvement promotion
23. Guided imagery
24. Health education
25. Health screening
26. Hope inspiration
27. Humor
28. Journaling
29. Massage
30. Meditation Facilitation
31. Music therapy
32. Mutual goal setting
33. Nutritional counseling
34. Presence
35. Progresive muscle relaxan
36. Relaxation therapy
37. Self-awarenes enhancement
38. Self-efficacy enhancement
39. Self-esteem enhancement
40. Self-modification assistance
41. Self-responsibility facilitation
42. Spiritual support
43. Teaching : group
44. Teaching : individual
45. Therapeutic touch
46. Touch
47. Thruth telling
48. Values clarification

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