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Procrastination in School

Morgan Hale
The Academy for the Arts Science and Technology
Procrastination in students has been happening since the beginning of time.

Procrastination is defined as putting off or delaying, especially something requiring immediate

attention (Kachgal, Mera M; Hansen, L Sunny, 2001). Students who are getting an education,

experience this at sometime during their adolescent years; its something very common in society.

Students have a myriad of things they have to get done for school; many students also work,

which can make things more difficult to get completed. “Academic procrastination is widespread

and is estimated to effect between 25% and 50% or up tp 70% in undergraduates.” (Kachgal,

Mera M; Hansen, L Sunny; Nutter, Kevin J, 2001).

Do you procrastinate?

Procrastination is something we all experience, even myself. That is why this topic came

to mind. It is an immense problem that seems to happen all over the world. People believe that it

has to do with your social life. Other, believe that is can be lack of motivation. It can be different

in males and females as well (Khan, M. J., Hafsa, A., Syeda Sumbul, N., & Sidra, M., 2014).

Procrastination is something that we are all born with in the human mind; a complex behavior

that causes delays in activities and assignments ( Naddafi Kouroshnia, 2016), I understand that

because I am a victim of this. Highschool has made procrastination a middle name for students.

There is a solution to this issue.

There has always been a necessity to fixing your procrastination in life. Things should

not be put off or delayed without reason; you are tired or have other things can not come before

what is important at the time. Not doing school work on time, as a student, will jeopardize your

grade and cause you to fall behind in school. Many procrastinators will then become a querulous

student who always is complaining of failing and not having enough time to finish the

assignments. If you have never experienced procrastination, you are very lucky. Once you fall
behind in class, it can be very tough coming back up. Especially if it is already close to the

semester being over with. I am a victim of things at home distracting me from my school work.

This is still something that happens to not only me but everyone around me too. Students come

to school and are just starting their assignments due in 30 minutes. The way you do your work

and the time you take on it, all affects the outcome or grade of anything. As you get older, this

issue could get worse for you and cause mishap in your life. For example, when you start your

career, you can not be late or have excuses to why you did not complete a task your employer

assigned. They will simply fire you, not give you chance after chance.

If a cure is not found to wipe out the intense word of procrastination, the motivation in

students will decrease rapidly. The lower grade school children will begin to follow footsteps of

the older school students. Procrastination is like a ripple effect; once it starts, it keeps going.

Many people will try to manage their time doing things, but this does not usually work if you

contain the lack of motivation most students do acquire. Teachers could try to maintain student

attention in class but this can be a difficult task to do, as it it all up to the student (The Citadel

2013). Many students will avoid the problem of procrastination and not mention to anyone that

they are struggling, talking to a student and asking if there are any problems going on when you

see they are struggling could make a huge difference.

You will see that as the years go on, there will be things and ideas to help with your

procrastination. Many people today are working on new ways to help students and even adults,

with procrastination. One day, all the worries of this will go away. All it takes is a little research

and time.
Reference page

DeRoma, V. M., Young, A., Mabrouk, S. T., Brannan, K. P., Hilleke, R. O., & Johnson,


AND DELAYED QUIZZES. Education, 124(1), 40-48.

Khan, M. J., Hafsa, A., Syeda Sumbul, N., & Sidra, M. (2014). Academic Procrastination

among Male and Female University and College Students. FWU Journal Of Social Sciences,

8(2), 65-70
Ganesan, R., Mamat, N. B., Mellor, D., Rizzuto, L., & Kolar, C. (2014).


MALAYSIAN UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS. Psychology In The Schools, 51(5), 506.


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