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How Can Students Be Motivated:

A Misplaced Question?

Abstract: Great teachers understand the fundamental dif- springs from a place of self-concern: “I want to change
ference between motivation and inspiration: motivation is your behavior with a reward or incentive, so that, if you
self-focused and inspiration is other focused. Exceptional meet the targets or goals I set for you, this will help me
teachers guide students to greatness by inspiring them to dis-
cover where their talents and passions intersect. For today’s meet my own needs and goals” (Secretan, 14).
besieged classroom teacher, the desire to motivate students In an era of accountability and high-stakes testing,
often springs from a place of self-concern: “I want to change teachers are becoming adept at manipulating students’
your behavior with a reward or incentive so that, if you meet personalities through extrinsic rewards and incentives.
the targets or goals I set for you, this will help me meet my When students are extrinsically motivated, external
own needs and goals.” Students are highly motivated to
perform when they first come to school. The question is forces often determine their emotions and behaviors.
not “how can students be motivated?” but rather, “how can When students are inspired, however, forces within
educators be deterred from diminishing—even destroy- determine their emotions and behaviors. Anyone who
ing—student motivation and morale through their policies has worked with a trusted mentor, for example, senses
and practices?” deeply that the mentor is not seeking personal gain but
Keywords: extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation, motivation is offering a heartfelt gift of caring and service (Secre-
tan 2005). Relatedly, Schlechty (2002) argues that the
primary function of a teacher as a leader is to “inspire

G reat teachers understand the fundamental differ-

ence between motivation and inspiration in the
classroom: “Motivation is self-focused; inspiration is
others to do things that they might otherwise not do
and encourage others to go in directions they might not
otherwise pursue” (xviii).
other focused” (Secretan 2005, 14). Characteristically, Exceptional teachers guide students and colleagues
providing motivation is something that a teacher does to greatness by inspiring them to discover where one’s
to a student; inspiration is something that is a result talents and passions intersect. Specifically, teachers
of a trusting, caring, mentoring relationship with a inspire students by channeling students’ energy and
student. Inspiration is something that an extraordinary passion toward their strengths. Although students need
individual lives, not something that he or she simply to be clear about their weaknesses and what makes
does. The image of Lance Armstrong streaking across the them afraid, they need to be clearer about those per-
French countryside in search of his seventh straight Tour sonal strengths that will result “in an increase in per-
de France title inspired millions of cancer patients by formance, service, and life-satisfaction” (Secretan 2005,
giving new meaning and hope to their lives. In The 8th 14). In a truly productive classroom, a generosity of
Habit, Covey (2004) argues that the crucial challenge for spirit, a sense of perceived interdependence, and a
individuals and organizations in moving from effective- shared reverence for the gift of learning also inspire—
ness to greatness is to discover one’s own voice and to both teacher and student.
inspire others to find their’s. For the besieged classroom Yet, there is a pervasive institutional belief that moti-
teacher, however, the desire to motivate students often vating one’s students and colleagues is an essential role

Richard F. Bowman Jr., PhD, is a professor emeritus in the College of Education at

Winona State University, Minnesota.
Copyright © 2007 Heldref Publications

82 The Clearing House November/December 2007

of teachers and administrators as leaders. Whether it is to live out the belief that learning is a relational event
merit pay, stickers placed on students’ papers, bonus by having genuine, interesting, and collaborative rela-
points, or formal recognition ceremonies, consider- tionships with their peers and teachers. Importantly,
able energy and organizational resources are expended students sense that any process that enhances learning
to execute this perceived leadership task. The refrain, has two sides: psychological and sociological (Mason
“how can our students and staff be motivated?” punc- 1975). In Best Practice: New Standards for Teaching and
tuates collegial conversations daily in diverse settings, Learning in America’s Schools, Zemelman, Daniels, and
including staff lounges, in-service programs, and parent- Hyde (1998) discovered an unrecognized consensus
teacher conferences. regarding learners’ needs for equity, achievement, and
Thirty years of research related to motivation and camaraderie: “Virtually all the authoritative voices in
performance, however, suggests that there is only one each field are calling for schools that are student-
problem with that question: “It is the wrong one” centered, active, experiential, democratic, collabora-
(Sirota, Mischkind, and Meltzer 2005, 24). Although tive, and yet rigorous and challenging” (viii).
motivation and morale are important to performance Katzenbach (2006) argued that pride is what ulti-
in the classroom and the workplace, the query is mis- mately motivates individuals both in the classroom
placed because students, faculty, and workers in diverse and the workplace to excel at what they do. Spe-
settings are already highly motivated to perform well cifically, he contends that more than half a century
when they first come to school or the workplace of clinical and academic research by scholars such as
(Sirota, Mischkind, and Meltzer). Kindergarten chil- Maslow, Herzberg, and Csikszentmihalyi points the
dren, for example, are typically excited and enthusiastic motivational compass in one direction: pride in the
about going to school each day. Not so, however, for work itself is the most powerful agent of change and
many third and fourth graders. In studies, research- performance. Moreover, pride is the most easily recog-
ers suggest, “something or someone is decreasing the nizable descriptor of what motivates artists, musicians,
high levels of motivation” that students and employ- athletes, executives, and students to excel at what they
ees bring with them to the classroom and workplace do. Compellingly, Katzenbach asserts, “the peak per-
(Sirota, Mischkind, and Meltzer, 25). The pertinent formers in life are seldom in pursuit of money or for-
question for educators and parents is not “how can mal advancement except as validation of the pride they
students be motivated?” but rather, “how can educators feel in their workplace achievements” (59).
be deterred from diminishing—even destroying—student From that perspective, the real work of teachers as
motivation and morale through their policies and leaders is that of functioning as pride builders in the
practices?” (Sirota, Mischkind, and Meltzer). classroom. Successful teachers, for instance, sponta-
What can teachers and administrators do to sus- neously instill pride in students on a daily basis by
tain initially high levels of morale, motivation, and honoring Csikszentmihalyi’s “discovery that people are
performance for students and colleagues alike? First, most highly energized about their work when their mix
educators must understand what students and col- of skills closely matches their individual and teamwork
leagues want; then, they must give it to them (Sirota, challenges” (ctd. in Katzenbach 2006, 62). Relatedly,
Mischkind, and Meltzer 2005). Researchers pinpoint productive teachers are adept at getting students to
three overarching factors that have the most dra- anticipate how proud they will be when their behavior
matic and positive impact on classroom and workplace or achievements ultimately mirror class and societal
morale: equity, achievement, and camaraderie (Sirota, expectations. U.S. Marine Corps drill instructors, for
Mischkind, and Meltzer). Students want to be treated example, are masters of instilling pride in recruits on a
justly and respectfully in their classroom setting. Many daily basis by making soldiers “anticipate how proud
educators, for example, mistakenly apply restrictive they will feel when their behavior and results conform
policies—meant to rein in toxic behaviors of 5 percent to the implications of the USMC values” (Katzenbach,
of their students—to the 95 percent of students who 60). The motivational power of anticipation in daily
are motivated to achieve. Not surprisingly, doing so life is hard to overestimate.
has a negative impact on student morale and intrinsic A growing number of contemporary educators, none-
motivation. Moreover, students want to take pride theless, are committed to the use of tangible classroom
both in their individual accomplishments and in the rewards as a motivational strategy. Those rewards, how-
achievements of their classmates by engaging collab- ever, can ultimately limit students’ ability to unleash
oratively in a constant reorganizing and reconstructing their aspirations and excel at what is meaningful to
of meaningful experiences. Dewey (1916) framed the them individually and collectively. Specifically, when
challenge compellingly: “The aim of education is to teachers and students perceive daily class work as a
enable individuals to continue their education and source of points, grades, and treats—as opposed to a
that the object and reward of learning is the continued source of learning and deep fulfillment—they are blind-
capacity for growth” (117). Additionally, students want ed to the other reasons students may want to excel,
Vol. 81, No. 2 How Can Students Be Motivated? 83

including an internal desire to create meaning and tend to be clear, means are coordinated to the goals, and
significance. So, what happens when educators provide feedback to one’s performance is immediate and unam-
biguous. In such a situation, a person has a strong feel-
both extrinsic and intrinsic rewards in the classroom?
ing of control—or personal causation—yet, paradoxi-
Designing a stimulating and productive learning cally, ego involvement is low or nonexistent, so that one
environment draws on one’s beliefs about human experiences a sense of transcendence of self, sometimes
nature, the nature of learning, and the passions, inter- a feeling of union with the environment. The passage of
ests, and needs of one’s students. Ironically, designing time appears to be distorted: Some events seem to take
a disproportionately long time, but in general, hours
a successful video game system draws on the same con-
seem to pass by in minutes. (64)
siderations. Admittedly, analogies fall short because
the resemblance between cases is not inexhaustible. Although some researchers argue that intrinsic
Resemblance between the motivational supports in a and extrinsic rewards are negatively related and may
productive learning environment and a video game impede one another (Deci and Flaste 1995; Deci,
system are clearly constrained by differences in mis- Koestner, and Ryan 1999; Kohn 1993), there is argu-
sion, resources, and legal statue. Yet, the similarities ably room for both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards in a
are striking. In truth, both academically engaging class- caring, engaged classroom in which students respond
rooms and video game systems exhibit a common, productively to a variety of incentives. Admittedly, in
unmistakable ethos or ambiance: many instances, rewards in the classroom have con-
flicting effects and can be experienced as controlling
Each is steeped in (a) clarity of task, (b) clear awareness
of participant roles and responsibilities, (c) choice in
(undercutting the learner’s need for autonomy) or as
the selection and execution of problem-solving strat- informational (satisfying the learner’s need for com-
egies, (d) potentially-balanced systems of skills and petence). In daily practice, however, effective teachers
challenges, and (e) a progressive hierarchy of challenges can learn to use both extrinsic and intrinsic rewards
to sustain interest. Moreover, each reflects (a) unam- in personal, thoughtful, and complementary ways to
biguous feedback, (b) affirmation of the instructive-
ness of error, (c) seemingly infinite opportunities for
heighten students’ academic engagement.
self-improvement, (d) provision for active involvement Researchers in human motivation contrast two moti-
in tasks which are rooted in the high probability of suc- vational states—extrinsic and intrinsic (Deci and Flaste
cess, (e) freedom from fear of reprisal, ridicule, or rejec- 1995). Students often perform in school, for example,
tion, and (f) an overarching recognition of the need for to receive rewards if they succeed or avoid punish-
learners to enjoy what they experience in the classrooms
of life. (Bowman 1982, 16)
ment if they fail. Acting a certain way because one feels
compelled to by social controls characterizes extrinsic
Characteristically, the motivational supports of elec- motivation. In contrast, acting a certain way because
tronic amusement systems and academically engag- of an internal desire constitutes intrinsic motivation.
ing classrooms are both extrinsically and intrinsically Research suggests that “external motivation is more
rewarding. At the cosmetic level, video games assault likely to create conditions of compliance or defiance”
the senses with an endless series of kaleidoscopic and that individuals who “are externally controlled
sights, sounds, and figures. Video games provide play- are likely to stop trying once the rewards or punish-
ers with an undeniable visual and aural sense of ments are removed” (Kouzes and Posner 2002, 112).
momentary triumph and accomplishment. Addition- Researchers also suggest that self-motivated individuals
ally, video games provide a socially uniting context for persist in working toward a meaningful goal in diverse
displaying one’s evolving electronic prowess for friends activities involving play, exploration, and challenge
and family. Yet, these familiar extrinsic motivational seeking, even when little likelihood of an external
supports “fail to account fully for either the intense reward exists. Video game players, for example, typically
concentration or the intoxicating sense of power that derive neither material gain nor profit from their activi-
arcadians experience. A more plausible explanation ties. Intrinsically motivated students, moreover, tend to
appears grounded in the domain of intrinsic rewards” have an overarching sense of purpose that is larger than
(Bowman 1982, 14). Probing the question of what they and goes beyond their classroom teacher. Tellingly,
makes a classroom or video activity so enjoyable that it intrinsically motivated students confront the uncertain-
is intrinsically rewarding, Csikzentmihalyi and Larson ties of life from the inside out, as they search for what
(1980) propose a balanced state of interaction—a flow is rewarding rather than what is rewarded.
state. In this state, students and players find themselves To be successful in school, students need to feel
in a peculiar, dynamic experience: that they belong there, are accepted and valued, and
have the skills and inner resources needed to be pro-
Flow is described as a condition in which one concen- ductive (Kouzes and Posner 2002). Intrinsic rewards
trates on a task at hand to the exclusion of other inter-
nal and external stimuli. Action and awareness merge, are personal gestures that deepen students’ sense of
so that one simply does what is to be done without belonging, accomplishment, and efficacy. Intrinsic
a critical, dualistic perspective on one’s actions. Goals rewards invite students to develop a deeper aware-
84 The Clearing House November/December 2007

ness of their work and how that work contributes to a noncontrolling extrinsic symbols of success, such as
larger outcome. More important, intrinsic rewards in a choice in how to approach tasks and projects (Deci,
the classroom speak to the human thirst for a coherent Koestner, and Ryan). Choice deepens students’ per-
purpose in daily classroom activities and school events. ceived self-determination and competence. The best
When students sense that their work is not trivial, they kind of recognition publicly and informationally cel-
become reenergized in discovering what is worthy of ebrates the effort and determination it took for a stu-
their shared attention (Wheatley 1999). dent to excel in a project or activity and sustains intrin-
The art of good teaching, therefore, lies in designing sic motivation. Specifically, informational recognition
systems and incentives in such a way that students will satisfies the student’s need for competence. In short, if
naturally do the right thing for themselves and for the educators use tangible rewards in the classroom, they
common good. Admittedly, motivating one’s students incur a professional obligation to be mindful about
is as simple as the components of the human body the intrinsic motivation and task persistence of the
and as complex as the spirit. At issue, then, is how students they reward.
educators can design schools and classrooms so that
students are intrinsically motivated to be their best. Foster positive expectations. Inviting students to take the
The classroom-tested approaches that follow represent lead in setting their own goals develops positive stu-
neither a theoretical framework nor an emergent moti- dent expectations. It instills a belief in students that
vational paradigm. Rather, they represent an exposition they can go beyond what they once thought possible.
of the insights and practices of classroom practitioners Efforts to foster that belief show students that their
in response to the question, “is it possible for effective teacher has confidence in their ability to shape their
teachers to use both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards in own destiny. For example, teachers who use a Socratic
personal, thoughtful, and complementary ways?” method of leading students through a series of ques-
tions allow students “to find their own way to the
Say thank you. Emotion deepens learning. Saying thank answers and bolsters their confidence in decision mak-
you reveals a teacher’s genuine care and respect for stu- ing” (Kouzes and Posner 2002, 343). Research suggests
dents and their work. Simple, sincere gratitude makes that students act in ways that are consistent with teach-
students feel noticed, recognized, and appreciated. ers’ expectations of them. Adept teachers are aware
For students, a thank you not only serves as a form of that reinforcing processes, such as the Pygmalion effect
encouragement to sustain performance but also deep- (self-fulfilling prophecy), can amplify small actions
ens trust by shortening the symbolic distance between into larger consequences for students (Merton 1968).
teacher and student. Research suggests that conveying Effective teachers, therefore, purposefully help students
appreciation for a task well done with an occasional shatter belief barriers and self-doubts. In a moment of
unexpected thank you enhances students’ intrinsic disarming honesty, if a teacher can genuinely support
motivation and keeps them alert and interested in a student in making a “true commitment not to lead
what the teacher and their peers have to say (Deci, a little life, then most other things will fall into place”
Koestner, and Ryan 1999). (Redmond, Tribbett, and Kasanoff 2004, 13).

Recognize students’ actions. Noticing students’ actions Provide precise feedback incrementally. This helps students
that make a difference in attaining class or individual sense their progress in reaching their goals and lessens
goals helps learners understand how to achieve a high stress and anxiety. Purposeful feedback functions as
standard. Moreover, providing specific examples helps recognition, allowing students to sense that “I can do
students build a cognitive map that they can draw on it” and that “the teacher knew I could do it.” Such
when facing similar challenges or situations in the feedback also shows students that, much like learning
future. Public recognition or praise signals to other to ride a bicycle, trial and error are an inevitable part of
students that their contributions also will be noticed a steep learning curve. More important, research shows
and appreciated. that teachers’ “best opportunity to reinforce or change
Research suggests that recognition given informa- behavior is very close to the time that the behavior
tionally has a more positive effect on intrinsic motiva- occurs” (Allen and Allen 2004, 32). Timely feedback,
tion than recognition given in a controlling manner therefore, is a natural and necessary part of learning.
(Deci, Koestner, and Ryan 1999). Students can inter- Goals without feedback and feedback without goals,
pret classroom rewards as controllers of their behavior however, have only a negligible effect on student moti-
or as indicators of their competence. When rewards are vation (Bandura and Cervone 1983). Oral and written
given in a controlling manner, those rewards thwart feedback helps students become self-corrective as they
students’ needs for autonomy and undermine intrinsic pursue goals. It also helps them feel interconnected
motivation. As much as students value the intrinsic sat- as they reach out for encouragement and assistance
isfaction of genuine accomplishment, they also value in building their capabilities. In short, “the art of bal-
Vol. 81, No. 2 How Can Students Be Motivated? 85

ance is essential to effective feedback” (Allen and Allen room work. Intrinsically motivated behavior is a pur-
2004, 24). That is, suggestions for improvement must poseful action that is intimately connected to one’s core
be balanced with compliments. Allen and Allen’s 2 + 2 beliefs. Encouraging students to rediscover and honor
feedback system, for example, has two equally resonant the beliefs that form the basis of their relationships,
objectives: “First, recognize successes so that they can such as a genuine care and concern for others and for
be reinforced and repeated, and second, encourage the common good, helps them to focus behavior and
improvement in areas that are most in need of change” energy toward a desired instructional end. Classroom
(26). The intent in the classroom is to make compli- norms are a living expression of individual and collec-
menting and encouraging one another informationally tive values. Without clear end values, however, “pur-
the norm. In contrast, teaching by primarily correcting poseful action is limited to transitory adaptation to the
problems without informationally complimenting suc- environment” (Zigarmi et al. 2005, 125).
cesses is not balanced feedback. Moreover, to enhance
credibility and trust, teachers’ “compliments should Provide new perspectives. Diversity produces the healthi-
not be used simply as a prelude to suggestions for est classroom environment. For students in an inter-
improvement” (Allen and Allen, 26). connected world, a diversity of thought, belief, opin-
ion, and cultural perspective is essential to civic success
Aid students in finding meaning. Getting students to and long-term survival. In a classroom that embraces
work productively is a key responsibility in a teacher’s and cultivates alternative perspectives, students are
professional life. Rather than focus on what it is the intrinsically motivated to open up to various points of
student is to do or how the student is to do it, the view in preparation for a world that is endlessly mul-
exemplary teacher focuses on why the meaningful work tifaceted. Students who live out the desire and willing-
is to be done (Collins 2001). Adept classroom teachers ness to open themselves to diverse points of view are
recognize that a student’s commitment to learning is understandably better prepared to work through the
a product of confidence, autonomy, and motivation. challenges of a multicultural environment. Thus, the
Self-assured students sense that they have the ability to student “who embraces diversity is embracing oppor-
complete a project without significant supervision. In tunity” (Redmond, Tribbett, and Kasanoff 2004, 179).
addition, autonomously motivated students feel driven
to do their best in completing a particular task or proj- In conclusion, parents, teachers, and students sense
ect. A student could, however, exude confidence in his that the need for autonomy, encouragement, and rec-
or her abilities but still lack enthusiasm for tackling an ognition is a fundamental human drive. Moreover,
assigned task. Without teacher support, the subsequent each senses that success both in the classroom and life
disillusionment could undercut a student’s committed is kindled and sustained through intrinsic motivation.
performance (Zigarmi et al. 2005). To stimulate and motivate students’ internal drive,
exemplary teachers focus on clear standards, high
Put a human face on opportunities. Classroom stories cre- expectations, acknowledgment of feelings, the provi-
ate a readiness for responsibility. They put challenges sion of choice, and spontaneously instilling pride in
in a real-life context. Stories make achievements visible their students. Successful teachers recognize that stu-
to others and enable students to share in the lessons dents’ values are a source of self-motivation, classroom
learned. When teachers share stories with a class, the stories put a human face on opportunities and propel
stories provide inspiration and direction to students students, balanced feedback, including complimenting
facing complex, challenging situations. A story is “not and encouraging, is central to self-corrective learning,
only easier to remember and recall than a set of facts, it a diverse perspective is intrinsically motivating in an
translates more quickly into action” (Kouzes and Pos- interconnected world, and developing students’ capac-
ner 2002, 363.) In his research about how individuals ity for meaning making and discernment is the moti-
make decisions in emergency conditions, Klein (1998) vating force in learning. In his stunning presentation
discovered that the rational model of decision making of logotherapy, Frankl (1959) underscored the core
gives way to intuition, metaphors, analogies, and sto- challenge confronting teachers and students: “Man’s
ries. For students, well-told stories reach inside them search for meaning is the primary motivation in his
and pull them along. life” (105).
Finally, for caring, competent, contemporary educa-
Show values as a source of self-motivation. Values are tors who are committed to the use of tangible class-
“deep-seated beliefs about the world and how it oper- room rewards as a motivational strategy, the issue is
ates” (Freiberg and Freiberg 1997, 146). Values are how to teach and reward in ways that do not discour-
the emotional rules that govern students’ attitudes, age capable students. Research has shown that there are
choices, and behavior in the classroom. Contextually, conditions in which extrinsic rewards do not necessar-
values are the foundation of rules that make a class- ily undercut intrinsic motivation: provision of choice,
86 The Clearing House November/December 2007

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