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This paper describes an overview and illustrative example for creating a portable data-
collection system using Microsoftt Embedded Visual Tools for the Pocket PC. A description
of the Visual Basict programming language is given, along with examples of computer
code procedures for developing data-collection software. Program specifications, strategies
for customizing the collection system, and troubleshooting tips are also provided.
DESCRIPTORS: data collection, data analysis, computer, Visual Basict, software,
Pocket PC

There have been numerous attempts to with high response costs (Emerson, Reeves,
reduce the amount of time and effort re- & Felce, 2000). Likewise, traditional systems
quired to collect behavioral data. Methods are prone to problems such as incomplete-
have included using alarms or timers to ness, inaccuracies, and poor reliability (Bel-
prompt recorders (Sulzer-Azaroff & Mayer, lack & Hersen, 1998).
1991), videotaping sessions for post hoc re- Computer-based data-collection methods
cording (Miltenberger, Rapp, & Long, represent a useful advancement in the area
1999), and purchasing a computerized sys- of observational data collection. Kahng and
tem for automated recording (Bellack & Iwata (1998) reviewed many of the existing
Hersen, 1998). As technology advances and forms of behaviorally oriented computerized
prices continue to decline, computerized sys- data-collection systems that have claimed to
tems are being developed for a greater variety ease the job of data collection for the service
of applications. provider and provide more accuracy and re-
There are a number of reasons why one liability for the researcher. Although the sys-
might wish to consider a computerized sys- tems described by Kahng and Iwata offer the
tem of recording over traditional pencil and consumer a great advantage over pencil-and-
paper or other low-tech forms of collection. paper systems, they have some limitations.
First, pencil-and-paper data collection is of- First, although 3 of the 15 systems reviewed
ten time consuming. Requiring staff to write were available free, others cost from $50 to
out descriptions of contingencies or remem- $1,740 plus the purchase of the necessary
ber the specific moment to record an in- hardware, which may preclude their use in
stance of behavior are difficult endeavors some situations. A second and potentially
more problematic limitation is that the sys-
This paper was made possible in part by additional tems reviewed are static. To illustrate, when
equipment funding provided by the College of Edu- a computerized data-collection system is
cation and Human Services, Southern Illinois Univer- purchased, the consumer is investing in an
sity–Carbondale. Special thanks to Henry Roane for
his continued technical assistance during the editorial existing technology and software that may
process of this paper. meet the majority of their data-collection
Address correspondence to Mark R. Dixon, Behav- needs (e.g., frequency or interval recording).
ior Analysis and Therapy Program, Rehabilitation In-
stitute, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illi- However, if unusual circumstances develop
nois 62901 (e-mail: that require a novel type of data collection


(e.g., collecting data in discrete trials), a tween the desktop and Pocket PC device, the
standardized system may not be adaptable. most practical for developing a data-collec-
Third, the system may operate on obsolete tion system is Microsoft’s Embedded Visual
technology. For example, all of the programs Tools (eVT). The eVT software allows a rel-
reviewed by Kahng and Iwata run in DOS atively novice computer programmer to de-
or Microsoft Windows. Since the time of sign his or her own software on a desktop
that publication, Microsoft has introduced computer and then download and run it on
four newer versions of its operating system a Pocket PC. Furthermore, this software is
(98, 2000, ME, and XP). In such cases, a available for free download at http://www.
program’s operating system may not be com-
patible with more recent software (e.g., default.asp.
word-processing software) and may require According to Microsoft, the system re-
the consumer to retrofit a computer for the quirements for eVT include a computer
data-collection software, and then perhaps to with Pentium processor at 150 MHz or
transfer the data into more contemporary higher, a recent version of Microsoft Win-
programs for other functions (e.g., analysis dows (Windows 98 2nd ed., Windows NT
or graphing). Version 4.0 with Service Pack 5 or later,
A potential solution to the limitations of Windows 2000, or Windows XP profession-
preexisting computerized data-collection sys- al ed.), 48 MB of RAM, hard-drive space of
tems is to develop a computerized data-col- 360 MB for minimum installation (720 MB
lection system that is individualized to the
for complete installation), a CD-ROM
user’s specific needs. If a consumer can de-
drive, a VGA or higher resolution monitor,
velop, modify, and expand his or her own
and a mouse or compatible pointing device.
data-collection system, it should yield great-
This author strongly recommends the fol-
er utility than other existing methods of col-
lowing upgrades for smoother operation: a
Pentium III or better processor, Windows
Designing Software on the Pocket PC 2000, XP professional ed. or higher, 128
A Pocket PC is a small handheld com- MG of RAM, and 1 gigabyte of hard-drive
puterized device that measures roughly 8 cm space.
by 12 cm and costs $150 to $600. The ma- Most currently available Pocket PCs will
chines are available from a number of man- meet the minimum requirements for pro-
ufacturers (e.g., Casio, Dell, Hewlett-Pack- gramming in eVT, which include 32 MG of
ard), and all use the Microsoft Windows CE RAM and the Windows CE 2.0 or higher
operating system. Windows CE is Micro- operating system. Newer operating systems
soft’s portable version of the well-known may require an additional package of files
Windows 98, 2000, XP operating systems (called a System Development Kit or SDK)
and accommodates modified versions of to be downloaded at the Microsoft Web site
many familiar Microsoft desktop software noted above.
programs such as Word, Excel, and Outlook. Once the eVT software is downloaded
Assuming a user has a Microsoft-based desk- and installed on a compatible system, the
top computer, having similar programs on a user can begin programming. It is assumed
portable device such as the Pocket PC allows that the user will have previously installed
easy communication and data transfer be- the communication software package includ-
tween devices. ed with his or her specific brand of Pocket
Of all the software-sharing capabilities be- PC.

Figure 1. Graphic display of the PDA emulator.

PDA Emulator image (7.6 cm by 12.7 cm) will appear on

For users who are hesitant about the via- the screen. Another ‘‘start’’ button is located
bility of a self-created data-collection pro- on the emulator to guide navigation within
gram, the eVT download also includes an the emulator. It should be noted that the
emulator or virtual PDA (personal digital as- PDA emulator is not compatible with some
sistant) component. The PDA emulator al- versions of Windows (see Table 1 for de-
lows the user to test the program before tails). When the eVT program is being
downloading it to an actual Pocket PC. This downloaded, users who do not have systems
function also permits data collection using that are compatible with the PDA emulator
the emulator alone, although the user would will be prompted to continue installation al-
require a portable computer to run the em- though the emulator will not work. Con-
ulator. Figure 1 shows a graphic display of tinuing installation allows all other compo-
the PDA emulator. nents of eVT to work properly, even though
To explore the emulator prior to program- the emulator has not been installed.
ming, the user should click on the ‘‘start’’
button in the bottom left corner of the Layout of the eVT Interface
screen, click on ‘‘Microsoft Windows Plat- To use the emulator during actual pro-
form SDK for Pocket PC,’’ and finally on gramming, the user must change the drop-
‘‘Desktop Pocket PC Emulation.’’ A blue down tool menu in embedded Visual Basic

Table 1
A Summary of Possible Problems and Possible Solutions to Programming in eVT

Problem Possible solutions

Software is unable to transfer over to Check communications cable, check to make sure Pocket PC is
Pocket PC placed firmly in docking cradle, reboot system
Software takes unusually long time to Free additional memory space on Pocket PC, upgrade version of
compile onto Pocket PC Microsoft CE (if needed), free desktop space
eVT takes long time to download Use a non-dial-up modem (cable or DSL), request a CD copy
from Web site from Microsoft
PDA emulator does not work or can- Make sure you are using Windows 2000 Professional or XP profes-
not be found sional; Windows 98 or ME are not compatible
Data output file cannot be found Check ‘‘My Device’’ directory on PDA, or use ‘‘Find Files’’ option
on desktop if using emulator
User makes errors when recording Create a command button named ‘‘Error,’’ have user click to note
data error, and link response to data file
Programmer wants to note time and Add the code ‘‘File1.LinePrint Time & Date’’ under a command
date button
Programmer wants to terminate pro- Add timer object from toolbar and change the interval property to
gram during run time desired duration (in ms). Add the code ‘‘App.End’’ under Private
Sub Timer1pTimer().
Programmer wants to track frequency Declare variable in Option Explicit; add the code, ‘‘(variable name)
of behavior 5 (variable name) 1 1’’ under command button; display value
in text box
Variable values do not transfer across Add a module, declare variable in Option Explicit on module by
multiple forms the code ‘‘Public (variable name); delete all declarations on indi-
vidual forms
PDA screen is too small for desired Use multiple forms, resize objects, explore the use of ComboBoxes
data collection
Gray screen color undesirable Select ‘‘BackColor’’ from properties window, and select the color of
your choice
Border style of form or objects unde- Select one of the various options of ‘‘BorderStyle’’ from properties
sirable window
Message appears ‘‘Unable to contact Retry the testing sequence; reboot desktop if necessary (Note: this
host device’’ when using the ‘‘Run’’ is a common problem)
. . . ‘‘Start Debug’’ sequence
Message appears ‘‘Insufficient memory Retry the testing sequence; reboot desktop if necessary (Note: this
to transfer files’’ when using the is a common problem)
‘‘Run’’ . . . ‘‘Start Debug’’ sequence
Cannot find the data file to transfer Use the ‘‘Find Files’’ option; make sure Excel’s file types option ‘‘All
into Excel files’’ is selected
Data in Excel all appear in one row Make sure to import data using the ‘‘delimited’’ and ‘‘comma’’ op-
tions in Excel

(eVB) from ‘‘Pocket PC (default device)’’ to sual Tools,’’ and finally on ‘‘Embedded Vi-
‘‘Pocket PC emulation.’’ This drop-down sual Basic 3.0.’’ eVB is automatically in-
menu is located directly underneath the stalled in the download of eVT, which is the
‘‘window’’ and ‘‘help’’ options on the main specific programming language that is used
toolbar. to create the data-collection program. There
To begin programming, the user must are many similarities between both the in-
first click on the ‘‘start’’ button located at the terface and code of Embedded Visual Basic
bottom left corner of the desktop computer 3.0 and Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0/Visual
screen. Next the user should click on ‘‘pro- Basic.NET that were designed for desktop
grams,’’ then on ‘‘Microsoft Embedded Vi- program development. (For information on

programming desktop computers with Vi- form, the user must click on the type of ob-
sual Basic.NET, readers should refer to Dix- ject in the toolbox (e.g., a text box), and
on & MacLin, 2003.) Once eVB is opened, then click on the form. Once the object is
a ‘‘new project’’ menu will appear and the on the form, it may be dragged and its di-
user can select from four options. At this mensions stretched by moving the mouse
point, the user should select ‘‘Windows CE pointer to the desired dimensions. For the
for the Pocket PC’’ and then click ‘‘open.’’ purpose of writing a data-collection pro-
The top panel of Figure 2 displays the gram, one of the more useful objects in the
graphic interface of the program. Four toolbox is called the ‘‘command’’ button
smaller windows appear within the pro- (represented as a gray rectangle four objects
gram’s main window. One of these smaller down on the left side of the toolbox). Com-
windows is labeled ‘‘Project1’’ and another mand buttons are useful because they are ob-
is labeled ‘‘Form1.’’ Each program created is jects that, when clicked while a program is
technically called a ‘‘project.’’ The ‘‘Form’’ is running, will trigger events such as starting
essentially the display that will be projected or ending a timer, writing data to file, or
on the Pocket PC. Each project may have selecting a specific item from a list of op-
more than one form, although the default tions.
setting is for one. To place a command button (or any other
The other two windows are named ‘‘Pro- object) onto the form, the user must first
ject-Project1’’ and ‘‘Properties-Form1.’’ The click on the command button and then
Project-Project1 window contains a file fold- move the cursor onto the form. The mouse
er with a file entitled ‘‘Form1.’’ It serves as pointer will turn into a small cross. Next,
a visual directory of the contents of the pro- the user should depress the left mouse but-
gram or project. If more forms or files are ton and hold it down while moving the
added to the project, these would be listed mouse to the left or right. The outline of a
here as well. The Properties-Form1 window box will appear. Moving the mouse (while
lists a variety of properties of Form1, in- still depressing the left button) in any direc-
cluding the form’s name, color, and size. tion allows adjustment for the size of the
box. When this outline is approximately the
An Illustrative Example: Time-Based desired size of the command button, the
Collection Routines mouse button should be released. This pro-
Graphic display set-up. The simplest form cess will add a command button to the
of data collection to program is time based. form. Once inserted, the command button
Using the Pocket PC, an observer can record can be resized or moved within the form.
time-based measures such as response dura- At this point, the Properties-Form1 win-
tion, response latency, session duration, and dow (seen in the lower right corner of the
intertrial intervals. The program can also be screen, bottom panel of Figure 2) will have
written to prompt the user to record re- changed names to ‘‘Properties-Command1’’
sponses at pre-specified intervals (e.g., every because a command button has been added.
10 s), which may be useful for time-sam- As before, the size and location of the com-
pling data-collection procedures. mand button can be changed, along with
To the left of the project and form is a many other features, through the ‘‘proper-
vertical toolbox. The label corresponding to ties’’ button. Potential changes include the
each tool will appear when the user holds name, the caption (what text is written di-
the pointer over the objects in the toolbox. rectly on the button), and the color. For ex-
To add an object from the toolbox to the ample, to change the caption to ‘‘begin,’’ the

Figure 2. Screen shots of the graphic interface of eVB and the command buttons and text box for display
of time-based data collection.

user would click on the ‘‘caption’’ option, user can write the program to create a basic
highlight the existing text (which should data-collection program. First, the user will
read ‘‘Command1’’ at this point), retype the double-click on the ‘‘begin’’ command but-
word ‘‘begin,’’ and press return. To change ton. This will result in a new window open-
the color of the command button, the user ing over the form that is titled ‘‘Project1-
would first click on ‘‘backcolor’’ and then on Form1 (code).’’ This window shows the ac-
the downward arrow that appears to the tual programming syntax that the computer
right of this description. Once the desired reads when the program is run. Initially, the
color is selected, the user must scroll down curser will be flashing underneath a line of
in the Properties-command1 window until text entitled ‘‘Private Sub Command1p
the ‘‘style’’ property appears. To the right of Click( ).’’ This refers to a subroutine that the
this text, the user should select the second computer will perform when an observer
option ‘‘vbButtonGraphical’’ and the color clicks on the ‘‘begin’’ command button (de-
will change. These steps are also used for veloped above). To write a program that can
adding additional command buttons. To il- be used to calculate response duration, the
lustrate, the user could insert a second com- user should type the following line of code
mand button and change its caption to on the line directly below ‘‘Private Sub
‘‘end.’’ Command1pClick( )’’:
Also in the toolbox is an object called a
vTime1 5 Timer
‘‘text box’’ (shown in the toolbox as a white
box with the letters ‘‘ab’’ inside). A text box This code creates a variable entitled ‘‘v-
can be inserted into the form using the Time1’’ (the name of the variable is arbi-
method described above (for adding a com- trary) that will be equal to the computer’s
mand button). Once inserted, a rectangular internal clock time (i.e., ‘‘timer’’ in the above
box with the word ‘‘Text1’’ will appear in code). Once written, this code will activate
the form. Again, the name of the properties- the time when the observer clicks on the
command window will change. In this case, ‘‘begin’’ command button.
it will read ‘‘Properties-Text1.’’ If the prop- Additional code is required to deactivate
erties window displays something other than the timer. This code should be written under
‘‘Properties-Text1,’’ the user may use the the ‘‘end’’ command button. When the user
drop-down menu at the top of this window double-clicks on the ‘‘end’’ command but-
and select the object that should be modi- ton, the ‘‘Project1-Form1 (code)’’ window
fied. As with the command button, features will appear, showing the cursor flashing un-
of the text box (e.g., name, color, border derneath a line of text entitled ‘‘Private Sub
style, and font) can be changed. For the pur- Command2pClick( ).’’ This refers to a sub-
pose of this example, the user should change routine that the computer will perform
the text to a blank space by clicking on the when an observer clicks on the ‘‘end’’ com-
Properties-Text1 window, highlighting the mand button. To deactivate the timer, the
‘‘Text1’’ text next to the ‘‘text’’ property, and following lines of code must be written di-
deleting ‘‘Text1.’’ This process will result in rectly below ‘‘Private Sub Command2p
an empty text box on the form. This process Click( )’’:
may be repeated to add a second text box.
vTime2 5 Timer 2 vTime1
The lower panel of Figure 2 displays the re-
Text1.Text 5 vTime2
sulting layout of the form.
Writing code for data collection. Continu- This first line of code creates another vari-
ing with the example described above, the able called ‘‘vTime2’’ (again the name of the

variable is arbitrary). However, this variable Dim vTime1

must be equal to the difference between the Dim vTime2
current computer clock time and the com- Dim vTime3
puter clock time when the observer clicked Dim vTime4
on the ‘‘begin’’ command button. That is,
the computer must subtract the current The ‘‘option explicit’’ statement allows the
computer time from the variable ‘‘vTime1.’’ computer to recognize the variables that will
The second line of code presents the time- be used throughout the form. The ‘‘dim’’
difference calculation in the empty text box statement is short for ‘‘declare.’’ Thus, for
on the form. each variable created, the user must have a
To collect a response-latency measure, ad- corresponding ‘‘dim’’ statement followed by
ditional timers are required. Specifically la- the variable name under the ‘‘(general)’’ sec-
tency will measure the time from the ob- tion of the program.
server clicking the ‘‘end’’ button until the Once the variables are declared, the user
observer clicks the ‘‘begin’’ button again. To can close the ‘‘Project1-Form1 (code)’’ win-
accomplish this, the user should write the dow and the form will return. The program
following line of code under the ‘‘end’’ com- is now ready for testing. To test, the user
mand button below the previously written should click on the ‘‘run’’ option at the top
code: of the screen and then on the ‘‘start debug’’
option. The program will be transferred to
vTime3 5 Timer the Pocket PC (or the emulator software will
This code allows the program to capture the start) and the program can be tested.
current computer time and store it in a var- Data files. For the time-based data to be
iable named ‘‘vTime3.’’ This value may be written to a data file for later analyses, an-
displayed in the second text box by typing other object and additional code must be
an additional two lines of code under the added to the form. First, a ‘‘file’’ must be
‘‘begin’’ button below the previously written added for data storage. However, this object
code: is not automatically placed in the toolbox
when the program is initially opened. To
vTime4 5 Timer 2 vTime3 add the file option to the toolbox, the user
Text2.Text 5 vTime4 must right click the mouse on the vertical
At this point, response latencies will appear toolbox on the left of the screen. Next, the
in the second text box each time the ‘‘begin’’ user will click on ‘‘components,’’ select ‘‘Mi-
button is clicked. crosoft CE File System Control,’’ and click
Before testing the program, the variables ‘‘OK.’’ This causes two new objects to ap-
must be ‘‘declared.’’ This process allows the pear in the toolbox. One looks like a file,
computer to recognize the text (e.g., v- and the other looks like a file cabinet. The
Time1, vTime2) as variables rather than left object is the file, and should be added
text. To the right of the text ‘‘Command2’’ to the form. The process creates a rectan-
directly underneath the window heading of gular box on the form entitled ‘‘file.’’
the ‘‘Project1-Form1 (code)’’ window is a To open the file automatically when the
downward arrow. Clicking on that arrow al- program begins, code must be written in the
lows the user to select the option ‘‘(general).’’ Project1-Form1(code) window. To access
Once this option is selected, the following this window, the user must double-click on
four lines of code should be written under the form instead of one of the command
the newly displayed text ‘‘option explicit’’: buttons. The blinking cursor will appear,

and the following line of code will be dis- dent measures are response duration and re-
played: sponse latency. Because the response dura-
tion will be collected when the user clicks
Private Sub FormpOKClick( ).
on the ‘‘end’’ button and response latency
The user must move the cursor to the bot- will be collected the next time the ‘‘begin’’
tom of this section, to the line after ‘‘end button is clicked, the code for writing data
sub.’’ Next, the user must move the mouse to file will be written under the ‘‘begin’’ but-
to the top of the window, click on the down- ton. This code is added by clicking on the
ward arrow to the right of the text downward arrow to the right of the word
‘‘OKClick,’’ and select the ‘‘activate’’ option. ‘‘form’’ in the upper left corner of the win-
This will add several new lines to the code. dow. The user should scroll down until the
They are: ‘‘Command1’’ option appears and should se-
lect this option. Once this option is chosen,
Private Sub FormpActivate( )
the cursor will appear under the ‘‘Private Sub
End Sub
Command1pClick( )’’ text. After the timer
Between these two lines of text, the follow- code (vTime4) and before the line ‘‘end
ing line of additional code should be writ- sub,’’ the following text should be typed:
File1.LinePrint vTime2 & ‘‘,’’ & vTime4
File1.Open ‘‘data.txt’’, fsModeAppend
This line of code writes the value of vTime2
This line of code allows the program to open (the response duration) to a text file followed
a file (arbitrarily named ‘‘data’’) that is a text by a comma, and then followed by the value
file (.txt) and to write the data to this file in of vTime4 (the response latency). The com-
an append fashion. Append means that the ma is necessary because it separates these two
newly collected data will appear in the data values in the data (text) file and allows the
file directly after the previous data. This data to be separated into individual rows
storage method allows a running record of when they are imported into graphical and
all sessions unless older files are deleted. statistical programs.
From this text file record, the user can cut To close the file automatically when the
or copy the desired selection of data and session ends, the following line of code
paste it in a new file specific for a partici- should be typed:
pant, date, or session. If the user attempts to
locate this data file on the Pocket PC, it will
be found directly in the ‘‘my documents’’ di- This code may be placed under a separate
rectory. However, it may require more search- command button called ‘‘exit,’’ or it could
ing to locate the file on a PC if the user is be added to the Private Sub FormpOK
running the PDA emulator. To locate this Click( ) subroutine immediately before the
file, the user should look in the following line of code ‘‘App.End.’’
directory: C:\Windows CE Tools\wce300\ Minimizing collection errors. Although the
MS Pocket PC\emulation\palm300 directory. program described above is designed to re-
If the eVT software has been placed in a dif- cord parameters of time accurately, it is not
ferent directory during installation, the user completely error proof. For example, a user
must search in that specific directory. might accidentally click on the ‘‘begin’’ but-
Once the file option is open and the code ton twice, resulting in inaccurate time val-
has been written, data are capable of being ues. Another problem may be that the com-
stored. For illustrative purposes, the depen- puter may write the data to file twice, dis-

rupting eventual data analysis. These prob- from ‘‘true’’ to ‘‘false’’ and will result in the
lems can be eliminated easily. ‘‘end’’ button being disabled upon the initial
First, the observer can be prompted as to start-up of the program. Figure 3 displays
which text box corresponds to which type of the resulting graphic interface, inputted
response data by adding a ‘‘label’’ object. To code, and properties window.
add a label, the user should select the second Saving and transferring work to the Pocket
object on the right side of the toolbox la- PC. At this point, a basic time-based data-
beled ‘‘label,’’ which resembles a capital let- collection program has been developed. To
ter A. The label is added to the form using save the collected data, the user must click
the same procedures described above (for on ‘‘file,’’ click on ‘‘save project,’’ and enter
adding command buttons and text boxes) the directory and name that the project will
and should be placed on the form immedi- be saved as. Afterwards, the user should
ately above ‘‘Text1.’’ To assist the observer, again click on ‘‘file,’’ click on ‘‘save form,’’
the ‘‘caption’’ of the label may be changed and then enter the directory and name that
to ‘‘duration’’ using the properties window. the form should be saved as. The form can
Following this process, another label (for la- be saved under any name.
tency) can be added directly above ‘‘Text2.’’ To transfer the completed data-collection
In addition to adding labels, the program program from the desktop computer to the
can be written such that the ‘‘begin’’ button Pocket PC, the user must again click on
becomes temporarily inoperable once it has ‘‘file’’ and then on ‘‘Make Project1.vb.’’ A
been clicked and can only be turned on
window appears that prompts the user to se-
again after clicking the ‘‘end’’ button. Like-
lect a project name and file directory to store
wise, the ‘‘end’’ button can be programmed
the project in. Once the user makes these
to become temporarily inoperable. The pro-
selections and clicks on ‘‘OK,’’ the program
cess for writing this code is as follows. First,
is ready to be transferred to the Pocket PC.
the user should double-click on the ‘‘begin’’
button and enter the following line of code To transfer the program, the communication
below Private Sub Command1pClick( ): software that came with the Pocket PC
should be opened, the ‘‘explore’’ or ‘‘navi-
Command1.Enabled 5 False gate’’ feature should be selected, and the user
Command2.Enabled 5 True will need to find the newly created project
This code will turn off or disable the Com- or program, copy it, change directories back
mand1 button (the ‘‘begin’’ button) when it to the Pocket PC, and paste the file into the
is clicked on and will enable the Command2 Pocket PC’s directory. This process creates a
(‘‘end’’) button. To reactivate the ‘‘begin’’ version of the program on the portable de-
button and turn off the ‘‘end’’ button after vice that will be ready for data collection. If
it has been clicked, the following line of the user has tested the program along the
code must be added directly below Private way using the PDA emulator and now at-
Sub Command2pClick( ): tempts to run it from the actual PDA, an
error message may occur. This is because ad-
Command1.Enabled 5 True ditional eVB support files (in addition to the
Command2.Enabled 5 False above-created project) must be placed on the
Finally, the user must click once on the PDA prior to running. The easiest way to
‘‘end’’ button, move to the Properties-Com- transfer these support files is for eVB to do
mand2 window, and select the ‘‘enabled’’ it automatically. The user should test the
property. This property must be changed program in eVB at least once through the

Figure 3. Final graphics and programming code for a time-based data-collection system.

PDA instead of the emulator. Afterwards, Many types of bugs or glitches in the process
the finished project will run correctly. might occur. Table 1 displays a summary of
potential problems and possible solutions
Saving Time, Customizing, Troubleshooting, that might occur when using the eVT sys-
and a Program tem.
As with other Microsoft products, eVT
allows the user to use many editing shortcuts Downloading Data for Further Analysis
similar to those found in other Microsoft To retrieve the data that have been col-
programs. For example, the user can copy lected, the file must first be located on the
and paste code using the CTRL1C and Pocket PC. It will be entitled whatever it
CTRL1V key combinations, drag and drop was named in the ‘‘File1.Open’’ code
images, or use CTRL1S to save work. There (File1.Open ‘‘data.txt,’’ fsModeAppend in
are also many customization features for the earlier example). In this example, the
fonts, line type, text box borders, and so user would locate the file named ‘‘data,’’
forth that are located in the ‘‘properties’’ which will most likely be placed in the ‘‘my
window of eVT and that can be easily ma- device’’ directory of the Pocket PC. Al-
nipulated. though the text file can be previewed
Although the above example illustrates through Microsoft Word on the Pocket PC,
how to create a data-collection system, pro- copying the file to the desktop computer will
gramming a computer is often difficult. allow the user to have more flexibility for

Figure 4. Screen shots of data-importing windows and the resulting spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel.

data analysis. To paste the file, the user must text file that has comma delimiters. (Refer
open the communication software on the to the statistical package owner’s manual for
desktop, click on the options necessary to specific importing procedures of text files.)
locate the Pocket PC’s documents, select the
data file, and copy and paste it in a directory
on the desktop computer. SUMMARY
Many data analyses and graphic genera- Data collection is a critical component for
tions can be accomplished using spread- developing effective treatment strategies and
sheets. Microsoft Excel is one such spread- demonstrating experimental control (Sulzer-
sheet that has been previously noted by Carr Azaroff & Mayer, 1991). The use of com-
and Burkholder (1998) as useful for behav- puterized system that is customized to the
ior analysts. To import the data file into Mi- user’s needs may aid in the attainment of
crosoft Excel, the user must first open the these goals. The programming routine codes
Excel program. Next, the user should click that are presented in the current article are
on ‘‘file,’’ then on ‘‘open,’’ and then change only a fraction of what is possible with eVB.
the option ‘‘File of type: all Microsoft Excel However, these routines lay the foundation
files’’ to ‘‘Files of type: all files.’’ It may be for what can be accomplished. Each user can
necessary to select the directory the data file further integrate the code in a meaningful
is in and then select the data file. Figure 4 way for his or her purposes.
displays the Excel screens for data importing. The Pocket PC provides a portable and
A window entitled ‘‘Text Import Wizard’’ powerful platform for recording computer-
will appear. Here the user can select the line ized data, and the Microsoft Embedded Vi-
of text in the data file that will be imported, sual Basic programming language provides
along with the type of importing method an interface for designing the data-collection
(delimited or fixed width). The user should system. Although the eVT software is avail-
first select the desired first line of data, then able free by download, potential users must
check the ‘‘delimited’’ option, and then click purchase a PDA before using the software.
‘‘next.’’ The next window will prompt the PDAs differ in price, with the average cost
user to select the type of delimiter that will of a PDA to run eVT being around $200.
separate the data into individual cells in the However, the combined costs of the software
Excel worksheet. The ‘‘comma’’ option and the PDA are much less than several of
should be selected (while deselecting the the programs described by Kahng and Iwata
‘‘tab’’ option), because a comma was used to (1998). Together, the information and the
separate the data in the written code (see methods introduced in the current article
above description of writing code for text provide a basis for designing, customizing,
files). Finally, the user should click on ‘‘fin- and using individualized handheld data-col-
ish.’’ The data will then appear within the lection systems.
Excel worksheet for analyses and graphing
(see Carr & Burkholder, 1998, for a guide
to graphing single-subject data using Excel). REFERENCES
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