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Edward Aslikyan


Rules, tactics, strategy of the game


Mafia book introduces readers to this intellectual game, which has recently been more and more
attractive to people.
Anyone who wants to become a good player, we recommend to carefully read this book: it contains
the rules and regulations of the game. The author shares his experience of game tactics and strategy since
he has spent many years in different mafia clubs.
The author, a member of the International Academy of Informatization, Ph.D., has published 34
scientific books on the theory of operations research, in particular, game theory and decision-making in
condition of multi-criteria optimization.

Author's preface
Mafia - is an intellectual game. Some say it was invented in the FBI intelligence agents for training, while
others believe that is was invented by the KGB to be used with the same purpose. Fiction mixes with reality: it is hard
to say, but it is clear that there is hardly a more effective way to develop analytical thinking, analysis of the situation,
as well as improvisation and self-control.
I am confident that, after you have learnt the rules and basic principles of the game, you will definitely
understand why the author decided to public this book.
Recently, more and more people become fans of this intellectual game and play together in the so-called
mafia clubs. However, still there is no publication where you can find complex explanation of rules of the game. As
you can see from experience: different clubs have different rules.

Mafia is a team game with 10 players. I can say for sure that no one, even with the highest analytical skills,
will not be able to play chess when he learned the moves, but do not know a single opening. If such a player will
always lose, it will not cause the loss of other players because chess is an individual game and mafia is a team game.
Inexperienced player in mafia not only loses himself, but also make the team lose, that is why experienced players
usually do not play with beginners. That is why in such clubs new players are not allowed to sit at the tables with
pros, so as not to spoil the game. They have to watch more than a dozen games in order to have even the slightest
idea of the basic intricacies of the game. During the game of passion is heating up so that no one can forgive any
mistake. Almost all clubs face the same problem: how to choose people with the same qualification and put them at
the same table. Simple rules bring the belief that decisions are made during the game intuitively. A lot of intelligent
people are confused when they fall into an awkward situation while playing the game and fail the team.

In this book the author tries to systematize the rules, as well as to The author shares his experience of game
tactics and strategy since he has spent many years in different mafia clubs and show some practical decisions based
on his years of experience and expert players opinions.
Edward Aslikyan

Chapter 1: Rules of the game

1.1. Basic rules

Mafia should be played by 10 players and a moderator.

7 of these 10 players are so-called innocents (red players) and the other 3 – mafia/mafiosos (black players).

One of the black players is a so-called don. He is the head of mafia team and manages the team strategy.

One of the red team players is called the sheriff. He has certain powers, which will be discussed below.

Each turn of the game is divided into night and day. The game begins with the night. When the moderator
announces the night, the players put on masks and one by one take a special card that determines their status in the
game. As a result all the players are divided into 2 teams: the red and the black.

Once all players have taken the cards, the moderator says:

- All players head down, Mafia wakes up and negotiate.

The three black players take off their masks and negotiate. Negotiation is performed without saying aloud any
words, the don shows on his fingers numbers of the players who will be killed in the first three nights. While this is
happening loud music should be turned on. Negotiation time - one minute. After 50 seconds, the moderator denotes
the time - says out loud for 10 seconds, after which he declared:

- The Mafia closes eyes, don meets me (don raises his hand), the sheriff meets me (the sheriff can open eyes
and for a minute watch the players, or just raises his hand), morning comes (all take off the mask), let the player
number one talk.

One by one, each of the 10 players is entitled to talk for one minute. In the allotted minute, each player will
try to convince the others that he or she is a red player and to share his or her opinion about the color of the players
who talked before. During this minute each player has the right to put up for a vote to exclude from the game any
other player.

Every time before the end of the minute the moderator is required to indicate that there are 10 seconds till
the end of the minute.

On the first day (turn), if there is only one nomination for a vote, the voting is not held, the nominated player
stays in game, and the moderator announces the night. Voting occurs when there are two or more nominated
candidates. The player with the highest number of votes leaves the game. This person has one minute for the last
word, then the moderator announces night.

All the players put on masks, the mafia "goes hunting."

The moderator announces:

- The mafia runs alongside the players numbered one, two, ... ten.

In order to "kill" the player black players must show by their hand a shot when the moderator says aloud the
number of the player. If all the black players at the same time shoot the same player, he is considered killed.

The moderator announces:

- The don opens his eyes and looks for sheriff.

The don by fingers shows the moderator the number of the player, which he chooses. The moderator by a
nod of his head confirms or denies don’s guess, after which the don puts on a mask.

Then the moderator announces:

- The don goes away, the sheriff opens his eyes and looks for black players.

The sheriff opens his eyes and by fingers shows the number of the player whom he considers to be black. The
moderator by a nod of his head confirms or denies sheriff’s guess. Both the don and the sheriff for one night can
check only one player. After the check the moderator declares day-time.

If during the night one of the players was killed, he is provided with a last minute speech. After this the
second day discussions begin. If the Mafia missed, ie Black players shot the different players the moderator
announces a miss and begins the second day of discussions with the player number two.

The next day, the discussion begins with the player number 3, and so on,

The game ends with the victory of the red, if there is no any black players; or the victory of the black, once at
the table there will be the same number of players from the red and the black teams. According to the rules if two
players get the same number of votes, the moderator puts on vote the question whether to expel the two players at
the same time. If both of them get equal number of votes - both players stay in game. That is why, it is clear that if
total number of red and black players is the same, the red team will not be able to withdraw a black team player,
while black team at night will be able to kill anyone.

There are procedures in the game that are to be clearly defined and must be respected.

1.2. Terms and Definitions

A person visiting a mafia club for the first time, may be shocked by the strange vocabulary the players use,
and get the impression that the players do not speak their native language. In fact, this is determined by the rules of
the game to tell much information while allotted minute.

Imagine such a speech: "I propose to nominate the players number 5 and number 8 and vote so that both
players have the same number of votes". The player rather says: "I propose to divide the table between numbers 5
and 8".

The desire to be concise led to the use of the following terminology:

Deal - a process in which black players agree during night time, whom to shoot.

Voting - voting for nominated candidatures. The player who receives the most votes, is eliminated.

Divide table – vote with the same number of votes for two or more players.

Lay a hand - vote so that your voice is not critical for the expelling of a player.

Car-crash – occurs when two or more players gain the same number of votes.

False sheriff - black player who opens as the sheriff.

Guess - a situation when there are were three or four players at the table, including only one black. To find
out who is the last black player there is not enough information – that is why it is in some way guess.

Critical situation - a situation when the result of the game depends on the withdrawal of only one red team
player, after that the red team loses.

Sheriff marked a player black or red – the sheriff announced the results of night audits, i.e. which player was
black, and which - red.

Player does not tell that for all the players around the table he is the red player. Instead, he says: "For all the
table - I'm red, or table thinks I'm black."

Of course, the table is not able to consider anyone red or black player, nevertheless, such terms are used, and
we will stick to them.

1.3. Put to the vote

If a player wants to put to a vote any player, for example, the number 5, he should declare: "I nominate player
number five." If the moderator says: "Accepted" - it means the nomination has not been previously exposed. If the
moderator is silent, then a nomination was made not according to the procedure or the nomination had already been
made before your turn.

If the procedure is not followed, the moderator does not put to a vote proposed nominee. It may seem
superfluous for inexperienced players. Strict observance of the procedure and the issuing of voting is dictated by the
nature of the game itself. Often one black player puts on vote another black player without following the procedures
specifically to embarrass other players. It is clear that he will explain this by the lack of attentiveness but in fact to
shadow that he is also a black team player.

During the given minute a player can withdraw proposed nomination. To withdraw a nomination a player
says: "I withdraw nomination player number five" - then it can put to the vote another nominee.

1.4. Vote

As it has been said, if at first turn only one candidate is put to a vote, voting is not performed. During the
second and subsequent days, if you put to a vote only one candidate, the player leaves the game without a vote.
When placing two or more nominees, the vote is held in order of their nomination after the negotiation of the day.
Before the start of the voting the moderator recalls the candidates to end the game. For example: "Players number
ten, two, one, four and five are nominated to a vote. I repeat, ten, two, one, four and five".

Each player can only vote for one candidate by putting his hand on the table with a raised thumb. Each player
is given 2 seconds after the moderator announced the number of the player. After two seconds the moderator says
"thank you". Hand put on simultaneously with the word "thank you", or afterwards, is not considered as a vote
according to the rules. If a player did not vote, his vote shall be counted to a player nominated last in line of the

It is important to know for the beginners who are afraid to make a mistake, that if they do not vote thus their
vote goes against the last player put to a vote.

It has already been mentioned that if a car accident occurs, the second vote is held, after which both players
leave the table or rest in the game.

The next rule, which the author strongly recommends the use in mafia clubs, eliminates the possibility of
winning by an unfair player when a player leaves the game as a black or a red monster.

Monster is a player who leaves the game specifically, getting four points to make his team win.

Let us suppose that five players rest at the table, three red and two black, one of whom is a confirmed one.
Red players nominate a confirmed black and wait for a vote; black one, in his turn, nominates the red player and gets
specifically four warnings after that he is removed out of the table. The red player leaves the game without a vote, as
he is the only resting nominee. Then at the table there are three players and the next night shoots a red player would
be shot and the black team wins.

A red player can also leave the game as a monster, and provide his team with a guaranteed victory. For
example, there rest six players at the table: the sheriff, the two confirmed red players and three unconfirmed. This is
the same critical situation, since the withdrawal of a red player will mean the team’s loss.

During the night the black shoot a confirmed red, and during the day two black and two red players rest.

If a red player leaves the game after four warnings, the remaining three red voices will get out of the table
the black one and after the night turn murder at the table will remain two confirmed red players and one black player
and as a result the red team wins.

It is possible to fight against a black monster while against the red one – it is impossible.

In order to eliminate the possibility for a black monster to ruin a game it is necessary to put to a vote several
unconfirmed players.

In some mafia clubs monsters are punished by removal from a few next games. However, even this does not
stop the monsters - the temptation of winning is big enough.

To exclude dishonest gain from the monsters, you must enter a rule, according to which:

- if in a critical situation (even when there are several nominations) a player leaves the game with four
warnings, the moderator announces the voting finished, and night falls.

The above rule is a guarantee that the monster as a concept disappears, because the withdrawn player can
not take anyone with him.

1.5. Regulations

1. Discussion and vote.

Each player has the right to discuss only for a minute, granted to him by the moderator.

Players who get into a car accident, get thirty seconds for discussion before the re-vote.

The player, who was killed at night, or got out as a result of vote, obtains the right for the last word for one

2. Warnings.

A player receives a warning:

- for any statement after his granted minute;

- for any pronunciation of the word "swear";

- for gestures after the moderator announced the night;

- for excessive gesticulation during the discussion;

- for gestures of the hands while the voting.

In many clubs gestures of the hands while the voting is not considered as a reason for withdrawal. In fact it is
unreasonably harsh punishment.

The player should receive a warning, and his voice be counted.

Hidden warning - the sheriff gets this kind of warning as night, if after checking he found a player and
touched him in order to let him know. The moderator shows the sheriff that he had received a warning, but does not
do it out loud, as this information may affect the course of the game.

3. Removal

A player is eliminated from the game in the following cases:

- for any pledge, including the phrase "I swear", confirming its color;

- if at night such a player shows the sheriff or the don which player to check;

- if black players touch each other while shooting;

- after four warnings;

- if a player leaves the table during the game.


Chapter 2. If you are a red player

2.1. The first day of a red player

Black players already know each other and agreed on one night whom to shoot, a red player knows only his

Experienced players consider that the most interesting is when you play as an innocent red player. When you
open your eyes there are nine players, each of which will convince you that he is a red player, and your task - to make
right conclusions and to vote correctly.

What is the tactics of an innocent red player?

Usually inexperienced players believe that the main thing for the definition of black players is intuition. Since
the first round these players during negotiation do their best to define black players and through the whole game
played against them.

I assure you that such a red player can spoil the whole game of the red team. Utilization of psychological
analysis can only be used in the first round of discussion, but in any case not to make a final conclusion about the
color of the player. Believe me, experienced player will never be uncovered by the manner of conversation. Therefore
try to pay attention not to the manner of behavior but to players’ decisions every round. Experienced players advise
innocent red players to rely on intuition in 5% and 95% for the ability to analyze what is happening at the table.

As a rule, after the first round no one is out as a result of voting. Why? Practice shows that there is a high
probability of errors during the first round. The first round gave you just information for analysis, but no more.

Try to use a minute given for discussion. Sometimes players number one or two feel they have nothing to say
and say “next”, thereby give no profit to the red team. Remember: you know your color, while others have to make
conclusions of your discussion.

Sometimes, during the first round two players are nominated i.e. "divide the table." Usually nominees are
put from different sides. One candidate is nominated among the numbers from 1 to 5, and the other among the
numbers 6-10. While the vote of players 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 vote for players on the other hand, players respectively 6, 7, 8, 9
and 10 vote against another player. Each player gets five votes, i.e. he gets into a car-crash. Both players have 30
seconds before the second vote. The table is divided in the same way, and then players vote for both players to leave
the table. Players do not vote this time, both players remain in the game. Why is this kind of vote held if no one
leaves the table as a result? If a player had a bad first speech, he would have another chance to share with the other
players his opinion for 30 more seconds. Perhaps the players want to know the opinion of player number one.

Skilled players can divide the table if the candidates chosen from one side. For example, the nominees are
players numbered 2 and 3. The table is divided by the tenth player who is the last speaker of the first day. For
example, players with numbers 8, 9, 10, 1 and 2 vote for the player number 3, the others - against the player number

Remember: never break the vote if you are a red player. There is an unwritten rule: the player who broke
the vote, leaves the game the next day. Black player also does not make sense to break the vote, knowing that he
gave his life for the life of a red player when the red team is twice as big.

It has sense for a black player to break the vote only if he spoke badly, and several players require his

If among those who spoke there is a black player for you then show by your fingers his number to the sheriff
in order to check him. Of course, such gestures should be carried out prior to the announcement of the night. If you
are not wrong, then this argument can be used in the future to convince the table that you are red.

2.2. The second day of a red player

The day can begin with the announcement that a player is killed, or there was a miss.

Scenario 1. Mistake.

Many people unfamiliar with the game may wonder, how can there be a miss on the first night, when the don
showed by his fingers to the black, whom to shoot. Believe me, there are mistakes often. Sometimes somebody's
move or speech looks like the sheriffs, and some of mafia shoot the sheriff, instead of a deal. Sometimes the sheriff
gets into a car crash and has no option but to uncover. Usually the sheriff lets you know, touching the shoulder. Some
black players believe and shoot him, and some shoot as a result of a deal and sometimes miss. In any case, there are
failures even the second night, so the second day there are still all ten players at the table.

How to act in this case. Everyone could quickly say "next" so that the sheriff continues his inspection. You can
put to the vote the last speaker or another player, and someone else and divide the table.

As you know, the second day discussion starts with the player number two and number one player has the
last position to speak. Suppose that on the second night, the don uncovered the sheriff and let the black team know
the player acting as the sheriff. Usually, the first night the don shows using his fingers who he is going to verify as a
sheriff, and how he would show the result of the check i.e. without nominees there is a risk that the first player would
nominate the sheriff and the sheriff would leave the table as the only nominee. Below is the probability of such an

The odds that during night the don uncovers the sheriff – 1/7, i.e. 0.1428, the odds that the player number 1
is a black player – 3/10, i.e. 0.3.

To fine the conjoined odds the odds of the single situations are to be multiplied.

Thus, the odds that a black player in the first place would uncover the sheriff is 0.1428 x 0.3 = 0.0428.
Consequently, the sheriff would leave the game with a probability of just 4.28 percent. At the same time, leaving the
game, sheriff gives two guaranteed checks: the first one he made and the player has not been killed, the second - the
first player is 100% black.

Consider the second option. When the sheriff is uncovered, two candidates are nominated and the table is
divided. All the ten players remain, at night the sheriff checks another player and after that he is killed. It is easy to
understand that the first option, when the sheriff is out of the game as a result of player number ones decision, has
several advantages.

In both cases, the sheriff leaves the game, giving two guaranteed inspections. In the first case, leaving at least
one verified black player (number one), in the second case he can leave two verified red, one of whom will be killed
the first night. In turn, the longer the negotiation is during the second day, the more black players would have an
opportunity to agree on whom to shoot. Therefore, in order not to give a chance to black players to decide whom to
kill, all red are better to quickly say "next" and wait for the night, when the sheriff will have another inspection.

It is useful to divide the table only if at night the sheriff uncovered the number one player as a black player.
He should propose to divide table, not rigidly exposing the first player as a nominee to the last speaker. Otherwise, he
is likely to leave the table with a single check.

Scenario 2: a red player was killed

Killed player has not opened as a sheriff and left the table. Consider yourself lucky, the sheriff is still at the

Since the second day, the main part of the game begins.

Tactics of the second day. Remember the most important rule - do not make black decisions.

What is considered a black decision.

1. When a player says that he considers some player as a black one and puts to a vote another without

2. When a player on the basis of intuition makes a tough decision. Tough decision in a nomination of a player
with an intention to vote against him. Remember, only the sheriff can do tough decisions if he found a black player
or a black player who wants to nominate a red player, and then uncovers as a false sheriff. But in this case you can
be no one of them.

Remember: never make a tough decision based on intuition. As a result the sheriff would lose one
inspection this night.

As for your turn during the second round, you should nominate a player who seemed suspicious to you, be
sure to explain the reason for your nomination. While putting a player to a vote be moderate in your words. Note that
you will make final decision whom to vote only after you have listened to all the players. Nomination during the
second round is not a rule, but what is the result? If only black players nominate players, you still lose. Remember: in
the second round an innocent red player does not have enough information to clearly make the right decision . You
can make a mistake as well as the other red players and this would not be considered a black decision. While voting,
hold your hand, never put the first one since the black hands can join you if you vote against a red player. If
possible, try to divide the table, i.e. make two or more players receive the same number of votes. This will give you
another opportunity to hear them and make the right decision while the second vote.

In the second round there are two options of negotiation: with tough decisions and without them. In any
case, the tactics of the game is simple: red players should base their decisions on the principle of the counterweight.
This term refers to the principle of alternating withdrawal of players from different teams: if you see a player from
one team eliminated from the game, next round a player from the other team should be eliminated. This is the
only guaranteed way to continue the game because one black player leaves the game for sure.

Consider an example.

Tough decision was made during the second round.

Let us assume that the decision was made by the sheriff or a black player who is going to eliminate a red
player, and then uncover himself as a false sheriff.

If the move is made by the sheriff, he obviously hurried, because the outcome will not be positive.

How to behave when you face a tough decision? For example, you can vote the same way as the player who
made such a decision. If the move was made by the sheriff, he is likely to be killed next night. At best, next night he
will find another black player, and leave the red team guessing.

The resulting situation would be characterized as a Guess, because the resting black player made no black
decisions, so he can be uncovered. Together with the sheriff, he nominated one black player, after the sheriff’s
elimination he will vote against the second confirmed black player. He cannot be found by analysis but only by a
guess. The tough decision is more likely to be done be a black player. By this decision he either tries to eliminate a red
player or provoke the sheriff to uncover himself. Even if the sheriff reveals himself and the others believe him, he will
save a red player and eliminate a black one - at night he will be killed, and the game goes back to guessing.

Therefore, the correct play is when the sheriff does not reveal himself, and you, as an option, vote with the
player who made a tough decision. Second red player will be eliminated, the third - killed during the night, but a
critical situation is only nominal, as the player who made a tough decision is to be eliminated as a counterweight, and
the game continues.

2.3. The third day of a red player

Thus, there has come the third day. At the table there are seven players, or eight, if there was a mistake. In
both cases the situation is called critical since the elimination of a red player means defeat. With eight players, if a red
player is eliminated after a vote, any black player gets the warning cause of shouting aloud the number of the player
who will be killed at night. There will remain three black and three red players and the black team will win. When a
critical situation occurs, the sheriff has to uncover himself. Many inexperienced players, when they act as the sheriff,
are so afraid they would lose, that even in a critical situation do not uncover themselves. It is usually said that these
players “want to take home the sheriff’s card”. In ordinary games the sheriff certainly opens.

If you are the red player, who was killed during the night, at the last minute you should quickly make a survey
of all seven (or eight) players to find out who is the sheriff. Very often, a black player uncovers himself as a false
sheriff. Before that, every black player believes he has not been inspected, and after the death of the sheriff has every
reason to win the game. Therefore, the survey should be done before third day discussion begins and the sheriff
provides the team with the results of the inspections.

Suppose you are not killed, and together with the other six players you continue playing. If the only one
sheriff uncovered himself, you should play with him and vote the way the sheriff proposes.

If two players tell that each of them is a sheriff, you have to make a choice. Be sure to specify who and which
night the inspections were made. Analyze how logical the inspections are of each of the so-called sheriffs. Believe the
“sheriff” who made more logical inspections according to the proposals of the majority of players. Of course, you will
not have problems if one of the sheriffs will give you a confirmed black. In any case, do not forget about the principle
of the counterweight. If one of the “sheriffs” made tough decision on the second day, and you nominated such a
player, be sure to nominate this “sheriff” as a guarantee for the continuation of the game.

In fact, when two “sheriffs” uncover themselves, the situation is not very complicated. If the “sheriff” is
belongs to the red team and follow the will of the table, then, according to his inspections, it is possible to recognize
him as the sheriff. Do not forget that a false sheriff will mark one red player as red to avoid too many votes against
him. It often happens when a false sheriff marks number 5 as a red player, and that one tells that the Sheriff did not
give him to know about the test. Usually, when at night the sheriff uncovers a red player, in the morning he makes it
clear to him that he has been tested. Pay attention also to the nominations and votes made by “sheriffs”. Experienced
players are likely to uncover a false sheriff if the sheriff did not play his own but a team play.

The worst scenario for the reds in a critical situation is when the player who was killed during the night states
that he was the sheriff and he had no confirmed black players.

Four red players may rest at the table in a critical situation, including one or two confirmed ones and three
black players. Remember: in critical situations the red players should vote together.

Red players should vote together.

Imagine that the red players understand who are black for sure. It may happen that two red players - vote
against one black player, the other two red players as well vote against another black player, and all the three black
players vote against one red player. The result will be that each of the red players voted against a black player, but the
red team lost.

Therefore, if you are a red player and you are convinced that one of the other players is black, try to persuade
the rest of the red team to vote together against a confirmed black player. If you cannot persuade them, do not show
your emotions: vote together with a confirmed red player against another player.

The odds are 50%, as a confirmed red player votes against a player from the six resting players, half of which
are red, half - black players. In any case, voting together, you have a chance to eliminate an innocent player. In fact,
the possibility of withdrawal of black players more than 50%, because the player is not chosen blindly, but according
to his behavior during the previous turns: what he said, whom nominated, against whom voted.

If you voted correctly, you have all chances to win the game even without the sheriff. Remember, when there
is no sheriff at the table black players are not afraid to vote against the same player . They need only one red player
to win. Always remember that you can make mistakes, so do not vote the first.

2.4. The fourth day of a red player

There are six or five players at the table. Why six? If two sheriffs uncovered themselves the Mafia may
specifically miss, because six players with two black is a critical situation. One is out during a day, and another at
night, and then at the table there are two red and two black player - Mafia wins.

For you as a red player the worst is already in the past. If after seven or eight players had a vote, one of
them was out and the game is not over, then a black player was eliminated. Or, that it less likely, a black player was
eliminated on the second day, when there were 10 players at the table. Usually after the second day a black player if
he has not been checked is not eliminated by the vote. Black players do not vote against him. Black players always
have an option to distribute their votes so that some red player receives more votes. So start from the fact that on
the third day the table left a black player. So you this is a good situation and you should analyze previous rounds of
voting. And, although the situation is critical, it is easy to make decisions.

First of all, you have more information, especially on the previous vote. In any case, there are two opposing
groups, and one of the groups (red) voted correctly. Since the game is not over, you should vote with the same group
of players who voted against the player eliminated during the previous round.

In any case do not try to nominate someone in counterweight. If somebody in this situation remembered
about the principle of the counterweight, this player is a black one. Do not forget that last night a red player was
killed, so if any player red is eliminated the team will win. The principle of counterweight should be forgotten and you
should play the same way with the players that voted against the eliminated players, and the game did not end.
Consider an example. There are seven players at the table with a critical situation: numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 - red players
and numbers 7, 8 and 9 - black. If, after the number 9 player elimination game continues, therefore, the red team is
lucky to eliminate a black player. Sometimes a black player in a critical situation wants to win all the game this round
(for this they need only one vote against) and vote together. If in the previous round 7,8,9 players voted together,
then you should eliminate players number 7 and 8.

If two players voted the same way with the player number 9, and after he left the game is has not ended,
both players must be black. In theory, one of them may be red, but in this case it is not clear who is a black player. As
he sees three votes, it is logical to vote the same way and as a result win the game.

If black players did not vote together, you still should not vote against those players who voted against player
number 9. First of all you should nominate the player, who voted with the player number 9. If there is no such a
player then nominate a player among those who have not voted against the player number 9. Analyze all the black
moves that are likely to be done.

2.5. Guess or the fifth day of a red player

Guess begins when there are three or four players at the table.

1. Consider the principle of the game when there are four players.

There is an unwritten rule that a red player must know. This rule is how to eliminate two players at the same
time when there are 4 players at the table.

It is clear that if there are 4 players at the table there is only one black player. Why it is necessary to nominate
two players at the same time? The answer is simple - the elimination of any red player will lead to the defeat of the
reds. Do the math yourself: three players remain, the black player at night will kill any of the remaining two red
players and the black team wins. Thus, the nomination of two players in double reduces the risk of mistake. It should
be understood – nothing depends on a black player. He cannot break the vote. How to nominate two players at once?
For example, in the game rest players were numbered 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Suppose that the players numbered 1 and 2 have been tested as red players by the sheriff, in this case, is
mathematically the game should be won by the red team. Player number one nominates and votes against the player
number 3, and the player number 2 nominates and votes against the player number 4. Of course neither the third nor
the fourth player will not vote against themselves. The third with the second players will vote against the fourth one,
and the fourth one with the first one will vote against the third one.

Both players will gain two votes, then a second vote will be performed, it is necessary to vote the same way.
Then the moderator will put to the vote the question: "Who is for both players to leave the table" - and all three red
should vote together.

Remember: even if you nominated by the confirmed red players, vote for elimination of both players.

I have often seen how even at this game inexperienced player leads to the defeat of his red team. At the last
moment he just does not vote, the black player rests in the game as a result and the black team wins. This is one of
those cases when a player is not able to analyze the game and plays basing only on emotions and ambitions. Try to
make sure that you do not play like this. It is unlikely that any of the players will play again with such a player.

It's clear that only one team can win. But losses are different. If you lose because of a good game of the black
team who at time eliminated the sheriff and left you in the situation of guess, do not blame yourself. Even if there
was a clue, and you missed it, take defeat with dignity, you are defeated. If the game was lost in a situation which is
considered mathematically as a victory - this is the case when a single player messed up the whole game.

If among the remaining four players there is a confirmed player, try to convince him that you are also red, but
when he decides to nominate you with someone, do not break his game, when a car crash happens just as well vote
for both players (including you) leave the game.

The rule to eliminate two people must be used also in case when none of the four remaining players at the
table is not confirmed as red. Choose among those remaining three players who is more likely to be red, try to
convince him of your redness and eliminate the other two.

How can you find out a red player? Remember: if you come to guessing, then black players were eliminated
in the day. The red player is a player, who eliminated the players, and the game has not ended. Of course, this is the
right principle of the game, but not a guarantee of winning. Sometimes black players vote with the red team and
eliminates a black player in the hope that the sheriff would not inspect him. If you lose during guessing, do not blame
yourself for losing. He took a chance and won. Another thing, if you eliminated out of the game a red player, he really
would be red.

2. Let us analyze the situation when there are three players rest at the table.

Remember the rule - all players must be nominated.

When a player does not nominate the last player, it is rather a black move than a red one. Experienced
players manage to divide a table by voting against themselves.

For example, at the table there are players number 9, 1 and 2 and you. Suppose that your nomination is the
last and the player number 1 votes against the player number 2, and the player number 2 votes against the player
number 1. Any of them understand that being black, you would vote against one of them and win.

Each of them will try to convince you of his redness, to argue in its favor. By voting against yourself, and
dividing the table, you will get another opportunity to listen both players to get more information. No one claims that
you will definitely win, but that will increase your chances - there is no doubt.

In this example, both red and black players understand you are a red player, chances that you have played the
game correctly, and against you no one played. Here, the choice is yours, and the probability of winning is 50%. How
to play if the both other players see you as a black player, and you are sure that you are not able to convince the red
player not to vote against you. It is useless to wait till both other players vote against you and the red team loses. You
can try to change the game and make the probability of winning the same 50%. This technique is called "provocation"
and is often used by experienced players. Especially provocation can be successfully applied if you speak first.

Consider the same example, when your number is 9, players number 1 and 2 think that you are a black
player. Such a situation may occur if you vote with a black player or made some strange turn. You are sure that you
will be eliminated, and that is why you should try to arrange a provocation to the player who is more likely to be
black. For example, you think that the player number 1 is black - your task is to convince the player number 2 vote
with you. If you say the first, nominate the player number 2, who is supposed to be red, in every way denigrate him,
remember the moves that he did and any statement, allegedly made by the player number 2 and that may detract
him. Try to convince the player number 1, you will certainly vote against the player number 2. Do not forget in any
case to note that all players must be nominated, and this person who does not nominate this is a black player. This is
necessary in case if the first player nominates you, and the second does not nominate the first one, being sure that
this is a black player. You can even consult the first player to nominate you saying that in any case the second will put
yours, and all the players will be nominated.

For example, all the three players are nominated, and the first one to talk is player number 2. As soon as the
moderator asks who is against the player number 2, do a gesture by your hand sharply, simulating that you vote, but
do not put your hand on the table. I assure you that the player number 1, if he is a black player, is sure to put his hand
against this nominee. To him there is no difference with whom and against whom he votes. Of course, the second
player will realize that being black, you would win the game by voting against him, together with the first number.
Realizing your color, he will vote against the first - the same way as you do, and you win. If you make a mistake and
the player number two is black, accept losing.

In any case, your provocation has a 50% chance to win, rather than just wait until both players eliminate you
and you will lose a guaranteed 100% percent.

2.6. You are the sheriff

Remember: you have more obligations than any other player in the red team, but never try to win without
your teammates.

The most difficult problem of the sheriff occurs when he opens. The other players have to make a choice
between you and a false sheriff. It is very important who you check at night, then nominate and finally against whom
you voted. I do not remember a case when, after the first day of discussions the players do not ask the sheriff for an
inspection. Be sure to check at night players who were proposed for inspection by the majority of the other

If a player turns out to be black, then the players who asked to check him are likely to be red. In any case,
they should not be nominated during the day without checking until the sheriff leaves the table.

The possible continuation of the game on the second day:

- you are killed that means a disaster for the reds team. Be sure to tell them you are the sheriff and share the
results of your inspections;

- a confirmed red player was killed. Not the worst option, but bad situation for the red team. Bad because a
confirmed red player is out, but it's not all the problem. After you have uncovered yourself as a sheriff and sharing
the results of your inspections, it will be very difficult for you to convince the table that you the sheriff;

- a confirmed player turned out to be red and the player is not killed. Try to let him know that he was
checked. If you see that the confirmed player is under threat to be out, try as you can, to persuade the others that he
is a red player, but in any case do not uncover yourself;

- a confirmed player turned out to be a black player. Nominate this player but not in a tough way, saying that
he spoke badly, and be sure to vote against him. If this nomination was made before your turn, my advice is - do not
nominate anyone, because if a player nominated by you turns out to be red, the others will not believe you. It will be
very difficult to convince the other players that having known a convinced black player, nominated a red player – that
will not look like a sheriff’s decision. Therefore, do not nominate anybody and vote against a confirmed black player.
Pay attention whether the player who nominated a confirmed black player voted against him. Often on the second
day a black player nominates another black player, but does not vote against him, however he could do it, if he sees
that his voice would not change anything. In any case, if the player, who had nominated a confirmed black player, did
not vote against him, then such a player should be checked at night.

Remember, in any case do not uncover yourself on the second day, if there is a threat that you will be
eliminated while voting. Let us imagine that your nomination is one of the last, and you see that there is no votes
against nominated players. There remain two nominees, one of which is yours. Either clap yourself on the shoulder
(as a player shows that he is the sheriff), or say out loud that you're the sheriff. From this warning, you will not have
any disadvantage, because you will be killed at night, but the votes will not be put against you, and you will have one
more night for inspection.

Be sure to uncover yourself in a car crash situation.

In other cases, if you uncover yourself prematurely it is a desired option for the black team

The second night of the sheriff’s inspections.

In this moment nobody can advise you whom to inspect, because you have more information than the other
red players. First of all you should inspect a player, who has made more black decisions.

Do not consider it a black decision, if a player put to a vote you or a confirmed red player. Remember, on the
second day of negotiations any red player can go wrong. You should inspect him only if there were no black and
obviously black decisions at the table. The player, who made a clear black decision, does not need to be checked and
should be nominated next round without verification.

What decision could be considered clearly black?

1. On the second day, during negotiations a player says that he considers another player a red one, and
during the vote he votes against him. You should not waste a night for such a player. We do not consider the option
that this is a too unexperienced red player, therefore, that player definitely turns out to be black. Check another
player who made a black decision. If you find a black player - nominate him, if you find a red player - nominate a
player who nominated this red player.

2. If on the second day a player roughly puts on vote another player and tries to persuade everybody else to
vote eliminate him. Again we do not take into account an option when this is an untalented red player. You are the
sheriff, so he is black, it is also not necessary to waste a night. No one will believe you if you say that you checked him
out, and he turned out to be a black player. False sheriffs are not checked: they are black players. If there is a player
who has nominated and voted against a player who has made a tough decision, you should inspect him. If this player
is a black player and not checked, he will win the game. Red players, in any case, do not have the right to vote against
a player who has made a tough decision. This player may be black, because he knows the color of a false sheriff and
he vote against him, realizing that his vote will not be final to kill real sheriff but voting against fake sheriff will look
like a red move

You can check a player, who spent his minute discussing some players, and nominated a player against whom
he did not say a single word. You can check a player who could divide the table, but has not done it.

In any case, they are more black than a player who voted against you or a confirmed red player on the second

Day Three. Seven players are at the table.

If you are killed, you probably had been found by the don who made the black team kill you.

Remember: if the black players have not chosen in advance the false sheriff’s tactics, it will uncover himself
only if you share information with a confirmed black player.

Therefore, if you are killed, you do not quickly uncover yourself as the sheriff and share your inspections. Do
not provoke a black player to uncover himself as a false sheriff.

First make a brief survey: ask every player, whether he is a sheriff. If no one uncover himself (black are hiding
their belonging in hope that they are not checked), tell you are the sheriff and explain what inspections and when
have you done. Explain your logics while performing your inspections, express your ideas, because you have more
information than anyone else.

If during this survey some untested black player uncovers as a false sheriff - it is a great success for you. If
through the inspections you found red players demand that the second sheriff leaves the game as a counterweight. If,
however, your checks have revealed at least one black player, eliminate him as a counterweight. Why should not
you eliminate the second sheriff but a confirmed black player? It is not hard to understand because either the second
night the sheriff leaves by his own decision or the next day he declares the results of his inspection and then he will
be at a loss. If the next day he will uncover a red player as a black one, then he will have one more vote against
himself. If he uncovers a black or red player as a red player then there are too many red players at one table. So he
will have to leave the table as a false sheriff.

If you have not been killed and you are left at the table in a critical situation, the red team is in a good
position and a lot depends now on you. Be sure to uncover yourself even if you are sure that the second day of
voting a black player has been eliminated. Uncover yourself immediately when a killed player makes a brief survey.
Do not share your inspections because the confirmed black player which you may uncover will uncover himself as a
sheriff. Share your inspections when it is your turn. Why is it necessary to uncover yourself, even if during the
second day of voting the tested black player had been eliminated? This is because it is only you who knows this, for
the rest of the red players at the table this is a critical situation, and they will believe a sheriff, which uncovers
himself first. If you do not uncover yourself, consider that you made a big gift to the black team. A false sheriff will
uncover himself if you were found at night, he will call you a confirmed black, if you are not found, he will give some
other inspections. What are you going to do in such a situation - clap on the shoulder and shout, “I’m the sheriff”?

If a false sheriff also uncovers himself during the survey, the table will have to make a choice.

At this moment it will become obvious whether you were playing with the team or would like to win as a
single player. If your check is not logical, players will not believe you if you think you are smarter than others and have
not tested those players the table demanded – the defeat of the red team is at your charge.

The third night of the sheriff’s inspections.

Suppose the sheriff in a critical situation when seven players were at the table revealed two red players, and
both players have not been killed. If the game has not ended after the player was eliminated, so there are two black
players, two confirmed red players, one red untested player and you. Because in the critical situation, you uncovered
yourself and tonight you will be killed. For guaranteed victory you need to find one more red player.

Test the player who is the most likely to be red at the table. If he turned out to be red - you will win, because
after your murder at the table there will remain three red confirmed players and two untested – according to the
game mathematics you win. At first one of untested players is voted out, and one of red players will be killed, after
that the two confirmed red players nominate the last untested player.

If you find a black player, the red team falls into a guessing game. Suppose, you find a black player. At the
table there will remain two proven red players, one black player and two untested ones. Of course, the vote
eliminates a black player, one of red players will be killed at night, and the last tested red player will be in a situation
of guessing.

Each player must remember that if you are the sheriff and after the critical situation at the table there are
two confirmed red players, you must try to find another red player. To do this, you should try a player who is more
likely to be red.

Is it a guaranteed victory when there are seven players, if there is a third checked red and after killing the
sheriff at the table there are six players?

The first idea is that the three confirmed red players can divide table and nominate two players. This is a
logical idea but it is wrong. In the following, it will be shown that even in this situation there is no 100% guarantee
that the black players will not break the vote. Nevertheless, even with seven players the sheriff is better to try to find
a third red player, although the probability of winning is the same.

For example, the sheriff has found a black player. It is logical that one confirmed black player will be
eliminated by the vote, one confirmed red player will be killed at night and there will rest 4 players at the table -one
of them will be a confirmed red player. The confirmed one does not have to look for a black player to win. He should
rather choose a player who is more likely to be red and together nominate the other two players. Even if he chooses
a red player randomly, the probability of winning is 2/3.

In case if there are three red players you should nominate one of the other three untested players as there
are two black players among them. The odds to nominate a black player are also 2/3. Nevertheless, the scenario
when three red players choose among the other three players one black player is better than the scenario when one

confirmed red player choose among three untested players another red one. Firstly, when there are six players not
only one player is responsible but three players, and, secondly, three players are more likely to make right decision
because they have an opportunity to discuss their ideas.

2.7. You are a confirmed red player

Morning came and the sheriff let you know that you have been inspected. Be sure to remember what you
heard from the player who had opened to you. If the first day he saw you as a red player, he liked the way you talked,
then why has he tested you? Play around him, but do not trust too much. It may occur that such a move was made by
a black player, laying the ground for the opening as a false sheriff. Never take the game over, if not a hundred percent
sure that the player who inspected you is for sure the sheriff. Up to a certain point you can cover this player,
pretending that you are the sheriff, but if you and this player are not killed at night, it is likely that this player is a false
sheriff. No matter how long you cover the player in critical situations you should deny that you are the sheriff and
explain to the other players that you covered the sheriff who had uncovered you. If were mislead the true sheriff
would understand your color. In any case, if there are two sheriffs you cannot decide in behalf of all the red players
who is the true sheriff. If you do not deny that you are a sheriff, then you risk spoiling the game.

Chapter 3. You are in the black team

3.1. You are a black player

Some players think that it is easier to play in the black team because you know everything, and the rest do
not know anything. All this is true, if you are a black player and you know sheriff’s inspections. Otherwise, your game
as a black player is as complicated as the game of the red team.

So, at the first night the game started for you. You have removed your mask, learned other black players, the
don uncovered himself and assigns shooting. Typically, inexperienced players make decisions for three next nights, i.e.
the don by the fingers shows who he is going to check as a possible sheriff and how he is going to show who is the
sheriff. After this, the first day comes. I have never seen a player who took a black card for the first time and was able
to talk minute quietly.

It needs time to get used to a black card. It is especially difficult to get used to this card because it obliges you
to lie. As long as your psychology get used to the idea that it's just a game, and that fraud in this game is not
meanness, you cannot play black as it should. It is necessary to pass through it. In any case, with time you will learn
how to behave when you take a black card and it will depend on your talent.

If you are an inexperienced player, and for the first time you took a black card, try to imagine that you are a
red player and try to analyze the talks as if you were really a red player. Even if your black teammate talks badly, note
him as a suspect to be black. You should pretend to be a real red player with relative behavior.

Never during the discussion claim that some player is certainly red. Remember: only black players know
the color of the other for sure, so, after this statement, you probably will be checked by the sheriff.

Black player should act according to the changing conditions. There can be no definitive advice. Either you
vote with black players, or trying to fit into a red team - it all depends on the individual case. If you are sure that you
have been checked by the sheriff try to make red players think that one of black players is red or uncover yourself as a
false sheriff.

There is no general recommendations, as is was in case with the red team, however, there are certain
techniques that a black player should know and use.

So, the game started, by a deal you killed a red player, the discussion of the second day began.

If the second night (the first shooting) the sheriff was killed, consider yourself very lucky. Before leaving, the
sheriff will announce only one inspection. If he found a red player, the agreement is canceled and a confirmed red
player should be killed at night. You do not even need to look at don or another black player. If there is a confirmed
red player in the game he should be killed out of turn. This is the first rule of a black player. If the inspection
uncovered a black player, that is an ordinary situation for the black team. He even should not uncover himself as a
false sheriff because next vote he will be eliminated as a false sheriff.

If a player killed that night turned out to be an innocent red player, to follow don’s decision. If he found the
sheriff, he must be shot out of turn.

The tactics of the black players before and after the sheriff is out is completely different. In the game, when
the sheriff is already killed and he has not uncovered black players, do not be afraid to vote together with other black
players. Do not lose your chance to win quickly. Remember: while you know that you vote the same way as black
players, when red players without sheriff inspections do not understand this.

The scenario when the sheriff is killed in the first night is not necessary to discuss further, since the red team
may win in this situation only by chance. Ninety percent is the odds of winning by the black team. Therefore, we will
not consider this option any longer and rather discuss the situation when the sheriff is at the table.

In any case, on the second day 9 players rest at the table. To nominate a red player, three black players need
at least two red hands. On the second day red players will nominate some players, and you should also nominate
somebody but not very quickly (if you do not want to uncover yourself as a false sheriff). If you feel that some red
player has two votes against him, you should also nominate him. Try to mention some details about a nominee during
discussing to avoid being uncovered as a black player. The more players you suspect during the negotiation the more
you look like a red player.

On the second day vote against a black player only if you understand that your vote changes nothing.
Otherwise try not to vote against him. The best result is when red players are eliminated by red players. If there are
several nominees then three votes are enough to eliminate a player. If all of a sudden there are three hands against
two of which are red, then do not nominate him but another red player to make a car crash. If a red player is out then
it is more likely that at night it will be a shot and there will be a critical situation at the table. It is obvious that leaving
player will make a survey who is the sheriff. Continue game as a false sheriff or not – this is your choice. If you are
sure to have been confirmed then uncover yourself this way, otherwise you will help the red team. In any case, you
should uncover yourself as a false sheriff for one of the following reasons: to make the table believe you or to make
some red player look like a black one or vice versa. Remember: in order to make the table believe you as a false
sheriff, you should give some inspections results that look like the truth. Usually thr don uncovers himself as a false
sheriff, because he has more information.

In a critical situation be very attentive. If you see that by your vote a red player can be eliminated – be sure to
vote against him and your team will win. I have already said that some black players do not act very noticeable way in
order to look like a red player. Why? Firstly, because this is not exact fact that you will win during guessing, and,
secondly, what are you going to prove.

There are some mistakes frequently occurred.

1. Very often a black player without any reason tries to eliminate another black player in order to look like a
red one. This is not about a false conflict that black players may imitate among themselves. This example
is about a situation when a black player may divide a table but he decides to nominate a black player.
Remember: if this black player is confirmed but there has not been a tough decision than do not vote
with him as well as against him.

2. If there is no a sheriff any longer and there is no any confirmed black players, a black player does not vote
the same way as other black players. The principle in this situation is that black players should vote the
same way. Do not be afraid to vote with black players – without the sheriff it is impossible to uncover

3. A black player does not vote in a critical situation despite the fact that it is possible to nominate a red
player in this situation and the black team wins as a result.

4. Play against a false sheriff when for the other players he looks like a real sheriff. Remember: a red player
cannot be sure that some player is red or black. Even if a red player has been tested by the sheriff he
doubts, why do you know so much? And as a result you not only uncover a false sheriff but also look like
a black player for the red team.

5. Not nominating during guess stage. For example, red player number 2 nominates red player number 6.
Number 6 nominates number 9 and you should nominate number 2 to make all the players nominated.
Instead of this you declare that the player number 2 is for sure a red player and vote against number 6.
Remember: you will not look like a red player after that. Why are you so sure about the color of the
player number 2?

3.2. Don

You got a don card. You are the most import player of the black team. The main task of the don is to
neutralize the sheriff. The don must find the sheriff at night and kill him or neutralize him by uncovering himself as a
false sheriff.

As I have already mentioned, when there are inexperienced players round the table the don shows numbers
of players each of which should be killed the second, the third and the fourth night. Then the don shows number of
the player who he is going to check to be a sheriff and the sign that he is going to show if he finds the sheriff.

Such a deal has several disadvantages.

1. Sometimes after the first day discussion it is possible to guess who is going to be tested but during the
deal another player has been chosen. It is logical that is a deal is performed after negotiation it is a high
risk to kill a player that is going to be tested. After the sheriff is killed, this is a good luck for the second
time to kill a confirmed red player. While this is difficult enough to find the sheriff – this is easier to
understand who is going to be tested. As I have already said the sheriff as a team player should inspect a
player that the majority of the table ask to inspect. Imagine, what an advantage the black team will have
if its players decide whom to shoot during the negotiation.

2. The don decides whom to check as a sheriff at night when all the players have not had their time for
discussion. Some players say that they understand who is the sheriff with their eyes closed – according to
the manner how this player sits. Imagine how much the odds will increase if you decide whom to check –
not at night but after the first day of discussions.

3. You will have some problems when you decide to uncover yourself as a false sheriff if you decided whom
to check beforehand. Imagine that you are the don and you decided to uncover yourself as a false sheriff
if you have not found the true sheriff on the first night. Of course, if you have found the true sheriff on
the first night then there is no reason to uncover yourself as a false sheriff. In the worst scenario for the
black team he would share information about two confirmed black players because he will not have
more than two nights. If at night a confirmed player is not the sheriff, then at the day time you give him a
sign that he has been tested. And now imagine that this player has had a good speech on the first round
and nobody asked to inspect him. Will the other players believe you when you share your first
inspection? This is obvious that you can uncover yourself as a false sheriff only to a confirmed red player
because you may uncover yourself to the true sheriff and it will be a disaster.

4. Sometimes the sheriff has to uncover himself already on the second day, for example, if he is in a car

One part of the black team believes that he is the sheriff, the other part – shoot as a deal and miss.

I think now there is no need to explain, why it is not very good idea to decide on the first night whom to kill
and whom to inspect for the rest of the game. Experienced players usually do not make a deal. Either the don decide
whom to shoot or he delegates this decision to the black player who was the last who had a speech, because he has
more information than the sheriff. Let us consider the situation when the players numbered 2, 4 and 8 are black. The
don is the fourth or the second player. It will be better for the team if the player number 8 decide whom to shoot.
There are different ways how to explain to the player number 8 during the deal that he should decide whom to shoot.
For example, players decide to shoot a player who was named the first by the eighth player.

If he was mentioned the first then at night he will be killed. The best players to shoot are the most active red
player and a player which is likely to be inspected. Imagine the situation when there is some pressing on some player,
for example, players numbered 3, 6 and 7 do not like the way the player number 2 talked. The player number 8 could
begin his speech with the following: “The player number two had a bad speech and several players ask to inspect
him. I think that if he is not tested then the black team will eliminate him next turn”. If the player number 2 was
mentioned the first this means that he is going to be shot. On the other hand – a player that is more likely to be
tested also should be shot first. If the sheriff inspects the player number 2 he will just miss the night or if he inspects
another player – this is not evident whether the table believes a false sheriff who has tested the player number 2
according to the table’s proposal, or the true sheriff with the results of some inspections that is not logical enough.
There is one more way to decide whom to shoot: after the don has listened all the other players he shows the sheriff
the number of the player for testing.

The best decision is to follow the players who have already proposed to inspect a red player.

So, instead of perform shooting on the first night, the don shows by the fingers one figure – for example, 2.
This means that next night a player, who will be mentioned the second by the don, should be killed. The first day the
don may delegate the right to choose whom to kill to the last black player to talk and all the other rounds decide
whom to kill by himself. If the don is out of the game then this is the last black player to talk – who decides whom to

Black players must know one important rule. Whatever the deal is – unless the sheriff is dead and he has
uncovered one red player – the deal should be changed and the confirmed red player should be killed. If there are
two confirmed red players then you should kill the one who is mentioned by the moderator the first. This rule is
necessary to follow in order to shoot the same player: if the players 2 and 5 have been inspected – the player number
2 should be killed no matter who has been tested by the sheriff.

3.3. Bad shot

A bad shot may be a result of uncoordinated actions of black players as well as some intention. When is it
useful to make a bad shot? For example, on the second day two sheriffs uncover themselves. Usually both sheriffs
stay in the game and one of the sheriffs’ teams is nominated – to nominate the other sheriff next round as a
counterweight. Or a confirmed black player of one of the sheriffs is nominated – and the next round this sheriff
should be nominated as a counterweight. If both sheriffs still playing the game it is useful to make a bad shot –
especially taking into account the fact that there will be 8 players at the table. This is a critical situation with one
round to win. If red players nominate as a counterweight a sheriff according to which inspection a black player was
eliminated, the game will continue but after the night murder there will rest 6 players at the table – two of them will
be black. This will be also a critical situation. This is a good time for the black team to win by a single vote.

What are the prospects of shooting when there are 8 players with two sheriffs? What sheriff to shoot?

If you kill the true sheriff – a false sheriff will be out as a counterweight, if you kill a false sheriff – at best the
real sheriff will be nominated and the game will be again in the critical situation with 5 players.

On the other hand, this is very important what inspections the true sheriff had done. If he has a confirmed
red player it is a good idea to kill him at night.

As a maximum he will find one black player. Together with a false sheriff two black players will be known and
the last third player will be able to play till the end, vote against black players and have a good chance to win.

If the real sheriff during his inspection found a black player, there is a risk that at night he will uncover the last
black player. In this case his murder will be useful for the red team.

3.4. Self-elimination

Self-elimination is one of the favorite tactics of black players. This tool may be efficient even at the first night.
Inexperienced players believe a sheriff who was killed at night especially while the first shooting. But this is not a very
good idea to employ self-elimination in consideration of lack of the experience of other players. Self-elimination is
first of all a way to neutralize the sheriff. Is this a good idea to employ self-elimination during the first shooting? The
answer is “yes”, especially if you are lucky to find out the sheriff. Imagine, you are the don and you kill yourself the
first as a deal.

Test a player whose inspection is logical for the whole table. If you find the sheriff you are lucky and last
minute you should declare that you are the sheriff, and you tested this player and he turned out to be a black one. Be
sure that the sheriff will be eliminated next day. Imagine that a tested player turned out to be a red one. Do not
uncover him as a black player – you should uncover him as a red player. Whoever is eliminated during the day – a
confirmed red player should be killed at night. This will be one more argument that you are the sheriff. The main aim
of self-elimination is to make the real sheriff look like a false sheriff. When the true sheriff uncover himself do not kill
him at night – he should be eliminated at day time as a counterweight.

To be honest, self-elimination at the first night is not the best idea. There will be no don at the table and
there will be no option to find out the sheriff unless he uncovers himself. Sometimes the sheriff does not uncover
himself till the end of the game, made inspections and won the game with other red players. Self-elimination is not a
good idea because there will be no critical situation even after a red player will be out at the day time and a
confirmed red player will be out at the night time. There will be seven players at the table with two black players.

Self-elimination is useful for the black team only if you are sure that the sheriff has tested you. Anyway you
will be eliminated during the day – and this will be a chance to mislead other players as the real sheriff is likely to be
eliminated at the day time. Remember: you should employ self-elimination tactics only if you can give logical
inspections. This is common when an uncovered false sheriff is not able to give normal testing results.

If you uncover yourself as a false sheriff – do not call your black players red ones and vice versa. When this
confirmed red player will be too long at the table – everybody will understand the truth. You could uncover as a red
player two categories of players: your black player who has been confirmed the first day (imitation) and the red one,
which has been tested this night. You should choose a red player which is after your black one in line. Remember,
that when the sheriff is out and uncovers two confirmed red players – black players shoot the one who has been
named first. Other way players will not understand why this red player but not some else one has been killed. For
example, you uncovered your black teammate number 6 as a red player – then uncover one of the first five players as
a confirmed red player.

Usually self-elimination tactics is used during the second night in order to make this uncovering look more
reasonable and effective as this is already a critical situation round the table. If after the second day one of black
players is out then self-elimination tactics becomes very dangerous for the black team. One black player is out, the
second one is you and if the sheriff has already inspected the third black player then the game is almost lost. That is
why, if one black player is already eliminated – black players are better to make a deal and kill a red player. If it is
impossible to make this without being detected – then it is better to make a bad shot.

Chapter 4. Some tactics.

4.1. Counterweight

As it has been noticed, the principle of counterweight makes it possible to guarantee the continuation of the
game when players from different teams are out. I have many times seen the wrong use of this principle.

Let us consider the most common mistakes of counterweight tactics employment.

1. For example, the second day when there are nine players – the players number 2 and 6 are in a car-crash
and the player number 6 is out. In this situation you should not eliminate player number 2 as a
counterweight to the player number 6. If you want to eliminate the second player you should do it on
another basis but not as a counterweight to the player number 6.

2. On the second day two players had a conflict – each of them considered the other one a black player
then nominated each other and voted against each other. If both of them rest in the game and at night
one of them was killed then the second one should not be eliminated as a counterweight. Their conflict
was on the basis of intuition - you will not guarantee the elimination of a black player.

3. When the sheriff is already out in a critical situation and the game has not ended. This is obvious that a
black player is out. A black player could have been eliminated on the first round but this is unlikely to
have happened. Remember: you should not employ the principle of counterpart in such a situation.
You are lucky – do not miss your chance.

The principle of counterweight means that you should eliminate a player who has eliminated two players.
Forget this. This is the most obvious red player – the leader of the other red players. Those who decide to eliminate
him as an act of counterweight are black players. Eliminate him without hesitation. If in a critical situation you
eliminate a player and the game continues – then you are in better condition now. Black players will eliminate a red
player at night – this is counterweight.

When this is a 100% counterweight?

1. Two sheriffs uncovered themselves, one sheriff is out, and the second one will have to go out. The game
continues because one of them is a 100% black player. This tactics is unnecessary to employ in this
situation if the second sheriff has uncovered himself badly. For example, before a critical situation a killed
red player make a survey as a result of which one sheriff decides to uncover himself. During the
negotiation the sheriff calls some player a black one, after that this player uncovers himself as a sheriff.
This is not the right time to employ counterweight tactics. The sheriff which has uncovered himself
during the survey – is the true one. The second one is a black player who has not uncovered himself as a
false sheriff because he is afraid of having been tested as a black player. You should not employ the
principle of counterweight also in case when a confirmed, by the sheriff, black player has also uncovered
himself as a sheriff and shares his inspections at the same time when a red player (tested by him on the
first night) tells that he has not been told about this inspection. In this situation there are also not two
sheriffs. The principle of counterweight is employed only if there is at least some doubt who is the true

2. On the second day a player made a tough decision and eliminated some other player by this move. On
the third day there will be 8 or 7 players at the table i.e. a critical situation. If during a survey the other
sheriff has not uncovered himself – go on playing with the only one sheriff. If another sheriff has
uncovered himself, the first one has to go out as a counterweight to the player he had eliminated before.
And it is exactly him who should be eliminated (not some other player from his team). Imagine that a
false sheriff declares that he eliminated the confirmed black player number 2 and at the same night
tested the player number 6 who turned out to be red. The player number 6 may be a red one and if you
eliminate him – you will lose. As a counterweight he should be eliminated himself or a confirmed black
player. If the second sheriff shared at least one black inspection – do not hesitate. This player is an exact
example of a counterweight to eliminate him. Both sheriffs rest at the table and once a false sheriff will
be in a no-way situation. If one of sheriffs is killed at night then the second one will be out as a
counterweight and there will not be two black players at the table. It is more likely that a bad shot will
occur; after that you should eliminate both sheriffs one by one. It is better to eliminate firstly the sheriff
who has made a tough decision and he has not been killed.

3. Counterweight – is the only way to win the game without the sheriff: the black team votes together and
red players will have to act together to have any chances to win. You do not know which group is red and
which is black. But what you understand is a counterweight principle. If during day time a player from
one group is eliminated, then next turn eliminate a player from the other group.

4.2. How to divide the table


It is possible to divide the table both odd and even amount of players. The difference is that when the
number is even it is possible to divide a table even after a car-crash and then eliminate both players (or both of them
could stay). When the amount is odd – after a car-crash the table could not be divided and one player is out for sure.

Imagine that when there are 9 players at the table two of them have three votes against them, other votes
are for some other players. While the second vote other nominees will not be voted for and one of the players in a
car-crash will be out.

Usually when the number of players is odd the table is divided among the players with the only aim – to
listen to them for the second time and make final decision. When the number is even – the table could be divided in
order to eliminate both players and usually this is not a good practice for the red team. You may want to divide a
table when there are 10 or 4 players at the table.

Dividing table in a critical situation when there are 8 or 6 players at the table – is a boosted victory of the
black team.

Let us discuss the best scenario for the red team, when there are 6 players at the table, three of them are
confirmed red players. Paradoxically, but even in this case, the table could not be divided for sure.

Everybody understands that if red players manage to divide the table and eliminate two untested players –
they should win the game according to the odds. Even if there is a black player at the table – at night he will shoot a
red one, after that the other two players eliminate him at the day time.

Why could not two players be eliminated with a guarantee?

For example, players number 1,2 and 3 are untested; 8, 9 and 10 are confirmed red players. It is clear that
confirmed red players could not be nominated. If one of untested players make such a nomination – he will be out.
Two untested players have to be nominated. The votes are divided the following way: both players should have 3
votes. Imagine that players number 1 and 2 are in a car-crash. Will the black player number 3 be able to break the
vote on the second voting? According to the two confirmed players opinion the vote will be against the player who is
the first in the voting: two untested and one confirmed players vote.

For example, the table is divided between the players number 1 and 2; the first voting is against the player
number 1. According to the red team will unconfirmed players number 2 and 3 together with 10 vote against him;
players number 1 together with players number 8 and 9 vote against player number 3. It is clear that this is only the
player number 3 who can break the vote if he votes against the player number 1. That is why the player number 8
insures the player number 3.

Imagine that the player number 3 is black. If the first is the nominee of a black player, for example, number 1,
the third player do not vote and the player number 8 insures when he votes the third. Then there are three votes
against the second player (the first player could not break the vote against himself), after that both players are
eliminated by the vote. At first sight this is logical, but there are some mistakes.

The algorithm of insurance presupposes that if the third player does not vote against the player number 1,
the player number 8 insures him i.e. votes against the first one.

If the first player is red, after the eighth played is insured – the third player votes the forth and breaks the
vote. That is why if the third player despite advice do not vote against the first player the red team is in guess
situation. If not insure - the black team will win; if the first player is black and if you insure – the black team will win if
the first player is red. It seems that the odds of the black victory are 50%, but in fact the odds are more. If while
nominating black players manage to nominate a red player the first – the odds of their victory is almost 100%.

As you can see from this example, even when there are three confirmed players – the table is not divided
with a guarantee. That is why you should not try to eliminate two players at the same time when there are 6 or 8
players at the table.

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