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< Top & Sprint Wi-Fi > 3:09AM & © 7 0% 70% E+ Q @fatherreagan senior ca aa reagan :) @fatherreagan : 1/30/18 v this is why my senior project is what it is, this is why i will start a nonprofit to help and support girls out there who look like me. it makes me so sad how little support black girls get from the rest of society and it’s my life goal to fix that. Affinity Magazine @ @TheAtfinity... Suicide rates among black girls age 10-14 have tripled. Where is the help for all the back girls suffering? #blackmentalhealthmatters < Top Sprint Wi-Fi > 3:09AM & @ 70 ¥ 70%E)+ Q @fatherreagan senior ca aa reagan :) @fatherreagan : 2/5/18 v further emphasis and explanation on why my senior project is on the advancement of black women in america. thank you for addressing this. Bree Newsome @ @BreeNewsome | frequently say racism is structurally built upon oppression of Black women & I can imagine some being confused by that statement, thinking I'm excluding others, but I'm not. I'm speaking to how racism has been legally & socially structured in America. I'll explain: 1/ < Top Sprint Wi-Fi > 3:09AM & @ 7 @ ¥ 70%) Q @fatherreagan senior ca aa zB reagan :) @fatherreagan: 2/21/18 v My lifetime goal is to encourage and empower black women everywhere. My senior project will be an open experience for all black women to come and encourage and empower each other as we work together to speak each of our greatness into existence. Please join me! @ a @ 2 ne ic a reagan :) @fatherreagan : 2/5/18 v furthar amnhacic and avnlanatian an Q Qa 8 all Sprint Wi-Fi > 3:09AM & © 7 0% 70% EE) < Tweet aa reagan :) v @fatherreagan TOMORROW NIGHT. Speaking It Into Existence, an open mic night for the empowerment of black women. please join me and other black women as we lift each other past our barriers and celebrate all of our accomplishments! #speakingitintoexistence Speehing It Inte Lay Ivo Bo Add another Tweet a Q Qa 8

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