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It has not been very long since Mohammad has started at An-Nur and we have

been trying to encourage him to follow centre routines and rules. Also we have
been encouraging him to participate in different group activities so that he
begins to build relationships with other children.

Therefore it is nice to see our efforts being paid off as they has started
friendship with Mohammad Ali. They both are very reserved and have little
command of English language. They don’t seem to be interacting much in
Arabic either but have developed their own ways of communicating.

They don’t always get along as you often hear Mohammad growling at
Mohammad Ali who often accommodates to whatever Mohamad is wanting
but they spend most of their day playing together.

Mohammad and Mohammad Ali are learning to follow the centre routines and
rules as well as learning to respond to others and build a sense of belonging to
An-Nur. They are learning social co-operation skills such as turn taking. I will
continue to involve them in group activities to further build their English
language and social skills.

Written by: T. Madiha April 2018

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