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Written by Teacher Madiha
April 2018

It was close to home time when Hamodi came into the undertwo room where Teacher Heather and I were
having a meeting. Hamodi asked to stay and play here. After a few minutes he began to tidy up the room which
was left messy by other children when they had gone outside.

As he was tidying up I was overserving him to see where he put things. Masha allah, he was carefully putting
things where they belonged. When it came to putting the stacking shape puzzle, he kept looking around until he
found most of the pieces.

When he was finished the proud look on his face was amazing to see as he came to ask Teacher Heather and I to
look around and see how well he had tidied up. He then went to the other room and brought teacher Faatimeh
to look too.

One of Hamodi’s learning goal is to take part in caring for this place and in this learning experience Hamodi took
the initiative to tidy up without being asked. He also[Type
here] mathematical knowledge by placing things
according to order. Insha allah, I will continue to support Hamodi to achieve his learning goals.

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