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1. …………….. is your book? It´s at home. a.- How b.- Where c.- What d.- When

a.- Where b.- When c.- What d.- How 12. I´ve just bought…………….interesting
2. We …………. go to the beach because we
don´t like the sand. a.- those b.- these c.-this d.- that

a.- always b.- sometimes c.- usually d.- 13. Have you seen………………brand new car?
a.- Molly b.- she c.-Mollys d.- Molly´s
3. You shouldn´t drive so…………. I´m in a
hurry! 14. I can´t help you. You must do it …………..

a.- fast b.-slowly c.- enough d.- still a.- himself b.- herself c.- myself d.-
4. We don´t know ……………...people are
coming to the party. 15. That´s Mary´s dress. It´s………

a.- how much b.-how many c.- that d.- no a.-her b.- him c.-hers d.- she

5. ……………….is that car? 16. My dog can run very...............

a.- How many b.- How much c.- This d.- a.-soon b.- sometimes c.-fast d.- once
17. We only travelled by plane…………. That
6. ………… girl sitting next to me speaks was very exciting!.
a.- once b.- two times c.- always d.- never
a.- Those b.- These c.- This d.- That
18. I´ve got a pain in ............. shoulder.
7. …….... do you live?.
a.- her b.- his c.- my d.-their
a.- Where b.- What c.- When d.- Who
19. We ………….. drink a lot of water because
8. …………… old are you? it´s very healthy.

a.- How b.- What c.- Where d.- When a.- never b.- before c.- again d.- always

9. ……………….is his favourite country? 20. ………… brother works as a lawyer.

a.- When b.-Who c.- Whose d.- What a.-Peter b.- Peters c.-Peter´ d.- Peter´s

10. ………….. is that bike? ------------------------

a.- When b.- How c.- Whose d.- What 1. I......... 27 years old.

11. ………….. are you? I´m fine, thank you. a.- am b.- go c.- take d.- have

2. He´s got three ..............


a.- child b.- son c.- girl d.- children 13. ……… shirt do you prefer: the blue or
the black one?
3. We spent 137 days lost in the mountains.
a.- Who b.- What c.-Why d.- Which
a.- a thousand and thrirty-seven b.-
twenty-seven c.- a hundred and thirty- 14. There are two …………under the table.
seven d.- thirty
a.- mouses b.- mices c.- mouse d.- mice
4. Where ………… your father come from?
15. There are three ……… waiting for you
a.- are b.-do c.- does d.- have outside.

5. It ………………..cats and dogs today. a.-women b.- woman c.-womans d.- womens

a.- rains b.- rain c.- rained d.- shine 16. This is my room. This room is .......

6. We ………… our room every day. a.-mine b.- my c.-his d.- hers

a.- cleans b.- breaks c.- break d.- clean 17. Tom repaired the bicycle …………..

7. She………….like sugar so bring some honey, a.- herselves b.- himselves c.- herself d.-
please. himself

a.- does b.- doesn´t c.- no d.- drinking 18. .......... your parents live in a beautiful
house now?
8. She is …………………
a.- Do b.- Does c.- Did d.- Will
a.- Mary´s daughter b.- Mary´s son c.-
Mary daugher d.- his daughter 19. They never ……………. TV in the morning.

9. It´s 6:30. a.- watch b.- look c.- see d.- do

a.- six past half b.-half past six c.- six 20. I´ve got an appointment ……… Tuesday.
o´clock d.- thirty-six
a.-in b.- on c.-at d.- under
10. It´s 15:10.
a.- ten past three b.- three past ten c.-
half past three d.- ten to three 1. He flies a plane. He is a ..............

11. It´s 17:45. a.- baker b.- journalist c.- singer d.- pilot

a.- a quarter past five b.- a quarter to six 2. I´m ………….. I need something to drink.
c.- a quarter past six d.- a quarter to five
a.- thirsty b.- tired c.- bored d.- hungry
12. …………….do you do? I´m a student.
3. We always have ………… in the morning.
a.- What b.- Where c.-How d.- When
a.- lunch b.-breakfast c.- dinner d.- home

4. She is a vegetarian so she ................ eats 15. Does she ……… walking very often?
a.-plays b.- goes c.-play d.- go
a.- always b.-usually c.- never d.- often
16. They …………….. tennis in the morning.
5. I´m bored today. What´s ………… TV?.
a.-play b.- are playing c.-playing d.- plays
a.- on b.- in c.- of d.- at
17. Dentists look after………..
6. The train arrives …………Paris at 8pm.
a.- tooth b.- tooths c.- teeth d.- teeths
a.- at b.- on c.- in d.- of
18. I´m ……… work at the moment.
7. There ............. a chair in front of the
desk. a.- at b.- in c.- on d.- of

a.- has b.- does c.- is d.- are 19. They can speak ……………..

8. There are ……………… plants in the garden. a.- German b.- german c.- Germany d.-
a.- some b.- any c.- a d.- the
20. He ............... three dogs now.
9. ………… there any cups on the table?
a.-have b.- has c.-having d.- is having
a.- Have b.-Do c.- Is d.- Are
10. There isn´t ……..... newspaper in the bag.
1. He .............. a suit today.
a.- any b.- some c.- none d.- no
a.- wears b.- is wearing c.- will wear d.-
11. Who do you live …………...? wear

a.- of b.- in c.- with d.- on 2. I …………. tennis twice a week.

12. She is from Spain so she a.- am playing b.- play c.- will play d.- is
speaks…………….. playing

a.- Spanish b.- spanish c.- spain d.- 3. We always ………… by car.
a.- travel b.-travelling c.- will travel d.- are
13. Paris is the capital of …………. travelling

a.- French b.- france c.- France d.- Francis 4. She ................. blue eyes and dark hair.

14. Her children …………. swimming twice a a.- has got b.- is got c.- have got d.- have
5. I ……………….. TV.
a.- go b.- play c.- goes d.- plays

a.- like watching b.- like to watching c.- will a.-listens b.- is listening c.-listening d.-
like to watch d.- like watch listen

6. The train ……………… in Paris at 8pm. 16. I´m cold. Can I borrow your ……………... ?

a.- is arriving b.- leaves c.- arrives d.- is a.-boots b.- shoes c.-trousers d.- scarf
17. ……….. are you running? –Because I´m
7. Sue is washing her hair ............. she is late.
going out tonight.
a.- Who b.- What c.- How d.- Why
a.- but b.- if c.- because d.- unless
18. Can you turn the light ………, please? I
8. There is a sofa in the ………………. want to sleep.

a.- toilet b.- bedroom c.- kitchen d.- living- a.- at b.- in c.- on d.- off
19. Do you like ……………..?
9. Is there any plate in the ……………..?
a.- read b.- readding c.- reading d.- to
a.- living-room b.- corridor c.- garden d.- reading
20. He ............... a very big house.
10. We ……..... to Moscow next week.
a.-have b.- is owning c.-having d.- owns
a.- fly b.- flew c.- are flying d.- is flying
11. I can´t walk. These …………... are killing
me! 1. There aren´t ……….. flowers in the
a.- trousers b.- shoes c.- jumper d.- boots
a.- any b.- some c.- a d.- the
12. I´m so ……………..! Can I have some water,
please? 2. ………….. languages do you speak?

a.- hungry b.- sleepy c.- thirsty d.- tired a.- Where b.- How often c.- How many d.-
13. Water …………. at 100ºC.
3. ………… is a cup of coffee and a sandwich?
a.- boils b.- is boiling c.- boiled d.- had
boiled a.- How many b.-How much c.- How d.- Who

14. I …………. my dog three times a day. 4. …………….. do you do to bed?

a.- will walk b.- am walking c.- walks d.- walk a.- What time b.-Who c.- How much d.-
15. They love ……….. to the radio.
5. …………… do you go on holiday?

a.- Who b.- How much c.- How many d.- 17. He …………... jeans.
a.- wear b.- wears c.- is wearing d.- are
6. ………… do you usually sit next to? wearing

a.- When b.- What c.- What time d.- Who 18. Are you ………… a good time?

7. I…………….water when it is hot. a.- having b.- is having c.- have d.-has

a.- drink b.- drinks c.- am drinking d.- 19. We usually…………….....breakfast at 8

drinking o´clock.

8. ………… do you do at the weekends? a.- having b.- have c.- are having d.- --------

a.- When b.- How c.- What d.- Where 20. When I grow up I .................... a book.

9. She lives …… a small flat. a.- am going to write b.- write c.- am
writing d.- don´t write
a.- at b.-on c.- in d.- by
10. Vienna……….. in Austria.
1. I…………….. in London yesterday.
a.- isn´t b.- has c.- am d.- is
a.- was b.- were c.- is d.- am
11. He………. on holiday but at work.
2. They ………….. in Scotland last year.
a.- is b.- has c.- isn´t d.- aren´t
a.- was b.- were c.- is d.- are
12. How much……………. a cheese sandwich?
3. ………… you swim?
a.- is b.- are c.-does d.- has
a.- Can b.-Could c.- Are d.- Were
13. Mum, we ……………want to go to bed. We
are not tired. 4. …………….. you read when you were eight?

a.- haven´t b.- don´t c.- isn´t d.- having a.- Could b.-Can c.- Are d.- Do

14. …………. hat is this? - It´s mine! 5. Tortoises …………….. run fast.

a.- Who b.- How c.- Whose d.- What a.- couldn´t b.- can´t c.- didn´t d.- doesn´t

15. I ………....... English now. 6. Sandra can drive a car but she ...............
ride a motorbike.
a.-am b.- are c.-learn d.- am learning
a.- could b.- can c.- couldn´t d.- can´t
16. We ……………….. hockey this afternoon.
7. She died last year. She……………. have any
a.-play b.- are playing c.-playing d.- plays brothers or sisters.

a.- did b.- does c.- didn´t d.- don´t 19. He ……………. now because he´s in class.

8. When …………………. she die? a.- is smoking b.- isn´t smoking c.- doesn´t
smoke d.- doesn´t smoking
a.- does b.- are c.- did d.- were
20. Sue…………… in a bank.
9. Where ……………. she born?
a.-is working b.- work c.-works d.- working
a.- were b.-was c.- is d.- did
10. We………….. go out yesterday evening
because we were very tired.

a.- did b.- weren´t c.- didn´t d.- were

11. ………….. you see Jane last week?

a.- Do b.- Did c.- Were d.- Was

12. Last night I …………. dinner with some


a.- have b.- did c.-had d.- hadn´t

13. Andrew ………… play chess when he was


a.- have b.- has c.-can d.- could

14. It …………. my birthday yesterday.

a.- is b.- were c.- was d.- has

15. Would you like ……… cup of tea?

a.-some b.- a c.- any d.- the

16. Is there …………….. water in the fridge?

a.-some b.- any c.- a d.- the

17. Can I have …………. grapes, please?

a.- a b.- the c.- any d.- some

18. Peter ………… ten cigarettes a day.

a.- smokes b.- is smoking c.- smoked d.-


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