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Title no. 80-13

Uncertainty Analysis of Creep and Shrinkage Effects in Concrete


by Henrik O. Madsen and Zdenak P. Ba1ant

A simple probabilistic model, which allows calculation of simple sta- are proposed in References 1 and 3. However, only a few
tistics for shrinkage and creep effects for structural elements, is pre- test results exist for validation of these models and for
sented. The statistics can be, in particular, the mean value function and
the covariance function (including the variance function), which seem
parameter estimation.
to be the most interesting statistics for serviceability analysis. Any de- If no internal uncertainty was present, deterministic
terministic creep and shrinkage formula can be the basis for probabi- relations between the environmental and concrete com-
listic creep and shrinkage models. Theformulas are randomized by in- position parameters, and shrinkage and creep should in
troducing the entering parameters as random variables and by further principle exist. Due to the complexity of the phenomena
introducing random model uncertainty factors to characterize the in-
completeness or inadequacy of the deterministic formulas. Statistics these relations have not quite been determined so far.
for the model's uncertainty factors are derived by a comparison be- Many approximate relations have been proposed on the
tween available test data and predictions for these tests by the formu- basis of physical considerations and test results. No
las. T,he creep and shrinkage formulas developed by Batant and Pan- matter which relation is chosen, a model uncertainty is,
ula (BP model) are chosen. however, introduced and must be taken into account.
Structural analysis can be carried out by any conventional deter-
ministic method. In this paper, the analysis is performed by a matrix The proposed creep and shrinkage formulas are based
method which gives essentially exact results if the time discretization is on test results obtained with fairly small test specimens,
close enough. A large number of examples of practical relevance dem- usually loaded uniaxially in pure compression. In struc-
onstrates the potential of the method. Some of the examples show that tural analysis concrete is usually considered homoge-
structural effects which in a deterministic anaylsis almost vanish can nous although there exist within the cross sections large
have a very large uncertainty, which should be taken into account in
practical design. variations in pore relative humidity, temperature, and
degree of hydration, giving rise to self-equilibrated
Keywords: concrete construction; creep properties; mathematical models; prob- stresses, microcracking, and cracking. The creep and
ability theory; reliability; shrinkage: structural analysis; structnral memhen;
shrinkage formulas can therefore give only some aver-
aged properties of the cross section and an additional
uncertainty is thus introduced.
The analysis of uncertainties in the prediction of
Other important sources of uncertainty come from
shrinkage and creep effects in concrete structures has
structural ana.1ysis. For practical reasons a linear creep
gained wide interest in recent years. This is quite natural
law is normally adopted so that the principle of super-
since concrete strength and elasticity are already being
position can be used. This may often be a good approx-
treated as random properties while actually the scatter in
imation for service stresses less than 40 to 50 percent of
these properties is not as large as the scatter in shrinkage
the ultimate compressive strength, but this still adds to
and creep properties. Although many sources contrib-
the uncertainty of the predictions.
ute, there are basically two types of uncertainty related
Even assuming homogeneity of concrete, linearity of
to the shrinkage and creep processes. These are referred
the creep law, and validity of the ordinary bending the-
to as the external uncertainty and the internal uncer-
ory, calculation of structural effects may still be too
tainty. I The external or parameter uncertainty arises
complicated. In addition to the highly accurate numeri-
from the uncertainty in the influencing parameters such
cal methods based on time step integration, various sim-
as those representing environment and concrete compo-
plified methods are therefore used; these especially in-
sition. The internal uncertainty is that inherent in the
Received Mar. 17, 1982, and reviewed under Institute publication policies.
microscopic creep processes or creep. mechanisms. The Copyright © 1983. American Concrete Institute. All rights reserved. including
external uncertainty is generally believed to be the main the making of copies unless permission is obtained from the copyright proprie-
tors. Pertinent discussion will be published in the January-February 1984 ACI
type. Models for the description of internal uncertainty JOURNAL ifreceived by Oct. 1. 1983.

116 ACI JOURNAL / March-April 1983

Henrik O. Madsen is a senior research engineer, Section for Reliability of Struc-
The BP formulas are given in detail in Reference S. In
tures, Det norske Veritas. He earned his doctorate from the Technical Univer- short, they are, for shrinkage
sity of Denmark in 1979 and then joined the civil engineering faculty, Engineer-
ing Academy of Denmark, as an associate professor in applied mathematics un- (1)
til 1982. In 1982, Dr. Madsen was awarded the Ostenfeld gold medal/or his work
on fatigue reliability. He is a coauthor of the book Methods in Structural Relia-
bility, published in 1983. and for creep
Zdenek P. Batant, FACI, is a professor and director, Center for Concrete and
Geomaterials, Northwestern University. Dr. Bazant is a Registered Structural
Engineer, serves as consultant to Argonne National Laboratory and several other
firms, and is on editorial boards of jive journals. His works on concrete and geo- (2)
materials, inelastic behavior, fracture, and stability have been recognized by a
RILEM medal, ASCE Huber Prize and T. Y. Lin Award, IR-l00Award, Gug-
genheim Fellowship, Ford Foundation Fellowship, and election as Fellow of Here Esh = shrinkage strain; to = age of concrete when
American Academy oj Mechanics.
drying begins; ](t, t') = compliance function (also called
the creep function) = strain at age I caused by a uniaxial
elude the effective modulus method and the rate-of-flow unit stress acting since concrete age I'; Eo = asymptotic
method. Additional uncertainty caused by using one of modulus (::::: I.S Ee where Ee = conventional elastic
these simplified methods is reported in Reference 4. modulus of concrete); Co, Cd' C p = functions describ-
This paper investigates the external uncertainty in the ing basic creep (creep at constant temperature and hu-
shrinkage and creep functions and the model uncertain- midity), increase of creep during drying, and decrease of
ties related to choosing one specific set of shrinkage and creep after drying; Co(t,I') = (cP/Eo) (I' -m + a) (/-t,)n
creep formulas. A practical method for calculating sim- (double power law) where cPl, m, n, and a = parame-
ple statistics for shrinkage and creep effects for struc- ters, depending on the type of concrete; Cd = function
tural elements is presented. The probabilistic method similar to S; and Cp = function similar to Co; kh = func-
adopted is very simple and, in principle, only requires tion of relative humidity h, defined as 1 - hl if h ~
averaging of a certain number of results from determin- 0.98, or else - 0.2; and S = empirical function of the
istic calculations. variable (t-to}/Tsh where Tsh = shrinkage-square half
The main objective is to quantify the effect that the time, proportional to the square of the dimension of the
correlation between the parameters in different cross cross section, S(t,l o) = [1 + TShl(t-to)]-'I, where Tsh =
sections of the same concrete structure has on the total shrinkage-square halftime = const. x (ksf)2, D = 2 x
uncertainty. This effect is illustrated by a number of rel- volume-to-surface ratio, and ks = factor taking into ac-
evant example1>. count the shape of cross section.
Loads, geometrical parameters, and steel parameters The influences of the type and composition of con-
are assumed to be deterministic and known; only the in- crete and of environmental variables (relative humidity
fluence of varying concrete and environmental parame- h and temperature T) are described by empirical or
ters is analyzed. semiempirical formulas s which yield coefficients k h, €shoo,
Tsh, Eo, cPl, m, n, and a and functions S, Co, Cd' and Cpo
SHRINKAGE AND CREEP FORMULAS These formulas involve the basic variables listed in Ta-
Many prediction formulas for shrinkage and creep ble 1. A computer program for determining all these
have been suggested both in literature and in national variables and functions according to the BP formulas is
and international codes. A common feature of all the available. 7
formulas is that none of them predict creep and shrink- The mean 28 day cylinder strength is calculated by
age perfectly, although some formulas are definitely Bolomey's formula
more accurate than others. The amount of information
on the input parameters such as environmental condi-
tions and concrete composition varies considerably from E( f:) = 27 (_1_
- o.s) MPa (3)
formula to formula. This is not bad because ideally a hi-
erarchy of formulas should be available, demanding in- Table 1 - Assumed coefficients of variation for
creasing amounts of information on the input parame- influencing parameters
ters and in return giving more reliable predictions.
Coefficient of
In this study the formulas developed by Bazant and Parameter variation
Panula (BP formulas S) are chosen. In comparisons of h mean relative humidity of environment 0.2
test results with predictions from different formulas, h, initial relative humidity at which the -0
specimen was in moisture equilibrium
these formulas showed the best agreement. 6 The BP for- before time t,
mulas are to a greater extent based on physical consid- T mean environmental temperature 0.1
D effective thickness of specimen -0
erations than other formulas. Two main advantages of (2 x area/perimeter of cross section)
the BP formulas are that they are equally reliable for a ks shape factor for specimen 0.05
c cement content in kg/m' 0.1
large variety of concrete compositions and environmen- w/c water-cement ratio, by weight 0.1
tal conditions and that they predict future developments sic sand-cement ratio, by weight 0.1
glc gravel-cement ratio, by weight 0.1
of creep and shrinkage with good accuracy if one or two a, parameter depending on cement type 0
short-time measurements have been made. f: 28 day cylinder strength 0.1

ACI JOURNAL I March·April1983 117

The mean values and coefficients of variation of the ir-
factors [of Eq. (4) and (8)] reported in Reference 6 are

E['It,l = 1; V y , = 0.17
E[ir z] = 1; V yz = 0.24
Fig. 1 - Sample curves with different model uncer- E[irll = 1; V y ; = 0.16 (9)
tainty formats
Due to the way the statistics for the 'It-factors are de-
where E denotes expectation and 1MPa ::: 145.04 psi. termined, they reflect three sources of uncertainty and
In probabilistic analysis, each variable is represented each ir is consequently written as
by its expected value and the coefficient of variation.
The numerical values for the coefficients of variation ir; = ir,· ira ir~ (i = 1,2,3) (10)
listed in Table 1 were not selected on the basis of precise
data, which do not seem to exist, but on an intuitive where ir;· = factor due to inadequacy of the prediction
judgement. formula; ira = factor due to internal uncertainty; ir ~ =
The BP formulas do not predict shrinkage and creep factor due to measurement errors and uncertainty in the
perfectly, and so the resulting model uncertainty will laboratory (or site) environment. The factors to be used
now be analyzed. in Eq. (4) and (8) are ir;: and the coefficients of varia-
tions in Eq. (9) must therefore be corrected. The factors
MODEL UNCERTAINTY FACTORS in Eq. (10) are assumed independent, and the relation
Model uncertainty is accounted for by applying a ran- between the coefficients of variation is'o
dom factor to each term: shrinkage, basic creep, and
drying creep. The formula for shrinkage is then (1 + ~) = (1 + ~;") (1 + ~) (1 + ~~)
(i = 1,2,3) (11)
Since the test results were hand-smoothed and the
where ir, is the model uncertainty factor. Other formats laboratory ,test conditions were well controlled, the
for dealing with model uncertainty could have been cho- coefficient of variation Vy~ is estimated as 0.05. Scant
sen, such as applying an additive random variable inde- data are available for the estimation of V't a ' b\lt the re-
pendent of time sults in References 11, 12, alid 13 indicate that a value
between 0.06 and 0.10 is reasonable for test specimens.
(5) In the examples reported later in this paper, the follow-
ing corrected values obtained frum the foregoing infor-
or applying a multiplicative or additive random func- mation and from Eq. (9) are therefore used
tion of time
Shrinkage E['It,] = 1; Vy , = 0.14 (corrected
(6) Basic creep E[ir 2] = 1; V yz = 0.23 values)
Drying creep E[ir II = 1; V't; = 0.13 (12)

The coefficients of variation Vy reported in Reference

With the formats of Eq. (4) or (5), a measured curve 6 are based on numerous test series involving a large va-
ought to correspond to one value of ir, independent of riety of external parameters. Leaving out some test se-
time [see Fig. 1(a) and (b)]. With the formats of Eq. (6) ries would reduce the coefficients of variation drasti-
and (7), measured and predicted curves can differ much cally, but to do that would be a dubious matter. Instead,
more in their shape [see Fig. l(c)]. A comparison be- a weighting procedure for the individual test series, in
tween predicted and measured curves suggests that Eq. which the weights would be assigned according to the
(4) provides a sufficiently good description. The mean similarity with the particular concrete and environmen-
value and coefficient of variation of a time averaged tal parameters at hand, should be developed. It appears
value of ir, are estimated in Reference 6 in which the test that this could be done within a Bayesian framework.
data are represented by a hand-smoothed curve and are (This approach, presently pursued by J. C. Chern at
compared to the predicted curve at discrete times, usu- Northwestern University, is, however, beyond the scope
ally one or two time points per decade in the logarithmic of this paper.)
time scale.
The model uncertainty for the creep function is as-
signed in a similar way and the formula for the creep CALCULATION OF STRUCTURAL EFFECTS
function is then Creep law is assumed linear. The principle of super-
position is then valid and the uniaxial relation between
J(t,t') = ir{~o + Co(t,t') ]
stress (j and strain f isS

+ irl[C,At,t' ,to) - Cp(t,t' ,to)] (8) e(t) - e°(t) = S~J(t,t') du(t') (13)
118 ACI JOURNAL I March-April 1983
in which t = time representing the age measured from (17a)
the set of concrete; J(t, t ') = compliance function (also
called creep function) = strain at time t caused by a unit The formal similarity of Eq. (17) with Hooke's law
constant stress acting since time t '; and eO = stress-in- reflects the analogy between linearly elastic and linearly
dependent strain due to shrinkage and thermal effects. viscoelastic materials. 8As demonstrated in Reference 17,
With this creep law the solution of structural analysis the matrix formulation allows a convenient algebraic
problems leads to Volterra integral equations. In Refer,. treatment of linearly viscoelastic structures (with not too
ence 4 various methods giving exact and approximate many unknowns), similar to that for linearly elastic
results are compared. To obtain accurate results, nu- problems.
merical step-by-step methods are most efficient. In these A simple application of the matrix notation may now
methods the time interval(to tn ~of interest is divided be shown. Shrinkage of a plain concrete bar is com-
by discrete times tl' t2>' . ., in into time steps fl.!; = ti - pletely restrained causing tensile concrete stresses which
t i• l • The integral relation in Eq. (13) may then be approx- are modified by creep. The governing equation is
imated by
E(t) = ESh(t) + I~J(t,tl)du(t') =0 (18)

ei - e?
(14) which in matrix formulation reads

where subscripts i, j refer to times ti' tj or to time steps
and from which the concrete stress is found to be
ending at these times, e.g., Ei = E(t;), and fl.uj = u(t) -
u(tj • I ). The principles for choosing the division points are (20)
given in References 8 and 15. Eq. (14) is applicable even
when some stress increments are instantaneous, in which Due to uncertainties in shrinkage and creep properties,
case the corresponding time step is of zero duration. Ac- the matrix Ec and the vector fsh are both uncertain.
curacy of the method is generally very good even for a It may be noted that Eq. (17), on which all the present
small number of time intervals. For a moderate number structural analysis is based, is also applicable for ap-
of time points, the results can be considered as exact so- proximate solution by the age-adjusted effective modu-
lutions of the integral equations.8.IS.16 lus method. In that case, Ec -I becomes a diagonal ma-
Structural analysis with the stress-strain relation in trix with diagonal elements 11Ec" (t;,t o ), in which Ec"
Eq. (14) may be reduced to a succession of incremental (t;,t o ) is the age-adjusted effective modulus. 8 Advan-
elastic analyses for the individual time steps.4.8.IS.16 The tages of this method are that it allows approximate so-
solution from Reference 4 will be applied here in a ma- lution of the structural response at a certain time t; with-
trix form,17 convenient for the analyst, in which all time out solving the response for the preceding times, and
steps are solved simultaneously. In contrast to the usual that the matrix inversion and multiplication indicated in
step-by-step solution,8.4.IS.16 such an approach, admit- Eq. (17a) need not be carried out. These advantages
tedly, wastes computer time and storage, but this is un- make hand calculations feasible; they are, however, in-
important for structures with few unknowns, which are significant when a computer is used.
of interest here.
Grouping Ei and fl.ui in column matrixes ~ and fl.Q:, • we UNCERTAINTY ANALYSIS
may rewrite Eq. (14) as Before deciding on the type of uncertainty analysis, a
number of observations can be made. Creep and shrink-
(15) age effects are mainly considered in serviceability anal-
ysis, and interest is therefore in the variations close to the
in which mean values rather than extreme values. The relation
between creep effects and basic variables is highly non-
linear. The number of basic variables is very large, and
J = [; [J(ti,t) + J(ti,tj • I )] ] = (i x i) square matrix for the set of basic variables, hardly more than second
moment information is available, i.e., means, vari-
ances, and covariances. It then appears that a satisfac-
Similarly, Ui = Efl.uj can be written as tory characterization of creep effects consists in achiev-
ing good estimates of the mean value at any time, the
Q = L fl.Q (16) covariances between values at any two times, and for
each basic variable a measure of the relative importance
in which!!. = {u;} and L = (Ii ..) a square matrix for the creep effect of variations of this parameter.
whose elements are 1 if i ~ j, and otherwise are O. Eq. Previous work lO gives second moment analysis tools
(15) may then be written as which are directly applicable in connection with the ma-
trix method outlined here for the calculation of struc-
(17) tural effects. Application of these tools is demonstrated
·Editor's note - A single line under a Greek letter indicates a matrix quan-
where tity.

ACI JOURNAL I March-April 1983 119

in Reference 18; they are even applicable when some Since the mean value and variance of 9 are given, the 910,
basic variables are uncertain processes rather than un- and Po cannot be chosen arbitrarily but must satisfy the
certain variables. Although the method is conceptually conditions
very simple, serious computational difficulties arise,
however, when several correlated uncertain matrixes and E[9] = P 19111 + P29m + . . . + Pm9lm) = /.I. I
their inverse matrixes are dealt with simultaneously, as 2
E[9 ] = p\920\ + P292 (21 \ (24)
is the case of this paper's examples. Other, simpler un- + . . . + Pm92,ml = J.l.2 + s2
certainty analysis methods will therefore be considered.
In the creep and shrinkage models chosen, all basic
variables D = (9 1, . . . , 9k ) are random variables. Given The simplest choice consists in choosing two points
the value of D, any creep effect is the-n represented as a 9(1), 9(2) = J.l. ± s with both Po equal to Y2 (Fig. 2). Thus,
function of time. Let the creep effect be denoted X(~,t). for two-point estimates, the expected value of g(9) is as-
A linearization of X@,t) around the mean value point signed as
E[g] gives the following mean value and covariance
function lO
E[g(9)] = Y2 [g(J.l. + s) + g(J.l. - s)] (26)

Use of this procedure as an aid to assign mean values to

E{X(P ,t)] do X(E W] ,t) (21) functions of random variables with some mean values
already given was suggested in Reference 14. Reference
10 describes a more formal mathematical setup of a so-
called n-mass uncertainty algebra which also includes
this procedure. The generalization to two and three di-
mensions is also shown in Fig. 2. Extensions to four or
more dimensions are rather straightforward, but there
are here infinitely many possible sets of p-values and it
where Cov denotes the covariance and the sign do sym-
must be checked that no negative p-values are selected.
bolizes the linearization of the right-hand side. Due to
the complex functional relationship between the creep It is useful to note the validity of the following rela-
effects and the basic variables, the partial derivatives in tions from linear regression analysis'
Eq. (22) are, however, difficult to calculate analytically.
If the partial derivatives are calculated numerically, the E[9 j l9j = J.l.j ± s;J = J.l.j ± Pii Sj (i, j = 1, 2, . . k) (27)
method becomes less attractive than the method which is
proposed next and is based on point estimates for prob-
ability moments.
where Var denotes the variance, Sj are the standard de-
Let 9 be a random variable with mean value J.l. and
standard deviation s, and let the interest be focused on viations of random variables 9 and Pu are their correla-

tion coefficients. An intuitive measure of the relative

the mean value of some function g(9). Possible observa-
importance of uncertainty of each parameter is aj, de-
tions 9(1)' 9(2)' . . . , 9(m) of 9 are chosen together with m
fined as
nonnegative numbers PI' P2> . • . , Pm' the sum of which
equals 1. The mean value of g(9) may then be assigned Var[g@] - E[Var[g(g)19J] Var[E[g@19J]
as a j = Var[g(D)]
= {Var[g(D)] - Y2 (Var[g({l)19 j = J.l.i + s;]
+ Var[g(fD!9j = J.l.j - sJ)}/Var[g(fI)] (29)

P,=+ 1-"12-"13+;>23

• 8

6,'1-<-' 6,'1-<'5
Er6l'l-< Va' [6l • s'


Fig. 2 - Weights and points

120 ACI JOURNAL I March-April 1983
Table 2 - Deterministic parameters and mean Table 3 - Relative importance factors (in percent)
values of basic variables for creep formula*
t, g/c / 10.00 11.00 14.64 31.54 110.0 473.9 2163 10,000
h 0 3 4 6 8 10 11 10
10 4.00 T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ks 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
C 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 9
w/e 4 9 9 10 10 II II 10
where the last equality is valid for the choice of 8s and ps sic I 2 3 3 3 4 4 4
glc 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 4
as shown in the figures. 'i'. 78 67 63 59 53 48 44 44
Applying the procedure involves a calculation of creep 'i'; 0 I I I 2 2 3 2
f' 2 I I I 0 0 0 0
effects for each of the 2k possibilities of 8 (k being the Total 96 95 93 93 88 87 85 83
number of variables). The mean value and the covari- */, ~ 10 days; /' ~ I(} days.
ance functions are then calculated by the appropriate
weighting of results. For a large k, the number of calcu- Table 4 - Relative importance factors (in percent)
lations is thus very large, but, as will be seen, the relative for creep formula*
importance factor (Xi for several basic variables is so / 100.0 102.0 108.3 134.1 240.7 680.9 2498 10,000
small that these variables can just be taken at their mean h 0 3 5 7 10 13 15 15
T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
values. ks 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
C 9 9 9 9 9 8 9 10
A third procedure, which can always be used, is sim- wlc 4 7 8 9 10 10 10 9
ulation. A formal choice of the distribution type of the sic I 3 3 3 4 4 4 4
glc 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 4
set of basic variables fl. must then be made. Sample 8s are 'i', 78 68 63 57 50 44 39 38
'i', 0 I I 2 3 3 4 4
then simulated and the corresponding creep effects cal- J/ 2 I I I 0 0 0 0
culated. The mean value and covariance functions are Total 96 95 93 92 90 86 85 84
obtained by giving each sample the same weight. The */v ~ 10 days; /' ~ 100 days.
number of simulations necessary to give good estimates
of the mean and covariance functions is not extremely Table 5 - Relative importance factors (in percent)
for shrinkage formula*
high, but it is difficult to estimate any relative measure
of importance for each variable. t 11.00 14.64 31.54 110.0 473.9 2163 10,000
The point estimate method seems to be the best one h 11 11 11 11 12 13 14
T 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
for this application with regard to the information on ks 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
the input, computation time, and output. C 2 2 2 2 1 0 0
wlc 44 44 44 44 44 42 41
sic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
RELATIVE IMPORTANCE FACTORS g/c 12 12 12 13 14 15 15
'IT, 7 7 7 7 8 8 9
Induding the three model uncertainty factors, there f: 7 7 7 7 8 9 9
are 11 basic variables in the shrinkage and creep formu- Total 85 85 85 86 87 87 88
las, Eq. (4) and (8). The relative importance factor de- */, = 10 days.
fined in Eq. (29) is for the shrinkage function deter-
mined for each basic variable. For the creep function composite and composite structures. For a noncompos-
this is done only in two cases. The mean values of the ite structure the age of concrete is assumed to be uni-
basic variable and the deterministic parameters are listed form, and so the same creep and shrinkage function is
in Table 2. These values are chosen somewhat arbitrar- valid for all parts of the structure. A composite struc-
ily, but very similar relative importance factors were ob- ture may comprise reinforcement, and the age and com-
served for other choices of parameter values. Coeffi- position of concrete may vary from one part of the
cients of variation of the basic variables are taken from structure to another. In each example the structural
Table 1 and Eq. (12). analysis is briefly described and the values of the vari-
Tables 3 to 5 show that the relative importance fac- ables listed. Results of the calculations are given as the
tors for the temperature T and the shape factor ks are mean value function and the standard deviation func-
very small. These two parameters influence the time tion of the structural effects.
scale of shrinkage and creep development rather than the
magnitude. The sand-cement ratio sic and the model Restrained shrinkage in a plain concrete bar
uncertainty factor for drying creep 'lt3 also have very The concrete bar of Fig. 3 is considered. Concrete
small relative importance factors. In some of the fol- stress due to restrained shrinkage is given in Eq. (20).
lowing examples, these four parameters are taken as de- The parameter values are given in Table 6(a), and results
terministic, thus reducing the number of random vari- of the calculations are shown in Fig. 3.
ables and the computer time.
Restrained shrinkage in a frame
EXAMPLES Fig. 4 shows a plane frame structure which has a uni-
We now combine the structural analysis method de- form cross section and is subjected to shrinkage and
scribed in Eq. (13) through (20) with the present uncer- creep which causes development of horizontal forces at
tainty analysis, considering a number of examples of the supports. Relative displacements of the supports due
practical importance. The examples include both non- to shrinkage and the reaction R(t) in the primary stati-
ACI JOURNAL I March-April 1983 121
" [ .. PaJ R(I)[kN)



-r l-
i l o



o '---_~.,--_ _ _~.,..._---__':_;__---....J '[daysJ

Fig. 3 - Stresses in concrete bar subjected to shrinkage

and creep
O~~------~-- ________ ________
I [days)
~ ~

810 10' 10' 10'

cally determinate system are denoted as os<t) and 0R(t),
respectively. Since the supports are fixed, the governing Fig. 4 - Reaction due to restrained shrinkage in/rame
compatibility condition is o(t) = os(t) + OR(t) = O. The
displacement due to shrinkage is os<t) = 2 a Esh(t). to form a continuous beam. The change of structural
According to the ordinary bending theory, in which system introduces a redundant bending moment M(t)
shear deformations are neglected, the displacement due governed by the compatibility condition o,(t) + o~t) =
to the reaction R(t) is 0, t ~ tk • This equation expresses the fact that the mu-
Sit tual rotation, due to the load g and the redundant mo-
OR(t) = 3i S~ J(t,t') dR(t') (30) ment M(t), between the two beam ends (in the sense of
M) remains unchanged after time t k • According to the
- ordinary bending theory, the two rotations are
In matrix notation, the governing equation is

_ Sit (33)
o = 2a E + -31
- ""h
R =0 (31)

From this equation, the reaction R is calculated o~t) =2 31 S:k J(I,I') dM(t') (34)

R =- 4tr Ecfsh (32) In matrix formulation the governing equation is

gP I
Results for a frame with a = 5 m (196.9 in.) and I = 2 - c + 2 - E- I M =0 (35)
2.13 . 10- 3 m4(5117 in.4) are shown in Fig. 4. Parameter 241 31 c
values given in Table 6(b) were used in the calculations.
where the elements in the column matrix c are the values
Simply supported beams made continuous J(t,I,) - J(tk,/I)' The solution for Mis
Fig. 5 shows two identical, simply supported concrete
beams that are loaded at time t = I, and coupled (with· I
M= - -8 gFEc c (36)
out enforcing any rotations at the beam ends) at t = Ik

Table 6 - Mean values E[ Jand coefficients of variation used In examples

eter h h. T D ks a, C wlc sic glc '1<, '1<, '1<, f: t.
~ I 0.65 1.00 23 50 1.25 1.0 450 0.46 1.66 2.07 I I I - 8
(a) 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.1 0 0.1 0.14 0.23 0.13 0.1 -
~ I 0.7 1.00 20 200 1.25 1.0 350 0.4 2.0 3.S I I I - 8
(b) 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.1 0 0.1 0.14 0.23 0.13 0.1 -
(c) ~ I 0.65
0.2 0
1.00 20
-I 1
- 0.23 0.13
(d) ~[ I 0.65 1.00 20 350 1.00 1.0 385 0.42 2.1 2.7 -
I I - 7
0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.1 0 0.1 0.23 0.13 0.1 -
~ I 0.65 1.00 20 345 1.20 1.0 375 0.4 2.0 3.0 1 1 1 - 15
(e) 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.1 0 0.1 0.14 0.23 0.13 0.1 -
(1) ~[ I 0.65 1.00 20 95.6 1.00 1.0 350 0.4 2.0 3.5 1 1 1 - 15
0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.14 0.23 0.13 0.1 -
(g) ~[ I 0.65 1.00 20 250 1.20 1.0 350 0.5 2.0 3.4 - 1
1 - 28
0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.1 0 0.1 0.23 0.13 0.1 -
~ I 0.65 1.00 20 285 1.00 1.0 385 0.42 2.1 2.7 - I I - 28
(h) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0.23 0 0 -
122 ACI JOURNAL I March-April 1983
t =0
g I I I I I I I I I 1111 I I I I I I I I I t = t, loading
~~--------~A~~--------~A J I I I II I I I I I II g
t =60

g 1111 1111 1111 I 1111 1111 J I I I I II 1111 Ilg_- - - - - - - f )

____~----.."......----.....,...--__y, t =tk
.... coupling t • 180
.Il z: A
J I I I II I I I I I III I I I I I I I I I I I ~g t: 240

J I II I I I II I I II I I I I II I I I I I ~g t • 270

M(t) Factor - t gl2

, IM(t)
V(1) I I II II III ~
t > 270

1.0 ""';"'~------=-":""----------------,

M(t)/' gL2
1.0 r ' - ' - - " - = - - - - - - - - - ,
0.05 ;..:.V(.:.:..t)l2.



10 30 10' 10'
Fig. 6 - Redundant sectional forces from coupling of
Fig. 5 - Redundant bending moment from coupling of cantilever beams

- 61 g£
I [JI(t,60) - J I(270,60)] -
1 V
2: I H70 JI(t,t')
L 1 gLl
r, J(t
dVi(t')+ -I J270 t')dM(t') - -6 - I
Fig. 5 shows the results for two different times tk of cou- I,

pling. The parameter values used in the calculations are

given in Table 6(c).
Coupling of cantilever beams of different ages + 2: I H70 J 2 [(t - 180,t' - 180) dV(t')]
Fig. 6 shows two opposite cantilever beams of differ-
ent ages, which are connected together at midspan. This + IL H70 J2(t - 180,t' - 180) dM(t') =0 (38)
causes development of shear forces and bending mo-
ments in the connection. The load history is simplified as In matrix formulation, these equations may be written as
shown in Fig. 6. The moment M(t) and shear force V(t)
may be determined from equations expressing the fact 1 gL4 1 Ll
that the mutual displacement and rotation are zero at the - - (c - c) + - - (E-I + E-I) V
8 I ' 2 3 I el e2
connection after the time of coupling. These equations
are - -2 - I (E-elI - E-I)M
e2 =0 (39)

1 gL4 1 V 1 gL l 1 V
8I [JI(t,60) - JI(270,60)] + 3I J~70 JI(t,t') - - -
6 (c
+ c) -
2 2 I (E-el
- - I
- E-') V

dV(t') -
1 V
2: I H70 JI(t,t') dM(t') -
_1 gL4
8 I + IL (E;: + E;D M =0 (40)

[J2(t - 180,60) - J 2(90,60)] where V and M are the unknown column matrixes of
V(t i ) and M(f;). Eel is determined from JI(t,t') and Ee2
+ 3IV
I H70 J 2(t - 180,t' - 180) dV(t') from J2(1 - 180,1' - 180) and where the elements in the
column matrix CI are J I(t,60) - J I(270,60) and in the
+ 2: I Jho J2(t - 180,t' - 180) dM(t') =0 (37) column matrix C2 are J 2(t - 180,60) - J 2(90,60). The so-
lution is
ACI JOURNAL I March-April 1983 123
bending. The prestressing steel consists of one tendon
with cross section area Ap = 3000 mm 2 at distance YP =
Cross Section 5«tlcnal 5trQlns 5trK5H
torc:~s 0.52 from the centroidal axis of the concrete cross sec-
tion. The prestressing steel is assumed to be linearly
elastic, with modulus of elasticity Ep = 200,000 MN/m 2
(29 x 1()6 psi).
In matrix notation, stress-strain relations are

~p = EJ..- _-I
fIp , ~c - E, fI, + £Sh (43)

where the subscripts p and c distinguish between pre-

stressing steel and concrete. The concrete strain distri-
bution is assumed to be planar, and the difference be-
tween the steel strain ~p and concrete strain ~cp at steel
level y = Yp is ~PP' which defines the prestress. Therefore

~,. = ~,o + ~,Y, ~p = ~pp + ~'P (44)

2.5'--''--_ _ _ _""''--:-_ _ _ _ _-'-_ _ _ _ _--'
10 15 10' 10' 10· Equilibrium conditions relating the normal forces Np
Fig. 7 - Prestress loss in prestressed beam and Nc in steel and concrete, bending moment M, in
concrete to the total normal force N, and bending mo-
v = gL [(E;: + E;D (E;: - E,-D-I (E;: + E,-D
4 (E;: - E,-D]
[14 -I
(C I + c2)

+ ~ (E,-: + E;D (E,-: - Ec-n- I (C2 - C I)] (41)

where the column matrixes N, N e , Me> N, and M group
the discrete values at times tj;Since the concrete stresses
must be linearly distributed

M = -61 gL 2 [(E-,II
+ E-I)
- -4 (E-I
- E-,2I)
- P
N (46)
(E;: + E,-D- I (E;: - E,-D] -I 1(C I + c2) P
+ -8 (E-,II - E-I)
+ E-I)-I
(c2 - c) l
I I (42) These equations are solved with respect to the steel force
Parameter values used in the calculations are listed in
Table 6(d).

Results are shown in Fig. 6. The curves marked I cor-

respond to a situation with identical parameters for both
beams. The curves marked II correspond to a situation
in which water-cement ratio varies in one cantilever in-
dependently of the other, while all other variables are in which I is the unit matrix. For the cross section of Fig.
identical for both cantilevers. The effect of varying wa- 7 we have Ac = 0.60 m2 (930 in.2) and I, = 63.36 . 10- 3
ter-cement ratio on the standard deviation function dif- m4 (152,200 in.4). The prestress strain ~PP was taken con-
fers for the two cross-sectional forces. stant in time and equal to 6 . 10- 3 (bonded reinforce-
Bending moment is determined mainly by (E;: + E,-D ment), and the cross-sectional forces were taken con-
and (c i + c2) where the terms in each bracket are posi- stant in time as N = 0, M = 1 MNm (8851 kip-in.).
tively correlated. When the water-cement ratio varies in Shrinkage and creep parameters are listed in Table 6(e).
each cantilever independently, the correlation decreases Results for the steel force are shown in Fig. 7.
causing a decrease in the variance. The situation is op-
posite for the shear force, since it is mainly determined
by (E;: - Ec-D and (c 2 - el ). Here a decrease in the cor- Stress redistribution in steel·concrete composite
relation between the terms in each bracket causes an in- beam
creasein the variance. Fig. 8 shows a symmetric cross section of a composite
steel-concrete beam subjected to compound bending.
Prestress loss in a prestressed concrete beam The governing equations in matrix formulation are, with
Fig. 7 shows a symmetric cross section of a pre- the notations defined in Fig. 8, as follows. 4
stressed concrete beam subjected to plane compound Stress strain relations
124 ACI JOURNAL I March·April1983

Cross section Sectional forces Strolns

0.1 yo= 0.01 m


I [days)

10 15 10' 10' 10'

Fig. 8 - Changes of steel girder moments in steel-con- 0.2

crete composite beam

fb) = E llb), fe(y) = Ee -I lle(y) + fsh (48)

Strain distribution 0.1

~b) = ~e(y) = ~o + !5.y (49)

Equilibrium conditions
I [days]
OL--L_ _ _ _ _ _~--_ _ _ _----~--_ _----~
10 2 10 3 10 4

Stress distributions Fig. 9 - Creep buckling

Ns cross-sectional constants are Ac = 1650 cm 2 (255.1 in. 2),

gb) =
+ IMss (y - es), As = 94.9 cm 2 (14.71 in.2), Ie = 14210 cm 4(341.4 in.4), Is
Ne Me = 33300 cm 4 (800 in.4), e = 0.279 m (10.98 in.), and the
Q"e(y) = + -- (y + ee) (51) modulus of steel is Es = 210,000 MN/m 2 (30.46 x 106
Ae Ie
psi). Shrinkage and creep parameters are given in Table
6(f). Fig. 8 shows the results for the steel bending mo-
These equations are solved with respect to the steel
ment. Deflections are proportional to the steel bending
force Ns and bending moment Ms

Ns =
Ee _e_ + I -1 )-1 Creep buckling deformations
[ ( EJse e Fig. 9 shows the deformations at midspan of a slender
_s (1--+
+ IA 1
e E.As
Ee-I --
)J- 1
concrete beam-column with square cross section. The
column has a small initial sinusoidal curvature of ampli-
\ (Ee
+1 l)-I(M +
Ie Ie
Nee) tude Yo' The beam-column is subjected to an axial load
P and a lateral sinusoidal load of amplitude ql> both of

+ -e
I.Es( Ee - I N +
~sh) I (50)
which can vary in time. Two cross sections, one with and
one without reinforcement, are considered. Ordinary
beam-column theory is used and reinforcement is as-
sumed linearly elastic. If the concrete is modeled as lin-
- Ie +1- 1) early elastic and the loads are constant in time, the dif-

)-IJ- 1
EJse e ferential equation for the deflection y(x) is then 4
+e- ( 1--
1 +E -I -- 1
E.As Ae (EJc + EJ,) [y"(x) - yo"(x)]
1M + Nee
I e
-(I E.As
_1 + E -I
-.L)-I(E N
Ae e Ac
-I - Py(x) - -; q(x)

Cross-sectional forces are taken as constant in time, The corresponding matrix equation for linear visco-
with N = 0 and M = 0.284 MNm (8851 kip-in.). The elastic concrete and for time-varying loads is
ACI JOURNAL I March-April 1983 125
The concrete strain distribution is assumed to be planar,
and the stress-strain relations are


"/5 where !li is the stress in the i-th layer. The concrete
stresses must be linearly distributed
K(t)l",-' ~
0.01 (M,N) =(2MNm,O) N; M;
(0.002) «M,N). (0, -12MN»
, 0
o[K(\)J ,p= OS',
!li(y) = A +
, 00
(M,N).(2MNm.o) ~ (i= 1,2, . . . ,5) (58)

From these equations the curvature K = EeN;! I is cal-


v = -[(Eei11Ee2 + Eel + 37Ec4 + 97Ed)
- 12(2Ed + Ec4 - Eel - 2Eel )
(Eel + Ee2 + Eel + Ec4 + Ed)-I
(Ee2 + 2Eel + 3Ec4 + 4Ed )]-1 (59)
Fig_ 10 - Curvature of 5-/ayer beam
I\ M h
- S(2Ed + Ec4 - Ee2 - 2EeI )
(Eele + Ell> (y" (x) - Yo II (x)e] = (Eel + Ee2 + Eel + Ec4 + Ed)-I N ~
- P y(x) - r q(x) (54) The parameter values used are given in Table 6(h). For
simplicity, all variables except the model uncertainty
where P is a diagonal matrix with elements P(tJ and e is factors if l are taken as deterministic and identical for all
a column matrix with all elements equal to 1. The solu- five layers. The mean values as well as the coefficients of
tion to Eq. (54) is variation for the five ir I factors are taken to be identi-
cal. The if l factors are further taken equicorrelated with

y(x) = ( rpEele + Ell - )-1 P

correlation coefficient PI'
In Fig. 10 results for the curvature are shown for var-
ious combinations of the cross-sectional forces and for
[ ; q(x) + ~Yo(X) (Eele + Ell> eJ (55) various values of PI' The value of PI does not affect the
mean curvature but can have a large effect on the vari-
ance of the curvature. The effect is, however, opposite
Parameter values are given in Table 6(g), and results for for the cases of pure bending and pure axial load.
the midpoint deflection are shown in Fig. 9. A consid-
erable reduction of the standard deviation is noted when
reinforcement is added to the cross section. CONCLUSIONS
1. The random variability of creep and shrinkage ef-
Beam split In five layers fects in concrete structures is often very large and should
The effect on the uncertainty of variations of the creep be accounted for in design. Determining the variance
function across a sectional area is illustrated in this ex- functions for the structural variables of interest is prob-
ample. As shown in Fig. 10, a concrete beam is consid- ably sufficient for design.
ered to consist of five layers of thickness hiS. The creep 2. Any chosen deterministic model for predicting
function can vary between layers, but the concrete creep and shrinkage can be randomized by considering
within each layer is assumed homogeneous. The statisti- the entering parameters as random variables and by also
cal properties of concrete in all layers are considered to inserting uncertainty factors that characterize inade-
be identical. Cross-sectional forces consist of a bending quacy of the chosen model.
moment M and an axial force N which can both vary in 3. Uncertainty in the internal forces and deforma-
time. The eqUilibrium conditions are, in matrix notation tions of the structure can be efficiently obtained by point
estimates of probability moments based on a number of
N = NI + N2 + N3 + N4 + N s' usual deterministic structural analyses. This can be con-
veniently carried out in a matrix form.
M = MI + M2 + M3 + M4 + Ms (56)
4. Numerical examples show that certain internal
2h h
+ (Ns - N 1) "5 + (N4 - NJ 5 forces or deformations which almost vanish in a deter-
ministic analysis can have a very large uncertainty, which
126 ACI JOURNAL I March-April 1983
should be accounted for in design. In some other cases, 3. (,;:inlar, E.; Bazant, Z. P.; and Osman, E., "Stochastic Process
a large uncertainty in the entering parameters may cause for Extrapolating Concrete Creep," Proceedings, ASCE, V. 103,
EM6, Dec. 1977, pp. 1069-1088.
only a small uncertainty in the internal force Or defor- 4. Bazant, Z. P., and Najjar, J., "Comparison of Approximate
mation. The coefficient of variation can substantially Linear Methods for Concrete Creep, " Proceedings, ASCE, V. 99,
vary with time. ST9, Sept. 1973, pp. 1851-1874.
S. Bazant, Z. P., and Panula, L.,"Practical Prediction of Time-
Dependent Deformations of Concrete," Materials and Structures, Re-
ACKNOWLEDGMENT search and Testing (RILEM, Paris), V. 11, No. 65, Sept.-Oct. 1978,
This study was sponsored under the U.S. National Science Founda- pp. 307-328; V. II, No. 66, Nov.-Dec. 1978, pp. 415-434; and V. 12,
tion Grant No. CEE8009050 to Northwestern University, which also No. 69, May-June 1979, pp. 169-183.
supported H. Madsen's stay at the university in 1981. Mary Hill is 6. Bazant, Zden~k P., and Panula, Liisa, "Creep and Shrinkage
thanked for her superb secretarial assistance. Characterization for Analyzing Prestressed Concrete Structures,"
Journal, Prestressed Concrete Institute, V. 25, No.3, May-June 1980,
7. BaZant, Z. P., "Input of Creep and Shrinkage Characteristics for
1 m = 100 cm = 39.37 in. a Structural Analysis Program," Materials and Structures, Research
1 MPa = 145.0 psi and Testing (RILEM, Paris), V. 15, No. 88, July-Aug. 1982, pp. 283-
1 MNm = 10' Nm = 8.851 Ibf x in. 290.
8. BaZant, Z. P., "Mathematical Models for Creep and Shrinkage
of Concrete," Creep and Shrinkage of Concrete Structures, z. P. Ba-
NOTATION zam and F. H. Wittmann, Editors, John Wiley and Sons, London,
aI, C coefficients defined in Table 1 1982, pp. 163-256.
Cov covariance 9. Bolomey, J., "Bestimmung der Druckfestigkeit von Mortel und
D effective thickness Beton," Schweizerische Bauzeitung (Zurich), 1926. Also, "Determi-
E expectation nation de 14 resistance probable d'un beton," Technique des Travaux
E, elastic modulus of concrete (Paris-Brussels), 1929.
E, square matrix in Eq. (17) 10. Ditlevsen, 0., Uncertainty Modeling. McGraw-Hill Book Com-
standard 28 day cylinder strength pany, New York, 1981,304 pp.
glc, h, h" ks coefficients defined in Table 1 11. Alou, F., and Wittmann, F. H., "Etude experimentale de la
I centroidal moment of inertia variabilite de retrait du beton," Preprint, Symposium on Fundamen-
J(t,t') compliance function of concrete [Eq. (2) and (13») tal Research on Creep and Shrinkage of Concrete (Lausanne, Sept.
L square matrix in Eq. (16) 1980), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, 1980, pp. 61-
s standard derivation 78.
sic sand-cement ratio (by weight) 12. Mullick, A. K., "Effect of Stress-History on the Microstructure
t time = age of concrete and Creep Properties of Maturing Concrete," thesis, Department of
t' a&e at loading Civil Engineering, University of Calgary, 1972.
to a&e when drying begins 13. Reinhardt, H. W.; Pat, M. G. M.; and Wittmann, F. H., "Var-
t, discrete times [Eq. (14)] iability of Creep and Shrinkage of Concrete," Preprint, Symposium on
T temperature Fundamental Research on Creep and Shrinkage of Concrete (Lau-
V coefficient of variation sanne, Sept. 1980), M. Nijhoff, The Hague, 1982, pp. 75-94.
wlc Water-cement ratio (by weight) 14. Rosenblueth, E., "Point Estimates for Probability Moments,"
strain, and strain at t, Proceedings, National Academy of Sciences, Mathematics, V. 72, No.
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e,e, random variables 15. BaZant, Z. P., "Numerical Determination of Long-Range Stress
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REFERENCES 1982, pp. 309-400.
l. Ditlevsen, 0., "Stochastic Visco-Elastic Strain Modeled as a Sec- 17. Madsen, K., "Matrix Formulation for Practical Solution of
ond Moment White Noise Process," International Journal of Solids Concrete Creep Problems," DIALOG 1-79, Danish Engineering
and Structures, V. 18, No. I, 1982, pp. 23-25. Academy, Lyngby, 1979.
2. Tsubaki, T., and BaZant, Z. P., "Random Shrinkage Stresses in 18. Madsen, H. 0., and Ditlevsen, 0., "On the Uncertainty of
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ACI JOURNAL I March-April 1983 127

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