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esTPA-Referenced Lesson Plan v2

Teacher Candidate Name: Becca Friesen, Cortney Olson, Kacey Spencer

Grade & Subject Area: 2 & 3, Social Studies (Fairness & Equality)
Date for Planned Lesson: 11/15/17

*Examples are given in the right hand column. When submitting your
lesson plan, you may either replace the given examples or leave them
Lesson Title ASA Day 1 - Fairness
MN/CC State Standard(s) Identify ways people make a difference in the civic life of their communities, state,
- direct quote from MN standards nation, or world by working as individuals or groups to address a specific problem or
documents need. Explain the importance of civic discourse (including speaking, listening, voting,
- if only focusing on one part of a
and respecting diverse viewpoints) and the principles of majority rule and minority rights.
given standard, underline the part Identify examples of individuals or groups who have had an impact on world
being focused upon history; explain how their actions helped shape the world around them.
Central Focus Students will learn about the life of Martin Luther King Jr. and recognize situations that are
- derived from standard, unfair. Students will come up with nonviolent solutions to unfair situations.
- communicates general goal

Learning Target for this Lesson The student will be able to:
- concisely says what students will be Identify situations that are not fair (not everyone is treated equally).
able to know and do Share problem-solving ideas to unfair situations with peers and teacher.
Write problem-solving ideas to unfair situations.
- start with appropriate language
Write or draw one way s/he can be fair at home.
function (active verb) Write or draw one way s/he can be fair at school.
Write or draw one way s/he can be fair with friends.
Academic Language (AL) a. Civil Rights, discrimination, segregation, equality, fair, unfair, nonviolence
a. Domain-specific Acad. vocabulary
b. General Academic vocabulary b. Write, discuss, volunteer, present, flipbook, situation, solution
(words used in school across many
subject areas) c. "If that happened to me, I would ___________."
c. Syntax Sentence Frame: Example
d. In Phase 3: Guided Practice, students will use this sentence frame in small groups and
sentence that students can use again when the student volunteer from each group shares his/her group's solution to
to accomplish target the situation.
d. Point in lesson where students will
be given opportunity to use
Academic Vocabulary (Note: It
is important that this appear in
TPA videotape segments
Needed modifications/supports In phase 1, we choose to do a read aloud so that all students could listen and enjoy. In
a. Identify how some form of activity 1, we choose an interactive response in which everyone could participate. In
additional support will be activity 2, we created small groups so that students could share ideas. We also only
asked that a volunteer write on the group answer sheet rather than have all students write
provided for some aspect of the
as there was a large range of reading levels in the class. In activity 3, we gave students
lesson for given student(s) the option to draw pictures that represented how they would be fair if they did not feel
- visual, graphic, interactive comfortable writing sentences. We also wrote class ideas on the whiteboard for students
- reduced text, rewritten text, fill-in the to look at spelling or gather ideas.
blank notes, word banks
- graphic organizers, sentence frames
Resources & materials needed Take A Walk in Their Shoes by Glennette Tilley Turner, "Is this fair" situation cards, "What
would you do?" situation cards, "What would you do?" group answer sheet (1 per group),
One "I can be fair" flipbook per student
Lesson Part Activity description / teacher does Students do
Phase 1 (A) Today we are going to practice identifying unfair
State Target & Activate Prior situations and coming up with nonviolent solutions.
Knowledge (B) Activate Prior Knowledge: Students will share any prior
a) Post the learning target Have you heard about Civil Rights? What can you tell me knowledge they have about
statement and indicate whether about it? Civil Rights or Martin Luther
the teacher or student(s) will read Have you heard about Martin Luther King Jr.? What can King Jr.
it aloud you tell me about him?
b) Engage students in activity to Read Aloud: Pages 12-19 of Take A Walk in Their Shoes Students listen to read
elicit / build prior background Pause periodically to ask students questions: aloud.
knowledge That was a large word. What do you think that word
means? Students share responses to
I've just described his family. Can you tell me one thing teacher questions.
about his family?
Can you give an example of something that happened to
Martin Luther King Jr. that may have been unfair?
Phase 1 Assessment Class discussion: Students share responses to
Explain the plan to capture data What stood out to you? teacher questions.
from this phase of the lesson How did the story about MLK Jr.'s life make you feel?
What is something new you learned?

Phase 2 Teacher Input / Inquiry Activity 1: Is this Fair? Students listen to situation
- Explain procedures Class gathers together on the carpet. Teacher explains read aloud by teacher.
- Demonstration the task that s/he will read a situation card. Students will think to Students show response by
themselves if they believe the situation was fair or unfair. give a thumbs up or a
- Teacher think aloud
Students show their thinking by giving a thumbs up if they thumbs down.
believe the situation is fair and a thumbs down if they
believe the situation is unfair.

Everyone was invited to the birthday party except for me.
Do you think this is fair or unfair?

Phase 2 Assessment Volunteers explain to the class why they choose their Student volunteers explain
Explain the plan to check for answer. their answer choice to the
understanding of steps / class.
I see a lot of thumbs down. Would a volunteer share with
procedures demonstrated in
us why he or she believes this would be unfair?
this phase

Phase 3 Guided Practice Activity 2: What Would You Do? In each group, a student
- Paired/collaborative work Students are split into three groups. One student from volunteers to be the group's
- Teacher(s) may roam & assist each group will volunteer to be the "writer." Each group is writer.
handed one "What Would You Do?" answer sheet. The
teacher explains that s/he will read an unfair situation to After teacher reads aloud the
the entire class. Each group will discuss amongst situation card, students
themselves how they would handle the situation. The share problem-solving ideas
group must agree on the best solution to the situation and with their group.
the writer will write it on the group's answer sheet. A
volunteer from each group will share his/her group's A student volunteer from
solution to the unfair situation. each group shares the
collected group response to
Example: the situation card.
You notice some students from your class playing kickball
in the park. You ask if you can play too. The students say
that you can only play if you give them your snack. What
would you do?
Phase 3 Assessment During group discussion, a teacher is at each group Students share ideas with
asking questions, encouraging quiet students to share, group and teacher.
Explain the plan to check for and helping with spelling.
ability to apply demonstrated Student volunteer writes
steps/procedures during Teacher will collect each group's answer sheet after the down group ideas.
guided practice activity.

Phase 4 Independent practice Activity 3: I Can Be Fair Each student writes/draws

- Individual student work Each student receives a pre-cut and stapled flipbook how s/he will be fair at home,
(pictured below). Students are asked to write/draw how school, and with friends in
they can be fair at home (page 1), at school (page 2), and his/her own flipbook.
with friends (page 3). Teacher asks students to
brainstorm and share ways to be fair. Second teacher Students brainstorm ideas of
writes ideas shared on the whiteboard for students to how to be fair in different
use. contexts.

Being fair can also mean being kind or being helpful.

Maybe there is a way you like to be helpful at home?

If students struggle with ideas, teacher can give

examples to start the thinking process.

One way I like to be fair with my friends is to take turns.

For example, if I picked the movie we watched last time, I
would let my friend choose the movie next time.
Phase 4 Assessment Teacher collects each flipbook at the end of the lesson to Students hand in completed
Explain plan to check for ability to review individual answers. or partially completed
apply demonstrated flipbook to teacher.
steps/procedures during
independent practice

Phase 5 Restatement & Closure (a) After the activities we have done today, you should be
a) Restate learning target able to identify unfair situations and come up with a
nonviolent solution.
b) Explain a planned opportunity
for students to self-assess (b) We would like to know how you feel about this lesson. Students show on their
their perceived level of Please raise your hand and show us how well you feel hands how strongly they
mastery for the target. you understand fairness. Hold up one finger (model) if understood the lesson and
you didn't understand at all, two fingers if you feel pretty topic.
good about the subject, and three fingers if you feel you
really understand fairness.
Phase 6 Summative Next Steps Teacher reviews flipbook to assess class understanding
Attach a class roster (first names of fairness.
only) with space to indicate
for each student the needed
next steps of instruction.

*This lesson plan is based on the work of David Denton (2013) with added modifications. An introductory
video to the basics of the plan is available at
Updated 1/2016
"Is This Fair?" Situation Card Sample

"What Would You Do?" answer sheet

"I Can Be Fair" flipbook sample
esTPA-Referenced Lesson Plan v2

Teacher Candidate Name:

Grade & Subject Area:
Date for Planned Lesson:

*Examples are given in the right hand column. When submitting your
lesson plan, you may either replace the given examples or leave them
Lesson Title ASA Day 2- Fairness

MN/CC State Standard(s) Identify ways people make a difference in the civic life of their communities, state,
- direct quote from MN standards nation, or world by working as individuals or groups to address a specific problem or
documents need. Explain the importance of civic discourse (including speaking, listening, voting,
- if only focusing on one part of a
and respecting diverse viewpoints) and the principles of majority rule and minority rights.
given standard, underline the part Identify examples of individuals or groups who have had an impact on world
being focused upon history; explain how their actions helped shape the world around them.
Central Focus Students will continues to learn about Martin Luther King Jr. They will recognize
- derived from standard, statements that are fair and unfair. They will say agree, disagree, or I don’t know based
- communicates general goal on how they feel about the statement. They will write their own dreams.

Learning Target for this Lesson The student will be able to:
- concisely says what students will be Identify if certain statements are fair or unfair.
able to know and do Understand new vocabulary words that associate with the read aloud.
Write on a piece of paper their dream for their communities.
- start with appropriate language
Write on a piece of paper their dream for their school.
function (active verb) Write on a piece of paper their dream for their world.

Academic Language (AL) a. Fair, unfair, segregation, desegregation, protest, boycott, strike
a. Domain-specific Acad vocabulary
b. General Academic vocabulary b. listen, think, write, situation, discuss
(words used in school across many
subject areas) b. “My dream for my school _______.”
c. Syntax Sentence Frame: Example “My dream for my world _______.”
sentence that students can use “My dream for my community ______.”
to accomplish target d. In Phase 3: Guided Practice, students will use these sentence frames individually and
d. Point in lesson where students will will share their thoughts about their dreams to their peers.
be given opportunity to use
Academic Vocabulary (Note: It
is important that this appear in
TPA videotape segments
Needed modifications/supports In phase 1, we choose to do another read aloud. First off we introduced new vocab words
a. Identify how some form of to the students that they will hear from the read aloud. After we read the book the
additional support will be students will do a movement activity. The students will move to different areas of the room
that say I agree, I disagree, or I don’t know to the statement that is read. The last activity
provided for some aspect of the
is the students brainstorming their I Have a Dream clouds worksheet. If time allows they
lesson for given student(s) will color and cut out the clouds.
- visual, graphic, interactive
- reduced text, rewritten text, fill-in the
blank notes, word banks
- graphic organizers, sentence frames
Resources & materials needed Martin’s Big Words by Rappaport/Collier, unfair/fair statement cards, poster for
agree/disagree/I don’t know, I have a dream worksheet, white board, white board
markers, pencils, crayons, scissors
Lesson Part Activity description / teacher does Students do
Phase 1 (A) Today we will be continuing talking about fairness.
State Target & Activate Prior We will be extending our vocabulary words when it
comes to global studies.
Knowledge Students will think about
(B) Introduce vocabulary words by starting off
a) Post the learning target what the words means
statement and indicate whether with asking the students to raise their hands
and raise their hand to
the teacher or student(s) will read if they know what the word means. Then
share their thought.
it aloud defining the words for them.
b) Engage students in activity to Then read aloud the book, “Martin’s Big Words”
Students will listen to
elicit / build prior background by Rappaport/Collier
the read aloud.
Phase 1 Assessment Discuss what they heard or learned from the book. Students will share their
Explain the plan to capture data thoughts and
from this phase of the lesson knowledge.

Phase 2 Teacher Input / Inquiry Activity 1: Movement Fairness Task Cards Students will think hard.
- Explain procedures Each one of us will hold up a poster that says
- Demonstration the task either; agree, disagree, I don’t know. One of us Students will move
- Teacher think aloud will also read off a statement about fairness and around the room
the student need to think about that statement gathering in groups by
and choose whether they agree with it, disagree the corresponding
with is or they don’t know. posters.
Phase 2 Assessment The assessment is observing whether the Students move around
Explain the plan to check for students moved to the right corresponding to the posters.
understanding of steps / poster.
procedures demonstrated in
this phase

Phase 3 Guided Practice Activity 2: I have a dream….. Students will brainstorm

- Paired/collaborative work The students will join together on the floor up by ideas.
- Teacher(s) may roam & assist the smart board. Teachers will go over the
worksheet with the students. They will
brainstorm dreams people could have for their
school, community and world.
Phase 3 Assessment Observe whether or not students are actively engaging in
Explain the plan to check for the brainstorm ideas.
ability to apply demonstrated
steps/procedures during
guided practice

Phase 4 Independent practice After they have had time to brainstorm ideas Students will write their
- Individual student work the students will go back to their desks and names, write their
begin writing their own dreams. If they finish dreams, color their
writing their dreams down before the time is up, clouds, cut out the
they will then color their clouds. If they finish clouds and write their
with that step, next they can cut out the clouds. names on the back of
Last we will have them write their names on the all the clouds.
back of the clouds, because we will be
collecting them and bring them back tomorrow
to be finished. This is as far as the students will
go with this activity today. They will have time to
finish their I Have a Dream clouds tomorrow.
Phase 4 Assessment Check to make sure each individual is doing their
Explain plan to check for ability to worksheet.
apply demonstrated
steps/procedures during
independent practice

Phase 5 Restatement & Closure (a) After the activities we have done today, you should be Students show on their
a) Restate learning target able to brainstorm ways we can make our schools, hands how strongly they
communities, and world a better place. understood the lesson and
b) Explain a planned opportunity
for students to self-assess (b) We would like to know how you feel about this
their perceived level of lesson. Please raise your hand and show us how well you
mastery for the target. feel you understand fairness. Hold up one finger (model)
if you didn't understand at all, two fingers if you feel pretty
good about the subject, and three fingers if you feel you
really understand fairness
Phase 6 Summative Next Steps Teacher reviews dreams and check for understanding
Attach a class roster (first names and determine if the students are ready to move onto the
only) with space to indicate next assignment.
for each student the needed
next steps of instruction.

*This lesson plan is based on the work of David Denton (2013) with added modifications. An introductory
video to the basics of the plan is available at
Updated 1/2016
esTPA-Referenced Lesson Plan v2

Teacher Candidate Name: Becca Friesen, Cortney Olson, Kacey Spencer

Grade & Subject Area: 2 & 3, Social Studies (Fairness & Equality)
Date for Planned Lesson: 11/30/17

*Examples are given in the right hand column. When submitting your
lesson plan, you may either replace the given examples or leave them
Lesson Title ASA Day 3 - Fairness
MN/CC State Standard(s) Identify ways people make a difference in the civic life of their communities, state,
- direct quote from MN standards nation, or world by working as individuals or groups to address a specific problem or
documents need. Explain the importance of civic discourse (including speaking, listening, voting,
- if only focusing on one part of a
and respecting diverse viewpoints) and the principles of majority rule and minority rights.
given standard, underline the part Identify examples of individuals or groups who have had an impact on world
being focused upon history; explain how their actions helped shape the world around them.
Central Focus Students will continue to learn about Martin Luther King Jr and they will recognize
- derived from standard, commonalities or similarities they have with one of their peers.
- communicates general goal

Learning Target for this Lesson The student will be able to:
- concisely says what students will be Recognize situations that are fair and unfair
able to know and do Recognize commonalities or similarities they have with one of their peers.
Write/Draw dreams they have for their school, community, and world.
- start with appropriate language
Color and then read a book they created that is all about fairness.
function (active verb)
Academic Language (AL) a. Common, similar, judging, and responsibility.
a. Domain-specific Acad. vocabulary
b. General Academic vocabulary b. Think, discuss, and share dreams students have for their school, world, and
(words used in school across many community.
subject areas)
c. Syntax Sentence Frame: Example c. “A time I kept going was________”
sentence that students can use d. In Phase 2, students will have the opportunity to use their academic language. They will
to accomplish target be finding a partner and then together they have to talk about their similarities. Also, in
d. Point in lesson where students will phase 3 when students are creating their mini books, there will be time to read it
be given opportunity to use together and discuss the words and their meanings.
Academic Vocabulary (Note: It
is important that this appear in
TPA videotape segments
Needed modifications/supports In phase 1, we decided to continue our topic of Martin Luther King Jr. and instead of
a. Identify how some form of reading another book, we are going to show them a video by Kid President. This video
additional support will be continues our discussion on Martin Luther King Jr. After the video we will be generating a
discussion that related to the video. They will be discussing a time that they “kept going”.
provided for some aspect of the
Our first activity is going to have the students moving and they will have to find a partner
lesson for given student(s) and find a similarity that they have with their partner. Activity 3 consists of them finishing
- visual, graphic, interactive their I Have a Dream clouds from the day before. They can finish writing, cut, and string
- reduced text, rewritten text, fill-in the them together. The final activity is for the students to color a mini book that talks about
blank notes, word banks fairness. We will read this story together also.
- graphic organizers, sentence frames
Resources & materials needed Youtube video by Kid President, music for movement activity, strings for I have a Dream
clouds, markers, crayons, pencils, mini flipbook “All about Fairness”

Lesson Part Activity description / teacher does Students do

Phase 1 (A) Today we are going to continue talking about fairness.
State Target & Activate Prior We will also see what we have in common with the Students will watch video on
people around us. Martin Luther King Jr.
a) Post the learning target (B) Show video by Kid President and generate discussion Students will have
statement and indicate whether after. discussion on what they
the teacher or student(s) will read What did we learn from the video? watch and will reflect on their
it aloud What is something that stuck out to you? own life as well.
b) Engage students in activity to When was there a time you kept going?
elicit / build prior background
Phase 1 Assessment Class discussion: Students share responses to
Explain the plan to capture data What did we learn from the video? teacher questions.
from this phase of the lesson What is something that stuck out to you?
When was there a time you kept going?

Phase 2 Teacher Input / Inquiry Activity 1: Musical Diversity Students will play the
- Explain procedures While playing music, students will wander around the Musical Diversity Game.
- Demonstration the task classroom freely, when the music stops they need to find
a partner. Once they find a partner, they need to come up Students will volunteer and
- Teacher think aloud
with something that they have in common with each share reasons of why this
other. Students may have to ask about interests. We will game would be played.
do this several times so they can find new partners. After
we finish, generate a discussion with why we would do an
activity like this.

Phase 2 Assessment Volunteers explain to the class the reasoning behind Students will volunteer and
Explain the plan to check for playing a game like this. share reasons of why this
understanding of steps / game would be played.
procedures demonstrated in
this phase

Phase 3 Guided Practice Activity 2: I Have a Dream… Students will write dreams,
- Paired/collaborative work Students will get a chance to finish their I Have a Dream cut out clouds, string clouds
- Teacher(s) may roam & assist worksheet/project. If students are not done writing they together.
will get to finish. Then students will get the chance to cut
their clouds out, and sting them altogether.

Phase 3 Assessment Teachers will check their work, and students can also Students share the dreams
Explain the plan to check for have the opportunity to share one of the dreams that they the generated.
ability to apply demonstrated wrote down.
steps/procedures during
guided practice

Phase 4 Independent practice Activity 3: All About Fairness Mini Book Students will color/draw in
- Individual student work Students will have the chance to color their mini books, their All About Fairness mini
and one page requires the students to draw their own book. Students will also have
picture of how they are fair. At the end, the class will read the chance to read the book
the story together. Students can volunteer to read the as well.
book aloud if they wish.
Phase 4 Assessment Teachers can check the student’s picture at the end of Students finish their book
Explain plan to check for ability to the book on how they show fairness. This shows their and draw their own picture.
apply demonstrated understanding on what it means to be fair. They will also have the
chance to read aloud.
steps/procedures during
Students will also have the chance to read the story
independent practice aloud.
Phase 5 Restatement & Closure (a) After the activities we have done today, you should be Students show on their
a) Restate learning target able to see what we have in common with the people hands how strongly they
around us. understood the lesson and
b) Explain a planned opportunity
for students to self-assess (b) We would like to know how you feel about this lesson.
their perceived level of Please raise your hand and show us how well you feel
mastery for the target. you understand fairness. Hold up one finger (model) if
you didn't understand at all, two fingers if you feel pretty
good about the subject, and three fingers if you feel you
really understand fairness.
Phase 6 Summative Next Steps After observations and looking closely at student work,
Attach a class roster (first names determine if students are ready to move on to next topic
only) with space to indicate of the unit or chapter.
for each student the needed
next steps of instruction.

*This lesson plan is based on the work of David Denton (2013) with added modifications. An introductory
video to the basics of the plan is available at
Updated 1/2016

Kid President Video

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