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First Grade Math Lesson Plan:

Lesson Objective(s):
Students will be able to use at least one addition strategy (such as counting on, doubles, doubles
plus one, combinations of ten, make ten ect.) for one digit numbers.

District Outcome(s) and/or State/National Standard(s)

● 1.CA.1​:​ Demonstrate fluency with addition facts and the corresponding subtraction facts
within 20. Use strategies such as counting on; making ten (e.g., 8 + 6 = 8 + 2 + 4 = 10 + 4
= 14); decomposing a number leading to a ten (e.g., 13 – 4 = 13 – 3 – 1 = 10 – 1 = 9);
using the relationship between addition and subtraction (e.g., knowing that 8 + 4 = 12,
one knows 12 – 8 = 4); and creating equivalent but easier or known sums (e.g., adding 6
+ 7 by creating the known equivalent 6 + 6 + 1 = 12 + 1 = 13). Understand the role of 0
in addition and subtraction.
● 1.CA.5​ : ​Add within 100, including adding a two-digit number and a one-digit number,
and adding a two-digit number and a multiple of 10, using models or drawings and
strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between
addition and subtraction; describe the strategy and explain the reasoning used.
Understand that in adding two-digit numbers, one adds tens and tens, ones and ones, and
that sometimes it is necessary to compose a ten.

Lesson Prerequisites and pre-assessment of students:

● Adding Anchor Charts
● Whiteboards for students
● Paper/Crayons
● Rubber Duck- Changes to Blocks
● Glass Stones
● Counters around 60

Launch (5 min.)
Have kids ​on the carpet, turn the lights off, and tell the “Bear Story”. Essentially the “Bear
Story” is a campfire story that ends in an addition problem. At the end of the story you find out
that there were 3 more bears than there were at the beginning of the story. Then ask the students
how we can figure out how many bears there were all together. Next, I will introduce the topic of
addition with two anchor charts, shown below. They will be used to engage the students, and
activate their prior knowledge with addition. I will have them seated on the carpet, and talk to
them about what they notice on the charts and lead a discussion about what they already know.
Investigation (20 min)
For this part of the lesson, I will split students into four table groups (by addition ability, so that I
can differentiate the instruction). Because of this, we will have three different activities that each
table group can do. The group that needs the most support will start with activity one, and can
gear up to 2 and 3 if needed. The two groups who need some support, will start with Assignment
B, and can gear up or down to the other activities if needed. The group of students who are
advanced, or who have mastered addition, students will start with Activity C, and can gear down
if needed.

Activity A: In this group, the assigned teacher will begin by talking to the students about adding,
and giving them example story problems. Then the teacher and students will write a story
problem together, and work it out with manipulatives that are not too distracting. Students will
work together, but each student will draw a representation of the story problem. Then the teacher
will walk the students through writing the equation that matches the story. If students finish, the
teacher can have them start a second word problem, and go through how to solve it and write the

Activity B: In this group, the teacher will begin by having the students come up with story
problems out loud and then will model the equations. Then the teacher will split students into
pairs (okay to have a group of three) and have the students come up with their own addition story
problems. Students will work together, but each student will draw a representation of the story
problem. They also need to write one sentence about the story and the equation. Manipulatives
will be provided (counters or real world manipulatives) if they want them, but they do not have
to use them. If students finish, the teacher can have them solve additional problems or write the
equations for problems the teacher gives on their individual white boards.

Activity C: In this group, the teacher will begin by having the students come up with equations
and then thinking of a story problem to math. Then the teacher will have each individual student
come up with their own story problem which they will write and then solve. They also should
draw a picture that resembles the object in their story. This group will not be using
manipulatives. If this group finishes early, they will start a second problem, possibly without a
story, and show how they solved it.

Summarize (15 min.)

During the summarize section, I will ask each group to come up and share their drawings. We
will begin by having the teacher model how to share (using a loud voice, showing the picture to
everyone ect.) I will then quickly talk to the students about how to be an active listener. The
group that did Assignment A will all come up and share their collective story together. The next
two groups will share in their pairs, and the final group can share individually. This is to give
some student more support. I will have three specific questions planned to assess their learning.
1) How did you solve your problem?
2) Why did you solve it that way?
3) How did you come up with your story?
Gearing Up: ​If a group needs to be geared up, they can simply go up to the next activity,
which is virtually the same but with supports. They can also present by themselves if they
are able. Teacher will use larger numbers or move away from drawing to continue engage
students for this lesson.
Gearing Down: ​To gear down the teacher can move students to the previous activity, use
smaller numbers, or spend more time modeling. Teachers can also have students present
with a peer or in a group as a form of support if they are struggling.


Indiana Department of Education. (2014, July 18). Retrieved from

This video link was given by Dr. Roach IU Education Mathematics Director .

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