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3 pages April 2009

Revision of November 2005

DESCRIPTION two component solvent free amine cured phenolic epoxy compound

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – sprayable caulking to overlap the welding seams

– suitable caulking compound for use under SigmaGuard CSF 650 and
Novaguard 840
– excellent chemical resistance against crude oil, unleaded gasolines and a
wide range of petrochemicals and solvents
– can be applied by heavy duty single feed airless spray equipment (60:1)
– good visibility due to light colour
– reduced explosion risk and fire hazard

COLOURS AND GLOSS cream - gloss

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.4 g/cm³
Volume solids 100%
VOC (supplied) max. 105 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 144 g/l (approx. 1.2 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 3500 - 5000 µm depending on system
Touch dry after 6 hours
Overcoating interval min. 16 hours *
max. 3 months *
Full cure after 5 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months

RECOMMENDED – steel; blast cleaned to a minimum of ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 50 - 100 µm

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS – steel with suitable holding primer (SigmaGuard 260 or SigmaCover 280)
AND TEMPERATURES which must be dry, clean and free from any contamination

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 75 : 25

– when mixing the temperature of the base and hardener should be at least
– at lower temperature the viscosity will be too high for spray application
– no thinner should be added
Induction time none
Pot life 1 hour at 20°C *
* see additional data

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April 2009

AIRLESS SPRAY – heavy duty single feed airless spray equipment with a minimum of 60:1
pump ratio and suitable high pressure hoses
– in-line heating or insulated hoses may be necessary to avoid cooling down
of paint in hoses at low air temperature
– length of hoses should be as short as possible
Recommended thinner no thinner should be added
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.67 mm (= 0.026 in) at an angle of 30° à 40°
Nozzle pressure at 20°C (paint temperature) min. 30 MPa (= approx. 350 bar; 5000 p.s.i.)
at 30°C (paint temperature) min. 25 MPa (= approx. 250 bar; 3500 p.s.i.)


– all application equipment must be cleaned immediately after use
– paint inside the spraying equipment must be removed before the pot life time
has been expired

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 0.3

dft in µm 3000

structure: in different layers wet in wet in order to reach the required film

Overcoating table with solvent free tanklinings

substrate temperature 10°C 20°C 30°C

minimum interval 30 hours 16 hours 12 hours
maximum interval 3 months 2 months 1 month

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

Curing table

substrate temperature dry to handle full cure

10°C 30 hours 7 days
20°C 16 hours 5 days
30°C 10 hours 3 days
– although the paint is solvent free adequate ventilation must be maintained
during application and curing (please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434)

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April 2009

Pot life

20°C 60 min.
30°C 45 min.
– due to exothermic reaction, temperature during and after mixing may

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7945

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4 pages March 2011

Revision of April 2009

DESCRIPTION two component solvent free amine cured novolac phenolic epoxy coating

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – one coat tank coating system

– excellent resistance to crude oil up to 90°C
– suitable for storage of unleaded gasolines blended up to 100% ethanol
(E5 up to E100)
– suitable for storage of biodiesel (EN14214)
– good chemical resistance against a wide range of chemicals and solvents
– good visibility due to light colour
– semigloss and smooth appearance
– clear version for glassmat reinforced solvent free tank bottom system (see
system sheet 4155)
– easy to clean
– can be applied by heavy duty single feed airless spray equipment (60:1)
– reduced explosion risk and fire hazard

COLOURS AND GLOSS green, cream, clear - semigloss

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.4 g/cm³
Volume solids 100%
VOC (supplied) max. 94 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 131 g/l (approx. 1.1 lb/gal)
see information sheet 1411
Recommended dry film thickness 300 - 600 μm depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 3.3 m²/l for 300 μm *
Touch dry after 8 hours
Overcoating interval min. 24 hours *
max. 2 months *
Full cure after 6 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – steel; blast cleaned to a minimum of ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 50 - 100 μm

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS – substrate temperature should be above 5°C and at least 3°C above dew
AND TEMPERATURES point during application and curing
– steel with suitable primer (SigmaGuard 260) which must be dry, clean and
free from any contamination

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March 2011

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 80 : 20

– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be at
least 20°C
– at lower temperature the viscosity will be too high for spray application
– no thinner should be added
– for recommended application instructions: see working procedure
Induction time none
Pot life 1 hour at 20°C *
* see additional data

AIRLESS SPRAY use heavy duty single feed airless spray equipment preferably 60:1 pump ratio
and suitable high pressure hoses
Recommended thinner no thinner should be added
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.53 mm (= 0.021 in)
Nozzle pressure at 20°C (paint temperature) min. 28 MPa (= approx. 280 bar; 4000 p.s.i.)
at 30°C (paint temperature) min. 22 MPa (= approx. 220 bar; 3000 p.s.i.)

BRUSH/ROLLER for stripe coating and spot repair only

Recommended thinner no thinner should be added

CLEANING SOLVENT Thinner 90-83 (preferred) or Thinner 90-53

– all application equipment must be cleaned immediately after use
– paint inside the spraying equipment must be removed before the pot life time
has been expired

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
although this is a solvent free paint, care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin or eyes
– no solvent present; however, spray mist is not harmless, a fresh air mask
should be used during spraying
– ventilation should be provided in confined spaces to maintain good visibility

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March 2011

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 3.3 1.7

dft in μm 300 600

max. dft when brushing: 150 μm

measuring wet film thickness
– a deviation is often obtained between the measured apparent wft and the
real applied wft
– this is due to the thixotropy and the surface tension of the paint which
retards the release of air trapped in the paint film for some time
– recommendation is to apply a wft which is equal to the specified dft plus 60
measuring dry film thickness
– because of low initial hardness the dft cannot be measured for some days
(depending on ambient temperature) after application due to the penetration
of the measuring device into the paint film
– the dft should be measured using a calibration foil of known thickness placed
in between the coating and the measuring device

Overcoating table with itself (spot repair and stripe coating)

substrate 10°C 20°C 30°C

minimum 36 hours 24 hours 16 hours
maximum 3 months 2 months 1 month

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

Curing table

substrate temperature dry to handle full cure

10°C 40 hours 10 days
20°C 18 hours 6 days
30°C 12 hours 4 days
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)
– for storage and transport of drinking water the recommended working
procedure should be followed

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March 2011

Pot life (at application viscosity)

20°C 60 min.
30°C 45 min.
– due to exothermic reaction, temperature during and after mixing may

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Specification for mineral abrasives see information sheet 1491

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7755
269264 green 4194542200
282887 cream 3002002200

page 4/4

4 pages September 2011

DESCRIPTION two component high build amine adduct cured novolac phenolic epoxy primer

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – excellent resistance to a wide range of organic acids, alcohols, edible oils
and solvents
– maximum cargo flexibility
– low cargo absorption
– Recognized corrosion control coating (Lloyd's register), see sheet 1886
– good application properties, resulting in a smooth surface

COLOURS AND GLOSS grey, offwhite - eggshell

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.35 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.4 g/cm³
Volume solids 72 ± 3%
VOC (supplied) max. 200 g/l (approx. 1.8 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 100 - 150 μm
Theoretical spreading rate 7.2 m²/l for 100 μm *
Overcoating interval min. 10 hours *
max. 5 days *
Curing time see curing table *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – steel; blast cleaned in situ to at least ISO-Sa2½ and free from rust, scale,
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS shop primer and any other contamination
AND TEMPERATURES – blasting profile 50 - 100 μm
– the substrate must be perfectly dry before and during application of
Phenguard 253
– substrate temperature must be above 10°C and at least 3°C above dew
point during application and curing

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 80 : 20

– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be above
15°C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance and slower cure
– thinner should be added after mixing the components
Induction time allow induction time before use
15°C - 45 min.
20°C - 30 min.
25°C - 15 min.
Pot life 4 hours at 20°C *
* see additional data

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September 2011

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 5 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.46 - 0.53 mm (= 0.018 - 0.021 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2130 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 5 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 MPa (= approx. 3 bar; 43 p.s.i.)

BRUSH/ROLLER only for spot repair and stripe coating

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 7.2 4.8

dft in μm 100 150

Overcoating table for Phenguard 253

substrate 10°C 15°C 20°C 30°C 40°C

minimum 24 hours 16 hours 10 hours 4 hours 3 hours
maximum 7 days 6 days 5 days 4 days 3 days

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

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September 2011

Curing table

substrate temperature min. curing time of Phenguard 253

tankcoating system before transport
of cargoes. Please contact your
PPG PMC representative for further
10°C 14 days
15°C 10 days
20°C 7 days
30°C 4 days
40°C 4 days

Pot life (at application viscosity)

10°C 6 hours
20°C 4 hours
30°C 2 hours

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Specification for mineral abrasives see information sheet 1491

page 3/4

September 2011

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7447

page 4/4

5 pages July 2012

Revision of March 2011

Description two component high build amine adduct cured novolac phenolic epoxy primer

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – primer coat in the Phenguard tankcoating system

– excellent resistance to a wide range of organic acids, alcohols, edible oils,
fats (regardless of free fatty acid content) and solvents
– maximum cargo flexibility
– low cargo absorption
– good resistance to hot water
– recognized corrosion control coating (Lloyd's register), see sheet 1886
– good application properties, resulting in a smooth surface

COLOURS AND GLOSS offwhite – eggshell

BASIC DATA AT 20 °C (1 g/cm³ = 8.35 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.7 g/cm³
Volume solids 66% ± 2%
VOC (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED) max. 191 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
VOC (UK PG 6/23(92) appendix 3) max. 315 g/l (approx. 2.6 lb/gal)
(UK PG 6/23(92) Appendix 3)
Recommended dry film thickness 100 μm *
Theoretical spreading rate 6.6 m²/l for 100 μm *
Touch dry after 2 hours at 20 °C

Overcoating interval min. 36 hours *

max. 21 days *
Full cure after see curing table *
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – steel; blast cleaned in situ to at least ISO-Sa2½ and free from rust, scale,
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS shop primer and any other contamination
AND TEMPERATURES – blasting profile 50 - 100 μm
– the substrate must be perfectly dry before and during application of
Phenguard 930
– substrate temperature must be above 10°C and at least 3°C above dew
point during application and curing

SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine system sheet: 3141

tankcoatings system sheet: 3322

page 1/5

July 2012

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 88 : 12

– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be

above 15°C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance and slower cure
– thinner should be added after mixing the components
Pot life 4 hours at 20 °C *
Induction time – allow induction time before use
– 15°C - 20 min.
– 20°C - 15 min.
– 25°C - 10 min.

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 MPa (= approx. 3 bar; 44 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.46 - 0.53 mm (= 0.018 - 0.021 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2176 p.s.i.)

BRUSH/ROLLER only for spot repair and stripe coating

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%
CLEANING SOLVENT – Thinner 90-53

Film thickness and spreading rate

theoritical spreading rate m2/l 6.6 5.3

dft in μm 100 125

Maximum dft when brushing: 60 μm

Overcoating table for Phenguard 935

substrate 10°C 15°C 20°C 30°C 40°C

minimum interval 60 hours 48 hours 36 hours 24 hours 16 hours
maximum interval 28 days 25 days 21 days 14 days 7 days

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

page 2/5

July 2012

Curing Curing table for Phenguard tankcoating system before transport of

cargoes without note 4, 7, 8 or 11 and ballast water and tanktest with sea
substrate temperature Service
10°C 14 days
15°C 14 days
20°C 10 days
30°C 7 days
40°C 5 days

– minimum curing time of Phenguard tankcoating system before transport of

cargoes with note 4, 7, 8 or 11: 3 months
– for detailed information on resistance and resistance notes, please refer to
the latest issue of the Cargo Resistance List
– for transport of methanol and vinyl acetate monomer, a hot cure is required
which cannot be substituted by a service period of 3 months with non-
aggressive cargoes
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)
– the performance of the applied system strongly depends on the curing
degree of the first coat at time of recoating. Therefore overcoating time
between 1st and 2nd coat is extended in comparison between 2nd and 3rd
coat (see overcoating details)
– when used as a primer under solvent free tank-linings the dft must be limited
to a maximum of 100 μm

Pot life (at application viscosity)

10 °C 6 hours
20 °C 4 hours
30 °C 1.5 hour

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on a
worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes necessary to
comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

page 3/5

July 2012

REFERENCES Conversion tabels see information sheet 1410

Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Specification for mineral abrasives see information sheet 1491
Relative humidity - substrate temperature -
air temperature see information sheet 1650

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS – for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheets
– this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed
skin or eyes

page 4/5

July 2012

PPG warrants (i) its title to the product, (ii) that the quality of the product conforms to PPG’s specifications for such product
in effect at the time of manufacture and (iii) that the product shall be delivered free of the rightful claim of any third person for
infringement of any U.S. patent covering the product.


Any claim under this warranty must be made by Buyer to PPG in writing within five (5) days of Buyer’s discovery of the claimed
defect, but in no event later than the expiration of the applicable shelf life of the product, or one year from the date of the
delivery of the product to the Buyer, whichever is earlier. Buyer’s failure to notify PPG of such non-conformance as required
herein shall bar Buyer from recovery under this warranty.


The information in this data sheet is intended for guidance only and is based upon laboratory tests that PPG believes
to be reliable. PPG may modify the information contained herein at any time as a result of practical experience and
continuous product development. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the PPG product,
whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific inquiry, or otherwise, are based on data, which to the
best of PPG’s knowledge, is reliable. The product and related information is designed for users having the requisite
knowledge and industrial skills in the industry and it is the end-user’s responsibility to determine the suitability of the
product for its own particular use and it shall be deemed that Buyer has done so, as its sole discretion and risk.

PPG has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors affecting the use and
application of the product. Therefore, PPG does not accept any liability arising from any loss, injury or damage
resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there are written agreements stating otherwise).
Variations in the application environment, changes in procedures of use, or extrapolation of data may cause
unsatisfactory results.

This data sheet supersedes all previous versions and it is the Buyer’s responsibility to ensure that this data sheet
is current prior to using the product. Current data sheets for all PPG Protective & Marine Coatings products are
maintained at
The English text of this data sheet shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7409
180706 offwhite 7001002200

page 5/5

5 pages July 2012

Revision of March 2011

Description two component high build amine adduct cured novolac phenolic epoxy coating

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – second coat in the Phenguard tankcoating system

– excellent resistance to a wide range of organic acids, alcohols, edible oils,
fats (regardless of free fatty acid content) and solvents
– maximum cargo flexibility
– low cargo absorption
– good resistance to hot water
– recognized corrosion control coating (Lloyd's register), see sheet 1886
– good application properties, resulting in a smooth surface

COLOURS AND GLOSS pink – eggshell

BASIC DATA AT 20 °C (1 g/cm³ = 8.35 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.7 g/cm³
VOC (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED) max. 191 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
VOC (UK PG 6/23(92) appendix 3) max. 315 g/l (approx. 2.6 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 100 μm *
Theoretical spreading rate 6.6 m²/l for 100 μm *
Touch dry after 2 hours at 20 °C

Overcoating interval min. 24 hours *

max. 21 days *
Full cure after see curing table * (data for components)

Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months

* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – previous coat of Phenguard 930; dry and free from any contamination
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS – the substrate must be perfectly dry before and during application of
– substrate temperature must be above 10°C and at least 3°C above dew
point during application and curing

page 1/5

July 2012

SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine system sheet: 3141

tankcoatings system sheet: 3322

mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 88 : 12

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE – the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be
above 15°C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance and slower cure
– thinner should be added after mixing the components
Pot life 4 hours at 20 °C
*see additional data
Induction time – allow induction time before use
– 15°C - 20 min.
– 20°C - 15 min.
– 25°C - 10 min.

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 MPa (= approx. 3 bar; 44 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.46 - 0.53 mm (= 0.018 - 0.021 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2176 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%


Film thickness and spreading rate

theoritical spreading rate m2/l 6.6 5.3

dft in μm 100 125

Maximum dft when brushing: 60 μm

page 2/5

July 2012

Overcoating table for Phenguard 935

substrate 10°C 15°C 20°C 30°C 40°C

minimum interval 36 hours 32 hours 24 hours 16 hours 12 hours
maximum interval 28 days 25 days 21 days 14 days 7 days

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

Curing Min.curing time of Phenguard tankcoating system before transport of

cargoes without note 4, 7, 8 or 11 and ballast water and tanktest with sea
substrate temperature Service
10°C 14 days
15°C 14 days
20°C 10 days
30°C 7 days
40°C 5 days

– minimum curing time of Phenguard tankcoating system before transport of

cargoes with note 4, 7, 8 or 11: 3 months
– for detailed information on resistance and resistance notes, please refer to
the latest issue of the Cargo Resistance List
– for transport of methanol and vinyl acetate monomer, a hot cure is required
which cannot be substituted by a service period of 3 months with non-
aggressive cargoes
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)
– the performance of the applied system strongly depends on the curing
degree of the first coat at time of recoating. Therefore overcoating time
between 1st and 2nd coat is extended in comparison between 2nd and 3rd
coat (see overcoating details)

Pot life (at application viscosity)

10 °C 6 hours
20 °C 4 hours
30 °C 1.5 hour

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on a
worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes necessary to
comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

page 3/5

July 2012

REFERENCES Conversion tabels see information sheet 1410

Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Specification for mineral abrasives see information sheet 1491
Relative humidity - substrate temperature -
air temperature see information sheet 1650

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS – for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheets
– this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed
skin or eyes

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July 2012

PPG warrants (i) its title to the product, (ii) that the quality of the product conforms to PPG’s specifications for such product
in effect at the time of manufacture and (iii) that the product shall be delivered free of the rightful claim of any third person for
infringement of any U.S. patent covering the product.


Any claim under this warranty must be made by Buyer to PPG in writing within five (5) days of Buyer’s discovery of the claimed
defect, but in no event later than the expiration of the applicable shelf life of the product, or one year from the date of the
delivery of the product to the Buyer, whichever is earlier. Buyer’s failure to notify PPG of such non-conformance as required
herein shall bar Buyer from recovery under this warranty.


The information in this data sheet is intended for guidance only and is based upon laboratory tests that PPG believes
to be reliable. PPG may modify the information contained herein at any time as a result of practical experience and
continuous product development. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the PPG product,
whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific inquiry, or otherwise, are based on data, which to the
best of PPG’s knowledge, is reliable. The product and related information is designed for users having the requisite
knowledge and industrial skills in the industry and it is the end-user’s responsibility to determine the suitability of the
product for its own particular use and it shall be deemed that Buyer has done so, as its sole discretion and risk.

PPG has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors affecting the use and
application of the product. Therefore, PPG does not accept any liability arising from any loss, injury or damage
resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there are written agreements stating otherwise).
Variations in the application environment, changes in procedures of use, or extrapolation of data may cause
unsatisfactory results.

This data sheet supersedes all previous versions and it is the Buyer’s responsibility to ensure that this data sheet
is current prior to using the product. Current data sheets for all PPG Protective & Marine Coatings products are
maintained at
The English text of this data sheet shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7435
179115 pink 6007002200

page 5/5

5 pages July 2012

Revision of March 2011

Description two component high build amine adduct cured novolac phenolic epoxy finish

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – finish coat in the Phenguard tankcoating system

– excellent resistance to a wide range of organic acids, alcohols, edible oils,
fats (regardless of free fatty acid content) and solvents
– maximum cargo flexibility
– low cargo absorption
– good resistance to hot water
– recognized corrosion control coating (Lloyd's register), see sheet 1886
– good application properties, resulting in a smooth surface
– easy to clean

COLOURS AND GLOSS light grey – eggshell

BASIC DATA AT 20 °C (1 g/cm³ = 8.35 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.7 g/cm³
Volume solids 66% ± 2%
VOC (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED) max. 191 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
VOC (UK PG 6/23(92) appendix 3) max. 315 g/l (approx. 2.6 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 100 μm *
Theoretical spreading rate 6.6 m²/l for 100 μm *
Touch dry after 2 hours at 20 °C

Overcoating interval min. 24 hours *

max. 21 days *
Full cure after see curing table * at 20 °C
* see additional data

Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months

* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – previous coat of Phenguard 935; dry and free from any contamination
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS – the substrate must be perfectly dry before and during application of
– substrate temperature must be above 10°C and at least 3°C above dew
point during application and curing

page 1/5

July 2012

SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine system sheet: 3141

tankcoatings system sheet: 3322

mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 88 : 12

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE – the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be
above 15°C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance and slower cure
– thinner should be added after mixing the components
Pot life 4 hours at 20 °C *
*see additional data
Induction time – allow induction time before use
– 15°C - 20 min.
– 20°C - 15 min.
– 25°C - 10 min.

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 MPa (= approx. 3 bar; 44 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.46 - 0.53 mm (= 0.018 - 0.021 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2176 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%


Film thickness and spreading rate

theoritical spreading rate m2/l 6.6 5.3

dft in μm 100 125

Maximum dft when brushing: 60 μm

page 2/5

July 2012

Overcoating table for Phenguard 940

substrate 10°C 15°C 20°C 30°C 40°C

minimum interval 36 hours 32 hours 24 hours 16 hours 12 hours
maximum interval 28 days 25 days 21 days 14 days 7 days

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

Curing Min.curing time of Phenguard tankcoating system before transport of

cargoes without note 4, 7, 8 or 11 and ballast water and tanktest with sea
substrate temperature Service
10°C 14 days
15°C 14 days
20°C 10 days
30°C 7 days
40°C 5 days

– minimum curing time of Phenguard tankcoating system before transport of

cargoes with note 4, 7, 8 or 11: 3 months
– for detailed information on resistance and resistance notes, please refer to
the latest issue of the Cargo Resistance List
– for transport of methanol and vinyl acetate monomer, a hot cure is required
which cannot be substituted by a service period of 3 months with non-
aggressive cargoes
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)
– the performance of the applied system strongly depends on the curing
degree of the first coat at time of recoating. Therefore overcoating time
between 1st and 2nd coat is extended in comparison between 2nd and 3rd
coat (see overcoating details)

Pot life (at application viscosity)

10 °C 6 hours
20 °C 4 hours
30 °C 1.5 hour

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on a
worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes necessary to
comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

page 3/5

July 2012

REFERENCES Conversion tabels see information sheet 1410

Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Specification for mineral abrasives see information sheet 1491
Relative humidity - substrate temperature -
air temperature see information sheet 1650

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS – for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheets
– this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed
skin or eyes

page 4/5

July 2012

PPG warrants (i) its title to the product, (ii) that the quality of the product conforms to PPG’s specifications for such product
in effect at the time of manufacture and (iii) that the product shall be delivered free of the rightful claim of any third person for
infringement of any U.S. patent covering the product.


Any claim under this warranty must be made by Buyer to PPG in writing within five (5) days of Buyer’s discovery of the claimed
defect, but in no event later than the expiration of the applicable shelf life of the product, or one year from the date of the
delivery of the product to the Buyer, whichever is earlier. Buyer’s failure to notify PPG of such non-conformance as required
herein shall bar Buyer from recovery under this warranty.


The information in this data sheet is intended for guidance only and is based upon laboratory tests that PPG believes
to be reliable. PPG may modify the information contained herein at any time as a result of practical experience and
continuous product development. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the PPG product,
whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific inquiry, or otherwise, are based on data, which to the
best of PPG’s knowledge, is reliable. The product and related information is designed for users having the requisite
knowledge and industrial skills in the industry and it is the end-user’s responsibility to determine the suitability of the
product for its own particular use and it shall be deemed that Buyer has done so, as its sole discretion and risk.

PPG has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors affecting the use and
application of the product. Therefore, PPG does not accept any liability arising from any loss, injury or damage
resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there are written agreements stating otherwise).
Variations in the application environment, changes in procedures of use, or extrapolation of data may cause
unsatisfactory results.

This data sheet supersedes all previous versions and it is the Buyer’s responsibility to ensure that this data sheet
is current prior to using the product. Current data sheets for all PPG Protective & Marine Coatings products are
maintained at
The English text of this data sheet shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7436
179118 grey 5000002200

page 5/5

4 pages March 2011

Revision of April 2009

DESCRIPTION two component high build amine adduct cured novolac phenolic epoxy coating


– excellent resistance to a wide range of organic acids, alcohols, fats
(regardless of free fatty acid content) and solvents
– maximum cargo flexibility
– low cargo absorption
– easy to clean
– good resistance to hot water
– can be applied and cures at temperatures down to +5°C
– good application properties, resulting in a smooth surface

COLOURS AND GLOSS offwhite, pink, grey - eggshell

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.7 g/cm³
Volume solids 68 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 195 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 329 g/l (approx. 2.7 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 100 μm *
Theoretical spreading rate 6.8 m²/l for 100 μm *
Touch dry after 2 - 3 hours at 20°C, 14 - 16 hours at 5°C
Overcoating interval min. 8 hours *
max. 14 days *
Full cure after see curing table *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – steel; blast cleaned in situ to at least ISO-Sa2½ and free from rust, scale,
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS shop primer and any other contamination
AND TEMPERATURES – blasting profile 50 - 100 μm
– the substrate must be perfectly dry before and during application of
Phenguard 965
– substrate temperature must be above 5°C and at least 3°C above dew point
during application and curing

SYSTEM SPECIFICATION Phenguard 965 offwhite 100 μm

Phenguard 965 pink 100 μm
Phenguard 965 grey 100 μm

page 1/4

March 2011

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 87 : 13

– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be above
15°C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance
– thinner should be added after mixing the components
Induction time allow induction time before use
5°C - 20 min.
10°C - 15 min.
15°C - 10 min.
Pot life 2 hours at 20°C *
* see additional data

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 5 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.46 - 0.53 mm (= 0.018 - 0.021 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2130 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 5 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 MPa (= approx. 3 bar; 43 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 6.8 5.4

dft in μm 100 125

max. dft when brushing: 60 μm

page 2/4

March 2011

Overcoating table for Phenguard 965 for dft up to 100 μm

substrate 5°C 10°C 15°C 20°C 30°C

minimum 24 hours 20 hours 14 hours 8 hours 6 hours
maximum 28 days 25 days 21 days 14 days 7 days

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

Curing table for dft up to 100 μm

substrate temperature min. curing time of Phenguard 965

system before transport of cargoes
without note 4, 7, 8 or 11 and ballast
water and tanktest with sea water
5°C 7 days
10°C 5 days
15°C 4 days
20°C 3 days
30°C 2 days

– minimum curing time of Phenguard 965 system before transport of cargoes

with note 4, 7, 8 or 11: 3 months
– for detailed information on resistance and resistance notes, please refer to
the latest issue of the Cargo Resistance List
– for transport of methanol and vinyl acetate monomer, a hot cargo cure is
required which cannot be substituted by a service period of 3 months with
non-aggressive cargoes
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)
– when used as a primer under solvent free tank-linings the dft must be limited
to a maximum of 100 μm

Pot life (at application viscosity)

5°C 8 hours
10°C 6 hours
15°C 4 hours
20°C 2 hours
30°C 1 hour

page 3/4

March 2011

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7959
199289 offwhite 7001002200
199282 pink 6007002200
199284 grey 5000002200

page 4/4

3 pages July 2010

Revision of January 2009

DESCRIPTION solvent free thick film intumescent epoxy coating for hydrocarbon pool and
jet fires

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – highly durable intumescent coating for protection of steel against
hydrocarbon pool and jet fires; typical applications include:
Offshore - structural steel members, bulkheads and decks
Onshore - pipework, storage tanks and vessels
– unique flexibility offers enhanced performance on vibrating structures and in
conditions of explosion overpressure
– suitable for use in cryogenic conditions
– good resistance to splash and spillage of chemicals
– excellent abrasion resistance
– suitable for corrosivity categories up to C5-I and C5-M
– meets the requirements for Norsok M501 rev 5 accelerated aging and
hydrocarbon fire testing
– approved by DNV, Lloyds, BV, UL and GASAFE


BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.10 g/cm³
note:the applied density is dependent upon many variables such as
temperature, test method and application method
Volume solids 100%
VOC (supplied) max. 0 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 0 g/l (0 lb/gal)
see information sheet 1411
Recommended dry film thickness normally 1000 - 7000 μm applied in one coat
note:the required dry film thickness must be in accordance with the
approval certification
Theoretical spreading rate 1.10 kg/m² for 1000 μm *
Touch dry after 10 hours *
Overcoating interval min. 4 hours
max. 1 month
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) base: at least 18 months
hardener: at least 24 months
* see additional data

page 1/3

July 2010

RECOMMENDED – approved primer, dry, sound and free from contamination

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS – where mesh reinforcement of Pitt-Char XP is necessary, this should be
AND TEMPERATURES carried out in accordance with the Pitt-Char XP Application Guidelines
– substrate temperature should be at least 5°C and at least 3°C above dew
point during application and curing
– curing will be retarded at temperatures below 10°C and will cease below 5°C
– relative humidity during application must be lower than 85%

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 2.33 : 1

mixing ratio by weight: base to hardener 3.25 : 1
for details see the Pitt-Char XP Application Guidelines
Induction time none
Pot life 45 minutes at 25°C *

AIRLESS SPRAY twin feed application

– twin feed spray equipment utilising a minimum 10 inch King air motor is
– base and hardener need to be pre-heated to a minimum of 60°C while
circulating through the unit
– suitable insulated and heated hoses should be used
Recommended thinner no thinner should be added
Nozzle angle 40° (for large flat surfaces)
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.89 - 1.09 mm (= 0.035 - 0.043 in)
Nozzle pressure 24 MPa (= approx. 240 bar; 3500 p.s.i.)

single feed application

Recommended thinner 5% - 7% of Thinner 60-30 may be necessary, but the quantity shall never
exceed 10%.
The addition of thinner will affect sag resistance and overcoating intervals.
Nozzle angle 60° (for large flat surfaces)
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.84 - 0.89 mm (= 0.033 - 0.035 in)
Nozzle pressure 35 MPa (= approx. 350 bar; 5000 p.s.i.)
use of spray equipment with a ratio of 74 : 1 is recommended
material temperature (mixed): 23 - 35°C
the maximum length of the hoses should not exceed 30 m

TROWEL (recommended for small areas and touch up only)

Recommended thinner no thinner should be added


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
although this is a solvent free paint, care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin or eyes

page 2/3

July 2010

ADDITIONAL DATA Curing table (for solvent free aplication)

substrate temperature dry to handle (Shore D = 25)

10°C 52 hours
15°C 40 hours
25°C 13 hours
40°C 7 hours
– curing times may vary depending on substrate, ambient and material
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7589
281999 grey 3000002504

page 3/3
PSX 700

3 pages May 2011

Revision of February 2010

DESCRIPTION two component engineered siloxane coating

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – unique, high gloss, engineered siloxane

– can be applied directly over inorganic zinc
– excellent colour and gloss retention
– high solids, VOC compliant
– applied by brush, roller or spray, without thinning
– good resistance to splash and spillage of chemicals

COLOURS AND GLOSS full colour range - gloss

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (data for mixed product)

Mass density 1.36 g/cm³
Volume solids 90 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 119 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 164 g/l (approx. 1.4 lb/gal)
84 g/ltr (0.7 lb/gal) (by EPA Method 24)
Recommended dry film thickness 75 - 175 μm per coat
Theoretical spreading rate 7.2 m²/l for 125 μm *
Touch dry after 2 hours
Overcoating interval min. 3 hours *
(data for components)
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – previous suitable coat; dry and free from any contamination
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS – aged suitable coatings; dry and free from any contamination and sufficiently
– prepare damaged areas to original surface preparation specifications,
feathering edges of intact coating
– for touch-up and repair; apply additional material after removing dirt,
contaminants and old loose coatings or antifoulings
– substrate temperature should be above 0°C and at least 3°C above dew
point during application and curing

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 80 : 20

– use power mixer powered by an air- or an explosion proof electric motor
Induction time none
Pot life 4 hours at 20°C *
* see additional data

page 1/3
PSX 700

May 2011

Recommended thinner Thinner 60-12/ Thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner 0 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.15 - 0.21 mm (= 0.006 - 0.008 in)

BRUSH/ROLLER – the recommended dft cannot be reached in one coat

– natural bristle
– maintain a wet edge
– level any air bubbles with bristle brush


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

dft in μm 75 125 175

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 12.0 7.2 5.1
when applying more than 1 coat it is recommended that the total dry film thickness does
not exceed 250 μm

Overcoating table for PSX 700 for dft up to 175 μm

substrate 5°C 10°C 20°C 30°C

minimum 12 hours 7 hours 3 hours 2 hours

Curing table for dft up to 175 μm

substrate temperature touch dry dry to handle

5°C 7 hours 16 hours
10°C 4.5 hours 8.5 hours
20°C 2 hours 4.5 hours
30°C 1 hour 3 hours

page 2/3
PSX 700

May 2011

Pot life (at application viscosity)

10°C 6.5 hours

20°C 4 hours
30°C 1.5 hour

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Surface preparation of concrete (floors) see information sheet 1496

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7546

page 3/3

3 pages September 2009

Revision of April 2007

DESCRIPTION one component water borne high build zinc phosphate primer/coating based on
acrylic dispersion

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – particularly suitable when solvents are not permitted because of health and
safety reasons
– excellent adhesion to well pretreated steel
– good anticorrosive properties
– fast drying
– can be overcoated with most water borne acrylics, water borne epoxy
coatings and alkyd paints as well as certain solvent borne two component

COLOURS AND GLOSS RAL colours (other colours available on request) - flat

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
Mass density 1.3 g/cm³
Volume solids 43 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 19 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 25 g/l (approx. 0.2 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 75 µm per coat
Theoretical spreading rate 5.7 m²/l for 75 µm
Touch dry after 30 minutes
Overcoating interval min. 4 hours
max. unlimited
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months

RECOMMENDED – steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 40 - 70 µm

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS – steel; pretreated according to ISO-St3
AND TEMPERATURES – shop primed steel; sweep blasted or power tool cleaned to SPSS-Ss or
– substrate temperature should be at least 5°C and at least 3°C above dew
point during application and curing
– maximum relative humidity during application and curing is 75%

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE – stir well before use

– the temperature of the paint should preferably be above 15°C, otherwise
extra tap water may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much tap water results in reduced sag resistance
– must be protected from freezing at all times during storage and/or transport

Recommended thinner tap water
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.46 - 0.53 mm (= 0.018 - 0.021 in)
Nozzle pressure 12 - 15 MPa (= approx. 120 - 150 bar; 1700 - 2130 p.s.i.)

page 1/3

September 2009

Recommended thinner tap water
Volume of thinner 5 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 1.8 - 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 - 0.4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)

BRUSH/ROLLER * long haired brush or polyether roller with rounded edges

Recommended thinner tap water
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%
* for localised areas of difficult access only

CLEANING SOLVENT tap water and Thinner 70-05

Cleaning Procedures of the spray equipment:

pulsator filter and tip filter must be taken out of the equipment and cleaned

following tables illustrate the cleaning procedure of the spray equipment when
changing spraying from solvent borne paint to water borne paints (table 1) and
from water borne paints to solvent borne paints (table 2)

CLEANING PROCEDURE Table 1: from solvent borne- to water borne paints

1st cleaning with Thinner 90-53

2nd cleaning with Thinner 70-05
3rd cleaning with warm tap water (30 - 35°C) after which water
borne paints can be sprayed

Table 2: from water borne- to solvent borne paints

1st cleaning with warm tap water (30 - 35°C)

2nd cleaning with Thinner 70-05
3rd cleaning with Thinner 90-53
Thinner 70-05 can be re-used

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
although this is a water borne paint, care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

page 2/3

September 2009

ADDITIONAL DATA Overcoating table for Sigma Aquacover 20 for dft up to 75 µm

with water borne acrylic and alkyd substrate 5°C 10°C 20°C 30°C
finishes temperature
minimum 16 hours 6 hours 4 hours 3 hours
maximum unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7149
177804 redbrown 2008002200
186582 RAL 7030 7030262200

page 3/3

3 pages September 2009

Revision of April 2007

DESCRIPTION one component water borne micaceous iron oxide pigmented primer based on
acrylic dispersion

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – particularly suitable when solvents are not permitted because of health and
safety reasons
– developed to give excellent adhesion to galvanised steel
– fast drying
– can be overcoated with most water borne acrylics, water borne epoxy
coatings and alkyd paints

COLOURS AND GLOSS redbrown - flat

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
Mass density 1.4 g/cm³
Volume solids 40 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 35 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 50 g/l (approx. 0.4 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 50 µm per coat
Theoretical spreading rate 8 m²/l for 50 µm
Touch dry after 15 - 30 minutes
Overcoating interval min. 4 hours
max. unlimited
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months

RECOMMENDED – galvanised steel; sweep blasted or otherwise roughened; dry and free from
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS salts and other contamination
AND TEMPERATURES – substrate temperature should be at least 5°C and at least 3°C above dew
point during application and curing
– maximum relative humidity during application and curing is 75%

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE – stir well before use

– the temperature of the paint should preferably be above 15°C, otherwise
extra tap water may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much tap water results in reduced sag resistance
– must be protected from freezing at all times during storage and/or transport

Recommended thinner tap water
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.48 - 0.58 mm (= 0.019 - 0.023 in)
Nozzle pressure 12 - 15 MPa (= approx. 120 - 150 bar; 1700 - 2130 p.s.i.)

page 1/3

September 2009

Recommended thinner tap water
Volume of thinner 5 - 15%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 1.8 - 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 - 0.4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)

BRUSH/ROLLER long haired brush or polyether roller with rounded edges

Recommended thinner tap water
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%

CLEANING SOLVENT tap water and Thinner 70-05

Cleaning Procedures of the spray equipment:

pulsator filter and tip filter must be taken out of the equipment and cleaned

following tables illustrate the cleaning procedure of the spray equipment when
changing spraying from solvent borne paint to water borne paints (table 1) and
from water borne paints to solvent borne paints (table 2)

CLEANING PROCEDURE Table 1: from solvent borne- to water borne paints

1st cleaning with Thinner 90-53

2nd cleaning with Thinner 70-05
3rd cleaning with warm tap water (30 - 35°C) after which water
borne paints can be sprayed

Table 2: from water borne- to solvent borne paints

1st cleaning with warm tap water (30 - 35°C)

2nd cleaning with Thinner 70-05
3rd cleaning with Thinner 90-53
Thinner 70-05 can be re-used

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
although this is a water borne paint, care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

page 2/3

September 2009

ADDITIONAL DATA Overcoating table for Sigma Aquacover 22 for dft up to 50 µm

with water borne acrylic and alkyd substrate 5°C 10°C 20°C 30°C
finishes temperature
minimum 16 hours 8 hours 4 hours 3 hours
maximum unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7145
140103 redbrown 2008002200

page 3/3

3 pages September 2009

Revision of April 2007

DESCRIPTION one component water borne micaceous iron oxide pigmented acrylic dispersion

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – particularly suitable when solvents are not permitted because of health and
safety reasons
– contains non toxic pigments
– excellent adhesion to various types of old or weathered paints
– fast drying
– can be overcoated with most water borne acrylics, water borne epoxy
coatings and alkyd paints as well as certain solvent borne two component

COLOURS AND GLOSS standard mio colours available - flat

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
Mass density 1.5 g/cm³
Volume solids 40 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 13 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 20 g/l (approx. 0.2 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 50 - 75 µm per coat
Theoretical spreading rate 8.0 m²/l for 50 µm, 5.3 m²/l for 75 µm
Touch dry after 30 - 60 minutes
Overcoating interval min. 4 hours
max. unlimited
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months

RECOMMENDED – steel coated with suitable primer (e.g. Sigma AquaCover 20)
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS – galvanised steel coated with suitable primer (e.g. Sigma AquaCover 22)
AND TEMPERATURES – previous suitable coat; dry and free from any contamination
– substrate temperature should be above 5°C and at least 3°C above dew
point during application and curing
– maximum relative humidity during application and curing is 75%

SYSTEM SPECIFICATION maintenance p.c. system sheets: 4012, 4022, 4032

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE – stir well before use

– the temperature of the paint should preferably be above 15°C, otherwise
extra thinner may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much tap water results in reduced sag resistance
– must be protected from freezing at all times during storage and/or transport

Recommended thinner tap water
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.48 - 0.58 mm (= 0.019 - 0.023 in)
Nozzle pressure 12 - 15 MPa (= approx. 120 - 150 bar; 1700 - 2130 p.s.i.)

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September 2009

BRUSH/ROLLER long haired brush or polyether roller with rounded edges

Recommended thinner tap water
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%

CLEANING SOLVENT tap water and Thinner 70-05

Cleaning Procedures of the spray equipment:

pulsator filter and tip filter must be taken out of the equipment and cleaned

following tables illustrate the cleaning procedure of the spray equipment when
changing spraying from solvent borne paint to water borne paints (table 1) and
from water borne paints to solvent borne paints (table 2)

CLEANING PROCEDURE Table 1: from solvent borne- to water borne paints

1st cleaning with Thinner 90-53

2nd cleaning with Thinner 70-05
3rd cleaning with warm tap water (30 - 35°C) after which water
borne paints can be sprayed

Table 2: from water borne- to solvent borne paints

1st cleaning with warm tap water (30 - 35°C)

2nd cleaning with Thinner 70-05
3rd cleaning with Thinner 90-53
Thinner 70-05 can be re-used

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
although this is a water borne paint, care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

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September 2009

ADDITIONAL DATA Overcoating table for Sigma Aquacover 35 for dft up to 75 µm

with itself substrate 5°C 10°C 20°C 30°C

minimum 16 hours 6 hours 4 hours 3 hours
maximum unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7203
various SAP codes

page 3/3

3 pages September 2009

Revision of April 2007

DESCRIPTION one component water borne acrylic dispersion finish

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – particularly suitable when solvents are not permitted because of health and
safety reasons
– good weather resistance
– good colour retention
– fast drying
– fast handling
– not suitable for immersion in water

COLOURS AND GLOSS RAL colours (other colours available on request) - semigloss

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
Mass density 1.1 g/cm³
Volume solids 42 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 12 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 14 g/l (approx. 0.1 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 50 µm per coat
Theoretical spreading rate 8.2 m²/l for 50 µm
Touch dry after 30 minutes
Overcoating interval min. 4 hours
max. unlimited
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months

RECOMMENDED – steel coated with suitable primer (e.g. Sigma AquaCover 20)
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS – previous suitable coat; dry and free from any contamination
AND TEMPERATURES – substrate temperature should be above 5°C and at least 3°C above dew
point during application and curing
– maximum relative humidity during application and curing is 75%

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE – stir well before use

– the temperature of the paint should preferably be above 15°C, otherwise
extra tap water may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much tap water results in reduced sag resistance
– must be protected from freezing at all times during storage and/or transport

Recommended thinner tap water
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.46 - 0.53 mm (= 0.018 - 0.021 in)
Nozzle pressure 12 - 15 MPa (= approx. 120 - 150 bar; 1700 - 2130 p.s.i.)

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September 2009

Recommended thinner tap water
Volume of thinner 5 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 1.8 - 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 - 0.4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)

BRUSH/ROLLER * long haired brush or polyether roller with rounded edges

Recommended thinner tap water
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%
* for localised areas of difficult access only

CLEANING SOLVENT tap water and Thinner 70-05

Cleaning Procedures of the spray equipment:

pulsator filter and tip filter must be taken out of the equipment and cleaned

following tables illustrate the cleaning procedure of the spray equipment when
changing spraying from solvent borne paint to water borne paints (table 1) and
from water borne paints to solvent borne paints (table 2)

CLEANING PROCEDURE Table 1: from solvent borne- to water borne paints

1st cleaning with Thinner 90-53

2nd cleaning with Thinner 70-05
3rd cleaning with warm tap water (30 - 35°C) after which water
borne paints can be sprayed

Table 2: from water borne- to solvent borne paints

1st cleaning with warm tap water (30 - 35°C)

2nd cleaning with Thinner 70-05
3rd cleaning with Thinner 90-53
Thinner 70-05 can be re-used

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
although this is a water borne paint, care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

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September 2009

ADDITIONAL DATA Overcoating table for Sigma Aquacover 40 for dft up to 50 µm

with itself substrate 5°C 10°C 20°C 30°C

minimum 16 hours 6 hours 4 hours 3 hours
maximum unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7251
199310 base L 0710002197
199313 base Z 0070002185

page 3/3

3 pages September 2009

Revision of April 2007

DESCRIPTION one component water borne acrylic dispersion finish

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – finish for interior accommodation, machinery spaces and superstructure
– particularly suitable when solvents are not permitted because of health and
safety reasons
– fast drying and recoatable
– good weather resistance
– good colour retention
– allows safer working during hull outfitting of new buildings
– certificate for low flame spread: see sheet 1883

COLOURS AND GLOSS white (other colours on request) - gloss

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
Mass density 1.2 g/cm³
Volume solids 34 ± 2%, depending on colour
VOC (supplied) max. 9 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 10 g/l (approx. 0.1 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 50 µm per coat
Theoretical spreading rate 6.8 m²/l for 50 µm
Touch dry after 6 hours at 5°C, 3 hours at 10°C, 1 hour at 20°C
Overcoating interval min. 6 hours *
max. unlimited *
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months, keep above 0°C

RECOMMENDED – previous suitable coat; (e.g. Sigma Aquacover 25) dry and free from any
AND TEMPERATURES – substrate temperature should be at least 5°C and at least 3°C above dew
point during application and curing
– maximum relative humidity during application and curing is 75%

SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine system sheets: 3104, 3105

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE – stir well before use

– the temperature of the paint should preferably be above 15°C, otherwise
extra tap water may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much tap water results in reduced sag resistance
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)
– must be protected from freezing at all times during storage and/or transport

Recommended thinner tap water
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.28 - 0.33 mm (= 0.011 - 0.013 in)
Nozzle pressure 12 - 15 MPa (= approx. 120 - 150 bar; 1700 - 2130 p.s.i.)

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September 2009

CLEANING SOLVENT tap water and Thinner 70-05

Cleaning Procedures of the spray equipment:

pulsator filter and tip filter must be taken out of the equipment and cleaned

following tables illustrate the cleaning procedure of the spray equipment when
changing spraying from solvent borne paint to water borne paints (table 1) and
from water borne paints to solvent borne paints (table 2)

CLEANING PROCEDURE Table 1: from solvent borne- to water borne paints

1st cleaning with Thinner 90-53

2nd cleaning with Thinner 70-05
3rd cleaning with warm tap water (30 - 35°C) after which water
borne paints can be sprayed

Table 2: from water borne- to solvent borne paints

1st cleaning with warm tap water (30 - 35°C)

2nd cleaning with Thinner 70-05
3rd cleaning with Thinner 90-53
Thinner 70-05 can be re-used

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
although this is a solvent free paint, care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin or eyes

ADDITIONAL DATA Overcoating table for Sigma Aquacover 45 for dft up to 50 µm

with itself substrate 5°C 10°C 20°C 30°C

minimum 16 hours 6 hours 4 hours 3 hours
maximum unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

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September 2009

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7250
146103 white 7000002200
146104 white 7000001400

page 3/3

3 pages June 2009

DESCRIPTION water borne high build acrylic coating

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – reduced explosion risk and fire hazard

– excellent adhesion to various types of old or weathered paints
– fast drying
– can be overcoated with dispersion paints
– single coat application
– excellent elongation (flexible)

COLOURS AND GLOSS grey RAL 7032 (other colours on request) - semigloss

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
Mass density 1.2 g/cm³
Volume solids 45 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 29 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 35 g/l (approx. 0.3 lb/gal)
see information sheet 1411
Recommended dry film thickness 150 - 300 µm per coat
Theoretical spreading rate 3.0 m²/l for 150 µm, 1.5 m²/l for 300 µm
Touch dry after 4 hours *
Overcoating interval min. 6 hours
max. unlimited
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2 or power tool cleaned to ISO-St2 for good
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS corrosion protection
AND TEMPERATURES – substrate temperature should be at least 5°C and at least 3°C above dew
point during application and curing
– preferably relative humidity should not exceed 80%
– clean, dry and free from any contamination
– good ventilation is required during application and curing (please refer to
sheet 1433 and 1434)

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE – stir well before use

– the temperature of the paint should preferably be above 15°C, otherwise
extra tap water may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much tap water results in reduced sag resistance

Recommended thinner tap water
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.48 - 0.58 mm (= 0.019 - 0.023 in)
Nozzle pressure 12 - 15 MPa (= approx. 120 - 150 bar; 1700 - 2130 p.s.i.)

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June 2009

Recommended thinner preferable not to be thinned, if necessary tap water

CLEANING SOLVENT tap water and Thinner 70-05

Cleaning Procedures of the spray equipment:

pulsator filter and tip filter must be taken out of the equipment and cleaned

following tables illustrate the cleaning procedure of the spray equipment when
changing spraying from solvent borne paint to water borne paints (table 1) and
from water borne paints to solvent borne paints (table 2)

CLEANING PROCEDURE Table 1: from solvent borne- to water borne paints

paint type: alkyd chlorinated epoxy pur

1st cleaning 20-05 21-22 90-53 91-88
with Thinner
2nd cleaning with Thinner 70-05
3rd cleaning with warm tap water (30 - 35°C) after which water
borne paints can be sprayed

Table 2: from water borne- to solvent borne paints

1st cleaning with warm tap water (30 - 35°C)

2nd cleaning with Thinner 70-05
3rd cleaning none none 90-53 91-84
with Thinner
paint type: alkyd chlorinated epoxy pur
Thinner 70-05 can be re-used

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
although this is a water borne paint, care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

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June 2009

ADDITIONAL DATA Overcoating table for Sigma Aquacover 80 for dft up to 150 µm

substrate 10°C 20°C 30°C 40°C

minimum 6 hours 4 hours 3 hours 2 hours
maximum unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7152

page 3/3

4 pages September 2009

Revision of April 2007

DESCRIPTION two component polyamine cured water borne epoxy primer

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – general purpose epoxy primer in protective coating systems for steel
structures in atmospheric exposure
– particularly suitable when solvents are not permitted because of health and
safety reasons
– excellent rust preventing properties in industrial or coastal atmospheres
– good adhesion to steel and galvanised steel
– free from lead and chromate containing pigments
– can be overcoated with most dispersion and alkyd paints and 2 component
durable finishes
– easy application by brush/roller and (airless) spray

COLOURS AND GLOSS grey (RAL 7038), buff (RAL 1015) - eggshell

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.3 g/cm³
Volume solids 53 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 5 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 6 g/l (approx. 0.1 lb/gal)
see information sheet 1411
Recommended dry film thickness 75 - 100 µm depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 7.1 m²/l for 75 µm, 5.3 m²/l for 100 µm
Touch dry after 1.5 hour
Overcoating interval min. 2 hours (with itself)
max. 6 months
Full cure after 4 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 6 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 40 - 70 µm or power tool

AND TEMPERATURES – galvanised steel; sweep blasted or otherwise roughened; dry and free from
salts and other contamination
– substrate temperature must be above 10°C and at least 3°C above dew
point during application and curing
– maximum relative humidity during application and curing is 75%

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September 2009

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 70 : 30

– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be above
15°C, otherwise extra water may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much water results in reduced sag resistance and slower cure
– water should be added after mixing the components
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)
– must be protected from freezing at all times during storage and/or transport
Induction time none
Pot life 3 hours at 20°C *
* see additional data

Recommended thinner tap water
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.48 mm (= 0.019 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2130 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner tap water
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%

CLEANING SOLVENT tap water and Thinner 70-05

Cleaning Procedures of the spray equipment:

pulsator filter and tip filter must be taken out of the equipment and cleaned

following tables illustrate the cleaning procedure of the spray equipment when
changing spraying from solvent borne paint to water borne paints (table 1) and
from water borne paints to solvent borne paints (table 2)

CLEANING PROCEDURE Table 1: from solvent borne- to water borne paints

1st cleaning with Thinner 90-53

2nd cleaning with Thinner 70-05
3rd cleaning with warm tap water (30 - 35°C) after which water
borne paints can be sprayed

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September 2009

Table 2: from water borne- to solvent borne paints

1st cleaning with warm tap water (30 - 35°C)

2nd cleaning with Thinner 70-05
3rd cleaning with Thinner 90-53
Thinner 70-05 can be re-used

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
although this is a water borne paint, care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

ADDITIONAL DATA Overcoating table for Sigma Aquacover 200 for dft up to 100 µm

substrate 10°C 20°C 30°C 40°C

with Sigma AquaCover 400 minimum 3 hours 2 hours 1 hour 45 min.
with SigmaDur 520, SigmaDur 550 minimum 24 hours 16 hours 12 hours 8 hours
maximum 6 months 6 months 6 months 6 months

Curing table for dft up to 100 µm

substrate touch dry dry to handle full cure

10°C 3 hours 16 hours 6 days
20°C 1.5 hour 5 hours 4 days
30°C 1 hour 4 hours 3 days
40°C 45 min. 3 hours 2 days

Pot life (at application viscosity)

10°C 4 hours
20°C 3 hours
30°C 2 hours
40°C 1 hour

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September 2009

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7870
220700 RAL 7038 (grey) 7038262160
240678 RAL 1015 (buff) 1015262160

page 4/4

4 pages September 2009

Revision of April 2007

DESCRIPTION two component polyamine cured water borne epoxy coating

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – general purpose epoxy build coat in protective coating systems for steel
structures in atmospheric exposure
– particularly suitable when solvents are not permitted because of health and
safety reasons
– free from lead and chromate containing pigments
– can be overcoated with most dispersion and alkyd paints and 2 component
durable finishes
– easy application by brush/roller and (airless) spray
– suitable for concrete floors

COLOURS AND GLOSS limited colour range available - semigloss

due to the lead and chromate free pigmentation bright colours might have a
reduced opacity
a primer in a suitable colour may be necessary

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.3 g/cm³
Volume solids 53 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 5 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 6 g/l (approx. 0.1 lb/gal)
see information sheet 1411
Recommended dry film thickness 75 - 100 µm depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 7.1 m²/l for 75 µm, 5.3 m²/l for 100 µm
Touch dry after 1.5 hour
Overcoating interval min. 2 hours (with itself)
max. 6 months
Full cure after 4 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 6 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – steel with suitable primer (e.g. Sigma AquaCover 200); dry and free from any
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS contamination and within the recoat times
AND TEMPERATURES – galvanised steel; sweep blasted or otherwise roughened; dry and free from
salts and other contamination
– substrate temperature must be above 10°C and at least 3°C above dew
point during application and curing
– maximum relative humidity during application and curing is 75%

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September 2009

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 70 : 30

– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be above
15°C, otherwise extra water may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much water results in reduced sag resistance and slower cure
– water should be added after mixing the components
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)
– must be protected from freezing at all times during storage and/or transport
Induction time none
Pot life 3 hours at 20°C *
* see additional data

Recommended thinner tap water
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.48 mm (= 0.019 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2130 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner tap water
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%

CLEANING SOLVENT tap water and Thinner 70-05

Cleaning Procedures of the spray equipment:

pulsator filter and tip filter must be taken out of the equipment and cleaned

following tables illustrate the cleaning procedure of the spray equipment when
changing spraying from solvent borne paint to water borne paints (table 1) and
from water borne paints to solvent borne paints (table 2)

CLEANING PROCEDURE Table 1: from solvent borne- to water borne paints

1st cleaning with Thinner 90-53

2nd cleaning with Thinner 70-05
3rd cleaning with warm tap water (30 - 35°C) after which water
borne paints can be sprayed

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September 2009

Table 2: from water borne- to solvent borne paints

1st cleaning with warm tap water (30 - 35°C)

2nd cleaning with Thinner 70-05
3rd cleaning with Thinner 90-53
Thinner 70-05 can be re-used

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
although this is a water borne paint, care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

ADDITIONAL DATA Overcoating table for Sigma Aquacover 400 for dft up to 100 µm

substrate 10°C 20°C 30°C 40°C

with itself minimum 3 hours 2 hours 1 hour 45 min.
with SigmaDur 520, SigmaDur 550 minimum 24 hours 16 hours 12 hours 8 hours
maximum 6 months 6 months 6 months 6 months

Curing table for dft up to 100 µm

substrate touch dry dry to handle full cure

10°C 3 hours 18 hours 6 days
20°C 1.5 hour 6 hours 4 days
30°C 1 hour 5 hours 3 days
40°C 45 min. 4 hours 2 days

Pot life (at application viscosity)

10°C 4 hours
20°C 3 hours
30°C 2 hours
40°C 1 hour

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September 2009

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7871
220702 RAL 5011 (grey) 5011262160

page 4/4

5 pages August 2010

Revision of September 2007

DESCRIPTION two component moisture curing, water borne low zinc (ethyl) silicate
prefabrication primer

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – suitable for automatic application on shot blasted steel plates
– fast drying properties
– good cutting and excellent welding properties, including MIG/MAG welding in
various positions (either automatic or manual welding)
– provides regular, smooth weld seams
– low fume release during welding and cutting
– no adherence of weldspatter at surrounding primed surface
– good thermal stability minimizes heat damage during hot work procedures
– for use in sea water immersion in combination with controlled cathodic
protection systems please contact your nearest PPG Protective & Marine
Coatings sales office
– certified by Lloyds, SLV and Newcastle OHH

COLOURS AND GLOSS redbrown - flat

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.7 g/cm³
Volume solids 30 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) 0 - 40 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
0 - 25 g/l (0.0 - 0.3 lb/gal)
see information sheet 1411
Recommended dry film thickness 18 μm - see further:
"Recommended substrate conditions and temperatures"
Theoretical spreading rate 15 m²/l for 18 μm *
Touch dry after under optimal ventilation conditions:
10 min. at substrate temperature of 20°C and
6 min. at substrate temperature of 40°C
Overcoating interval min. 7 days
max. 6 months
longer overcoating intervals can be permitted when primer is still in sound
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) binder: at least 9 months (store above 5°C)
powder: at least 12 months (store powder moisture free)

page 1/5

August 2010

RECOMMENDED – dry and free from oil and grease and any contamination
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS – steel; shot blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 40 - 70 μm
AND TEMPERATURES – on steel blasted to above profile, the recommended dft, 18 μm, corresponds
to 22 μm as measured on a smooth test panel
– minimum thickness for a closed film is 15 μm measured on a smooth test
– substrate temperature should be between 25°C and 40°C
– for automatic application a substrate temperature of 30°C - 35°C is
– substrate temperature should be at least 3°C above dew point
– relative humidity during curing should be above 50%
– preferably the relative humidity should not exceed 85%
– adequate ventilation is required

SYSTEM SPECIFICATION first coat shall be SigmaCover 280 or SigmaPrime 200 or other approved

SECONDARY SURFACE – during storage and construction, contamination of the prefabrication primer
PREPARATION should be limited
– after fabrication, surface defects should be treated according to the scheme
– where two possible surface treatments are indicated, the choice of treatment
is dependent on the location and on the system to be applied (see system
– the preferred pretreatment for optimal results is shown; other possibilities are
indicated in brackets

areas immersed atmospheric conditions

contamination to be removed to be removed
weldseams ISO-Sa2½ (SPSS-Pt3) SPSS-Pt2
burned ISO-Sa2½ (SPSS-Pt3) SPSS-Ss (SPSS-Pt2)
damaged corroded ISO-Sa2½ (SPSS-Pt3) SPSS-Ss (SPSS-Pt2)
white rust SPSS-ID Pt2 (SCAP *) SPSS-ID Pt1 (SCAP *)

* cleaning by silicon carbide impregnated abrasive pad

Note that the back of welded plate may show discoloration (especially on plate
where fillets have been welded on), this is not to be confused with burned areas
and does not require special treatment.
Burned through areas may be present (this happens especially when welding
thin steel) and these should then be treated as per 'burned areas' above.

page 2/5

August 2010

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by weight: binder to powder 48 : 52

– pour the binder in the empty steeldrum
– add the powder to the binder
– the temperature of the mixture of binder and powder should preferably be
above 15°C
– stir the powder thoroughly into the binder
– stir thoroughly till homogeneous
– strain mixture through a 30 - 60 mesh screen
– mixed paint is ready for use
– agitate continuously during application, adjust speed so foam formation will
be minimized
– best performance is obtained when sprayed steel structure stored dry for 24
– mixed paint should not be stored in closed containers, please consult your
local PPG Protective & Marine Coatings sales office
Pot life 4 hours at 20°C

AIRLESS SPRAY restrictor plate PN 029025 (Nordson) prior to nozzle

Recommended thinner no thinner should be added
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.43 - 0.53 mm (= 0.017 - 0.021 in)
Nozzle pressure 8 - 12 MPa (= approx. 80 - 120 bar; 1140 - 1700 p.s.i.)

CLEANING SOLVENT tap water and Thinner 70-05

– Cleaning Procedures of the spray equipment:

– pulsator filter and tip filter must be taken out of the equipment and cleaned
– following tables illustrate the cleaning procedure of the spray equipment
when changing spraying from solvent borne paint to water borne paints
(table 1) and from water borne paints to solvent borne paints (table 2)

CLEANING PROCEDURE Table 1: from solvent borne- to water borne shop primer

paint type: solvent borne shop primer

1st cleaning with suitable cleaning thinner for previous product
2nd cleaning with Thinner 70-05
3rd cleaning with warm tap water (30 - 35°C) after which water
borne paints can be sprayed

page 3/5

August 2010

Table 2: from water borne- to solvent borne shop primer

1st cleaning with warm tap water (30 - 35°C)

2nd cleaning with Thinner 70-05
3rd cleaning with suitable cleaning thinner for the next product
paint type: solvent borne shop primer
Thinner 70-05 can be re-used

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
although this is a water borne paint, care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Relative humidity - substrate temperature -
air temperature see information sheet 1650

page 4/5

August 2010

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7124
268430 redbrown 2008002180

page 5/5

4 pages September 2009

Revision of September 2005

DESCRIPTION two component polyamide cured epoxy primer

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – epoxy primer in protective coating systems for concrete and sand/cement
substrates (floors and walls)
– can be recoated with most two component coatings
– good water resistance
– fair chemical resistance to spillage and splash
– resistant to impact and abrasion
– easy to clean

COLOURS AND GLOSS white - eggshell

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.4 g/cm³
Volume solids 51 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 278 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 396 g/l (approx. 3.3 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 35 µm
Theoretical spreading rate 14.6 m²/l for 35 µm
Touch dry after 30 minutes *
Overcoating interval min. 16 hours *
max. 10 days *
Full cure after 7 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – concrete, sand/cement; dry and free from any contamination

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS – moisture content of concrete should be max. 4%
AND TEMPERATURES – substrate temperature should be above 5°C and at least 3°C above dew
point during application and curing

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 75 : 25

– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be above
15°C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance and slower cure
– thinner should be added after mixing the components
– for impregnation of concrete 30% thinner should be added
Induction time none
Pot life 14 hours at 20°C *
* see additional data

page 1/4

September 2009

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 10 - 20%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.33 mm (= 0.013 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2130 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 10 - 20%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 1.5 - 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 - 0.4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 5 - 10%


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 14.6 12.8 10.2

dft in µm 35 40 50

Overcoating table for SigmaCover 211 for dft up to 35 µm

substrate 10°C 15°C 20°C 30°C

with most 2 component coatings minimum 48 hours 24 hours 16 hours 8 hours
maximum 21 days 14 days 10 days 7 days

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

page 2/4

September 2009

Curing table for dft up to 35 µm

substrate touch dry dry to handle full cure

5°C 120 min. 6 hours 21 days
10°C 60 min. 4 hours 14 days
15°C 45 min. 3 hours 10 days
20°C 30 min. 2 hours 7 days
30°C 20 min. 1 hour 5 days

– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing

(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)

Pot life (at application viscosity)

15°C 16 hours
20°C 14 hours
25°C 11 hours
30°C 8 hours
35°C 5 hours

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434

page 3/4

September 2009

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7406
179505 white 7000001400
179506 white 7000002200

page 4/4

4 pages August 2011

Revision of March 2011

DESCRIPTION two component high solids polyamine adduct cured epoxy coating

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – can be used directly to metal

– very good surface wetting
– excellent corrosion resistance
– outstanding (sea)water resistance
– resistant to well designed/controlled cathodic protection
– good resistance against chemically polluted water
– good abrasion resistance
– NAVSEA-MIL-PRF-4556-F approved
– NAVSEA-MIL-PRF-23236-D approved
– low temperature cure down to -18 °C

COLOURS AND GLOSS limited colour range available - semigloss

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.35 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.6 g/cm³
Volume solids 87 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 102 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 153 g/l (approx. 1.3 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 100 - 300 μm depending on system *
Theoretical spreading rate 8.7 m²/l for 100 μm *
Touch dry after 5 hours
Overcoating interval min. 5 hours *
max. 6 months *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – for immersion exposure:

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS • steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 40 - 70 μm
AND TEMPERATURES • steel with approved zinc silicate shop primer; pretreated according to
– for atmospheric exposure conditions:
• steel; pretreated preferably to ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 40 - 70 μm or
according to ISO-St3, St2
• shop primed steel; pretreated to SPSS-Pt3
• previous coat; (e.g. SigmaCover 240 or suitable primer) dry and free from
any contamination and within the minimum and maximum overcoating
• substrate temperature should be at least 3°C above dew point during
application and drying

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August 2011

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 80 : 20

– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be above
10°C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance and slower cure
– thinner should be added after mixing the components
Induction time 15 minutes at 20°C
Pot life 1.5 hour at 20°C *
* see additional data

Recommended thinner Thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.48 - 0.53 mm (= 0.019 - 0.021 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2130 p.s.i.)


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 8.7 2.9

dft in μm 100 300

Overcoating table for SigmaCover 240 for dft up to 300 μm

with itself substrate -5°C 0°C 10°C 20°C 30°C

minimum 28 hours 14 hours 8 hours 5 hours 2 hours
interval *
maximum 6 months 6 months 6 months 6 months 6 months
* for polyurethane paints like SigmaDur 550 and SigmaDur 520 the minimum
overcoating time should be raised with 50%
– surface should be dry and free from any contamination
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)

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August 2011

Curing table for dft up to 300 μm

substrate touch dry for immersion in dry to handle

temperature water
-5°C 28 hours 7 days 48 hours
0°C 24 hours 7 days 30 hours
10°C 10 hours 7 days 13 hours
20°C 5 hours 7 days 8 hours
30°C 3 hours 3 days 6 hours

Pot life (at application viscosity)

15°C 2 hours
20°C 90 min.
30°C 40 min.

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490

page 3/4

August 2011

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7991

page 4/4
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5 pages November 2010

Revision of February 2010

DESCRIPTION two component polyamide cured epoxy primer

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – general purpose epoxy primer in protective coating systems for steel and
non ferrous metals
– good adhesion to steel and galvanised steel
– good adhesion to non ferrous metals
– good flow and wetting properties
– good water and corrosion resistance
– cures at temperatures down to +5°C
– suitable for touching up of weld seams and damages of epoxy coatings
during construction
– excellent recoatability
– can be overcoated with most alkyd-, chlorinated rubber-, vinyl-, epoxy- and
two component polyurethane coatings
– suitable on wet blast cleaned substrates (damp or dry)
– compatible with well designed cathodic protection systems

COLOURS AND GLOSS yellow/green (redbrown on request) - eggshell

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.3 g/cm³
Volume solids 57 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 327 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 432 g/l (approx. 3.6 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 50 - 100 μm depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 11.4 m²/l for 50 μm, 5.7 m²/l for 100 μm *
Touch dry after 1.5 hour
Overcoating interval min. see tables *
max. see tables *
Full cure after 7 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 24 months
* see additional data

page 1/5

November 2010

RECOMMENDED – for immersion exposure:

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS • steel or steel with not approved zinc silicate shop primer; blast cleaned
AND TEMPERATURES (dry or wet) to ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 30 - 75 μm
• steel with approved zinc silicate shop primer; weld seams and areas of
damaged shop primer or breakdown should be blast cleaned to ISO-
Sa2½, blasting profile 30 - 75 μm or power tool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
• coated steel; hydrojetted to VIS WJ2 L (blasting profile 30 - 75 μm)
– IMO-MSC.215(82) Requirements for Water Ballast Tanks:
• steel; ISO 8501-3:2006 grade P2, with all edges treated to a rounded
radius of minimum 2 mm or subject to three pass grinding
• steel or steel with not approved zinc silicate shop primer; blast cleaned to
ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 30 - 75 μm
• steel with approved zinc silicate shop primer; weld seams and areas of
damaged shop primer or breakdown should be blast cleaned to ISO-
Sa2½, blasting profile 30 - 75 μm
• for shop primer with IMO type approval; no additional requirements
– for shop primer without IMO type approval; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2
removing at least 70% of intact shop primer, blasting profile 30 - 75
– dust quantity rating "1" for dust size class "3", "4" or "5", lower dust
size classes to be removed if visible on the surface to be coated
without magnification (ISO 8502-3:1992)
– for atmospheric exposure conditions:
• steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 30 - 75 μm or
according to ISO-St3
• shop primed steel; pretreated to SPSS-Pt3
• galvanised steel; cleaned from grease, salts, contamination and
roughened up
– substrate temperature should be above 5°C and at least 3°C above dew
point during application and curing
– maximum relative humidity during application and curing is 85%

SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine system sheets: 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104,

3105, 3106 (spec. 5,7), 3107, 3108

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 80 : 20

– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be above
15°C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance and slower cure
– thinner should be added after mixing the components
Induction time none
Pot life 8 hours at 20°C *
* see additional data

page 2/5

November 2010

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.46 mm (= 0.018 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2130 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 1.5 - 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 - 0.4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner no extra thinner is necessary,
Volume of thinner but up to 5% Thinner 91-92 can be added if desired


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 11.4 7.6 5.7

dft in μm 50 75 100

max. dft when brushing: 50 μm

page 3/5

November 2010

Overcoating table for SigmaCover 280 for dft up to 100 μm

with various two pack epoxy- and substrate 5°C 10°C 20°C 30°C 40°C
polyurethane coatings temperature
minimum 36 hours 16 hours 8 hours 6 hours 4 hours
maximum 6 months 6 months 6 months 4 months 3 months
interval when
not exposed to
maximum 3 months 3 months 3 months 2 months 2 months
interval when
exposed to
direct sunshine

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

Overcoating table for SigmaCover 280 for dft up to 100 μm

with other types of paint like: most substrate 5°C 10°C 20°C 30°C 40°C
chlorinated rubber-, vinyl-, alkyd temperature
minimum 16 hours 10 hours 5 hours 3 hours 2 hours
maximum 21 days 21 days 10 days 7 days 4 days

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

– glossy finishes require a corresponding undercoat

Curing table for dft up to 100 μm

substrate touch dry dry to handle full cure

5°C 8 hours 13 hours 21 days
10°C 4 hours 6 hours 14 days
20°C 2 hours 2.5 hours 7 days
30°C 1 hour 1.5 hour 5 days
40°C 45 min. 1 hour 3 days

– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing

(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)

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November 2010

Pot life (at application viscosity)

15°C 10 hours
20°C 8 hours
30°C 5 hours
35°C 4 hours

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings Ballast Tank Working Procedure New

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7417
179083 yellow/green 4009002200 (144497 base, 142014 hardener)
179085 redbrown 6137002200 (144493 base, 142014 hardener)

page 5/5

6 pages February 2010

Revision of December 2006

DESCRIPTION two component polyamide cured epoxy primer

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – general purpose epoxy primer in protective coating systems for steel
– good adhesion to steel and galvanised steel
– good flow and wetting properties
– good water and corrosion resistance
– suitable for touching up of weld seams and damages of epoxy coatings
during construction
– recoatable with most two component epoxy- and polyurethane coatings
– compatible with well designed controlled cathodic protection systems
– cures at temperatures down to -10°C

COLOURS AND GLOSS yellow/green - eggshell

BASIC DATA AT 10°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.4 g/cm³
Volume solids 57 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 332 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 438 g/l (approx. 3.7 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 50 - 100 μm depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 11.4 m²/l for 50 μm, 5.7 m²/l for 100 μm *
Touch dry after 3 hours
Overcoating interval min. 8 hours *
max. see overcoating table *
Full cure after 7 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 24 months
* see additional data

page 1/6

February 2010

RECOMMENDED – for immersion exposure:

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS • steel or steel with not approved zinc silicate shop primer; blast cleaned
AND TEMPERATURES (dry or wet) to ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 30 - 75 μm
• steel with approved zinc silicate shop primer; weld seams and areas of
damaged shop primer or breakdown should be blast cleaned to ISO-
Sa2½, blasting profile 30 - 75 μm or power tool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
– IMO-MSC.215(82) Requirements for Water Ballast Tanks:
• steel; ISO 8501-3:2006 grade P2, with all edges treated to a rounded
radius of minimum 2 mm or subject to three pass grinding
• steel or steel with not approved zinc silicate shop primer; blast cleaned to
ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 30 - 75 μm
• steel with approved zinc silicate shop primer; weld seams and areas of
damaged shop primer or breakdown should be blast cleaned to ISO-
Sa2½, blasting profile 30 - 75 μm
– for shop primer with IMO type approval; no additional requirements
– for shop primer without IMO type approval; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2
removing at least 70% of intact shop primer, blasting profile 30 - 75
• dust quantity rating "1" for dust size class "3", "4" or "5", lower dust size
classes to be removed if visible on the surface to be coated without
magnification (ISO 8502-3:1992)
– for atmospheric exposure conditions:
• steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 30 - 75 μm or
according to ISO-St3
• shop primed steel; pretreated to SPSS-Pt3
• galvanised steel; cleaned from grease, salts, contamination and
roughened up
– substrate temperature should be between -10°C up to 15°C during
application and curing and at least 3°C above dew point and free from ice
and any contamination
– during application and curing a substrate temperature down to -10°C is
possible, but curing to hardness takes longer and complete resistance will
be reached when temperature increases
– maximum relative humidity during application and curing is 85%

SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine system sheets: 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104,

3105, 3106 (spec. 7, 8), 3107, 3108

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 80 : 20

– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be above
10°C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance and slower cure
– thinner should be added after mixing the components
Induction time none

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February 2010

Pot life 8 hours at 10°C *

* see additional data

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.46 mm (= 0.018 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2130 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 1.5 - 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 - 0.4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner no extra thinner is necessary,
Volume of thinner but up to 5% Thinner 91-92 can be added if desired


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 11.4 7.6 5.7

dft in μm 50 75 100

max. dft when brushing: 50 μm

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February 2010

Overcoating table for SigmaCover 280 LT for dft up to 75 μm

with various two pack epoxy- and substrate -10°C -5°C 0°C 5°C 10°C 15°C
polyurethane coatings temperature
minimum 48 24 16 12 8 hours 6 hours
interval hours hours hours hours
maximum 3 3 3 2 2 1
interval when months months months months months month
not exposed to
maximum 2 2 2 1 1 1
interval when months months months month month month
exposed to
direct sunshine

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

Overcoating table for SigmaCover 280 LT for dft up to 75 μm

with other types of paint like: most substrate -10°C -5°C 0°C 5°C 10°C 15°C
chlorinated rubber-, vinyl-, alkyd temperature
minimum 24 16 12 8 4 3
interval hours hours hours ours hours hours
maximum 10 days 10 days 7 days 4 days 4 days 4 days

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

– glossy finishes require a corresponding undercoat

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February 2010

Curing table for dft up to 75 μm

substrate touch dry dry to handle full cure

-10°C 20 hours 32 hours 21 days
-5°C 10 hours 16 hours 14 days
5°C 5 hours 6 hours 9 days
10°C 3 hours 4 hours 7 days
15°C 2 hours 3 hours 5 days

– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing

(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)

Pot life (at application viscosity)

5°C 10 hours
10°C 8 hours

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings Ballast Tank Working Procedure New

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February 2010

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7424
181451 yellow/green 4009002200 (144497 base, 181453 hardener)

page 6/6

5 pages September 2009

Revision of September 2005

DESCRIPTION two component high build polyamine adduct cured coaltar epoxy coating

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – outstanding (sea)water resistance (outside hull and ballast tanks)
– outstanding water and crude oil resistance
– excellent corrosion resistance
– good resistance against chemically polluted water
– can be applied and cures at low temperatures (application possible down to
-5°C, provided the substrate is free from ice)
– good abrasion resistance
– Recognized corrosion control coating (Lloyd's register), see sheet 1886
– resistant to well designed/controlled cathodic protection

COLOURS AND GLOSS black, brown - eggshell

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.5 g/cm³
Volume solids 71 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 207 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 305 g/l (approx. 2.5 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 125 - 500 µm (see system sheets)
Theoretical spreading rate 5.7 m²/l for 125 µm *
Touch dry after 4 hours
Overcoating interval min. 6 hours *
max. 5 days *
Full cure after 7 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – for immersion in water, with cathodic protection:

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS • steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 40 - 70 µm
AND TEMPERATURES • steel with approved zinc silicate shop primer; sweep blasted to
SPSS-Ss or power tool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
• existing coal tar epoxy coating; sufficiently roughened and free from any
– for immersion in water, without cathodic protection:
• steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 40 - 70 µm
• steel with approved shop primer; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss or power
tool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
• existing coal tar epoxy coating; sufficiently roughened and free from any
– for atmospheric exposure conditions:
• steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2 or ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 40 - 70 µm
• steel; hydrojetted to VIS WJ2/3 L

page 1/5

September 2009

• steel with approved shop primer; power tool cleaned to SPSS-Pt2 or

• existing coal tar epoxy coating; sufficiently roughened and free from any
– in order to obtain the maximum resistance against chemical- and mechanical
influences the substrate temperature should be above 5°C during application
and curing
– application at temperatures down to -5°C is possible but curing to hardness
takes longer and complete cure will be reached when temperature increases
– substrate temperature should be at least 3°C above dew point

SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine system sheets: 3101, 3102, 3106, 3107

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 86 : 14

– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be above
15°C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance and slower cure
– thinner should be added after mixing the components
Induction time none
Pot life 6 hours at 20°C *
* see additional data

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-79
Volume of thinner 0 - 5% for a dft of 250 µm
10 - 15% for a dft of 125 µm
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.53 - 0.64 mm (= 0.021 - 0.025 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2130 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-79
Volume of thinner 5 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 1.5 - 3 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.2 - 0.4 MPa (= approx. 2 - 4 bar; 28 - 57 p.s.i.)

BRUSH/ROLLER only for touch up and spot repair

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-79
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%


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September 2009

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 5.7 2.8 2.4 1.8 1.4

dft in µm 125 250 300 400 500

max. dft when brushing (touch up and spot repair): 125 µm

Overcoating table for dft up to 250 µm

substrate -5°C 5°C 10°C 15°C 20°C 30°C 40°C

with SigmaCover 300 and minimum 48 24 18 12 6 4 3
SigmaCover 510 and other interval hours hours hours hours hours hours hours
compatible paints
maximum 21 21 12 8 4 3 2
interval when days days days days days days days
exposed to
direct sunshine
maximum 40 40 30 24 18 14 7
interval when days days days days days days days
not exposed to
direct sunshine

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

– when overcoated with other paints, tar bleeding will occur
– when overcoating work is to be carried out on coats thicker than 250 µm
applied in one coat, the minimum overcoating interval must be extended as
for 300 µm : 2 times as long
for 400 µm : 3 times as long
for 500 µm : 4 times as long
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)

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September 2009

Curing table for dft up to 250 µm

substrate dry to handle initial cure full cure

temperature for exposure to for immersion in
sea water and to polluted water or
slightly polluted crude oil
5°C 48 hours 96 hours --
10°C 30 hours 48 hours 15 days
15°C 24 hours 30 hours 10 days
20°C 16 hours 24 hours 7 days
30°C 8 hours 18 hours 3 days
40°C 5 hours 12 hours 2 days
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)

– exposure to sea water is permitted after the initial curing time
– if SigmaCover 300 has been applied by means of hot airless spray,
exposure to sea water is permitted after an initial cure of 4 hours
– at dfts ranging from 250 - 500 µm applied in a one coat application the
curing times have to be doubled in order to obtain sufficient mechanical
– the mechanical strength, when cured at low temperature, is low initially, but
will increase quickly when exposed to sea water

Pot life (at application viscosity)

15°C 8 hours
20°C 6 hours
25°C 5 hours
30°C 4 hours
35°C 2 hours

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

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September 2009

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7472
179000 black 8000002200
178998 brown 2000002200

page 5/5

5 pages September 2009

Revision of September 2005

DESCRIPTION two component high build polyamine adduct cured coaltar epoxy primer/coating

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – outstanding sea water resistance (outside hull and ballast tanks)
– excellent corrosion resistance
– good resistance against chemically polluted water
– cures even at temperatures down to -10°C
– rapid throughput of work can be maintained even at low temperatures
– resistant to well designed/controlled cathodic protection

COLOURS AND GLOSS black, brown - eggshell

BASIC DATA AT 10°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.5 g/cm³
Volume solids 71 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 207 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 305 g/l (approx. 2.5 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 125 - 250 µm
Theoretical spreading rate 5.7 m²/l for 125 µm, 2.8 m²/l for 250 µm *
Touch dry after 6 hours
Overcoating interval min. 12 hours *
max. see overcoating table *
Full cure after 7 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – for immersion in water, with or without cathodic protection

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS • steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 40 - 70 µm
AND TEMPERATURES • steel with approved zinc silicate shop primer; sweep blasted to
SPSS-Ss or power tool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
• existing suitable epoxy coating or coaltar epoxy coating; in sound
condition and sufficiently roughened and free from any contamination
– for atmospheric exposure conditions:
• steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2 or ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 40 - 70 µm
• steel with approved shop primer; power tool cleaned to SPSS-Pt2 or
• existing suitable epoxy coating or coaltar epoxy coating; in sound
condition and sufficiently roughened and free from any contamination
– substrate temperature should be between -10°C up to 15°C during
application and curing and at least 3°C above dew point and free from ice
and any contamination

page 1/5

September 2009

– during application and curing a substrate temperature down to -10°C is

possible, but curing to hardness takes longer and complete resistance will
be reached when temperature increases
– maximum relative humidity during application and curing is 85%

SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine system sheets: 3101, 3106

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 86 : 14

– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be above
5°C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance and slower cure
– thinner should be added after mixing the components
Induction time none
Pot life 6 hours at 10°C *
* see additional data

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-79
Volume of thinner 0 - 5% for a dft of 250 µm
10 - 15% for a dft of 125 µm
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.53 - 0.64 mm (= 0.021 - 0.025 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2130 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-79
Volume of thinner 5 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 1.5 - 3 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.2 - 0.4 MPa (= approx. 2 - 4 bar; 28 - 57 p.s.i.)

BRUSH/ROLLER only for touch up and spot repair

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-79
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

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September 2009

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 5.7 2.8

dft in µm 125 250

max. dft when brushing (touch up and spot repair): 70 µm

Overcoating table for dft up to 250 µm

substrate -10°C 0°C 10°C 15°C

minimum 48 hours 24 hours 12 hours 8 hours
with SigmaCover 300 and maximum 15 days 5 days 3 days 2 days
SigmaCover 510 and other interval when
compatible paints exposed to
direct sunshine
maximum 30 days 30 days 30 days 20 days
interval when
not exposed to
direct sunshine

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination and ice
– when overcoated with other paints, tar bleeding will occur
– when overcoating work is to be carried out on coats thicker than 125 µm
applied in one coat, the minimum overcoating interval must be extended as
for 250 µm : 2 times as long
for 375 µm : 3 times as long
for 500 µm : 4 times as long
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)
– when application has to be executed at low temperature care should be
taken that the temperature of the mixed paint is at least 15°C, the induction
time should be increased to at least one hour

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September 2009

Curing table for dft up to 250 µm

substrate dry to handle initial cure full cure

temperature for exposure to for immersion in
sea water and to polluted water or
slightly polluted crude oil
-10°C 72 hours 12 days --
-5°C 48 hours 7 days 21 days
0°C 30 hours 5 days 15 days
5°C 20 hours 3 days 10 days
10°C 12 hours 48 hours 7 days
15°C 8 hours 42 hours 5 days
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)

Pot life (at application viscosity)

5°C 8 hours
10°C 6 hours

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490

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September 2009

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7483
179014 brown 2000002200
179015 black 8000002200

page 5/5

4 pages September 2011

DESCRIPTION two component high build multi purpose epoxy primer/ coating

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – general purpose epoxy primer or build coat for steel and concrete structures
– suitable for atmospheric and marine conditions
– can be recoated with various two component and conventional coatings
even after long weathering periods
– lead- and chromate free
– excellent rust preventing properties in industrial or coastal atmospheres
– tough, with long term flexibility
– good adhesion to steel, galvanised steel and aged epoxy coatings
– easy application, both by airless spray and brush

COLOURS AND GLOSS white, oxide red, black, buff - flat

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.35 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.4 g/cm³
Volume solids 68 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 231 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 326 g/l (approx. 2.7 lb/gal)
276 g/ltr (2.3 lb/gal) (by EPA Method 24)
Recommended dry film thickness 100 - 200 μm depending on system *
Theoretical spreading rate 6.8 m²/l for 100 μm *
Touch dry after 2 hours
Overcoating interval min. 8 hours *
max. 6 months ( with itself)
Full cure after 4 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 40 - 70 μm

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS – shop primed steel; pretreated to SPSS-Pt3 / SSPC-SP3
AND TEMPERATURES – aged suitable coatings; dry and free from any contamination and sufficiently
– substrate temperature should be above 10°C and at least 3°C above dew
point during application and curing

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 50 : 50

– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be above
15°C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance and slower cure
– thinner should be added after mixing the components
Pot life 3 hours at 20°C *
* see additional data

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September 2011

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 5 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.48 mm (= 0.019 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2130 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 10 - 15%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 1.5 - 3 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 - 0.4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 6.8 3.4

dft in μm 100 200

Overcoating table for dft up to 100 μm

with itself substrate 10°C 20°C 30°C

minimum 10 hours 8 hours 6 hours
maximum 6 months 6 months 6 months

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September 2011

Overcoating table for dft up to 100 μm

with polyurethanes substrate 10°C 20°C 30°C

minimum 10 hours 8 hours 6 hours
maximum 42 days 30 days 14 days

Curing table for dft up to 100 μm

substrate temperature dry to handle full cure

10°C 24 hours 6 days
20°C 16 hours 4 days
30°C 10 hours 3 days
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)

Pot life (at application viscosity)

10°C 4 hours
20°C 2.5 hours
30°C 1.5 hour

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490

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September 2011

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7453

page 4/4

4 pages August 2011

Revision of May 2011

DESCRIPTION two component high solids, high build, polyamide cured epoxy coating
pigmented with micaceous iron oxide (MIO) or in selected colours

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – general purpose epoxy build coat in protective coating systems for steel and
concrete structures exposed to atmospheric land or marine conditions
– excellent durability
– can be recoated with various two component and conventional coatings
even after long weathering periods
– easy application by airless spray
– available in MIO or conventional pigmented grade

COLOURS AND GLOSS MIO and a selected range of colours - flat

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.35 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.9 g/cm³ (MIO) ,1.5 g/cm³ (conventional pigmented grade)
Volume solids 80 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 126 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 240 g/l (approx. 2.0 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 75 - 200 μm depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 10.0 m²/l for 75 μm *
Touch dry after 3 hours *
Overcoating interval min. 10 hours *
max. 6 months *
Full cure after 7 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – previous suitable primer; dry and free from any contamination and zinc salts,
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS and sufficiently roughened if necessary
AND TEMPERATURES – when applied to zinc silicate, a mist coat and full coat technique is required
– substrate temperature should be at least 5°C and at least 3°C above dew
point during application and curing

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 80 : 20

– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be above
15°C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance and slower cure
– thinner should be added after mixing the components
Induction time none
Pot life 6 hours at 20°C *
* see additional data

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August 2011

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 10%, 30 - 40% when mist coat applied
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.45 - 0.53 mm (= 0.018 - 0.021 in)
Nozzle pressure 20 - 25 MPa (= 200 - 250 bar; 2800 - 3500 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%
Application by brush may show brush marking, due to the thixatropic nature of the paint
and is most suitable to small areas, tight angle areas or for stripe coating or touch up.
Application by roller will leave roller marking and is suitable for minimum dft
requirements only.
A roller suitable for epoxy application only must be used.


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 10.0 5.0 3.8

dft in μm 75 150 200

Overcoating table for SigmaCover 410 for dft up to 200 μm

substrate 5°C 10°C 20°C 30°C 40°C

for various two pack epoxy- or minimum 36 hours 24 hours 8 hours 6 hours 4 hours
polyurethane paint interval
maximum -- -- -- -- --
interval *

– * This product has an unlimited maximum overcoating interval provided

the surface is free from chalking and other contamination.
– In cases of exposure to direct sunlight or when the surface is contaminated it
is recommended that the surface be cleaned and roughened to ensure good
adhesion of the subsequent coating.
– The optimum intercoat adhesion is obtained when the subsequent coating is
applied before the full cure time of the previous coating has elapsed.

page 2/4

August 2011

Curing table for dft up to 200 μm

substrate touch dry dry to handle full cure

5°C 12 hours 30 hours 20 days
10°C 6 hours 24 hours 14 days
15°C 4 hours 10 hours 10 days
20°C 3 hours 8 hours 7 days
30°C 2 hours 6 hours 5 days
40°C 1.5 hour 4 hours 3 days
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)

Pot life (at application viscosity)

10°C 12 hours
15°C 10 hours
20°C 6 hours
25°C 4 hours
30°C 3 hours
40°C 2 hours

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434

page 3/4

August 2011

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 6823

page 4/4

6 pages April 2012

Revision of May 2011

Description two component high build micaceous iron oxide pigmented polyamide cured
recoatable epoxy coating

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – general purpose epoxy build coat or finish in protective coating systems
for steel and concrete structures exposed to atmospheric land or marine
– easy application, both by airless spray and brush
– cures even at temperatures down to -10°C
– a high relative humidity max. 95%, during application and curing does not
influence the quality of the coating
– good adhesion on most aged, sound alkyd-, chlorinated rubber- and epoxy
– can be recoated with various two component and conventional coatings
even after long weathering periods
– resistant to water and splash of mild chemicals
– excellent durability
– tough, with long term flexibility
– resistant to temperatures up to 200°C (see system sheet 4062)

COLOURS AND GLOSS light grey (9553-05), dark grey ( 9558-05), green (9441-05), aluminium
(9590-05) – eggshell

BASIC DATA AT 20 °C (1 g/cm³ = 8.35 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.4 g/cm³
Volume solids 63% ± 2%
VOC (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED) max. 241 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
VOC (UK PG 6/23(92) appendix 3) max. 344 g/l (approx. 2.9 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 75 - 150 μm depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 6.3 m²/l for 100 μm *
Touch dry after 2 hours at 20 °C

Overcoating interval min. 3 hours *

max. unlimited
Full cure after 4 days * at 20 °C
(data for components)

Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 24 months

* see additional data

page 1/6

April 2012

RECOMMENDED – steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 40 - 70 μm

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS – steel with approved zinc silicate shop primer; pretreated according to SPSS
AND TEMPERATURES or powertool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
– previous coat; dry and free from any contamination
– during application and curing a substrate temperature down to -10°C is
acceptable provided substrate is dry and free from ice
– substrate temperature should be at least 3°C above dew point

SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine system sheets: 3102, 3103

mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 82 : 18

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE – the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be
above 10°C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application
– thinner should be added after mixing the components
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance
Pot life 5 hours at 20 °C
* see additional data
Induction time – none

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 10 - 15%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 2 - 3 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 - 0.4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 44 - 58 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 5 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.48 - 0.58 mm (= 0.019 - 0.023 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2176 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%


Film thickness and spreading rate

theoritical spreading rate m2/l 8.4 6.3 4.2

dft in μm 75 100 150

Maximum dft when brushing: 75 μm

page 2/6

April 2012

Overcoating table for dft up to 150 μm

substrate -5°C 5°C 10°C 20°C 30°C 40°C

for SigmaVikote 46, Max recoat – 72 24 16 8 5 3
SigmaDur 550, SigmaDur 520 minimum interval hours hours hours hours hours hours
and Sigmarine 40
Max recoat – no limitation
maximum interval

– surface should be dry and free from chalking and contamination

– SigmaCover 435 should not be overcoated with coal tar epoxy coatings
– finishes require a corresponding undercoat

Overcoating table for dft up to 150 μm

substrate -5°C 5°C 10°C 20°C 30°C 40°C

for Max recoat – 36 10 4 3 2 2
SigmaCover 435, SigmaCover 456 minimum interval hours hours hours hours hours hours
Max recoat – no limitation
maximum interval

– surface should be dry and free from chalking and contamination

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April 2012

Curing Curing table for dft up to 150 μm

substrate temperature full cure dry to handle
-10°C 20 days 24 - 48 hours
-5°C 14 days 24 - 30 hours
0°C 10 days 18 - 24 hours
5°C 8 days 18 hours
10°C 6 days 12 hours
15°C 5 days 8 hours
20°C 4 days 6 hours
30°C 3 days 4 hours
40°C 2 days 3 hours

– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing

(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)
In exceptional cases SigmaCover 435 may be applied at lower substrate temperatures
(down to -15°C) provided that the surface is free from ice and other contamination. In
such cases special care must be taken to avoid thick film application as this may lead
to checking/crazing or solvent entrapment.It should be clear that application at lower
temperatures will require additional thinning to obtain application viscosity, however this
will affect the sag resistance of the applied coating and can induce solvent retention.
Optimal curing and designed product properties will only be achieved when minimum
required substrate temperature is reached.

Pot life (at application viscosity)

10 °C 12 hours
20 °C 5 hours
30 °C 4 hours
40 °C 2 hours

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on a
worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes necessary to
comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

page 4/6

April 2012

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Conversion tabels see information sheet 1410
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Specification for mineral abrasives see information sheet 1491
Relative humidity - substrate temperature -
air temperature see information sheet 1650

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS – for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheets
– this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed
skin or eyes

page 5/6

April 2012

PPG warrants (i) its title to the product, (ii) that the quality of the product conforms to PPG’s specifications for such product
in effect at the time of manufacture and (iii) that the product shall be delivered free of the rightful claim of any third person for
infringement of any U.S. patent covering the product.


Any claim under this warranty must be made by Buyer to PPG in writing within five (5) days of Buyer’s discovery of the claimed
defect, but in no event later than the expiration of the applicable shelf life of the product, or one year from the date of the
delivery of the product to the Buyer, whichever is earlier. Buyer’s failure to notify PPG of such non-conformance as required
herein shall bar Buyer from recovery under this warranty.


The information in this data sheet is intended for guidance only and is based upon laboratory tests that PPG believes
to be reliable. PPG may modify the information contained herein at any time as a result of practical experience and
continuous product development. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the PPG product,
whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific inquiry, or otherwise, are based on data, which to the
best of PPG’s knowledge, is reliable. The product and related information is designed for users having the requisite
knowledge and industrial skills in the industry and it is the end-user’s responsibility to determine the suitability of the
product for its own particular use and it shall be deemed that Buyer has done so, as its sole discretion and risk.

PPG has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors affecting the use and
application of the product. Therefore, PPG does not accept any liability arising from any loss, injury or damage
resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there are written agreements stating otherwise).
Variations in the application environment, changes in procedures of use, or extrapolation of data may cause
unsatisfactory results.

This data sheet supersedes all previous versions and it is the Buyer’s responsibility to ensure that this data sheet
is current prior to using the product. Current data sheets for all PPG Protective & Marine Coatings products are
maintained at
The English text of this data sheet shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7465
179025 lightgrey 9553052200
179496 darkgrey 9558052200

page 6/6

5 pages August 2010

Revision of September 2009

DESCRIPTION two component high build polyamide cured recoatable epoxy coating

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – general purpose epoxy build coat or finish in protective coating systems
for steel and concrete structures exposed to atmospheric land or marine
– easy application, both by airless spray and brush
– cures even at temperatures down to -10°C
– a high relative humidity max. 95%, during application and curing does not
influence the quality of the coating
– good adhesion on most aged, sound alkyd-, chlorinated rubber- and epoxy
– can be recoated with various two component and conventional coatings
even after long weathering periods
– resistant to water and splash of mild chemicals
– excellent durability
– tough, with long term flexibility

COLOURS AND GLOSS white and various other colours (see also the SigmaCare Shade Card of PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings) - semigloss

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.4 g/cm³
Volume solids 65 ± 2% (white); 62 - 65 ± 2% (colours)
VOC (supplied) max. 250 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 347 g/l (approx. 2.9 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 75 - 150 μm depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 6.5 m²/l for 100 μm, 8.7 m²/l for 75 μm *
Touch dry after 2 hours
Overcoating interval min. 3 hours *
max. unlimited
Curing time 4 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 24 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – previous coat; dry and free from any contamination

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS – during application and curing a substrate temperature down to -10°C is
AND TEMPERATURES acceptable provided substrate is dry and free from ice
– substrate temperature should be at least 3°C above dew point

SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine system sheets: 3102, 3103, 3104, 3105

page 1/5

August 2010

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 82 : 18

– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be above
10°C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance
– thinner should be added after mixing the components
Induction time none
Pot life 6 hours at 20°C
* see additional data

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.48 - 0.58 mm (= 0.019 - 0.023 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2130 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 5 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 1.5 - 3 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 - 0.4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 8.7 6.5 4.3

dft in μm 75 100 150

max. dft when brushing: 60 μm

page 2/5

August 2010

Overcoating table for dft up to 150 μm

for SigmaCover 435, SigmaCover substrate -5°C 5°C 10°C 20°C 30°C 40°C
456 temperature
minimum 36 10 4 3 2 2
interval hours hours hours hours hours hours
maximum no limitation

– surface should be dry and free from chalking and contamination

Overcoating table for dft up to 150 μm

for Sigma Vikote 46, SigmaDur substrate -5°C 5°C 10°C 20°C 30°C 40°C
550, SigmaDur 520 and Sigmarine temperature
minimum 72 24 16 8 5 3
interval hours hours hours hours hours hours
maximum no limitation
for Sigma Vikote 56 * maximum 17 days 14 days 10 days 7 days 4 days 2 days
and Sigmarine 48 * interval
* colour of SigmaCover 456 should be adapted to the colour of Sigma Vikote 56 or
Sigmarine 48
– surface should be dry and free from chalking and contamination
– finishes require a corresponding undercoat
– SigmaCover 456 should not be overcoated with coal tar epoxy coatings

page 3/5

August 2010

Curing table for dft up to 150 μm

substrate temperature dry to handle full cure

-10°C 24 - 48 hours 20 days
-5°C 24 - 30 hours 14 days
0°C 18 - 24 hours 10 days
5°C 18 hours 8 days
10°C 12 hours 6 days
15°C 8 hours 5 days
20°C 6 hours 4 days
30°C 4 hours 3 days
40°C 3 hours 2 days
In exceptional cases SigmaCover 456 may be applied at lower substrate temperatures
(down to -15°C) provided that the surface is free from ice and other contamination. In
such cases special care must be taken to avoid thick film application as this may lead
to checking/crazing or solvent entrapment. It should be clear that application at lower
temperatures will require additional thinning to obtain application viscosity, however this
will affect the sag resistance of the applied coating and can induce solvent retention.
Optimal curing and designed product properties will only be achieved when minimum
required substrate temperature is reached.
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)

Pot life (at application viscosity)

10°C 12 hours
20°C 6 hours
30°C 4 hours
40°C 2 hours

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434

page 4/5

August 2010

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7466
179073 white 7000002200

page 5/5

4 pages September 2009

Revision of April 2008

DESCRIPTION two component high solids polyamide cured recoatable zinc phosphate epoxy

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – general purpose epoxy primer/coating for steel and concrete structures in
atmospheric exposure
– can be recoated with various two component and conventional coatings
even after long weathering periods
– free from lead and chromate containing pigments
– excellent rust preventing properties in industrial or coastal atmospheres
– tough, with long term flexibility
– cures at temperatures down to -5°C
– good adhesion to steel
– easy application, both by airless spray and brush

COLOURS AND GLOSS cream (other colours on request) - eggshell

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.4 g/cm³
Volume solids 73 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 192 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 277 g/l (approx. 2.3 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 75 - 150 µm depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 7.3 m²/l for 100 µm *
Touch dry after 8 hours
Overcoating interval min. 8 hours *
max. unlimited
Full cure after 4 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 40 - 70 µm

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS – previous suitable coat; dry and free from any contamination
AND TEMPERATURES – during application and curing a substrate temperature down to -5°C is
acceptable provided the substrate is dry and free from ice
– substrate temperature should be at least 3°C above dew point

page 1/4

September 2009

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 80 : 20

– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be above
15°C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance
– thinner should be added after mixing the components
Induction time 20 minutes if applied at temperatures below 10°C
none above 10°C
Pot life 4 hours at 20°C *
* see additional data

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.48 mm (= 0.019 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2130 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 1.5 - 3 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 - 0.4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 9.7 7.3 4.9

dft in µm 75 100 150

page 2/4

September 2009

Overcoating table for SigmaCover 456 HS for dft up to 150 µm

substrate -5°C 5°C 10°C 20°C 30°C 40°C

minimum 48 20 16 8 6 4
interval hours hours hours hours hours hours
maximum unlimited

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

– for polyurethane paints the minimum overcoating time should be raised with

Curing table for dft up to 150 µm

substrate temperature dry to handle full cure

-5°C 24 - 48 hours 14 days
0°C 24 - 30 hours 10 days
5°C 18 - 24 hours 8 days
10°C 18 hours 6 days
15°C 12 hours 5 days
20°C 8 hours 4 days
30°C 6 hours 3 days
40°C 4 hours 2 days
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)

Pot life (at application viscosity)

10°C 8 hours
15°C 5 hours
20°C 4 hours
30°C 2.5 hours
35°C 2 hours

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

page 3/4

September 2009

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7712
215902 cream 9010262200

page 4/4

4 pages September 2009

Revision of September 2005

DESCRIPTION two component chemical resistant finish based on polyamide cured epoxy

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – general purpose epoxy finish

– easy application by brush/roller and (airless) spray
– good water resistance
– good chemical resistance to spillage and splash
– resistant to impact and abrasion
– easy to clean

COLOURS AND GLOSS selected range of colours is available - semigloss

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.4 g/cm³
Volume solids 50 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 308 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 418 g/l (approx. 3.5 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 50 µm
Theoretical spreading rate 10.0 m²/l *
Touch dry after 30 minutes *
Overcoating interval min. 8 hours *
max. 2 - 3 months *
Full cure after 7 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – previous epoxy coats; dry and free from any contamination and sufficiently
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS roughened if necessary
AND TEMPERATURES – substrate temperature should be above 5°C and at least 3°C above dew
point during application and curing

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 76 : 24

– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be above
10°C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance
– thinner should be added after mixing the components
Pot life 8 hours at 20°C *
* see additional data

page 1/4

September 2009

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 5 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.46 mm (= 0.018 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2130 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 10 - 15%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 MPa (= approx. 3 bar; 43 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 12.5 10.0 8.3

dft in µm 40 50 60

Overcoating table for SigmaCover 480 for dft up to 50 µm

substrate 5°C 10°C 20°C 30°C 40°C

minimum 36 hours 24 hours 12 hours 8 hours 6 hours
maximum 3 months 3 months 3 months 2 months 2 months

– surface should be dry and free from chalking and contamination

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September 2009

Curing table for dft up to 50 µm

substrate touch dry dry to handle full cure

5°C 4 hours 12 hours 21 days
10°C 2 hours 8 hours 14 days
15°C 1 hour 6 hours 10 days
20°C 30 min. 4 hours 7 days
30°C 30 min. 3 hours 5 days

– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing

(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)

Pot life (at application viscosity)

15°C 12 hours
20°C 8 hours
30°C 5 hours
40°C 3 hours

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434

page 3/4

September 2009

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7441
179559 white 7000002200

page 4/4

4 pages September 2009

Revision of September 2005

DESCRIPTION two component micaceous iron oxide pigmented polyamide cured epoxy primer/

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – may be used as a primer, sealer or coating

– excellent adhesion to and sealing of weathered, cleaned zinc rich primers
and metal sprayed steel
– good adhesion to properly pretreated galvanised steel
– excellent adhesion to blast cleaned steel
– can be used in systems for atmospheric or water immersed exposure
– good resistance to industrial or chemical contaminated atmospheric
exposure conditions
– good abrasion and impact resistance
– good adhesion characteristics for subsequent coats
– resistant to temperatures up to 200°C in dry atmospheric exposure

COLOURS AND GLOSS redbrown, greenish grey - low metallic sheen

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.8 g/cm³
Volume solids 60 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 210 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 374 g/l (approx. 3.1 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 40 - 80 µm depending on system *
Theoretical spreading rate 15 m²/l for 40 µm *
Touch dry after 2 hours *
Overcoating interval min. 8 hours *
max. 1 month *
Full cure after 7 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 24 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 40 - 70 µm

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS – shop primed steel; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss or power tool cleaned to
– zinc primed steel; free from any contamination and zinc salts
– galvanised steel; for atmospheric exposure conditions disc sanding, free
from any contamination and zinc salts; for water immersed exposure
conditions sweep blasting is required
– not weathered metal sprayed steel; free from any contamination and salts
– previous suitable coat; dry and free from any contamination

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September 2009

– substrate temperature should be above 10°C and at least 3°C above dew
point during application and curing
– for atmospheric exposure conditions the minimum substrate temperature
for application may be 5°C, but at low temperature the curing slows down
according to the overcoating and curing tables

when used as an adhesion primer or when a long overcoating interval is
expected a max. dft of 50 µm must be specified in order to preserve the rough

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 82 : 18

– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be above
15°C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance
– thinner should be added after mixing the components
Induction time none
Pot life 8 hours at 20°C *
* see additional data

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 5 - 10% for dft of approx. 80 µm
25 - 30% for dft of approx. 40 µm when used for sealing inorganic zinc and
metal sprayed steel
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.48 - 0.53 mm (= 0.019 - 0.021 in)
Nozzle pressure 12 - 15 MPa (= approx. 120 - 150 bar; 1700 - 2130 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 10 - 30%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 1.5 - 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 - 0.4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

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September 2009

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 15.0 7.5

dft in µm 40 80

Overcoating table for SigmaCover 522

substrate 5°C 10°C 20°C 30°C 40°C

minimum 36 hours 16 hours 8 hours 6 hours 4 hours
dft 50 µm
minimum 3 days 32 hours 16 hours 12 hours 8 hours
dft 80 µm
maximum 28 days 28 days 28 days 14 days 7 days

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

– the minimum overcoating time should be multiplied by 5 when SigmaCover
522 is to be applied on top of an existing old (alkyd) primer or coating
– the maximum overcoating time of SigmaCover 522 could be extended up to
6 months provided the dft is not higher than 50 µm
– surface should be properly cleaned
– glossy finishes require an adhesion promoting undercoat

Curing table for dft up to 40 µm

substrate touch dry dry to handle full cure

5°C 8 hours 18 hours 20 days
10°C 5 hours 8 hours 15 days
15°C 3.5 hours 6 hours 10 days
20°C 2 hours 4 hours 7 days
25°C 1.5 hour 4 hours 5 days

– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing

(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)
– for optimum resistance in tankcoating systems a minimum substrate
temperature of 10°C is essential

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September 2009

Pot life (at application viscosity)

15°C 10 hours
20°C 8 hours
25°C 6 hours
30°C 5 hours
35°C 4 hours

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7420
179510 greenish grey 9048052200
179508 redbrown 9028052200

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6 pages May 2012

Revision of September 2009

Description two component surface tolerant high build polyamine cured epoxy primer/

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – surface tolerant coating for lower grade of steel preparation
– particularly suited as maintenance coating for dry cargo holds, decks and
– general purpose epoxy build coat or finish in protective coating systems
for steel and concrete structures exposed to atmospheric land or marine
– compatible with various aged coatings
– overcoatable with most types of coatings
– excellent corrosion resistance
– resistant to splash and spillage of a wide range of chemicals
– good flexibility

COLOURS AND GLOSS green, grey, redbrown, black, aluminium – semigloss

BASIC DATA AT 20 °C (1 g/cm³ = 8.35 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.4 g/cm³
Volume solids 83% ± 2%
VOC (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED) max. 166 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
VOC (UK PG 6/23(92) appendix 3) max. 232 g/l (approx. 1.9 lb/gal)
(UK PG 6/23(92) Appendix 3)
Recommended dry film thickness 60 - 100 μm for brush/roller

125 - 200 μm for airless spray

Theoretical spreading rate 6.6 m²/l for 125 μm
4.1 m²/l for 200 μm
Touch dry after 6 hours at 20 °C

Overcoating interval min. 9 hours *

max. 9 months *
Full cure after 7 days at 20 °C
(data for components)

Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months

* see additional data

page 1/6

May 2012

RECOMMENDED for atmospheric exposure conditions:

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS – steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½, for excellent corrosion protection
AND TEMPERATURES – steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2, blasting profile 40 - 70 μm or power tool
cleaned to ISO-St2 for good corrosion protection
– shop primed steel; pretreated to SPSS-Pt3 coated steel; hydrojetted
to VIS WJ2/3 L existing sound epoxy coating systems and most sound
alkyd coating systems; suffieciently roughened, dry and free from any

for immersion in sea water:

(resistant to Cathodic Protection in systems)
– steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 40 - 70 μm
– steel with approved zinc silicate shop primer; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss
or power tool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
– first coat SigmaCover 630 Aluminium
– substrate temperature should be above 10°C and at least 3°C above dew

mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 83 : 17

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE – the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be
above 15°C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance and slower cure
– thinner should be added after mixing the components
Pot life 2 hours at 20 °C *
* see additional data
Induction time – none

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 5 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 1.8 - 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 - 0.4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 44 - 58 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.48 - 0.53 mm (= 0.019 - 0.021 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2176 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%

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May 2012

CLEANING SOLVENT – Thinner 90-53

Film thickness and spreading rate

theoritical spreading rate m2/l 13.8 6.6 8.3 4.1

dft in μm 60 (for 125 (for 100 (for 200 (for
brush/ airless brush/ airless
roller) spray) roller) spray)

Maximum dft when brushing: 100 μm

Overcoating table for dft up to 150 μm

substrate temperature 10°C 20°C 30°C 40°C

with itself minimum interval 20 hours 9 hours 5 hours 3 hours
maximum interval 12 months 9 months 6 months 3 months

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

Overcoating tabel for dft up to 150 μm

substrate temperature 10°C 20°C 30°C 40°C

with various alkyds minimum interval 24 hours 16 hours 8 hours 5 hours
maximum interval 21 days 10 days 7 days 3 days

– after exceeding of the maximum interval, glossy finishes require a

corresponding undercoat
– surface should be dry and free from any contamination
– best intercoat adhesion occurs when the subsequent coat is applied before
the preceding coat is fully cured
– if this time is exceeded it may be necessary to roughen the surface

Overcoating table for dft up to 150 μm

substrate temperature 10°C 20°C 30°C 40°C

with polyurethanes minimum interval 48 hours 24 hours 12 hours 6 hours
maximum interval 6 months 3 months 1 month 1 month

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

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May 2012

Overcoating table for dft up to 150 μm

substrate temperature 10°C 20°C 30°C 40°C

with various two pack epoxy minimum interval 20 hours 9 hours 5 hours 3 hours
maximum interval 6 months 3 months 1 month 1 month

Curing Curing table for dft up to 150 μm

substrate touch dry full cure dry to handle
10°C 14 hours 15 days 20 hours
20°C 6 hours 7 days 9 hours
30°C 4 hours 4 days 5 hours
40°C 2 hours 2 days 3 hours

– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing

(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)

Pot life (at application viscosity)

15 °C 3 hours
20 °C 2 hours
30 °C 1 hour
40 °C 0.5 hour

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on a
worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes necessary to
comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Conversion tabels see information sheet 1410

Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Specification for mineral abrasives see information sheet 1491
Relative humidity - substrate temperature -
air temperature see information sheet 1650

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May 2012

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS – for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheets
– this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed
skin or eyes

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May 2012

PPG warrants (i) its title to the product, (ii) that the quality of the product conforms to PPG’s specifications for such product
in effect at the time of manufacture and (iii) that the product shall be delivered free of the rightful claim of any third person for
infringement of any U.S. patent covering the product.


Any claim under this warranty must be made by Buyer to PPG in writing within five (5) days of Buyer’s discovery of the claimed
defect, but in no event later than the expiration of the applicable shelf life of the product, or one year from the date of the
delivery of the product to the Buyer, whichever is earlier. Buyer’s failure to notify PPG of such non-conformance as required
herein shall bar Buyer from recovery under this warranty.


The information in this data sheet is intended for guidance only and is based upon laboratory tests that PPG believes
to be reliable. PPG may modify the information contained herein at any time as a result of practical experience and
continuous product development. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the PPG product,
whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific inquiry, or otherwise, are based on data, which to the
best of PPG’s knowledge, is reliable. The product and related information is designed for users having the requisite
knowledge and industrial skills in the industry and it is the end-user’s responsibility to determine the suitability of the
product for its own particular use and it shall be deemed that Buyer has done so, as its sole discretion and risk.

PPG has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors affecting the use and
application of the product. Therefore, PPG does not accept any liability arising from any loss, injury or damage
resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there are written agreements stating otherwise).
Variations in the application environment, changes in procedures of use, or extrapolation of data may cause
unsatisfactory results.

This data sheet supersedes all previous versions and it is the Buyer’s responsibility to ensure that this data sheet
is current prior to using the product. Current data sheets for all PPG Protective & Marine Coatings products are
maintained at
The English text of this data sheet shall prevail over any translation thereof.

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4 pages November 2010

Revision of September 2009

DESCRIPTION two component surface tolerant high solids polyamine cured epoxy primer/

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – self priming coating tolerant to lower grades of steel preparation for
atmospheric exposure
– cures at temperatures down to -5°C
– particularly well suited as maintenance coating for steel structures
– excellent corrosion resistance
– resistant to splash and spillage of a wide range of chemicals
– good abrasion resistance
– good flexibility
– compatible with various aged coatings
– good recoatability with most epoxy-, polyurethane-, chlorinated rubber-,
alkyd- and acrylic paints

COLOURS AND GLOSS grey, offwhite (other colours on request) - gloss

BASIC DATA AT 10°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.4 g/cm³
Volume solids 85 ± 2% (for offwhite)
VOC (supplied) max. 190 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 268 g/l (approx. 2.2 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 60 - 150 μm
Theoretical spreading rate 14.2 m²/l for 60 μm, 5.7 m²/l for 150 μm
Touch dry after 12 hours *
Overcoating interval min. 16 hours *
max. 2 months *
Curing time 7 days
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½ for excellent corrosion protection

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS – steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2, blasting profile 40 - 70 μm or power tool
AND TEMPERATURES cleaned to ISO-St2 for good corrosion protection
– shop primed steel; pretreated to SPSS-Pt3
– existing sound epoxy coating systems and most sound alkyd coating
systems; sufficiently roughened, dry and free from any contamination
– substrate temperature should be at least 3°C above dew point during
application and curing

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November 2010

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 83 : 17

– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be above
10°C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance and slower cure
– thinner should be added after mixing the components
Induction time 15 minutes, for substrate temperatures below +10°C
Pot life 2 hours at 10°C *
* see additional data

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 5 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.48 - 0.53 mm (= 0.019 - 0.021 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2130 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 10 - 15%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 1.8 - 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 - 0.4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92 or Thinner 91-99 for better flow
Volume of thinner 5 - 10%


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 14.2 8.5 5.7

dft in μm 60 100 150

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November 2010

Overcoating table for dft up to 150 μm

substrate -5°C 0°C 5°C 10°C 20°C

with various two pack epoxy minimum 48 hours 24 hours 20 hours 16 hours 8 hours
coatings interval
maximum 2 months 2 months 2 months 2 months 2 months

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

Overcoating table for dft up to 150 μm

substrate -5°C 0°C 5°C 10°C 20°C

with polyurethanes minimum 96 hours 64 hours 36 hours 24 hours 16 hours
maximum 1 month 1 month 1 month 1 month 1 month

– after exceeding of the maximum interval, glossy finishes require a

corresponding undercoat
– surface should be dry and free from any contamination
– best intercoat adhesion occurs when the subsequent coat is applied before
the preceding coat is fully cured
– if this time is exceeded it may be necessary to roughen the surface

Curing table for dft up to 150 μm

substrate touch dry dry to handle full cure

-5°C 48 hours 48 hours 21 days
0°C 24 hours 24 hours 14 days
5°C 18 hours 20 hours 10 days
10°C 12 hours 16 hours 7 days
20°C 4 hours 8 hours 5 days

– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing

(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)

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November 2010

Pot life (at application viscosity)

0°C 3 hours
10°C 2 hours
20°C 1 hour

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7434
179613 base L 20 ltr
179609 base Z 20 ltr
173524 clear hardener

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3 pages March 2011

Revision of September 2010

DESCRIPTION two component high solids epoxy coating

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – high performance self priming universal epoxy

– high solids, low VOC
– surface tolerant and abrasion resistant
– compatible with prepared damp surfaces
– good adhesion on most existing coatings
– available in a wide colour range
– also available with MIO pigmentation
– good resistance to splash and spillage of chemicals

COLOURS AND GLOSS RAL colours (other colours available on request) - semigloss

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (data for mixed product)

Mass density 1.4 g/cm³ (white)
Volume solids 87 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 114 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 163 g/l (approx. 1.4 lb/gal)
180 g/ltr (1.5 lb/gal) (by EPA Method 24)
Recommended dry film thickness 100 - 200 μm
Theoretical spreading rate 8.7 m²/l for 100 μm *
Touch dry after 6 hours *
Overcoating interval min. 16 hours *
max. see tables *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½, power tool cleaned to min. ISO-St3 or
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS hand tool clean to ISO-St2 or ultra high pressure water jet to WJ2L
AND TEMPERATURES – for immersion exposure: steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½
– concrete and other cement-bonded substrates; dry, hard and free from
contamination such as laitance, grease and dust
– aged suitable coatings; dry and free from any contamination and sufficiently
– for single pack coatings; extra precautions are necessary

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 1 : 1

– the paint should be stirred well before use, preferably by means of a
mechanical mixer, to ensure homogeneity
– add cure to resin and continue stirring until homogeneous
Pot life 2 hours at 20°C

page 1/3

March 2011

Recommended thinner no extra thinner needed
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.48 mm (= 0.019 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 - 18 MPa (= approx. 150 - 180 bar; 2130 - 2560 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions

BRUSH/ROLLER – apply evenly, using a well loaded brush or roller

– application by brush or roller will provide approx. 80 microns dft in a single
coat application


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

dft in μm 100 125 200

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 8.7 7.0 4.4

Overcoating table for SigmaCover 640 for dft at 125 μm

substrate 10°C 20°C 30°C 40°C

minimum 48 hours 16 hours 4 hours 3 hours
maximum extended *
* This product has an extended maximum overcoating time.
Surfaces to be overcoated must be clean and dry.
Any contamination must be identified and adequately removed.
Particular attention must be paid to surfaces that have been exposed to heat
and/o rsunlight and where chalking may be present.
A degree of surface cleaning will be required. Your PPG representative can
advise onsuitable cleaning methods.

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March 2011

Curing table for dft at 125 μm

substrate touch dry dry to handle full cure

10°C 24 hours 48 hours 21 days
20°C 6 hours 20 hours 7 days
30°C 3 hours 5 hours 4 days
40°C 1 hour 3 hours 2 days
– during the curing period precautions must be taken to avoid contact of the
coating with moisture, otherwise blushing may occur

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Surface preparation of concrete (floors) see information sheet 1496

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7988

page 3/3

3 pages March 2011

Revision of December 2009

DESCRIPTION two component high solids epoxy coating

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – high performance self priming universal epoxy

– high solids, low VOC
– surface tolerant and abrasion resistant
– compatible with prepared damp surfaces
– good adhesion on most existing coatings
– good resistance to splash and spillage of chemicals

COLOURS AND GLOSS aluminium - semigloss

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (data for mixed product)

Mass density 1.3 g/cm³
Volume solids 85 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 157 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 196 g/l (approx. 1.6 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 125 μm
Theoretical spreading rate 6.8 m²/l for 125 μm *
Touch dry after 6 hours *
Overcoating interval min. 16 hours *
max. see tables *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½, power tool cleaned to min. ISO-St3 or
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS hand tool clean to ISO-St2 or ultra high pressure water jet to WJ2L
AND TEMPERATURES – for immersion exposure: steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½
– aged suitable coatings; dry and free from any contamination and sufficiently
– substrate temperature should be above 10°C and at least 3°C above dew

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 1 : 1

– the paint should be stirred well before use, preferably by means of a
mechanical mixer, to ensure homogeneity
– add cure to resin and continue stirring until homogeneous
Pot life 4 hours at 20°C

Recommended thinner no extra thinner needed
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.48 mm (= 0.019 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 - 18 MPa (= approx. 150 - 180 bar; 2130 - 2560 p.s.i.)

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March 2011

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-83
Volume of thinner 0 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions

BRUSH/ROLLER – apply evenly, using a well loaded brush or roller

– application by brush or roller will provide approx. 80 microns dft in a single
coat application


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

ADDITIONAL DATA Overcoating table for SigmaCover 640 Aluminium for dft at 125 μm

substrate 10°C 20°C 30°C

minimum 24 hours 16 hours 8 hours
maximum extended *
* This product has an extended maximum overcoating time.
Surfaces to be overcoated must be clean and dry.
Any contamination must be identified and adequately removed.
Particular attention must be paid to surfaces that have been exposed to heat
and/or sunlight and where chalking may be present.
A degree of surface cleaning will be required. Your PPG representative can
advise on suitable cleaning methods.

Curing table for dft at 125 μm

substrate touch dry dry to handle full cure

10°C 16 hours 72 hours 21 days
20°C 6 hours 24 hours 7 days
30°C 4 hours 10 hours 4 days
– during the curing period precautions must be taken to avoid contact of the
coating with moisture, otherwise blushing may occur

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March 2011

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Surface preparation of concrete (floors) see information sheet 1496

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7992

page 3/3

3 pages March 2011

Revision of December 2009

DESCRIPTION two component high solids epoxy coating

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – low temperature curing down to 0°C

– high performance self priming universal epoxy
– high solids, low VOC
– surface tolerant and abrasion resistant
– compatible with prepared damp surfaces
– good adhesion on most existing coatings
– good resistance to splash and spillage of chemicals

COLOURS AND GLOSS aluminium - semigloss

BASIC DATA AT 10°C (data for mixed product)

Mass density 1.3 g/cm³
Volume solids 79 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 197 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 240 g/l (approx. 2.0 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 125 μm
Theoretical spreading rate 6.3 m²/l for 125 μm *
Touch dry after 7 hours *
Overcoating interval min. 16 hours *
max. see tables *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½, power tool cleaned to min. ISO-St3 or
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS hand tool clean to ISO-St2 or ultra high pressure water jet to WJ2L
AND TEMPERATURES – for immersion exposure: steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½
– aged suitable coatings; dry and free from any contamination and sufficiently
– substrate temperature should be above 0°C and at least 3°C above dew

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 1 : 1

– the paint should be stirred well before use, preferably by means of a
mechanical mixer, to ensure homogeneity
– add cure to resin and continue stirring until homogeneous
Pot life 2.5 hours at 10°C

Recommended thinner no extra thinner needed
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.48 mm (= 0.019 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 - 18 MPa (= approx. 150 - 180 bar; 2130 - 2560 p.s.i.)

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March 2011

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-83
Volume of thinner 0 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions

BRUSH/ROLLER – apply evenly, using a well loaded brush or roller

– application by brush or roller will provide approx. 80 microns dft in a single
coat application


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

ADDITIONAL DATA Overcoating table for SigmaCover 640 Aluminium LT for dft at 125 μm

substrate 5°C 10°C 20°C

minimum 24 hours 16 hours 8 hours
maximum extended *
* This product has an extended maximum overcoating time.
Surfaces to be overcoated must be clean and dry.
Any contamination must be identified and adequately removed.
Particular attention must be paid to surfaces that have been exposed to heat
and/or sunlight and where chalking may be present.
A degree of surface cleaning will be required. Your PPG representative can
advise on suitable cleaning methods.

Curing table for dft at 125 μm

substrate touch dry dry to handle full cure

5°C 9 hours 18 hours 14 days
10°C 7 hours 14 hours 14 days
20°C 2 hours 4 hours 7 days
– during the curing period precautions must be taken to avoid contact of the
coating with moisture, otherwise blushing may occur

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March 2011

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Surface preparation of concrete (floors) see information sheet 1496

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7993

page 3/3

3 pages March 2011

Revision of November 2009

DESCRIPTION two component high solids epoxy coating

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – low temperature curing down to 0°C

– high performance self priming universal epoxy
– high solids, low VOC
– surface tolerant and abrasion resistant
– compatible with prepared damp surfaces
– good adhesion on most existing coatings
– available in a wide colour range
– also available with MIO pigmentation
– good resistance to splash and spillage of chemicals

COLOURS AND GLOSS RAL colours (other colours available on request) - semigloss

BASIC DATA AT 10°C (data for mixed product)

Mass density 1.4 g/cm³ (white)
Volume solids 88 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 114 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 163 g/l (approx. 1.4 lb/gal)
180 g/ltr (1.5 lb/gal) (by EPA Method 24)
Recommended dry film thickness 100 - 200 μm
Theoretical spreading rate 8.8 m²/l for 100 μm *
Touch dry after 6 hours *
Overcoating interval min. 14 hours *
max. see tables *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½, power tool cleaned to min. ISO-St3 or
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS hand tool clean to ISO-St2 or ultra high pressure water jet to WJ2L
AND TEMPERATURES – for immersion exposure: steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½
– concrete and other cement-bonded substrates; dry, hard and free from
contamination such as laitance, grease and dust
– aged suitable coatings; dry and free from any contamination and sufficiently
– for single pack coatings; extra precautions are necessary

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 1 : 1

– the paint should be stirred well before use, preferably by means of a
mechanical mixer, to ensure homogeneity
– add cure to resin and continue stirring until homogeneous
Pot life 1 hour at 20°C

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March 2011

Recommended thinner no extra thinner needed
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.48 mm (= 0.019 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 - 18 MPa (= approx. 150 - 180 bar; 2130 - 2560 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner 0 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions

BRUSH/ROLLER – apply evenly, using a well loaded brush or roller

– application by brush or roller will provide approx. 80 microns dft in a single
coat application


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

dft in μm 100 125 200

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 8.7 7.0 4.4

Overcoating table for SigmaCover 640 LT for dft at 125 μm

substrate 5°C 10°C 20°C 30°C

minimum 24 hours 14 hours 6 hours 3 hours
maximum extended *
* This product has an extended maximum overcoating time.
Surfaces to be overcoated must be clean and dry.
Any contamination must be identified and adequately removed.
Particular attention must be paid to surfaces that have been exposed to heat
and/or sunlight and where chalking may be present.
A degree of surface cleaning will be required. Your PPG representative can
advise on suitable cleaning methods.

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March 2011

Curing table for dft at 125 μm

substrate temperature dry to handle full cure

10°C 16 hours 14 days
20°C 5 hours 7 days
– during the curing period precautions must be taken to avoid contact of the
coating with moisture, otherwise blushing may occur

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Surface preparation of concrete (floors) see information sheet 1496

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7989

page 3/3

4 pages October 2009

Revision of September 2005

DESCRIPTION two component high solids aluminium pigmented polyamine cured modified
epoxy primer/coating

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – primer/coating designed for maintenance

– low VOC
– good flow properties
– self priming coating tolerant to lower grades of steel preparation
– compatible with most aged good adhering coatings
– good recoatability with epoxy- and polyurethane paints
– good curing at temperatures down to +5°C
– good impact and abrasion resistance
– if the substrate temperature drops below +5 till 0°C, the wintergrade type
should be used (see 7414WG)

COLOURS AND GLOSS aluminium light and dark - semigloss

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.3 g/cm³
Volume solids 90 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 150 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 198 g/l (approx. 1.7 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 75 - 125 µm * depending on system and application method
Theoretical spreading rate 12 m²/l for 75 µm, 7.2 m²/l for 125 µm
Touch dry after 4 hours
Overcoating interval min. 12 hours *
max. 4 months *
Curing time 5 days
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – for atmospheric exposure conditions:

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS • steel; power tool cleaned to ISO-St2 or blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2 for
AND TEMPERATURES good corrosion protection
• steel with approved shop primer; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss or power
tool cleaned to SPSS-Pt2
• existing sound coating systems; sufficiently roughened, dry and cleaned
– for immersion in water:
• steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½
• steel with approved shop primer; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss or power
tool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
– substrate temperature should be above 5°C and at least 3°C above dew

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October 2009

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 77.5 : 22.5
– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be above
15°C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance and slower cure
– thinner should be added after mixing the components
Induction time none
Pot life 3 hours at 20°C *
* see additional data

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.48 - 0.53 mm (= 0.019 - 0.021 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2130 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 5 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 1.8 - 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 - 0.4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 12.0 9.0 7.2

dft in µm 75 100 125

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October 2009

Overcoating table for most epoxy and polyurethane paints *

substrate 5°C 10°C 15°C 20°C 30°C 40°C

minimum 48 36 20 12 8 6
interval hours hours hours hours hours hours
maximum 6 6 6 4 3 3
interval months months months months months months
* for polyurethane paints the minimum overcoating time should be raised with 50%
– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

Curing table for dft up to 125 µm

substrate touch dry dry to handle full cure

5°C 16 hours 48 hours 10 days
10°C 9 hours 36 hours 7 days
15°C 6 hours 20 hours 6 days
20°C 4 hours 12 hours 5 days
30°C 3 hours 8 hours 4 days
40°C 2 hours 6 hours 2 days
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)

Pot life (at application viscosity)

15°C 5 hours
20°C 3 hours
30°C 2 hours
40°C 1 hour
50°C 1 hour

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

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October 2009

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7414
179331 dark 0100002200
179333 light 0200002200

page 4/4

4 pages September 2009

Revision of September 2005

DESCRIPTION two component high solids polyamine adduct cured epoxy coating

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – can be used directly to metal

– very good surface wetting
– excellent corrosion resistance
– outstanding (sea)water resistance
– resistant to well designed/controlled cathodic protection
– good resistance against chemically polluted water
– good abrasion resistance
– tar free

COLOURS AND GLOSS limited colour range available - gloss

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.6 g/cm³
Volume solids 82 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 158 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 221 g/l (approx. 1.8 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 150 µm depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 5.5 m²/l for 150 µm *
Touch dry after 3 hours
Overcoating interval min. 16 hours *
max. 28 days *
Ready for immersion 3 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – for immersion exposure:

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS • steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 40 - 70 µm
AND TEMPERATURES • steel with approved zinc silicate shop primer; pretreated according to
• substrate temperature should be above 5°C and at least 3°C above dew
point during application and curing
– for atmospheric exposure conditions:
• steel; pretreated preferably to ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 40 - 70 µm or
according to ISO-St3
• shop primed steel; pretreated to SPSS-Pt3
• previous coat; (e.g. SigmaCover 805 or suitable primer) dry and free from
any contamination and within the minimum and maximum overcoating
• substrate temperature should be above 5°C and at least 3°C above dew
point during application and curing

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September 2009

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 75 : 25

– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be above
10°C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance and slower cure
– thinner should be added after mixing the components
Pot life 2 hours at 20°C *
* see additional data

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.48 - 0.53 mm (= 0.019 - 0.021 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2130 p.s.i.)


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 5.5

dft in µm 150

Overcoating table for SigmaCover 805 for dft up to 150 µm

with itself substrate 5°C 10°C 20°C 30°C

minimum 36 hours 24 hours 16 hours 8 hours
interval *
maximum 28 days 28 days 28 days 14 days
* for polyurethane paints like SigmaDur 550 and SigmaDur 520 the minimum
overcoating time should be raised with 50%
– surface should be dry and free from any contamination
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)

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September 2009

Curing table for dft up to 150 µm

substrate temperature for immersion in water

5°C 10 days
10°C 7 days
15°C 5 days
20°C 3 days
30°C 2.5 days
40°C 1.5 day

Pot life (at application viscosity)

15°C 3 hours
20°C 2 hours
30°C 1 hour
40°C 0.5 hour

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490

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September 2009

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7726
182345 offwhite 7001002200
190856 brown 2000002200
182348 black 8000002200

page 4/4

5 pages September 2009

Revision of December 2008

DESCRIPTION two component solvent free amine cured epoxy coating

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – one coat protection for steel structures with excellent corrosion resistance
– can be applied at a dft up to 1000 µm by heavy duty single feed airless
spray equipment (60:1)
– one coat heavy duty deck system
– reduced explosion risk and fire hazard
– good visibility due to light colour
– resistant to well designed/controlled cathodic protection
– can be immersed in (sea)water after 4 hours of curing at 20°C

COLOURS AND GLOSS grey (other colours on request) - gloss

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.4 g/cm³
Volume solids 100%
VOC (supplied) max. 62 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 86 g/l (approx. 0.7 lb/gal)
see information sheet 1411
Recommended dry film thickness min. 500 - 1000 µm depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 2.0 m²/l for 500 µm
Touch dry after 12 hours *
Overcoating interval min. 20 hours *
max. 20 days *
Full cure after 5 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – for immersion exposure:

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS • steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 50 - 100 µm
AND TEMPERATURES • shop primed steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 50 - 100
• coated steel; hydrojetted to VIS WJ2/3 L (blasting profile 40 - 70 µm)
– for atmospheric exposure conditions:
• steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 50 - 100 µm
• coated steel; hydrojetted to VIS WJ2/3 L (blasting profile 40 - 70 µm)
– substrate temperature should be above 5°C and at least 3°C above dew

page 1/5

September 2009

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 80 : 20

– when mixing the temperature of the base and hardener should be at least
– at lower temperature the viscosity will be too high for spray application
– no thinner should be added
Induction time none
Pot life 1 hour at 20°C *
* see additional data

AIRLESS SPRAY – heavy duty single feed airless spray equipment preferably 60:1 pump ratio
and suitable high pressure hoses
– in-line heating or insulated hoses may be necessary to avoid cooling down
of paint in hoses at low air temperature
– application with 45:1 airless spray equipment is possible provided in-line
heated high pressure hoses are used
– in case of using 45:1 airless spray equipment the paint must be heated to
approx. 30°C in order to obtain the right application viscosity
– length of hoses should be as short as possible
Recommended thinner no thinner should be added
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.53 mm (= 0.021 in)
Nozzle pressure at 20°C (paint temperature) min. 28 MPa (= approx. 280 bar; 4000 p.s.i.)
at 30°C (paint temperature) min. 22 MPa (= approx. 220 bar; 3000 p.s.i.)

BRUSH for stripe coating and spot repair only

Recommended thinner no thinner should be added

CLEANING SOLVENT Thinner 90-83 (preferred) or Thinner 90-53

– all application equipment must be cleaned immediately after use
– paint inside the spraying equipment must be removed before the pot life time
has been expired

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
although this is a solvent free paint, care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin or eyes
– no solvent present; however, spray mist is not harmless, a fresh air mask
should be used during spraying
– ventilation should be provided in confined spaces to maintain good visibility

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September 2009

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 2.0 1.0

dft in µm 500 1000

min. dft for closed film with airless spray: 400 µm

max. dft when brushing: 150 µm
measuring wet film thickness
– a difference is often obtained between the measured apparent wft and the
real applied wft
– this is due to the thixotropy and the surface tension of the paint which
retards the release of air trapped in the paint film for some time
– a practical recommendation is to apply a wft which is equal to the specified
dft plus 60 µm
measuring dry film thickness
– because of low initial hardness the dft cannot be measured within some
days due to the penetration of the measuring device into the soft paint film
– the dft should be measured using a calibration foil of known thickness placed
in between the coating and the measuring device

Overcoating table for SigmaCover 1000 for dft up to 1000 µm

(for spot repair and stripe coating only)

substrate 5°C 10°C 20°C 30°C 40°C

minimum 3 days 48 hours 20 hours 16 hours 12 hours
maximum 28 days 28 days 20 days 14 days 7 days

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

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September 2009

Curing table for dft up to 1000 µm

substrate touch dry dry to handle full cure

5°C 48 hours 3 days 14 days
10°C 24 hours 2 days 10 days
20°C 12 hours 24 hours 5 days
30°C 8 hours 16 hours 3 days
40°C 6 hours 12 hours 2 days

– early exposure to sea water is permitted after the initial cure of 3 hours at

Pot life (at application viscosity)

20°C 60 min.
30°C 45 min.
– due to exothermic reaction, temperature during and after mixing may

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434

page 4/5

September 2009

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7450
179640 grey 5000002200

page 5/5

4 pages September 2009

Revision of September 2005

DESCRIPTION two component surface tolerant solvent free polyamine cured epoxy primer/

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – general purpose primer/buildcoat for long term protection of steel structures
– excellent corrosion resistance
– compatible with various aged coating like aged alkyd, epoxy and
– reduces explosion risk and fire hazard in confined spaces
– good flow and wetting properties
– can be used from temperatures above 5°C
– can be applied by roller

COLOURS AND GLOSS grey - gloss

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.4 g/cm³
Volume solids 99 ± 1%
VOC (supplied) max. 2 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 3 g/l (approx. 0.0 lb/gal)
see information sheet 1411
Recommended dry film thickness 125 µm
Theoretical spreading rate 7.9 m²/l for 125 µm
Touch dry after 12 hours *
Overcoating interval max. see tables *
min. see tables *
Full cure after 7 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½ for excellent corrosion protection

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS – steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2 or power tool cleaned to ISO-St2 for good
AND TEMPERATURES corrosion protection
– steel with approved zinc silicate shop primer; sweep blasted to
SPSS-Ss or power tool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
– stainless steel; degreased and blast cleaned to roughness of
40 - 70 µm
– existing sound epoxy coating, polyurethane and most sound alkyd coating
systems; sufficiently roughened dry and cleaned
– substrate temperature should be above 5°C and at least 3°C above dew
point during application and curing
– maximum relative humidity during application and curing is 80%

page 1/4

September 2009

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 80 : 20

– for airless application the temperature of base and hardener should be at
least 20°C
– lower temperatures possible for roller application
– no thinner should be added
Induction time none
Pot life approx. 1 hour at 20°C *
* see additional data

AIRLESS SPRAY – heavy duty single feed airless spray equipment preferably 60:1 pump ratio
and suitable high pressure hoses
– in-line heating or insulated hoses may be necessary to avoid cooling down
of paint in hoses at low air temperature
Recommended thinner no thinner should be added
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.43 mm (= 0.017 in)
Nozzle pressure at 20°C (paint temperature) min. 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2130 p.s.i.)

BRUSH/ROLLER ROLLER: nylon suitable for 2 component epoxy with hair length 8 mm
BRUSH: for stripe coating and spot repair only
Recommended thinner no thinner should be added

CLEANING SOLVENT Thinner 90-83 (preferred) or Thinner 90-53

– all equipment used for application must be cleaned immediately after use
– paint inside the spraying equipment must be removed before the pot life time
has been expired

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
although this is a solvent free paint, care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin or eyes
– spray mist is not harmless, a fresh air mask and gloves should be used
during spraying
– ventilation should be provided in confined spaces to maintain good visibility

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

max. dft when brushing: 100 µm

measuring wet film thickness
– a difference is often obtained between the measured apparent wft and the
real applied wft, this is due to the thixotropy and the surface tension of the
paint which retards the release of air trapped in the paint film for some time

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September 2009

measuring dry film thickness

– because of low initial hardness the dft cannot be measured for some days
(depending on ambient temperature) after application due to the penetration
of the measuring device into the paint film
– the dft should be measured using a calibration foil of known thickness placed
in between the coating and the measuring device

Overcoating table for dft up to 125 µm

substrate 5°C 10°C 20°C 30°C 40°C

SigmaCover 1500, SigmaCover minimum 3 days 48 hours 24 hours 16 hours 12 hours
456, SigmaCover 435 and interval
maximum 1 month
interval when
not exposed to
direct sunshine
maximum 1 month
interval when
exposed to
direct sunshine

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

– best intercoat adhesion occurs when the subsequent coat is applied before
the fully cured stage is reached
– if this time is exceeded the surface has to be roughened

Curing table for dft up to 125 µm

substrate touch dry dry to handle full cure

5°C 48 hours 3 days 21 days
10°C 24 hours 2 days 14 days
20°C 12 hours 24 hours 7 days
30°C 8 hours 16 hours 3 days
40°C 6 hours 12 hours 2 days

– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing

(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)

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September 2009

Pot life (at application viscosity)

20°C 60 min.
30°C 30 min.
– due to exothermic reaction, temperature during and after mixing may

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7715
231790 grey 5000001400
237619 grey 5000002200

page 4/4

4 pages March 2010

Revision of September 2005

DESCRIPTION two component high build semigloss aliphatic acrylic polyurethane finish

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – easy application by roller and airless spray

– unlimited recoatable
– excellent resistance to atmospheric exposure conditions
– good colour and gloss retention (aluminium version becomes grey)
– non-chalking, non-yellowing
– cures at temperatures down to -5°C
– tough and abrasion resistant
– resistant to splash of mineral and vegetable oils, paraffins, aliphatic
petroleum products and mild chemicals
– can be recoated even after long atmospheric exposure

COLOURS AND GLOSS full colour range and aluminium as RAL 9006 available - semigloss

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.4 g/cm³ (white)
1.1 g/cm³ (aluminium)
Volume solids 58 ± 2% (white), 48 ± 2% (aluminium)
VOC (supplied) max. 287 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED) (white)
max. 377 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED) (RAL 9006)
max. 383 g/l (approx. 3.2 lb/gal) (white)
max. 405 g/l (approx. 3.4 lb/gal) (aluminium)
Recommended dry film thickness 50 - 75 μm depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 11.6 m²/l for 50 μm, 7.7 m²/l for 75 μm *
Touch dry after 1 hour
Overcoating interval min. 6 hours *
max. unlimited
Full cure after 4 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 24 months
Flash point base 26°C, hardener 42°C
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – previous coat; (epoxy or polyurethane) dry and free from any contamination
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS and sufficiently roughened if necessary
AND TEMPERATURES – during application and curing a substrate temperature down to -5°C is
acceptable provided the substrate is dry and free from ice
– substrate temperature should be at least 3°C above dew point
– maximum relative humidity during application and curing is 85%
– premature exposure to early condensation and rain may cause colour and
gloss change

page 1/4

March 2010

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 88 : 12

– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be above
10°C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance
– thinner should be added after mixing the components
Induction time none
Pot life 5 hours at 20°C *
* see additional data

Recommended thinner Thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.46 mm (= 0.018 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2130 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner 5 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 1 - 1.5 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 - 0.4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes
– contains a toxic polyisocyanate curing agent
– avoid at all times inhalation of aerosol spraymist

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l

colours 11.6 7.7
aluminium 9.6 6.4
dft in μm 50 75

page 2/4

March 2010

Overcoating table for SigmaDur products

substrate -5°C 0°C 10°C 20°C 30°C 40°C

minimum 24 16 8 6 5 3
interval hours hours hours hours hours hours
maximum unlimited when cleaned from any contamination

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

Curing table

substrate temperature dry to handle full cure

-5°C 24 hours 15 days
0°C 16 hours 11 days
10°C 8 hours 6 days
20°C 6 hours 4 days
30°C 5 hours 3 days
40°C 3 hours 2 days
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)
– premature exposure to early condensation and rain may cause colour and
gloss change

Pot life (at application viscosity)

10°C 7 hours
20°C 5 hours
30°C 3 hours
40°C 2 hours

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434

page 3/4

March 2010

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7524
119852 white 7000002200
183212 aluminium 9006262200

page 4/4

3 pages December 2010

Revision of September 2005

DESCRIPTION two component high gloss VOC compliant epoxy acrylic finish


– colour and gloss retention superior to standard epoxy coatings
– non-chalking, non-yellowing
– long pot life but quick drying

COLOURS AND GLOSS wide colour range - highgloss

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.3 g/cm³
Volume solids 54 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 324 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 411 g/l (approx. 3.4 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 50 - 60 μm
Theoretical spreading rate 10.9 m²/l for 50 μm *
Touch dry after 2 hours
Full cure after 7 days
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point base 29°C, hardener 24°C
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – previous epoxy coats; dry and free from any contamination and sufficiently
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS roughened if necessary
AND TEMPERATURES – substrate temperature should be above 5°C and at least 3°C above dew
point during application and curing

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 90 : 10

– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be above
15°C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance
– if required, thinner should be added after mixing the components
Induction time none
Pot life 6 hours at 20°C

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.38 - 0.46 mm (= 0.015 - 0.018 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2130 p.s.i.)

page 1/3

December 2010

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 5 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 1 - 1.5 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 - 0.4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes
– avoid at all times inhalation of aerosol spraymist

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 10.9 9.1

dft in μm 50 60

Overcoating table

substrate 5°C 10°C 20°C 30°C

minimum 24 hours 16 hours 8 hours 6 hours
maximum no limitation, provided that the surface is free from any
interval contamination

Curing table at 50 μm for SigmaDur 540

substrate temperature dry to handle full cure

5°C 22 hours 14 days
10°C 16 hours 12 days
20°C 10 hours 7 days
30°C 6 hours 4 days
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)

page 2/3

December 2010

Pot life (at application viscosity)

10°C 10 hours
20°C 6 hours
30°C 3 hours

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7740
204030 white 7000001400

page 3/3

4 pages December 2010

Revision of November 2006

DESCRIPTION two component aliphatic acrylic polyurethane finish

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – unlimited recoatable

– excellent resistance to atmospheric exposure conditions
– excellent colour and gloss retention
– non-chalking, non-yellowing
– cures at temperatures down to -5°C
– resistant to splash of mineral and vegetable oils, paraffins, aliphatic
petroleum products and mild chemicals
– can be recoated even after long atmospheric exposure
– good application properties

COLOURS AND GLOSS white and various other colours (see also the SigmaCare Shade Card of PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings) - gloss

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.3 g/cm³
Volume solids 55 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 334 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 430 g/l (approx. 3.6 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 50 - 60 μm depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 11.0 m²/l for 50 μm *
Touch dry after 1 hour
Overcoating interval min. 6 hours *
max. unlimited
Full cure after 4 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 24 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – previous coat; (epoxy or polyurethane) dry and free from any contamination
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS and sufficiently roughened if necessary
AND TEMPERATURES – during application and curing a substrate temperature down to -5°C is
acceptable provided the substrate is dry and free from ice
– substrate temperature should be at least 3°C above dew point
– maximum relative humidity during application and curing is 85%
– premature exposure to early condensation and rain may cause colour and
gloss change

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December 2010

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 88 : 12

– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be above
10°C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance
– thinner should be added after mixing the components
Induction time none
Pot life 5 hours at 20°C *
* see additional data

Recommended thinner Thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner 3 - 5%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.44 - 0.49 mm (= 0.017 - 0.019 in)
Nozzle pressure 20 MPa (= approx. 200 bar; 2800 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner 3 - 5%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 1 - 1.5 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 - 0.4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes
– contains a toxic polyisocyanate curing agent
– avoid at all times inhalation of aerosol spraymist

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 11.0 9.2

dft in μm 50 60

page 2/4

December 2010

Overcoating table for SigmaDur products

substrate -5°C 0°C 10°C 20°C 30°C 40°C

minimum 24 16 8 hours 6 hours 5 hours 3 hours
interval hours hours
maximum unlimited

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

Curing table

substrate temperature dry to handle full cure

-5°C 24 hours 15 days
0°C 16 hours 11 days
10°C 8 hours 6 days
20°C 6 hours 4 days
30°C 5 hours 3 days
40°C 3 hours 2 days
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)
– premature exposure to early condensation and rain may cause colour and
gloss change

Pot life (at application viscosity)

10°C 7 hours
20°C 5 hours
30°C 3 hours
40°C 2 hours

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434

page 3/4

December 2010

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7537
238761 white 7000001400
238763 white 7000002200

page 4/4
     ! " # $ %



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4 pages September 2010

Revision of April 2007

DESCRIPTION two component high solids semigloss recoatable acrylic polyurethane finish

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – excellent resistance against corrosion and sea water

– excellent colour and gloss retention
– non-chalking, non-yellowing
– cures at temperatures down to -5°C
– tough and abrasion resistant
– resistant to splash of mineral and vegetable oils, paraffins, aliphatic
petroleum products and mild chemicals
– can be recoated even after long atmospheric exposure
– lead- and chromate free

COLOURS AND GLOSS white (other colours on request) - semigloss

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.4 g/cm³
Volume solids 75 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 191 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 269 g/l (approx. 2.2 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 75 μm depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 10 m²/l for 75 μm *
Touch dry after 2 hours
Overcoating interval min. 12 hours *
max. unlimited
Full cure after 7 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – previous coat; (epoxy or polyurethane) dry and free from any contamination
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS and sufficiently roughened if necessary
AND TEMPERATURES – substrate temperature should be at least 3°C above dew point
– maximum relative humidity during application and curing is 85%

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 82 : 18

– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be above
15°C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance
– thinner should be added after mixing the components
Pot life 5 hours at 20°C *
* see additional data

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September 2010

Recommended thinner Thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner 5 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.38 - 0.42 mm (= 0.015 - 0.016 in)
Nozzle pressure 18 MPa (= approx. 180 bar; 2560 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner 5 - 10%


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes
– contains a toxic polyisocyanate curing agent
– avoid at all times inhalation of aerosol spraymist

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 10.0 7.5 6.0

dft in μm 75 100 125

Overcoating table for SigmaDur products

substrate -5°C 0°C 10°C 20°C 30°C 40°C

minimum 60 44 24 12 8 5
interval hours hours hours hours hours hours
maximum unlimited when cleaned from any contamination

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September 2010

Curing table

substrate temperature touch dry full cure

-5°C 8 hours 22 days
0°C 5 hours 18 days
10°C 3 hours 10 days
20°C 2 hours 7 days
30°C 1 hour 4 days
40°C 0.5 hour 3 days
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)
– please note that should condensation occur during or soon after application
this may result in a reduction of gloss

Pot life (at application viscosity)

10°C 7 hours
20°C 5 hours
30°C 3 hours
40°C 2 hours

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490

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September 2010

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7530
180158 white 7000002200

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4 pages May 2011

Revision of March 2011

DESCRIPTION two component high solids aliphatic acrylic polyurethane finish

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – excellent resistance to atmospheric exposure conditions

– excellent colour and gloss retention
– non-chalking, non-yellowing
– resistant to splash of mineral and vegetable oils, paraffins, aliphatic
petroleum products and mild chemicals
– good application properties

COLOURS AND GLOSS white and various other colours (see also the SigmaCare Shade Card of PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings) - gloss

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.35 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.3 g/cm³
Volume solids 73 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 207 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 280 g/l (approx. 2.4 lb/gal)
max. 185 g/l (approx 1.5 lbs/gal )UK PG 6/23(92) appendix 3
Recommended dry film thickness 100 - 125 μm depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 7.3 m²/l for 100 μm *
Touch dry after 2.5 hours
Overcoating interval min. 8 hours *
max. 7 days
Full cure after 4 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 24 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – previous coat; (epoxy or polyurethane) dry and free from any contamination
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS and sufficiently roughened if necessary
AND TEMPERATURES – during application and curing a substrate temperature down to -5°C is
acceptable provided the substrate is dry and free from ice
– substrate temperature should be at least 3°C above dew point
– maximum relative humidity during application and curing is 85%
– premature exposure to early condensation and rain may cause colour and
gloss change

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May 2011

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 80 : 20

– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be above
10°C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance
– thinner should be added after mixing the components
Induction time none
Pot life 2.5 hours at 20°C *
* see additional data

Recommended thinner Thinner 60-15
Volume of thinner 3 - 5%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.44 - 0.49 mm (= 0.017 - 0.019 in)
Nozzle pressure 20 MPa (= approx. 200 bar; 2800 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 60-15
Volume of thinner 3 - 5%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 1 - 1.5 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 - 0.4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 60-15
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes
– contains a toxic polyisocyanate curing agent
– avoid at all times inhalation of aerosol spraymist

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 7.3 5.8

dft in μm 100 125

page 2/4

May 2011

Overcoating table for SigmaDur products

substrate 10°C 20°C 30°C

minimum 48 hours 8 hours 4 hours
maximum 7 days 7 days 12 hours

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

Curing table

substrate temperature dry to handle full cure

10°C 72 hours 6 days
20°C 10 hours 4 days
30°C 5 hours 3 days
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)
– premature exposure to early condensation and rain may cause colour and
gloss change

Pot life (at application viscosity)

10°C 4 hours
20°C 2.5 hours
30°C 1 hour

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434

page 3/4

May 2011

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7518

page 4/4

4 pages May 2008

Revision of February 2006

DESCRIPTION two component high solids polymeric urethane

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – excellent resistance to atmospheric exposure conditions

– outstanding colour and gloss retention
– non-chalking, non-yellowing
– cures at temperatures down to -5°C
– tough and abrasion resistant
– resistant to splash of mineral and vegetable oils, paraffins, aliphatic
petroleum products and mild chemicals
– can be recoated even after long atmospheric exposure

COLOURS AND GLOSS white and various other colours (see also the SigmaCare Shade Card of PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings) - gloss

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.3 g/cm³
Volume solids 68 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 226 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 289 g/l (approx. 2.4 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 75 µm depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 9.1 m²/l for 75 µm
Touch dry after 2 hours
Overcoating interval min. 12 hours *
max. unlimited
Full cure after 7 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – previous coat; (epoxy or polyurethane) dry and free from any contamination
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS and sufficiently roughened if necessary
AND TEMPERATURES – substrate temperature should be at least 3°C above dew point
– maximum relative humidity during application and curing is 85%

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 84 : 16

– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be above
15°C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance
– thinner should be added after mixing the components
Induction time none
Pot life 5 hours at 20°C *
* see additional data

page 1/4

May 2008

Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner 3 - 5%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.38 - 0.42 mm (= 0.015 - 0.016 in)
Nozzle pressure 18 MPa (= approx. 180 bar; 2560 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner 5 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 1 - 1.5 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 - 0.4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%

CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 90-53

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes
– contains a toxic polyisocyanate curing agent
– avoid at all times inhalation of aerosol spraymist

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 9.1 6.8 5.4

dft in µm 75 100 125

Overcoating table for SigmaDur 1800

substrate -5°C 0°C 10°C 20°C 30°C 40°C

minimum 3 2 1 12 8 5
interval days days day hours hours hours
maximum unlimited when cleaned from any contamination

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May 2008

Curing table

substrate temperature touch dry full cure

-5°C 8 hours 22 days
0°C 5 hours 18 days
10°C 3 hours 10 days
20°C 2 hours 7 days
30°C 1 hour 4 days
40°C 0.5 hour 3 days
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434)
– please note that should condensation occur during or soon after application
this may result in a reduction of gloss

Pot life (at application viscosity)

10°C 7 hours
20°C 5 hours
30°C 4 hours
40°C 3 hours

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490

page 3/4

May 2008

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7529
236077 white 7000001400
236081 white 7000002200

page 4/4

4 pages 25 November 2009

Revision of February 2009

DESCRIPTION two component aliphatic clear acrylic polyurethane gloss finish

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – recoatable clear acrylic polyurethane finish

– suitable for application over aluminium pigmented polyurethanes
– excellent resistance to atmospheric exposure conditions
– excellent gloss retention
– non-chalking, non-yellowing
– tough and abrasion resistant
– resistant to splash of mineral and vegetable oils, white spirit, paraffins,
aliphatic petroleum products and mild chemicals
– reduced sensitivity to early condensation and rain
– can be recoated even after long atmospheric exposure
– cures at temperatures down to -5°C

COLOURS AND GLOSS clear - gloss

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.0 g/cm³
Volume solids 50 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 463 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 450 g/l (approx. 3.8 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 35 - 50 µm depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 14.3 m²/l for 35 µm
Touch dry after 1 hour
Overcoating interval min. 12 hours *
max. unlimited
Full cure after 7 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months

RECOMMENDED – previous coat; (polyurethane) dry and free from any contamination and
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS sufficiently roughened if necessary
AND TEMPERATURES – during application and curing a substrate temperature down to -5°C is
acceptable provided the substrate is dry and free from water or ice
– substrate temperature should be at least 3°C above dew point
– maximum relative humidity during application and curing is 85%

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25 November 2009

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 85 : 15

– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be above
10°C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance and slower cure
– thinner should be added after mixing the components

Induction time none

Pot life 4 hours at 20°C *
* see additional data

Recommended thinner Thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner 10 - 12%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 1 - 1.5 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 - 0.4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes
– contains a toxic polyisocyanate curing agent
– avoid at all times inhalation of aerosol spraymist

page 2/4

25 November 2009

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 14.3 10.0

dft in µm 35 50

Overcoating table with itself

substrate -5°C 0°C 10°C 20°C 30°C 40°C

minimum 48 30 16 9 6 4\
interval hours hours hours hours hours hours
maximum unlimited

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

Curing table

substrate temperature dry to handle full cure

-5°C 48 hours 20 days
0°C 24 hours 16 days
10°C 12 hours 10 days
20°C 6 hours 7 days
30°C 5 hours 5 days
40°C 3 hours 3 days
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)

Pot life (at application viscosity)

10°C 6 hours
20°C 4 hours
30°C 3 hours
40°C 2 hours

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430

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25 November 2009

Safety in confined spaces and health safety

Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7531
192494 clear 0000001400

page 4/4

4 pages July 2010

DESCRIPTION two component zinc phosphate blast primer / sealer

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – epoxy blast primer for steel

– cures at temperatures down to +5°C
– excellent adhesion to steel
– excellent rust preventing properties in industrial or coastal atmospheres
– registered as Highway Agency item 110
– approved Network Rail RT 98 item 7.1.2

COLOURS AND GLOSS Buff BS 08C35 - eggshell

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.4 g/cm³
Volume solids 43 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) 544 g/l
Recommended dry film thickness 25 - 50 μm depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 17.2 m²/l for 25 μm
Touch dry after 20 minutes *
Overcoating interval min. 4 hours *
max. 3 months
Full cure after 5 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point base 23°C, hardener 24°C
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 50 - 100 μm

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS – galvanised steel; pretreated with Sigma Etch
AND TEMPERATURES – during application and curing a substrate temperature down to 5°C is
acceptable provided substrate is dry and free from any contamination
– substrate temperature must be at least 3°C above dew point
– maximum relative humidity during application and curing is 85%

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 75 : 25

– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be above
15°C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance and slower cure
– thinner should be added after mixing the components
Induction time none
Pot life 8 hours at 20°C
* see additional data

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July 2010

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.43 - 0.58 mm (= 0.017 - 0.023 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2130 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 1.5 - 3 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 - 0.4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 17.2 12.3 8.6

dft in μm 25 35 50

Overcoating table for Sigma EP 110 Primer

substrate 10°C 20°C 30°C

minimum 8 hours 4 hours 3 hours
maximum 3 months 3 months 2 months

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July 2010

Curing table for Sigma EP 110 Primer for dft up to 50 μm

substrate touch dry dry to handle full cure

10°C 40 min. 2 hours 7 days
20°C 20 min. 1 hour 5 days
30°C 15 min. 30 min. 3 days
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)

Pot life (at application viscosity)

10°C 10 hours
20°C 8 hours
30°C 4 hours

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490

page 3/4

July 2010

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 0660UK

page 4/4

4 pages August 2012

Revision of July 2010

Description two component high solids polyamide cured recoatable zinc phosphate epoxy

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – general purpose epoxy primer or build coat in protective coating systems for
steel and concrete structures in atmospheric exposure
– can be recoated with various two component and conventional coatings
even after long weathering periods
– free from lead and chromate containing pigments
– excellent rust preventing properties in industrial or coastal atmospheres
– tough with long term flexibility
– cures at temperatures down to -5°C
– excellent adhesion to steel
– easy application, both by airless spray and brush
– VOC compliant
– registered as Highway Agency item 111
– approved Network Rail RT 98

COLOURS AND GLOSS cream – eggshell

BASIC DATA AT 20 °C (1 g/cm³ = 8.35 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.4 g/cm³
Volume solids 68% ± 2%
VOC (UK PG 6/23(92) appendix 3) max. 214 g/l (approx. 1.8 lb/gal)
(UK PG 6/23(92) Appendix 3)
Recommended dry film thickness 75 - 150 μm depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 6.8 m²/l for 100 μm *
Touch dry after 4 hours at 20 °C

Overcoating interval min. 8 hours *

max. 6 months
Full cure after 4 days * at 20 °C
(data for components)

Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months

* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS – during application and curing a substrate temperature down to -5°C is
AND TEMPERATURES acceptable provided substrate is dry and free from any contamination
– substrate temperature at least 3°C above dew point
– maximum relative humidity during application and curing is 85%

page 1/4

August 2012

mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 80 : 20

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE – the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be
above 15°C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance and slower cure
– thinner should be added after mixing the components
Pot life 4 hours at 20 °C
*see additional data

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 1.5 - 3 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 - 0.4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 44 - 58 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.48 mm (= 0.019 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2176 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%
CLEANING SOLVENT – Thinner 90-53

Film thickness and spreading rate

theoritical spreading rate m2/l 9.1 6.8 4.5

dft in μm 75 100 150

Overcoating table for Sigma EP 111 Primer

substrate -5°C 5°C 10°C 20°C 30°C 40°C

minimum interval 48 20 16 8 6 4
hours hours hours hours hours hours
maximum interval 6 months

– for polyurethane paints the minimum overcoating time should be raised

with 100%

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August 2012

Curing Curing table for Sigma EP 111 Primer for dft up to 100 μm
substrate temperature full cure dry to handle
-5°C 14 days 24 - 48 hours
0°C 10 days 24 - 30 hours
5°C 8 days 18 - 24 hours
10°C 6 days 18 hours
15°C 5 days 12 hours
20°C 4 days 8 hours
30°C 3 days 6 hours
40°C 2 days 4 hours

– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing

(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on a
worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes necessary to
comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS – for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheets
– this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed
skin or eyes

page 3/4

August 2012

PPG warrants (i) its title to the product, (ii) that the quality of the product conforms to PPG’s specifications for such product
in effect at the time of manufacture and (iii) that the product shall be delivered free of the rightful claim of any third person for
infringement of any U.S. patent covering the product.


Any claim under this warranty must be made by Buyer to PPG in writing within five (5) days of Buyer’s discovery of the claimed
defect, but in no event later than the expiration of the applicable shelf life of the product, or one year from the date of the
delivery of the product to the Buyer, whichever is earlier. Buyer’s failure to notify PPG of such non-conformance as required
herein shall bar Buyer from recovery under this warranty.


The information in this data sheet is intended for guidance only and is based upon laboratory tests that PPG believes
to be reliable. PPG may modify the information contained herein at any time as a result of practical experience and
continuous product development. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the PPG product,
whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific inquiry, or otherwise, are based on data, which to the
best of PPG’s knowledge, is reliable. The product and related information is designed for users having the requisite
knowledge and industrial skills in the industry and it is the end-user’s responsibility to determine the suitability of the
product for its own particular use and it shall be deemed that Buyer has done so, as its sole discretion and risk.

PPG has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors affecting the use and
application of the product. Therefore, PPG does not accept any liability arising from any loss, injury or damage
resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there are written agreements stating otherwise).
Variations in the application environment, changes in procedures of use, or extrapolation of data may cause
unsatisfactory results.

This data sheet supersedes all previous versions and it is the Buyer’s responsibility to ensure that this data sheet
is current prior to using the product. Current data sheets for all PPG Protective & Marine Coatings products are
maintained at
The English text of this data sheet shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 0708UK

page 4/4

4 pages August 2012

Revision of October 2007

Description two component high solids micaceous iron oxide pigmented polyamine cured
recoatable epoxy coating

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – general purpose epoxy build coat in protective coating systems for steel and
concrete structures exposed to atmospheric land or marine conditions
– good adhesion characteristics for subsequent coats
– free from lead and chromate containing pigments
– excellent durability
– easy application, both by airless spray and brush
– VOC compliant
– resistant to temperatures up to 200°C in dry atmospheric exposure
– approved Network Rail RT 98 item 7.2.1
– registered as Highway Agency item 112

COLOURS AND GLOSS dark grey, light grey – eggshell

BASIC DATA AT 20 °C (1 g/cm³ = 8.35 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.8 g/cm³
Volume solids 70% ± 2%
VOC (UK PG 6/23(92) appendix 3) max. 245 g/l (approx. 2.0 lb/gal)
(UK PG 6/23(92) Appendix 3)
Recommended dry film thickness 75 - 150 μm depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 7.0 m²/l for 100 μm
Touch dry after 2 hours at 20 °C

Overcoating interval min. 8 hours *

max. 6 months
Full cure after 7 days * at 20 °C
(data for components)

Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 24 months

* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS – during application and curing a substrate temperature down to +5°C ,
AND TEMPERATURES overcoating times are affected as stated in the tables
– substrate temperature at least 3°C above dew point
– maximum relative humidity during application and curing is 85%
– previous suitable coat; dry and free from any contamination

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August 2012

mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 80 : 20

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE – the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be
above 15°C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance and slower cure
– thinner should be added after mixing the components
Pot life 6 hours at 20 °C

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 10 - 15%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 1.5 - 3 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 - 0.4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 44 - 58 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 5 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.48 - 0.58 mm (= 0.019 - 0.023 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2176 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%
CLEANING SOLVENT – Thinner 90-53

Film thickness and spreading rate

theoritical spreading rate m2/l 9.3 7.0 4.7

dft in μm 75 100 150

Overcoating table for Sigma EP 112 Miocoat

substrate 5°C 10°C 20°C 30°C 40°C

minimum interval 36 hours 16 hours 8 hours 6 hours 4 hours
maximum interval 6 months 6 months 6 months 3 months 1 month

– for polyurethane paints the minimum overcoating time should be raised

with 100%

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August 2012

Curing Curing table for Sigma EP 112 Miocoat for dft up to 100 μm
substrate temperature full cure dry to handle
5°C 21 days 18 hours
10°C 15 days 8 hours
15°C 10 days 6 hours
20°C 7 days 4 hours
25°C 5 days 4 hours

– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing

(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on a
worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes necessary to
comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS – for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheets
– this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed
skin or eyes

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August 2012

PPG warrants (i) its title to the product, (ii) that the quality of the product conforms to PPG’s specifications for such product
in effect at the time of manufacture and (iii) that the product shall be delivered free of the rightful claim of any third person for
infringement of any U.S. patent covering the product.


Any claim under this warranty must be made by Buyer to PPG in writing within five (5) days of Buyer’s discovery of the claimed
defect, but in no event later than the expiration of the applicable shelf life of the product, or one year from the date of the
delivery of the product to the Buyer, whichever is earlier. Buyer’s failure to notify PPG of such non-conformance as required
herein shall bar Buyer from recovery under this warranty.


The information in this data sheet is intended for guidance only and is based upon laboratory tests that PPG believes
to be reliable. PPG may modify the information contained herein at any time as a result of practical experience and
continuous product development. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the PPG product,
whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific inquiry, or otherwise, are based on data, which to the
best of PPG’s knowledge, is reliable. The product and related information is designed for users having the requisite
knowledge and industrial skills in the industry and it is the end-user’s responsibility to determine the suitability of the
product for its own particular use and it shall be deemed that Buyer has done so, as its sole discretion and risk.

PPG has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors affecting the use and
application of the product. Therefore, PPG does not accept any liability arising from any loss, injury or damage
resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there are written agreements stating otherwise).
Variations in the application environment, changes in procedures of use, or extrapolation of data may cause
unsatisfactory results.

This data sheet supersedes all previous versions and it is the Buyer’s responsibility to ensure that this data sheet
is current prior to using the product. Current data sheets for all PPG Protective & Marine Coatings products are
maintained at
The English text of this data sheet shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 0709UK

page 4/4

3 pages July 2010

DESCRIPTION two component epoxy sealer pigmented with aluminium

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – epoxy sealer for metal sprayed steel

– cures at temperatures down to +5°C
– registered as Highway Agency item 159
– approved Network Rail RT 98 item 7.1.1


BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.0 g/cm³
Volume solids 45 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) 549 g/l
Recommended dry film thickness 25 μm depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 18 m²/l
Touch dry after 45 minutes *
Overcoating interval min. 8 hours *
max. 4 days *
Full cure after 5 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point base 25°C, hardener 25°C
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – thermally sprayed steel and dry and free from any contamination
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS – during application and curing a substrate temperature down to 5°C is
AND TEMPERATURES acceptable provided substrate is dry and free from any contamination
– substrate temperature must be at least 3°C above dew point
– maximum relative humidity during application and curing is 85%

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 80 : 20

– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be above
15°C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
Induction time none
Pot life 8 hours at 20°C
* see additional data

Nozzle orifice approx. 0.43 - 0.58 mm (= 0.017 - 0.023 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2130 p.s.i.)

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July 2010

Nozzle orifice 1.5 - 3 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 - 0.4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 18.0

dft in μm 25

Overcoating table for Sigma EP 159 Sealer

substrate 10°C 20°C 30°C

minimum 8 hours 8 hours 6 hours
maximum 4 days 4 days 4 days

Curing table for Sigma EP 159 Sealer for dft of 25 μm

substrate touch dry dry to handle full cure

10°C 90 min. 4 hours 7 days
20°C 45 min. 3 hours 5 days
30°C 25 min. 1 hour 3 days
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)

Pot life (at application viscosity)

10°C 10 hours
20°C 8 hours
30°C 4 hours

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July 2010

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 0665UK

page 3/3

3 pages August 2012

Revision of April 2008

Description one component moisture curing micaceous iron oxide containing primer/build

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – low temperature cure

– good anticorrosive properties
– excellent adhesion to galvanised steel and aluminium
– ready for use
– miox primer/build coat for maintenance situations

COLOURS AND GLOSS light and dark grey – flat

BASIC DATA AT 20 °C (1 g/cm³ = 8.35 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
Mass density 1.5 g/cm³
Volume solids 71% ± 2%
Recommended dry film thickness 50 - 80 μm
Theoretical spreading rate 14.2 m²/l for 50 μm
9 m²/l for 80 μm
Touch dry after 2 hours at 20 °C

Overcoating interval min. 4 hours

max. 6 months
Full cure after 3 days at 20 °C

Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 6 months

RECOMMENDED – previous coat; (e.g. Sigma PU 160 primer) dry and free from any
AND TEMPERATURES – steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 40 - 70 μm or power tool
cleaned to min. ISO-St3
– during application and curing a substrate temperature down to +5°C is
– galvanised steel and aluminium; dry and free from any contamination and
roughened (e.g. sandpapering, sweepblasting)

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE – stir well before use

– the temperature of the paint should preferably be above 15°C, otherwise
extra thinner may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance
– take out working quantity from the tin and re-seal immediately to prevent
moisture contamination in the can
– ensure surfaces are sound, clean and dry before coating and are within
maximum overcoating restrictions
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)

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August 2012

Recommended thinner Thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.48 mm (= 0.019 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2176 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%
CLEANING SOLVENT – Thinner 21-06

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on a
worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes necessary to
comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS – for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheets
– this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed
skin or eyes

page 2/3

August 2012

PPG warrants (i) its title to the product, (ii) that the quality of the product conforms to PPG’s specifications for such product
in effect at the time of manufacture and (iii) that the product shall be delivered free of the rightful claim of any third person for
infringement of any U.S. patent covering the product.


Any claim under this warranty must be made by Buyer to PPG in writing within five (5) days of Buyer’s discovery of the claimed
defect, but in no event later than the expiration of the applicable shelf life of the product, or one year from the date of the
delivery of the product to the Buyer, whichever is earlier. Buyer’s failure to notify PPG of such non-conformance as required
herein shall bar Buyer from recovery under this warranty.


The information in this data sheet is intended for guidance only and is based upon laboratory tests that PPG believes
to be reliable. PPG may modify the information contained herein at any time as a result of practical experience and
continuous product development. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the PPG product,
whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific inquiry, or otherwise, are based on data, which to the
best of PPG’s knowledge, is reliable. The product and related information is designed for users having the requisite
knowledge and industrial skills in the industry and it is the end-user’s responsibility to determine the suitability of the
product for its own particular use and it shall be deemed that Buyer has done so, as its sole discretion and risk.

PPG has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors affecting the use and
application of the product. Therefore, PPG does not accept any liability arising from any loss, injury or damage
resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there are written agreements stating otherwise).
Variations in the application environment, changes in procedures of use, or extrapolation of data may cause
unsatisfactory results.

This data sheet supersedes all previous versions and it is the Buyer’s responsibility to ensure that this data sheet
is current prior to using the product. Current data sheets for all PPG Protective & Marine Coatings products are
maintained at
The English text of this data sheet shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 0712 UK

page 3/3

3 pages August 2012

Revision of December 2010

Description phosphoric acid based etch solution for treating new unweathered galvanised
surfaces prior to painting

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – for pretreatment of new galvanised steel where blasting or abrasion is not
– may be overcoated with a wide range of protective coating systems
– may be used to give adhesion of high temperature coatings to new
galvanised steel
– changes colour on application from blue to black to indicate the effectiveness
of primary pretreatment
– meets the requirements of British Rail's 'T-wash' solution
– not recommended for immersed conditions

COLOURS AND GLOSS pale blue solution which turns grey-black on application to clean galvanised

BASIC DATA AT 20 °C (1 g/cm³ = 8.35 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
Mass density 1.0 g/cm³
Volume solids not applicable
VOC (UK PG 6/23(92) appendix 3) max. 335 g/l (approx. 2.8 lb/gal)
(UK PG 6/23(92) Appendix 3)
Recommended dry film thickness not applicable
Theoretical spreading rate apply at 15 m²/l
Overcoating interval min. 2 hours *
max. 2 days *
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – new galvanised steel degreased using a water soluble oil and grease
AND TEMPERATURES – washed with fresh water to remove emulsified residues, dirt and other
– surfaces which following application do not uniformly blacken, indicate
insufficient primary surface preparation and these should be re-prepared by
– galvanised surfaces are variable and the preferred method of treatment is to
lightly sweep blast followed by degreasing and cleaning
– any traces of soluble zinc salts should be removed by abrading and washing

mix thoroughly before application

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE – over-application will produce a dense black powdery layer which is
unsuitable for the application of top coats
– such areas will require either abrading or washing to remove powdery
deposits otherwise the adhesion of topcoats will be adversely affected

page 1/3

August 2012

AIR SPRAY not suitable

AIRLESS SPRAY not suitable

BRUSH/ROLLER brush recommended, apply at 15 m²/l, roller is suitable

Recommended thinner not normally required
if however application results in a black powdery surface then Sigma Etch can
be diluted with clean water
CLEANING SOLVENT – clean water

Overcoating table

substrate temperature 10°C 20°C 30°C 40°C

with recommended topcoats minimum interval 2 hours 2 hours 1 hour 30 min.
maximum interval 2 days 2 days 2 days 2 days

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on a
worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes necessary to
comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS – this product contains phosphoric acid

– before commencing application refer to material safety data sheet

– see safety sheets 1430, 1431

– although this is a water borne paint, care should be taken to avoid inhalation
of spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and
exposed skin or eyes

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August 2012

PPG warrants (i) its title to the product, (ii) that the quality of the product conforms to PPG’s specifications for such product
in effect at the time of manufacture and (iii) that the product shall be delivered free of the rightful claim of any third person for
infringement of any U.S. patent covering the product.


Any claim under this warranty must be made by Buyer to PPG in writing within five (5) days of Buyer’s discovery of the claimed
defect, but in no event later than the expiration of the applicable shelf life of the product, or one year from the date of the
delivery of the product to the Buyer, whichever is earlier. Buyer’s failure to notify PPG of such non-conformance as required
herein shall bar Buyer from recovery under this warranty.


The information in this data sheet is intended for guidance only and is based upon laboratory tests that PPG believes
to be reliable. PPG may modify the information contained herein at any time as a result of practical experience and
continuous product development. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the PPG product,
whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific inquiry, or otherwise, are based on data, which to the
best of PPG’s knowledge, is reliable. The product and related information is designed for users having the requisite
knowledge and industrial skills in the industry and it is the end-user’s responsibility to determine the suitability of the
product for its own particular use and it shall be deemed that Buyer has done so, as its sole discretion and risk.

PPG has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors affecting the use and
application of the product. Therefore, PPG does not accept any liability arising from any loss, injury or damage
resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there are written agreements stating otherwise).
Variations in the application environment, changes in procedures of use, or extrapolation of data may cause
unsatisfactory results.

This data sheet supersedes all previous versions and it is the Buyer’s responsibility to ensure that this data sheet
is current prior to using the product. Current data sheets for all PPG Protective & Marine Coatings products are
maintained at
The English text of this data sheet shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7185
131931 pale blue 0000001500

page 3/3

3 pages August 2012

Revision of March 2011

Description Water based cleaner

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – excellent cleaning of soiled & chalked surfaces

– dramatically improves aged recoatability
– reduces repainting costs
– biodegradable cleaner
– contains no solvents
– contains no phosphates halogens, chlorinated solvents or petroleum
– removes deposites of oil and grease from metal, concrete and previously
painted surfaces

BASIC DATA AT 20 °C (1 g/cm³ = 8.35 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
Mass density 1.0 g/cm³
VOC (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED) max. 0 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
VOC (UK PG 6/23(92) appendix 3) max. 0 g/l (0.0 lb/gal)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months

AND TEMPERATURES – substrate temperature should be at least 5°C
– painted surfaces

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE – Sigmarite 88 cleans intact, painted surfaces

– SigmaRite 88 is used to clean metal and concrete surfaces and avoids in
many cases abrasive blasting or mechanical cleaning
– SigmaRite 88 is ideal for dry-dock painting, maintenance painting and new
construction painting
– Outstanding characteristics;
– SigmaRite 88 is a quick working bio degradable cleaner for removing
deposits of oil or grease from metal or previously painted surfaces
– When washed off with water, SigmaRite 88 leaves a clean surface with no
oily film or residu
– SigmaRite 88 cleans better than solvent type of cleaners. When dry, the
surface is ready for either abrasive blasting (if required) or for application of
a protective coating
– SigmaRite 88 reduces repainting costs by avoiding sweepblasting or
roughening of old paint systems.
– SigmaRite 88 is relatively non hazardous to use, as compared with other
types or cleaning compounds
– SigmaRite 88 contains no caustics, phosphates and no hazardous
chlorinated solvents

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August 2012

– 1. apply SigmaRite 88 generously using spray, brush, roller or mop on

the surface to be cleaned. For most applications SigmaRite 88 can
be reduced 2 to 3 times with fresh clean water. Use concentrated
SigmaRite 88 cleaner for heavy oil residues.
– 2. Allow SigmaRite 88 to remain on the surface for 5 to 10 minutes, then
scrub off with a broom or high pressure water wash. The longer the
SigmaRite 88 can be allowed to work before scrubbing, the more effective it
is in loosening deposits
– IMPORTANT: DO NOT allow SigmaRite 88 to dry on the surface
– 3. Hose with water under high pressure. On rough or pitted surfaces, it may
be necessary to scrub with a stiff brush while washing. Hot water or low
pressure steam greatly facilitates removal
– 4. If any deposits of grease or oil remain, repeat the application of
SigmaRite 88 and scrub with a cloth or scrape deposit away
– 5.Wash again with water as described before. Allow to dry before application
of protective coatings
– 6. If surfaces are hot, pre-wet before applcation of SigmaRite 88
– 7. DO NOT apply under freezing conditions.

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS – SigmaRite 88 is an alkaline cleaner. Care should be taken to prevent eye
contact and avoid prolonged or repeated skin contact. During application
the use of eye protection and waterproof gloves are recommended. See
material safety datasheet and product label for complete safety and
precaution requirements.

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August 2012

PPG warrants (i) its title to the product, (ii) that the quality of the product conforms to PPG’s specifications for such product
in effect at the time of manufacture and (iii) that the product shall be delivered free of the rightful claim of any third person for
infringement of any U.S. patent covering the product.


Any claim under this warranty must be made by Buyer to PPG in writing within five (5) days of Buyer’s discovery of the claimed
defect, but in no event later than the expiration of the applicable shelf life of the product, or one year from the date of the
delivery of the product to the Buyer, whichever is earlier. Buyer’s failure to notify PPG of such non-conformance as required
herein shall bar Buyer from recovery under this warranty.


The information in this data sheet is intended for guidance only and is based upon laboratory tests that PPG believes
to be reliable. PPG may modify the information contained herein at any time as a result of practical experience and
continuous product development. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the PPG product,
whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific inquiry, or otherwise, are based on data, which to the
best of PPG’s knowledge, is reliable. The product and related information is designed for users having the requisite
knowledge and industrial skills in the industry and it is the end-user’s responsibility to determine the suitability of the
product for its own particular use and it shall be deemed that Buyer has done so, as its sole discretion and risk.

PPG has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors affecting the use and
application of the product. Therefore, PPG does not accept any liability arising from any loss, injury or damage
resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there are written agreements stating otherwise).
Variations in the application environment, changes in procedures of use, or extrapolation of data may cause
unsatisfactory results.

This data sheet supersedes all previous versions and it is the Buyer’s responsibility to ensure that this data sheet
is current prior to using the product. Current data sheets for all PPG Protective & Marine Coatings products are
maintained at
The English text of this data sheet shall prevail over any translation thereof.

page 3/3
SigmaRite 2136

3 pages August 2012

Revision of January 2010

Description high build micaceous iron oxide pigmented vinyl coating

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – excellent adhesion to weathered hot dipped galvanised steel

– unsaponifiable
– resistant to industrial atmospheric exposure

COLOURS AND GLOSS black,medium grey,silver grey, light silver – flat

BASIC DATA AT 20 °C (1 g/cm³ = 8.35 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
small deviations depending on colour
Mass density 1.5 g/cm³
Volume solids 53% ± 2%
VOC (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED) max. 304 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
VOC (UK PG 6/23(92) appendix 3) max. 484 g/l (approx. 4.0 lb/gal)
(UK PG 6/23(92) Appendix 3)
Recommended dry film thickness 75 μm depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 7.1 m²/l for 75 μm
Touch dry after 60 min. at 20 °C
3 hours at 5 - 10°C

Overcoating interval min. 16 hours at a dft of 75 μm

max. unlimited
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months

RECOMMENDED – weathered galvanised steel; dry and free from any contamination and zinc
AND TEMPERATURES – fresh galvanised steel; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss
– previous coat; dry and free from any contamination
– substrate temperature should be at least 3°C above dew point

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE – stir well before use

– the temperature of the paint should preferably be above 15°C, otherwise
extra thinner may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance

Recommended thinner Thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner 10 - 15%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 1.8 - 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 MPa (= approx. 3 bar; 44 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner 8 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.45 mm (= 0.018 in)
Nozzle pressure 12 - 15 MPa (= approx. 120 - 150 bar; 1740 - 2176 p.s.i.)

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SigmaRite 2136

August 2012

Recommended thinner Thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%
CLEANING SOLVENT – Thinner 21-06

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on a
worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes necessary to
comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS – for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheets
– this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed
skin or eyes

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SigmaRite 2136

August 2012

PPG warrants (i) its title to the product, (ii) that the quality of the product conforms to PPG’s specifications for such product
in effect at the time of manufacture and (iii) that the product shall be delivered free of the rightful claim of any third person for
infringement of any U.S. patent covering the product.


Any claim under this warranty must be made by Buyer to PPG in writing within five (5) days of Buyer’s discovery of the claimed
defect, but in no event later than the expiration of the applicable shelf life of the product, or one year from the date of the
delivery of the product to the Buyer, whichever is earlier. Buyer’s failure to notify PPG of such non-conformance as required
herein shall bar Buyer from recovery under this warranty.


The information in this data sheet is intended for guidance only and is based upon laboratory tests that PPG believes
to be reliable. PPG may modify the information contained herein at any time as a result of practical experience and
continuous product development. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the PPG product,
whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific inquiry, or otherwise, are based on data, which to the
best of PPG’s knowledge, is reliable. The product and related information is designed for users having the requisite
knowledge and industrial skills in the industry and it is the end-user’s responsibility to determine the suitability of the
product for its own particular use and it shall be deemed that Buyer has done so, as its sole discretion and risk.

PPG has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors affecting the use and
application of the product. Therefore, PPG does not accept any liability arising from any loss, injury or damage
resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there are written agreements stating otherwise).
Variations in the application environment, changes in procedures of use, or extrapolation of data may cause
unsatisfactory results.

This data sheet supersedes all previous versions and it is the Buyer’s responsibility to ensure that this data sheet
is current prior to using the product. Current data sheets for all PPG Protective & Marine Coatings products are
maintained at
The English text of this data sheet shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7330

page 3/3

3 pages August 2012

Revision of January 2010

Description high build pigmented vinyl finish

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – excellent adhesion to weathered hot dipped galvanised steel

– unsaponifiable
– resistant to industrial atmospheric exposure

COLOURS AND GLOSS RAL and BS colours – semigloss

BASIC DATA AT 20 °C (1 g/cm³ = 8.35 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
small deviations depending on colour
Mass density 1.3 g/cm³
Volume solids 42% ± 2%
VOC (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED) max. 470 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
VOC (UK PG 6/23(92) appendix 3) max. 555 g/l (approx. 4.6 lb/gal)
(UK PG 6/23(92) Appendix 3)
Recommended dry film thickness 75 μm depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 5.6 m²/l for 75 μm
Touch dry after 60 min. at 20 °C
3 hours at 5 - 10°C

Overcoating interval min. 16 hours at a dft of 75 μm

max. unlimited
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months

RECOMMENDED – weathered galvanised steel; dry and free from any contamination and zinc
AND TEMPERATURES – fresh galvanised steel; sweep blasted to SPSS-Ss
– previous coat; dry and free from any contamination
– substrate temperature should be at least 3°C above dew point

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE – stir well before use

– the temperature of the paint should preferably be above 15°C, otherwise
extra thinner may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance

Recommended thinner Thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner 10 - 15%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 1.8 - 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 MPa (= approx. 3 bar; 44 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner 8 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.45 mm (= 0.018 in)
Nozzle pressure 12 - 15 MPa (= approx. 120 - 150 bar; 1740 - 2176 p.s.i.)

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August 2012

Recommended thinner Thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%
CLEANING SOLVENT – Thinner 21-06

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS – for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheets
– this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed
skin or eyes

page 2/3

August 2012

PPG warrants (i) its title to the product, (ii) that the quality of the product conforms to PPG’s specifications for such product
in effect at the time of manufacture and (iii) that the product shall be delivered free of the rightful claim of any third person for
infringement of any U.S. patent covering the product.


Any claim under this warranty must be made by Buyer to PPG in writing within five (5) days of Buyer’s discovery of the claimed
defect, but in no event later than the expiration of the applicable shelf life of the product, or one year from the date of the
delivery of the product to the Buyer, whichever is earlier. Buyer’s failure to notify PPG of such non-conformance as required
herein shall bar Buyer from recovery under this warranty.


The information in this data sheet is intended for guidance only and is based upon laboratory tests that PPG believes
to be reliable. PPG may modify the information contained herein at any time as a result of practical experience and
continuous product development. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the PPG product,
whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific inquiry, or otherwise, are based on data, which to the
best of PPG’s knowledge, is reliable. The product and related information is designed for users having the requisite
knowledge and industrial skills in the industry and it is the end-user’s responsibility to determine the suitability of the
product for its own particular use and it shall be deemed that Buyer has done so, as its sole discretion and risk.

PPG has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors affecting the use and
application of the product. Therefore, PPG does not accept any liability arising from any loss, injury or damage
resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there are written agreements stating otherwise).
Variations in the application environment, changes in procedures of use, or extrapolation of data may cause
unsatisfactory results.

This data sheet supersedes all previous versions and it is the Buyer’s responsibility to ensure that this data sheet
is current prior to using the product. Current data sheets for all PPG Protective & Marine Coatings products are
maintained at
The English text of this data sheet shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7331

page 3/3

2 pages January 2010

DESCRIPTION Temperature indication paint blue

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – Indicates potentential dangerous hot spots

– colour changes above 200°C from blue to white


BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
Mass density 1.2 g/cm³
Volume solids 44 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 384 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 449 g/l (approx. 3.7 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 25 - 40 µm
Theoretical spreading rate 18.8 m²/l for 25 µm
Overcoating interval min. 16 hours at 20°C
max. unlimited
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months

RECOMMENDED – steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS – suitable primer; SigmaZinc 11 dry and free from any contamination
AND TEMPERATURES – substrate temperature should be above 10°C and at least 3°C above dew
point during application and curing

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE – stir well before use

– the temperature of the paint should preferably be above 15°C, otherwise
extra thinner may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)

Recommended thinner Thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.43 mm (= 0.017 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2130 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 1.8 - 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.35 MPa (= approx. 3.5 bar; 50 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner 0 - 2%


page 1/2

January 2010

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

ADDITIONAL DATA Overcoating table for SigmaRite 37-B-1

10°C 20°C 30°C

Dry through 60 min. 30 min. 20 min.
minimum interval 48 hours 16 hours 8 hours
maximum interval unlimited unlimited unlimited

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7593

page 2/2

5 pages June 2012

Revision of March 2010

Description high build zinc phosphate primer based on modified alkyd resin

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS good anticorrosive properties under atmospheric conditions

fast drying
fast handling
recoatable with most one and two component coatings
suitable for atmospheric exposure conditions
lead- and chromate free

COLOURS AND GLOSS redbrown, grey (other (RAL) colours on request) – flat

BASIC DATA AT 20 °C (1 g/cm³ = 8.35 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
Mass density 1.5 g/cm³
Volume solids 55% ± 2%
VOC (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED) max. 258 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
VOC (UK PG 6/23(92) appendix 3) max. 382 g/l (approx. 3.2 lb/gal)
(UK PG 6/23(92) Appendix 3)
Recommended dry film thickness 50 - 75 μm per coat
Theoretical spreading rate 11.0 m²/l for 50 μm
7.3 m²/l for 75 μm
Touch dry after 15 minutes at 20 °C

Overcoating interval min. 45 minutes for 75 μm dft *

at higher dft's drying time will be longer
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS – steel; power tool cleaned to min. ISO-St2
AND TEMPERATURES – shop primed steel; sweep blasted or power tool cleaned to SPSS-Ss or
– substrate temperature should be above 5°C and at least 3°C above dew

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE – stir well before use

– the temperature of the paint should preferably be above 15°C, otherwise
extra thinner may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)

Recommended thinner Thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner 5 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 1.8 - 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.35 MPa (= approx. 3.5 bar; 51 p.s.i.)

page 1/5

June 2012

Recommended thinner Thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.38 - 0.48 mm (= 0.015 - 0.019 in)
Nozzle pressure 12 - 16 MPa (= approx. 120 - 160 bar; 1740 - 2321 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 20-05
Volume of thinner 0 - 2%
CLEANING SOLVENT – Thinner 21-06

Overcoating table for SigmaFast 20 for dft up to 75 μm

substrate temperature 10°C 15°C 20°C

with two component products: minimum interval 12 hours 10 hours 8 hours
SigmaCover 456,
maximum interval unlimited
SigmaCover 435,
SigmaDur 520

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

Overcoating table for SigmaFast 20 for dft up to 75 μm

substrate temperature 10°C 15°C 20°C

with alkyd based products minimum interval 75 min. 60 min. 45 min.
(e.g. SigmaFast 20 and 40)
maximum interval unlimited

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on a
worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes necessary to
comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

page 2/5

June 2012

REFERENCES Conversion tabels see information sheet 1410

Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Specification for mineral abrasives see information sheet 1491
Relative humidity - substrate temperature -
air temperature see information sheet 1650

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS – for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheets
– this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed
skin or eyes

page 3/5

June 2012

PPG warrants (i) its title to the product, (ii) that the quality of the product conforms to PPG’s specifications for such product
in effect at the time of manufacture and (iii) that the product shall be delivered free of the rightful claim of any third person for
infringement of any U.S. patent covering the product.


Any claim under this warranty must be made by Buyer to PPG in writing within five (5) days of Buyer’s discovery of the claimed
defect, but in no event later than the expiration of the applicable shelf life of the product, or one year from the date of the
delivery of the product to the Buyer, whichever is earlier. Buyer’s failure to notify PPG of such non-conformance as required
herein shall bar Buyer from recovery under this warranty.


The information in this data sheet is intended for guidance only and is based upon laboratory tests that PPG believes
to be reliable. PPG may modify the information contained herein at any time as a result of practical experience and
continuous product development. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the PPG product,
whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific inquiry, or otherwise, are based on data, which to the
best of PPG’s knowledge, is reliable. The product and related information is designed for users having the requisite
knowledge and industrial skills in the industry and it is the end-user’s responsibility to determine the suitability of the
product for its own particular use and it shall be deemed that Buyer has done so, as its sole discretion and risk.

PPG has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors affecting the use and
application of the product. Therefore, PPG does not accept any liability arising from any loss, injury or damage
resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there are written agreements stating otherwise).
Variations in the application environment, changes in procedures of use, or extrapolation of data may cause
unsatisfactory results.

This data sheet supersedes all previous versions and it is the Buyer’s responsibility to ensure that this data sheet
is current prior to using the product. Current data sheets for all PPG Protective & Marine Coatings products are
maintained at
The English text of this data sheet shall prevail over any translation thereof.

page 4/5

June 2012

178249 redbrown 2008002200

181056 grey 7035262200
179897 base L 0710002194
179898 base Z 0070002158
PDS 7155

page 5/5

3 pages September 2009

Revision of June 2007

DESCRIPTION high build finish coating, based on modified alkyd resin

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – suitable for atmospheric exposure conditions

– fast drying
– fast handling
– good gloss and colour retention
– not suitable for immersion in water

COLOURS AND GLOSS RAL colours (other colours available on request) - semigloss

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
Mass density 1.3 g/cm³
Volume solids 45 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 390 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 490 g/l (approx. 4.1 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 50 µm per coat
Theoretical spreading rate 9.0 m²/l for 50 µm
Touch dry after 45 min.
Overcoating interval min. 4 hours for 50 µm dft
max. unlimited
at higher dft's drying time will be longer
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 24 months

RECOMMENDED – previous suitable coat; (e.g. SigmaFast 20) dry and free from any
AND TEMPERATURES – old existing sound coating; sufficiently roughened, dry and cleaned
– substrate temperature should be above 5°C and at least 3°C above dew

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE – stir well before use

– the temperature of the paint should preferably be above 15°C, otherwise
extra thinner may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)

Recommended thinner Thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.38 - 0.48 mm (= 0.015 - 0.019 in)
Nozzle pressure 12 - 16 MPa (= approx. 120 - 160 bar; 1700 - 2270 p.s.i.)

page 1/3

September 2009

Recommended thinner Thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner 5 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 1.5 - 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 - 0.4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 20-05
Volume of thinner 0 - 2%


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

ADDITIONAL DATA Overcoating table for SigmaFast 40 for dft up to 50 µm

with itself substrate 10°C 15°C 20°C 30°C

minimum 8 hours 6 hours 4 hours 3 hours
maximum unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434

page 2/3

September 2009

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7234
235941 base L 0710002197
235942 base L 0710001492
235289 base Z 0070002179
235290 base Z 0070001448

page 3/3

3 pages September 2009

Revision of September 2005

DESCRIPTION fast drying finish, based on modified alkyd resin

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – suitable for atmospheric exposure conditions

– good gloss and colour retention
– fast drying
– fast handling

COLOURS AND GLOSS RAL colours - gloss

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
Mass density 1.1 g/cm³
Volume solids 44 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 468 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 506 g/l (approx. 4.2 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 35 - 50 µm per coat
Theoretical spreading rate 12.6 m²/l for 35 µm, 8.8 m²/l for 50 µm
Touch dry after 1.5 hour
Overcoating interval min. 8 hours for 35 µm dft
at higher dft's drying time will be longer
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months

RECOMMENDED – previous suitable coat; (e.g. SigmaFast 20) dry and free from any
AND TEMPERATURES – old existing sound coating; sufficiently roughened, dry and cleaned
– substrate temperature must be above 5°C and at least 3°C above dew point
during application and curing

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE – stir well before use

– the temperature of the paint should preferably be above 15°C, otherwise
extra thinner may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)

Recommended thinner Thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner approx. 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.33 - 0.38 mm (= 0.013 - 0.015 in)
Nozzle pressure 12 - 16 MPa (= approx. 120 - 160 bar; 1700 - 2270 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner 25%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 1.4 - 2.0 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 - 0.4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)

page 1/3

September 2009

Recommended thinner no thinner should be added


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

ADDITIONAL DATA Overcoating table for SigmaFast 45 for dft up to 50 µm

with itself substrate 10°C 15°C 20°C 30°C

minimum 8 hours 6 hours 4 hours 3 hours
maximum unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434

page 2/3

September 2009

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7236
165444 base L 0710002192
165794 base Z 0070002179

page 3/3

4 pages July 2012

Revision of March 2011

Description two component high build polyamide cured zinc phosphate epoxy primer/

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – general purpose epoxy primer/coating for atmospheric conditions

– direct to metal and concrete in selected environments
– fast curing
– recoatable with most two component epoxy- and polyurethane coatings
– tough, with long term flexibility
– easy application by airless spray

COLOURS AND GLOSS grey (other (RAL) colours on request) – eggshell

BASIC DATA AT 20 °C (1 g/cm³ = 8.35 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.4 g/cm³
Volume solids 70% ± 2%
VOC (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED) max. 224 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
VOC (UK PG 6/23(92) appendix 3) max. 322 g/l (approx. 2.7 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 80 - 150 μm depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 8.8 m²/l for 80 μm
4.7 m²/l for 150 μm
Touch dry after 2 hours at 20 °C

Overcoating interval min. 4 hours for 150 μm dft *

max. 6 months *
Full cure after 4 days * at 20 °C

Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months

* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 40 - 70 μm

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS – substrate temperature should be above 5°C and at least 3°C above dew
AND TEMPERATURES point during application and curing
– concrete: abrasive blast, acid etch or equivalent methods
– moisture content of concrete should be max. 4%

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 75 : 25

– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be

above 15°C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance and slower cure
– thinner should be added after mixing the components
Pot life 6 hours at 20 °C *
Induction time – none above 10°C
– 10 minutes if applied at temperatures below 10°C

page 1/4

July 2012

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 5 - 15%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 1.5 - 3 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 - 0.4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 44 - 58 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.48 mm (= 0.019 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2176 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%


Film thickness and spreading rate

theoritical spreading rate m2/l 8.8 7 4.7

dft in μm 80 100 150

Overcoating table for SigmaFast 205 for dft up to 150 μm

substrate 5°C 10°C 20°C 30°C 40°C

with SigmaFast 205, minimum interval 10 hours 6 hours 4 hours 3 hours 2 hours
SigmaCover 435,
SigmaCover 456 and
various two component
polyurethane coatings
maximum interval 6 months 6 months 6 months 6 months 6 months

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

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July 2012

Curing Curing table

substrate temperature full cure dry to handle
5°C 8 days 18 hours
10°C 6 days 12 hours
20°C 4 days 6 hours
30°C 3 days 4 hours
40°C 2 days 3 hours

– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing

(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)

Pot life (at application viscosity)

10 °C 10 hours
20 °C 6 hours
30 °C 3 hours

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on a
worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes necessary to
comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Conversion tabels see information sheet 1410

Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Specification for mineral abrasives see information sheet 1491
Relative humidity - substrate temperature -
air temperature see information sheet 1650

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS – for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheets
– this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed
skin or eyes

page 3/4

July 2012

PPG warrants (i) its title to the product, (ii) that the quality of the product conforms to PPG’s specifications for such product
in effect at the time of manufacture and (iii) that the product shall be delivered free of the rightful claim of any third person for
infringement of any U.S. patent covering the product.


Any claim under this warranty must be made by Buyer to PPG in writing within five (5) days of Buyer’s discovery of the claimed
defect, but in no event later than the expiration of the applicable shelf life of the product, or one year from the date of the
delivery of the product to the Buyer, whichever is earlier. Buyer’s failure to notify PPG of such non-conformance as required
herein shall bar Buyer from recovery under this warranty.


The information in this data sheet is intended for guidance only and is based upon laboratory tests that PPG believes
to be reliable. PPG may modify the information contained herein at any time as a result of practical experience and
continuous product development. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the PPG product,
whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific inquiry, or otherwise, are based on data, which to the
best of PPG’s knowledge, is reliable. The product and related information is designed for users having the requisite
knowledge and industrial skills in the industry and it is the end-user’s responsibility to determine the suitability of the
product for its own particular use and it shall be deemed that Buyer has done so, as its sole discretion and risk.

PPG has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors affecting the use and
application of the product. Therefore, PPG does not accept any liability arising from any loss, injury or damage
resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there are written agreements stating otherwise).
Variations in the application environment, changes in procedures of use, or extrapolation of data may cause
unsatisfactory results.

This data sheet supersedes all previous versions and it is the Buyer’s responsibility to ensure that this data sheet
is current prior to using the product. Current data sheets for all PPG Protective & Marine Coatings products are
maintained at
The English text of this data sheet shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7802
225064 grey 5188052200

page 4/4

4 pages March 2011

Revision of December 2010

DESCRIPTION two component high build zinc phosphate polyurethane primer/finish


– specially designed for in-shop application
– easy application by airless spray
– unlimited recoatable
– good adhesion to steel and galvanised steel
– good resistance to atmospheric exposure
– good colour retention
– non-chalking, non-yellowing
– cures at temperatures down to -5°C

COLOURS AND GLOSS a wide range of colours available by PPG colornet tinting system - semigloss

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for white, for mixed product)
Mass density 1.4 g/cm³
Volume solids 55 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 270 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 383 g/l (approx. 3.2 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 80 - 120 μm depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 6.9 m²/l for 80 μm, 4.6 m²/l for 120 μm
Touch dry after 1 hour
Overcoating interval min. 4 hours *
max. unlimited
Full cure after 4 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 24 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 40 - 70 μm

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS – galvanised steel; dry and free from any contamination and roughened (e.g.
AND TEMPERATURES sandpapering, sweepblasting)
– during application and curing a substrate temperature down to -5°C is
acceptable provided the substrate is dry and free from ice
– substrate temperature should be at least 3°C above dew point
– maximum relative humidity during application and curing is 85%
– premature exposure to early condensation and rain may cause colour and
gloss change

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March 2011

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 88 : 12

– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be above
10°C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance and slower cure
– thinner should be added after mixing the components
Induction time none
Pot life 5 hours at 20°C *
* see additional data

Recommended thinner Thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.45 mm (= 0.018 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2130 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner 5 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 1 - 1.5 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 - 0.4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 6.9 4.6

dft in μm 80 120

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March 2011

Overcoating table for SigmaFast 210 for dft up to 120 μm

with itself and two component substrate -5°C 0°C 10°C 20°C 30°C
polyurethane finishes temperature
minimum 24 hours 16 hours 6 hours 4 hours 2 hours
maximum unlimited

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

Curing table

substrate temperature dry to handle full cure

-5°C 24 hours 15 days
0°C 16 hours 11 days
10°C 4 hours 5 days
20°C 3 hours 4 days
30°C 2 hours 3 days

– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing

(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)
– premature exposure to early condensation and rain may cause colour and
gloss change
– to increase the curing speed of SigmaFast 210 the use of SigmaFast 210
accelerator is allowed to a maximum of 5% on volume (set)
– please note that by adding the SigmaFast 210 accelerator the potlife will be
reduced, see table below

Pot life (at application viscosity)

20°C 5 hours (no SigmaFast 210

20°C 2 hours (2.5% - volume/set)
20°C 1 hour (5.0% - volume/set)

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

page 3/4

March 2011

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7541
240785 black 8000002200
240786 black 8000001400
240787 white 7000002200
240788 white 7000001400

page 4/4

4 pages September 2009

Revision of January 2008

DESCRIPTION two component high build polyamine cured vinyl epoxy primer

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – epoxy primer or build coat in protective coating systems for steel structures
in atmospheric exposure
– tough, with long term flexibility
– cures at temperatures down to -5°C
– fast drying and handling

COLOURS AND GLOSS grey, yellow - flat

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.5 g/cm³
Volume solids 60 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 235 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 345 g/l (approx. 2.9 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 80 - 180 µm depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 7.5 m²/l for 80 µm, 3.3 m²/l for 180 µm *
Touch dry after 50 minutes
Overcoating interval min. 1 hour *
max. 1 year *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
Flash point <21°C
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 40 - 70 µm

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS – during application and curing a substrate temperature down to -5°C is
AND TEMPERATURES acceptable provided the substrate is dry and free from ice
– substrate temperature should be at least 3°C above dew point
– maximum relative humidity during application and curing is 85%

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 80 : 20

– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be above
15°C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance and slower cure
– thinner should be added after mixing the components
Induction time 15 minutes at 20°C
Pot life 6 hours at 20°C *
* see additional data

Recommended thinner Thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner 20 - 30%, depending on required thickness and application conditions

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September 2009

Nozzle orifice approx. 0.48 mm (= 0.019 in)

Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2130 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner 20 - 30%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 1.5 - 3 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 - 0.4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 7.5 6.0 3.3

dft in µm 80 100 180

Overcoating table for 80 µm dft

substrate 0°C 10°C 20°C 30°C

minimum 3 hours 1.5 hour 45 min. 25 min.
maximum 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

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September 2009

Overcoating table for 150 µm dft

substrate 0°C 10°C 20°C 30°C

minimum 4.5 hours 2.5 hours 1 hour 35 min.
maximum 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490

page 3/4

September 2009

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7705
219313 yellow 3000002200
219315 grey 5000002200

page 4/4

4 pages March 2011

Revision of October 2008

DESCRIPTION two component high build zinc phosphate polyurethane primer/finish


– specially designed for in-shop application
– easy application by airless spray
– unlimited recoatable
– good adhesion to steel and galvanised steel
– good resistance to atmospheric exposure
– good colour retention
– non-chalking, non-yellowing
– cures at temperatures down to -5°C

COLOURS AND GLOSS a wide range of colours available by PPG colornet tinting system - gloss

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for white, for mixed product)
Mass density 1.3 g/cm³
Volume solids 54 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 275 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 395 g/l (approx. 3.3 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 80 - 120 μm depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 6.8 m²/l for 80 μm, 4.5 m²/l for 120 μm
Touch dry after 1 hour
Overcoating interval min. 4 hours *
max. unlimited
Full cure after 4 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 24 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 40 - 70 μm

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS – galvanised steel; dry and free from any contamination and roughened (e.g.
AND TEMPERATURES sandpapering, sweepblasting)
– during application and curing a substrate temperature down to -5°C is
acceptable provided the substrate is dry and free from ice
– substrate temperature should be at least 3°C above dew point
– maximum relative humidity during application and curing is 85%
– premature exposure to early condensation and rain may cause colour and
gloss change

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March 2011

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 88 : 12

– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be above
10°C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance and slower cure
– thinner should be added after mixing the components
Induction time none
Pot life 2.5 hours at 20°C *
* see additional data

Recommended thinner Thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.45 mm (= 0.018 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2130 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner 5 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 1 - 1.5 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 - 0.4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 6.8 4.5

dft in μm 80 120

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March 2011

Overcoating table for SigmaFast 220 for dft up to 120 μm

with itself and two component substrate -5°C 0°C 10°C 20°C 30°C
polyurethane finishes temperature
minimum 24 hours 16 hours 6 hours 4 hours 2 hours
maximum unlimited

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

Curing table for dft up to 120 μm

substrate temperature dry to handle full cure

-5°C 24 hours 15 days
0°C 16 hours 11 days
10°C 4 hours 5 days
20°C 3 hours 4 days
30°C 2 hours 3 days

– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing

(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)
– premature exposure to early condensation and rain may cause colour and
gloss change

Pot life (at application viscosity)

10°C 4 hours
20°C 2.5 hours
30°C 1.5 hour

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434

page 3/4

March 2011

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7542

page 4/4
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3 pages March 2011

Revision of October 2009

DESCRIPTION two component high build epoxy primer/coating

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – general purpose epoxy primer/coating for atmospheric conditions

– fast curing
– recoatable with most two component epoxy- and polyurethane coatings
– tough, with long term flexibility
– easy application by airless spray

COLOURS AND GLOSS grey (other (RAL) colours on request) - eggshell

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.7 g/cm³
Volume solids 66 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 179 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 306 g/l (approx. 2.6 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 100 - 150 μm depending on system *
Theoretical spreading rate 6.6 m²/l for 100 μm *
Touch dry after 15 min.
Overcoating interval min. 2 hours for 100 μm dft *
max. 6 months *
Full cure after 4 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 40 - 70 μm

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS – substrate temperature should be above 5°C and at least 3°C above dew
AND TEMPERATURES point during application and curing

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 80 : 20

– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be above
15°C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance and slower cure
– thinner should be added after mixing the components
Induction time none above 10°C
10 minutes if applied at temperatures below 10°C
Pot life 4 hours at 20°C *

Recommended thinner Thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.48 mm (= 0.019 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2130 p.s.i.)

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March 2011

Recommended thinner Thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner 5 - 15%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 1.5 - 3 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 - 0.4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 21-06
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 6.6 4.0

dft in μm 100 150

Overcoating table for SigmaFast 370 for dft up to 100 μm

with SigmaFast 370, SigmaCover substrate 5°C 10°C 20°C 30°C

435 and SigmaDur 550 temperature
minimum 8 hours 4 hours 2 hours 1 hour
maximum 6 months 6 months 6 months 6 months

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

Curing table for dft up to 100 μm

substrate temperature dry to handle full cure

5°C 16 hours 8 days
10°C 8 hours 6 days
20°C 5 hours 4 days
30°C 2 hours 3 days
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)

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March 2011

Pot life (at application viscosity)

10°C 5 hours
20°C 4 hours
30°C 3 hours

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7803

page 3/3

4 pages August 2012

Revision of November 2004

Description one component, modified acrylic based, air drying industrial enamel


– good exterior durability
– excellent gloss and colour retention
– VOC compliant as a finish

COLOURS AND GLOSS Wide range of colours, lead free: BS 4800, BS381C, RAL – gloss

BASIC DATA AT 20 °C (1 g/cm³ = 8.35 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
Mass density 1.1 - 1.3 g/cm³ ( depending on colour)
Volume solids 53% ± 2%
VOC (UK PG 6/23(92) appendix 3) max. 420 g/l (approx. 3.5 lb/gal)
(UK PG 6/23(92) Appendix 3)
Recommended dry film thickness 25 - 40 μm ( can be achieved by a single coat application or using a "wet on
wet" technique)
Theoretical spreading rate 21.2 m²/l for 25 μm
13.3 m²/l for 40 μm *
Touch dry after 40 min. at 20 °C

Overcoating interval see overcoating table *

Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months

RECOMMENDED – can be applied on most sound clean paint systems or onto clean bare metal
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS which has been primed with a suitable primer
AND TEMPERATURES – application temperature range 5 - 30 °C
– substrate temperature should be at least 3°C above dew point
– maximum relative humidity during application and curing is 85%

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE – stir well before use

– the temperature of the paint should preferably be above 15°C, otherwise
extra thinner may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)
– addition of thinner may increase the VOC value of the product to greater
than 420 g/litre

Recommended thinner no extra thinner should be required but if necessary Thinner 21-06 can be
added to the mixed components
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 1.5 - 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 - 0.4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 44 - 58 p.s.i.)

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August 2012

Recommended thinner no extra thinner should be required but if necessary Thinner 21-06 can be
added to the mixed components
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.33 - 0.43 mm (= 0.013 - 0.017 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 - 28 MPa (= approx. 2176 - 4061 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner no extra thinner is required but if necessary Thinner 21-06 can be added if
desired to mixed components
Volume of thinner 0 - 5% if required

Overcoating table for SigmaFast HS Enamel for dft up to 25 μm

substrate temperature 5°C 20°C 30°C

with itself minimum interval 8 hours 5 hours 2 hours
maximum interval 30 hours 24 hours 16 hours

– wrinkling of the topcoat may occur if overcoating takes place between the
times stated

Curing Drying table

substrate touch dry full cure dry to handle
5°C 75 min. 24 hours 120 min.
20°C 40 min. 24 hours 60 min.
30°C 30 min. 12 hours 50 min.

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on a
worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes necessary to
comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Conversion tabels see information sheet 1410

Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Relative humidity - substrate temperature -
air temperature see information sheet 1650

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August 2012

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS – for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheets
– this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed
skin or eyes

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August 2012

PPG warrants (i) its title to the product, (ii) that the quality of the product conforms to PPG’s specifications for such product
in effect at the time of manufacture and (iii) that the product shall be delivered free of the rightful claim of any third person for
infringement of any U.S. patent covering the product.


Any claim under this warranty must be made by Buyer to PPG in writing within five (5) days of Buyer’s discovery of the claimed
defect, but in no event later than the expiration of the applicable shelf life of the product, or one year from the date of the
delivery of the product to the Buyer, whichever is earlier. Buyer’s failure to notify PPG of such non-conformance as required
herein shall bar Buyer from recovery under this warranty.


The information in this data sheet is intended for guidance only and is based upon laboratory tests that PPG believes
to be reliable. PPG may modify the information contained herein at any time as a result of practical experience and
continuous product development. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the PPG product,
whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific inquiry, or otherwise, are based on data, which to the
best of PPG’s knowledge, is reliable. The product and related information is designed for users having the requisite
knowledge and industrial skills in the industry and it is the end-user’s responsibility to determine the suitability of the
product for its own particular use and it shall be deemed that Buyer has done so, as its sole discretion and risk.

PPG has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors affecting the use and
application of the product. Therefore, PPG does not accept any liability arising from any loss, injury or damage
resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there are written agreements stating otherwise).
Variations in the application environment, changes in procedures of use, or extrapolation of data may cause
unsatisfactory results.

This data sheet supersedes all previous versions and it is the Buyer’s responsibility to ensure that this data sheet
is current prior to using the product. Current data sheets for all PPG Protective & Marine Coatings products are
maintained at
The English text of this data sheet shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 0672UK

page 4/4

4 pages March 2011

Revision of April 2009

DESCRIPTION two component high build amine adduct cured novolac phenolic epoxy holding

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – holding primer for SigmaGuard CSF 650, Novaguard 840 and
Novaguard 890
– can be applied and cures at temperatures down to +5°C
– good application properties, resulting in a smooth surface
– good abrasion resistance

COLOURS AND GLOSS pink - eggshell

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.7 g/cm³
Volume solids 68 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 194 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 328 g/l (approx. 2.7 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 75 μm *
Theoretical spreading rate 9.1 m²/l for 75 μm
Touch dry after 2 - 3 hours at 20°C, 14 - 16 hours at 5°C
Overcoating interval min. 8 hours *
max. 1 month *
Full cure after see curing table *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – steel; blast cleaned in situ to at least ISO-Sa2½ and free from rust, scale,
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS shop primer and any other contamination
AND TEMPERATURES – blasting profile 50 - 100 μm
– the substrate must be perfectly dry before and during application of
SigmaGuard 260
– substrate temperature must be above 5°C and at least 3°C above dew point
during application and curing

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March 2011

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 87 : 13

– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be above
15°C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance and slower cure
– thinner should be added after mixing the components
Induction time allow induction time before use
5°C - 20 min.
10°C - 15 min.
15°C - 10 min.
Pot life 2 hours at 20°C *
* see additional data

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 5 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.48 - 0.53 mm (= 0.019 - 0.021 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2130 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 5 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 MPa (= approx. 3 bar; 43 p.s.i.)

BRUSH only for spot repair and stripe coating

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 9.1 6.8

dft in μm 75 100

max. dft when brushing: 60 μm

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March 2011

Overcoating table for SigmaGuard 260 for dft up to 75 μm

with SigmaGuard CSF 650, substrate 5°C 10°C 15°C 20°C 30°C
Novaguard 840 or Novaguard 890 temperature
minimum 24 hours 20 hours 14 hours 8 hours 5 hours
maximum 2 months 2 months 2 months 1 month 1 month
interval when
not exposed to

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

Curing table for dft up to 75 μm

substrate temperature dry to handle full cure

5°C 20 hours 10 days
10°C 10 hours 7 days
20°C 3 hours 5 days
40°C 1 hour 3 days
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)
– when used as a primer under solvent free tank-linings the dft must be limited
to a maximum of 100 μm

Pot life (at application viscosity)

5°C 8 hours
10°C 6 hours
15°C 4 hours
20°C 2 hours
40°C 30 min.

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

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March 2011

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7944
241815 pink 6007002200

page 4/4

4 pages July 2011

Revision of February 2010

DESCRIPTION two component solvent free amine cured epoxy coating

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – one coat protection for maintenance or major refurbishment of ballast water
tanks and crude oil tanks
– tolerant to marginal surface preparation
– good corrosion resistance
– can be applied by heavy duty single feed airless spray equipment (60:1)
– reduced explosion risk and fire hazard
– good visibility due to light colour

COLOURS AND GLOSS light grey - gloss

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.35 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.3 g/cm³
Volume solids 100%
VOC (supplied) max. 111 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 144 g/l (approx. 1.2 lb/gal)
see information sheet 1411
Recommended dry film thickness 300 μm
Theoretical spreading rate 3.3 m²/l for 300 μm *
Touch dry after 8 hours
Overcoating interval min. 24 hours *
max. 20 days *
Full cure after 5 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 50 - 100 μm

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS – steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2 or power tool cleaned to ISO-St2 for good
AND TEMPERATURES corrosion protection
– coated steel; hydrojetted to VIS WJ2/3 L (blasting profile 50 - 100 μm)
– previous epoxy coat; in sound condition, dry and free from any
contamination and sufficiently roughened if necessary
– pitted steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½ is recommended
– suitable primer; SigmaCover 280
– substrate temperature must be above 5°C during application and curing
– There are no restrictions regarding dew point temperature and relative
– suitable for damp surfaces

SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine 1 x 300 μm SigmaGuard 603

page 1/4

July 2011

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 80 : 20

– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be at
least 20°C
– at lower temperature the viscosity will be too high for spray application
– no thinner should be added
Induction time none
Pot life approx. 1 hour at 20°C *
* see additional data

AIRLESS SPRAY – use heavy duty single feed airless spray equipment preferably 60:1 pump
ratio and suitable high pressure hoses
– in-line heating or insulated hoses may be necessary to avoid cooling down
of paint in hoses at low air temperature
– application with 45:1 airless spray equipment is possible provided in-line
heated high pressure hoses are used
– in case of using 45:1 airless spray equipment the paint must be heated to
approx. 30°C in order to obtain the right application viscosity
– length of hoses should be as short as possible
Recommended thinner no thinner should be added
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.53 - 0.64 mm (= 0.021 - 0.025 in)
Nozzle pressure at 20°C (paint temperature) min. 28 MPa (= approx. 280 bar; 4000 p.s.i.)
at 30°C (paint temperature) min. 22 MPa (= approx. 220 bar; 3000 p.s.i.)

BRUSH/ROLLER for stripe coating and spot repair only

Recommended thinner no thinner should be added

CLEANING SOLVENT Thinner 90-83 (preferred) or Thinner 90-53

– all equipment used for application must be cleaned immediately after use
– paint inside the spraying equipment must be removed before the pot life time
has been expired

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
although this is a solvent free paint, care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin or eyes
– no solvent present; however, spray mist is not harmless, a fresh air mask
should be used during spraying
– ventilation should be provided in confined spaces to maintain good visibility

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July 2011

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 3.3 2.5

dft in μm 300 400

max. dft when brushing: 150 - 200 μm

measuring wet film thickness
– a deviation is often obtained between the measured apparent wft and the
real applied wft
– this is due to the thixotropy and the surface tension of the paint which
retards the release of air trapped in the paint film for some time
– recommendation is to apply a wft which is equal to the specified dft plus 60
measuring dry film thickness
– because of low initial hardness the dft cannot be measured within some
days due to the penetration of the measuring device into the soft paint film
– the dft should be measured using a calibration foil of known thickness placed
in between the coating and the measuring device

Overcoating with SigmaGuard 603 (spot repair and stripe coating)

substrate 5°C 10°C 20°C 30°C

minimum 80 hours 36 hours 24 hours 16 hours
maximum 20 days 20 days 20 days 14 days

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

Curing table for dft up to 150 μm

substrate dry to handle minimum curing full cure

temperature time before
exposure to sea
5°C 60 hours 10 days 15 days
10°C 30 hours 5 days 7 days
20°C 16 hours 4 days 5 days
30°C 10 hours 2 days 3 days
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)

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July 2011

Pot life (at application viscosity)

20°C 60 min.
30°C 45 min.
– due to exothermic reaction, temperature during and after mixing may

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Specification for mineral abrasives see information sheet 1491

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

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4 pages April 2009

Revision of January 2007

DESCRIPTION two component reinforced high solids polyamine adduct cured epoxy coating

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – tank coating with good chemical resistance against a wide range of
– short curing periods
– good low temperature curing
– easy to clean
– Recognized corrosion control coating (Lloyd's register), see sheet 1886

COLOURS AND GLOSS light green, grey - gloss

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.4 g/cm³
Volume solids 78 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 163 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 233 g/l (approx. 1.9 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 125 µm *
Theoretical spreading rate 6.2 m²/l for 125 µm *
Touch dry after 7 - 8 hours at 5°C, 5 - 6 hours at 10°C, 2 - 3 hours at 20°C
Overcoating interval min. 8 hours *
max. 28 days *
Full cure after see curing table *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – steel; blast cleaned to a minimum of ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 40 - 70 µm

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS – previous coat; dry, free from any contamination and sufficiently roughened if
– substrate temperature must be above 5°C and at least 3°C above dew point
during application and curing

SYSTEM SPECIFICATION tankcoatings system sheet: 3320

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April 2009

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 75 : 25

– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be above
15°C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance and slower cure
– thinner should be added after mixing the components
Induction time allow induction time before use
15°C - 15 min.
20°C - 10 min.
25°C - 5 min.
Pot life 1.5 hour at 20°C *
* see additional data

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner up to 10% for a one coat application of 125 µm dft
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.53 - 0.68 mm (= 0.021 - 0.027 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2130 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 5 - 15% for a one coat application of 125 µm dft
Nozzle orifice 1.8 - 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 - 0.4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)

BRUSH not recommended, only for spot repair and stripe coating


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 7.8 6.2

dft in µm 100 125

max. dft when brushing: 100 µm

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April 2009

Overcoating table for SigmaGuard 720 for dft up to 125 µm

substrate 5°C 10°C 20°C 30°C 40°C

minimum 32 hours 24 hours 8 hours 4 hours 3 hours
maximum 28 days 28 days 28 days 14 days 7 days

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

Curing table for dft up to 125 µm

substrate temperature min. curing time of SigmaGuard 720 tankcoating

system before transport of
aliphatic petroleum cargoes without note 4,
products and ballast 7, 8 or 11
water and tanktest with
sea water
5°C 10 days 17 days
10°C 7 days 14 days
15°C 5 days 8 days
20°C 3 days 5 days
30°C 2.5 days 4 days
40°C 1.5 day 3 days
– minimum curing time of SigmaGuard 720 tankcoating system before
transport of cargoes with note 4, 7, 8 or 11: 3 months
– for detailed information on resistance and resistance notes, please refer to
the latest issue of the Cargo Resistance List
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)

Pot life (at application viscosity)

15°C 3 hours
20°C 1.5 hour
25°C 1 hour
30°C 30 min.

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

page 3/4

April 2009

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Specification for mineral abrasives see information sheet 1491

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7433
179122 grey 5000002200
180730 green 4000002200

page 4/4

4 pages April 2009

Revision of November 2006

DESCRIPTION two component high solids polyamine cured phenolic epoxy coating

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – tank coating with good chemical resistance against a wide range of
– short curing periods
– good low temperature curing
– easy to clean
– can be used under insulation up to 150°C

COLOURS AND GLOSS offwhite, cream - gloss

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.4 g/cm³
Volume solids 78 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 169 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 242 g/l (approx. 2.0 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 150 µm *
Theoretical spreading rate 5.2 m²/l for 150 µm *
Touch dry after 3 hours at 20°C
Overcoating interval min. 8 hours *
max. 28 days *
Full cure after see curing table *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – steel; blast cleaned to a minimum of ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 40 - 70 µm

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS – previous coat; dry, free from any contamination and sufficiently roughened if
– substrate temperature must be above 5°C and at least 3°C above dew point
during application and curing

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 75 : 25

– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be above
15°C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance and slower cure
– thinner should be added after mixing the components
Induction time allow induction time before use
15°C - 15 min.
20°C - 10 min.
25°C - 5 min.
Pot life 1.5 hour at 20°C *
* see additional data

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April 2009

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner up to 10% for a one coat application of 150 µm dft
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.53 - 0.68 mm (= 0.021 - 0.027 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2130 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 5 - 15% for a one coat application of 150 µm dft
Nozzle orifice 1.8 - 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 - 0.4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)

BRUSH not recommended, only for spot repair and stripe coating


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 6.2 5.2

dft in µm 125 150

max. dft when brushing: 100 µm

Overcoating table for SigmaGuard 730 for dft up to 150 µm

substrate 5°C 10°C 20°C 30°C 40°C

minimum 32 hours 24 hours 8 hours 4 hours 3 hours
maximum 28 days 28 days 28 days 14 days 7 days

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

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April 2009

Curing table for dft up to 150 µm

substrate temperature min. curing time of SigmaGuard 730 tankcoating

system before transport of
aliphatic petroleum cargoes without note 4,
products and ballast 7, 8 or 11
water and tanktest with
sea water
5°C 10 days 17 days
10°C 7 days 14 days
20°C 3 days 5 days
30°C 2.5 days 4 days
40°C 1.5 day 3 days
– minimum curing time of SigmaGuard 730 tankcoating system before
transport of cargoes with note 4, 7, 8 or 11: 3 months
– for detailed information on resistance and resistance notes, please refer to
the latest issue of the Cargo Resistance List
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)

Pot life (at application viscosity)

15°C 3 hours
20°C 1.5 hour
25°C 1 hour
30°C 30 min.

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Specification for mineral abrasives see information sheet 1491

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April 2009

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7459
247818 offwhite 7001002200
247817 cream 3000002200

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6 pages April 2009

Revision of April 2007

DESCRIPTION two component moisture curing zinc rich (ethyl) silicate coating

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – tankcoating with excellent solvent and chemical resistance

– to be used as tankcoating or as a system primer in various paint systems
based on unsaponifiable binders
– can withstand substrate temperatures from -90°C up to +400°C, under
normal atmospheric exposure conditions
– high zinc content resulting in excellent corrosion protection
– good impact and abrasion resistance
– certificate for ASTM A-490 class 'B' for slip co-efficient
– Recognized corrosion control coating (Lloyd's register), see sheet 1886
– must not be used for immersion in alkaline (more than pH 9) or acidic (less
than pH 5.5) liquids


BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 2.7 g/cm³
Volume solids 65 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 167 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 452 g/l (approx. 3.8 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness – average dft 75 µm to 100 µm with a minimum of 75 µm on smooth non-pitted
blast cleaned steel
– average dft 100 µm with a minimum of 75 µm on rough or light pitted, blast
cleaned steel
– heavy pitted steel substrate is not acceptable
Theoretical spreading rate 8.7 m²/l for 75 µm, 6.5 m²/l for 100 µm *
Touch dry after 30 min. at 20°C
Overcoating interval min. 12 hours *
max. unlimited, zinc salts must be removed
Curing time 12 hours *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) binder: at least 9 months
pigment: at least 24 months (store pigment moisture free)
* see additional data

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April 2009

RECOMMENDED – steel; blast cleaned in-situ to at least ISO-Sa2½, completely free from rust,
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS scale, shop primer and contaminations, blasting profile 40 - 70 µm
AND TEMPERATURES – galvanised steel; sweep blasted to roughen the surface and to remove any
zinc salts which might be present
– a heavy pitted steel substrate is not acceptable
– substrate temperatures ranging from -5°C up to +40°C during application are
– substrate temperature must be at least 3°C above dew point during
application and curing
– relative humidity during curing should be above 50%

SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine system sheet: 3323

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: binder to zinc powder 74 : 26

Many of Sigma's zinc silicates are supplied as 2 pack materials consisting of a
jerrycan with pigmented binder and a drum containing a bag of zinc powder.

To ensure proper mixing of both components the instructions given below must
be followed.
To avoid lumps in the paint do not add the binder to the zinc powder.

1) Take the bag with zinc powder out of the drum.

2.) Shake the binder in the jerrycan a few times to reach a certain degree of
3.) Pour about 2/3 of the binder in the empty drum.
4.) With the jerrycan now reduced in weight and containing more free space,
shake it vigorously to obtain a homogeneous mix with no deposits left on the
bottom, and add this to the drum.
5.) Add the zinc powder gradually to the pigmented binder in the drum and at
the same time continuously stir the mixture by using a mechanical mixer
(keep the speed low).
6.) Stir the zinc dust powder thoroughly through the binder (high speed) and
keep stirring till, a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
7.) Strain mixture through a 30 - 60 mesh screen.
8.) Agitate continuously during application (low speed).
The use of a dedicated pump with a constant agitation for a zinc silicate
coating is recommended.
Note: At application temperature above 30°C addition of max 10% by
volume of Thinner 90-53 may be necessary.
Induction time none
Pot life 12 hours at 20°C *
* see additional data

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April 2009

Recommended thinner Thinner 90-53
Volume of thinner 0 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.48 - 0.64 mm (= 0.019 - 0.025 in)
Nozzle pressure 9 - 12 MPa (= approx. 90 - 120 bar; 1280 - 1700 p.s.i.)
a dedicated pump for a zinc silicate coating with constant agitation must be used

Recommended thinner Thinner 90-53
Volume of thinner 0 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 MPa (= approx. 3 bar; 43 p.s.i.)
a dedicated pump for a zinc silicate coating with constant agitation must be used

BRUSH only for touch up and spot repair

Recommended thinner Thinner 90-53
Volume of thinner 5 - 15%
apply a visible wet coat with a max. dft of 25 µm
same for subsequent coats in order to obtain the required dft


UPGRADING DFT when for some reason the dft is below specification and an extra coat of
SigmaGuard 750 has to be applied, SigmaGuard 750 should be thinned down
with 25 - 50% Thinner 90-53, in order to obtain a visible wet coat that remains
wet for some time
this is only valid for spray application

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

ADDITIONAL DATA very highly pigmented zinc silicate primers produce dry films with void spaces in
between the particles

Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 8.7 6.5

dft in µm 75 100

above 150 µm dft mudcracking can occur

max. dft when brushing: 35 µm

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April 2009

Overcoating table for SigmaGuard 750 for dft up to 75 µm

(50% RH and higher)

substrate -5°C 0°C 10°C 20°C 30°C 40°C

minimum 24 24 18 12 6 4
interval hours hours hours hours hours hours
maximum unlimited, provided the surface is dry and cleaned from
interval contamination and zinc salts

– a RH below 50% requires a much longer overcoating time

– if part of a coating system and in order to avoid possible popping effects
(pinholes) SigmaGuard 750 should be sealed with approved coatings
– SigmaGuard 750 is a moisture curing zinc silicate, this means that it only
cures after sufficient take up of water (from the atmosphere or immersion)
during and after application; it is recommended that relative humidity and
temperature are measured during the curing time
– before entering service or overcoating, a sufficient degree of cure should be
– when curing conditions are unfavourable or when reduced overcoat times
are desired, curing can be accelerated 4 hours after application by:
• wetting or soaking with water, keeping the surface wet for the next 2
hours, followed by drying
• wetting or soaking with a 0.5% ammonia solution, followed by drying
– before overcoating with topcoats, SigmaGuard 750 should always be visibly
dry and checked on sufficient curing
– for measuring of the curing, the MEK rub test according to ASTM 4752 is
a suitable method: after 50 double rubs with a cloth soaked in MEK (or
alternatively Thinner 90-53) no dissolving of the coating should be observed

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April 2009

Curing table for dft up to 75 µm

(50% RH and higher)

substrate temperature curing time for non curing time for full
immersion service resistance according to
resistance list
0°C 24 hours 4 days
10°C 18 hours 4 days
20°C 12 hours 2 days
30°C 6 hours 2 days
40°C 4 hours 2 days

– SigmaGuard 750 is a moisture curing zinc silicate, this means that it only
cures after sufficient take up of water (from the atmosphere or immersion)
during and after application; it is recommended that relative humidity and
temperature are measured during the curing time
– relative humidity during curing recommended to be above 50%
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)

Pot life (at application viscosity)

0°C 24 hours
10°C 16 hours
20°C 12 hours
30°C 6 hours

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Specification for mineral abrasives see information sheet 1491
Relative humidity - substrate temperature -
air temperature see information sheet 1650

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April 2009

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7551
295032 grey 0000002135

page 6/6

6 pages March 2010

Revision of April 2009

DESCRIPTION two component solvent free amine cured modified epoxy coating

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – tankcoating for drinking water

– can be applied by single feed airless spray equipment
– reduced explosion risk and fire hazard
– good visibility in confined spaces due to light colour
– approved for potable water by: National Institute of Public Health, Norway
– for other approvals see sheet 1882
– Recognized corrosion control coating (Lloyd's register), see sheet 1886

COLOURS AND GLOSS cream - gloss

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.3 g/cm³
Volume solids 100%
VOC (supplied) max. 33 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 44 g/l (approx. 0.4 lb/gal)
see information sheet 1411
Recommended dry film thickness 300 - 400 μm depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 3.3 m²/l for 300 μm *
Touch dry after 8 hours
Overcoating interval min. 24 hours *
max. 20 days *
Full cure after 12 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 40 - 70 μm

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS • if a holding primer is required SigmaCover 280, SigmaGuard 215 (dft of
AND TEMPERATURES 50 μm) or SigmaPrime 200 (dft of 75 μm) should be used
– concrete; blast cleaned to remove loose particles, laitance and
• if a primer is required to withstand hydrostatic pressure, use SigmaShield
1090 prior to application of SigmaGuard CSF 575
– substrate temperature must be above 10°C and at least 3°C above dew
point during application and curing

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March 2010

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 80 : 20

– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be at
least 20°C
– at lower temperature the viscosity will be too high for spray application
– no thinner should be added
– for recommended application instructions: see working procedure
Induction time none
Pot life approx. 1 hour at 20°C *
* see additional data

AIRLESS SPRAY – use heavy duty single feed airless spray equipment preferably 60:1 pump
ratio and suitable high pressure hoses
– in-line heating or insulated hoses may be necessary to avoid cooling down
of paint in hoses at low air temperature
– application with 45:1 airless spray equipment is possible provided in-line
heated high pressure hoses are used
– in case of using 45:1 airless spray equipment the paint must be heated to
approx. 30°C in order to obtain the right application viscosity
– length of hoses should be as short as possible
Recommended thinner no thinner should be added
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.53 mm (= 0.021 in)
Nozzle pressure at 20°C (paint temperature) min. 28 MPa (= approx. 280 bar; 4000 p.s.i.)
at 30°C (paint temperature) min. 22 MPa (= approx. 220 bar; 3000 p.s.i.)

BRUSH/ROLLER for stripe coating and spot repair only

Recommended thinner no thinner should be added

CLEANING SOLVENT Thinner 90-83 (preferred) or Thinner 90-53

– all equipment used for application must be cleaned immediately after use
– paint inside the spraying equipment must be removed before the pot life time
has been expired

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
although this is a solvent free paint, care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin or eyes
– no solvent present; however, spray mist is not harmless, a fresh air mask
should be used during spraying
– ventilation should be provided in confined spaces to maintain good visibility

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March 2010

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 3.3 2.5

dft in μm 300 400

max. dft when brushing: 100 μm

measuring wet film thickness
– a difference is often obtained between the measured apparent wft and the
real applied wft
– this is due to the thixotropy and the surface tension of the paint which
retards the release of air trapped in the paint film for some time
– a practical recommendation is to apply a wft which is equal to the specified
dft plus 60 μm
measuring dry film thickness
– because of low initial hardness the dft cannot be measured for some days
(depending on ambient temperature) after application due to the penetration
of the measuring device into the paint film
– the dft should be measured using a calibration foil of known thickness placed
in between the coating and the measuring device

Overcoating table for SigmaGuard CSF 575 for dft up to 300 μm

substrate 10°C 20°C 30°C 40°C

minimum 4 days 24 hours 16 hours 10 hours
maximum 28 days 20 days 14 days 14 days

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

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March 2010

Curing table for dft up to 300 μm

substrate temperature dry to handle full cure

for drinking water
10°C * 4 days 20 days
20°C 1 day 12 days
30°C 16 hours 7 days
40°C 10 hours 5 days
* for the first 24 hours the maximum RH must be 50% or lower
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)
– for drinking water tanks SigmaGuard CSF 575 must not be applied at
temperatures below 10°C
– for drinking water tanks, a tankwash should be carried out after full cure and
before the tank goes into service
– for storage and transport of drinking water the recommended working
procedure should be followed
– all personnel should wear watertight suits, boots and gloves properly
cleaned with a sodium hypochlorite solution (1% active chlorine per liter)
– all tank sides, bottom and deckheads etc. should be brush cleaned or high-
pressure spray cleaned with 1% active chlorine solution as above
note: this can also be done by butterworth washing
– all parts should be high pressure cleaned with tap water and tanks drained
– concentrated active chlorine solution should be sprinkled on bottom; approx.
1 ltr/10 m²
– tanks should be filled with tap water to a depth of approx. 20 cm and the
water should remain in the tank for at least 2 hours (max. 24 hours)
– tanks should be thoroughly flushed out with tap water
– depending upon local regulations it may be necessary to take water
samples, after filling tank completely, to check on bacteria
– after this procedure the tanks will be fit to carry drinking water

page 4/6

March 2010

Pot life (at application viscosity)

20°C 60 min.
30°C 45 min.
– due to exothermic reaction, temperature during and after mixing may
– SigmaGuard CSF 575 is especially developed for the storage and transport
of drinking water and is approved for purpose in accordance with the
requirements of the relevant certificate (See sheet 1882).
– In order to fulfill the requirements it is important that the coating is well
ventilated during application and curing and that the coating has received full
– Furthermore the recommended washing procedure should be followed
before exposure to drinking water, in line with our latest datasheet and
working procedure.
– PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does not accept any responsibility or
liability for any odour, taste or contamination imparted to the drinking water
from the coatings or products retained in the coating.

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Specification for mineral abrasives see information sheet 1491

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March 2010

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7475
179135 cream 3012002200

page 6/6

6 pages May 2011

Revision of August 2009

DESCRIPTION two component solvent free amine cured epoxy coating

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – tankcoating for drinking water

– can be applied by single feed airless spray equipment
– reduced explosion risk and fire hazard
– good visibility in confined spaces due to light colour
– approved for drinking water by: KIWA Holland
– for other approvals see sheet 1882

COLOURS AND GLOSS blue, white - gloss

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.35 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.3 g/cm³
Volume solids 100%
VOC (supplied) max. 5 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 6 g/l (approx. 0.1 lb/gal)
see information sheet 1411
Recommended dry film thickness 250 - 400 μm depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 3.3 m²/l for 300 μm *
Touch dry after 5 hours
Overcoating interval min. 24 hours *
max. 20 days *
Full cure after 12 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 50 - 100 μm

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS – substrate temperature must be above 10°C and at least 3°C above dew
AND TEMPERATURES point during application and curing
– if a holding primer is required SigmaGuard 215, SigmaCover 280 or
SigmaPrime 200 can be used
– for KIWA only SigmaGuard 215 is approved as a holding primer

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May 2011

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 77.5 : 22.5
– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be at
least 20°C
– at lower temperature the viscosity will be too high for spray application
– no thinner should be added
– for recommended application instructions: see working procedure
Induction time allow induction time before use
10°C - 15 min.
Pot life approx. 90 minutes at 20°C *
* see additional data

AIRLESS SPRAY – use heavy duty single feed airless spray equipment preferably 60:1 pump
ratio and suitable high pressure hoses
– in-line heating or insulated hoses may be necessary to avoid cooling down
of paint in hoses at low air temperature
– application with 45:1 airless spray equipment is possible provided in-line
heated high pressure hoses are used
– in case of using 45:1 airless spray equipment the paint must be heated to
approx. 30°C in order to obtain the right application viscosity
– length of hoses should be as short as possible
Recommended thinner no thinner should be added
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.53 mm (= 0.021 in)
Nozzle pressure at 20°C (paint temperature) min. 28 MPa (= approx. 280 bar; 4000 p.s.i.)
at 30°C (paint temperature) min. 22 MPa (= approx. 220 bar; 3000 p.s.i.)

BRUSH/ROLLER for stripe coating and spot repair only

Recommended thinner no thinner should be added

CLEANING SOLVENT Thinner 90-83 (preferred) or Thinner 90-53

– all application equipment must be cleaned immediately after use
– paint inside the spraying equipment must be removed before the pot life time
has been expired

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
although this is a solvent free paint, care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin or eyes
– no solvent present; however, spray mist is not harmless, a fresh air mask
should be used during spraying
– ventilation should be provided in confined spaces to maintain good visibility

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May 2011

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 4.0 3.3 2.5

dft in μm 250 300 400

max. dft when brushing: 100 μm

measuring wet film thickness
– a deviation is often obtained between the measured apparent wft and the
real applied wft
– this is due to the thixotropy and the surface tension of the paint which
retards the release of air trapped in the paint film for some time
– a practical recommendation is to apply a wft which is equal to the specified
dft plus 60 μm
measuring dry film thickness
– because of low initial hardness the dft cannot be measured for some days
(depending on ambient temperature) after application due to the penetration
of the measuring device into the paint film
– the dft should be measured using a calibration foil of known thickness placed
in between the coating and the measuring device

Overcoating table for SigmaGuard CSF 585 for dft up to 300 μm

(for spot repair and stripe coating only)

substrate 10°C 20°C 30°C 40°C

minimum 4 days 24 hours 16 hours 10 hours
maximum 28 days 20 days 14 days 14 days

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

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May 2011

Curing table for dft up to 300 μm

substrate temperature dry to handle full cure

for drinking water
10°C * 4 days 20 days
20°C 1 day 12 days
30°C 16 hours 7 days
40°C 10 hours 5 days
* for the first 24 hours the maximum RH must be 50% or lower
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)
– SigmaGuard CSF 585 must not be applied at temperatures below 10°C
– for drinking water tanks, a tankwash should be carried out after full cure and
before the tank goes into service
– for storage and transport of drinking water the recommended working
procedure should be followed

The recommended washing procedure must be applied after completion of the
Sufficient time for full-curing and ventilation must be allowed in accordance with
the recommendations as stated in the latest Product Data Sheets and working
Always an adequate washing procedure should be followed.
Several adequate washing procedures are available and may be used (see e.g.
washing procedure described in relevant certificate).

Example of adequate washing procedures:

1.– after full curing of the system as per the latest PDS, the tank should be filled
completely with fresh tap water
– the fresh tap water should remain in the tanks at least 4 full days
– afterwards all tank compartments such as inner hull sides, bottom and deck-
heads etc. should be thoroughly washed using high pressure water
– after washing, the tanks should be thoroughly drained
– after this procedure the tanks will be fit to carry drinking water

2.– all personnel should wear watertight suits, boots and gloves properly
cleaned with a sodium hypochlorite solution (1% active chlorine per liter)
– all tank sides, bottom and deckheads etc. should be brush cleaned or high-
pressure spray cleaned with 1% active chlorine solution as above
note: this can also be done by butterworth washing
– all parts should be high pressure cleaned with tap water and tanks drained
– concentrated active chlorine solution should be sprinkled on bottom; approx.
1 ltr/10 m²

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May 2011

– tanks should be filled with tap water to a depth of approx. 20 cm and the
water should remain in the tank for at least 2 hours (max. 24 hours)
– tanks should be thoroughly flushed out with tap water
– depending upon local regulations it may be necessary to take water
samples, after filling tank completely, to check on bacteria
– after this procedure the tanks will be fit to carry drinking water

Pot life (at application viscosity)

20°C 90 min.
30°C 60 min.
– due to exothermic reaction, temperature during and after mixing may

– SigmaGuard CSF 585 is especially developed for the storage and transport
of drinking water and is approved for purpose in accordance with the
requirements of the relevant certificate (See sheet 1882).
– In order to fulfill the requirements it is important that the coating is well
ventilated during application and curing and that the coating has received full
– Furthermore the recommended washing procedure should be followed
before exposure to drinking water, in line with our latest datasheet and
working procedure. After the washing procedure PPG Protective & Marine
Coatings does not accept any responsibility or liability for any odour, taste
or contamination imparted to the drinking water from the washing products
retained in the coating.

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Specification for mineral abrasives see information sheet 1491

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May 2011

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7785
219191 blue 1000002200
219190 white 7000002200

page 6/6

6 pages April 2009

Revision of November 2008

DESCRIPTION two component solvent free amine cured epoxy coating

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – tank coating for crude oil/ballast and aliphatic petroleum products
– also suitable as coating system for storage and transport of drinking water
– good resistance to various chemicals
– one coat protection for steel structures, ships and storage tanks with
excellent corrosion resistance
– can be applied by heavy duty single feed airless spray equipment (60:1)
– reduced explosion risk and fire hazard
– good visibility due to light colour
– also a conductive version is available, see sheet 7753
– can be reinforced with chopped glassfibre or mat
– clear version for glassmat reinforced solvent free tank bottom system (see
system sheet 4144)
– meets the requirements of Mil-C-4556E concerning resistance against
aircraft fuel and fuel degradation

COLOURS AND GLOSS green, offwhite, clear - gloss

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.3 g/cm³
Volume solids 100%
VOC (supplied) max. 109 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 143 g/l (approx. 1.2 lb/gal)
see information sheet 1411
Recommended dry film thickness 300 - 600 µm depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 3.3 m²/l for 300 µm *
Touch dry after 8 hours
Overcoating interval min. 24 hours *
max. 20 days *
Full cure after 5 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 50 - 100 µm

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS – suitable primer; SigmaGuard 260, SigmaCover 280, SigmaPrime series or
AND TEMPERATURES SigmaCover 522, depending on system requirements
– substrate temperature must be above 5°C and at least 3°C above dew point
during application and curing

SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine 1 x 300 µm SigmaGuard CSF 650

or suitable primer (min. dft of 50 µm) + 1 x 250 µm SigmaGuard CSF 650

page 1/6

April 2009

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 80 : 20

– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be above
– at lower temperature the viscosity will be too high for spray application
– no thinner should be added
– for recommended application instructions: see working procedure
Induction time none
Pot life approx. 1 hour at 20°C *
* see additional data

AIRLESS SPRAY – use heavy duty single feed airless spray equipment preferably 60:1 pump
ratio and suitable high pressure hoses
– in-line heating or insulated hoses may be necessary to avoid cooling down
of paint in hoses at low air temperature
– application with 45:1 airless spray equipment is possible provided in-line
heated high pressure hoses are used
– in case of using 45:1 airless spray equipment the paint must be heated to
approx. 30°C in order to obtain the right application viscosity
– length of hoses should be as short as possible
Recommended thinner no thinner should be added
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.53 - 0.64 mm (= 0.021 - 0.025 in)
Nozzle pressure at 20°C (paint temperature) min. 28 MPa (= approx. 280 bar; 4000 p.s.i.)
at 30°C (paint temperature) min. 22 MPa (= approx. 220 bar; 3000 p.s.i.)

BRUSH/ROLLER for stripe coating and spot repair only

Recommended thinner no thinner should be added

CLEANING SOLVENT Thinner 90-83 (preferred) or Thinner 90-53

– all equipment used for application must be cleaned immediately after use
– paint inside the spraying equipment must be removed before the pot life time
has been expired

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
although this is a solvent free paint, care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin or eyes
– no solvent present; however, spray mist is not harmless, a fresh air mask
should be used during spraying
– ventilation should be provided in confined spaces to maintain good visibility

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April 2009

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 4.0 3.3 1.7

dft in µm 250 300 600

max. dft when brushing: 150 - 200 µm

measuring wet film thickness
– a deviation is often obtained between the measured apparent wft and the
real applied wft
– this is due to the thixotropy and the surface tension of the paint which
retards the release of air trapped in the paint film for some time
– recommendation is to apply a wft which is equal to the specified dft plus 60
measuring dry film thickness
– because of low initial hardness the dft cannot be measured within some
days due to the penetration of the measuring device into the soft paint film
– the dft should be measured using a calibration foil of known thickness placed
in between the coating and the measuring device

Overcoating table for SigmaGuard CSF 650 for dft up to 300 µm

with itself substrate 5°C 10°C 20°C 30°C 40°C

minimum 80 hours 36 hours 24 hours 16 hours 12 hours
maximum 20 days 20 days 20 days 14 days 7 days

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

Curing table for dft up to 300 µm

substrate temperature dry to handle full cure

5°C 60 hours 15 days
10°C 30 hours 7 days
20°C 16 hours 5 days
30°C 10 hours 3 days
40°C 8 hours 2 days

– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing

(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)
– for drinking water tanks, a tankwash should be carried out after full cure and
before the tank goes into service

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April 2009

– when used as coating system for storage and transport of drinking water the
recommended working and washing procedure should be followed

The recommended washing procedure must be applied after completion of the
Sufficient time for full-curing and ventilation must be allowed in accordance with
the recommendations as stated in the latest Product Data Sheets and working
Always an adequate washing procedure should be followed.
Several adequate washing procedures are available and may be used (see e.g.
washing procedure described in relevant certificate).

Example of adequate washing procedures:

1.– after full curing of the system as per the latest PDS, the tank should be filled
completely with fresh tap water
– the fresh tap water should remain in the tanks at least 4 full days
– afterwards all tank compartments such as inner hull sides, bottom and deck-
heads etc. should be thoroughly washed using high pressure water
– after washing, the tanks should be thoroughly drained
– after this procedure the tanks will be fit to carry drinking water

2.– all personnel should wear watertight suits, boots and gloves properly
cleaned with a sodium hypochlorite solution (1% active chlorine per liter)
– all tank sides, bottom and deckheads etc. should be brush cleaned or high-
pressure spray cleaned with 1% active chlorine solution as above
note: this can also be done by butterworth washing
– all parts should be high pressure cleaned with tap water and tanks drained
– concentrated active chlorine solution should be sprinkled on bottom; approx.
1 ltr/10 m²
– tanks should be filled with tap water to a depth of approx. 20 cm and the
water should remain in the tank for at least 2 hours (max. 24 hours)
– tanks should be thoroughly flushed out with tap water
– depending upon local regulations it may be necessary to take water
samples, after filling tank completely, to check on bacteria
– after this procedure the tanks will be fit to carry drinking water

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April 2009

Pot life (at application viscosity)

20°C 60 min.
30°C 45 min.
40°C 25 min.
– due to exothermic reaction, temperature during and after mixing may

Disclaimer for storage and transport of drinking water:

– SigmaGuard CSF 650 is approved for purpose in accordance with the
requirements of the relevant certificate (see sheet 1882)
– PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does not accept any responsibility or
liability for any odour, taste or contamination imparted to the drinking water
from the coatings or products retained in the coating.

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Specification for mineral abrasives see information sheet 1491

page 5/6

April 2009

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7443
179131 green 4000002200
179511 clear 0000002200

page 6/6

4 pages April 2009

Revision of February 2006

DESCRIPTION two component solvent free amine cured epoxy coating

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – solvent free coating for the protection of steel storage tanks against
petroleum products
– can be applied by heavy duty single feed airless spray equipment (60:1)
– reduced explosion risk and fire hazard
– good conductive properties (<1x108Ohm)

COLOURS AND GLOSS dark grey - gloss

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.4 g/cm³
Volume solids 100%
VOC (supplied) max. 98 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 133 g/l (approx. 1.1 lb/gal)
see information sheet 1411
Recommended dry film thickness 300 - 400 µm depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 3.3 m²/l for 300 µm *
Touch dry after 8 hours
Overcoating interval min. 24 hours *
max. 20 days *
Full cure after 5 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS – blasting profile 50 - 100 µm
AND TEMPERATURES – substrate temperature must be above 5°C and at least 3°C above dew point
during application and curing

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 75 : 25

– when mixing the temperature of the base and hardener should be at least
– at lower temperature the viscosity will be too high for spray application
– no thinner should be added
Induction time none
Pot life 1 hour at 20°C *
* see additional data

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April 2009

AIRLESS SPRAY – heavy duty single feed airless spray equipment preferably 60:1 pump ratio
and suitable high pressure hoses
– in-line heating or insulated hoses may be necessary to avoid cooling down
of paint in hoses at low air temperature
– application with 45:1 airless spray equipment is possible provided in-line
heated high pressure hoses are used
– in case of using 45:1 airless spray equipment the paint must be heated to
approx. 30°C in order to obtain the right application viscosity
– length of hoses should be as short as possible
Recommended thinner no thinner should be added
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.53 - 0.58 mm (= 0.021 - 0.023 in)
Nozzle pressure at 20°C (paint temperature) min. 20 MPa (= approx. 200 bar; 2800 p.s.i.)

BRUSH/ROLLER for stripe coating and spot repair only

Recommended thinner no thinner should be added

CLEANING SOLVENT Thinner 90-83 (preferred) or Thinner 90-53

– all application equipment must be cleaned immediately after use
– paint inside the spraying equipment must be removed before the pot life time
has been expired

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
although this is a solvent free paint, care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin or eyes
– no solvent present; however, spray mist is not harmless, a fresh air mask
should be used during spraying
– ventilation should be provided in confined spaces to maintain good visibility

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 3.3 2.5

dft in µm 300 400

measuring wet film thickness

– a deviation is often obtained between the measured apparent wft and the
real applied wft
– this is due to the thixotropy and the surface tension of the paint which
retards the release of air trapped in the paint film for some time
– recommendation is to apply a wft which is equal to the specified dft plus 60

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April 2009

measuring dry film thickness

– because of low initial hardness the dft cannot be measured within some
days due to the penetration of the measuring device into the soft paint film
– the dft should be measured using a calibration foil of known thickness placed
in between the coating and the measuring device

Overcoating table for SigmaGuard CSF 660 for dft up to 300 µm

(for spot repair and stripe coating only)

substrate 5°C 10°C 20°C 30°C

minimum 80 hours 36 hours 24 hours 16 hours
maximum 20 days 20 days 20 days 14 days

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

Curing table for dft up to 300 µm

substrate temperature dry to handle full cure

5°C 60 hours 15 days
10°C 30 hours 7 days
20°C 16 hours 5 days
30°C 10 hours 3 days
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)

Pot life (at application viscosity)

20°C 60 min.
30°C 45 min.
– due to exothermic reaction, temperature during and after mixing may

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

page 3/4

April 2009

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7753
220926 darkgrey 5004002200

page 4/4

3 pages May 2006

DESCRIPTION two component high solids epoxy in situ lining

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – to be applied to the internals of steel pipes by using in-situ application
– suitable for pipelines transporting sweet crude oil, diesel fuel, salt and
fresh water, and many chemical solutions
– meets NSF Standard 61 for potable water
– NSF certification valid for pipes of 10" diameter or greater
– temperature resistance (dry) 121°C (250F)

COLOURS AND GLOSS redbrown - semigloss

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
Mass density 1.7 g/cm³
Volume solids 82 ±2%
VOC (supplied) max. 95 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 156 g/l (approx. 1.3 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film 50 - 100 µm depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 16 m²/l for 50 µm *
Touch dry after 5 hours
Overcoating interval min. 16 hours
max. 3 days
Full cure after 7 days
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months

RECOMMENDED – internal steel pipe has to be cleaned by either of two methods (sheet
AND TEMPERATURES • inhibited acid cleaning
• abrasive blasting
– existing pipelines may have to be cleaned first by scraper pigs and
– substrate temperature should be above 10°C (50F) and at least 3°C (37F)
above dew point

page 1/3

May 2006

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 3 : 1

– base component has to be agitated in the drum before adding hardener
– two 6-gallon pails of hardener are to be added to each drum of base
under continuous agitation till homogeneous
– no solvents or thinners should be added to the mixture
– no induction time necessary
– in order to assure maximum potlife, the drums should be stored as cool
as possible
– the amount of material mixed ate any one time should be less than what
can be applied within 3 hours of mixing
– when storage and application temperatures are 24°C (75F) or less,
coating should be applied within 4 hours of mixing

IN SITU APPLICATION – application of this coating to internal pipe surfaces is accomplished by

the use of pigs, pupjoints, compressors and other specialized equipment
– this application should be referred to contractors specializing and
experienced in this type of work
– coating performance is dependent upon proper surface preparation,
application and curing; these factors are not under the control of Sigma
Coatings and therefore no warranty can be offered
– after the application of each coat, dry air has to be blown through the
coated pipe until the next coat is applied (minimum overcoating interval)
this will remove the solvents and accelerate the curing
– after the last coat is applied, fresh air blowing has to continue for a
minimum of 24 hours
– depending on line length, it may be necessary to switch the direction of
the fresh air

CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 90-53

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheets
this is a solvent based paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed
skin or eyes

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on
a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes
necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

page 2/3

May 2006

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Internal chemical cleaning of steel pipes -
in-situ application see information sheet 1493

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for guidance
only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the products made by Sigma Coatings, whether in technical
documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge
are reliable. The products and information are designed for users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and
it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use.
Sigma Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors affecting the use
and application of the product. Sigma Coatings does therefore not accept any liability arising from loss, injury or damage
resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continous product development.
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this sheet
is current prior to using the product.

The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

DS 5415

page 3/3

4 pages April 2009

Revision of November 2005

DESCRIPTION two component high build amine adduct cured phenolic epoxy in situ lining

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – provides excellent protection in severe chemical and high temperature
– excellent resistance to blistering from the "cold wall effect"
– excellent for use in sweet and sour crude, brine and processed petroleum
– resistant to produced water containing hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide

COLOURS AND GLOSS light green - flat

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.7 g/cm³
Volume solids 70 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 155 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 264 g/l (approx. 2.2 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 50 - 100 µm depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 14 m²/l for 50 µm *
Overcoating interval min. 12 hours *
max. 5 days *
Full cure after 10 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – steel; chemically cleaned according to sheet 1493 or/and sand jetted, dry
SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS and free from any contamination
AND TEMPERATURES – substrate temperature should be above 10°C and at least 3°C above dew

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 90 : 10

(do not vary proportions)
– base and hardener should preferably be stored at a temperature of 15 -
– power agitate base component to uniform consistency before adding
hardener, then again after adding hardener
– add the hardener gradually to the base, using a mechanical mixer
– no thinners should be added when used as an in situ coating
– after mixing, commencement of the in situ application must be within 3 hours
Induction time 15 minutes
Pot life 6 hours at 20°C *
* see additional data

page 1/4

April 2009

IN SITU APPLICATION – application of this coating to internal pipe surfaces is accomplished by the
use of pigs, pupjoints, compressors and other specialized equipment
– this application should be referred to contractors specializing and
experienced in this type of work
– coating performance is dependent upon proper surface preparation,
application and curing; these factors are not under the control of PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings and therefore no warranty can be offered
– after the application of each coat, dry air has to be blown through the
coated pipe until the next coat is applied (see table for minimum overcoating
– this will remove the solvents and accelerate the curing
– after the last coat is applied, fresh air blowing has to continue for a minimum
of 24 hours
– depending on line length, it may be necessary to switch the direction of the
fresh air
Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Ventilation compressed air to be introduced into the line to remove all solvents during and
after coating or drying procedures


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 14.0 9.3 7.0

dft in µm 50 75 100

page 2/4

April 2009

Overcoating table for SigmaLine 445 for dft up to 75 µm

substrate 10°C 20°C 30°C 40°C

minimum 24 hours 12 hours 6 hours 3 hours
maximum 7 days 5 days 3 days 1 day

– after the application of each coat, warm dry air can be applied after sufficient
ambient curing to accelerate the curing
– it is beneficial to post cure the total coating system to increase the chemical

Curing table for dft up to 75 µm

substrate temperature curing time after final coat

10°C 24 days
15°C 26 days
20°C 10 days
25°C 7 days
30°C 5 days
35°C 3 days
40°C 2 days
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)

Pot life (at application viscosity)

20°C 6 hours
25°C 5 hours

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

page 3/4

April 2009

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Internal chemical cleaning of steel pipes -
in-situ application see information sheet 1493

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7618

page 4/4
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4 pages November 2010

Revision of April 2009

DESCRIPTION two component solvent free polyurethane coating

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – solvent free coating for the protection of external of pipelines and
underground storage tanks
– certified to GBE/CW6 Part 1, meets EN10290
– excellent corrosion resistance
– fast curing
– good abrasion and impact resistance
– excellent adhesion
– good water resistance

COLOURS AND GLOSS blue, grey, redbrown - gloss

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.7 g/cm³
Volume solids 100%
VOC (supplied) max. 1 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 2 g/l (approx. 0.0 lb/gal)
see information sheet 1411
Recommended dry film thickness 1500 μm in one coat
Theoretical spreading rate 0.7 m²/l for 1500 μm *
Touch dry after 30 minutes
Full cure after 4 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 6 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 40 - 70 μm

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS – substrate temperature should be above 10°C and at least 3°C above dew
AND TEMPERATURES point, lower temperatures will reduce flow properties
– for atmospheric exposure a top coat of SigmaDur 520 is recommended

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 80 : 20

– application with twin feed hot airless spray equipment
– no thinner should be added
Induction time none
Pot life 1 minute at 60°C *
* see additional data

page 1/4

November 2010

AIRLESS SPRAY – twin feed hot airless spray

– pumping viscosity is achieved at 50°C - 70°C
– temperature in the mixing unit must be between 65°C and 75°C
Recommended thinner no thinner should be added
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.58 - 0.81 mm (= 0.023 - 0.032 in) depending on required production
speed and dft
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2130 p.s.i.)
Temperature at nozzle 60°C


– Cleaning Procedures of the spray equipment:
– mixed material will become insoluble within a few minutes after mixing at
– parts of the spraying equipment containing mixed base and hardener must
be cleaned immediately after completion of the job or during any interruption

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
although this is a solvent free paint, care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin or eyes
– ventilation should be provided in confined spaces to maintain good visibility

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 0.7

dft in μm 1500

min. dft for closed film with airless spray: 250 μm


– for a good intercoat adhesion it is necessary that a coated surface which

should be repaired or completely recoated is roughened up by means of
sweep blasting or abrading
– for manual repaint of small damages special repair sets are available called:
"SigmaLine 855 repair", product data sheet 7655 RP

page 2/4

November 2010

Curing table for dft up to 1500 μm

substrate touch dry dry to handle full cure

0°C 3.5 hours 7 hours 12 days
5°C 2 hours 4 hours 10 days
10°C 1.5 hour 3 hours 8 days
15°C 1 hour 1.5 hour 6 days
20°C 30 min. 1 hour 4 days
30°C 15 min. 30 min. 2 days
40°C 6 min. 15 min. 24 hours
50°C 3 min. 6 min. 12 hours
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)

Pot life (at application viscosity)

20°C 5 min.
50°C 2 min.
60°C 1 min.
70°C 0.5 min.

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES SigmaLine 855 repair see product data sheet 7655 RP

Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490

page 3/4

November 2010

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7655
184960 blue 100000 (set 1000 ltr)
235683 redbrown 200800 (set 1000 ltr)
235693 grey 500000 (set 1000 ltr)

page 4/4

4 pages January 2011

Revision of November 2005

DESCRIPTION two component solvent free polyurethane tar coating

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – solvent free coating for the protection of external of pipelines and
underground storage tanks
– excellent corrosion resistance
– fast curing
– excellent adhesion
– good abrasion resistance
– good water resistance

COLOURS AND GLOSS black - gloss

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.8 g/cm³
Volume solids 100%
VOC (supplied) max. 1 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 2 g/l (approx. 0.0 lb/gal)
see information sheet 1411
Recommended dry film thickness 1500 μm in one coat
Theoretical spreading rate 0.7 m²/l for 1500 μm *
Touch dry after 1 hour *
Full cure after 4 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 6 months
Flash point base and hardener above 65°C
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 40 - 70 μm

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS – substrate temperature should be above 15°C and at least 3°C above dew
AND TEMPERATURES point, lower temperatures will reduce flow properties

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 80 : 20

– application with twin feed hot airless spray equipment
– no thinner should be added
Induction time none
Pot life 1 minute at 60°C *
* see additional data

page 1/4

January 2011

AIRLESS SPRAY – twin feed hot airless spray

– pumping viscosity is achieved at 50°C - 70°C
– temperature in the mixing unit must be between 65°C and 75°C
Recommended thinner no thinner should be added
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.58 - 0.81 mm (= 0.023 - 0.032 in) depending on required production
speed and dft
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2130 p.s.i.)
Temperature at nozzle 60°C


– Cleaning Procedures of the spray equipment:
– mixed material will become insoluble within a few minutes after mixing at
– parts of the spraying equipment containing mixed base and hardener must
be cleaned immediately after completion of the job or during any interruption

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
although this is a solvent free paint, care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin or eyes
– ventilation should be provided in confined spaces to maintain good visibility
– if any symptoms arise immediately seek medical advice

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 0.7

dft in μm 1500

min. dft for closed film with airless spray: 250 μm


– for a good intercoat adhesion it is necessary that a coated surface which

should be repaired or completely recoated is roughened up by means of
sweep blasting or abrading
– for manual repaint of small damages special repair sets are available called:
"SigmaLine 859 repair", product data sheet 7659 RP

page 2/4

January 2011

Curing table

substrate touch dry dry to handle full cure

15°C 1 hour 2 hours 6 days
20°C 30 min. 1 hour 4 days
30°C 15 min. 30 min. 2 days
40°C 6 min. 15 min. 24 hours
50°C 3 min. 6 min. 12 hours

– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing

(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)

Pot life (at application viscosity)

20°C 5 min.
50°C 2 min.
60°C 1 min.
70°C 0.5 min.

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490

page 3/4

January 2011

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7659
155313 black 180 ltr base
155314 transparent 200 ltr hardener

page 4/4

4 pages April 2010

Revision of April 2009

DESCRIPTION two component solvent free amine cured phenolic epoxy coating

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – one coat system direct to metal for pipe externals
– suitable for e.g. bell holing jobs
– resistant to well designed cathodic protection
– glossy and smooth appearance
– can be applied by heavy duty twin feed hot airless spray equipment
– can be applied at a substrate temperature of 90°C
– reduced explosion risk and fire hazard
– approved to Saudi Aramco APCS 113A

COLOURS AND GLOSS redbrown - gloss

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.4 g/cm³
Volume solids 100%
VOC (supplied) max. 108 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 146 g/l (approx. 1.2 lb/gal)
see information sheet 1411
Recommended dry film thickness 600 - 1500 μm depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 1.7 m²/l for 600 μm *
Touch dry after 6 hours
Overcoating interval min. 24 hours *
max. 2 months *
Full cure after 5 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – steel; blast cleaned to a minimum of ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 50 - 100 μm

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS – substrate temperature should be above 5°C and at least 3°C above dew
AND TEMPERATURES point during application and curing

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 80 : 20

– when mixing the temperature of the base and hardener should be at least
– at lower temperature the viscosity will be too high for spray application
– no thinner should be added
Induction time none
Pot life 1 hour at 20°C *
* see additional data

page 1/4

April 2010

AIRLESS SPRAY – heavy duty single feed airless spray equipment with a minimum of 60:1
pump ratio and suitable high pressure hoses
– in-line heating or insulated hoses may be necessary to avoid cooling down
of paint in hoses at low air temperature
– length of hoses should be as short as possible
Recommended thinner no thinner should be added
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.53 mm (= 0.021 in)
Nozzle pressure at 20°C (paint temperature) min. 28 MPa (= approx. 280 bar; 4000 p.s.i.)
at 30°C (paint temperature) min. 22 MPa (= approx. 220 bar; 3000 p.s.i.)

BRUSH/ROLLER for stripe coating and spot repair only

Recommended thinner no thinner should be added

CLEANING SOLVENT Thinner 90-83 (preferred) or Thinner 90-53

– all application equipment must be cleaned immediately after use
– paint inside the spraying equipment must be removed before the pot life time
has been expired

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
although this is a solvent free paint, care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin or eyes
– ventilation should be provided in confined spaces to maintain good visibility

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 1.7 1.0 0.7

dft in μm 600 1000 1500

max. dft when brushing: 150 μm

measuring wet film thickness
– a deviation is often obtained between the measured apparent wft and the
real applied wft
– this is due to the thixotropy and the surface tension of the paint which
retards the release of air trapped in the paint film for some time
– recommendation is to apply a wft which is equal to the specified dft plus 60
measuring dry film thickness
– because of low initial hardness the dft cannot be measured for some days
(depending on ambient temperature) after application due to the penetration
of the measuring device into the paint film
– the dft should be measured using a calibration foil of known thickness placed
in between the coating and the measuring device

page 2/4

April 2010

Overcoating table for SigmaLine 2000 for dft up to 600 μm

(for spot repair and stripe coating only)

substrate 5°C 10°C 20°C 30°C

minimum 80 hours 36 hours 24 hours 12 hours
maximum 3 months 3 months 2 months 1 month

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

Curing table for dft up to 600 μm

substrate temperature dry to handle full cure

5°C 60 hours 15 days
10°C 30 hours 7 days
20°C 16 hours 5 days
30°C 10 hours 3 days
– although the paint is solvent free adequate ventilation must be maintained
during application and curing (please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434)

Pot life (at application viscosity)

20°C 60 min.
30°C 45 min.
40°C 20 min. *
* it is recommended to use plural airless equipment due to the short pot life
– due to exothermic reaction, temperature during and after mixing may

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434

page 3/4

April 2010

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7497
189997 redbrown 2008002200

page 4/4

4 pages April 2009

Revision of February 2006

DESCRIPTION two component solvent free amine cured phenolic epoxy coating

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – one coat system direct to metal for pipe externals
– excellent resistance to cathodic protection
– glossy and smooth appearance
– reduced explosion risk and fire hazard
– fast curing especially when applied to preheated substrates
– can be applied to rotating pipes at a dry film thickness (dft) up to 600 µm at a
substrate temperature up to 90°C
– approved to Saudi Aramco APCS 113

COLOURS AND GLOSS dark brown - gloss

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.5 g/cm³
Volume solids 100%
VOC (supplied) max. 83 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 125 g/l (approx. 1.0 lb/gal)
see information sheet 1411
Recommended dry film thickness 600 µm depending on system
Theoretical spreading rate 1.7 m²/l for 600 µm *
Touch dry after 30 min. at 60°C
Overcoating interval min. equal to dry to handle time (see curing table)
max. 2 days (external exposure) or 1 month (in-shop exposure)
Full cure after 3 hours at 60°C
Gellation time 4 - 6 min. at 50°C
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 6 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – steel; blast cleaned to a minimum of ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 50 - 100 µm

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS – substrate temperature should be above 15°C and at least 3°C above dew
AND TEMPERATURES point during application and curing
– the recommended substrate temperature should be preferably between
40°C and 60°C
– these recommended substrate temperatures ensure good curing and

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 4 : 1

– application with twin feed hot airless spray equipment
Induction time none
Pot life 5 minutes at 50°C *
* see additional data

page 1/4

April 2009

AIRLESS SPRAY – twin feed hot airless spray

– pumping viscosity is achieved at 40°C - 60°C
– temperature in the mixing unit must be between 40°C and 70°C
Recommended thinner no thinner should be added
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.48 - 0.78 mm (= 0.019 - 0.031 in) depending on required production
speed and dft
Nozzle pressure at 40°C (paint temperature) min. 19 MPa (= approx. 190 bar; 2700 p.s.i.)
at 60°C (paint temperature) min. 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2130 p.s.i.)

BRUSH/ROLLER for touch up and spot repair only

Recommended thinner no thinner should be added

CLEANING SOLVENT Thinner 90-83 (preferred) or Thinner 90-53

Cleaning Procedures of the spray equipment:

– all equipment used for application must be cleaned immediately after use
– paint inside the spraying equipment must be removed before the pot life time
has been expired

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
although this is a solvent free paint, care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin or eyes
– ventilation should be provided in confined spaces to maintain good visibility

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 1.7

dft in µm 600

measuring wet film thickness

– a deviation is often obtained between the measured apparent wft and the
real applied wft
– this is due to the thixotropy and the surface tension of the paint which
retards the release of air trapped in the paint film for some time
– recommendation is to apply a wft which is equal to the specified dft plus 60
measuring dry film thickness
– because of low initial hardness the dft cannot be measured within some
days due to the penetration of the measuring device into the soft paint film
– the dft should be measured using a calibration foil of known thickness placed
in between the coating and the measuring device

page 2/4

April 2009

Overcoating table for SigmaLine 2500 for dft up to 600 µm

(for spot repair and stripe coating only)

substrate 20°C 30°C 40°C

minimum 3 hours 1.5 hour 1 hour
maximum 1 month 1 month 1 month
interval *
* when exposed to sunlight maximum interval is 2 days for all mentioned temperatures
– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

Curing table for dft up to 600 µm

substrate temperature dry to handle full cure

20°C 3 hours 2 days
30°C 90 min. 1 day
40°C 60 min. 12 hours
50°C 40 min. 6 hours
60°C 30 min. 3 hours
70°C 20 min. 2 hours
90°C 10 min. 1 hour
– although the paint is solvent free adequate ventilation must be maintained
during application and curing (please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434)

Pot life (at application viscosity)

20°C 20 min.
50°C 5 min.
60°C 4 min.
70°C 3 min.
– for touch up due to exothermic reaction, temperature during and after mixing
may increase

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

page 3/4

April 2009

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7667
195814 dark brown 2058002200

page 4/4

7 pages August 2012

Revision of October 2010

Description two component multi purpose polyamide cured anticorrosive epoxy system

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – universal epoxy priming system suitable for all vessel areas
– excellent anticorrosive properties and water resistance
– surface tolerant, pure epoxy primer with good abrasion and chemical
– excellent adhesion to steel, shop primer, galvanised steel and non ferrous
– excellent recoatability
– suitable for application and curing in a wide range of climatic conditions
– suitable for bulk supply and twin feed application
– suitable on wet blast cleaned substrates (damp or dry)

COLOURS AND GLOSS alu light, alu yellow, grey, yellow/green, redbrown – eggshell

BASIC DATA AT 20 °C (1 g/cm³ = 8.35 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density SigmaPrime 200: SigmaPrime 200 K:
1.3 g/cm³ 1.4 g/cm³
Volume solids 57 ± 2% /60± 2%
VOC (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED) max. 326 g/kg max. 287 g/kg
(Directive 1999/13/EC, SED) Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
VOC (UK PG 6/23(92) appendix 3) max. 430 g/l (approx. 3.6 lb/gal) max. 392 g/l (approx. 3.3 lb/gal)
(UK PG 6/23(92) Appendix 3) (UK PG 6/23(92) Appendix 3)
Recommended dry film thickness 75 - 200 μm depending on system 100 - 200 μm depending on system

Theoretical spreading rate 7.6 m²/l for 75 μm, 6 m²/l for 100 μm, 2.9 m²/l for 200 μm * 3 m²/l for 200 μm

Touch dry after 1.5 hour at 20 °C

Overcoating interval min. see tables *

max. see tables *
Full cure after 7 days *
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 24 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED for immersion exposure:

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS – steel or steel with not approved zinc silicate shop primer; blast cleaned (dry
AND TEMPERATURES or wet) to ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 30 - 75 μm
– steel with approved zinc silicate shop primer; weld seams and areas of
damaged shop primer or breakdown should be blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½,
blasting profile 30 - 75 μm or power tool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
– coated steel; hydrojetted to VIS WJ2 L (blasting profile 30 - 75 μm)

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August 2012

IMO-MSC.215(82) Requirements for Water Ballast Tanks:

– steel; ISO 8501-3:2006 grade P2, with all edges treated to a rounded radius
of minimum 2 mm or subject to three pass grinding
– steel or steel with not approved zinc silicate shop primer; blast cleaned to
ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 30 - 75 μm
– steel with approved zinc silicate shop primer; weld seams and areas of
damaged shop primer or breakdown should be blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½,
blasting profile 30 - 75 μm
– for shop primer with IMO type approval; no additional requirements
– for shop primer without IMO type approval; blast cleaned to ISO-
Sa2 removing at least 70% of intact shop primer, blasting profile 30 - 75 μm
– dust quantity rating "1" for dust size class "3", "4" or "5", lower dust size
classes to be removed if visible on the surface to be coated without
magnification (ISO 8502-3:1992)

for atmospheric exposure conditions:

– steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 30 - 75 μm or according to
– shop primed steel; pretreated to SPSS-Pt3
– galvanised steel; cleaned from grease, salts, contamination and roughened
– previous coat; (e.g. SigmaPrime 200) dry and free from any contamination
– substrate temperature should be above 5°C and at least 3°C above dew
point during application and curing
– maximum relative humidity during application and curing is 85%


system sheets: 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104,3105, 3106 (spec. 2), 3107, 3108

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 80 : 20

– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be

above 15°C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance and slower cure
– thinner should be added after mixing the components
Pot life 7 hours at 20 °C *
Induction time – none

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 15%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 1.5 - 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 - 0.4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 44 - 58 p.s.i.)

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August 2012

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 15%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.53 - 0.74 mm (= 0.021 - 0.029 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2176 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner no extra thinner needed
Volume of thinner but up to 5% Thinner 91-92 can be added if desired
CLEANING SOLVENT – Thinner 90-53

Film thickness and spreading rate for SigmaPrime 200

theoritical spreading rate m2/l 7.6 4.6 3.6 2.9

dft in μm 75 125 160 200

Maximum dft when brushing:Dry Film Thickness of 2000 μm may occur

occasionally (minor areas) where multiple overlapping is unavoidable (i.e.
around scallops, corners, erection joint lines etc.). PPG must be consulted in
case of DFT readings fall outside this recommendation.

Film thickness and spreading rate for SigmaPrime 200 K

theoritical spreading rate m2/l 6 4.8 3.8 3

dft in μm 100 125 160 200

Maximum dft when brushing:Dry Film Thickness of 2000 μm may occur

occasionally (minor areas) where multiple overlapping is unavoidable (i.e.
around scallops, corners, erection joint lines etc.). PPG must be consulted in
case of DFT readings fall outside this recommendation.

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August 2012

Overcoating table for SigmaPrime 200 or 200 K for dft up to 160 μm

substrate 5°C 10°C 20°C 30°C 40°C

with various two pack epoxy minimum interval 13 hours 6 hours 2.5 hours 1.5 hour 1 hour
Max interval 3 months 3 months 3 months 2 months 2 months
when exposed to
direct sunshine –
maximum interval
Max interval when 6 months 6 months 6 months 4 months 3 months
not exposed to
direct sunshine –
maximum interval

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

Curing Curing table for dft up to 160 μm

substrate touch dry full cure dry to handle
5°C 5 hours 21 days 14 hours
10°C 3 hours 14 days 8 hours
20°C 1.5 hour 7 days 4 hours
30°C 45 min. 5 days 2.5 hours
40°C 30 min. 4 days 1.5 hour

– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing

(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)

Pot life (at application viscosity)

15 °C 10 hours
20 °C 7 hours
30 °C 4 hours

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of Sigma Coatings to supply the same product on a
worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is sometimes necessary to
comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

page 4/7

August 2012

REFERENCES Conversion tabels see information sheet 1410

Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411
Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
Specification for mineral abrasives see information sheet 1491
Relative humidity - substrate temperature -
air temperature see information sheet 1650
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings Ballast Tank Working
Procedure New Building

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS – for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheets
– this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed
skin or eyes

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August 2012

PPG warrants (i) its title to the product, (ii) that the quality of the product conforms to PPG’s specifications for such product
in effect at the time of manufacture and (iii) that the product shall be delivered free of the rightful claim of any third person for
infringement of any U.S. patent covering the product.


Any claim under this warranty must be made by Buyer to PPG in writing within five (5) days of Buyer’s discovery of the claimed
defect, but in no event later than the expiration of the applicable shelf life of the product, or one year from the date of the
delivery of the product to the Buyer, whichever is earlier. Buyer’s failure to notify PPG of such non-conformance as required
herein shall bar Buyer from recovery under this warranty.


The information in this data sheet is intended for guidance only and is based upon laboratory tests that PPG believes
to be reliable. PPG may modify the information contained herein at any time as a result of practical experience and
continuous product development. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the PPG product,
whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific inquiry, or otherwise, are based on data, which to the
best of PPG’s knowledge, is reliable. The product and related information is designed for users having the requisite
knowledge and industrial skills in the industry and it is the end-user’s responsibility to determine the suitability of the
product for its own particular use and it shall be deemed that Buyer has done so, as its sole discretion and risk.

PPG has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many factors affecting the use and
application of the product. Therefore, PPG does not accept any liability arising from any loss, injury or damage
resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there are written agreements stating otherwise).
Variations in the application environment, changes in procedures of use, or extrapolation of data may cause
unsatisfactory results.

This data sheet supersedes all previous versions and it is the Buyer’s responsibility to ensure that this data sheet
is current prior to using the product. Current data sheets for all PPG Protective & Marine Coatings products are
maintained at
The English text of this data sheet shall prevail over any translation thereof.

page 6/7

August 2012

PDS 7416
202391 SigmaPrime 200 yellow/ 4009002200 (202390 base, 202389 hardener)
211291 SigmaPrime 200 grey 9515052200 (211282 base, 202389 hardener)
244820 SigmaPrime 200 K grey 9515052150 (243529 base, 240992 hardener)
244832 SigmaPrime 200 K redbrown 2008002150 (243540 base, 240992 hardener)
330749 SigmaPrime 200 K alu light 9000002150 (330748 base, 240992 hardener)
330752 SigmaPrime 200 K alu yellow 9300002150 (330751 base, 240992 hardener)

page 7/7

5 pages April 2011

Revision of December 2010

DESCRIPTION two component multi purpose polyamide cured anticorrosive epoxy system

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – general purpose epoxy primer/coating in protective coating systems for steel
and non ferrous metals
– good adhesion to steel and galvanised steel
– good adhesion to non ferrous metals
– good flow and wetting properties
– good water and corrosion resistance
– cures at temperatures down to +5°C
– suitable for touching up of weld seams and damages of epoxy coatings
during construction
– excellent recoatability
– can be overcoated with most alkyd-, chlorinated rubber-, vinyl-, epoxy- and
two component polyurethane coatings
– compatible with well designed cathodic protection systems
– suitable on wet blast cleaned substrates (damp or dry)

COLOURS AND GLOSS grey, redbrown, yellow/green, green - eggshell

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.4 g/cm³
Volume solids 70 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 227 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 313 g/l (approx. 2.6 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 100 - 200 μm depending on system *
Theoretical spreading rate 7.0 m²/l for 100 μm, 3.5 m²/l for 200 μm
Touch dry after 2 hours *
Overcoating interval min. see tables *
max. see tables *
Full cure after 7 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
* see additional data

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April 2011

RECOMMENDED – for immersion exposure:

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS • steel or steel with not approved zinc silicate shop primer; blast cleaned to
AND TEMPERATURES ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 30 - 75 μm
• steel with approved zinc silicate shop primer; weld seams and areas of
damaged shop primer or breakdown should be blast cleaned to ISO-
Sa2½, blasting profile 30 - 75 μm or power tool cleaned to SPSS-Pt3
• coated steel; hydrojetted to VIS WJ2 L (blasting profile 30 - 75 μm)
– IMO-MSC.215(82) Requirements for Water Ballast Tanks:
• steel; ISO 8501-3:2006 grade P2, with all edges treated to a rounded
radius of minimum 2 mm or subject to three pass grinding or at least
equivalent process before painting
• steel or steel with not approved zinc silicate shop primer; blast cleaned to
ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 30 - 75 μm
• steel with approved zinc silicate shop primer; weld seams and areas of
damaged shop primer or breakdown should be blast cleaned to ISO-
Sa2½, blasting profile 30 - 75 μm
• for shop primer with IMO type approval; no additional requirements
– for shop primer without IMO type approval; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2
removing at least 70% of intact shop primer, blasting profile 30 - 75
– dust quantity rating "1" for dust size class "3", "4" or "5", lower dust
size classes to be removed if visible on the surface to be coated
without magnification (ISO 8502-3:1992)
– for atmospheric exposure conditions:
• steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 30 - 75 μm or
according to ISO-St3
• shop primed steel; pretreated to SPSS-Pt3
• galvanised steel; cleaned from grease, salts, contamination and
roughened up
– previous coat; (e.g. SigmaPrime 700) dry and free from any contamination
– substrate temperature should be above 5°C and at least 3°C above dew
point during application and curing
– maximum relative humidity during application and curing is 85%

SYSTEM SPECIFICATION marine system sheets: 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104,

3105, 3106 (spec. 1), 3107, 3108

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 80 : 20

– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be above
15°C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain application viscosity
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance and slower cure
– thinner should be added after mixing the components
Induction time none
Pot life 8 hours at 20°C *
* see additional data

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April 2011

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 15%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.53 - 0.74 mm (= 0.021 - 0.029 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2130 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 10%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 1.5 - 2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 - 0.4 MPa (= approx. 3 - 4 bar; 43 - 57 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner no extra thinner is necessary,
Volume of thinner but up to 5% Thinner 91-92 can be added if desired


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and relevant
material safety data sheets
this is a solvent borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin
or eyes

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical spreading rate m²/l 7.0 5.6 4.4 3.5

dft in μm 100 125 160 200

max. dft:
Dry Film Thickness of 2000 μm may occur occasionally (minor areas) where
multiple overlapping is unavoidable (i.e. around scallops, corners, erection joint
lines etc.). PPG must be consulted in case of DFT readings fall outside this

page 3/5

April 2011

Overcoating table for SigmaPrime 700 for dft up to 160 μm

with various two pack epoxy substrate 5°C 10°C 20°C 30°C 40°C
coatings temperature
minimum 15 hours 9 hours 4 hours 2.5 hours 1.5 hour
maximum 6 months 6 months 6 months 4 months 3 months
interval when
not exposed to
direct sunshine
maximum 3 months 3 months 2 months 2 months 2 months
interval when
exposed to
direct sunshine

– surface should be dry and free from any contamination

Curing table for dft up to 160 μm

substrate touch dry dry to handle full cure

5°C 6 hours 18 hours 21 days
10°C 4 hours 12 hours 14 days
15°C 3 hours 9 hours 7 days
20°C 2 hours 6 hours 5 days
30°C 1 hour 3 hours 5 days

– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing

(please refer to sheets 1433 and 1434)

Pot life (at application viscosity)

15°C 10 hours
20°C 8 hours
30°C 4 hours

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of PPG Protective & Marine Coatings to supply
the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the product is
sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/circumstances.
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

page 4/5

April 2011

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434
Cleaning of steel and removal of rust see information sheet 1490
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings Ballast Tank Working Procedure New

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for
guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG
Protective & Marine Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise,
are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for
users having the requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the
suitability of the product for its intended use.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. PPG Protective & Marine Coatings does therefore not accept
any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless there
are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continuous product
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this
sheet is current prior to using the product.
The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 7930
245825 redbrown 2008002150 (245345 base, 245346 hardener)
245824 grey 9515052150 (245344 base, 245346 hardener)
321760 green 4000002150 (321758 base, 245346 hardener )
267442 redbrown 2008002200 (267439 base, 267440 hardener)
267441 grey 5000002200 (267438 base, 267440 hardener)
269714 yellow/green 4009002200 (321758 base, 267440 hardener)

page 5/5

4 pages October 2009

Revision of May 2009

DESCRIPTION two component high solids polyamine adduct cured pure epoxy coating

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – universal epoxy system suitable for all vessel areas
– excellent anticorrosive properties and water resistance
– good abrasion and chemical resistance
– excellent crack resistance
– suitable for use on a wide range of substrates
– suitable for application and curing in a wide range of climatic conditions
– user friendly fitting shipyard block stage practices
– suitable for bulk supply and twin feed application

COLOURS AND GLOSS grey, green - gloss

BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 1.3 g/cm³
Volume solids 80 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 181 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 257 g/l (approx. 2.1 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film thickness 100 - 250 µm depending on system *
Theoretical spreading rate 8.0 m²/l for 100 µm, 3.2 m²/l for 250 µm
Touch dry after 6 hours
Overcoating interval min. 5 hours *
max. 14 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – for immersion exposure:

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS • steel or steel with not approved zinc silicate shop primer; blast cleaned to
AND TEMPERATURES ISO-Sa2½, blasting profile 30 - 75 µm
• steel w

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