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SOL Review Biology Name

Chapter 1

Use the graph to answer 1 through 5.

1. What is the dependent variable? # of individuals

2. What is the independent variable? Body Mass

3. How many organisms have a mass of 170g? 52

4. Which mass has the largest number of organisms?

5. What pattern do you see in this graph (Why do
you think these results are as they are)? the lower the mass the fewer, increases at the middle
mass and goes down at high mass.
6. Is evolution happening in this population? Explain.
No, because the middle mass is surviving best, the
next generation will be the same.

Use the graph to answer 6 through 10.

6. What is the dependent variable?

population size
7. What is the independent variable?
Days or predator/prey 3efe9h
8. When were the two populations equal size?
9. What size was each population on day 12?
predators - 300, prey - 25 10. What
pattern do you see in this graph (Why do you think these results are as you think
these results are as they are)?

When predators go up, prey goes down.

11. Put the procedures for using a microscope in the correct order:

5. a. use the fine focus only.

3. b. find the image using the coarse objective.
2. c. put the low power objective in place.
4. d. put the high power objective in place.
1. e. turn on the light and adjust the diaphram.

12. Circle the choices that show homeostasis:

a. When people get hot, they sweat.

b. Plant stomata open to absorb carbon dioxide and close when water is scarce.
c. During the winter, birds fluff up their feathers to keep warm.
d. When people are unhappy, they cry.
e. When animals become dehydrated, they feel thirsty.

d e

Microscope part Function

a low power objective magnifies image 10 times

b high power objective magnifies image 40 times

c fine adjustment fine focuses

d coarse adjustment find the object under low power and focus

e diaphragm adjust the light

f eye piece see object and magnify 10 times

Chapter 2

Describe how the polarity of water give it three of its properties.

Electrons are more attracted to the larger oxygen atom in the water molecule so oxygen is
slightly negative and hydrogens are slightly positive. Oxygens and hydrogens are attracted to
each other forming hydrogen bonds. Attractions cause cohesion(attraction of water and water)
and adhesion (attraction of water to other molecules). Cohesion causes water drops to form
spheres, surface tension, high heat capacity and capillary action. Adhesion causes capillary
action and universal solvent.
Show polarity by drawing the charges and the hydrogen bonds between water molecules.

+ + +
+ -
- + - +
- -
+ + + +

Monomers Examples Functions

Carbohy- sugars
sugar, starch short term energy storage
drates (monosaccharides)

glycerol and fatty long term energy storage, main

Lipids fat, oil, wax
acids molecules of membranes

enzymes, make up control chemical reactions, structure,

Proteins amino acids
muscle and bones fight disease

instructions for protein synthesis, pass

Nucleic acids nucleotides DNA, RNA
on genetic information

substrate products

active site

enzyme substrate

Describe why enzymes can catalyze only one chemical reaction

The substrates must fit the active site like a lock in a key
Chapter 3 - 6 Make a food chain:
grass rabbit snake hawk
________________----> _________________----> _________________ ---> _____________

13. Put the organisms from your chain into an energy pyramid:
rabbit snake hawk
a. Which organism is a consumer? ________________
grass hawk
b. Which organism is a producer? ________________
grass snake
c. Which is an autotroph? _________________
rabbit snake hawk
d. Which is a heterotroph? __________________ rabbit

e. Which contains the most energy ( and biomass and grass

numbers) in the ecosystem? ____________________?

f. Which has the fewest number of organisms in the

hawk energy is lost at each trophic level
a. ecosystem?_______________________ Why? _____________________________
14. Give an example of the following types of symbiosis:

Parasitism __tapeworm - gets nutrients, people lose nutrition___________________

Commensalism __whales not affected by barnacles which get a ride to food______

Mutualism __flowers get pollinated by insects who get food___________________

Chapter 7

15. Give the name and function of each cell structure:

golgi bodies - package proteins

cell membranes - regulates what
goes in and out.
Vacuole - stores substances

Lysosomes - stores enzymes smooth ER - makes membrane

cytoskeleton - gives shape
Centrioles - helps in mitosis
golgi bodies - package proteinsribosomes - makes proteins
mitochondria - breaks down food
Nucleus - sendsVacuole
- stores substances Lysosomes - stores enzymes
for energy (ATP)
to make proteins
Rough ER - make proteins
cytoskeleton - gives shape
cytoplasm - liquid for chemical reactions

16. Give the name and function of each cell membrane molecule:
Double lipid layer - separates inside and outside of cell
Proteins - allow molecules to enter and leave
carbohydrates - identification
Chapters 8 and 9

17. Write the chemical formula for photosynthesis:

18. Describe photosynthesis in words:

Plants absorb light with chlorophyll to make carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen

19. How are photosynthesis and respiration similar and different.

They are opposites, photosynthesis stores energy and respiration releases it from food

Chapter 10 and 11

20. What is the function of mitosis?

Split one cell into two identical cells - asexual reproduction

21. What is the function of meiosis?

Split one cell into four cells with half the chromosomes - gametes: eggs and sperm
22. Compare Mitosis and Meiosis: mitosis meiosis

1. DNA organizes into chromosomes.

2. Parent cell has 46 chromosomes
3. Daughter cell has 46 chromosomes 3
5 4
4. Daughter cell has 23 chromosomes 1
5. Asexual reproduction
6. Sexual reproduction 8 2 6
7. Produces eggs and sperm (gametes)
10 7
8. Makes two daughter cells
9. Makes four daughter cells 9
10. Chromosomes line up in the center
and split.

Chapter 11

Use the following information to answer questions 23 - 27 H H

H is the gene for hair on your fingers h is
the gene for no hair on your fingers h Hh Hh

23. Which gene is dominant? hairy

24. Which gene is recessive? no hair h Hh Hh
25. What is the genotype for a homozygous hairy-fingered person? HH
26. What is the phenotype for a heterozygous person? Hairy finger
27. Cross HH X hh. what percentage of the F1 generations has hairy fingers? 100%

Chapter 12

28. What are the three parts of a nucleic acid? sugar, phosphate, nitrogenous base

29. If one side of a DNA molecule has the following base sequence: ATGCCTCAAGC, what
would the other side of the DNA molecule be? TACGGAGTTCG

30. a. What would an RNA made from the first DNA strand be? UACGGAGUUCG

b. What would a DNA strand with a deletion mutation be? TACGAGTTCG

c. What would a DNA strand with a substitution mutation be? TACCGAGTTCG

31. Describe the processes of replication and protein synthesis.

Replication: Helicase separated the strands of DNA, DNA polymerase matches new
nucleotide bases to the old strands. Two identical DNA molecules are formed.
Protein Synthesis: RNA polymerase separates the DNA strands and matched RNA
nucleotides to one strand of DNA. This is the mRNA. mRNA moves out of the nucleus to the
ribosome which matches tRNA anticodons to the mRNA codons (3 base sequence), putting
the attached amino acids in order. The ribosome attaches the amino acids to each other
making a protein chain.
32. How would a protein from the mutated DNA be different than the normal protein?

It would have different amino acids, so the shape woud be different so the function would be
different or it would not be able to do its function.
Chapter 15 and 16
31. Natural selection
Which animals in a population survive the best? the ones who have characteristics that
help them survive in their environment.
What is an adaptation? a characteristics that help organisms survive in their
What does an adaptation depend on? the environment

What happens in the next generation? the ones who have characteristics that help them
survive in their environment survive best , pass on the most genes so that the next generation
have more of those traits.
32. Who developed this theory, Lamarck or Darwin?

33. How are their theories different? Lamarck thought organisms could change their
characteristics during their lives and pass those characteristics to their offspring. Darwin
thought the organisms that were lucky enough to be born with the characteristics that helped
them survived would pass on their characteristics - they had to be genetic traits.
34. Name five types of evidence that evolution occurs. fossils in layers of rock showed that
characteristics changed over time, Similarities in embryos and in homologous structures (leg
bones) show that organisms probably had common ancestors, geographic distribution of
organisms and fossils showed that similar organisms lived in areas that were close millions of
years ago.

Chapter 18
35. List Linnaeus’ groups of classification from largest to smallest:

(Domain), Kingdom, Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species

36 a. If an organism is in the same species, is it in the same genus? yes

b. If an organism is in the same species, is it in the same family? yes c. If
an organism is in the same family, is it in the same species? not necessarily d. If an
organism is in the same genus, is it in the same kingdom? yes e. If an
organism is in the same kingdom, is it in the same genus? not necessarily

37. Which groups are part of an organism’s scientific name? Genus and species

Chapter 19
38. Describe three ways bacteria and viruses are similar and different. Both have DNA and
proteins, are smaller than eukaryotic cells and can cause disease. Viruses are not cells and
can not reproduce by themselves. They make cells copy them. Bacteria reproduce by asexual
reproduction. Many bacteria are good for us.
39. Describe how viruses make you sick. Viruses attach to your cell membrane and inject their
DNA. The DNA takes over the cell and causes it to produce more virus DNA and protein. The
cell puts them together and the viruses tear the cell apart and attack new cells.

Chapter 20 and 21
40.Name three Protists and describe three ways they are similar and three ways they are
different. Amoeba have pseudopods to eat and move and no shape, paramecium have cilia to
move and eat and are oval shaped, algae make their own food, do not move and have
symmetrical shapes. All are eukaryotes, single-celled organisms and live in water.
41. Describe how Fungi eat in three steps. Their hyphae grow into their food, they secrete
enzymes into the food which digests it. They absorb the nutrients they need.

Chapter 22 through 25

Plant Vascular or not? Reproductive structure example

Bryophyte not vascular eggs and sperm or spores moss

Seedless vascular vascular eggs and sperm or spores fern

Gymnosperm vascular seeds pine trees

Angiosperm vascular seeds flowering plants

Organism Kingdom Main Characteristics 3 Examples


Virus none DNA or RNA strand influenza (flu), HIV,

surrounded by a protein coat cold, rabies, measles,
mumps, chicken pox

Bacteria Archaebacteria prokaryote, single strand of ocean vent bacteria, salt

DNA, smallest cell, lake bacteria, sulphur
springs bacteria

Bacteria Eubacteria prokaryote, single strand of tuberculosis, staph,

DNA, smallest cell, different tetanus, strep throat,
cell wall protein pneumonia

Protozoans (Protists) Protista Eukaryote, single cell amoeba, paramecium,


Fungi Fungi Eukaryote, multicellular, mushrooms and molds

spore producing structure,
extracellular digestion

Sponges Animalia eukaryotes, specialized cells, sponges

pulls water in through pores

Cnidarians Animalia soft body, specialized tissues, hydra, jellyfish, sea

tentacles with stinging cells anemone, corals
Organism Kingdom Main Characteristics 3 Examples

Mollusks Animalia soft body, internal or clam, snail, squid,

external shell octopus, sea slug

Arthropods Animalia exoskeleton, jointed legs insects, crabs,

lobsters, scorpions,
spiders, millipedes

Echinoderms Animalia spiny skins, tubefeet to sea stars, sea

move and catch and open cucumbers, sea
clams urchins

Worms Animalia flat, round or segmented, flatworms-planaria,

specialized organs and tapeworms, round
organ systems worms, segmented

Fish Animalia scales, gills perch, bass,


Amphibians Animalia smooth skin (can absorb frogs, toads,

oxygen), metamorphosis salamanders
from water/gills/herbivore
to land/lungs/carnivore

Reptiles Animalia scales, eggs with shells, turtles, lizards,

internal fertilization snakes

Birds Animalia feathers, warm-blooded, hawks, penguins,

eggs with shells songbirds

Mammals Animalia fur, internal development cats, bears, foxes,

of embryos, warm-blooded rabbits, mice
Define diffusion - Movement of molecules from high concentration to low concentration.

Define osmosis - Movement of water from high concentration to low concentration.

Draw an arrow showing water movement and label each isotonic, hypotonic or hypertonic:
hypotonic hypertonic isotonic

hypotonic hypertonic hypotonic

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