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Demi, who .dressed as a

tomboy and drank with the
men while growing up, has ad-
mitted she's had a lifelong fan-
tasy about being a rough,
tough male.
"I even had dreams about
being a guy and escorting
beautiful women to parties,"
she told the insider.
1234: TG UK OK
.. • TiredofToasty Transgender: a fancy PC term or
Mauve and Innocent Peach? just a pretentious new label? No.
Get read y for Urban Decay, Transgender Is an Inclusive
general term for all sorts of people
LEFT, an irreverent new com-
into any kind of temporary or
pany bent on bringing colors
permanent gender-altering or
like Roach, Plague, and Pallor
blurring But it's not just a
to your hps and nails. Its tough
descriptive term, its an identity
scU i:,n't about being negative.
you choose. Its a question of "self-
though JU Sl practical: "In-
identifying" as transgender,
stead oflooking at life through ldent.i fylng with other TG people
rose-colored glasses. we deal and their experiences, recognising
wnh reali ty." common ground, but appreciating
diversity. It's a political Idea, like
black people saying "we want to
be called black not coloured or
negro", or gay and lesbian
Mr and Mrs Chick w/ Dick activists reclaiming words like
queer and dyke. You can be
If you saw me and my honey walking straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual or
together, what would you see? You anything else and be
might be forgiven for calling us Mr and transgendered. Gender Is
Mrs, it's true, we're like many couples.
You might call us supporters of the separate from sexuality, It doesn't
hetero-patriarchy, because mostly we have to be about exclusive male
can hold hands and not get beaten-up and female categories; its more
for it. Sometimes men look at us and say like a spectrum. "Transgender" Is
"Evening ladies·. "Alright girls?" and do a positive assertive term based on
a double-take five steps on. Once, a how we think and feel rather than
Michael Llewellyn dressed as Mlcholle. News uc train guard called us gentlemen as he
clipped our tickets. I had just had my just what we do, not a negative,

Barbara Cartland: Life on welfare is a hair cut short. As a child, shop-keepers

named me Sonny, but no one has
patronising or restricting pseudo-
medical definition. I'm not usually
"Hell Isla tbe mind"
drag for Michelle treated me like a man for a long time. the "club joining" type, but for me
It's been useful to self-define as
NE II'CA~TLE : Wuh • ballpotnt pen ""d • boule of blelldt Viewers of a certain sensibility might TG, Its helped me find self-respect
Arthur Elgort's Models' Mtchael Llewellyn chan,ed from a strJppl ng )Oung m•n
think I'm the fag hag, just like a million
intn 1 ~II"Jk: mother 0t1 \l.dfare and support, so its important.
Manual S1nce: (!ecid1n1 10 I, ve lu ~ hft 1n dnr. or other fat girl gay boy party accessories
Inane and pointless book filled M tehclle: as be now prtfe~. has fooled fou r co~ernmc.nt they've seen. Maybe to you we're a dyke Girly is here I to communicate
with hundreds of photos of depMunents m1o bche\lng he tS: :a WUJn3n
these Ideas, and because it's fun -
models and artfully arranged Thr 2~- year..old t.ri.MYettlle even tnvc:nlc:d :. b•by boy and and a poof strolling down the street, so
soundbitea of their dumb
claimed Almost S.SOOO 1n •ole p:uent pcnston,. modern, like despite our political I enjoy lt. The name Is meant to be
U11 nQ. 1hrce. d1freten1 na mes: nnd :u. many addrencs,
philosophical platitudes In a Llrwellyn obGllncd 1 Ilite Modu:orc card tut"nng Iter fi<U differences we can be friends, r ight? Ironic; I hope It doesn't put anyone
million different colours and LIO\IS duld's n.iJJlC and a faJse dnvcr"s bee~ complc1e . ., ,\h She's pretty butch, and he's a liWe nelly. on the FTM side off. I was even
typefaces. I Love It! It's > ptc:IU<e of ltor 10 mal• Up
Tl\ls u bow It v."U done Or is It the other way round? thinking if changing it, but I don't
expensive at £25, but Charlotte In N<~>embcr 1994 Llewellyn ••asued ahc Registry of
got mine for me with a five Btnhi. OeSlhi ~nd M•m agcs. C31hn> h1nl\cll Machcllc presume to represent all TG
fingered discount. Get someone Koyla Doolan and armed with a for~cd dt>CW•< lcuor, h< Look closely. Observe this pussy Iicker
c l:lJmc:d Lo h; gavcn btnh w a boy on Scptcmher 9. The arse bandit housewife fat girl dole head people, Its just my 'zlne, with stuff
speoial to steal one for you!
forms wor< tent to lilt DeJI"'1mcnl of Sl'<ul ~cunty and gardener writer friend. Read this chick I 'm Interested in. I ask for
• Jacob C:unaon B.ulhe ,.... born.
~ H11'" ..,as m.c;.tu nl~ C..meroo 9l1tl1c "-tth ~ with a dick. contributions but not everything
• Ucwdi)D lwl a "'"'uoru.taar unul Boalh< tult>ed h:s friald gets printed, and even my pals get
Cl \-wtI ,..u a man.
Bca ween December I S, 1994 •nd AI'"' 6 l11\l ycur. the If you saw me and my honey walking edited. Glrly Is not a democracy. I
r\<) l. ,. t\ttu V'l DSS r.ud Llewellyn $4647.15 for the care or baby Jacob. together, what would you see?
\" U" .. • Tv.·o wc:d..\ late.r he :.lklctJ tu) "son.. lU h1' Mct.hcore card pay for it, I put it together, so I

~~~ Charlotte Cooper decide. Mona

o+ ~~~(I~ M~ ~
Drag King2 : Breast Binding
Lesbian Gay Bisexual &
Thts ptece ts destgned for women who want to drag up
as men, not for men born w ith transexuality. With care,
breast binding needn't hurt. Soma of these techniques 6JULV1996 ;
are however copied from FTMs I have known, who are The Transgonder contingent on the
often willing to suffer more pain to bind down their march from Hyde Park to Victoria will be
breasts than most women would tolerate. placed fourth In the running order afte r
the floats . So: head for the front of tho
Each body Is different, and our breasts vary accordingly. march. Press For Change will have a
As I am basically flat-chosted, It is fairly easy for me to banner and are mooting at Speakers
bind my breasts down to make the flat. Above a cortam Corner 10.30am. Tho rest of tho
size you begin to need to bind across the centre of the marchers are assembling from 11am.
breasts and then work outward s. Remember to roll tho starting at noon . np: post!Jon yourself a
binding material oround your back, otherwise it won't httle way down tho march route on Park
hold you in . La ne to get a good v tew of the floats and
avoid the chaos at Hyde Park/Marble
The slmpleat method of flattening breasts Is using o ti ght Arch .
1-shlrt. The next stage is to actually b ind them. Whilst
ordtnary packing tape works, 11 h as a tendency to tear The Festival site is CLAPHAM COMMON.
when pulled light. A better choice is goffa or fabric· The Transgender focus ar ea is in tho
backed tape, available from disco or theatre suppliers at mtddle of tho site by the coatcheck. I'll
about £5 for a b ig roll. Band aging is another alternative. be lhore , or onstago with tho Killaz In
I've triod crapo bandages with litUe succoss, and want the cabaret toni (around 9.30pm!), or
to try medical body stockings and rubber tube maybo the bi area which Ia nice and big,
bandages, but I haven't been able to find the right stze or the Popstarz tent or anywhere really.
yet. Also in the modicsl vein Is a chest bind or designed
for supporting the chest after breakmg ribs, available for
around £20 from medical suppliers. Its made of stiff
material w ith Velcro fastenings and fits tighUy around
the chest , flaltenlng the breasts.

The major problem with any form of binding is the extra

layer which may show through clothing and look odd, but
of course some FtMs suffer worse every day. A thinner
but very sweaty binding matenal that has been
suggested Is clingfilm . One FTM frie nd of mine had a
special binding made by his mum; a large piece of very
strong elastic , held together by hooks and oyes. It had
the a ffect of pushing his breests in to one lump in the
centre, which he could hide under big Jumpers. II dtd
cause brut sing across his cheat, but It s up l o you.

That's about it for bra nt-binding techniques I've coma

across, although my rose arch continues. Future topics
may include: fake facial hair, dressing hk e a man, body
language etc. Kq \:,. N"'t.._ YS4.'otk

~u~ i11 ~~~~:

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( j:~oM 'M.'f CoM~~OE '
tJt;tj'fl~'!r, l'\~)
WEDNESDAY, 22 MAY, 1996 19 Groovy TG 'zlne by Daisy
Asquith from leeds; lots of cool
graphics, photos, slogans and
Whitney quotas from Interviews with all
sorts of TGera, plus a good UK-
US contacts list Kind of
''There Is no better way to know death than to
link it with some licentious Image" de Sade
look-alike polemical and tabloidy
(Homocult innuence?). Second
issue should be out by the time For this issue I have plumped for a ~ot-terrlbly cheery
theme; Tra~svestism and Death. This follows a slightly
arrested you read this, and promises to
be "more personal". Send £1 &
SAE to Daisy @ 191 Roundhay
Rd, leedalS8 5AN.
gloomy penod on the gender-blending scene here in the
capital that has included an HIV death, an attempted
A MAN hunted for a South suicide and an extended d isappearance. Something
Carolina murder for 17 about these brought to my pickled mind the memory of a
years managed to elude past tranny death that has palely·haunted me for an
authorities as a Whitney unmentionable number of years; the story of a young
Houston look-alike. tranny prostitute, Maxwell Confait.
Residents of a Los
Angeles block of flats were
shocked when police Maxwell was burned to death in his home by three
arrested their pretty teenagers on April 21st 1972 in Doggett Road, Catford.l
neighbour, Valerie Nicole was thirteen at the time. The report-come-Qbituary
Taylor, on the murder which I read on my paper-round, also carried a blu.:red
· ~barge. They were totally photo of Maxwell, and I remember his long hair and
floored when police pretty, androgynous features. He was very young. This
discovered she had been was •. as a dev~loping callow-timid-teeny-tranny myself, a
FreddJe Lee Turner before first mtroduclion to the danger sides of cross~ressing
undergolng a sex change. being aKpraasad in a vortex of shadows. It stood in star'k
Pollee said that the contrast to the more visible side of trannydom, the safe
flngerprin.ts of Miss Taylor, and bawdy tally-world of Danny La Poo and Banfey
40, matched those of 1 es tko, t"'s Staxter and the "Doh you are awful!" be-wigginess of
Turner, accused of
shooting Billy Posey. ye. s , ., "' + . !> (II Dick Haemorrhage.

With Maxwell (and the nature of his death), I was newly

CHRYSALIS Is an excellent Healthy living? and scarlly aware of a connection between frocking and
American mag (~e Joumal of A public lavatory was death. And this in relation to an activity that at that tlme
Tran~Jgressive Gender closed in Chesh1re was generally still regarded as a sub-suburban kinky
Identities"). looks quite heavy after pohce found a
blonde Wig, red
disease. I was an early portent to "'>'
fragile self, and If 1
(and Is, at 62 pages) but Ia well knew the n what I know now...
laid out accesaible, with lots of stHetto-heeled shoes
and a wh1p In a
I ~~ted Dogfgett Road recently. In the sunlight it seemed like any other South London street
Interesting detailed articles
("The Myth of the Heteroaeltual holdall. They burned
Crosadresser". "TG Self- the Items, saying wr t ~ r~w o neat terraced houses on one side and railway sidings on the other An old man'
Mutilation•, "Homophobia Hurts they were
~~i~a~e :a:::IIJ~~~~eu~ and ~ohwnd lookling for any sign of a gap in the house~ that might
Ua All", "Premarln - the Untold b . . ~ ome. a no uck. Thera was no blue plaque. But despite the
Story" etc). $9 per lseue; r1ght sun, a defimte feeling of melancholy pervaded my insides with the knowled
aubacrlp&na are $46.00 for 4 tragedy that ~ad come to pass there. Maxwell d id not die in vain, for his story sarv~: ~~the
co ns~~~ remmder of some very fine linea we tread in life. I herewith dedicate a minute;
iseues , from AEGIS, PO Box It Ph1UI'1 KtiiJwrote 111111111d
33724, Decatur GA 30033-0724 IIIII IId lllllll.IIIIIJ~Itbll ve ve Sf ence ~nd respect to the memory of all those transgendared eo le found an 1
;~;::~~-e sacrtficed their lives in pursuance of this perplexing sophi:try, ~nd espeoial1y ~:t.
USA. They are also looking for •I tee In t111 lett lst11 wes edltell ud
•ls1Dtll')ll'11111 Q •1 II bl 1Jli-lr1dl,
Slle SIY1 ShiiSR't.


Interesting to see macho right-wing US radio caleb
Howard Stern on David Letterman's 't.ate Show" in drag
around February ('96). Promoting his #1 bestseller "Miss
America", Stem, who is quite a big guy and must be over
Girly Guide to Brighton
six foot, avoided the naff comedy drag look that a lot of
men adopt to ensure that no-one thinks they'r e enjoying
lby Nancy Fish, May 1996 · BAKE __ A ,_:C:t\.:KE ~·
it, and made a rea l effort to look like a b ig ol' drag q ueen, Ever since the Georgie Porgy posse
with a tight gold evening dress, corset. high h eels and slipped out of 18th cenbJry London to
big hair. He complained about the shoes and eventually shag away their weekends here, PHILIPPINE sports officials
discarded them but not before walking up and down and Brighton has wallowed in its reputation are reviewing the gender of
bumping and grinding a bit to embarrass the normally as a aeedy'n'aultry seaside dive. George runner Nancy Navalta, who
unflappable urbana w ise-cracking Letterman, who IV's Royal Pavilion, the campest palace · ran as a male in one race and
totally couldn't handle it! Draw ¥Our own conclusions. on earth, sets the tone, while down the as a female a week later.
road the Revenge club finishes it. Navalta has won sprint
competitions as a woman 1n
the PbUlpplne National
Let's see: 200 cafes, 94 hair salons - Games over the last two
that makes 1,800 waiters and 660 Years.
stylists -and with the largest assortment Controversy erupted after
Ed Wood the nov e li st of second-hand clothes per head of the female competitors ques-
population, its worth being a Brighton tioned Navalta's gender and
A few years ago ED WOOD Jr was not a drag girlie, even for a bank holiday. As the dispute was revived after
famous name, remembered best for his Lily Savage recently noted hera "You Navalta competed again last
worst film,"Pian Nina From Outer can;t smell the ozone for the scent of the week. ln the men's race, Nav-
Space". His film career has since been Kouros· -the prox1mity of Gatwick alta was beaten soundly but
Immortalised in a glossy biopic d irected Airport means the gangways of the runner later competed as
by Tim Burton. In It we sea a charming Brighton's clubland are jammed with a woman and won five gold
but naive young transvestite with an trolly dollies, hot towels on tongs, eager medals and earned the right
angora fetish, obsessed with making to answer your alarm call for second
to run in the National Games
in April.
films, trying to live his dream in 1950s helpings. (huh? ad)
Hollywood. His life after the films failed ,
Ignored by Burton, Is considerably lass ~ COLVMN OF OPINION Drags can gat Into Revenge, the town's According to Anne Fausto-Ster1ing, cited in
romantic. In a downward spiral of main gay club, but real girls have a Radfcsl Df1VIanc#, up to 4% of the
frustration and alchohohsm, brimming tougher time (owner Tony Chapman population are born with various forms of
with unfulfilled film ideas, he paid the Is i t 'cool' to be a straight tranny? It seems not. But drag claims he was once beaten up by dykes, hermaphroditism . These are routinely
rent by knocking off sub-standard queens are almost automatically cool, especially in the ask him why he calls it Revenge). •corrected" via the "surgical shoehorn• at
sleazy pulp novels dripping with sex, media. In fiction how many cool straight trannies are Recently tarted up, with a new wig-
birth, most commonly to female "because its
violence and his own oddball world- there compared to DQs? Eddie Izzard is even denying shattering sound system and groovy
easier to cut things off than 1t Is to find new
view. he's a tranny now (and dissing DQs to boot -shame on lights (though not in the toilets, where
things to glue on".
Two of these pieces of trash, "Killer In him!) Why? I reckon it's the perv thing that makes it into you'll find the amazing Grace, Debbie
Drag• and MLet Me Die In Drag", feature a joke, the Stephen Milligan snigger thing, that makes Dog and the Fashion Dolls teasing their
the Wood alter-ego Glen/Glenda, and het trannies 'dressing for kicks' a joke. DQs don't have hair). At 2am closing time a clubful of • a new "Journal or
have been re-issued since the Burton that stigma, they somehow are perceived to have drunk and drugged lechers stagger Transgendered Politics"; 44
film, but they won't be around forever. different motivations in crossdressing, plus they fulfil a down to the Sub, our new 24 hour beach hofty A4 pages of dense telrl,
purpose for the media, as flamboyant 'fun" quite academic but Interesting
The first has a distinctly "bootlegged" cafe, for tea & techno. Pre-club the best and valuable for the dedicated.
look about it, with no publisher or representatives of the gay community. ''Ordinary" spot is Zanzibar where the comely doe- From the Gender & Sexuality
address given, whilst the sequel has a trannies are not so Interesting to the media, although the eyed Poppy works, though its just been Alliance • Box 8, St Mary's
real publisher (Gorse), with royalties tabloids are suckers for any kind ofTS story. taken over by Kudos -we await Centre, Corporation Road,
going to Wood's widow Kathy. I enjoyed developments. Mlddleabrough TS1 2RW. Don't
both a lot -as low-grade first-person pulp There are some transsexuals who look down on straight know the price, looks like about
Friday nights bring Transister, upstairs £5worth.
In the style of hundreds of trannies and drag queens, and some defensively super-
crime/detective cheapies. They are straight trannies who don't want to be associated with at the Pavilion Tavem, where the
badly written, but as w ith his better weirdos like homosexuals or TS's, especially FTMs. trannies have to wait for the dressed-
films, the bizarre narratives peppered What's the basic problem here? The hierarchies; all the down boy-dykes to get bored before
with aupahemisms and obsolete slang divisive labelling, counter-labelling and backbiting, they get the dancefloor to themselves.
are quite dizzying, and the momentum which further uphold the divide-and-rule stereotypes One monday a month Tilly Thompson
just drags you along. This was Wood 's provided for us. does Lips at the Warehouse, while the
unfettered fantasy world: Glen/Glenda, first monday of the month brings the
a beautiful boy/girl trapped by We emphatically are not one big happy family but we are deeply delightful Wild Fruit to the
circumstance, forced to kill for "the a kind offamily, we can leam from each other and can all Paradox. Most folks dress up and down,
Syndicate• to keep himself in angora benefit from mutual respect and support. There will even the teen E-heads.
sweaters and silk knickers. Throughout always be people claiming to be more oppressed or
both he goes to ridiculous lengths to more transgandered. You don't have to rise to their Several cabaret drags dwell down here
stress his heterosexuality, scorning taunting, bullying or put-downs. Insecurities and (Maisie Trollette even runs a B&B) and
queers and writing himself up as the fast hierarchies depend on each other, along with suspicion, you can't go anywhere without Dave
of the red-hot lovers, sitting by his competition and individualism. We don't need shit like Lynn yodelling at you. If you've never
typewriter drinking himself to a that. attended a cliffside rave with the rising
sun malting the glue on your lashes,
premature death in a roach-f"idden
Hollywood hovel. Sad. Mona says: Get over it.
you've never truly lived. · MAKE A BOMB

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