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 Complete os espaços com as formas corretas do Simple Present:

Siga o exemplo: Anne loves to work. (love)

a) Cayo ________________to the College at night. (go)

b) My parents _______________ Italian and French classes on Thurdays

every week. (have)

c) Louise ____________________at the Brad's Office. (work)

d) I ___________________ bread every morning. (eat)

e) Sarah ___________ to school in the morning (go)

f) Tom and Sonia __________English classes on Tuesdays. (have)

g). Paula ___________ in the University of Lisbon (study)

h) The train _____________at 9:00 a.m. (arrive)

 Responda às perguntas:

a) What is you name¿

b) How old are you¿

c) What is your cellphone number¿

d) Do you speak English¿

e) Does Karla goes to school every day¿

f) Where do you live¿

g) Do you like to listen to music¿

h) Are you from Canada¿

i) Do you have a cellphone¿

j) What do you like to do on Friday nights¿

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