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22 (Continued)

Lω 2 /3g is maximum. Set its derivative with respect to x equal to zero.

d  Lω 2  (3x 2 + 3)(2) − (2 x + 3)(6 x)

  = =0
dx  3 g  (3x 2 + 3) 2
−6 x 2 − 18 x + 6 = 0
Solving the quadratic equation
x = −3.30 and x = 0.30278
d = 0.30278 L
= (0.30278)(0.6)
= 0.1817 m  d = 181.7 mm 

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Two identical slender rods AB and BC are welded together to

form an L-shaped assembly. The assembly is pressed against a
spring at D and released from the position shown. Knowing that
the maximum angle of rotation of the assembly in its subsequent
motion is 90° counterclockwise, determine the magnitude of the
angular velocity of the assembly as it passes through the position
where rod AB forms an angle of 30° with the horizontal.


1 1
Moment of inertia about B. I B = m AB l 2 + mBC l 2
3 3

Position 2. θ = 30°
V2 = WAB (hAB ) 2 + WBC (hBC ) 2
l  l 
= WAB sin 30° + WBC  − cos 30° 
2  2 
1 1
T2 = I Bω22 = (m AB + mBC )l 2ω22
2 6
Position 3. θ = 90°
V3 = WAB T3 = 0
Conservation of energy.
T2 + V2 = T3 + V3 :
1 l l l
( mAB + mBC )l 2ω22 + WAB sin 30° − WBC cos 30° = 0 + WAB
6 2 2 2
3 W (1 − sin 30°) + WBC cos 30°
ω22 = ⋅ AB
l mAB + mBC
= [1 − sin 30° + cos 30°]
2 l
g 9.81
= 2.049 = 2.049 = 50.25  ω2 = 7.09 rad/s 
l 0.4

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The 30-kg turbine disk has a centroidal radius of gyration of 175 mm and is
rotating clockwise at a constant rate of 60 rpm when a small blade of weight
0.5 N at Point A becomes loose and is thrown off. Neglecting friction, determine
the change in the angular velocity of the turbine disk after it has rotated through
(a) 90°, (b) 270°.


Mass of blade. m A = 51 grams = 0.051 kg

Weight of blade. m A g = (0.051)(9.81) = 0.5 N

Moment of inertia about O. I O = mk 2 − mA r22 = 30(0.175) 2 − 51 × 10−3 (0.3)2 = 0.91416 kg ⋅ m 2

Location of mass center for the position shown.

m A rA
(m − mA ) x = − mA rA x =−
m − mA

Position 1. θ = 0°, ω1 = 60 rpm = 2π rad/s

Kinetic energy: T1 = I Oω12

Center of gravity lies at the level of Point O. h1 = 0

Potential energy: V1 = (mg − m A g )h1 = 0

(a) Position 2. θ = 90°

Kinetic energy: T2 = I Oω 22

m ArA
Center of gravity lies a distance above Point O.
m − mA

m ArA
h2 =
m − mA

Potential energy: V2 = (mg − m A g )h2 = mA grA = (0.5)(0.3) = 0.150 N ⋅ m

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PROBLEM 17.24 (Continued)

Conservation of energy. T1 + V1 = T2 + V2 :
1 1
I Oω12 + 0 = I Oω 22 + V2
2 2
2V2 (2)(0.15)
ω22 = ω12 − − (2π ) 2 − ω2 = 6.257016 rad/s
IO 0.91416

Δω = ω2 − ω1 = 6.257016 − 2π = −0.02617 rad/s

Δω = −0.250 rpm 

(b) Position 3. θ = 270°

Kinetic energy: T3 = I Oω32

Center of gravity lies a distance below Point O.
m − mA

m ArA
h3 = −
m − mA

Potential energy: V3 = (mg − mA g )h3 = −mA grA = −(0.5)(0.3) = −0.15 N ⋅ m

Conservation of energy. T1 + V1 = T3 + V3 :

1 1
I Oω12 + 0 = I Oω32 + V3
2 2

2V3 (2)(−0.15)
ω32 = ω12 − = (2π )2 −
IO 0.91416
ω3 = 6.309246 rad/s

Δω = ω 3 − ω1 = 6.309246 − 2π = 0.026061 rad/s

Δω = 0.249 rpm 

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A rope is wrapped around a cylinder of radius r and mass m as shown. Knowing that
the cylinder is released from rest, determine the velocity of the center of the cylinder
after it has moved downward a distance s.

Point C is the instantaneous center.
v = rω ω=
Position 1. At rest. T1 = 0
Position 2. Cylinder has fallen through distance s.
1 1
T2 = mv 2 + I ω 2
2 2
1 11  v 
= mv 2 +  mr 2  
2 2 2  r 
= mv 2
Work. U1→2 = mgs
Principle of work and energy.
T1 + U1→ 2 = T2: 0 + mgs = mv 2
4 gs 4 gs
v2 =  v= 
3 3

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Solve Problem 17.25, assuming that the cylinder is replaced by a thin-walled pipe of
radius r and mass m.

PROBLEM 17.25 A rope is wrapped around a cylinder of radius r and mass m as

shown. Knowing that the cylinder is released from rest, determine the velocity of the
center of the cylinder after it has moved downward a distance s.

Point C is the instantaneous center.
v = rω ω=
Position 1. At rest. T1 = 0
Position 2. Cylinder has fallen through distance s.
1 1
T2 = mv 2 + I ω 2
2 2
1 1 v 
= mv 2 + (mr 2 )  
2 2 r
= mv 2
Work. U1→2 = mgs
Principle of work and energy.

T1 + U1→2 = T2 : 0 + mgs = mv 2

v 2 = gs v = gs 

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A 45-lb uniform cylindrical roller, initially at rest, is acted upon by a 20-lb

force as shown. Knowing that the body rolls without slipping, determine
(a) the velocity of its center G after it has moved 5 ft, (b) the friction force
required to prevent slipping.

Since the cylinder rolls without slipping, the point of contact with the ground is the instantaneous center.
Kinematics: v = rω
Position 1. At rest. T1 = 0

Position 2. s = 5 ft vG = v ω=
1 1
T2 = mv 2 + I ω 2
2 2
1 11  v 
= mvG2 +  mr 2  G 
2 22  r 
3 3  45  2
= mvG2 =   vG = 1.04815vG2
4 4  32.2 

Work: U1→2 = Ps = (20)(5) = 100 lb ⋅ ft. F f does no work.

(a) Principle of work and energy.

T1 + U1→ 2 = T2 : 0 + 100 = 1.0481vG2

vG2 = 95.407 vG = 9.77 ft/s 

(b) Since the forces are constant, aG = a = constant

aG =
= 9.5407 ft/s 2

ΣFx = ma : P − F f = ma

F f = P − ma
 45 
= 20 −   (9.5407) F f = 6.67 lb 
 32.2 

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A small sphere of mass m and radius r is released from rest at A and

rolls without sliding on the curved surface to Point B where it leaves
the surface with a horizontal velocity. Knowing that a = 1.5 m and
b = 1.2 m, determine (a) the speed of the sphere as it strikes the ground
at C, (b) the corresponding distance c.


Work: U1→2 = mga

Kinetic energy: T1 = 0

Rolling motion at position 2. v2 = rω or 60ω =
1 1
T2 = mv 2 + I ω 2
2 2
1 12  v  7
= mv 2 +  mr 2   = mv 2
2 2 5  
r 10
Principle of work and energy.
T1 + U1→ 2 = T2 : 0 + mga = mv 2

10 ga (10)(9.81 m/s 2 )(1.5 m)

v2 = = = 21.021 m/s 2
7 7
v = 4.5849 m/s
For path B to C the motion is projectile motion. Let t = 0 at Point B. Let y = 0 at Point C.
Vertical motion: v y = (v y )0 − gt = − gt
1 2
y = y0 + (v y )0 t − gt
1 2
At Point C, 0=b+0− gtC

2b (2)(1.2 m)
tC = = = 0.49462 s
g 9.81 m/s 2
(v y )C = − gtC = −(9.81 m/s 2 )(0.49462 s) = −4.8522 m/s

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PROBLEM 17.28 (Continued)

Horizontal motion: Let the x coordinate point to the left with origin below B.
vx = (vx ) B = v = 4.5849 m/s

(a) Speed at C. vC = (vx )C2 + (v y )C2

vC = (4.5849) 2 + (4.8522) 2

vC = 6.68 m/s 

(b) Distance c. c = vx tC

c = (4.5849 m/s)(0.49462 s) c = 2.27 m 

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The mass center G of a 3-kg wheel of radius R = 180 mm is located at a distance

r = 60 mm from its geometric center C. The centroidal radius of gyration of the
wheel is k = 90 mm. As the wheel rolls without sliding, its angular velocity is
observed to vary. Knowing that ω = 8 rad/s in the position shown, determine
(a) the angular velocity of the wheel when the mass center G is directly above the
geometric center C, (b) the reaction at the horizontal surface at the same instant.


v1 = ( BG )ω1
= (0.18)2 + (0.06) 2 (8)
= 8 0.036 m/s
v2 = 0.24ω2
m = 3 kg
k = 0.09 m
Position 1. V1 = 0
1 1
T1 = mv12 + I ω12
2 2
1 1
= (3)(8 0.036) 2 + (3)(0.09) 2 (8)2
2 2
= 4.2336 J
Position 2. V2 = Wh
= mgh
= (3)(9.81)(0.06)
= 1.7658 J
1 1
T2 = mv22 + I ω22
2 2
1 1
= (3)(0.24ω2 )2 + (3)(0.09) 2 ω22
2 2
= 0.09855ω22

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