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The research is to analyse about the condition pavement survey which inclosures the road
pavement determination condition through surveys visual by using the Pavement Condition
Index (PCI) that method or technique of quantifying pavement condition. The survey will
define the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) as the result which is numerical rating range from
0 to 100 the pavement range, whereas 0 being worst possible and 100 being the best possible

This study case is to analyse the specifically and very detail about the road condition.
Survey or inspection for pavement distresses to the particular road section has being conducted,
whereas our selected location is at Parit Samijan. We have do the inspection is approximation
1km distance of road section to take it sample unit whereby the width of the road is 6.5m (6.5m
x 100m). We should do the unique identification for each road section, so that the PCI
observation can be maintained in a database. The measurement of the distress includes that
width, depth, diameter, length, area and also the severity of the distresses is then defined
according to low, moderate and high level.

The decision and probation about the sort of pavement is generally is refer to the
highway engineering module in a method to determine the precisely the type of particularly
distress. The appendix of image distress we attach in this report as are proven of the survey that
has been our assessment while the survey sheet is compulsory in a way to take or record the
valuable of pavement data of distress in every road section along the 1km at the location survey.

A furthermore procedure need to be follow before the Pavement Condition Index (PCI)
can be determine. The PCI unit is being obtained by assessed the finalize result and related
equation is:

PCI= 100- CDVmax

The finalize result can be conclude by referred to the Pavement Condition Index (PCI)
rating scale and the corresponding level of maintenance and service activity.

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