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(Contents) Welcome pages Unit 3 My home page 29 Revision page 37 ‘Self. = Useful language ‘Chant Alphabet chant aandan Song Numbers song Classroom language ‘Tomek and friends photostory Words, words, Grammar words Steps 1 family members Tomekand possessive’s friends photostory be Twierdzenia Prepositions of place Review * Units 1-3 page 39 e Contents Words, words, words lothes bedroom items colours toys stationery Grammar Steps 2 be Praeezenia Pronunciation Island /{/ Grammar in context Clanker the robot My castle Grammar in context Clanker the robot Skills Steps Reading My best friend Vocabulary months. Listening birthdays Speaking talking about names: andages Writing Using capital letters The White House Listening Tomek’ flat Speaking siving your address Writing ordering adjectives Culture Steps Tomek’s blog The royal family Project ‘making a family tree Tomek’s blog Warwick castle Project making a poster about a Polish castle pvp Unit 4 action verbs Get moving! pages! Revision page 49 Self- evaluation page so Unit 5 pets Animals Pronunciation pages Nand fet Revision page 59 Selt: evaluation page 60 Unit 6 — adiectives People page6} Revision page 69 Self- evaluation ‘page 70 Review ® Units 4-6 page 71 Unit 7 var for daily My day wee page 73 Revision pages! Self- evaluation page 82 Unit 8 —_ feeds Food pages Revision page 91 Self. evaluation oge 92 Unit 9 Lepa Free time page 93 Revision page 101 Self- evaluation page 102 Review Units 7-9 page 103 Tomek and friends photostory can Twierdzenia Praeczenia Pronunciation Joel and fe/ Tomek and friends photostory Vocabulary parts of animals has got Twierdzenia Preeczenia Tomekand friends photostory have got Pytania Krotkie odpowiedzi Tomek and friends photostory Present simple hhe/ she it form Twierdzenia Pronunciation recognizing the verb endings /s/, Pal and fal Tomekand friends photostory simple ‘he/she /itform 4 Pronunciation Tomekand photostory Present simple Pytania Krétkie odpowied2i End-of-year play « Picnic at Penfold Palace page 105 can Reading Tomek’s blog Pytania Billy Monger School sports Krétkie odpowiedzi Writing eet Song using notes class survey on Whatcanyoudo? Listening sports Grammarin favourite sports ovo context Speaking Clankerthe robot can for permission have got Reading Tomek’s blog Twierdzenia Hollywood Animals Pets cones Listening Project Song, looking for lost cat writing aprofile Fying thing fromspace speaking of apet Grammarin vp context ‘Canker the robot Possessive Reading Tomek’s blog adjectives Amazing talents Multicultural Song Listening eaear Sharing together _Tomek’s family Project this, that, these, Speaking bab deci those talking about your es Pronunciation amy See 101 Writing i Cae a ie using and and but context Clanker the robot Present simple Reading Tomek’s blog “Twierdzenia My working week Packet money Adverbs of Speaking epee frequency buying abusticket_ Project. 5 lass survey on Song Listening s Little brother Dylan's daily routine _Jobsathome Grammarin writing context sing then and after Clankerthe robot that iesentsimple Reading Tomek’s blog Preeczenia Unusual food ‘Traditional food song Listening Project ‘Thewayitis -—-—Dylan'sfavourite food making a menu Grammar in What's the time? DvD “context reek Clanker the robot talking about the time writing using 100 Object pronouns Reading Tomek’s blog Pronunciation _Noree time! Holidays iy Speaking Project earl talking about hobbies making a travel Thats what friends — Writing peers are for using or Grammarin Listening context a surprise email Clanker the robot Festivals ® Christmas page 107; Easter page 108 Soo je contents @ 1:1. Listen and read. Then act out the story. Postuchajcie nagrania i przeczytajcie dialogi. Nastepnie zaprezentujcie je w grupach. Renee rescue Tomek Excuse me. Is this room 6G? ‘Amy I'm Amy. What's your name? Yes, it is. Are you new? Tomek Tomek. Tomek Yes,|am. Amy — How do you spell Tomek? Tomek T-O-M-E-K This is my friend, Dylan. Hi, 'm Tomek. 'm from Poland. Hello. Tomek It’s a message. Look! What's that? Dylan | don’t understand. Tomek It’s Polish. It says Good luck in your new school! Comprehension 5 (C3) uisten and repeat. Postuchaj nagrania 2 Circle the correct word. Zakres! wtasciwy wyraz. ipavitore je 1. The school is in€ngland)/ Poland, 2. Tomek / Amy is new at the school. 3. Dylan and Tomek / Amy are friends. 4 Tomekiis from England / Poland. 5. The message isin English / Polish. Everyday English 3 Match the phrases with their translations. Dopasuj angielskie zwroty do ich tlumaczen. a How do you spell Dylan? N 1 2 Przeczytajcie powyzszy dialog w parach. Uzyjcie swoich imion. I don't understand. aand an a Spéjrat acarrot anapple b Przepraszam. Przedimka an uzywamy przed rzeczownikami, « a Coto jest? _ tore zaczynaja sie od gloskia,¢,i,0lubu. Przedimka a uzywamy przed rzeczownikami Nierozumiem. zaczynajacymi sie od pozostalych gtosek. Spelling 7 Label the pictures. Write a or an before the nouns. Podpisz obrazki. Wstaw a lub an przed aE oe kazdym rzeczownikiem. 4 (2) Listen and repeat the chant. Postuchaj banana cake egg icecream apple nagrania i powtorz rymowanke. ‘orange pear yoghurt an orange ABC DEFG@ : 2 3 HIJKLMNOP :;— 5 6 Qrs ; 8 Make a list of other foods you know. Use a or aan, Zr6b liste innych artykul6w spozywezych, | ktérych nazwy znasz. Przed kazdym z nich wstaw a lub an. weicome @ This is my bedroos fe, oe Find Emma's mice, Millie and Willie, in the picture. Words, words, words 3_ Match the words in the box with 1-8 in the picture, Wypisz w zeszycie nazwy przedmiotow (1-8) przedstawionych na obrazku. Uzyj wyrazéw z.ramki 1 Label the clothes (a-h) in the picture. Podpisz ubrania (a-h) na obrazku. aT-shirt askirt ahat socks ajacket i is atable achair aclock abed jeans adress shoes awardrobe aposter abookcase awindow Match the phrases from the story with their translations. Dopasu angielskie 2wroty zdialogu do ich tlumaczen. 1 2 What's the matter? | 3 ‘a Dobrze cie widzied! b Aty? = © Cosig stato? d_ Swietny pomyst! ou be 4 (178) isten and repeat. Postuchaj nagrania Twierdzenia Formy skrécone | Formy peine I'm Polish. Lam Polish. [You're Polish. | You are Polish. | He's Polish. He is Polish. [She's Polish. | Shei Polish. Its Polish, | itis Polish, |We're Polish. You're Polish. | Youare Polish. They're Polish, _| They are Polish. Prayjrzyj sie i zapamigtaj, jak odmieniamy czasownik be (by¢) przez wszystkie osoby. O00 OO (Grammarjstepsi1) 5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of be. Uzupetnij zdania wasciwymi formami czasownika be. 1 Myschool _is _ in New York. 2 My favourite website ___ Wikipedia. 3. My friends and |___in class 7C. 4 Ivan my bestfriend. 5 6 |____ twelve years old. My English teacher Mrs Benson, Make the sentences in exercise 5 true for you. Change the red words. Przepisz zdania zéw. 5 tak, by byly zgodne z prawda. Zmien wyrazy zapisane na czerwono. My school is in Bydgoszcz. Make sentences with the correct form of be. Then match the sentences with the pictures. Ut6z zdania z wlasciwa forma czasownika be. Nastepnie dopasuj je do obrazkew. 1 I/be /in town a Tmin-town 2 she/be/my grandma = __ 3 we/ be /twins 4 they /be/ English _— 5 it/be/Sundaytoday — _ 6 you/be/my bestfriend __ Write three sentences about you and a friend ith be. Ul6z i zapisz trzy zdania 0 sobie coledze lub kolezance. Uzyj czasownika be. My friend Artur and | are ten. 'm bossy! Family and friends Unit 1 @ 1 217 Listen and repeat. Postuchaj nagrania i powtorz;je. Przeczenia 1am not English. You are not English. I'm not English. You aren't English, He isn’t English. She isn't English. Itisn't English, We aren't English, You aren't English They aren't English, He is not English | She is not English. | It is not English. | Weare not English, | [Youre not English. | They are not English. Prayjrzyj sie i zapamietaj, jak odmieniamy czasownik be (byé) przez wszystkie osoby 2 Complete the text with ‘m not, isn’t and aren't. Uzupetnij tekst, wstawiajac w luki formy ‘m not, isn'ti aren't We '_aren't_in Emma's bedroom and we in Luke's bedroom, We'te in the kitchen. Emma, Jack and Luke? __at home. They're at school, Willie is on the chair. | onthe chair 'm on the table, My favourite food ® pizza, My favourite food is cheese! 3 Correct the sentences. Popraw zdania. ® @ 2 wZ Emma's dad is 50. uke! Emma's dad isn't 50 Emma's dad is 40. ® @ Luke's jeans are on the bed. Jack’s football is white. Emma's shoes are red. @ Unit 1 Family and Friends Say /s/ and /{/ 1:18 Listen and read. Say it three times. Postuchaj nagrania i przeczytaj zdanie Wypowied2 je tray razy. 1.19-20 | Complete the song with isn’t and aren't. Then listen, check and sing. Uzupetnij tekst formami isn’t aren't. Posluchaj nagrania, sprawdé swoje odpowiedzi i zaSpiewaj piosenke. When my life When mum and dad When my other friends ___with me, You're always here. easy, near, You you strong, But you're with ‘Complete the sentences with the correct affirmative or negative form of be. Make the sentences true. Uzupetnij zdania, wstawiajac czasownik be w formie twierdzacej lub przeczacej, Zdania musza byé zgodne z prawda. 1 Today __ Tuesday. 2 We in the classroom. 3 My teacher English. at at home. 5 6 in this class. My best friend |____ Polish. Work in pairs. Say false sentences and correct them. Pracujcie w parach, Podawajcie falszywe zdania | poprawiajcie je. Polish! Grammar in context 1a iprzeczytajcie dialogi. Listen and read, Postuchajcie nagrania Comprehension 8 Correct the sentences. Popraw czasowniki inapisz 2dania zgodne z prawda. Ben is an inventor. Ben isn't an inventor. Ben, his mum and Nicky are in the house. The robot's name isn’t Clanker. Ben and Nicky aren't friends. Fluffy isn’t a rabbit, Dads in the garden auaun Eek! A robot! It’s OK, Dad. Clanker nr Tina, Craig and Finn, They in the photo with me, My dog’ in the photo, too. His name '__ Ricky. Write soon. Alice 5 Look at the prompts and write true sentences with the correct form of be. Popatrz na wskazéwki i zapisz zgodne z prawda zdania zwtasciwa forma czasownika be. 1 1/from New York I'm not from New York. My mum and dad / pop stars I/inan Internet café My grandad / twenty My friends and I/ in town My cat’s name / Fred auaun (© Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. Pracujcie w parach. Zadawajcie sobie nawzajem ponizsze pytania i odpowiadajcie na nie. 1 What's yourname? 3. When's your birthday? 2. How old are you? Family and friends Unit 1 @ Self-evaluation Vocabulary ‘1 Potacz angielskie wyrazy z ich polskimi odpowiednikami. 1 aunt a cérka 2 grandd \ ib kuzyn 3. cousin © ciotka 4 daughter d babcia 5. grandma e dziadek Potrafig poda¢ angielskie nazwy c2lonkéw rodziny. Jué potrafie. [") Jeszcze éwicze. [_] | Grammar 2. Do kogo naleza te przedmioty? Podpisz obrazki wyrazami z ramki wedtug wzoru. Grandad Mum Tom Anna 1 Anna's pencilcase 2 4 3 | Potrafie powiedzie¢, co do kogo nalezy. ( lutpotratie. (-] _Jeszcze ewicze. 3 Uzupetnij zdania wlasciwa forma czasownika be. 1 She a teacher. She a pop star. 3 MAY 2 Today___ Thursday. THORSDAY| = t_——Friday. 3 They___from Poland. They __ from England, Potrafig uzywac form twierdzacych i przeczacych ‘czasownika be. Juz potrafig. |] Jeszeze éwicze. © Unit 1. Family and friends Reading 4 Praeczytaj tekst, anastepnie zakresi wlasciwe wyrazy w poniészych zdaniach. 1 Erinis Ella's friend / sister. 2. Erin and Ella are from Poland / England. 3. Ella's birthday is in June / July. 4 They're 10/11. 5 Erin's present isa kite /a CD. | Potrafig wyszukaé sczegétowe informacje w tekscic. Jué potrafig. [-] Jeszcze éwicze. [] Writing 5) Znajdzi podkres! w ponizszych zdaniach tray wyrazy, ktére powinny byé zapisane wielka ra. 1'm alice. 'm from england. I'm nine years old. My birthday is in january. { Potrafie wlasciwie stosowa€ wielkie tery | juz potrafie. [] Jeszcze éwicze. [] Culture 6 Jeszcze raz przyjrzyj sie wpisowi na blogu ze str, 16. Czego dowiadujemy sie o brytyjskiej rodzinie krolewskiej? Czy potrafisz wskaza¢ rodzine, ktéra jest rownie popularna i znana w Polsce? Czym réznia sie te rodziny, aw czym sa podobne? Potrafie poda¢ kilka faktéw dotyczacych rodziny krdlewskiej w Wielkiej Brytanii pordwnac ja ze znang rodzing z Polski Jué potrafie. [| Jeszeze éwicze. ["] Schoo This is my classroom. } My teacher is Mr Jones. 1.28) 5 . 128) Listen, point and repeat. Postuchaj 4. What things are in your classroom? Say the hnaurania, po kaeiy odpayfeanle meray i names. Jakie przedmioty znajduja sie w waszej obrazku i powtarzaj ich nazwy. klasie? Wymie je. ‘Say and clap! 18) Listen and repeat. Clap the rhythm. Posluchaj nagrania i powtérz je. Klaszez w rytm 2 Look at the picture. Complete the words from exercise 1. Popatrz ponownie na obrazek. Dokoricz stowa, ktére pojawily sig w ew. 1. 1 Thefloor_isbrown. 5 Thed__isred. * . es 2 Theb__isblue, 6 Thebisgreen, | Where's the book? Its on the floor 3 Thew. iswhite. 7 Thew is yellow. Where's the bag? It's near the door. 4 Thec___isblack. 8 Thes_isyellow. “+... anise 3 > Workin pairs. Ask and answer about these things. Pracujcie w parach. Zadawajcie sobie nawzajem pytania i odpowiadajcie na nie. 1 thedictionary 4 the yellow pencil case. at 2. theclock 5 the computer com win note [dow bag case 3 theredschoolbag 6 the purple notebook [book white school] board book puter ) 1 computer \d and write the words. Utworz wyrazy | zpodanych czescii zapisz je. Where's the dictionary? }_[ It's on the bookcase. Giammarsrensy DOB anges 95 1 (222 Listen and read. Then act out the story. Postuchajcie nagrania i przeczytajcie dialogi. Nastepnie zaprezentujcie je w grupach. Where's my bag? Tomek What's the time? Idon't know. Is it under your coat? Amy __It'snearly one oclock. Dylan No, itisn'. Dylan _Isittime forlessons now? Tomek |s it on the floor? Amy Yes, nearly. Yes, itis. Thanks. Dylan Cool! it’s PE after lunch on Tuesday. See you later. Hey! Where are your shorts and Dylan! Wait! T-shirts? Bye! Itisn’t Tuesday today. It's Wednesday! Are we late for the lesson? It's maths after lunch, not PE! No, we aren't Hey! Stop it! Don't video me now! Comprehension 2. Circle a orb. Zakres! odpowiedé a lub b. 1 Dylan's bagis__. a underhis coat —_b onthe floor 2 Thetime isnearly a one o'clock b twootlock 3 It's PE after lunch on a Tuesday b Wednesday 4 Todayis__. a Tuesday b Wednesday 5 Its after lunch on Wednesday. a PE b maths Everyday English 3 Find the phrases in the story and explain in Polish why the characters say them. Znajdé ponizsze zwroty w dialogach na str. 20 i wyjasnij po polsku, dlaczego zostaty uzyte. 1 2 3 4 be 4 230 Listen and repeat. Poshuchaj nagrania i powt6rz ji Pytania am_|t late? ae | [you late? ls |he/she/it late? Tae} |we late? ‘ate? [Are | [Are Krotkie odpowiedzi [Yes 1a [am.[No, [1 [mnot, Yes, | you No, you arent. | Yes,| he /she//it| is. |No, | he/she /it| isnt Yes, | we “are. No, | we arent. Yes,|you _|are.|No, you _| aren't. lYes,|they | are. |No, | they arent. | Przyjrzy] sig, jak tworzymy pytania i krotkie odpowiedzi. Zwr6é szczegéing uwage na to, w ktérym miejscu znajduje sie czasownik. (Grammarjstepsti) 5 Match the questions and answers. Dopasuj do pytan krétkie odpowiedzi. 1 Ate your mum and dad at home? 2 Isyour birthday in June? ra 3. Are you and your sistertwins? 4 Am your best friend? = 5 Are youin town? — 6 Is your mum bossy? a Yes, itis. d_ No, she isn’t. b Yes, they are. e No,'mnot. Yes, you are, f No,wearen't. 6 Complete the questions in the quiz with Is or Are. Then write short answers. Uzupetnij pytania w quizie, wstawiajac forme Is lub Are. Nastepnie dopisz krétkie odpowiedzi. ___Tomek’s mobile phone really good? _____ Amy and Tomek ten years old? "Miley Stewart a student? | _____Prince Philip the Queen’s son? _ Order the words to make questions. Then write true answers. Z podanych wyrazéw ul6z pytania. Nastepnie dopisz zgodne z prawda odpowiedzi. 1. black / shoes / your / are? ‘Are your shoes black? Yes, they are. 2. English / teacher / your /is? 3 you/PE/are/ good at? 4 you/are / Greece / from? 5 your/is/a pop star/ dad? questions with be to ask your teacher, Uléz i zapisz tray pytania, ktére zadasz nauczycielowi lub nauczycielce. 1s your birthday in January? what, when, where, who Uzupetnij pytania, wstawiajac zaimki pytajace: Who, What, Where, When i How, a nastepnie przettumacz te zdania na jezyk polski i zapisz je wzeszycie. 1 ____are you from? England. 2 ‘s your name? Steve. 3 that girl? My sister. 4 old is she? Twelve. 5 your birthday? In June. Potrafig uzyska€ informacje, stosujac zaimki pytajace: wh, what, where, when i how. Juz potrafig. []_Jeszcze éwieze. [] Speaking 4, Dorysuj wskazowki na dwéch zegarach tak, by jeden pokazywat pelna godzine, a drugi - nwpét do’. Pracujcie w parach. Zadawajcie sobie nawzajem pytania i odpowiadajcie na nie, by dowiedzie€ sie, ktéra jest godzina na zegarach kolegi lub kolezanki. Dorysuj wskazéwki na dwéch pozostatych zegarach. Poréwnajcie ‘swoje zegary i napiszcie godziny stowami. ke 3 e 4 Nw oN oN be 4 . 4 ey It's —« ae Jué potrafie. ("| Jeszcze éwicze. (] Writing 5 Przepisz tekst o Marku, wstawiajac przecinki ispéjnik and tam, gdzie to kor Porrafie wlascwie stosowa¢ preecinki spOjnik and, Juz potrafie._] _Jeszcze éwicze. ] Culture 6 Jeszcze raz przyjrzyj sie blogowina str. 26. Czego dowiedziales sie/dowiedziatas sie 0 brytyjskich szkotach? Czym réznia sie od polskich? Opowiedz o tym koledze lub kolezance. Potrafig nazwat przedmioty i dodatkowe zajecia, na ktore uczeszczaja moi rowiesnicy w brytyjskich szkolach, oraz poréwna€ typowy dzier w szkole w Wielkiej Brytanil z tym w polskie s2kole, Jud potrafig. [-] Jeszcze éwicze. [] ipowtérz je. ? <7) isten to the sounds. Point and say the room or place. Postuchaj nagrania. Wskaz na ‘obrazku wlasciwe miejsca. 3 Complete the sentences. Uzupeinij zdania. waerauewnas Emmaisin the Luke is in the Jackis on the Mum is in the Dadisin the Grandad is in the Grandma is in the Emma's mice are in the The dog is in the _ isten and repeat. Postuchaj nagrania This is my house. My family is at home. Work in pairs. Look at the picture. Then close your book and answer your friend's questions. Pracujcie w parach. Popatrzcie na obrazek przez jedna minute. Nastepnie zamknijcie ksiqzki i zadawajcie sobie nawzajem pytania dotyczace obrazka oraz odpowiadajcie nas nie. Where's the computer? Ie’sin } Say /u/ | Listen and read. Say it three Postuchaj nagrania i przeczytaj ponizsze zdania trzy razy. Sue is in the blue room. Is Jude in the blue room, too? Ta | Imagine your dream house and make a list of the rooms in it. Wyobraz sobie sw6j | wymarzony dom i zréb liste pomieszczen, | ktére mogtyby sie w nim znajdowaé. | 10 bedrooms, Sicrammarstensyi) Wa any as 93 1 049) Listen and read. Then act out the story. Postuchajcie nagrania i praeczytajcie dialogi. Nastepnie zaprezentujcie je w grupach. Are you ready? Dylan There are seven bedrooms and six Yes, 'm ready. bathrooms. Me too. Tomek Is there a swimming pool? OK. Action! Yes, there is. There's a swimming Hil My name is Dylan Trent and pool in the garden. But there this is my house. aren't any people in it now. Look, Dylan! There’s a man at the FE mrstrent Come i window. Tomek Hi. 'mTomek. Hey, you! Who are you? Why are MrTrent Nice to meet you, Tomek. you in my garden? ! This is my real house. It's small, and He's really angry. there isn’t a swimming pool. Quick! Run! ‘Amy But the people are friendly! Comprehension 2 Are the sentences true W or false X? Czy poniisze zdania sa prawdziwe (7) czy fatszywe (X)? In photo 1, Dylan is in front of his real house, The man in photo 3 is Dylan's dad. There's a swimming pool in Dylan's garden. The peopl weuna Dylan's house are friendly. Everyday English 3 Match the phrases from the story with their translations. Dopasuj angielskie zwroty do ich odpowiednikew. Cr) 4 Nice to meet you! 1 Are you ready? 3 Jestes gotowy? Mito micie poznaé. __ Wejd! Ja ted! 3 ance There’s / There are 4 (1159) Listen and repeat. Postuchaj nagrania i powtérz je. There's Tagarden. [There's = There are_ three bathrooms. _| There is There is i there are stosujemy, gdy méwimy, co sig gdzies znajduje. 5 Circle There's or There are. Are the sentences true or false for your home? Pomysl o swoim domu lub mieszkaniu. Zakres| There’s lub There are. Czy ponizsze zdania sq prawdziwe czy falszywe? 1 (There’9/ There are akitchen. True There's / There are three bedrooms. There's / There are a basement. There's / There are a hall. There's / There are stairs. There's / There are two bathrooms. ouaun O oO The man’s houses very big. Oo a oO 6 (251 match the words in the box with the pictures. Then listen and check. Dopasu) prayimki z ramki do wlasciwych obrazkow. Nastepnie postuchaj nagrania i sprawd2 swoje odpowiedzi. 7 2 Look at the picture, Listen and say true or false. Popatrz na obrazek. Posluchaj nagrania i odpowiedz true (prawda) lub false (fatsz). & Find eight frogs in the picture. Popatrz na powyzszy obrazek. Gdzie jest szes¢ zab? Write sentences about your classroom. Use in, on, under, behind, next to and in front of. Ut6z i zapisz trzy zdania o sali, w ktérej teraz masz lekcje. Zastosuj przyimki: in, on, under, behind, next to iin front of. There's a bookcase next to the door. My home unit 3 @)

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