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UNIVERSITY OF RAJASTHAN JAIPUR SYLLABUS M.Sc. PHYSICS (ANNUAL SCHEME) M.Sc. (Previous) Examination 2018 MSc. (Final) Examination 2019 fhe Ordinance governing the examinations in the Faculties of Ans, Fine Ars. Social Sciences. Science Commerce and Law are contained in a separate booklet The students are advised to refer to the same Changes in. Statutes/Ordinances/Rules/Regulations/ Syllabi and Books may, from time to time, be made by amendment or re-making and a candidate shal.. except in so far as the University determines otherwise comply with any change that applies to years he has not SCHEME OF EXAMINATION (Annual Scheme) Each Theory Paper hrs: daration 100 Marks Dissertation /Thisis! Survey ReporFielé ‘Work, if any, 100 Marks 2, ‘Tye number of papers and the maximum marks for each paper / completed at the time of change. > All court cases shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Rajasthan University head quarter at Jaipur only and not any other place © University of Rajasthan, Jaipur Published by Shiv Book Depot, Jaipur for University of Rajasthan Printed by Harish Printers, Jaipur rat REBT iC) spa DY pcodefaaiss™ worst pur pave hal Practical shall be shown in the syllabus forthe subject concerned. Iwill be necessary for a candidate to passin theory partas in the Praccical part (Wherever prescribed) of a subjeclpar =~ soparately. as A candidate for a pass at cach of the Previous ané the Final ‘Examination shall be required to obtain (i) atleast 36% masks in the aggregate of all the papers preseribed for the examination and i) atleast 36% marks in practical (s) wherever prescribed a we examination, provided that ia candidate fails to secure ath 258% masks in each individual paper atthe examination, and alse in the test dissertation/Survey report Field Work. »! prescribed, be shall be deemed to have failed atthe exam-nauor notwithstanding his having gbrined the minimum percen age 9 marks required in the aggregate for that examination. No division will be awarded at the Previous Fxamination. Division stalt te awarded at the end of the Final Examination on the combines marks obtained atthe Previous and the Final Examinations takea together, as noted below: est Division 601] Of Ue aereeate marks taken ‘Second Division 48% PiOeeE OF Ue Previous and tbe Final Examinations. ‘All the rest will be declared to have passed the examination 41 University of Rajasthan 4, If a candidate Clears any Paper (s) / Practical (s) / Dissertation Prescribed at the Previous and/or Final examination after a Continuous period of three years, then for the purpose of working out bis division the minimum pass masks only viz, 25% (36% in the case of practical) shall be taken into account in respect of such Paper (s) Practical (s)/ Dissertation as are cleared after the expiry of the aforesaid period of three years : provided that in case where. 4 candidate requires more than 25% masks in order to reach the ‘minimum aggregate as many masks ovt of those actually secure by him will be taken into account as would enable him fo make up the deficiency in the requisite minimum aggregate. ‘The Thesis/ Dissertation/ Survey Report Field Work shall (ypewritten and subraited in triplicate so as to reach the office of the Registrar atleast 3 weeks before the commencement of the teary ‘examination, Only such candidates shall be permitted to offer Dissertation’ Field Work! Survey Report Thesis (If provided in the scheme of Examination) in liew of a paper as have secured atleast $5% marks in the aggregate of all the paper prescribed for ‘he previous examination inthe case of annual scheme irespective of the number of paper in which a candidate acruallf appeased at the examination, N.B.—Non-Collegiate candidates are not eligible to offer dissertation as per provisions of 0.170-A. saa a ee Dyin 5 paver Syllabus : M, Se. Phwties 5 M, Sc PHYSICS PREVIOUS Paper-I: Clasical Mechanics and Mathematica: Max. Marks 1() Method in Physics Tine 3 hire Paper-Il : Classical Electrodynamics Max. Marks 109 , Time 3 bs. Papes-III : Quanoum Mechanics, Atomic and Molecular Physics Max. Marks 100 Time $b, PapertV : Electronics, Numerical Methods and Max. Marks 1(0 + Computer Programming Time 3 1s PAPER - I: CLASSICAL MECHANICS AND MATHEMATICAL, METHODS IN PHYSICS Max. Marks 1CO Durauon Note: InallTen questians are to be set, Five from eack section. Candicirss: are required tourtenp five questions in al, taking at leas + questions from each section. Section 1. Holonomic and nonholonomic constraints: D-Alember's Princip!= Generalized coordinates, Lagrangian, lagrange’s equation and its aplicauice ‘Velocity dependant potential in Lagaragian formulation. Generalized omer ‘Legendre transformation, Hamiltonian, Hamilton's Canonical equa:zon. 2. Calculus of variations and its application to simple pro’ Hamilton's variational principle, Derivation of Lagrange's and Hamition. a ‘equation from Hamilto’s variational principle Extension of Halton’: Pr: fer nonconservative and nonbslonomicsystems, Method of Lagrange’s liner ‘Conservation principle and Noetber’s theorem. Conservation of en: ‘momentum and angular momentum as @ consequence of bomogeacity ef & snd scope and isotropy of space respectively. 3, Canonical transformation, integral in variants of poinc:se Lageange's and Poisson brackets as canonical invariants. Equation of motto: im Poisson bracket formulation, Infinitesimal contact transformation and reaeratoes of symmetry, Liowville's theorem, Hamilton Jacobi eq ation 3 ‘RS applications. 4., Action engle, variable adiabatic invariance af action variable : Ths Keplerproblem imacticn angle variables, theory of smail oscillation in Lagrangian focmntation, normal coordinates and its applications, Orthgonal trans‘ormation. Bulecian angles, Enlec theorem. Eieenvatnes nthe inant= enn Tt University of Rajasthan /-v Section B 5. Coordinate transformation in N-dimesional space: Contravriant and covariant tensor, Jacobian, Relative tensor, pseudo tensors (Example: change density, angular momentum) Algebra of tensors, Metric tensor, Associated tensors, Reimanuian space (Example : Euclidean space and 4.D Minkowski space), Christoffel symbols, wansCormation of Christoffel symbols, Covariant differentiation. Riccis theorem, Divergence. Curl and Laplacian in {ensor form. Stress and Strain tensors. Hook's law in tensor fon, Lorentz Covariance of Maxwell equation. Klein-Gordon and Dirac equation. Test of covariance of Schrodinger equation 6 Group of transformations. (Exay symmetry transformation of square, Generators of a finite group, Normal subgroup, Direct product of Beoups, Isomorphism and Homomosphism. Representation theory of Finite ‘sroups, Invariant subspace and reducible representations, irreducible ‘representation, Crystallo-graphic point groups. lreducible representation of C,,. Translation group and the reciprocal lattice 7. Fourier Transfonns : Development of the Fourier integral from {he Founer Series, Fourier and inverse Fourie transforms Signple applications: Finite wave win, Wave train with gaussian amplitude, Fourier transform of derivatives, solution of wave equation as an application, Convolution theorem, Intensity in tecns of spectral density for quasi-monoclomatic EM waves. Momentum representation, Application to hydrogen atom and harmonic oscillator problems. Application of Fourier transform to diffraction theory Ditfeaction patern of ove and two slits, 8. Laplace transforins, and their properties, Laplace transform of derivatives und integrals, derivativesand integral of Laplacs transform, Laplace tansform of periodic functions, inverse Laplace transform, Convolution theorem, Impnlsive Function, Application of Laplace transform in solving linear, differential equations with constant cocfficient with variable coefficient ‘und linear partial differential equation Reference Books: 1, Goldstein —Classical Mechanics Landau and Lifshitz—Classical Mechanics. A. Raychoudhary—Classical Mechanic: Mathematical Methods for Physicists : George Arkfen (Academic Press) Applied Mathematics Crawaiith Mathematical Methods—Potter and Goldberg (Prentice Hall of India). Elements of Group Theory for Physicists: A. W. Josbi (Wiley Eastern Ltd) nigineers ard Physicists : L. A. Pipe (Me University of Rajasthan / 7 PEPER - Il : CLASSICAL ELECTRODYNAMICS Max. Marks 100 Duration 3 brs Note: Inall Ten questions are to be set, Five from each section. Candidtes are requdred to attempt five quections in all, taking at least 10 questions froth each section, Section 1. Electrestatios: Electric field. Gauss law, Differemial fo Gauss law, Another equation of electrostatics and the scalar potential. sueface distribution of charges and cipoles and discontinuties in the elect field and potential, Poisson and Laplace equations, Green's Theorem, Uniqueness of the solution with Dirichlet or Neumann Boundary conditions, Formal solution of Electrostatic Bourdary value problem with Green's Function, Electrosial¢ potential energy and energy density, capacitance Boundary-Value Problems in Electrostatics : Methods of Imases Point charge inthe presence of a grounded conducting sphere point charge in the presence of a charge insulated conducting sphere, Point charge near 2 conducting sphere at fixed potential, conducting sphere in 2 uniform elec field by method of images. Green furiction for the sphere, General solutios for Lhe potential, Conducting sphere with Hemispheres at different potential orthogonal functions and expansicn 2. Multipoies, Electrostatics of Macroscopic Media Dieleetries: ‘Muluple expansion, ukipole expansion ofthe energy of a charge cistribusc: in an external field, Elementary treatment of electrostatics with zermead! inedia, Boundary value problems with dielectns, Molar polarizability, a clecric susceptibility. Models for molecular polarizability, Blectro static exes in diclectric media . 3. Magnetostatics : Introduction and definition, Biot end Saver: law, the differential equation of magnetostatics and Ampere’s aw, Vector potential and Magnetic induction for a circular current loop, Magnetic fields of a localized current distribution, Magnetic moment, Force and torque cn and energy of alocalized current distribution in an extemal magnetic induction, Macroscopic equations. Boundary conditions on 3 and H. Methods nf solving, Boundary-value problems in magnetostatics, Uniformly magnetized spe Magnetized sper in ar. extemal field, Permanent magnets, Magnetic sielcin: spherical shell of permeable material in an uniform field 4, Time varying fields, Maxwell's equations Conservation Laws: Energy ina magnetic field, Vector and Scalar potentials, Gauge transformations, of Lorenty eanoa Cas Syllabus: M, Se. Physics 78 Derivation of the equations of Macroscopic Electromagnetism, Poyating's theorem and conservations of energy and momentum fora system of charged Particles and EM fields, Conservation laws for macroscopic media. Electromagnetic field tensor, Transformation of four. potentials and four Currents. Tensor description of Maxwell's equation, Section B S_ Plane Blectromagnetic Waves and Wave Equation : Plane wave im ancnconducting medium, Frequency dispersion characteristics of dielectrics, Conductors and plasmas, waves in a conducting or dissipative medium, super Position of wavesin one dimension, group velocity, casualty connection between Dang E, Kramers-Kroning relation, 6. Magnetohydrodynamics and Plasma Physics «Introduction and definitions, MHD equations Magnetic diffusion viscosity and pressure, Pinch effect instabilities ina pinched plasma columa, Magnetobydrodynamic waves, Plasma oscillations, short wave length limit of plasma oscillations and Debye shielding distance. 7. Covariant Form of Electrodynamic Equations : Mathematical properties of the space-time special relativity, Invariance of electric charge covariance of electrodynamics, Transformation of electromagnetic Belds. Radiation by moving charges : Lienard-wiechert Potentials for a point charge, Total power radiated by an accelerated charge : Larmour’s formula anditsrelauvistic generalization, Angular distribution of radiation emitted by an accelerated charge, Radiation emitted by a charge in arbitrary extremely relativistic motion. Distribution in frequency and angle of energy radiated by accelerated charges, Thomson scattering and radiation, scattering by quasifiee charges, coberent and incoherent scattering, Chetenkov radiation. §, Radiation damping, self felds of a particle, scattering and absorption of radiation by a bound system : Introductory considerations, Radiative reaction force from conservation of energy, Abrabam Lorentz evaluation ofthe seif force, difficulties with abraham Lorentz model, Integro- differential equation of motion inciuding radiation damping, Line Breadth and level sbift of an oscillator, Scattering and absorption of radiation by an oscillator, Energy transfer to a harmonically bound charge. Reference Books. LL.D Tackson—Classical Electrodynamics Panofsky and Philips Classical Electricity and Magnetism Introduction to Etectrodynamics—Griffiths Landau and Lifshitz—Classical Theory of Feld University of Rajasthcn PAPER - IIT: QUANTUM MECHANICS, ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR PHYSICS Max. Marks 100 Duration 3 bit Note: InaltTen questions aretobe set Five from each tection. Cancliases are required to attempt five questions in all, taking at Leas: questions from each section. Section 1. (@) States, Amplitudes and Operators: States of a quanta's mechanical system, represectation of quantum - mechanical states. proper of quantum mechanical amplitude, operators and change of state, compet setof basis states, products of linear operators language of quantum mechanics. postulates, essential definitions and commutation relations 1. @) Observable and description of system: Process «! measurement, expectation values, time dependence of quantum mechanic amplitude, observables with no classical analogue, spin, depender ‘quantura-mechanical amplitude on position, the wave fenction, super: psi'°> of amplitudes, identical panicles. 2. Hamiltonian matrix and the time evolution of Quan'um ‘mechanical States : Hesmitiity of ths Hamiltonian matrix, Time indepen Jes perturbation of an arbitrary system, simple matrix examples of tim independent perturbation, energy given states of a two state-system. iagonalizing of energy matrix, time independent perturbation of two stet system the perterbative solution: Weak field and strong field cases, generz descziption of two state system, Paoli matrices. Ammonia molecule as example of two site system. 3, Transition Between Stationary States: Transitions in a tac 98 system, ime dependemt pernirbations- The Golden rule, phase space, e788 and absorption of radiation, induced dipole transition and spontaneous ems of radiation, energy widks of a quasi staionary state ‘The Co-ordinate Representation: Compatitleobservables, qua: conditions and uncertainty relation, Co-ardinate representation of operates. ‘position, momentum and angular momentum, time dependence of expecta:0" values, the Bbreafest’s theorem, the time evolution of wave function, th: Schrodinger equation, energy quantization periodic potentialasanexampit 3p 4, Symmetries and Angular momentum : (a) Compatible observables and constants of motion, symmetry transformation 23< es # conservation laws, invasiance under space and time translations and space oe rotation and conservations of momentum, energy and angular momentum TRV hnmtne = Syllabus : M. Se, Physics /10° ‘fepresentations ofthe angular momentum operators and ther eigenstates, co- ordinate representations of the orbital angular momentum cperators and their Ciben sate (spherical tamonics), composition of angular momentum, Clebsch- Gorton nefficients tensor opecators and Winger Expar theorem, comuniiation ‘elations, of x, Jy, Ja with reduced spherical tensor operator, matrix clements of weetor operators time reversal invariance and vanishing of stati elecmic dipole moment ofa stationary state, Section B 5. Hydrogen Atom : Gross structure energy spectrum, probability distribution of radial and angular (¢=1, 2) wave functions (no derivation), ‘flee of spin, relativistic correction to energy levels and fine structure, magnetic Gipole imteraction ang hyperfine structure, the Lamb shift (on'y an qualitative description), & Interaction with External Fields : Non degenerate first order stationary perturbation method, atom in a weak uniform extearal electric field and first and second order Stark effect, calculation of the polarizability of the ‘sound sate of H-atom and of an isotropic harmonic oscillator, Degenerate. stationary perturbation theory, Linear Stark effect for H-atom levels, inclusion of spin-orbit and weak magnetic field, Zeeman effect, strong magnetic field and calculation of interaction energy, 7. Systems with Identical Particles: Indistinguishability and exchange symmetry, maay particle wave functions and Pacli’s exclusion principle, spectroscopic terms for atoms, ‘The Helium atom, Variational method and its use in the ealeulation of ground state and excited state energy, Helium atom, The Hydrogen molecule, Heitler-London method for H, molecule, WKB method for one dimensional Problem, application to bound states (Bohe-Sommertield quantization) and the barrier penetration (alpha decay, problems 8. Spectroscopy (qualitative) : General features of the spectra of fone and two electron system-singlet, double: and triplet characters of emission speci, general fearures of Alkali spectra, rotation and vibration band spectrum of amolecule, PQandR branches, Raman spectra for rotational ard vibrational transitions, comparison with infrared spectra, general features of electronic spectra, Frank and Condo's principle Reference Books 1. Ashok Das and A.C. Melissionos. Quantum Mechanics. A modem Approach (Gordon and Breach Science Publishers), 2. PAM, Dirac, Quantum Mechanics. 3. E. Merzbaker, Quantum Mechanics, Second Edition (John Willey and Sons). University of Rajasthan ? 4, L.P. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz, Quantum Mechanics-Non relativistic theory Pergamon Press) ; . 5. A. Ghatak and S. Lokanathan. Quantum Mechanics: ‘Taeory and Applications, Third Edition (Mac Millan India Ltd.) 6.56. K. Wocdgate, Elementary Atomic Structure, Second Edition Clarendon Press, Oxford. 7. TA. Litdefeld- Atomic and Molecular Physics. ae 8, Eistanberg end Rasmik- Quantum Physics of Aroms. Mélecutes, Sohds. and Nuclear Parties 9, White - Atomic Spectre. 10, Herzberg- Molecular Spectra. PAPER - IV : ELECTRONICS, NUMERICAL METHOD AND COMPUTER PROGRAMMING shes Max. Masks 100 Duration 3 Note 7 1. Inall Ten questions are 10 be set. Five from eack sect Candidates are required to attempt five questions in all, taking at Least wo questions from each section. ; 2. Simpie calculctor ie allowed inthe examination hal! Section A + Differential amplifier - circu: 1. Operational Amplifiers : Differential sr configurations -dvalinpat, balanced output differential amplifies. DC a2 al ‘i TAC analysis, inventing ané nos inverting inputs, CMRR - constant ct bias level translator Block diagram ofa pies! Op-Amp-ansivis. Open loor configuration, iwerting an€ non-inverting amplifiers, Op-amp :b aegativ feedback - voltage series feed back - effect of feed back on closed loop gat input resistence, output resistance, bandwidth and ourput offset voxage voltage follower. ; . : Practical op-amp-input offset voltage - input bias current oe offset current, total output offset voltage, CMRR Gequency responce. < and AC amplifier. summing scaling and averaging ampliers,instrumentatcs amplifier, integrator and differentiator. . nae 2: Oscillators and Wave Shaping Circuits: Oscillator Principle Oscillator types, Frequency stability, response, The Phase shift ascillater. ‘Wein bridge Oscillater, LC tunable oscillators, Mulivbrators- Menestabie and Astable, Comparators, Square wave and Triangle wave generation, Clamping and Clipping. . Voltage requlators- fixed regulators, Adjustable voltag loos

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