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1. Evaluation requires the use of different ___________________like questionnaires, interviews, observation and checklists.
a.approaches to curriculum design
b.information and data-gathering tools
c.procedures for stating goals.

2. The ultimate purpose of program evaluation is to use the information to _________________________________ in order
to assure its effectiveness.
a.develop an awareness of the parts of the curriculum design process, and the range of options that are available.
b.demonstrate the effectiveness of your program, identify ways to improve your program and modify program planning. what the learners know now, what they need to know, and what they want to know by the end of a program.

3. In terms of language programs, the first critical step is to find out who the evaluation is for and what kind of information
they value because ___________________________.
a.interviews are usually conducted on a one-to-one basis, but it is sometimes useful to interview a committee or to use a staff
meeting as a way of gathering data. is better to have a small amount of relevant data
than a large amount of data that do not address the main concerns of
the evaluation helps determine the degree of confidentiality of the evaluation and determine what kind of information should be gathered.

4. In the context of curriculum design in educational institutions, evaluation may focus on different aspects of a language
program like _______________________.
a. Teaching principles
b. Language learning theories
c. Syllabus and programs.

5. Analyze the implications and fields of applications of the terms assess and evaluate.
Then select the item that best completes the statement:
We assess______________ in schools and high schools, and we evaluate________
in terms of some set of criteria.
a. learning, results
b.materials, strategies
c.results, learning.

6. Analyze the following situation. Then select the option in which the results of evaluation were better addressed to benefit
The results of the evaluation of an English program, in a university, evidenced that the contents taught in the courses did not
provide the students with the required knowledge to meet the pre-service teacher training standards.
a. The managers decided to update the course books and improve the infrastructure of the classrooms.
b. The stakeholders organized workshops to improve teacher`s training and improve the outcomes of the courses.
c. The contents and syllabus of the courses were revised and changed to meet the intended.

7. Select the situation where evaluation is not reliable neither valid because of the way how it is applied.
a.Quality of teaching and learner achievement determined based on watching one or two lessons.
b.Curriculum changes based on the data collected by using different tools like, interviews or questionnaires
c.Contents of a course adopted based on the students’ needs, wants and necessities.

8. One of the advantages of using checklists for gathering information in evaluation is that they
a.may blind the observer form seeing other important features that are not on the list.
b.ensure that there is a systematic coverage of the most important items
9. In many English courses the teacher does not know who the learners will be until the first day of class. Therefore, the
teacher needs to come prepared for the first class, in that context the first step he/she has to do is
a. deciding on the content and format and presentation of the material
b.conducting need analysis for determining the real needs of the learners
c.planning the methodology to be used: type and sequencing of activities.

10. Curriculum designers and teachers can draw on a bank of existing materials from which they select the most appropriate
material for the course. Such a bank could include for example _______________________
a. copies of activities prepared by themselves or other teachers for other courses or for previous deliveries of the course,
published supplementary materials, or photocopied material from texts or course books.
b.Interviews or questionnaires applied to teaching staff and
students and study of departmental memos, handbooks, minutes
of meetings, etc.
c.resource limitations that affect classroom activities, emphasis on particular skills, aspects of target culture that will interest
learners and can be exploited in materials of suitable textbooks.

11. In the “layers of necessity” approach to curriculum design, the curriculum designer has to decide what layer of curriculum
design will be chosen. This decision will depend on ______________________.
a. balancing the amount of time and resources available to do the curriculum design and the level of thoroughness needed.
b.planning the number of beneficiaries of the course and the funds that will be required in its implementation.
c.the commercial course book to be used, or in a well-funded curriculum design project.

12. Select the correct order of the steps to follow for formatting and presentation when designing a course or program.
a.1) Decide on the lesson format,
2) Choose suitable activities,
3) Decide on the form in which the material will appear,
4) Produce the material,
5) Prepare a teachers’ and learners’ guide.
b.1) Choose suitable activities,
2) Decide on the lesson format,
3) Decide on the form in which the material will appear,
4) Prepare a teachers’ and learners’ guide,,
5) Produce the material c.
1) Decide on the form in which the material will appear,
2) Choose suitable activities,
3) Decide on the lesson format,
4) Produce the material,
5) Prepare a teachers’ and learners’ guide.

13. When you design a course or program you may encounter different situations, the conditions that might seem to be ideal
for curriculum design are those where ________________
r or designer has to start from nothing except the knowledge of the curriculum designer.
c.the language course is simply designed from any course book available in the market.

14. The design of a completely new course may start from nothing except the knowledge of the curriculum designer. In this
case, the curriculum designer or teacher____________________________________.
a. can take the course from any other institution that has designed it responsible for all the parts of the curriculum design process.
c.negotiate the components of the curriculum to be assessed.

15. The foundation for the selection, creation or adoption of a textbook of language courses are based
a.standards, principles and on a selection of syllabus types
b.teachers` preferences and students capacity to afford them.
c.the availability of the course book in the market and costs.

16. The features, listed below, for evaluating a course book belong to ____________________________________.-
the layout of the content should attract the learners.

- the learners should have the skills to do the activities.

- the activities could be used for self-study.
- the activities should take account of whether the learners
a.Goals, content and sequencing
b.Format and presentation
c.Monitoring and assessment.

17. The _____________ is totally different from other syllabuses in that it allows full learner participation in selection of
content, mode of working, route of working, assessment, and so on.
a. Negotiated syllabus
b.Waterfall model
c.In-service course.
18. Curriculum design is concerned with the creation of language courses and course materials, but it is also concerned with
a.the process and policy that the administrative staff has to follow to manage an educational institution.
b.the way how a language is acquired by children and young learners after the critical period.
c.the selection of texts and other materials for courses, and with adapting and adding to existing courses.

19. Involving the learners in shaping the syllabus develops their ______________________________ This understanding may
then make them better learners.
a.awareness of the goals of language-learning activities and how these goals can be achieved
b.language learning ability and gives them self-confidence toward the use of the target language.
c.cognitive capacity and facilitates the learning of the contents of the course.

20. A teacher may decide to add content to a course because he/she believes that the course book
__________________________, this may be done through the addition of an extensive reading component to an English
a.covers all the major parts of the curriculum design process. missing principles like fluency and comprehensible input. too complex and long for the learners to use in class.

21. Which book could be the best option for a communication course?
a.A book that includes behavior and topics that would offend learners’ beliefs.
b.A book that contains vocabulary and grammar lower than the learner´s level.
c.A book that focuses on the language and skills that are the goal of the course.

22. Read the following example of a training workshop and identify the reason why it was unsuccessful.

The academic director of a language program organized a training workshop for the English teacher.
An expert on using TICs in EFL classes was hired for the two-week workshop.
Twenty teachers were registered in the event.
All the teachers had a master degree in Technology in Education.
The workshop was interesting but after the second day most of the teachers were reluctant to participate in the event. 

This may be because ___________________________________.
a.the content of the workshop was based on teaching and learning principles.
b.the length of the event was short for English teachers who work full time.
c.the participants felt that the event was addressing items they already knew.
23. There are several reasons why teachers may follow the course book closely.
Select a situation in which reliance on the course book is strictly necessary.
a.When the educational institution has part time teachers who have little or no time for planning teaching.
b.When it is required to standardize the quantity and quality of the education for all learners.
c.When the books are updated, contains content that is unsuitable for learners, and the costs are high.

24. The two major disadvantages of negotiated syllabus in curriculum are ________________________.
a.the number of components of the curriculum that can be negotiated and the teachers´ skill and time in adapting or adapting
books to match the learners´ previous knowledge.
b.the strongest pressure imposed by the participants of the course and the skill and time teachers and students have to
analyze each one of the parts of the curriculum that will be negotiated.
c.the learners’ lack of knowledge or experience on the field and the teachers’ skill and time in accessing and producing
resources for a fully negotiated syllabus.

25. Select the situation where the use of a negotiated syllabus is unavoidable.
a.A situation where the language courses are designed for children who are under the age of seven.
b.A situation where there is a very diverse group of students and there is a need to find common ground.
c.A situation where the financial resources for the course are sponsored by the state or by non-profit entity.

26. Which of the following examples evidences a correct process of negotiated syllable?
a.The teacher and the class members list the activities and parts of the English course on the board, and then working in small
groups discuss what should be removed from the list, and what should be added to it. The groups report back and the list on
the board is revised and the course is shaped.
b.The authorities of the high school organize a meeting in which they decide the contents and activities to be taught in an
English course; then they invite two curriculum designers from outside the institution to revise it, provide feedback in order to
set the purpose, format and content and sequence of the course.
c.After two weeks of class, the learners come to realize that the goals and contents of the course are not addressing their
particular needs and decide to make a list of the contents and activities that they want to learn. The teacher analyses the list
but makes no changes because he considers that the students lack on deciding what to learn.
. a.agents’ proposals
b.a strategic approach
c.teachers’ beliefs.
28. The approach to curriculum change where change is achieved through explaining, justifying and showing the reasons why
the change is good and necessary is called _________________.

29. The people who will receive the ultimate benefit of the curriculum change, usually the _____________,
are often not negotiators in the change process.
a.stakeholders b.learners c.instructors.

30. There are many kinds of change that can occur in an educational system which can be positive or negative. If the changes
are achieved through authority, rules and top-down pressure the approach applied is called______________.
b.rational–empirical approach
c.power–coercive approach.

31. When you have to introduce changes in any part of the curriculum

You use a wide range of change strategies each particular situation.

Choose the questions that help you to select the appropriate strategies.
a.Does the change have official support? Do people understand the value of the change?, Are the users involved in the
change?, and Is there frequent and good communication between all involved?
b.Is the change too simple or too complex?, Is the change too insignificant or too visible?, and Is the change too similar or too
different from existing practices?
c.Are enough people dissatisfied with the present situation?,
What is the real reason for the change?, and Is the change too
insignificant or too visible?.

32. Every program requires constant refinement and adjustments in light of changing institutional requirement, practical
concerns, and ongoing feedback from both instructors and learners. Crucially to this process of changing is the importance of
a.establishing good working relationships, being flexible, and keeping open lines of communication
b.making language teaching a visible and usable asset of social capital of the community
c.changing the national policies of education, being open to changes, and providing good materials.

33. What should be done if the results of a proficiency test reveal that the 80% of the students, in the country, have a poor
knowledge of English?
a.A needs analysis must be carried out in order to discover the learner`s needs, wants and lacks.
b.The proficiency test must be revised and adapted to the proficiency level of the students.
c.An evaluation of the curriculum must be done to determine what makes English teaching and learning ineffective.

34. Select the situation where the conditions for introducing change are ideal.
a.A language course that has been recently changed to fit into the educational system.
b.A program that has being offered for a long time and has proved to be effective.
c.A program where the whole range of people affected by the change see the need for change.

35. The term workshop is used to refer to ____________________.

a.focused opportunistic approach and waterfall model
b.short-term and long-term in service courses
c.teacher-centered and student-centered approaches.

36. __________________ involve teacher development after initial teacher training and after the teachers have had some
teaching experience.
a.In-service courses
b.Frameworks c.Problem solving.
37. __________________draws strongly on the application of principles of teaching and learning.
a.Needs analysis
b.Environment analysis
c.Technique analysis.

38. ___________are central to any curriculum design.

a.Teachers b.Course books

39. An important way of making a technique part of teaching is to experience the technique in use,
______________________ and to reflect on this experience. a language teacher
b.both as a learner and teacher a language student.

40. _____________________ plays a much bigger role in most courses than assessment. It occurs whenever the teacher
observes what the learners are doing or what they have done in order to see if things are going as they should.
c. Goals.

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