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Electromyograms (EMGs) of Skeletal Muscle

February 2nd and 3rd, 2017

Eileen Haase (

NOTE: Pages 21 through 25 of this handout must be turned in DURING YOUR LAB SESSION.
We will have copies of these pages in the lab for you (don’t bring your own).

- Observe and record skeletal muscle tone at rest and during contraction using electromyograms
- Record maximum fist clench strength for the dominant hands.
- Record and observe fatigue during a fist clench.
- Correlate EMG amplitude and force and observe motor unit recruitment with increased strength of
skeletal muscle contraction.
- Compare EMG amplitudes and fatigue times for larger and smaller muscles.

In this lab you will study some of the properties of skeletal muscle. A single skeletal muscle cell is
a muscle fiber. The term muscle refers to a number of muscle fibers bound together by connective tissue.
A muscle is linked to a bone through bundles of collagen fibers known as tendons, which are located at
each end of the skeletal muscle.

Muscle contraction is initiated through motor neurons (or motoneurons). An action potential is
initiated in the motor neuron and propagates through the motoneuron to the neuromuscular junction. The
action potential causes the release of acetylcholine (ACh) from the axon terminal of the motoneuron. ACh
diffuses across the synaptic cleft to the motor end plate of the muscle fiber, where it binds to a nicotinic
receptor on the muscle fiber membrane. The nicotinic ACh receptor is a nonselective cation channel that
allows extracellular Na+ to enter and depolarize the muscle fiber. This depolarization triggers an action
potential, resulting in the release of Ca++ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum, movement of the cross-bridges
(actin and myosin), and ultimately contraction of the muscle fiber.

An electromyogram (EMG) measures the electrical activity of the muscle fibers. The EMG signal
is the sum of motor-unit potentials detected by electrodes and is the most common experimental means to
estimate the neural drive to a muscle. Specifically, an EMG is an extracellular voltage signal that results
from the depolarization of the muscle fiber due to the influx of Na+. Obviously, the electrical impulse of a
single muscle fiber is very weak (only a few microvolts at the surface of the skin). However, many fibers
conducting simultaneously induce a voltage difference in the overlying skin that is large enough to be
detected by a pair of surface electrodes. Thus electromyograms detect, amplify, and record changes in
skin voltage produced by underlying skeletal muscle depolarization.

Skeletal muscle is innervated by somatic motoneurons whose cell bodies are located in the ventral
horn of the spinal cord. The motorneuron axon leaves the spinal cord and travels in a peripheral nerve.
Upon reaching the muscle, each nerve fiber branches and innervates several individual muscle fibers. A
single motor neuron may innervate a single muscle fiber (as in muscles that move the middle ear bones),
10 muscle fibers (extraocular muscles that move the eye), 100 fibers (hand) or even thousands of muscle
fibers (large postural muscles). The innervation ratio depends upon the need for fine control of the muscle
movement. A single motor neuron and all of the muscle fibers it controls is called a motor unit. When a
somatic motoneuron is activated, every muscle fiber that it innervates is depolarized. Although a single
motor neuron can innervate up to thousands of muscle fibers, each muscle fiber is innervated exclusively
by only one motor neuron. Thus a motor unit (and not the individual muscle cell) is the functional
contractile unit, because all of the muscle cells within a motor unit contract synchronously when the motor
neuron fires. The figure below (from Vander et al) illustrates a motor unit.

Control of Muscle Tension:

Activation of a motor unit provides a “quanta” of force, since every single muscle fiber in that unit
will contract. A muscle is comprised of muscle fibers controlled by many different motoneurons. The
different motoneurons in a single muscle display a remarkable range in their conduction velocities, speed
of muscle contraction, total force, and capacity for maintaining force (fatigue rate). The force exerted on
an object by a contracting muscle is known as the muscle tension, and the force exerted on the muscle by
an object (usually its weight) is the load. Muscle tension and muscle load are opposing forces. Whether
or not force generation leads to fiber shortening depends on the relative magnitudes of the tension and the
load. In order for the muscle fibers to shorten, and thereby move a load, muscle tension must be greater
than the opposing load.

Muscle tension may be increased through two mechanisms:
1. Increase the number of motor units that are activated. Each additional motor unit will increase the
total muscle force by its specific “quanta”. This is known as motor unit recruitment.

2. Increase the frequency of firing of motor neurons within each motor unit. Most motor units begin
firing at about 8 Hz. They can increase their firing rate approximately 3-fold, to 25 Hz. A single
action potential in a skeletal muscle fiber lasts 1 to 2 ms, but the mechanical twitch may last for
100 ms. Thus it is possible for a second action potential to be initiated while the first contraction is
still occurring. The second action potential will result in an increase in force due to summation
(caused by elevated levels of cytosolic calcium). A maintained contraction in response to repeated
stimulation is known as tetanus and will result in maximum tension in the muscle. The figure
below from Vander et al illustrates the increase in muscle tension due to increased frequency of
firing of the motoneuron.

Muscle Fatigue:
Initially, repeated stimulation of a motoneuron will result in an increase in force due to summation.
However, eventually there is a decline in tension known as muscle fatigue. Fatigue is defined as a
decrease in the muscle’s ability to generate force, despite the continued firing of the motoneuron. The
onset of fatigue and its rate of development depend on the type of skeletal-muscle fiber that is active and
on the intensity and duration of contractile activity. High-frequency fatigue results from high-intensity,
short-duration exercises, such as weight lifting. The motoneurons fire at a high frequency for a relatively
short period of time (seconds). The high firing rate of the motoneurons results in a build-up of potassium
in the T-tubules resulting in a partial depolarization of the membrane. The muscles fatigue rapidly, but
they also recover rapidly after a brief rest that allows the potassium to diffuse out of the tubule.

In contrast, low-frequency fatigue develops more slowly with long-duration exercise, such as long
distance running. The motoneurons fire at a low frequency, but they fire for a very long period of time
(hours). There have been a number of processes implicated in fatigue. One of the major factors is the
build-up of lactic acid, resulting in a decreased pH. The increased acid in the muscles alters many protein
conformations and consequently the activity of actin and myosin. These muscle fibers require up to 24
hours for complete recovery, probably due to protein synthesis to replace altered proteins.

Skeletal muscle is probably the most adaptive of the body’s tissues. Muscle can change its
morphology, metabolic activity, and even the composition of its myosin to prolong the onset of fatigue.
For example, weight lifting, which requires high tension, levels for short periods of time, results in marked
fiber hypertrophy due to additional actin and myosin filaments. Endurance training (such as running)
increases the metabolic capacity of the muscle fibers and the number of mitochondria, which makes them
more fatigue resistant.

Types of Skeletal Muscle Fibers:

There are many muscles in the body that are expected to accomplish a variety of tasks that differ in
speed, force, and duration. For example, the muscles around the knee need to stabilize the joint so that we
can stand, and yet these muscles must also flex and extend so we can walk, run, and jump. The problem
of having a single muscle perform so many diverse tasks is solved, in part, by providing that muscle with a
variety of motor units with different mechanical properties. Thus, a muscle is not a homogeneous mix of
identical muscle fibers, but rather a distinctly designed heterogeneous combination of different types of
muscle fibers.
There are three categories of muscle fibers, due to the fact that there are three types of myosin.
These are classified on the basis of their maximal velocity of shortening and the major pathway they use
to form ATP (oxidative or glycolytic) as summarized in the table below:

Comparison of Skeletal Muscle Fiber Types

I: slow oxidative (red) Small diameter fibers with lots of mitochondria (aerobic)
IIB: fast glycolytic (white) Large diameter fibers with few capillaries or mitochondria (anaerobic)
IIA: fast oxidative (red) Medium diameter with a moderate amount of mitochondria
Fatigue in a skeletal muscle is a composite
of the properties of each fiber type. The
fast, glycolytic type IIB units exhibit rapid
cellular fatigue and will fail to contract after
a short period of time. The slow oxidative
type I motor units maintain almost normal
contractile responses for significant lengths
of time. So fatigue in a muscle in which
half of the cross-sectional area is composed
of type I motor units and the other half is
type IIB motor units is a combination of
strong muscle tension for a short period of
time and a sustained minimal tension. The
fatigue properties of the three different types
of muscle fibers are illustrated in Figure 11-
29 from Vander et al.

Motor units, in addition to muscle fibers, display considerable specialization. As mentioned
earlier, a motor neuron may innervate between one and several thousand muscle fibers. The cell
bodies and axons of the motor nerve increase in size with the number of muscle fibers in the unit.
All muscle fibers within one motor unit are of the same type (I, IIB, or IIA). Thus there are also
three types of motor units.

Motor Unit Classification

S (slow twitch) – Small twitch tension, slow twitch contraction times, can
Type I fibers maintain their peak force for long periods of time, smallest
fiber types (I), lots of oxidative enzymes, recruited first.
Provide sustained motor activity. Innervation by small
diameter motoneuron with a lower conduction velocity.
These motoneurons have a high level of excitability (low
FF (fast fatigable) – Contract most rapidly, quite powerful; also fatigue rapidly
Type IIB fibers (reduce force by 75% after 2 minutes), largest fiber type
(IIB), lots of glycolytic enzymes and few oxidative enzymes
– anaerobic. Provide rapid, powerful, yet short-lasting force.
Innervation by a large diameter motoneuron with a very fast
conduction velocity and a low level of excitability (high
FR (fast, fatigue-resistant) – Rapidly contracting, moderate force, show little fatigue,
Type IIA fibers intermediate fiber size (IIA), has both glycolytic and
oxidative enzymes

Note that fibers that are fatigue-resistant have oxidative enzymes, while the faster and
stronger fatigable fibers use glycolytic enzymes to get energy. The motoneurons to the different
muscle types (I-aerobic vs. IIB-glycolytic) have relative levels of oxidative metabolic activity
similar to those of the muscle fibers they innervate. For example, the smaller, aerobic, type I fibers
with lots of mitochondria (oxidative enzymes) are innervated by smaller motoneurons that also
have lots of mitochondria. Thus, both the muscle fibers and their innervating motoneuron are

While skeletal muscle can only be excited (depolarized), a motoneuron can be either excited
or inhibited within the central nervous system (CNS). Muscle relaxation is due to a lack of
motoneuron input. Thus the only way to “turn off” a muscle fiber is to prevent the motoneuron to
that muscle from depolarizing through CNS inhibition.

Recruitment of motor units:

Motor units are recruited in a very specific order to increase total muscle tension. The type
S units (slow, aerobic) are recruited first. These motoneurons have the smallest membrane area so a
given level of excitatory input will produce the most depolarization. Thus, the S units have the
lowest threshold and are easily activated. They also provide the least amount of force. The
smallest motor units fire first and remain active the entire time the muscle is contracting.

As the muscle needs to increase tension, excitatory input to the motoneuron pool also
increases. This causes the somewhat larger (FR) motoneurons to start to fire. Further increases in
the load result in the recruitment of larger and larger motoneurons. The FF (fast fatigable) units that
have the highest threshold and provide the most force are recruited last. These units cannot
maintain tension for any significant length of time. This pattern of recruitment of motoneurons,
starting with the smallest motoneurons and gradually increasing to the largest ones, is known as the
size principle. The small, highly- oxidative, fatigue- resistant units are recruited first. The much
larger and more powerful glycolytic units are recruited last. The total force generated by a muscle
thus depends upon both the firing rate of the individual motor units, and the number of motor units
The figure below from Berne and Levy (Figure 18-11, based on data from Henneman)
illustrates the size principle in the order of recruitment. Note that the smallest force-generating
units (Type I with an average force of 5 grams/unit) are recruited first while the strongest units
(Type IIB with an average force of 115 grams/unit) are recruited last. The white bars represent the
total force developed by the muscle. The smaller pink bars represent the force from most recently
recruited units.

The size principle is further illustrated
by the figure below from Vander et al. The
smallest aerobic fibers (slow oxidative fibers
innervated by Motor unit 1) are recruited first
and generate a modest amount of muscle
tension. The faster, but still oxidative, fibers
are recruited next. These fibers (innervated
by Motor unit 2) are stronger than the smaller
ones and can generate more tension. Finally,
at very high loads, the largest fast-glycolytic
fibers innervated by Motor unit 3 are
recruited. The fast glycolytic fibers can
provide a large amount of tension, but only
for a very short amount of time since these
fibers fatigue easily.

The EMG recordings for large and small motor units have large and small signals,
respectively. It is important to understand that the EMG is an extracellular voltage recording
resulting from the sum of the motor unit potentials detected by electrodes placed on the skin. The
amount of current generated by each motor unit depends upon the size of that unit - both the
number of muscle fibers and the size of the individual muscle fibers. Recall that the current due to
a capacitor, Ic, is the product of the capacitance, C (which is proportional to the amount of
membrane), and the voltage change, dV/dt.

Ic = C dV/dt

While the transmembrane voltage change (dV) during an action potential will be the same in all
motoneurons, the amount of current required to produce that change (Ic) depends on the amount of
membrane that needs to be depolarized. A larger motor neuron has more membrane, resulting in a
bigger capacitor and requiring more current to produce the particular voltage change, dV, required to
reach threshold. Thus the smaller motoneurons have a lower threshold (require less current to
depolarize to threshold). The extracellular field picked up by the EMG electrode depends upon the
amount of extracellular current that flows. EMG signals are essentially made up of superimposed action
potential trains from several sources. The surface EMG depends upon both the type of motor unit, and
the number of muscle fibers that are depolarized.

The EMGs shown below from Henneman et al illustrate motor unit recruitment. The smallest units, with
the lowest EMG amplitudes, are recruited first (for example, units 1 and 2). Motor units recruited at
higher loads (i.e. units 4 and 5 shown in B and C), have much larger EMG amplitudes.

Note that motor units are derecruited in the opposite order in which they were initially recruited.
The size principle applies to both increasing and decreasing force levels. Unit 1 was recruited first, Unit
2 second, etc until Unit 5 (of maximum amplitude) was recruited. As the muscle force decreased, Unit 5
was the first unit dropped, Unit 4 next, etc until only muscle fibers of Unit 1 were remaining, and
eventually these were shut off as well.

The figure below from Patton et al is an expansion of the previous figure and nicely illustrates
the two factors involved in increasing voluntary force. Starting at the left, with minimal force (less than
2 grams), a single motor unit is turned on and is firing at 8 Hz. As the voluntary force increases to 3
grams, two changes occur. The firing rate of the initial motoneuron increases from 8 Hz to about 14
Hz. Additionally, a second motoneuron has been recruited, and is firing at 8 Hz. As the voluntary
force increases even more to 5 grams, the initial motoneuron increases its firing rate even further to 18
Hz, the second motoneuron increases its firing rate to about 16 Hz, and 3 additional motoneurons have
been recruited to start firing. Remember that once a motoneuron has been turned on, it will remain
firing as the voluntary force increases.

These motoneurons have been recruited in a very specific order based on their size. Every time the
voluntary force is increased, the same motoneurons will be recruited in the same order. The motor units
responsible for generating only a few grams of force are the small diameter, aerobic fibers, while the units
responsible for generating the large amounts of force (close to 1000 grams) are the larger diameter
glycolytic units.

You should be able to observe both the increase in firing rate of the motoneurons, and demonstration
of the size principle in the laboratory. Below is some sample data displaying the relationship between an
increase in muscle tension, EMG firing rate, and the amplitude of the integrated EMG for 3 different levels
of muscle force. The top channel(blue writing) displays transducer force (grams) due to thumb pressure.
The middle channel is the raw EMG data (mV – green writing) and the bottom channel is the integrated
EMG data (purple writing). The recordings are in order of increasing muscle tension (top recording is the
least muscle tension, bottom recording is the most muscle tension). Note that the both the magnitude and
sheer number (firing rate) of raw EMG spikes increases with increasing muscle tension.
I n t e g I rna t t ee gd r aE tMe dGI n Et EeM gM Gr aEGt Me( d3G0E (-M3E 50MG0 -0G 5H(0F3z00o)F rH-oc e5zr cF0) (e0o0 r (Hc-0 e1z -0)( 001 0- 0g1 0r0 a0gm0r as gm) r as m) s )

Recruitment of larger motor units with increasing force

g ra m s


g ra m s

0.00 1500.00
g ra m s

-1500. 00
-3000. 00
-1500. 00
-1500. 00
-3000. 00
m V

-3000. 00
m V

m V

V o lt s

0.04 0.30
0.02 0.10
0.06 0.08
V o lt s

27.93 28.97 30.00 31.03
sec onds
0.04 0.06
V o lt s

0.02 0.04

64.14 65.17 66.21 67.24
Lab Report Write-up: Correlating Muscle Types with Enzyme Activities:
The table on the next page is from a classic paper from the Journal of Applied Physiology (33:312-319,
1972) by PD Gollnick et al titled “Enzyme activity and fiber composition in skeletal muscle of untrained
and trained men”. Aerobic exercise will increase the size and function of the mitochondria, and increase
the activity of all of the associated aerobic bioenergetic enzymes. Recall that succinate dehydrogenase
(SDH) is a mitochondrial enzyme used in the TCA cycle, while phosphofructokinase (PFK) is a
cytosolic enzyme used in glycolysis. Using the data from Table 1 on the next page, answer the four
questions below and turn in with your lab report.

1. Explain how each of the following will influence athletic success and respond to aerobic
endurance training:
a. SDH (succinate dehydrogenase) activity
b. PFK (phophofructokinase) activity
c. Muscle fiber type
d. Muscle fiber size
e. Muscle glycogen content

2. What determines the oxidative potential of muscle fibers, fiber type distribution, and VO2max
(maximal oxygen consumption); genetics or exercise training or both? How would you conduct
research to determine the effects of genetics and exercise training on muscle fiber

3. Why would it be incorrect to categorize fiber type based solely on oxidative capacity? What
characteristics would you use to categorize muscle fiber type?

4. Based on the data shown in Table 1 from Gollnick, what factors likely limit VO2max in most
Experimental Procedure:
This lab will use the Biopac Student Pro data acquisition system to obtain electromyographs (EMGs) of
muscles in both the dominant forearm and the thumb. Please read through the sections on electrode
placement and data recording before you collect your data.

I. Dominant Forearm:
In this section of the lab you will observe the force/EMG correlation of your dominant arm, and observe
the effects of fatigue.

a. Forearm Electrode Placement

- For optimum electrode adhesion (and the best recordings), clean skin. Try to keep the electrodes
away from the computer monitor, to decrease interference.
- In general, three electrodes need to be secured for each EMG recording. Each of the pinch
connectors on the end of the electrode cable needs to be attached to a specific electrode. The
electrode cables are each a different color. We are performing a bipolar EMG recording, which
measures the voltage difference between two electrodes (red and white) with reference to the ground
(black). The red electrode should be placed on the belly of the forearm muscle, and the white
electrode should be on the muscle, nearby. The black electrode should be placed away from the red
and white electrodes, off of the muscle. See the image below for proper electrode placement.

b. Using the dynamometer

- We will be using a hand-held dynamometer to measure force (shown below). The red “Peak-Hold
Needle” measures the peak force. This needle will automatically retain the highest force reading
until it is reset. Before you begin, reset the dynamometer by rotating the red peak-hold needle
counter-clockwise to 0.
c. Data Recording
- You will be recording the EMG data in the Biopac program on channel 3, and the integrated EMG
data will be calculated and displayed on channel 40. Integrated EMG data is a measure of total
muscle tension. The Biopac program is set with a default sample rate of 200 Hz. For this part of
the experiment, you will not be recording the force using the Biopac system (channel 2), instead you
will read force off of the handheld dynamometer.
- Click on “Start” at the top of the Biopac display to collect data. You may need to verify that you
will overwrite an existing data file. Refer to the Biopac Manual for data collection procedures.
- Make sure that the EMG initially reads “0 mV” when there is no force. Contact the instructor or
one of the TAs if you have a large 0 offset (more than a few volts). Hit “Stop” to finish the
recording. Data acquisition will automatically stop after 120 seconds. Note that you cannot restart
your data recording. Once you hit STOP, you must either save your existing data, or overwrite your
- Be sure to save your data as a text or Excel file (you will not be able to read the raw Biopac data
from another computer). You may store it as a Biopac file for now, and analyze it during lab.
- Saving your data:
 Highlight the section of the graph you would like to save. Click on Edit> Clipboard>
Copy Graph. Now open Excel. Click on Edit>Paste. You may need to crop your
- You can use the I-beam to highlight and analyze segments of your data. We have set up the first
three measurement boxes as follows:
Mean Value of Raw EMG (from Channel 3)
Mean value of Integrated EMG (from Channel 40)
Maximum value of Integrated EMG

d. Using the dynamometer to measure forearm strength

- Slowly clench your fist (compress the hand gripper) and maintain the force for 2-3 seconds (long
enough to get a stable integrated EMG recording). The initial clench should be relatively light – just
close your fingers. Record the force indicated by the red “Peak-hold” needle in Table 1 of the
handout for minimum clench strength. Be sure to reset the needle before proceeding.
E M G ( 3 0 - 5 0 0 H z ) F o r c e (0 - 1 0 0 0 g r a m s )
- Repeat the above while slightly increasing the force of your clench, first to a moderate and then a
firm clench. Relax your hand for 1-3 seconds between each clench. Record peak force for each
clench strength in Table 1 and reset the needle.
- Your fourth and final clench should be as strong as you can make it. Record peak force in Table 1.
- Repeat this experiment 2-3 times, until you have a nice clean EMG recording in the Biopac
- Save your final data, it should look similar to the recording shown below. The top graph is the raw
EMG data; the bottom graph is the integrated EMG data. We are not using the force data.
I n t e g ra t e d E M G

- Using the I-beam cursor, select an area on the plateau of the integrated EMG. You can set up one of
your measurement boxes to record the maximum value of the integrated EMG in your highlighted
region. This voltage can be correlated with the dynamometer force. Record the max integrated
EMG value for each clench strength level in Table 1. Answer question 1b on the handout before
proceeding to the next section.

f. Fatigue
Compare the time to fatigue your forearm using two different variables: integrated EMG voltages and
- Clench3.63your fist and squeeze the hand gripper as hard as you can. Have your partner note the initial
28.63 53.6
force and continue to watch the dynamometer. The initial force should be close to the force recorded
for “strongest” in Table 1.
- Use a watch or a clock to measure the time it takes until the force drops to 50% of its initial value.
Calculate the level of 50% maximum force (max force divided by 2). Record this time in the first
column of Table 2 of the handout.
- The Biopac program is set up to record data for 120 seconds. If you need to increase the recording
time (to reach fatigue) click on MP30> Set up Acquisition >Acquisition Length. You may then
increase the data collection time.
- Record the maximum integrated EMG level in your forearm (you may get this data from Table 1 in
the row labeled “Strongest”). Calculate the level of 50% maximum integrated EMG (max integrated
EMG divided by 2). Use the I-beam and the “delta-T” function to record the time elapsed for the
integrated EMG level to decrease 50% (see reference image below). Record this time in the first
column of Table 2 of the handout. Save your data.
- You will repeat these measurements for the thumb in the next section of the lab. Wait to answer
questions 2b-2d until then.

Highlighting data to determine time it takes to reach 50% of the maximum

integrated EMG level during fatigue experiment (From Biopac Manual)

II. Thumb Strength:

This section of the experiment will look at the correlation of force and EMG voltages for small muscles.
We will again observe the recruitment of motor units with increasing force. We will use the small force
transducer connected to the Biopac system for this part of the lab, not the handheld dynamometer.

a. Thumb Electrode Placement

- Place an electrode over the fleshy part of the thumb, on the palm of the hand. Connect the red cable.
- The second electrode (connected to the white cable) should be placed adjacent to the red one.
- The third electrode (connected to the black cable) should be placed below the wrist, away from the
other two. You may use one of your electrodes from the forearm section.
b. Recording
- Channel 2 displays the output of the force transducer.
- Channel 3 is the raw EMG data
- Channel 40 is the integrated EMG data.

c. Finger Movements
- Move your thumb towards and away from your hand a few times. Watch the EMG recordings.
Squeeze the screw plate on the force transducer with your thumb and watch the recordings. Try a
few different levels of force.
- When you feel comfortable with the equipment, record your data. Start with no force and gradually
increase force using a stair-step pattern (as shown in the recording of “Sample Thumb Data” below).
- Try to maintain the force at each level for at least 2 seconds, to get a steady integrated EMG
- Increase thumb force to maximum level using 4-6 steps. Be sure to get recordings >1 mV at the
maximum force level.
- Gradually decrease force back down to 0 using the same 4-6 steps.
- Repeat the above experiment a few times until you have a clean recording of the “staircase” levels
of force. Save your final data.

The figure below is a sample chart recording for the thumb EMG at different levels of force using the
thumb force transducer. The top channel displays the force (grams) as it is increased and then decreased
in a “staircase” manner. The middle channel is the raw EMG data for the thumb muscle. The bottom
channel is the integrated EMG data (calculated by the Biopac system).
Sample Thumb Data
Force (0 - 1000 grams)

Must get spikes > 1 mV

EMG(30 - 500 Hz)
Integrated EMG

d. Recruitment of motor neurons

You will look at each of the 4-6 levels of force in more detail to fill in Table 3. Level 1 is the minimal
amount of force, and level 5 or 6 should be your maximum (you may not have six distinct levels).
- Columns 2 and 3: The mean force and mean integrated EMG values for a highlighted region will be
displayed in the measurement boxes. The force should be the mean force over the “plateau” of the
4.73 14.73 24.73 34.73 44.73
- Column 4: Change the time scale to approximately 0.25 seconds/division so that you can observe
individual spikes in the raw EMG data. You will need to count the number of spikes in a quarter or
half-second interval of the raw EMG data and multiply (by 2 or 4) to estimate the total number of
spikes per second for each of the force levels. Neglect any spikes with a raw EMG amplitude less
than 0.05 mV. Take a screenshot of the scaled data.
- Columns 5 and 6: The average force per spike is simply the mean force from column 2 divided by
the total # of spikes/sec in column 4. The average EMG per spike is simply the mean integrated
EMG from column 3 divided by the total # of spikes/sec in column 4.

Answer questions 3b, 4a, and 4b in the handout before proceeding.

Now we would like to distinguish between the different motoneurons recruited to increase the total
muscle force. In Table 4 the “Order Number” refers to the order of recruitment, with motorunit #1
recruited first (at minimal force) and motor unit #11 recruited last (at maximal force). Raw EMG
amplitude is the magnitude (in mV) of a single spike or twitch (using the raw EMG data – not the
integrated data).

Choose 3 levels of thumb force from your “staircase” data in Table 3: for example, minimal (Level 1),
moderate (Level 3), and heavy (Level 5 or 6). Neglect any spikes with a raw EMG amplitude less than
0.05 mV. At the minimal level of thumb force, count the number of spikes/sec with EMG amplitude
between 0.05 mV and 0.10 mV, between 0.10 mV and 0.20 mV, etc. Repeat for the moderate and heavy
force levels. Record the number of spikes/sec for each category in Table 4, and include the force in
grams for each of the 3 levels. You will need to change the scale of your raw EMG data to clearly
observe the amplitudes of the different motorneurons. Take a screenshot of the scaled EMG data for
each force level. Note that the total # of spikes/second should be about the same as in Table 3 (column
4). You are just dividing the total spikes into different bins depending on their amplitude in mV.

Answer question 5b, 5c, and 5d.


e. Thumb fatigue
- Press on the force transducer at maximal force until your finger fatigues (reaches a level of 50% of
max force). You may need to increase the data collection period above 120 seconds. Click on
MP30> Set up Acquisition >Acquisition Length to increase the acquisition length.

- To determine the point of 50% maximum force, first make an eyeball approximation of the
maximum (initial) force. Then, use the I-beam cursor to click on points near this region, noting the
value displayed in the measurement box. Divide this number by 2 and try to find a point on the
force graph within 5% of this new number. Highlight the area back to the maximum force by
clicking and dragging. Use the delta-T function to determine the amount of time within the
highlighted area (ref. Biopac Manual) and record this time in Table 2.

- Repeat this measurement, using the max integrated EMG measurement instead of force (like before
with the forearm). Record the time to fatigue in Table 2. Save your data.

- Answer questions 2b, 2c, and 2d.

g. Analysis of your own muscle

Choose one of your own muscles to analyze. Place the three electrodes in the appropriate location on
your muscle to correctly record an EMG. Design an experiment to vary the load using at least 3
different levels of muscle tension and save your data. Do you think this muscle has more small
aerobic fibers, or large glycolytic fibers? Answer questions 6a and 6b in the handout.
Biopac Student Laboratory Manual (version 3.6.6) for PC-USB under Windows 98.

Berne, R. and Levy, M., “Skeletal Muscle Physiology”. In: Physiology, 4th Edition, Baltimore: Mosby,
Chapter 18, pp 290-296 (1998).

Binder, M. “Functional Organization of the Motoneuron Pool”. In: Textbook of Physiology, Patton,
Fuchs et al, 21st Edition, Philadelphia: W.B.Saunders Company, Chapter 25, pp 549-562 (1989).

Brown, Gregory, “Teaching skeletal muscle adaptations to aerobic exercise using an American
Physiological classis paper by Dr. Philip Gollnick and colleagues”, Adv Physiol Educ 30:113-118, 2006

Vander, A., Sherman, J., Luciano, D., Muscle, In: Human Physiology: The Mechanisms of Body
Function, 8th Edition, New York: McGraw Hill, Chapter 11, pp 305-318 (2001).

Normal EMGs showing recruitment and increased firing rate with increased force of contraction

Motor Unit Recruitment

Picture of Arm Dynamometer:;

Thumb dynamometer: Healthcare Fitness Products
Data and Calculations:

Your lab report should start with a brief Introduction that includes an explanation of the source of the
signals detected by the EMG. You should also write a brief Discussion of your results and conclusions
about the experiments. This part of your write-up should be no more than 1 page and may be turned in
with your data by noon on Thursday. (8 points total for intro and discussion)

You will need to include the following graphs/data sheets (properly labeled) with your lab report. These
graphs could be condensed to 3-4 pages. You only need one good example of each. Graphs 1-4 are 3
points each, graphs 5, 6, and 7 are 5 points each (27 points for properly labeled graphs).

1. Dominant forearm clench for 3-4 levels of muscle tension.

2. Dominant forearm recording demonstrating the time until fatigue (at 50% maximum muscle tension).
3. Thumb force/EMG recording depicting “staircase” levels of force.
4. Thumb recording demonstrating fatigue
5. Demonstration of motor recruitment. You can use the data from the dominant forearm clench (graph
#1 above) at different levels of tension or the thumb with the “staircase” levels (graph #5 above) and
change the time scale to illustrate individual twitches at increasing levels of tension. You will need to
give examples of recruitment at three or more different levels of thumb/forearm force. Indicate on your
chart recording the recruitment of individual motor units. Specify by number six different motor units (1
being first recruited and 6 being the last recruited). See Figure 25-3 from Patton (in the Introduction) as
an example. Neglect any spikes with a raw EMG amplitude less than 0.05 mV.
6. Look at your raw data and find a motor unit that fired at the minimal load (lowest tension level).
Now try to find a motor unit of exactly the same amplitude at the heavier loads. Note that a specific
motor unit has constant amplitude for any load. How does the firing rate of a single motor unit change
with an increase in load? Indicate on your graphs a motor unit that fires at three different tension levels.
7. Graph of your own muscle recording at three different tension levels.

On lab day, you must complete the answers to the questions, graphs, and tables, from the following
pages (5 pages: pages 21 through 25). Each team must turn in a completed set of answers by the end of
their lab session. Some tables have been slightly modified from the protocol to combine data from the
forearms and finger.


 Some sections due at the end of your lab session on Thursday or Friday (47 points)
 Some sections due Thursday uploaded to Blackboard, by 9 AM (48 points)

 One page introduction/discussion (8 points).

 At least 7 graphs illustrating each of situations stated above, clearly labeled. The last 3 graphs
will have at least three parts (low tension, medium tension, and high tension) and will be on a
different time scale to illustrate individual EMG spikes (Note: You should complete these graphs
in lab and should only have to print them out to turn in with your report) (27 points)
 Answer the four questions correlating muscle fiber type, enzyme activity and VO 2max (13
 (47 points total) Answers to the next 5 pages of questions/tables (pages 21-25) – due at the end
of your lab session.
 (5 points) Prelab quiz on Blackboard – due by 9 AM Thursday before lab
EMG Handout – to be turned in at the end of your lab session
1a. (2 points) Forearm EMG Measurements: Dominant Forearm Clench
Table 1 – Relationship between EMG & Force
Clench Dominant Forearm
Max Integrated EMG Dynamometer Force
1b. (3 points) How do you think your dominant forearm strength would vary from your non-dominant
forearm strength? What effect would this have on the raw and integrated EMG recordings and why?

2a. (2 points) Compare the time to fatigue for your forearm and thumb using two different variables:
Integrated EMG voltages and force. Table 6 below combines tables 2 and 5 from the protocol section.

Table 2 - Time to Fatigue (seconds)

Dominant Forearm Thumb
Time to Fatigue (50%)
using integrated EMG
Time to Fatigue (50%)
using Force
2b. (2 points) Compare the time to fatigue using force versus the integrated EMG value. Explain your
data. Why should these times be the same or different?
2c. (2 points) Compare the fatigue data for the thumb and forearms. What causes fatigue in these

2d. (2 points) What differences would you expect to see between the forearm fatigue experiments of a
member of the crew team and a weightlifter?

3a. (4 points) Thumb EMG Measurements at 5-6 different levels of force

Table 3- Relationship between EMG, force, and spikes/second

Force Force Integrated Total # of Average Average EMG
Level Mean EMG Mean spikes/ force/spike (mV)/spike
(gram (mV) sec
3b. (3 points) What did you observe about the amplitude of the motor units (in mV) recruited for larger
loads compared to smaller loads? How does the average amplitude (in mV) of the spikes change with
increasing loads (increase, decrease, or no change)? Use your data to explain your answer.
4a. (4 points) Graph the relationship between mean thumb force and mean integrated EMG level (you
may use your own graphing program and print your results).


Thumb Force (grams)

4b. (4 points) Derive an equation for the relationship between mean EMG amplitude and mean muscle
force. Is this graph linear? What can you imply if it is linear? What can you imply if it is not linear?
What does the y-intercept tell you?
5a. (4 points) Observing motor unit recruitment – this graph must be initialed by Dr. Haase

Table 4 - Spikes/second at increasing levels of thumb force

Order Raw EMG Minimal Moderate Heavy
Number Amplitude Force Force Force
(mV) (grams) (grams) (grams)

1 0.05-0.1
2 0.1-0.2
3 0.2-0.3
4 0.3-0.4
5 0.4-0.5
6 0.5-0.6
7 0.6-0.7
8 0.7-0.8
9 0.8-0.9
10 0.9-1.0
11 >1.0
Total # of

5b. (3 points) Compare the total number of spikes to total force. How does the total number of spikes
change as the load increases from minimal to maximal? What causes a change in the total number of
5c. (3 points) At a constant force (going down a column for either minimal, moderate, or heavy force),
what do you observe about the relationship between spikes/second for the different EMG amplitudes?
Compare your data with Figure 18-11 from Berne and Levy (included in the lab handout).

5d. (3 points) Compare the number of spikes/second at amplitudes of 0.05-0.1 mV and 0.1-0.2 mV for
the minimal and moderate and heavy force loads (i.e. compare the data across a row). Explain your

6a. (2 points) Which muscle did you chose to analyze? Indicate where you placed each of the

6b. (4 points) Look at the data from your chosen muscle recording. Do you think this muscle has more
small aerobic fibers, or large glycolytic fibers? Explain your answer.

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