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Hollow men: analysis

The poet is of the view that we are soulless. Our actions and deeds are hollow. Our efferts
are vain like running of rats or rustling of grass. We have formless shapes. We do not have
the real spirit and enthusiasm. The poem is a lamenting note on modern man's soulless life.
In this poem, the poet condemns the spiritual emptiness of modem man.
He says that we are hollow, empty men. We lack passion and enthusiasm. Our efforts are
fruitless like the running of rats or rustling grass.. We have formless shapes. We are just
hollow and stuffed men. Almighty God created everything for man. He created man to rule
over this world. Man is sent in this world to get knowledge, about God and universe, to
pray to God and to serve the human beings.
If man does not recognize himself, he cannot fulfill the object of his creation. Life without
knowledge, wisdom and love is worthless. In these lines,, the poet points out such type of
deficiencies. The poet says tha 'we do not have knowledge and wisdom. Therefore, we are
worthless men. We are stuffed men like puppets or dolls. We try to follow one another. We
do not have knowledge and wisdom to lead others. Alas! We do not have ability to listen to
realities of life. We have nothing to say because we know gothing.
That is why our speech, is no more than the voices made by the grass or the rats. The poet
means to say that having no knowledge and wisdom we have no ability to lead others. We
have no ability to listen to the good things and to convey valuable thoughts. In this poem,
the poet condemns the' jitual emptiness of modem man. He says that we fre hollow, empty
men. We lack passion and erlthusiasm.
Our efforts are fruitless like the running f rats or rustling grass. We have formless shapes,
are just hollow and stuffed men. We have no form and no colour. We have force but we do
not know how to male its best use. Therefore, we have paralysed force. We do not know
anything good. We do not know how to learn and how to convey,The poet condemns the
spiritual emptiness of modern man. He says that we are pollow, empty men. We lack
passion and enthusiasm: Our efforts are fruitless like the running of rats or rustling grass.
We have formless shapes. We are just hollow and stuffed men.
The poet talks the dead persons. He also talks about wan's ignorance and dullness. . The
poet says that those who have already departed from this life do not know of our being
frustrated or not. We seem to be only puppets made °f straw. We have no ambition in our
life. We are not anxious to get something. We have no goals to reach there. We are blind to
the truth.We like to follow others. We do not like to get knowledge and to become a
guiding star for Other people.

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