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The Deutsche Bundesbank’s technical specifications for

the clearing and settlement of interbank SEPA direct debits

via the RPS SEPA-Clearer (SCL)
(“SDD/SCL technical specifications”)

Version 3.0 valid from 20 November 2017

Notes on the English translation

This translation has been prepared with the greatest possible care; however,
in case of doubt, the German text is the authoritative version.

Changes/additions to the “technical specifications” compared with version 2.6 ............. 4

1 Introduction..................................................................................................................... 6
2 Duplication checks ......................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Duplication checks in the SEPA-Clearer ....................................................................................... 7
2.2 Duplication checks in other CSMs ................................................................................................. 8

3 Cross-referencing checks .............................................................................................. 9

3.1 Cross-referencing checks in the SEPA-Clearer ............................................................................ 9
3.2 Cross-referencing checks in other CSMs ...................................................................................... 9

4 Daily reconciliation report for direct debits (DRD) ..................................................... 11

4.1 DRD header ................................................................................................................................. 12
4.2 DRD (pacs.003) direct debit bulks sent body .............................................................................. 13
4.3 DRD (pacs.004) return/refund bulks sent body ........................................................................... 14
4.4 DRD (pacs.007) reversal bulks sent body ................................................................................... 15
4.5 DRD (pacs.002) reject bulks sent body ....................................................................................... 16
4.6 DRD (camt.056) payment cancellation request bulks sent body ................................................ 17
4.7 DRD (pacs.003) direct debit bulks received body ....................................................................... 18
4.8 DRD (pacs.004) return bulks received body ............................................................................... 19
4.9 DRD (pacs.007) reversal bulks received body ............................................................................ 20
4.10 DRD (pacs.002) reject bulks received body ................................................................................ 21
4.11 DRD (camt.056) payment cancellation request bulks received body ......................................... 22
4.12 DRD trailer ................................................................................................................................... 23

5 XML file header ............................................................................................................. 24

5.1 Input debit file (IDF) header ......................................................................................................... 24
(BBkIDFBlkDirDeb) ............................................................................................................................... 24
5.2 Debit validation file (DVF) header ............................................................................................... 24
(BBkDVFBlkDirDeb) .............................................................................................................................. 24
5.3 Debit notification file (DNF) header ............................................................................................. 24
(BBkDNFBlkDirDeb) ............................................................................................................................. 24
5.4 Settled debit file (SDF) header .................................................................................................... 24
(BBkSDFBlkDirDeb) .............................................................................................................................. 24
5.5 Unsettled debit file (UDF) header ................................................................................................ 24
(BBkSDFBlkDirDeb) .............................................................................................................................. 24
5.6 Result of settlement file (RSF) header ........................................................................................ 24
(BBkRSFBlkDirDeb) .............................................................................................................................. 24

6 XML interbank messages ............................................................................................. 25

6.1 SEPA direct debit – interbank direct debit (pacs.003.001.02)..................................................... 25
6.2 SEPA direct debit – interbank direct debit reject SCL (pacs.002.001.03SCLSDD) .................... 25
6.3 SEPA direct debit – interbank direct debit reject (pacs.002.001.03SDD) ................................... 25
6.4 SEPA direct debit – interbank payment cancellation request (camt.056.001.01SDD) ............... 25
6.5 SEPA direct debit – interbank direct debit return/refund (pacs.004.001.02SDD) ..................... 25
6.6 SEPA direct debit – interbank direct debit reversal (pacs.007.001.02) ....................................... 25

7 Use of the instructing agent/instructed agent ............................................................ 26

8 Error codes/rejection reason codes ............................................................................ 30
9 Character set................................................................................................................. 40

SDD/SCL technical specifications, version 3.0 Page 2 of 48
10 Notes on format/status ................................................................................................. 41
10.1 Explanatory notes on the format of XML file headers and daily reconciliation reports ............... 41
10.2 Completing amount fields in line with the schema ...................................................................... 41
10.3 Use of filling characters in the amount fields ............................................................................... 41
10.4 Use of white spaces in XML fields, in this case the “collapsing” procedure ................................ 42
10.5 Namespace declaration ............................................................................................................... 43

11 Compression procedures ............................................................................................ 43

11.1 FileAct .......................................................................................................................................... 43
11.2 EBICS .......................................................................................................................................... 43

12 General specifications of message elements ............................................................. 44

13 TARGET2 referencing .................................................................................................. 46

SDD/SCL technical specifications, version 3.0 Page 3 of 48
Changes/additions to the “technical specifications” compared with version 2.6

Section Location Changes/additions

3 3.1  Introduction of a cross-referencing check for

pre-settlement R-transactions in the SEPA-
3 3.2 Cross-referencing  Updated overview of the checks regarding
checks in other CSMs submission deadlines for R-transactions in the
STEP2 system
(extension of the return deadline for B2B direct
debits from two to three business days)
4 DRD  Change to the numbering of processing cycles
in the SEPA-Clearer
5.5 File header UDF  New file type from November 2017
5.6 File header RSF  New file type from November 2017
6.3 pacs.002.001.03SDD  Pacs.002SDD: check in the fields <OrgnlTxId>;
<IntrBkSttlmDt>; <LclInstrm/Cd>;
<CdtrAgt/BIC>: the original transaction
(pacs.003) must have been processed in the
SEPA-Clearer. Error code XT75
6.4 camt.056.001.01  Camt.056SDD: check in the fields
<OrgnlIntrBkSttlmDt>; <LclInstrm/Cd>;
<CdtrAgt/BIC>; <OrgnlTxId>: the original
transaction (pacs.003) must have been
processed in the SEPA-Clearer. Error code
6.5 pacs.004.001.02SDD  Pacs.004SDD: field <RtrRsnInf/Rsn/Cd>
plausibility check changed.
OLD: the return codes MD06 and MD07 may not
be used in the B2B service. Error code XT33;
NEW: the return code MD06 may not be used in
the B2B service. Error code XT33
7 Use of the  Amendment to the description
8 Error code B30  Change to the relevant period for B2B R-
transactions (11.00-14.00)
Error code ED05  In future, rejections owing to settlement failure
(in the SEPA-Clearer or in other CSMs) will
occur via RSF (currently DVF)

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Error code XT75  Addition of SEPA-Clearer as a possible initiator
13 TARGET2 referencing  Changes in the structure of the booking

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1 Introduction
All items to be processed between the SEPA-Clearer and direct SEPA-Clearer participants are
exchanged in the form of physical files. The formats of the individual files and bulks (logical
files contained in files) are specified in the corresponding sections of this document.

If the XML format and syntax rules defined in the XSD schema files are not observed, a file
rejection message is generated by the SEPA-Clearer. With regard to outgoing files, the data
formats provided meet the specifications of this document.

The SEPA-Clearer's SDD service (comprising the SDD Core service and an SDD B2B
service)1 supports SEPA direct debits in XML format as stipulated in the ISO 20022 standard
and the EPC specifications. Checking rules that go beyond schema validations are described
in the following sections.

Message types pacs.002.001.03SCL and camt.056.001.01 are not part of the EPC
specifications. Message type pacs.002.001.03SCL is a rejection message which the SEPA-
Clearer sends to the submitter in the event of an error to inform them about bulks or individual
transactions (at the validation or settlement stage). Message type camt.056.001.01 is used by
the payee's payment service provider to cancel a previously sent individual payment (direct
debit) prior to settlement.

Core and B2B direct debits must be submitted in separate files. Cor1 R-transactions – where permitted – can be
submitted in Core files, but in separate bulks only. Mixed submissions of Cor1 and Core transactions in a single
bulk are not permitted.
SDD/SCL technical specifications, version 3.0 Page 6 of 48
2 Duplication checks
2.1 Duplication checks in the SEPA-Clearer

Participants in the RPS SEPA-Clearer are advised to unambiguously reference each individual
transaction every business day. Ensuring that payments are unambiguous helps to avoid
duplicate payments and makes it easier to classify and trace specific payments.

The SEPA-Clearer carries out duplication checks at file, bulk and individual transaction level.
These cover the following criteria, from which an unambiguous key can be derived.
 Service (“Core” or “B2B”)
 Reference number
 Identification of the party that allocated the reference
 Interbank settlement date or processing day in the SEPA-Clearer

The table below shows the duplication criteria applying at file, bulk and individual transaction

Origin Servic Reference number BIC Date

Files IDF Core or File reference Sending -
file B2B If a file is rejected, it must institution
always be given a new
header file reference before it is

IDF bulks IDF Core, Message ID or Instructing Interbank

group Cor1 or identification agent settlement
header or B2B It is necessary to ensure date2
that the <Msgld> remains
assignment unambiguous for all pacs
types (pacs.002,
pacs.003, pacs.004 and
pacs.007) and to
safeguard the <Id> of
camt.056 (see
explanatory note on
<MsgId> and <Id>).

Direct pacs.003 CORE Transaction ID Creditor Interbank

debit or B2B agent settlement
Reject/ pacs.002 CORE Status ID Original SCL
refusal or B2B debtor agent processing day

Submission of pacs.002: in the absence of the interbank settlement date at group header level, the interbank
settlement date of the first payment at transaction level is used instead. Submission of camt.056: in the absence
of the interbank settlement date across the entire message, the current interbank settlement date (ie the SEPA-
Clearer business day) is used for settlement.
SDD/SCL technical specifications, version 3.0 Page 7 of 48
Origin Servic Reference number BIC Date
Payment camt.056 CORE Cancellation ID Original SCL
cancellation or B2B creditor processing
request agent day2
Return/ pacs.004 CORE, Return ID Original Interbank
refund COR1 debtor agent settlement
or B2B date
Reversal pacs.007 Core, Reversal ID Original Interbank
Cor1 or creditor settlement
B2B agent date

2.2 Duplication checks in other CSMs

The Bundesbank routes SEPA direct debits which cannot be processed in the SEPA-Clearer
via other CSMs. To avoid rejections by other CSMs on account of other duplication checks,
the references entered in the following message elements should be kept unambiguous for an
extended period of time (at least three months) by, for example, applying a time stamp.

 Message identification (bulk level; pacs.002, pacs.003, pacs.004 and pacs.007)

 Identification (bulk level; camt.056)
 Transaction ID (individual transaction level; pacs.003)
 Return ID (individual transaction level; pacs.004)
 Status ID (individual transaction level; pacs.002)
 Cancellation ID (individual transaction level; camt.056)

The individual participant is responsible for any rejections by other CSMs owing to duplicate
submissions arising from that participant's non-compliance with the rules for completing fields.
Furthermore, that participant shall be liable for any resulting damages, breaches of return
deadlines defined in the rulebooks etc.

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3 Cross-referencing checks
3.1 Cross-referencing checks in the SEPA-Clearer

Rejections (pacs.002) and recalls (camt.056) are booked in the SEPA-Clearer on their interbank
settlement date as part of the same settlement procedure used for the original direct debit
(pacs.003) in the form of a counteracting booking on the participants’ accounts in accordance
with the gross coverage principle. To prevent such R-transactions from being booked without an
underlying original direct debit, these messages will be rejected using the error code XT75 in
cases where the original direct debit was not processed in the SEPA-Clearer or where an R-
transaction was already submitted.

Assignment to the original direct debit occurs on the basis of the following fields:

O-Tx pacs.003 pacs.002 camt.056

GrpHdr / IntrBkSttlmDt TxInfAnstSts / Undrlyg / TxInf /

OrgnlTxRef / OrgnlIntrBkSttlmDt

DrctDbtTxInf / PmtTpInf/ TxInfAnstSts / Undrlyg / TxInf /

OrgnlTxRef / PmtTpInf OrgnlTxRef / PmtTpInf
LclInstrm / Cd
/ LclInstrm / Cd / LclInstrm / Cd

DrctDbtTxInf / CdtrAgt / TxInfAnstSts / TxInfAnstSts /

OrgnlTxRef / CdtrAgt / OrgnlTxRef / CdtrAgt /
FinInstnId / BIC or BICFI
FinInstnId / FinInstnId /

DrctDbtTxInf / PmtId / TxId TxInfAnstSts / Undrlyg / TxInf /

OrgnlTxId OrgnlTxId

Processing of post-settlement R-transactions (pacs.004 and pacs.007) is effected without any

checking of the original transactions referenced in the payment messages.

3.2 Cross-referencing checks in other CSMs

The SEPA-Clearer delivers, among other things, R-transactions arriving from other CSMs to
participants. Where applicable, other CSMs may subject these R-transactions to cross-
referencing checks on the basis of the references entered in the individual message elements
specified under “Duplication checks” and entries contained in other message elements of the
original transaction (eg the original interbank settlement date or the original interbank
settlement amount), the aim being to establish whether the original transaction was also
settled using this other CSM. If it was not, for post-settlement R-transactions (pacs.004 and
pacs.007) the <OrgnlMsgId> of the R-transaction is, where necessary, marked with a

SDD/SCL technical specifications, version 3.0 Page 9 of 48
“NOMATCH” identifier. The R-transactions are then allocated the string “UNMATCHED” (or a
similar label) and forwarded.

In the case of pre-settlement R-transactions (pacs.002 and camt.056) routed via other CSMs,
transactions for which the outcome of the cross-referencing check is negative may result in the
individual transaction being rejected.

With regard to the cross-referencing check conducted by EBA CLEARING, the latter only
permits the submission of R-transactions during a specific period, which may vary depending
on the message type and service. EBA CLEARING has published details about this in its
“STEP2 Multi Purpose Direct Debits Core Service and B2B Service Functional Description”
document (section 4.4.4).
Excerpt from the document (as at 6 March 2017):
Date validation Data element CORE B2B
The latest date (number of TARGET days before D) on Sending date 0 0
which a Request for Cancellation Request can be sent
The latest date (number of TARGET days before D) on Sending date 0 0
which a Refusal or Reject can be sent
The latest date (number of TARGET days after D) on Sending date 5 5
which a Reversal can be submitted by the Creditor
The latest date (number of TARGET days after D) on Sending date 5 3
which a Return can be submitted by the Debtor Agent
The latest date (number of TARGET days after D) on Sending date 473 N/A
which a Request for Refund for an Authorized
transaction can be submitted by the Debtor Agent
The latest date (number of calendar days after D) on Sending date 4404 N/A
which a Request for Refund for an Unauthorized
transaction can be submitted by the Debtor Agent

Compliance with EBA CLEARING’s above deadlines is not checked by the SEPA-Clearer.
Hence, non-compliance may result in these transactions being rejected by EBA CLEARING
after R-transactions have been routed to EBA CLEARING.

STEP2 M-PEDD Core service will not reject a refund for an authorised transaction if it arrives after the defined
STEP2 will reject a refund for an unauthorised transaction if it arrives after the defined timeline.
SDD/SCL technical specifications, version 3.0 Page 10 of 48
4 Daily reconciliation report for direct debits (DRD)
Summary of the SDD bulks submitted to and delivered from the SEPA-Clearer, a copy of which is made available to each SEPA-Clearer
participant in EBCDIC format every business day at the end of that day's SEPA-Clearer processing schedule. The DRD is not in XML format. A
separate DRD (DRD Core or DRD B2B) is made available to the SEPA-Clearer participant for each SDD service (Core and B2B). The DRD Core
service makes no distinction between Core and Cor1 bulks.5 However, the two payment types can be distinguished by the bulk message ID.
The DRD files delivered by the SEPA-Clearer in ASCII format using the EBICS communication infrastructure do not incorporate any special
characters for the line feed at the end of the data record.

Applies only to Cor1 R-transactions – where permitted
SDD/SCL technical specifications, version 3.0 Page 11 of 48
4.1 DRD header

Status Field name Format Content Item

M Record type 4x HDRD 0

M Service identifier 3x Core or B2B 4

M File type 3x DRD 7

M Sending institution 4!a2!a2!c SEPA-Clearer’s BIC 10

(in production mode: MARKDEFF; in test mode:

M Sender’s file reference 16!x SEPA-Clearer’s reference 18

M Date and time 6!n6!n YYMMDDHHMMSS 34

M Test code 1x Either “T” (test) or “P” (production), depending on the 46

processing environment

M Receiving institution 4!a2!a2!c3!c Originator’s BIC/clearing institution’s BIC 47

(not communication partner)

M Business date clearer 6!n SEPA-Clearer business day 58

SDD/SCL technical specifications, version 3.0 Page 12 of 48
4.2 DRD (pacs.003) direct debit bulks sent body
Submissions of original SEPA direct debits to the SEPA-Clearer by SEPA-Clearer participants

Status Field name Format Content Item

M Record type 4x DDSB 0

M Bulk reference 35x <MsgId> in group header 4

M Number direct debits processed 8n Number of processed transactions in a bulk 39

M Number direct debits rejected 8n Number of records rejected in a bulk 47

M Value direct debits processed 18d Total value of processed transactions in a bulk. If an entire bulk is
rejected: 0.00 55

M Value direct debits rejected 18d Total value of records rejected in a bulk. If an entire bulk is rejected, 73
total value of all transactions contained in the bulk

M Processing cycle number 2n Processing cycle in SDD Core service 91

 A “90” denotes processing after the first submission window
 A “91” denotes processing after the second submission window
 A “96” denotes processing after the third submission window
 A “99” denotes processing after the fourth submission window

Processing cycle in SDD B2B service

 A “90” denotes processing after the first submission window
 A “91” denotes processing after the second submission window
 A “92” denotes processing after the third submission window
 A “95” denotes processing after the fourth submission window
 A “99” denotes processing after the fifth submission window

SDD/SCL technical specifications, version 3.0 Page 13 of 48
4.3 DRD (pacs.004) return/refund bulks sent body
Submissions of returns/refunds to the SEPA-Clearer by SEPA-Clearer participants

Status Field name Format Content Item

M Record type 4x DFSB 0

M Bulk reference 35x <MsgId> in group header 4

M Number of returns/refunds 8n Number of processed transactions in a bulk

processed 39

M Number of returns/refunds 8n Number of records rejected in a bulk 47


M Value of returns/refunds 18d Total value of processed transactions in a bulk. 55

processed If an entire bulk is rejected: 0.00

M Value of returns/refunds rejected 18d Total value of records rejected in a bulk. If an entire bulk is rejected, 73
total value of all transactions contained in the bulk

M Processing cycle number 2n Processing cycle in SDD Core service 91

 A “90” denotes processing after the first submission window
 A “91” denotes processing after the second submission window
 A “99” denotes processing after the fourth submission window
Processing cycle in SDD B2B service
 A “90” denotes processing after the first submission window
 A “91” denotes processing after the second submission window
 A “92” denotes processing after the third submission window
 A “99” denotes processing after the fifth submission window

SDD/SCL technical specifications, version 3.0 Page 14 of 48
4.4 DRD (pacs.007) reversal bulks sent body
Submissions of reversals to the SEPA-Clearer by SEPA-Clearer participants

Status Field name Format Content Item

M Record type 4x DVSB 0

M Bulk reference 35x <MsgId> in group header 4

M Number of reversals processed 8n Number of processed transactions in a bulk 39

M Number of reversals rejected 8n Number of records rejected in a bulk 47

M Value of reversals processed 18d Total value of processed transactions in a bulk.

If an entire bulk is rejected: 0.00 55

M Value of reversals rejected 18d Total value of records rejected in a bulk. 73

If an entire bulk is rejected: total value of the bulk

M Processing cycle number 2n Processing cycle in SDD Core service 91

 A “90” denotes processing after the first submission window
 A “91” denotes processing after the second submission window
 A “99” denotes processing after the fourth submission window

Processing cycle in SDD B2B service

 A “90” denotes processing after the first submission window
 A “91” denotes processing after the second submission window
 A “92” denotes processing after the third submission window
 A “99” denotes processing after the fifth submission window

SDD/SCL technical specifications, version 3.0 Page 15 of 48
4.5 DRD (pacs.002) reject bulks sent body
Submissions of rejections to the SEPA-Clearer by SEPA-Clearer participants

Status Field name Format Content Item

M Record type 4x DJSB 0

M Bulk reference 35x <MsgId> in group header 4

M Number rejects processed 8n Number of processed transactions in a bulk 39

M Number rejects rejected 8n Number of records rejected in a bulk 47

M Value rejects processed 18d Total value of processed transactions in a bulk.

If an entire bulk is rejected: 0.00 55

M Value rejects rejected 18d Total value of records rejected in a bulk. 73

If an entire bulk is rejected: total value of the bulk

M Processing cycle number 2n Processing cycle in SDD Core service 91

 A “90” denotes processing after the first submission window
 A “91” denotes processing after the second submission window
 A “99” denotes processing after the fourth submission window

Processing cycle in SDD B2B service

 A “90” denotes processing after the first submission window
 A “91” denotes processing after the second submission window
 A “92” denotes processing after the third submission window
 A “99” denotes processing after the fifth submission window

SDD/SCL technical specifications, version 3.0 Page 16 of 48
4.6 DRD (camt.056) payment cancellation request bulks sent body
Submissions of payment cancellation requests (PCRs) to the SEPA-Clearer by SEPA-Clearer participants

Status Field name Format Content Item

M Record type 4x DCSB 0
M Bulk reference 35x <Id> belonging to assignment 4
M Number PCRs processed 8n Number of processed transactions in a bulk 39
M Number PCRs rejected 8n Number of records rejected in a bulk 47
M Value PCRs processed 18d Total value of processed transactions in a bulk. 55
If an entire bulk is rejected: 0.00
M Value PCRs rejected 18d Total value of records rejected in a bulk. 73
If an entire bulk is rejected: total value of the bulk
M Processing cycle number 2n Processing cycle in SDD Core service 91
 A “90” denotes processing after the first submission window
 A “91” denotes processing after the second submission window
 A “99” denotes processing after the fourth submission window

Processing cycle in SDD B2B service

 A “90” denotes processing after the first submission window
 A “91” denotes processing after the second submission window
 A “92” denotes processing after the third submission window
 A “99” denotes processing after the fifth submission window

SDD/SCL technical specifications, version 3.0 Page 17 of 48
4.7 DRD (pacs.003) direct debit bulks received body
Deliveries of SEPA direct debits from the SEPA-Clearer to SEPA-Clearer participants

Status Field name Format Content Item

M Record type 4x DDRB 0
M Bulk reference 35x <MsgId> in group header 4
M Number direct debits received 8n Number of delivered transactions in a bulk 39
M Value direct debits received 18d Total value of delivered transactions in a bulk 47
M Processing cycle number 2n Processing cycle in SDD Core service 65
 A “90” denotes deliveries from the first delivery window
 A “91” denotes deliveries from the second delivery window
 A “93” denotes deliveries from the third delivery window
 A “96” denotes deliveries from the fourth delivery window
 A “98” denotes deliveries from the fifth delivery window
 A “99” denotes deliveries from the sixth delivery window

Processing cycle in SDD B2B service

 A “90” denotes deliveries from the first delivery window
 A “91” denotes deliveries from the second delivery window
 A “92” denotes deliveries from the third delivery window
 A “93” denotes deliveries from the fourth delivery window
 A “95” denotes deliveries from the fifth delivery window
 A “97” denotes deliveries from the sixth delivery window
 A “99” denotes deliveries from the seventh delivery window

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4.8 DRD (pacs.004) return bulks received body
Deliveries of returns from the SEPA-Clearer to SEPA-Clearer participants

Status Field name Format Content Item

M Record type 4x DFDB 0
M Bulk reference 35x <MsgId> in group header 4
M Number returns received 8n Number of delivered transactions in a bulk 39
M Value returns received 18d Total value of delivered transactions in a bulk 47
M Processing cycle number 2n Processing cycle in SDD Core service 65
 A “90” denotes deliveries from the first delivery window
 A “91” denotes deliveries from the second delivery window
 A “93” denotes deliveries from the third delivery window
 A “98” denotes deliveries from the fifth delivery window
 A “99” denotes deliveries from the sixth delivery window

Processing cycle in SDD B2B service

 A “90” denotes deliveries from the first delivery window
 A “91” denotes deliveries from the second delivery window
 A “92” denotes deliveries from the third delivery window
 A “93” denotes deliveries from the fourth delivery window
 A “97” denotes deliveries from the sixth delivery window
 A “99” denotes deliveries from the seventh delivery window

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4.9 DRD (pacs.007) reversal bulks received body
Deliveries of reversals from the SEPA-Clearer to SEPA-Clearer participants

Status Field name Format Content Item

M Record type 4x DVDB 0
M Bulk reference 35x <MsgId> in group header 4
M Number of reversals received 8n Number of delivered transactions in a bulk 39
M Value of reversals received 18d Total value of delivered transactions in a bulk 47
M Processing cycle number 2n Processing cycle in SDD Core service 65
 A “90” denotes deliveries from the first delivery window
 A “91” denotes deliveries from the second delivery window
 A “93” denotes deliveries from the third delivery window
 A “98” denotes deliveries from the fifth delivery window
 A “99” denotes deliveries from the sixth delivery window

Processing cycle in SDD B2B service

 A “90” denotes deliveries from the first delivery window
 A “91” denotes deliveries from the second delivery window
 A “92” denotes deliveries from the third delivery window
 A “93” denotes deliveries from the fourth delivery window
 A “97” denotes deliveries from the sixth delivery window
 A “99” denotes deliveries from the seventh delivery window

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4.10 DRD (pacs.002) reject bulks received body
Deliveries of rejections from the SEPA-Clearer to SEPA-Clearer participants

Status Field name Format Content Item

M Record type 4x “DJRB” 0
M Bulk reference 35x <MsgId> in group header 4
M Number rejections received 8n Number of delivered transactions in a bulk 39
M Value rejects received 18d Total value of delivered transactions in a bulk 47
M Processing cycle number 2n Processing cycle in SDD Core service 65
 A “90” denotes deliveries from the first delivery window
 A “91” denotes deliveries from the second delivery window
 A “93” denotes deliveries from the third delivery window
 A “98” denotes deliveries from the fifth delivery window
 A “99” denotes deliveries from the sixth delivery window

Processing cycle in SDD B2B service

 A “90” denotes deliveries from the first delivery window
 A “91” denotes deliveries from the second delivery window
 A “92” denotes deliveries from the third delivery window
 A “93” denotes deliveries from the fourth delivery window
 A “97” denotes deliveries from the sixth delivery window
 A “99” denotes deliveries from the seventh delivery window

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4.11 DRD (camt.056) payment cancellation request bulks received body
Deliveries of payment cancellation requests (PCRs) from the SEPA-Clearer to SEPA-Clearer participants

Status Field name Format Content Item

M Record type 4x DCRB 0
M Bulk reference 35x <Id> belonging to assignment 4
M Number PCRs received 8n Number of delivered transactions in a bulk 39
M Value PCRs received 18d Total value of delivered transactions in a bulk 47
M Processing cycle number 2n Processing cycle in SDD Core service 65
 A “90” denotes deliveries from the first delivery window
 A “91” denotes deliveries from the second delivery window
 A “93” denotes deliveries from the third delivery window
 A “98” denotes deliveries from the fifth delivery window
 A “99” denotes deliveries from the sixth delivery window

Processing cycle in SDD B2B service

 A “90” denotes deliveries from the first delivery window
 A “91” denotes deliveries from the second delivery window
 A “92” denotes deliveries from the third delivery window
 A “93” denotes deliveries from the fourth delivery window
 A “97” denotes deliveries from the sixth delivery window
 A “99” denotes deliveries from the seventh delivery window

SDD/SCL technical specifications, version 3.0 Page 22 of 48
4.12 DRD trailer

Status Field name Format Content Item

M Record type 4x TDRD 0

M Total number of records 6n Number of DRD bodies 4

SDD/SCL technical specifications, version 3.0 Page 23 of 48
5 XML file header

5.1 Input debit file (IDF) header


see annex 1

5.2 Debit validation file (DVF) header


see annex 2

5.3 Debit notification file (DNF) header


see annex 3

5.4 Settled debit file (SDF) header


see annex 4

5.5 Unsettled debit file (UDF) header

see annex 5

5.6 Result of settlement file (RSF) header


see annex 6

SDD/SCL technical specifications, version 3.0 Page 24 of 48
6 XML interbank messages
6.1 SEPA direct debit – interbank direct debit

see annex 7

6.2 SEPA direct debit – interbank direct debit reject SCL


see annex 8

6.3 SEPA direct debit – interbank direct debit reject


see annex 9

6.4 SEPA direct debit – interbank payment cancellation request


see annex 10

6.5 SEPA direct debit – interbank direct debit return/refund

see annex 11

6.6 SEPA direct debit – interbank direct debit reversal


see annex 12

SDD/SCL technical specifications, version 3.0 Page 25 of 48
7 Use of the instructing agent/instructed agent
The following section provides an overview of how the instructing agent, the instructed agent
and the receiving institution and sending institution are to be specified at the different
message levels (file, bulk or individual transaction level). The “InstructedAgentRule” and the
“InstructingAgentRule” must be observed in accordance with the ISO 20022 standard. The
latter rule encompasses an exclusion principle, which clearly states that the instructing agent
may be specified only in the group header or at individual transaction level. This principle
also applies to the instructed agent.

The following information is not intended to depict all the data elements that can or must
contain a BIC in a SEPA direct debit message but rather to identify the key actors involved in
payment processing using the SEPA-Clearer.

Brief overview of key individual actors

Sending institution <SndgInst> in the file header: should contain the BIC of the file
sender (communication partner).
A file delivered to the SEPA-Clearer may contain bulks from one or more instructing agents.
The BIC of the sending institution can deviate from that of the instructing agent and need not
be listed in the SCL Directory. This is, for example, the case for technical service providers
who themselves are not participants in the SEPA-Clearer.
A file sent by the SEPA-Clearer contains exactly one bulk. “MARKDEFF” (in the test:
“MARKDEF0”) is entered as the sending institution.

Receiving institution <RcvgInst> in the file header: should contain the BIC of the file
recipient (communication partner).
A file sent by the SEPA-Clearer contains exactly one bulk for an instructed agent. The BIC of
the receiving institution can deviate from that of the instructed agent and need not be listed in
the SCL Directory. This is, for example, the case for technical service providers who
themselves are not participants in the SEPA-Clearer.
In a file delivered to the SEPA-Clearer “MARKDEFF” (in the test: “MARKDEF0”) must be
specified as the receiving institution.

Instructing agent <InstgAgt> in the group header:6 should contain the BIC of the
submitter of a bulk submitted to the SEPA-Clearer. This BIC can, but need not necessarily,
be listed in the SCL Directory. The countervalue of the submitted bulk is settled using the
technical sub-account on the TARGET2 SSP specified by the submitter for the purpose of
effecting financial settlement via the SEPA-Clearer during the corresponding SDD/SCC
settlement cycle. The BIC of the instructing agent in the group header can deviate from that
of the payment service provider at the individual transaction level.

In the case of submissions, this applies equally to the assigner behind the assignment of the message type
SDD/SCL technical specifications, version 3.0 Page 26 of 48
In the files delivered by the SEPA-Clearer, the field instructing agent in the group header is
left blank.

Instructed agent <InstdAgt> in the group header:7 In the files delivered by the SEPA-
Clearer, the field instructed agent contains the BIC of the SEPA-Clearer participant whose
technical sub-account is used on the TARGET2 Single Shared Platform for the purpose of
effecting financial settlement during the corresponding SDD/SCC settlement cycle. This BIC
can, but need not necessarily, be listed in the SCL Directory. The BIC of the instructed agent
can deviate from that of the debtor/creditor agent at the individual transaction level.
In the case of submissions to the SEPA-Clearer, this field must be left blank.

Instructing agent <InstgAgt> at the individual transaction level:8 should contain the BIC
of the original submitter to the SEPA-Clearer of the bulk in which the transaction was
contained. Upon delivery of the transaction, this BIC is entered at individual transaction level
by the SEPA-Clearer and can, but need not necessarily, be listed in the SCL Directory. The
BIC of the instructing agent can deviate from that of the debtor/creditor agent at the individual
transaction level.
In the case of submissions to the SEPA-Clearer, this field must be left blank.

Instructed agent <InstdAgt> at the individual transaction level:9 this field is not
supported at the individual transaction level, nor is it a component of the SEPA-Clearer
schema files.

Debtor agent BIC <DbtrAgt> at the individual transaction level: should contain the BIC of
the payer's payment service provider (debtor bank). It is essential that this BIC is listed in the
SCL Directory as it is the key criterion for routing the payment in the SDD service.

Creditor agent BIC <CdtrAgt> at the individual transaction level: should contain the BIC
of the payee's payment service provider (creditor bank). This BIC must be listed in the SCL

In the case of deliveries, this applies equally to the assignee in the assignment of the message type camt.056.
In the case of deliveries, this applies equally to the assigner at the individual transaction level of the message
type camt.056.
In the case of deliveries, this applies equally to the assignee at the individual transaction level of the message
type camt.056.
SDD/SCL technical specifications, version 3.0 Page 27 of 48
Sample entry for the maximum number of different BICs in an input debit file:

File header:

Group header:

SDD/SCL technical specifications, version 3.0 Page 28 of 48
Individual transaction level:

SDD/SCL technical specifications, version 3.0 Page 29 of 48
8 Error codes/rejection reason codes
Error codes used in connection with the structural check of an input debit file (IDF) by the SEPA-Clearer
The errors described below result in the entire file being rejected by means of DVF (exception: A01)
Error code Nature of error
A01 IDF was partially rejected.
R02 The file name designation does not conform with the rules (code currently not in use).
R04 The sender’s BIC in the file name does not conform with the rules (code currently not in use).
R07 SWIFTNet FileAct request type does not conform with the rules.
R09 IDF was completely rejected as it does not conform with the rules for other reasons
(eg character set data deviate from UTF-8).
R10 IDF does not correspond to the schema and therefore cannot be processed.
R11 Sender's BIC (<SndgInst>) is incorrect.
R12 Recipient’s BIC (<RcvgInst>) is incorrect.
R13 IDF is a duplicate.
R14 Error in test code (<TstCode>).
R18 Number of direct debit bulks contained in the IDF does not match the figure given in the file header.
R19 Number of PCR bulks contained in the IDF does not match the figure given in the file header.
R20 Number of return/refund bulks contained in the IDF does not match the figure given in the file header.
R21 Number of reject bulks contained in the IDF does not match the figure given in the file header.
R22 Number of reversal bulks contained in the IDF does not match the figure given in the file header.
R98 IDF rejected as prefixes used at group header or single record level (code currently not in use).
S01 IDF rejected as maximum permissible number of bulks in a file was exceeded.

SDD/SCL technical specifications, version 3.0 Page 30 of 48
Error codes used in connection with the structural check of a bulk by the SEPA-Clearer
The errors described below result in the entire bulk being rejected by means of DVF (exception: B01).
Error code Nature of error Type pacs.002SCL
B01 Bulk was partially rejected. PRTRY X
B02 Maximum permissible number of transactions contained in a bulk was exceeded. PRTRY X
B03 Number of transactions contained in a bulk does not match the figure given in the group PRTRY X
B05 Total amount in the field <TtlIntrBkSttlnAmt>, <TtlRtrdIntrBkSttlmAmt> or PRTRY X
<TtlRvsdIntrBkSttlmAmt> does not match the sum of the transactions in the bulk.
B09 Entire bulk was rejected as all transactions contained in it were rejected. The specific PRTRY X
reasons for rejecting each transaction are stated accordingly.
B10 Entire bulk was rejected either because the instructing agent has to be included in the IDF PRTRY X
group header or the specified instructing agent is not authorised to make submissions for
the submitted payment type.
B11 Entire bulk was rejected as the instructed agent must not be included in the IDF group PRTRY X
B12 Entire bulk was rejected as the assigner was not authorised to make submissions or the PRTRY X
assignee data were incorrect.
B14 Entire bulk was rejected as the <MsgId> or <Id> appears in duplicate. PRTRY X
B15 Entire bulk was rejected as the date in the field <IntrBkSttlmDt> or <OrgnlIntrBkSttlmDt> PRTRY X
falls outside the permitted time period.
B23 Rejection of individual transactions owing to another CSM's bulk rejection to the SEPA- PRTRY X
Clearer. The individual transactions are each rejected with the error code “B23”.
B30 Entire bulk was rejected as submission with a message type for R-transactions took place PRTRY X
between 10.00 and 15.00 (SDD Core service) and/or between 11.00 and 14.00 (SDD B2B
B40 Entire bulk was rejected as it contains more than 999 erroneous transactions. Specific PRTRY X
reasons for rejection are only stated for the validated, erroneous individual transactions.
B97 Entire bulk (pacs.002 or camt.056) was rejected as no clear <IntrBkSttlmDt> or PRTRY X

SDD/SCL technical specifications, version 3.0 Page 31 of 48
Error code Nature of error Type pacs.002SCL
<OrnglIntrBkSttlmDt> could be identified.
B98 Entire bulk was rejected as the <MsgId> (GrpHdr) or <Id> (Assgnmt) does not conform PRTRY X
with the format rules.
B99 Bulk was rejected for other reasons. PRTRY X

SDD/SCL technical specifications, version 3.0 Page 32 of 48
Individual transaction-related error codes (SEPA-Clearer and other CSMs) or rejection codes (banks) specific to the individual transaction:
Code ISO 20022 designation SEPA Core reason Nature of error Initiator Type

(pursuant to EPC
Implementation Guidelines, SDD

Core, 2017, version 1.0)

AC01 IncorrectAccountNumber Account identifier incorrect (ie See description on left Banks/ ISO X X
invalid IBAN or account SEPA-
number does not exist) Clearer
AC04 ClosedAccountNumber Account closed See description on left Banks ISO X X
AC06 BlockedAccount Account blocked See description on left Banks ISO X X
Account blocked for direct
debit by the debtor
AC13 InvalidDebtorAccount Debtor account is a See description on left Banks ISO X X
Type consumer account
AGNT IncorrectAgent Agent in the payment See description on left Banks ISO X
workflow is incorrect
AG01 TransactionForbidden Direct debit forbidden on this See description on left Banks ISO X X
account for regulatory reason
AG02 InvalidBankOperation Operation code/transaction See description on left Banks/ ISO X X
Code code/sequence type SEPA-
incorrect, invalid file format. Clearer
Usage rule: To be used to
indicate an incorrect
'operation code / transaction
code / sequence type'.
AM04 InsufficientFunds Insufficient funds See description on left Banks ISO X X
AM05 Duplication Duplicate collection/entry See description on left Banks/ ISO X X X X

SDD/SCL technical specifications, version 3.0 Page 33 of 48
Code ISO 20022 designation SEPA Core reason Nature of error Initiator Type

(pursuant to EPC
Implementation Guidelines, SDD

Core, 2017, version 1.0)

BE05 UnrecognisedInitiating Identifier of the creditor Originator not known – creditor ID Banks ISO X X
Party incorrect incorrect
CNOR Creditor bank is not Creditor bank is not Payee’s payment service provider Banks ISO X
registered registered under this BIC in is not registered under this BIC in
the CSM the CSM
CURR IncorrectCurrency Currency of the payment is Currency used for payment (= Banks ISO X
incorrect EUR) is incorrect
CUST RequestedByCustomer --- Recall by customer Banks ISO X
CUTA CancelUponUnableTo --- Recall owing to find request Banks ISO X
DNOR Debtor bank is not Debtor bank is not registered Payer’s payment service provider Banks ISO X
registered under this BIC in the CSM is not registered under this BIC in
the CSM
DUPL DuplicatePayment Payment is a duplicate of See description on left Banks ISO X
another payment
DT01 InvalidDate Date falls outside the time period Other ISO X
permitted by other CSMs (see also CSMs/
item 2(2) on cross-referencing by SEPA-
other CSMs) or the SEPA-Clearer’s Clearer
time corridor.
ED05 SettlementFailed Unsuccessful settlement (rejected Other ISO X
by means of RSF) CSMs/

SDD/SCL technical specifications, version 3.0 Page 34 of 48
Code ISO 20022 designation SEPA Core reason Nature of error Initiator Type

(pursuant to EPC
Implementation Guidelines, SDD

Core, 2017, version 1.0)

FRAD --- --- Payment effected fraudulently Banks PRTRY X

MD01 NoMandate No valid mandate See description on left Banks/ ISO X X X
MD02 MissingMandatory Mandate missing or incorrect See description on left Banks/ ISO X X
InformationInMandate other
MD06 RefundRequestedByEnd Refund: disputed authorised Refund: direct debit transaction Banks ISO X
Customer transaction disputed by the debtor
MD07 EndCustomerDeceased Debtor deceased See description on left Banks ISO X X
MS02 NotSpecifiedReason Refusal by the debtor Debtor initiates a rejection Banks ISO X X X
MS03 NotSpecifiedReason Reason not specified Reason for return not specified by Banks ISO X X X
AgentGenerated payment service provider
PY01 --- --- The transaction cannot be SEPA- PRTRY X
processed as the payer's and/or Clearer
the payee's payment service
provider is/are not registered as a
direct or indirect participant in the
STEP2 SDD service
RC01 BankIdentifierIncorrect Bank identifier incorrect See description on left Banks ISO X X
(ie invalid BIC)

SDD/SCL technical specifications, version 3.0 Page 35 of 48
RR01 MissingDebtorAccount Regulatory reason See description on left Banks ISO X X
RR02 MissingDebtorNameOr Regulatory reason See description on left Banks ISO X X
RR03 MissingCreditorNameOr Regulatory reason See description on left Banks ISO X X
RR04 Regulatory reason Regulatory reason See description on left Banks ISO X X
SL01 DueToSpecificServices Specific service offered by Reason for return: designated Banks ISO X X
OfferedByDebtorAgent the debtor bank service offered by the debtor bank
whereby all direct debits that are
not expressly authorised by
customers are returned
TECH --- --- Payment effected erroneously due Banks PRTRY X
to technical problems
UPAY UnduePayment --- Unauthorised payment Banks ISO X
XD19 --- --- Issued if the country code is a valid SEPA- PRTRY X
ISO or SEPA country code but the Clearer
(country-specific) structure of the
IBAN or the check digits is
The field with the invalid IBAN is
specified in the field “StsRsn”.

SDD/SCL technical specifications, version 3.0 Page 36 of 48
XT13 --- --- The transaction contains at least SEPA- PRTRY X
one field which is not supported. Clearer
At least one mandatory field is
missing from the transaction.
The invalid XML field is indicated
by the error code (if a code exists).
XT27 --- --- The transaction contains at least SEPA- PRTRY X
one element with a BIC not listed in Clearer
the SCL Directory
XT33 --- --- The content of at least one XML SEPA- PRTRY X
element is not in the format Clearer
The invalid XML field is indicated
by the error code.
XT43 --- --- Type of direct debit (Core/B2B) SEPA- PRTRY X
differs from the entry in the Clearer
<SrvcId> in the file header
XT53 --- --- Verification of the creditor identifier SEPA- PRTRY X
(<CdtrSchmeId><Id>) regarding Clearer
structure/check digits failed

SDD/SCL technical specifications, version 3.0 Page 37 of 48
XT73 --- --- The two characters forming the SEPA- PRTRY X
country code do not constitute a Clearer
valid ISO or SEPA country code
XT74 --- --- Invalid underlying original Other PRTRY X
transaction CSMs
Further check required
XT75 --- --- Invalid status of underlying original SEPA- PRTRY X
transaction from R-message Clearer/
No further action required Other
XT76 --- --- Invalid error code (in return/refund) SEPA- PRTRY X
XT77 --- --- The originally instructed amount Other PRTRY X
<OrgnlIntrBkSttlmAmt> was not CSMs
found or does not match the
original transaction amount
XT78 --- --- pacs.004.001.01: The amount Other PRTRY X
entered in <OrgnlIntrBkSttlmAmt> CSMs/
plus <CompstnAmt> plus SEPA-
<ChrgsInf> <Amt> must add up to Clearer
<RtrdIntrBkSttlmAmt> if
<CompstnAmt> and/or
<ChrgsInf><Amt> exist(s).
XT79 --- --- The <DbtrAgt> is not permitted to Other PRTRY X
receive direct debits. A direct CSMs
participant must be permitted to
receive direct debits from the
clearing system.

SDD/SCL technical specifications, version 3.0 Page 38 of 48
XT80 --- --- The <CdtrAgt> is not permitted to Other PRTRY X
send direct debits. An indirect CSMs
participant must be enabled to
send direct debits to the clearing
XT99 --- --- Direct debit rejected for other SEPA- PRTRY X
reasons (code currently not in use) Clearer

SDD/SCL technical specifications, version 3.0 Page 39 of 48
9 Character set
The SEPA-Clearer supports the full UTF-8 character set.
Pursuant to the SEPA rulebooks, PSPs must be able to support the following Latin character
set commonly used in international communication.

However, it can be agreed on a bilateral or multilateral basis to support one or more UTF-8
character sets in addition to the Latin character set (eg the Greek character set). This applies
above all to message elements containing the purpose of payment, name and address of the
payer (creditor) and payee (debtor). Unless prevented by the schema parameters, the SEPA-
Clearer therefore delivers data records featuring UTF-8 characters not contained in the Latin
character set to the recipient in unchanged format.

Checks by the SEPA-Clearer

(1) When files are submitted (IDFs), the SEPA-Clearer checks whether their prologue
contains the following information in line with the usage rules applying to the UTF-8 character

<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8”?>

If any other character set is entered, the entire file is rejected using the error code R09.

(2) No character set checks beyond those covering compliance with the UTF-8 character set
are carried out by the SEPA-Clearer.

SDD/SCL technical specifications, version 3.0 Page 40 of 48
10 Notes on format/status
10.1 Explanatory notes on the format of XML file headers and daily reconciliation

Format Description

a Alpha, capital letters

c Alphanumeric,
letters: capital letters

d Decimal
including decimal point and two decimal places

n Numeric

x Characters in accordance with Latin character set, in some

cases restricted by XSD schema file (see also section entitled
“Character set”)

3!a Precisely three alphanumeric characters


ISODateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss


M Mandatory field

O Optional field

10.2 Completing amount fields in line with the schema

Sample entry Processing in the SEPA-Clearer

996.5 One decimal place 996.50

997. No decimal places 997.00

998 No decimal point and no decimal places 998.00

Submitted files containing amounts with a comma and/or more than two decimal places do
not conform to the schema and are therefore rejected using error code R10. Amounts may
not be smaller than €0.01 and must not exceed €999999999.99.

10.3 Use of filling characters in the amount fields

The XML parser accepts characters that function as “fillers” in an XML context. These may
be entered in the amount fields in an XML environment, however their use may result in
processing problems for the receiving/processing institution. We therefore advise against
using such filling characters.

SDD/SCL technical specifications, version 3.0 Page 41 of 48
The fillers listed below are recognised by the XML parser and routed/processed as follows by
the SCL.

1. Leading zeros before the decimal point and trailing zeros after the
decimal point
The SEPA-Clearer ignores the redundant zeros and delivers the amount with the first
and the last significant characters to the SCL participant.
Submission to the SCL:

Delivery by the SCL:

<IntrBkSttlmAmt Ccy=“EUR”>1.01<IntrBkSttlmAmt>

2. Spaces in the amount field

The SEPA-Clearer ignores the redundant spaces and delivers the amount with the first
and the last significant characters to the SCL participant.
Submission to the SCL:
<IntrBkSttlmAmt Ccy=“EUR”> 2.02 </IntrBkSttlmAmt>

Delivery by the SCL:

<IntrBkSttlmAmt Ccy=“EUR”>2.02</IntrBkSttlmAmt>

10.4 Use of white spaces in XML fields, in this case the “collapsing” procedure
“White spaces” form part of the standard XML environment. They are also permitted for the
decimal data type, which is set as standard for the amount field.

Neither the ISO 20022 standard nor the EPC’s Implementation Guidelines make provisions
for any restrictions to this arrangement. As a rule, white spaces can be processed by XML
parsers. However, problems can occur, eg when customised solutions have been
programmed or the XML data records have been converted to different formats for further

We therefore advise against using spaces in the tags as this may result in processing
problems for the receiving/processing institution.

CSMs have stipulated the following format rules for a variety of “string”-derived fields in their
schema files. In the description, the white spaces facet was set to “collapse” in the schema
files. Detailed information on the procedure used in XML parsing can be found in the
document “W3C Recommendation 28 October 2004, XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes
Second Edition”, the contents of which can be called up using the internet link provided

SDD/SCL technical specifications, version 3.0 Page 42 of 48

For reasons of interoperability, this “collapsing” procedure was integrated into the SEPA-
Clearer’s schema files with the same level of effect, meaning that, overall, and wherever
necessary both submissions to and deliveries from the SEPA-Clearer undergo the above
procedure as part of the XML parsing process.

10.5 Namespace declaration

Message instances (ie messages exchanged between PSPs and the SEPA-Clearer) must
contain the name space declaration at bulk level. This declaration thereafter applies to all
tags contained in the message; individual tags therefore need not be identified with the prefix
“sw”. SCL participants must take care to adhere to the stipulated entries/declaration (see
also sample files). Prefix data at the bulk and individual transaction level result in the entire
file being rejected using the error code R98 (implementation at a later expansion stage only).

SCL delivery messages to PSPs are likewise sent without a prefix at “tag level”.

Sample message instance:

<SCLSDD:pacs.003.001.02 xmlns=“urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:sdd:pacs.003.001.02”>

11 Compression procedures
11.1 FileAct

Files may be transmitted in either direction in compressed or uncompressed format as

desired by the customer. To this end, the following compression procedures may be used.
 FLAM11 (which uses the ADC compression mode as it offers the highest compression

11.2 EBICS
In EBICS, the ZIP compression procedure must be supported when transmitting files in either

See the procedural rules on communication via SWIFTNet FileAct for the Deutsche Bundesbank's Retail
Payment System (RPS) and the RPS SEPA-Clearer (SCL).
FLAM (Frankenstein-Limes-Access-Method) is a registered trademark of limes datentechnik gmbh,
Friedrichsdorf, Germany.
See the Deutsche Bundesbank’s procedural rules on communication via EBICS with deposit-taking credit
institutions and other account holders with a bank sort code.
SDD/SCL technical specifications, version 3.0 Page 43 of 48
12 General specifications of message elements
Creditor identifier (AT-02/AT-18)

The SEPA direct debit mandate features a creditor identifier which clearly identifies the
creditor without making any reference to an account. This information must be specified in
the SEPA data record when collecting a SEPA direct debit.

Together with the mandate reference number assigned by the direct debit creditor, this
creditor identifier is forwarded in the SEPA data record all the way along the chain of
payment processes to the payer. This identification must remain unambiguous and
consistent over time in order to allow the payer and the payer's PSP to check a mandate
when direct debit collection occurs. In Germany, creditor identifiers are allocated by the
Deutsche Bundesbank at

The creditor identifier is structured as specified in the EPC Implementation Guidelines under
AT-02. The creditor identifier is case and space insensitive.

Format rules
 Positions 1 and 2 contain the ISO country code.
 Positions 3 and 4 contain the check digits.
 Positions 5 to 7 contain the creditor business code which the creditor can complete
with any characters it sees fit. Spaces are prohibited, however. The default characters
entered for the creditor business code are “ZZZ”.
 Positions 8 to 35 contain the country-specific element.
 Note: the following preparatory steps are required in order to calculate the check digits:
o Preceding spaces are not taken into account.
o Positions 1 to 7 may not contain any spaces.
Hence, the following entries are prohibited and would result in the transactions being
rejected using the error code XT53.
<Id> DE98Zz Z09999999999 </Id>
<Id> DE98Z zZ09999999999 </Id>
<Id> DE98 ZzZ09999999999 </Id>
<Id> DE9 8ZzZ09999999999 </Id>
<Id> DE 98ZzZ09999999999 </Id>
<Id> D E98ZzZ09999999999 </Id>

The following entry would be permissible, however.

<Id> DE98ZzZ 09999999999 </Id>

Positions 5 to 7 are not included.

SDD/SCL technical specifications, version 3.0 Page 44 of 48
o All non-alphanumeric characters must be deleted from the country-specific
element (positions 8 to 35).
o The ISO country code and “00” must be added at the right-hand end.
o Letters should be converted into figures as shown in the table below.
A= 10 G= 16 M= 22 S= 28 Y= 34
B= 11 H= 17 N= 23 T= 29 Z= 35
C= 12 I= 18 O= 24 U= 30
D= 13 J= 19 P= 25 V= 31
E= 14 K= 20 Q= 26 W= 32
F= 15 L= 21 R= 27 X= 33

o The check digit procedure MOD 97-10 should be used to calculate the check digit
(see also ISO 7064).

SDD/SCL technical specifications, version 3.0 Page 45 of 48
13 TARGET2 referencing
TARGET2 issues settlement information (MT 900/MT 910) and electronic account
statements (MT 940/MT 950) for all accounts held under its auspices. The aforementioned
message types contain settlement references which serve to identify the SEPA direct debits
that are exchanged with the SEPA-Clearer.

1 Current order (ie liquidity transfer) automatically generated by the SEPA-Clearer from the
PM account to the relevant sub-account in the amount of the sum total of submitted or
delivered SEPA direct debit and SCC collections resulting in debit entries

Structure of the settlement reference in field 21 (MT 900/MT 910) and field 61, sub-field 7 of
MT 940/MT 950:
SCL Format Content
System 1-character, alphanumeric “S” (SCL)
AS action 2-character, alphanumeric “C” (current order) + No of cycles
Date 2-character, numeric “TT” (processing day)
Sequence number 2-character, numeric Number of the relevant sub-account
Serial number 9-character, numeric Unambiguous serial number within the
preceding reference information

In addition, field 72 of MT 900/MT 910 supports the codeword “ASINF” followed by the
information given below.

SCL Format Content

Current order 3-character, constant “CUO” (current order)
Processing cycle 2-character, numeric Phase 90 to 99
Settlement cycle 2-character, alphabetical First character: “I”, “O” or “X”
I = Input (settlement of bulks submitted to
the SCL)
O = Output (settlement of bulks delivered
from the SCL)
X = Error (settlement of rejected

Second character: A, B, C or D
A = SCT service
B = SDD service
C = SCC service
D = BCT service

In MT 940/MT 950, the information “<MARKDEFFEDE>HHMMSS” is additionally

incorporated into field 61, sub-field 9.

SDD/SCL technical specifications, version 3.0 Page 46 of 48
2 Settlement of submitted and delivered SDD bulks on the sub-account during the relevant
SDD/SCC settlement cycles of a settlement procedure

Structure of the settlement reference in field 21 of MT 900/MT 910 and field 61, sub-field 7 of
MT 940/MT 950:
SCL Format Content
System 1-character, alphanumeric “S” (SEPA-Clearer)
AS action 2-character, alphabetical First character: “I”, “O” or “X”
I = Input (settlement of bulks submitted to the
O = Output (settlement of bulks delivered
from the SCL)
X = Error (settlement of rejected

Second character: A, B, C or D
A = SCT service
B = SDD service
C = SCC service
D = BCT service
Current date 2-character, numeric Day of the current month
File ID 6-character, numeric Internal file ID
Bulk ID 3-character, numeric Bulk within the file
Serial number 2-character, numeric Serial number

In addition, field 72 of MT 900/MT 910 supports the code word “ASINF”, followed by the
information given below.

SCL Format Content

Bulk ID 35-character, Message identification (<MsgID>) in
alphanumeric group header or identification (<Id>)
belonging to the assignment of the
settled SDD bulk
Settlement date 6-character, numeric DDMMYY
Instructing or 11-character, From the group header or assignment
instructed agent alphanumeric of the booked SDD bulk
Submitted bulks: instructing agent or
Delivered bulks: instructed agent or
Indicates a partial 1-character, alphabetical P (= partial settlement)
settlement within a
In MT 940/MT 950, the information “<MARKDEFFEDE>HHMMSS” is additionally
incorporated into field 61, sub-field 9.

SDD/SCL technical specifications, version 3.0 Page 47 of 48
3 Return transfer of entire funds from the sub-account to the corresponding PM account after
completion of all settlements in a settlement procedure (SCT/BCT and SDD/SCC settlement
cycles) automatically initiated by the SEPA-Clearer
When retransferring the (entire amount of) liquidity from the sub-account to the PM account,
references are likewise assigned (note to such effect in field 21 of MT 900/MT 910 as well as
in field 61, sub-field 7 of MT 940/MT 950). In this case, however, these are merely internal
references assigned by the SEPA-Clearer application when communicating with the
TARGET2 platform. Hence, reconciliation with the underlying transactions is not possible.

SDD/SCL technical specifications, version 3.0 Page 48 of 48
Input Debit File (IDF) Header – BBkIDFBlkDirDeb


Input Debit File (IDF) Header

 File header for the submission of pacs.003-, pacs.002-, pacs.007-, pacs.004- and camt.056-bulks to the SEPA-Clearer.
 Parsing errors result in the file being rejected with the error code R10.
 The schema file BBkIDFBlkDirDeb specifies the IDF.

SDD annex 1 of appendix “SDD/SCL technical specifications“ – BBkIDFBlkDirDeb page 1 of 1


Message structure
Status Element/Attribut Format Content Checks SCL

1..1 SndgInst Name Sending Institution Sender’s 11-digit BIC Communication partner’s authorisation to
Typ sw6:BICIdentifier (communication partner) submit verified against the BIC in the group
BBkIDFBlkDirDeb Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) header.
+SndgInst {0,1} error code: R11
Part of the duplication check
error code: R13
1..1 RcvgInst Name Receiving Institution SEPA-Clearer's BIC (production: Check as to whether this element is
Typ BBkIDF:RcvgBICIdentifier MARKDEFF; test: MARKDEF0) allocated with the BIC of the SEPA-Clearer
BBkIDFBlkDirDeb error code: R12
Acceptable Codes
1..1 FileRef Name File Reference Sender’s reference, must be Part of the duplication check
Typ BBkIDF:Max16Text unique on operating day error code: R13
BBkIDFBlkDirDeb Pattern [0-9A-Z]{16,16}
1..1 SrvcId Name Service Identifier COR or B2B Only COR or B2B can be used (schema
Typ BBkIDF:SrvcID validation)
Acceptable Codes
1..1 TstCode Name Test Code Either “T” (test) or “P” (production), error code: R14
Typ BBkIDF:TestCodeType depending on the
BBkIDFBlkDirDeb processing environment
Acceptable Codes
1..1 FType Name File Type IDF
Typ BBkIDF:FType
Acceptable Codes

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

BBkIDFBlkDirDeb; SCL SDD; 2017 page 1 of 2

Status Element/Attribut Format Content Checks SCL

1..1 FDtTm Name File Date and Time File creation date and time
Typ sw3:ISODateTime
BBkIDFBlkDirDeb Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2}[T][0-9]{2,2}:
+FDtTm [0-9]{2,2}:[0-9]{2,2}[\S]*
1..1 NumDDBlk Name Total Number of pacs.003 Bulks Total number of direct debit bulks in Number of bulks contained in the file is not
Typ BBkIDF:Max8NumericText IDF consistent with the number given. error
BBkIDFBlkDirDeb Pattern [0-9]{1,8} code: R18
+NumDDBlk Maximum of 999 bulks per file is permitted
error code: S01
1..1 NumPCRBlk Name Total Number of Total number of payment Number of bulks contained in the file is not
camt.056 cancellation request bulks in IDF consistent with the number given.
BBkIDFBlkDirDeb Payment error code: R19
+NumPCRBlk Cancellation Maximum of 999 bulks per file is permitted
Request-Bulks error code: S01
Typ BBkIDF:Max8NumericText
Pattern [0-9]{1,8}
1..1 NumREJBlk Name Total Number of Total number of reject (including Number of bulks contained in the file is not
pacs.002 Rejects refusal) bulks in IDF consistent with the number given. error
BBkIDFBlkDirDeb Bulks code: R21
+NumREJBlk Typ BBkIDF:Max8NumericText Maximum of 999 bulks per file is permitted
Pattern [0-9]{1,8} error code: S01
1..1 NumRVSBlk Name Total Number of Total number of reversal bulks in Number of bulks contained in the file is not
pacs.007 IDF. consistent with the number given. error
BBkIDFBlkDirDeb Reversals Bulks code: R22
+NumRVSBlk Typ BBkIDF:Max8NumericText Maximum of 999 bulks per file is permitted
error code: R22
1..1 NumRFRBlk Name Total Number of Total number of return/refund Number of bulks contained in the file is not
pacs.004 bulks in IDF. consistent with the number given. error
BBkIDFBlkDirDeb Returns/Refunds code: R20
+NumRFRBlk Bulks Maximum of 999 bulks per file is permitted
Typ BBkIDF:Max8NumericText error code: S01
Pattern [0-9]{1,8}

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

BBkIDFBlkDirDeb; SCL SDD; 2017 page 2 of 2
Debit Validation File (DVF) Header – BBkDVFBlkDirDeb


Debit Validation File (DVF) Header

 File header for file, bulk and individual transaction rejections of SDD files by the SEPA-Clearer.
o Parsing errors result in a complete reject of the submitted IDF with the error code R10; this is entered into the element IDF
error code (<IdfErrCd>) of the DVF header.
o For individual transaction and bulk rejects, the pacs.002.001.03SCLSDD is added to the DVF header.
 The DVF header is used for both technical and functional errors.
 The schema file BBkIDFBlkDirDeb specifies the DVF.

SDD annex 2 of appendix “SDD/SCL technical specifications “ – BBkDVFBlkDirDeb page 1 of 1


Message structure
Status Element/Attribut Format Content Checks SCL

1..1 SndgInst Name Sending Institution SEPA-Clearer's BIC (production:
Acceptable Codes
1..1 RcvgInst Name Receiving Institution Recipient’s 11-digit BIC
Typ sw5:BICIdentifier (communication partner)
BBkDVFBlkDirDeb Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+RcvgInst {0,1}
1..1 SrvcId Name Service Identifier COR or B2B
Acceptable Codes
1..1 TstCode Name Test Code Either “T” (test) or “P” (production),
Typ BBkDVF:TestCodeType depending on the processing
BBkDVFBlkDirDeb environment
Acceptable Codes
1..1 FType Name File Type DVF
Typ BBkDVF:FTpType
Acceptable Codes
1..1 FileRef Name File Reference SEPA-Clearer’s reference
Typ BBkDVF:Max16Text
BBkDVFBlkDirDeb Pattern [0-9A-Z]{16,16}
1..1 FileDtTm Name File Date and Time File creation date and time
Typ sw5:ISODateTime

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

BBkDVFBlkDirDeb; SCL SDD; 2017 page 1 of 2

Status Element/Attribut Format Content Checks SCL

0..1 OrigFRef Name Original File Reference Given only when ascertainable from
Typ BBkDVF:Max16Text original file
BBkDVFBlkDirDeb Pattern [0-9A-Z]{16,16}
1..1 OrigFName Name Original File Name SWIFTNet FileAct: original IDF file
Typ BBkDVF:Max32Text name; without the constant “SCL_”
BBkDVFBlkDirDeb Length 1 .. 32 EBICS: Internal by the
+OrigFName SEPA-Clearer generated reference.
Allows no conclusion about the
submitted file.
0..1 OrigDtTm Name Original Date And Only when ascertainable
BBkDVFBlkDirDeb Typ sw5:ISODateTime
1..1 IdfErrCd Name IDF Error Code Reason for rejection/partial rejection
Typ BBkDVF:Text3 of file
1..1 FileBusDt Name File Business Date Business day on which the file was
Typ sw5:ISODate created by the SEPA-Clearer
1..1 FileCycleNo Name File Cycle Number Processing phase during which the
Typ BBkDVF:Max2NumericText file was created by the
BBkDVFBlkDirDeb Pattern [0-9]{2,2} SEPA-Clearer

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

BBkDVFBlkDirDeb; SCL SDD; 2017 page 2 of 2
Debit Notification File (DNF) Header – BBkDNFBlkDirDeb


Debit Notification File (DNF) Header

 Delivery of pacs.003-, pacs.002- and camt.056-bulks to a SEPA-Clearer participant via the SEPA-Clearer prior to settlement.
 Each file contains exactly one bulk.
 The schema file BBkDNFBlkDirDeb specifies the DNF.

SDD annex 3 of appendix “SDD/SCL technical specifications“ – BBkDNFBlkDirDeb page 1 of 1


Message structure
Status Element/Attribut Format Content Checks SCL

1..1 SndgInst Name Sending Institution SEPA-Clearer's BIC (production:
Acceptable Codes
1..1 RcvgInst Name Receiving Institution Recipient’s 11-digit BIC
Typ sw3:BICIdentifier (communication partner)
BBkDNFBlkDirDeb Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+RcvgInst {0,1}
1..1 SrvcId Name Service Identifier COR or B2B
Acceptable Codes
1..1 TstCode Name Test Code Either “T” (test) or “P” (production),
Typ BBkDNF:TestCodeType depending on the processing
BBkDNFBlkDirDeb environment
Acceptable Codes
1..1 FType Name File Type DNF
Typ BBkDNF:FTpType
Acceptable Codes
1..1 FileRef Name File Reference SEPA-Clearer’s reference
Typ BBkDNF:Max16Text
BBkDNFBlkDirDeb Pattern [0-9A-Z]{16,16}
1..1 FileBusDt Name File Business Date Business day on which the file was
Typ sw2:ISODate created by the SEPA-Clearer
BBkDNFBlkDirDeb Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2}

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

BBkDNFBlkDirDeb; SCL SDD; 2017 page 1 of 2

Status Element/Attribut Format Content Checks SCL

1..1 RoutingInd Name Routing Indicator ALL
Typ BBkDNF:RoutingInd
Acceptable Codes
1..1 FileCycleNo Name File Cycle Number Processing phase during which the
Typ BBkDNF:Max2NumericText file was created by the
BBkDNFBlkDirDeb Pattern [0-9]{2,2} SEPA-Clearer
1..1 NumDDBlk Name Number of pacs.003 Number of bulks of type pacs.003
Typ BBkDNF:Max8NumericText received
BBkDNFBlkDirDeb Pattern [0-9]{1,8}
1..1 NumPCRBlk Name Number of camt.056 Number of bulks of type camt.056
Typ BBkDNF:Max8NumericText received
BBkDNFBlkDirDeb Pattern [0-9]{1,8}
1..1 NumREJBlk Name Number of pacs.002 Number of bulks of type pacs.002
Typ BBkDNF:Max8NumericText received
BBkDNFBlkDirDeb Pattern [0-9]{1,8}

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

BBkDNFBlkDirDeb; SCL SDD; 2017 page 2 of 2
Settled Debit File (SDF) Header – BBkSDFBlkDirDeb


Settled Debit File (SDF) Header

 Delivery of pacs.004- and pacs.007-bulks after booking to SEPA-Clearer participants via the SEPA-Clearer.
 Each file contains exactly one bulk.
 The schema file BBkSDFBlkDirDeb specifies the SDF.

SDD annex 4 of appendix “SDD/SCL technical specifications“ – BBkSDFBlkDirDeb page 1 of 1


Message structure
Status Element/Attribut Format Content Checks SCL

1..1 SndgInst Name Sending Institution SEPA-Clearer's BIC (production:
Acceptable Codes
1..1 RcvgInst Name Receiving Institution Recipient’s 11-digit BIC
Typ sw7:BICIdentifier (communication partner)
BBkSDFBlkDirDeb Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+RcvgInst {0,1}
1..1 SrvcId Name Service Identifier COR or B2B
Acceptable Codes
1..1 TstCode Name Test Code Either “T” (test) or “P” (production),
Typ BBkSDF:TestCodeType depending on the processing
BBkSDFBlkDirDeb environment
Acceptable Codes
1..1 FType Name File Type SDF
Typ BBkSDF:FTpType
Acceptable Codes
1..1 FileRef Name File Reference SEPA-Clearer’s reference
Typ BBkSDF:Max16Text
BBkSDFBlkDirDeb Pattern [0-9A-Z]{16,16}

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

BBkSDFBlkDirDeb; SCL SDD; 2017 page 1 of 2

Status Element/Attribut Format Content Checks SCL

1..1 RoutingInd Name Routing Indicator ALL

Typ BBkSDF:RoutingInd
Acceptable Codes
1..1 FileBusDt Name File Business Date Business day on which the file was
Typ sw7:ISODate created by the SEPA-Clearer
BBkSDFBlkDirDeb Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2}
1..1 FileCycleNo Name File Cycle Number Processing phase during which the
Typ BBkSDF:Max2NumericText file was created by the
BBkSDFBlkDirDeb Pattern [0-9]{2,2} SEPA-Clearer

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

BBkSDFBlkDirDeb; SCL SDD; 2017 page 2 of 2
Unsettled Debit File (UDF) Header – BBkUDFBlkDirDeb


Unsettled Debit File (UDF) Header

 Information of the participant on the debit side of the SDD transactions from the SEPA-Clearer that could not be settled
o Settlement errors result in the non-execution of SDD transactions
o Transactions that could not be settled due to insufficient funds are attached to the UDF
o Each UDF contains always exactly one bulk
 The schema file BBkUDFBlkDirDeb specifies the UDF

SDD annex 5 of appendix „SDD/SCL technical specifications“ – BBkUDFBlkDirDeb page 1 of 1


Message structure
Status Element/Attribut Format Content Checks SCL

1..1 SndgInst
Name Sending Institution SEPA-Clearer's BIC (production:
Anwendbare Codes
1..1 RcvgInst
Name Receiving Institution Recipient’s 11-digit BIC
BBkUDFBlkDirDeb Typ sw3:BICIdentifier (communication partner)
+RcvgInst Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
1..1 SrvcId
Name Service Identifier COR or B2B
Anwendbare Codes
1..1 TstCode
Name Test Code Either “T” (test) or “P” (production),
BBkUDFBlkDirDeb Typ BBkUDF:TestCodeType depending on the processing
+TstCode environment
Anwendbare Codes
1..1 FType
Name File Type UDF
BBkUDFBlkDirDeb Typ BBkUDF:FTpType
Anwendbare Codes

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

BBkUDFBlkDirDeb; SCL SDD; 2017
page 1 of 2

Status Element/Attribut Format Content Checks SCL

1..1 FileRef
Name File Reference SEPA-Clearer’s reference
BBkUDFBlkDirDeb Typ BBkUDF:Max16Text
+FileRef Pattern [0-9A-Z]{16,16}
1..1 RoutingInd
Name Routing Indicator ALL
BBkUDFBlkDirDeb Typ BBkUDF:RoutingInd
Anwendbare Codes
1..1 FileBusDt
Name File Business Date Business day on which the file was
BBkUDFBlkDirDeb Typ sw3:ISODate created by the SEPA-Clearer
+FileBusDt Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2}
1..1 FileCycleNo
Name File Cycle Number Processing phase during which the
BBkUDFBlkDirDeb Typ BBkUDF:Max2NumericText file was created by the
+FileCycleNo Pattern [0-9]{2,2} SEPA-Clearer

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

BBkUDFBlkDirDeb; SCL SDD; 2017
page 2 of 2
Result of Settlement File (RSF Header) – BBkRSFBlkDirDeb


Result of Settlement File (RSF) Header

 Individual transaction rejection of SDD payments to the submitter from the SEPA-Clearer
o Settlement errors in the SEPA-Clearer or with other CSMs result in the rejection of SDD payments with the error code ED05,
which is indicated in the field TxInfAndSts/StsRsnInf/Prtry in the attached pacs.002.001.03SCLSDD
o Each RSF contains always exactly one bulk
o The RSF is generated at the Interbank Settlement Date
 The schema file BBkRSFBlkDirDeb specifies the RSF

SDD annex 6 of appendix „SDD/SCL technical specifications“ – BBkRSFBlkDirDeb page 1 of 1


Status Element/Attribut Format Content Checks SCL

1..1 SndgInst Name Sending Institution
Typ BBkRSF:BICIdentifierBBk SEPA-Clearer's BIC (production:
Anwendbare Codes
1..1 RcvgInst Name Receiving Institution
Typ sw5:BICIdentifier Recipient’s 11-digit BIC
BBkRSFBlkDirDeb Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) (communication partner)
+RcvgInst {0,1}
1..1 SrvcId Name Service Identifier
Typ BBkRSF:SrvcID COR or B2B
Anwendbare Codes
1..1 TstCode Name Test Code
Typ BBkRSF:TestCodeType Either “T” (test) or “P” (production),
BBkRSFBlkDirDeb depending on the processing
+TstCode environment
Anwendbare Codes
1..1 FType Name File Type
Anwendbare Codes

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

BBkRSFBlkDirDeb; SCL SDD; 2017
page 1 of 2

Status Element/Attribut Format Content Checks SCL

1..1 FileRef Name File Reference
BBkRSFBlkDirDeb Typ BBkRSF:Max16Text SEPA-Clearer’s reference
+FileRef Length 1 .. 16
1..1 RoutingInd Name Routing Indicator ALL
Typ BBkRSF:RoutingInd
Anwendbare Codes
1..1 FileBusDt Name File Business Date
Typ sw5:ISODate Business day on which the file was
BBkRSFBlkDirDeb created by the SEPA-Clearer
1..1 FileCycleNo Name File Cycle Number
Typ BBkRSF:Max2NumericText Processing phase during which the
BBkRSFBlkDirDeb Pattern [0-9]{2,2} file was created by the
+FileCycleNo SEPA-Clearer

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

BBkRSFBlkDirDeb; SCL SDD; 2017
page 2 of 2
SDD Interbank Collection (DS-04) – pacs.003.001.02


SEPA Direct Debit – Interbank Collection (DS-04)

SDD annex 7 to appendix “SDD/SCL technical specifications” – pacs.003.001.02 page 1 of 2

SDD Interbank Collection (DS-04) – pacs.003.001.02

Use of interbank collection (pacs.003.001.02)

This message is used to transport the direct debit collection from the creditor bank to the debtor bank.
The message can be used for both bulk and single payment instructions.

ISO message structure

A B2B customer direct debit message contains:

 a single group header

 one or more “direct debit transaction information” sequences, each containing a direct debit instruction as defined in DS-04.

Group header

 The group header contains information required to process the entire message.

SDD annex 7 to appendix “SDD/SCL technical specifications” – pacs.003.001.02 page 2 of 2


Message structure
Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check
(if available) SEPA-Clearer

Document Typ Document

1..1 FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Typ FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV02

1..1 GrpHdr Name Group Header Group Header contains processing informations
Typ SCLSDDGroupHeader3 which applies to the whole payment.
1..1 MsgId Name Message Identification Bulk reference number.
Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35} <Msgld> is part of duplication check at bulk
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt level (unique reference over 15 calendar days).
++GrpHdr Error code: B14
The first 8 or 11 characters of <Msgld> must
match the BIC of the instructing agent in IDF.
The rest of the field can be freely defined.
Error code: B98
1..1 CreDtTm Name Creation Date Time Bulk creation date and time.
Typ ISODateTime
Document Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2}[T][0-9]{2,2}:
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt [0-9]{2,2}:[0-9]{2,2}[\S]*
1..1 NbOfTxs Name Number Of Transactions Total number of single transactions in the bulk
Typ Max15NumericText
Document Pattern [0-9]{1,15} Must not exceed 100,000 (maximum parameter
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt of data records in the bulk).
++GrpHdr Error code: B02

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.003.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page: 1 of 48

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

+++NbOfTxs Fehlercode: B02

Total number of data records must be equal to

the actual number of individual data records in
the bulk
Error code: B03
1..1 TtlIntrBkSttlmAmt Name Total Interbank Settlement Amount Mandatory Total number of single transactions in the bulk.
Typ SCLSDDCurrencyAndAmount_Total Usage Rule: Only 'EUR' is allowed.
Document FractionDigits 2 Usage Rule: Amount must be 0.01 Integer value of up to 15 characters is allowed.
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt TotalDigits 18 or more and 999999999999999.99 Maximum number of decimal places allowed is
++GrpHdr Inclusive 0.01 .. 999999999999999. or less. two. (Schema validation)
+++TtlIntrBkSttlmAmt 99 Format Rule: The fractional part
Pattern [0-9]{0,15}([\.]([0-9]{0,2})){0,1} has a maximum of two digits. Currency symbol is always ‘EUR’.
(Schema validation)

The total amount given must equal the sum of

the single transactions in the bulk.
Error code: B05

Amount must be at least 0.01 and no more than

999999999999999.99. (Schema validation)
required Attribute: Ccy Typ SCLSDDCurrencyCode
Use required
Acceptable Codes
1..1 IntrBkSttlmDt Name Interbank Settlement Date Mandatory Settlement date of the collection.
Typ ISODate (AT-26 Settlement Date of the
Document Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2} Collection) 1. The date may not be in the past.
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt 2. The date must be at least one business day in
++GrpHdr the future.
+++IntrBkSttlmDt 3. The date may not be more than 14 calendar
days in the future.
4. Must be a TARGET business day
Error code: B15

<IntrBkSttlmDt> is part of the duplication check

at bulk level (unique reference over 15 calendar
days) and single record level.

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.003.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page: 2 of 48

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 SttlmInf Name Settlement Information

Typ SCLSDDSettlementInformation2
1..1 SttlmMtd Name SettlementMethod Information on the settlement mechanism.
Typ SCLSDDSettlementMethod2Code Only the code ‘CLRG’ is allowed.
Document (Schema validation)
Acceptable Codes
1..1 ClrSys Name Clearing System
Document Typ SCLSDDClearingSystemIdentification1Choice

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.003.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page: 3 of 48

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary Code for the clearing system. For the
Typ Max35Text_Prtry SEPA-Clearer, only the value ‘SCL’ may be used.
Document Length 1 .. 35 (Schema validation)
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Pattern \S+.*
++GrpHdr WhiteSpace collapse
Acceptable Codes
0..1 InstgAgt Name Instructing Agent Usage Rule: Only BIC is allowed. Only to be used for submissions to the
Typ SCLSDDBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentif SEPA-Clearer. Allocation of the BIC of the SCL
Document ication3 participant which is linked with the TARGET2
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt sub-account assigned for settlement with the
++GrpHdr SEPA-Clearer.
+++InstgAgt Part of duplication check at bulk level (daily
unique reference).
1..1 FinInstnId Name Financial Institution Identification
Typ SCLSDDFinancialInstitutionIdentification5Ch
Document oice

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.003.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page: 4 of 48

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
1..1 BIC Name BIC BIC must be included in the Input Debit File (IDF)
Typ BICIdentifier and authorised to submit files
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) Fehlercode: B10
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt {0,1}
0..1 InstdAgt Name Instructed Agent Usage Rule: Only BIC is allowed. Only to be used for deliveries from the
Typ SCLSDDBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentif SEPA-Clearer. Allocation of the BIC of the SCL
Document ication3 participant which is linked with the TARGET2
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt sub-account assigned for settlement with the
++GrpHdr SEPA-Clearer.
1..1 FinInstnId Name Financial Institution Identification
Typ SCLSDDFinancialInstitutionIdentification5Ch
Document oice
1..1 BIC Name BIC BIC may only be contained in the debit
Typ BICIdentifier notification file (DNF).
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) Error code: B11
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt {0,1}
1..n DrctDbtTxInf Name Direct Debit Transaction Information Maximum of 100,000 data records in the bulk
Typ SCLSDDDirectDebitTransactionInformation2

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 PmtId Name Payment Identification

Typ SCLSDDPaymentIdentification2
0..1 InstrId Name Instruction Identification Reference number of the instructing agent (‘own
Typ SCLSDDId7 ref’). End-to-end reference.
Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35}
1..1 EndToEndId Name End to End Identification (AT-10 Creditor's reference of the Creditor’s reference of the direct debit
Typ Max35Text Direct Debit Transaction) transaction.
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Pattern \S+.* Usage Rule: A customer reference If the end-to-end Id is not given,
++DrctDbtTxInf WhiteSpace collapse that must be 'NOTPROVIDED’ must be entered. There, is no
+++PmtId passed on in the end-to-end provision for a check using the SEPA-Clearer.
++++EndToEndId payment chain. In
the event that no reference was
given, NOTPROVIDED must be
1..1 TxId Name Transaction Identification (AT-43 Creditor's bank's reference Reference of the Creditor Bank..
Typ SCLSDDId7 of the collection)
Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35} Transaction Id is part of the duplication check at
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Usage Rule: Must contain a single record level.
++DrctDbtTxInf reference that is meaningful to the
+++PmtId Creditor's Bank and is unique over Error code: AM05
++++TxId time.
1..1 PmtTpInf Name Payment Type Information Usage Rule: ‘Payment Type
Typ SCLSDDPaymentTypeInformation4 Information’ must be present in
Document either ‘Group Header’ or in ‘Direct
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Debit Transaction Information’.

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 SvcLvl Name Service Level Mandatory

Typ SCLSDDServiceLevel3Choice
1..1 Cd Name Code (AT-20 Identification code of the In the SEPA-Clearer, only the code ‘SEPA’ is
Typ SCLSDDServiceLevel2Code Scheme) allowed.
Document (AT-20 Identification code of the (Schema validation)
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt B2B Scheme)
++DrctDbtTxInf Usage Rule: Only ‘SEPA’ is
+++PmtTpInf allowed.
Acceptable Codes
1..1 LclInstrm Name Local Instrument Mandatory
Typ SCLSDDLocalInstrument1Choice
1..1 Cd Name Code (AT-20 The identification code of Only the codes ‘CORE’ or ‘B2B’ are
Typ ExternalLocalInstrument1Code the Scheme) allowed (Schema validation).
Document Length 1 .. 35 Usage Rule: Only ‘CORE’ is allowed.
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Usage Rule: The mixing of different In a COR-file are only CORE and in a B2B-file are
++DrctDbtTxInf Local Instrument values is not only B2B-Bulks allowed.
+++PmtTpInf allowed in the same message.
++++LclInstrm Mixed submission of B2B and CORE Direct
+++++Cd (AT-20 The identification code of Debits in one file is not allowed.
the B2B scheme) Error code: XT43

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
Usage Rule: Only ‘B2B’ is allowed.
Usage Rule: The mixing of different
Local Instrument values is not
allowed in the same message.
Acceptable Codes
1..1 SeqTp Name Sequence Type Mandatory (AT-21 Transaction / Direct debit type
Typ SCLSDDSequenceType1Code Sequence Type) FNAL: final
Document Usage Rule: If ‘Amendment FRST: first
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Indicator’ is ‘true’, and ‘Original OOFF: one-off
++DrctDbtTxInf Debtor Agent’ is set to ‘SMNDA’, RCUR: recurring
+++PmtTpInf this message element indicataes (Schema validation)
++++SeqTp either ‘FRST’, ‘RCUR’, ‘FNAL’ or
‘OOFF’ (all four codes allowed, no
Acceptable Codes
0..1 CtgyPurp Name Category Purpose (AT-59 Category purpose of the No plausibility check if <Purpose> and
Typ CategoryPurpose1Choice Collection) <Category purpose> fields both contain entries,
Document Usage Rule: Depending on the ie SCL ignores conflicting entries.
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt agreement between the Creditor
++DrctDbtTxInf and the Creditor Bank, ‘Category
+++PmtTpInf Purpose’ may be
++++CtgyPurp forwarded to the Debtor Bank.

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Cd Name Code Category purpose. <Cd> and <Prtry> (see below)
Typ ExternalCategoryPurpose1Code cannot be used simultaneously.
Document Length 1 .. 4
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Pattern \S+.* Purpose of transaction. Field may be completed
++DrctDbtTxInf WhiteSpace collapse in accordance with the external codelist (ISO
+++PmtTpInf 20022). A maximum of four characters may be
++++CtgyPurp entered.
No entry is required for submissions to the SCL,
whereas for deliveries from the SLC an entry may
be made in the field. There is no validation by the
1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary Category purpose.
Typ Max35Text <Cd> (see above) and <Prtry> cannot be used
Document Length 1 .. 35 simultaneously.
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Pattern \S+.* No entry is required for submissions to the SCL,
++DrctDbtTxInf WhiteSpace collapse whereas for deliveries from the SLC an entry
+++PmtTpInf may be made in the field. There is no validation
++++CtgyPurp by the SCL.
1..1 IntrBkSttlmAmt Name Interbank Settlement Amount (AT-06 Amount of the Collection in The amount of the relevant direct debit.
Typ SCLSDDCurrencyAndAmount_Tx Euro) The currency designation must be ‘EUR’.
Document FractionDigits 2 Usage Rule: Only 'EUR' is allowed. (Schema validation)
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt TotalDigits 18 Usage Rule: Amount must be 0.01
++DrctDbtTxInf Inclusive 0.01 .. 999999999.99 or more and 999999999.99 or less. A maximum of two decimal places may be used.
+++IntrBkSttlmAmt Pattern [0-9]{0,15}([\.]([0-9]{0,2})){0,1} Format Rule: The fractional part (Schema validation)
has a maximum of two digits.
Amount must not exceed permitted maximum
amount (999999999.99) and must be greater
than ‘0’. (Schema validation)

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
required Attribute: Ccy Typ SCLSDDCurrencyCode
Use required
Acceptable Codes
1..1 ChrgBr Name Charge Bearer Usage Rule: Only 'SLEV' is Only SLEV is allowed.
Typ SCLSDDChargeBearerType1Code allowed. (Schema validation)
Acceptable Codes
1..1 ReqdColltnDt Name Requested Collection Date Mandatory Due date of the collection.
Typ ISODate (AT-11 Due Date of the Collection)
Document Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2} Differentiation according to submission windows:
++DrctDbtTxInf Submission until 15.00 (Core) or 13.00 (B2B):
+++ReqdColltnDt D-1 TARGET business day (not dependent on

Submission after 15.00 (Core) or 13.00 (B2B):

D-2 TARGET business days (not dependent on

Date may not be more than D-14 calendar

Days.Date must be equal to or only one business
day less than the ‘IntrBk SttlmDt’.

Error code: DT01

D = due date (for collection)

The day of submission to the SCL is included in

the calculation of deadlines.

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 DrctDbtTx Name Direct Debit Transaction Mandatory

Typ SCLSDDDirectDebitTransaction1
1..1 MndtRltdInf Name Mandate Related Information Mandatory
Typ SCLSDDMandateRelatedInformation1

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 MndtId Name Mandate Identification Mandatory Unique mandate reference.

Typ SCLSDDId8 (AT-01 Unique Mandate (schema validation)
Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|'|\s]){1,35} Reference)
1..1 DtOfSgntr Name Date Of Signature Mandatory Date mandate was signed.
Typ ISODate (AT-25 Date of Signing of the
Document Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2} Mandate)
0..1 AmdmntInd Name Amendment Indicator Amendment Indicator of the mandate.
Typ TrueFalseIndicator If completed with ‘TRUE’, at least one of the
Document following fields must be completed.
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Error code: XT13
++DrctDbtTxInf If completed with ‘FALSE’, none of the following
+++DrctDbtTx fields may be completed.
++++MndtRltdInf Error code: XT13
+++++AmdmntInd If the field is not completed, ‘FALSE’ is assumed
to be the default setting.
0..1 AmdmntInfDtls Name Amendment Information Details (AT-24 Reason for Amendment of
Typ SCLSDDAmendmentInformationDetails1 the Mandate)
Document Usage Rule: Mandatory if
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt ‘Amendment Indicator’ is ‘true’.
++DrctDbtTxInf The reason code from the
+++DrctDbtTx Rulebook is indicated using one of
++++MndtRltdInf the following message sub-
+++++AmdmntInfDtls elements:

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

0..1 OrgnlMndtId Name Original Mandate Identification (AT-19 Unique Mandate reference Unique mandate reference as given by the
Typ SCLSDDId8 as given by creditor when the mandate was issued.
Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|'|\s]){1,35} the original Creditor who issued the Check depending on entry in <AmdmntInd>.
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Mandate) Error code: XT13
+++DrctDbtTx Usage Rule: Mandatory if changes
++++MndtRltdInf occur in 'Mandate Identification',
+++++AmdmntInfDtls otherwise not to be used.
0..1 OrgnlCdtrSchmeId Name Original Creditor Scheme Identification (AT-18 Identifier of the Original Identifier of the original creditor who issued the
Typ SCLSDDCdtrSchmeId1 Creditor who issues the Mandate) mandate.
Document Usage Rule: Mandatory if changes
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt occur in ‘Creditor Scheme
++DrctDbtTxInf Identification’, otherwise not to be
+++DrctDbtTx used.
0..1 Nm Name Name (Original AT-03 Name of the Name of creditor.
Typ Max70Text Creditor) Check depending on entry in <AmdmntInd>.
Document Length 1 .. 70 Usage Rule: If present, the new Error code: XT13
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Pattern \S+.* name must be specified under
++DrctDbtTxInf WhiteSpace collapse ‘Creditor’.
+++DrctDbtTx Usage Rule: ‘Name’ is limited to 70
++++MndtRltdInf characters in length
0..1 Id Name Identification (AT-18 Identifier of the Original
Typ SCLSDDPrivateIdentification Creditor who issued the Mandate)

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 PrvtId Name Private Identification Usage Rule: Private Identification is
Typ SCLSDDPrty1 used to identify either an
Document organisation or a private person.
1..1 Othr Name Other Usage Rule: Only one occurrence
Typ SCLSDDId4 of ‘Other’ is allowed, and no other
Document sub-elements are allowed.
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Usage Rule: ‘Identification’ must be
++DrctDbtTxInf used with an identifier described in
+++DrctDbtTx General Message Element
++++MndtRltdInf Specifications, Chapter 1.6.2.
+++++AmdmntInfDtls Usage Rule: ‘Proprietary’ under
‘Scheme Name’ must specify
1..1 Id Name Identification Unique mandate reference as given by the
Typ SCLSDDId8 creditor when the mandate was issued.
Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|'|\s]){1,35} Check depending on entry in <AmdmntInd>.
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Error code: XT13

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 SchmeNm Name Scheme Name
Typ FinancialIdentificationSchemeName2
1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary Only "SEPA" allowed.
Acceptable Codes

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
0..1 OrgnlDbtrAcct Name Original Debtor Account To use ‘Identification’ under ‘Other’
Typ SCLSDDCashAccount8 under ‘Identification’ with code
Document ‘SMNDA’ to indicate
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Same Mandate with New Debtor
++DrctDbtTxInf Account.
+++DrctDbtTx Or, in case of an account change
++++MndtRltdInf within the same bank, IBAN is
+++++AmdmntInfDtls allowed.
1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ SCLSDDAccountIdentification4Choice
1..1 IBAN Name IBAN Check depending on entry in <AmdmntInd>.
Typ IBANIdentifier Error code: XT13
Document Pattern [a-zA-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30}

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
1..1 Othr Name Other
Typ SCLSDDOrgnlDbtrAcctOther2
1..1 Id Name Identification Only "SMNDA" is allowed (schema validation)
Typ Max34Text_SMNDA
Document Length 1 .. 34
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Pattern \S+.*
++DrctDbtTxInf WhiteSpace collapse
Acceptable Codes
0..1 OrgnlDbtrAgt Name Original Debtor Agent Not to be used if element ‘Original Check depending on entry in <AmdmntInd>.
Typ SCLSDDOrgnlDbtrAgt Debtor Account’ is populated with Error code: XT13
Document ‘SMNDA’
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Not to be used if
++DrctDbtTxInf <OrgnlDbtrAcct>/<Id>/<Othr>/<Id> is populated
+++DrctDbtTx with ‘SMNDA’
++++MndtRltdInf Error code: XT13

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 FinInstnId Name Financial Institution Identification

Typ SCLSDDOrgnlDbtrAgt1
1..1 BIC Name BIC
Typ BICIdentifier
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt {0,1}
0..1 ElctrncSgntr Name Electronic Signature (AT-16 Placeholder for the Placeholder for electronic signature
Typ Max1025Text electronic signature data, if
Document Length 1 .. 1025 applicable)
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt (AT-17 The type of
++DrctDbtTxInf Mandate (paper or e-mandate))
+++DrctDbtTx (AT-60 Reference of the validation
++++MndtRltdInf made by the Debtor Bank (if
+++++ElctrncSgntr present in DS-03))
Usage Rule: If the direct debit is
based on an EPC electronic
mandate, this data element must
contain AT-60 which is the
reference to the Mandate
Acceptance Report made by the
Debtor Bank.
Usage Rule: This data element is
not to be used if the mandate is a
paper mandate.

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
1..1 CdtrSchmeId Name Creditor Scheme Identification Mandatory Creditor identifier
Typ SCLSDDCdtrSchmeId (AT-02 Identifier of the Creditor)
1..1 Id Name Identification Mandatory Check of the structure of <Id> described in the
Typ SCLSDDPrivateIdentification2 (AT-02 Identifier of the Creditor) rulebook.
Document Digits 3-4 (check digits) are calculated in
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt compliance with the IBAN check digits
++DrctDbtTxInf (ISO13616).
+++DrctDbtTx Error code: XT53
1..1 PrvtId Name Private Identification Usage Rule: Private Identification is
Document Typ SCLSDDPrty2 used to identify either an
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt organisation or a private person.

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Othr Name Other Usage Rule: Only one occurrence

Typ SCLSDDId10 of ‘Other’ is allowed, and no other
Document sub-elements are allowed.
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Usage Rule: Identification must be
++DrctDbtTxInf used with an identifier described in
+++DrctDbtTx General Message Element
++++CdtrSchmeId Specifications, Chapter 1.6.2.
+++++Id Usage Rule: ‘Proprietary’ under
‘Scheme Name’ must specify
1..1 Id Name Identification Checks according to the format rules of the
Typ SCLSDDId8 EPC Implementation Guidelines (see “creditor
Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|'|\s]){1,35} identification number” under general
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt specifications of message elements).
++DrctDbtTxInf Error code: XT53
+++DrctDbtTx The digits 1-7 must not contain any spaces.
++++CdtrSchmeId However leading spaces are not taken into
+++++Id account.
Error code: XT53
1..1 SchmeNm Name Scheme Name
Typ FinancialIdentificationSchemeName2

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary Only 'SEPA’ allowed

Acceptable Codes
1..1 Cdtr Name Creditor
1..1 Nm Name Name Mandatory Name of creditor.
Typ Max70Text (AT-03 Name of the Creditor)
Document Length 1 .. 70 Usage Rule: "Name" is limited to
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Pattern \S+.* 70 characters in length.
++DrctDbtTxInf WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 PstlAdr Name Postal Address (AT-05 Address of the Creditor) Address of creditor.
Typ SCLSDDPostalAddress1 Usage Rule: 'Postal Address' is
Document optional but is mandatory if
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt provided by the Creditor.

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

0..1 Ctry Name Country Check of country code in accordance with ISO
Typ CountryCode 3166.
Document Pattern [A-Z]{2,2}
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Error code: XT73
0..2 AdrLine Name Adress Line Format Rule: If used, only two Maximum of two occurrences of ‘address line’
Typ Max70Text occurrences of 'Address Line' are allowed.
Document Length 1 .. 70 allowed. (Schema validation)
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Pattern \S+.*
++DrctDbtTxInf WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 CdtrAcct Name Creditor Account Mandatory IBAN of creditor.
Typ SCLSDDCashAccount7
Document (AT-04 Account Number of the
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Creditor)
++DrctDbtTxInf Usage Rule: Only IBAN is allowed.
1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ SCLSDDAccountIdentification3Choice
1..1 IBAN Name IBAN Ckeck in accordance with ISO 13616.
Typ IBANIdentifier Error code: XD19
Document Pattern [a-zA-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30}
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Check as to whether the first two
++DrctDbtTxInf characters match a valid ISO code
+++CdtrAcct or SEPA country code.
++++Id Error code XT73

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 CdtrAgt Name Creditor Agent (AT-12 BIC of the Creditor bank) BIC of the creditor agent.
Typ SCLSDDBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentif Usage Rule: Only BIC is allowed.
Document ication3
1..1 FinInstnId Name Financial Institution Identification
Typ SCLSDDFinancialInstitutionIdentification5Ch
Document oice
1..1 BIC Name BIC Validity of BIC using SEPA BIC directory.
Typ BICIdentifier Error code: XT27
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt {0,1} General addressability check: BIC must be
++DrctDbtTxInf addressable within the SEPA-Clearer
+++CdtrAgt (The CSM identification in the scl-directory must
++++FinInstnId be „MARKDEFF“ in production or „MARKDEF0“
+++++BIC in test)
Fehlercode: PY01

Check only if the direct debit is forwarded from the

SEPA-Clearer to STEP2: BIC must belong to a
registered reachable BIC of the respective
STEP2 SDD Service via the Deutsche
Error code: PY01

Check only if the direct debit is forwardrd from

the SEPA-Clearer ti another CSM:
Creditor agent must be authorised to submit
direct debits.
Error code: XT80

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
Creditor agent BIC is part of the duplication
check at single record level.
Error code: AM05
0..1 UltmtCdtr Name Ultimate Creditor Usage Rule: Mandatory if given by Ultimate creditor
Typ SCLSDDPartyIdentification10 the Creditor in ‘pain.008.001.02’
Document and must be forwarded
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt through the payment chain up to
++DrctDbtTxInf the Debtor.
0..1 Nm Name Name (AT-38 Name of the Creditor Name of ultimate creditor
Typ Max70Text Reference Party)
Document Length 1 .. 70 Usage Rule:
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Pattern \S+.* "Name" is limited to 70 characters
++DrctDbtTxInf WhiteSpace collapse in length.
0..1 Id Name Identification (AT-39 Identification code of the Identifiier of ultimate creditor
Typ SCLSDDParty3Choice Creditor Reference Party)
1..1 OrgId Name Organisation Identification Usage Rule: Either "BIC or BEI" or
Typ SCLSDDOrganisationIdentification4 one occurrence of "Other" is
Document allowed.

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 BICOrBEI Name BIC or BEI

Typ SCLSDDAnyBICIdentifier
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt {0,1}
1..1 Othr Name Other
Typ SCLSDDGenericOrganisationIdentification1
1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Pattern \S+.*
++DrctDbtTxInf WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 SchmeNm Name Scheme Name
Typ SCLSDDOrganisationIdentificationSchemeN
Document ame1Choice

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Cd Name Code
Typ SCLSDDExternalOrganisationIdentification1
Document Code
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Length 1 .. 4
++DrctDbtTxInf Pattern \S+.*
+++UltmtCdtr WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Pattern \S+.*
++DrctDbtTxInf WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 Issr Name Issuer
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Pattern \S+.*
++DrctDbtTxInf WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 PrvtId Name Private Identification Usage Rule: Either "Date and
Typ SCLSDDPersonIdentification5 Place of Birth" or one occurrence of
Document "Other" is allowed.
1..1 DtAndPlcOfBirth Name Date and Place of Birth
Typ DateAndPlaceOfBirth
1..1 BirthDt Name Birth Date
Typ ISODate
Document Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2}
0..1 PrvcOfBirth Name Province of Birth
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Pattern \S+.*

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

++DrctDbtTxInf WhiteSpace collapse

1..1 CityOfBirth Name City of Birth
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Pattern \S+.*
++DrctDbtTxInf WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 CtryOfBirth Name Country of Birth
Typ CountryCode
Document Pattern [A-Z]{2,2}
1..1 Othr Name Other
Typ SCLSDDGenericPersonIdentification1

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.003.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page: 28 of 48

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Pattern \S+.*
++DrctDbtTxInf WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 SchmeNm Name Scheme Name
Typ SCLSDDPersonIdentificationSchemeName1
Document Choice
1..1 Cd Name Code
Typ SCLSDDExternalPersonIdentification1Code
Document Length 1 .. 4
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Pattern \S+.*
++DrctDbtTxInf WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Pattern \S+.*

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.003.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page: 29 of 48

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

+++UltmtCdtr WhiteSpace collapse

0..1 Issr Name Issuer
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Pattern \S+.*
++DrctDbtTxInf WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 InstgAgt Name InstructingAgent Usage Rule: Only BIC is allowed. Original submitter of the bulk in which the direct
Typ SCLSDDBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentif debit was included.
Document ication3 Only used in the debit notification file (DNF) in
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt deliveries from the Bundesbank to the SCL
++DrctDbtTxInf participant.
+++InstgAgt If payments are routed via STEP2, this element
contains the BIC of the direct STEP2 participant.
If routed within the SEPA-Clearer, this element
contains the BIC of the SCL participant that has
submitted the direct debit into the SEPA-Clearer.

1..1 FinInstnId Name Financial Institution Identification

Typ SCLSDDFinancialInstitutionIdentification5Ch
Document oice

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.003.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page: 30 of 48

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
1..1 BIC Name BIC Only allowed in the Delivery Notification File
Typ BICIdentifier (DNF), not to be included in the Input Debit File
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) (IDF) submitted to the SEPA-Clearer
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt {0,1} Error code: XT13
1..1 Dbtr Name Debtor
Typ SCLSDDPartyIdentification9
1..1 Nm Name Name Mandatory Name of debtor or an alternative information
Typ Max70Text (AT-14 Name of the Debtor) Usage starting with the attribute “/CDGM” in case of
Document Length 1 .. 70 Rule: "Name" is limited to 70 mandate generated using data from a payment
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Pattern \S+.* characters in length. card at the point of sale which results in a direct
++DrctDbtTxInf WhiteSpace collapse Usage Rule: In case of a mandate debit
+++Dbtr generated using data from a
++++Nm payment card at the point of sale
which results in a direct debit to
and from a payment account, and
where the name of the Debtor is
not available, the attribute “Name
of the Debtor” must be filled in with
“/CDGM” (note: Card Data
Generated Mandate), followed by
“/card number”, “/sequence
number” and “/expiry date of the
card” (note: this means that the
information parts are delimited by
“/”) or, if these data elements are
not available, by any other data
element(s) that would uniquely
identify the Debtor to the Debtor

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.003.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page: 31 of 48

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
0..1 PstlAdr Name Postal Adress (AT-09 Address of the Debtor) Address of debtor.
Typ SCLSDDPostalAddress1
Document Usage Rule: ‘Postal Address’ is
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt optional but mandatory if present in
++DrctDbtTxInf DS-02.
0..1 Ctry Name Country Check of country code in accordance with
Typ CountryCode ISO3166.
Document Pattern [A-Z]{2,2} Error code: XT73
0..2 AdrLine Name Address Line Usage Rule: Only two occurrences Maximum of two occurrences of ‘address line’
Typ Max70Text are allowed. allowed.
Document Length 1 .. 70 (Schema validation).
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Pattern \S+.*
++DrctDbtTxInf WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 Id Name Identification (AT-27 Debtor identification code) Identifier of debtor.
Typ SCLSDDParty3Choice
1..1 OrgId Name Organisation Identification Usage Rule: Either "BIC or BEI" or Either 'organisation identification’ or ‘private
Typ SCLSDDOrganisationIdentification4 one occurence of "Other" is identification’ is available (schema validation).
Document allowed.
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt All ISO 20022 options are allowed

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.003.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page: 32 of 48

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 BICOrBEI Name BIC or BEI

Typ SCLSDDAnyBICIdentifier
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt {0,1}
1..1 Othr Name Other
Typ SCLSDDGenericOrganisationIdentification1
1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Pattern \S+.*
++DrctDbtTxInf WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 SchmeNm Name Scheme Name
Typ SCLSDDOrganisationIdentificationSchemeN
Document ame1Choice

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.003.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page: 33 of 48

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Cd Name Code
Typ SCLSDDExternalOrganisationIdentification1
Document Code
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Length 1 .. 4
++DrctDbtTxInf Pattern \S+.*
+++Dbtr WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Pattern \S+.*
++DrctDbtTxInf WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 Issr Name Issuer
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Pattern \S+.*
++DrctDbtTxInf WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.003.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page: 34 of 48

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 PrvtId Name Private Identification Usage Rule: Either "Date and Either 'organisation identification’ or ‘private
Typ SCLSDDPersonIdentification5 Place of Birth" or one occurence of identification’ is available
Document "Other" is allowed. (schema validation).
++DrctDbtTxInf All ISO 20022 options are allowed.
1..1 DtAndPlcOfBirth Name Date and Place of Birth
Typ DateAndPlaceOfBirth
1..1 BirthDt Name Birth Date
Typ ISODate
Document Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2}
0..1 PrvcOfBirth Name Province of Birth
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Pattern \S+.*
++DrctDbtTxInf WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.003.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page: 35 of 48

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 CityOfBirth Name City of Birth
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Pattern \S+.*
++DrctDbtTxInf WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 CtryOfBirth Name Country of Birth
Typ CountryCode
Document Pattern [A-Z]{2,2}
1..1 Othr Name Other
Typ SCLSDDGenericPersonIdentification1
1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ Max35Text

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.003.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page: 36 of 48

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Pattern \S+.*
++DrctDbtTxInf WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 SchmeNm Name Scheme Name
Typ SCLSDDPersonIdentificationSchemeName1
Document Choice
1..1 Cd Name Code
Typ SCLSDDExternalPersonIdentification1Code
Document Length 1 .. 4
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Pattern \S+.*
++DrctDbtTxInf WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Pattern \S+.*
++DrctDbtTxInf WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.003.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page: 37 of 48

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

0..1 Issr Name Issuer
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Pattern \S+.*
++DrctDbtTxInf WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 DbtrAcct Name DebtorAccount (AT -07 Account number of the IBAN of the Debtor
Typ SCLSDDCashAccount7 Debtor)
Document Usage Rule: Only IBAN is allowed.
1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ SCLSDDAccountIdentification3Choice
1..1 IBAN Name IBAN Check in accordance with ISO 13616.
Typ IBANIdentifier Error code: XD19
Document Pattern [a-zA-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30}
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Check of the first two characters that they
++DrctDbtTxInf correspond to a valid ISO or SEPA country
+++DbtrAcct code.
++++Id Error code: XT73

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.003.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page: 38 of 48

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 DbtrAgt Name Debtor Agent (AT-13 BIC of Debtor's Bank) BIC of debtor agent.
Typ SCLSDDBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentif Usage Rule: Only BIC is allowed.
Document ication3
1..1 FinInstnId Name Financial Institution Identification
Typ SCLSDDFinancialInstitutionIdentification5Ch
Document oice
1..1 BIC Name BIC Validity of BIC using SEPA BIC directory.
Typ BICIdentifier Error code: XT27
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt {0,1} Check only if payment is forwarded from the
++DrctDbtTxInf SEPA-Clearer to STEP2: BIC must belong to a
+++DbtrAgt registered direct participant or reachable BIC of
++++FinInstnId the STEP2 SDD Service
+++++BIC Error code: PY01

Check only if the payment is forwarded from the

SEPA-Clearer to another CSM: Debtor agent
must be authorised to receive direct debits.
Error code: XT79
0..1 UltmtDbtr Name Ultimate Debtor Usage Rule: Mandatory if given by Compulsory if given by creditor in pain.008.
Document Typ SCLSDDPartyIdentification10 the Creditor in ‘pain.008.001.02’ and Must then be forwarded through the payment
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt must be forwarded through the chain to the debtor.
payment chain up to the Debtor.

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.003.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page: 39 of 48

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

0..1 Nm Name Name (AT-15 Name of the Debtor Name of ultimate debtor
Typ Max70Text Reference Party)
Document Length 1 .. 70 Usage Rule: "Name" is limited to 70
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Pattern \S+.* characters in length.
++DrctDbtTxInf WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 Id Name Identification (AT-37 Identification code of the Identifier of ultimate debtor
Typ SCLSDDParty3Choice Debtor Reference Party)
1..1 OrgId Name Organisation Identification Usage Rule: Either "BIC or BEI" or
Typ SCLSDDOrganisationIdentification4 one occurrence of "Other" is
Document allowed.
1..1 BICOrBEI Name BIC or BEI
Typ SCLSDDAnyBICIdentifier
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt {0,1}

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.003.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page: 40 of 48

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
1..1 Othr Name Other
Typ SCLSDDGenericOrganisationIdentification1
1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Pattern \S+.*
++DrctDbtTxInf WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 SchmeNm Name Scheme Name
Typ SCLSDDOrganisationIdentificationSchemeN
Document ame1Choice
1..1 Cd Name Code
Typ SCLSDDExternalOrganisationIdentification1
Document Code
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Length 1 .. 4
++DrctDbtTxInf Pattern \S+.*
+++UltmtDbtr WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.003.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page: 41 of 48

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Pattern \S+.*
++DrctDbtTxInf WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 Issr Name Issuer
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Pattern \S+.*
++DrctDbtTxInf WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 PrvtId Name Private Identification Usage Rule: Either "Date and
Typ SCLSDDPersonIdentification5 Place of Birth" or one occurrence of
Document "Other" is allowed.
1..1 DtAndPlcOfBirth Name Date and Place of Birth
Typ DateAndPlaceOfBirth

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.003.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page: 42 of 48

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 BirthDt Name Birth Date
Typ ISODate
Document Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2}
0..1 PrvcOfBirth Name Province of Birth
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Pattern \S+.*
++DrctDbtTxInf WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 CityOfBirth Name City of Birth
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Pattern \S+.*
++DrctDbtTxInf WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.003.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page: 43 of 48

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 CtryOfBirth Name Country of Birth
Typ CountryCode
Document Pattern [A-Z]{2,2}
1..1 Othr Name Other
Typ SCLSDDGenericPersonIdentification1
1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Pattern \S+.*
++DrctDbtTxInf WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 SchmeNm Name Scheme Name
Typ SCLSDDPersonIdentificationSchemeName1
Document Choice

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.003.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page: 44 of 48

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Cd Name Code
Typ SCLSDDExternalPersonIdentification1Code
Document Length 1 .. 4
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Pattern \S+.*
++DrctDbtTxInf WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Pattern \S+.*
++DrctDbtTxInf WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 Issr Name Issuer
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Pattern \S+.*
++DrctDbtTxInf WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.003.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page: 45 of 48

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

0..1 Purp Name Purpose (AT-58 Purpose of the Collection) Purpose of the Collection
Typ SCLSDDPurpose1Choice No plausibility check if <Purpose> and
Document <Category purpose> fields both contain entries,
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt ie SCL ignores conflicting entries.
1..1 Cd Name Code Purpose of the Collection in accordance with the
Typ ExternalPurpose1Code external code list (ISO 20022).
Document Length 1 .. 4
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Pattern \S+.* Must not exceed 4 characters.
++DrctDbtTxInf WhiteSpace collapse .
+++Purp No entry is required for submissions to the SCL,
++++Cd whereas for deliveries from the SLC an entry
may be made in the field. There is no validation
by the SCL.
0..1 RmtInf Name Remittance Information (AT-22 Remittance information Structured or unstructured remittance information
Typ SCLSDDRemittanceInformation1 from the Creditor) from the creditor.
Document (Schema validation)
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Usage Rule: Either 'Structured' or
++DrctDbtTxInf 'Unstructured', may be present.
1..1 Ustrd Name Unstructured Usage Rule: ‘Unstructured’ may
Typ Max140Text carry structured remittance
Document Length 1 .. 140 information, as agreed between the
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Pattern \S+.* Creditor and the Debtor.
++DrctDbtTxInf WhiteSpace collapse Format Rule: Only one occurrence
+++RmtInf of ‘Unstructured’ is allowed.
1..1 Strd Name Structured Format Rule: ‘Structured’ can be Structured remittance information must not
Typ SCLSDDStructuredRemittanceInformation6 used, provided the tags and the exceed 140 characters. Only information within
Document data within the ‘Structured’ element the <Strd> element is counted.
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt do not exceed 140 characters in The elements including the contents within the
++DrctDbtTxInf length. tag <Strd> are also counted.
Error code: XT33
All ISO 20022 field options are allowed.

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.003.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page: 46 of 48

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

+++RmtInf Format Rule: Only one occurrence

++++Strd of ‘Structured’ is allowed.
0..1 CdtrRefInf Name Creditor Reference Information Usage Rule: When present, the
Typ SCLSDDCreditorReferenceInformation2 Debtor Bank is not obliged to
Document validate the reference information.
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Usage Rule: When used both
++DrctDbtTxInf "Type" and "Reference" must be
+++RmtInf present.
1..1 Tp Name Type
Typ SCLSDDCreditorReferenceType2
1..1 CdOrPrtry Name Code or Proprietary
Typ SCLSDDCreditorReferenceType1Choice
1..1 Cd Name Code Usage Rule: Only "SCOR" is

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.003.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page: 47 of 48

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC Referenzen Contents and check

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
Typ SCLSDDDocumentType3Code allowed.
Acceptable Codes
0..1 Issr Name Issuer
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Pattern \S+.*
++DrctDbtTxInf WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 Ref Name Reference Usage Rule: If "Reference" Creditor’s reference. If CdtrRefInf is used, “Tp”
Typ Max35Text contains a check digit, the receiving and “Ref” must be completed.
Document Length 1 .. 35 bank is not required to validate this.
+FIToFICstmrDrctDbt Pattern \S+.* Usage Rule: If the receiving bank Option of also specifying a structured creditor
++DrctDbtTxInf WhiteSpace collapse validates the check digit and if this reference, structured according to ISO 11649
+++RmtInf validation fails, the bank may (RFnnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa); maximum
++++Strd continue its processing and send length of 25 characters.
+++++CdtrRefInf the transactions to the next party in
the chain. There is no validation by the SCL.
Usage Rule: RF Creditor
Reference may be used (ISO

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.003.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page: 48 of 48
SDD Interbank Direct Debit Reject Dataset (DS-05) – pacs.002.001.03SCLSDD


SEPA Direct Debit – Interbank Direct Debit Reject Dataset (DS-05)

SDD annex 8 to appendix "SDD/SCL technical specifications“ – pacs.002.001.03SCLSDD page 1 of 2

SDD Interbank Direct Debit Reject Dataset (DS-05) – pacs.002.001.03SCLSDD

Use of the interbank direct debit reject dataset (pacs.002.001.03SCLSDD)

This message is a rejection message from the SEPA-Clearer in the event of an error to notify the SCL participant about rejected
direct debits or return ("R“) messages (at the validation stage).

The message caters for bulk and single reject instructions.

Main difference between pacs.002SCL and ‘Implementation Guideline’–compliant pacs.002 message:

1. Along with the relevant ISO and SEPA error codes, in the status reason/proprietary field, error codes specific to the SEPA -
Clearer (SCL) (see separate list of error codes) are also returned by the SCL.

2. The group header does not contain instructing agent or instructed agent.

3. Within the original transaction reference, no exact copy is returned; only the following information is given.

<IntrBkSttlmAmt> the amount of the original transaction

<IntrBkSttlmDt> the original interbank settlement date
<CdtrAgt><FinInstnId><BIC> the original creditor agent

4. The ‘number of transactions per status’ for the payments rejected by the SEPA-Clearer is provided in the ‘original group
information and status’ sequence (only negative acknowledgement).

Group header

The group header contains information required to process the entire message.

SDD annex 8 to appendix "SDD/SCL technical specifications“ – pacs.002.001.03SCLSDD page 2 of 2


Message structure
Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks
(falls vorhanden) SEPA-Clearer

Document Typ Document

1..1 FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL Typ FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL

1..1 GrpHdr Name Group Header The group header contains general processing
Typ SCLSDDGroupHeader5 information which are needed for the processing
Document of the whole message.
1..1 MsgId Name Message Identification SEPA-Clearer file reference.
Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35}
1..1 CreDtTm Name Creation Date Time File creation date and time in the SEPA-Clearer.
Typ ISODateTime
0..1 InstgAgt Name Instructing Agent
Typ SCLSDDBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentif
Document ication3
1..1 FinInstnId Name Financial Institution Identification
Typ SCLSDDFinancialInstitutionIdentification5Ch
Document oice

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SCLSDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 1 of 13

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(falls vorhanden) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 BIC Name BIC
Typ BICIdentifier
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL {0,1}
0..1 InstdAgt Name Instructed Agent
Typ SCLSDDBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentif
Document ication3
1..1 FinInstnId Name Financial Institution Identification
Typ SCLSDDFinancialInstitutionIdentification5Ch
Document oice
1..1 BIC Name BIC
Typ BICIdentifier
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL {0,1}
1..1 OrgnlGrpInfAndSts Name Original Group Information And Status Contains general information from the original
Typ SCLSDDOriginalGroupInformation1S2 group header which is relevant for all payments.

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SCLSDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 2 of 13

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(falls vorhanden) SEPA-Clearer
1..1 OrgnlMsgId Name Original Message Identification <Msgld> of the original bulk..
Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35}
1..1 OrgnlMsgNmId Name Original Message Name Identification Message name of the rejected original bulk
Typ Max35Text_Codes
Document Length 1 .. 35
Acceptable Codes
1..1 OrgnlNbOfTxs Name Original Number of Transactions Total number of received single payments from
Typ Max15NumericText the original bulk.
Document Pattern [0-9]{1,15}
1..1 OrgnlCtrlSum Name Original Control Sum Total amount from the original bulk in euro.
Typ DecimalNumber
Document FractionDigits 2
+FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL TotalDigits 18
++OrgnlGrpInfAndSts Pattern [0-9]{0,15}([\.]([0-9]{0,2})){0,1}
1..1 GrpSts Name Group Status RJCT: displayed by SEPA-Clearer if the bulk is
Typ SCLSDDTransactionGroupStatus1Code completely rejected.
PART: displayed by SEPA-Clearer if the bulk is
++OrgnlGrpInfAndSts partially rejected.

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SCLSDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 3 of 13

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(falls vorhanden) SEPA-Clearer

Acceptable Codes
1..1 StsRsnInf Name Status Reason Information
Typ SCLSDDStatusReasonInformation1
1..1 Orgtr Name Originator Initatior of the R-transaction.
1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ SCLSDDParty3Choice
1..1 OrgId Name Organisation Identification
Typ SCLSDDOrganisationIdentification2
1..1 BICOrBEI Name BIC or BEI SEPA-Clearer's BIC (production

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SCLSDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 4 of 13

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(falls vorhanden) SEPA-Clearer
Typ BICIdentifier
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL {0,1}
1..1 Rsn Name Reason
Typ SCLSDDStatusReason1Choice
1..1 Cd Name Code Left blank by SCL
Typ SCLSDDTransactionRejectReason4Code
Acceptable Codes
1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary Proprietary error code of the SEPA-Clearer
Typ Max35Text according the list of error code in the technical
Document Length 1 .. 35 specifications
0..1 NbOfTxsPerSts Name Number of Transactions Per Status Information on transactions rejected by the
Typ SCLSDDNumberOfTransactionsPerStatus1 SEPA-Clearer. (Only completed in the case of a
partial rejection)

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SCLSDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 5 of 13

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(falls vorhanden) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 DtldNbOfTxs Name Detailed Number Of Transactions Number of rejected transactions. Only
Typ Max15NumericText completed if <GrpSts> contains the code
Document Pattern [0-9]{1,15} ‘PART’.
1..1 DtldSts Name Detailed Status Status of transactions. Only completed if
Typ SCLSDDTransactionIndividualStatus1Code <GrpSts> contains the code ‘PART’. Here, only
Document the code RJCT is possible.
Acceptable Codes
1..1 DtldCtrlSum Name Detailed Control Sum Total amount of the rejected transactions. Only
Typ DecimalNumber completed if <GrpSts> contains the code
Document FractionDigits 2 ‘PART’.
+FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL TotalDigits 18
++OrgnlGrpInfAndSts Pattern [0-9]{0,15}([\.]([0-9]{0,2})){0,1}
0..n TxInfAndSts Name Transaction Information And Status Only completed in the case of a partial rejection.
Typ SCLSDDPaymentTransactionInformation1
1..1 StsId Name Status Identification Reference number of the transaction issued by
Typ SCLSDDId7 the SEPA-Clearer.

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SCLSDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 6 of 13

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(falls vorhanden) SEPA-Clearer

Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35}

0..1 OrgnlInstrId Name Original Instruction Identification The “original instruction ID” of the underlying
Typ SCLSDDId7 direct debit. Is only given here if it already existed
Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35} in the original direct debit.
1..1 OrgnlEndToEndId Name Original End To End Identification The creditor reference (End to End ID) of the
Typ Max35Text original direct debit.
Document Length 1 .. 35
1..1 OrgnlTxId Name Original Transaction Identification Reference of the payment service provider of the
Typ SCLSDDId7 the original direct debit.
Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35}
+FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL For pacs.003 = TxId
++TxInfAndSts For pacs.002 = StsId
+++OrgnlTxId For pacs.004 = RtrId
For camt.056 = CxlId
For pacs.007 = RvslId
1..1 TxSts Name Transaction Status Status of the individual transaction. Only the
Typ SCLSDDTransactionIndividualStatus1Code code “RJCT” is allowed.
Acceptable Codes
1..1 StsRsnInf Name Status Reason Information

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SCLSDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 7 of 13

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(falls vorhanden) SEPA-Clearer
Typ SCLSDDStatusReasonInformation2
1..1 Orgtr Name Originator Originator of the rejected transaction
1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ SCLSDDParty3Choice
1..1 OrgId Name Organisation Identification
Typ SCLSDDOrganisationIdentification2
1..1 BICOrBEI Name BICOrBEI SEPA-Clearer's BIC (production
Typ BICIdentifier MARKDEFF; test MARKDEF0)
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL {0,1}

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SCLSDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 8 of 13

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(falls vorhanden) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Rsn Name Reason
Typ SCLSDDStatusReason2Choice
1..1 Cd Name Code Left blank by the SCL.
Typ SCLSDDTransactionRejectReason3Code
Acceptable Codes
1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary Error code of the SEPA-Clearer if the individual
Typ Max35Text transaction is rejected; may be completed using
Document Length 1 .. 35 codes defined in ISO 20022 as well as
+FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL proprietary codes. Field is formatted as follows in
++TxInfAndSts the event of certain errors: [Code] [space]
+++StsRsnInf [erroneous XML tag]
0..1 InstgAgt Name Instructing Agent

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(falls vorhanden) SEPA-Clearer
Typ SCLSDDBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentif
Document ication3
1..1 FinInstnId Name Financial Institution Identification
Typ SCLSDDFinancialInstitutionIdentification5Ch
Document oice
1..1 BIC Name BIC
Typ BICIdentifier
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL {0,1}
0..1 InstdAgt Name Instructed Agent
Typ SCLSDDBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentif
Document ication3
1..1 FinInstnId Name Financial Institution Identification
Typ SCLSDDFinancialInstitutionIdentification5Ch
Document oice
1..1 BIC Name BIC
Typ BICIdentifier
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SCLSDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 10 of 13

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(falls vorhanden) SEPA-Clearer

+FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL {0,1}
0..1 OrgnlTxRef Name Original Transaction Reference Parts of the original message (if present):
Typ SCLSDDOriginalTransactionReference1 <IntrBkSttlmAmt>: the amount of the original
Document message
+FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL <IntrBkSttlmDt>: settlement date of the original
++TxInfAndSts message
+++OrgnlTxRef <CdtrAgt>/<FinInstnId>/<BIC>: BIC of the
creditor bank
1..1 IntrBkSttlmAmt Name Interbank Settlement Amount Amount of the original message (depending on
Typ SCLSDDCurrencyAndAmount payment type):
Document FractionDigits 2 In pacs.003 = Interbank Settlement Amount
+FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL TotalDigits 18 In pacs.004 = Returned Interbank
++TxInfAndSts Inclusive 0 .. Settlement Amount.
+++OrgnlTxRef Pattern [0-9]{0,15}([\.]([0-9]{0,2})){0,1} In pacs.002 = not available
++++IntrBkSttlmAmt In camt.056 = Original Interbank Settlement
In pacs.007 = Reversed Interbank
Settlement Amount
required Attribute: Ccy Typ SCLSDDCurrencyCode
Use required
Acceptable Codes
1..1 IntrBkSttlmDt Name Interbank Settlement Date The interbank settlement date of the original
Typ ISODate message.
1..1 DbtrAgt Name Debtor Agent BIC of the debtor bank according to the original

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SCLSDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 11 of 13

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(falls vorhanden) SEPA-Clearer
Typ SCLSDDBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentif
Document ication3
1..1 FinInstnId Name Financial Institution Identification
Typ SCLSDDFinancialInstitutionIdentification5Ch
Document oice
1..1 BIC Name BIC
Typ BICIdentifier
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL {0,1}
1..1 CdtrAgt Name Creditor Agent BIC of the creditor agent according to the original
Typ SCLSDDBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentif message.
Document ication3
1..1 FinInstnId Name Financial Institution Identification
Typ SCLSDDFinancialInstitutionIdentification5Ch
Document oice

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SCLSDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 12 of 13

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(falls vorhanden) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 BIC Name BIC
Typ BICIdentifier
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+FIToFIPmtStsRptSCL {0,1}

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SCLSDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 13 of 13
SDD Interbank Direct Debit Reject Dataset (DS-05) – pacs.002.001.03SDD


SEPA Direct Debit – Interbank Direct Debit Reject Dataset (DS-05)

SDD annex 9 to appendix “SDD/SCL technical specifications” – pacs.002.001.03SDD page 1 of 2

SDD Interbank Direct Debit Reject Dataset (DS-05) – pacs.002.001.03SDD

Use of Interbank Direct Debit Reject Dataset (pacs.002.001.03SDD):

The message is used to reject a direct debit between payment service providers.
The message caters for single reject instructions only. Bulk-level rejects are not supported by the SEPA-Clearer.
 Attribute R1 in DS-05 is implied by the ‘message name’, ‘pacs.002.001’, the <OrgnlMsgNmId>, ‘pacs.003' and the <GrpSts>:
 Attribute R4 ‘settlement date for the reject, return or refund’ is not applicable.
 Message elements under the ‘original transaction reference’ sequence are based on DS-04 attributes.

ISO message structure

A message used to reject a direct debit instruction contains:

 a single group header

 a single original group information and status
 one or more ‘transaction information and status’ sequences each containing a direct debit rejection instruction, as defined in

Group header

The group header contains information required to process the entire message.

SDD annex 9 to appendix “SDD/SCL technical specifications” – pacs.002.001.03SDD page 2 of 2


Message structure
Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks
(if available) SEPA-Clearer

Document Typ Document

1..1 FIToFIPmtStsRpt Typ FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV03

1..1 GrpHdr Name Group Header Contains general processing information which
Typ SCLSDDGroupHeader5 applies to whole payment payment.
1..1 MsgId Name Message Identification (AT-R5 Specific reference of the Bulk reference number
Typ SCLSDDId7 bank which initiated the Rejection)
Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35} Msgld is part of the duplication check at bulk
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt level (unique reference over 15 calendar days).
++GrpHdr Error code: B14
The first 8 or 11 characters of Msgld must match
the BIC of the instructing agent in the IDF. The
rest of the field can be freely defined.
Error code: B98
1..1 CreDtTm Name Creation Date Time Bulk creation date and time.
Typ ISODateTime
Document Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2}[T][0-9]{2,2}:
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt [0-9]{2,2}:[0-9]{2,2}[\S]*
0..1 InstgAgt Name Instructing Agent Usage Rule: Only BIC is allowed. Only to be used for submissions to the
Typ SCLSDDBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentif SEPA-Clearer (IDF).
Document ication3 Allocation of the BIC of the SCL participant which
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt is linked with the TARGET2 sub-account
++GrpHdr assigned for settlement with the SEPA-Clearer.
+++InstgAgt Part of duplication check (unique daily reference)

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 1 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 FinInstnId Name Financial Institution Identification

Typ SCLSDDFinancialInstitutionIdentification5Ch
Document oice
1..1 BIC Name BIC BIC must be contained in the input debit file
Typ BICIdentifier (IDF).
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) Error code: B10
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt {0,1}
0..1 InstdAgt Name Instructed Agent Usage Rule: Only BIC is allowed. Only to be used for deliveries from the
Typ SCLSDDBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentif SEPA-Clearer. Allocation of the BIC of the SCL
Document ication3 participant which is linked with the TARGET2
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt sub-account assigned for settlement with the
++GrpHdr SEPA-Clearer.
1..1 FinInstnId Name Financial Institution Identification
Document Typ SCLSDDFinancialInstitutionIdentification5Ch
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt oice

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 2 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 BIC Name BIC BIC may only be contained in the debit
Typ BICIdentifier notification file (DNF).
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) Error code: B11
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt {0,1}
1..1 OrgnlGrpInfAndSts Name Original Group Information Note: Rejection of an entire bulk is not supported
Typ SCLSDDOriginalGroupInformation1 by the SEPA-Clearer
1..1 OrgnlMsgId Name Original Message Identification Reference number (<MsgId>) of original bulk
Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35}
1..1 OrgnlMsgNmId Name Original Message Name Identification Original bulk name
Typ SCLSDDOrgnlMsgNmId May be completed with ‘pacs.003’ or
Document Pattern pacs\.003[A-Za-z0-9\.]{0,27} 'PACS.003'.
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt PACS\.003[A-Za-z0-9\.]{0,27} (Schema validation)
1..1 GrpSts Name GroupStatus (AT-R1 Type of R Message) Only the status ‘PART’ is permitted.
Typ SCLSDDTransactionGroupStatus1Code Usage Rule: Only ‘RJCT’ and (Schema validation)
Document ‘PART’ are allowed.

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 3 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
Acceptable Codes
1..n TxInfAndSts Name Transaction Information And Status At least one transaction must be given as
Typ SCLSDDPaymentTransactionInformation1 rejection at bulk level is not supported. (Schema
Document validation)
++TxInfAndSts Maximum of 100,000 data records allowed.
Error code: B02
1..1 StsId Name Status Identification Mandatory Reference number of the credit institution that
Typ SCLSDDId7 (AT-R5 Specific reference of the initiated the reject.
Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35} bank that initiated the reject)
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Status ID is part of the duplication check at single
++TxInfAndSts record level
+++StsId Error code: AM05
0..1 OrgnlInstrId Name Original Instruction Identification Usage Rule: Mandatory if provided Original "Orignal Instruction ID" of the original
Typ SCLSDDId7 in the original instruction bulk. Is only given if was already part of the
Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35} original debit.
1..1 OrgnlEndToEndId Name Original End To End Identification Mandatory Creditor’s original reference. End-to-End-ID of
Typ Max35Text (AT-10 Creditor's reference of the the original payment
Document Length 1 .. 35 Collection)
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.*
++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 OrgnlTxId Name Original Transaction Identification Mandatory Original reference of the creditor bank
Typ SCLSDDId7 (AT-43 Creditor Bank's reference of Transaction ID of the original payment.
Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35} the Collection)
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Usage Rule: Must contain a The original transaction (pacs.003) must have
++TxInfAndSts reference that is unique over time. been processed in the SEPA-Clearer.
+++OrgnlTxId Error code: XT75

Where applicable, error code XT75 or XT74 if

payment is forwarded via STEP2/another CSM.
1..1 TxSts Name Transaction Status (AT-R1 Type of R message) Status of the R-transaction
Only the value ‘RJCT’ = reject is permitted.
(Schema validation)

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 4 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
Typ SCLSDDTransactionIndividualStatus1Code Usage Rule: Only '"RJCT' is
Document allowed.
Acceptable Codes
1..1 StsRsnInf Name Status Reason Information Usage Rule: Only one occurrence In the SEPA-Clearer, status reason information
Typ SCLSDDStatusReasonInformation1 is allowed. is only permitted in ‘transaction information and
Document Usage Rule: ‘Status Reason status’. (Schema validation)
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Information’ must be present either
++TxInfAndSts in ‘Original Group Information And
+++StsRsnInf Status’ or in ‘Transaction
Information and Status’.
1..1 Orgtr Name Originator Mandatory Initiator of the R-transaction.
Typ SCLSDDId5 (AT-R2 Identification of the type of
Document party that initiated the reject) Limited to BIC, in order to identify the credit
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Usage Rule: Limited to BIC to institution or CSM, or to a name to indicate the
++TxInfAndSts identify the bank or, CSM debtor or CSM (if the CSM cannot be identified
+++StsRsnInf originating the status or to ‘Name’ using a BIC)
++++Orgtr to indicate the Debtor or CSM when
it has no BIC.
Usage Rule: ‘Name’ is limited to 70
characters in length.
1..1 Nm Name Name Customer who initiated the pacs.002
Typ Max70Text
Document Length 1 .. 70 Serves to indicate a refusal (= customer refusal).
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.* May be valid only if code under StsRsn is MS02
++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse Error code: XT13
BIC and name cannot be entered
simultaneously. (Schema validation
1..1 Id Name Identification BIC and name cannot be entered
simultaneously. (Schema validation)

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 5 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
Typ SCLSDDParty3Choice
1..1 OrgId Name Organisation Identification
Typ SCLSDDOrganisationIdentification2
1..1 BICOrBEI Name BIC or BEI
Typ BICIdentifier
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt {0,1}
1..1 Rsn Name Reason Mandatory Only the code or proprietary name may be given.
Typ SCLSDDStatusReason1Choice (AT-R3 Reason Code (Schema validation)
Document for Non-Acceptance)
1..1 Cd Name Code See Message Element Reason for rejection/cause of non-acceptance.
Typ SCLSDDTransactionRejectReason3Code Specifications below.

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 6 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Only the permitted reason codes for

++TxInfAndSts refusals/rejects may be entered here. (Schema
+++StsRsnInf validation)
The code ‘AC13’ is only allowed to be used in
+++++Cd the SEPA B2B Direct Debit Scheme. Error code:
Acceptable Codes
0..1 ChrgsInf Name Charges Information Usage Rule: Only one occurrence
Typ SCLSDDChargesInformation1 is allowed.

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 7 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Amt Name Amount (AT-R8 Amount of the Interchange The currency symbol must be ‘EUR’. (Schema
Typ SCLSDDCurrencyAndAmount_Tx Fee) validation)
Document FractionDigits 2 Usage Rule: Only ‘EUR’ is allowed.
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt TotalDigits 18 Usage Rule: Amount must be 0.01 A maximum of two decimal places may be used.
++TxInfAndSts Inclusive 0.01 .. 999999999.99 or more and 999999999.99 or less. (Schema validation)
+++ChrgsInf Pattern [0-9]{0,15}([\.]([0-9]{0,2})){0,1} Format Rule: The fractional part
++++Amt has a maximum of two digits. Amount must not exceed permitted maximum
amount (999999999.99) and must be greater
than ‘0’. (Schema validation)
required Attribute: Ccy Typ SCLSDDCurrencyCode
Use required
Acceptable Codes
1..1 Pty Name Party
Typ SCLSDDBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentif
Document ication3
1..1 FinInstnId Name Financial Institution Identification (AT-13 BIC of the Debtor Bank)
Typ SCLSDDFinancialInstitutionIdentification5Ch Usage Rule: Only BIC is allowed.
Document oice
1..1 BIC Name BIC
Typ BICIdentifier
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt {0,1}

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 8 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

0..1 InstgAgt Name Instructing Agent Usage Rule: Only BIC is allowed. Original submitter of the bulk which contain the
Typ SCLSDDBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentif reject .
Document ication3
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Only to be completed in the Debit Notification
++TxInfAndSts File (DNF), not in a Input Debit File (IDF) of the
+++InstgAgt participant.
Error code: XT13
1..1 FinInstnId Name Financial Institution Identification
Typ SCLSDDFinancialInstitutionIdentification5Ch
Document oice
1..1 BIC Name BIC Only permitted in DNF.
Typ BICIdentifier Error code: XT13
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt {0,1}
1..1 OrgnlTxRef Name Original Transaction Reference Mandatory Copy of original message..
Typ SCLSDDOriginalTransactionReference1 (An exact copy of all attributes of
Document the received DS-04 which is being
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt rejected)
++TxInfAndSts Usage Rule: The message
+++OrgnlTxRef elements under 'Original
Transaction Reference' must be
populated with the same value as
the message elements of the
original instruction, as defined within
the following elements.

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 9 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 IntrBkSttlmAmt Name Interbank Settlement Amount (AT-06 Amount of the Collection in The amount of the original direct debit.
Typ SCLSDDCurrencyAndAmount_Tx euro)
Document FractionDigits 2 The currency symbol must be ‘EUR’. (Schema
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt TotalDigits 18 validation)
++TxInfAndSts Inclusive 0.01 .. 999999999.99
+++OrgnlTxRef Pattern [0-9]{0,15}([\.]([0-9]{0,2})){0,1} A maximum of two decimal places may be used
++++IntrBkSttlmAmt due to currency symbol ‘EUR’. (Schema

Amount must not exceed permitted maximum

amount (999999999.99) and must be greater
than ‘0’. (Schema validation)

Note: In the absence of a total amount field at

bulk level which could be used for settlement, the
total amount to be booked will be calculated by
the SCL exclusively on the basis of the sum of
the amounts of the transactions included in the
bulk (<IntrBkSttlmAmt>). Allocated amounts in
the Charges Information fields
(<ChrgsInf><Amt>) are not taken into account
for the settlement.
required Attribute: Ccy Typ SCLSDDCurrencyCode
Use required
Acceptable Codes
1..1 IntrBkSttlmDt Name Interbank Settlement Date (AT-26 Settlement date of the Settlement date of the original direct debit.
Typ ISODate Collection)
Document Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2} Interbank settlement date must at least a
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt TARGET-day and correspond to the current
++TxInfAndSts SEPA business day or be in the future up to 14
+++OrgnlTxRef calender days. If the date of at least one
++++IntrBkSttlmDt transaction is the same as the SEPA-Clearer
business day and later than 10.00 (= cut-off time
for SEPA Core direct debits) or 11.00 (= cut-off
time for SEPA B2B direct debits) r is in the past,
the entire bulk will be rejected.
Error code: B15

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 10 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
Failing an <IntrBkSettlmDt> at the GrpHdr level,
the <IntrBkSettlmDt> of all bulk transactions
related to <OrgnlMsgId> must be identical. If this
is case, the <IntrBkSettlmDt> of the first
transaction is used as the date of entry. If no
<IntrBkSettlmDt> identity exists, a bulk rejection
will occur.
Error code: B97

<IntrBkSttlmDt> date of the first transaction is

included in the duplication check.

In the case of deliveries from the SEPA-Clearer,

all individual transactions contain an identical

Original transaction (pacs.003) must have been

processed in the SEPA-Clearer.
Error code: XT75
1..1 ReqdColltnDt Name Requested Collection Date (AT-11 Due date of the Collection) Due date of collection of the original direct debit.
Typ ISODate
Document Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2}

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 11 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 CdtrSchmeId Name Creditor Scheme Identification (AT-02 Identifier of the Creditor) Identifier of creditor from the original message.
Typ SCLSDDCdtrSchmeId
1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ SCLSDDPrivateIdentification2
1..1 PrvtId Name Private Identification
1..1 Othr Name Other

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 12 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Id Name Identification Identifier of creditor from the original message.

Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|'|\s]){1,35}
1..1 SchmeNm Name Scheme Name
Typ FinancialIdentificationSchemeName2
1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 13 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

Acceptable Codes
0..1 SttlmInf Name Settlement Information
Typ SCLSDDSettlementInformation3
1..1 SttlmMtd Name Settlement Method Information about the settlement mechanism.
Typ SCLSDDSettlementMethod1Code Only the code "CLRG" is allowed. (Schema
Document validation)
Acceptable Codes
0..1 ClrSys Name Clearing System
Typ SCLSDDClearingSystemIdentification1Choic
Document e
1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary Code for the clearing system. For the
Typ Max35Text_Prtry SEPA-Clearer, only the code "SCL" is to be
Document Length 1 .. 35 used.
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.* (Schema validation)
++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 14 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

Acceptable Codes
1..1 PmtTpInf Name Payment Type Information (AT-20 Identification code of the
Typ SCLSDDPaymentTypeInformation6 Scheme)
Document (AT-20 Identification code of the
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt B2B Scheme)
++TxInfAndSts (AT-21 Transaction / Sequence
+++OrgnlTxRef Type)
++++PmtTpInf (AT-59 Category purpose of the
1..1 SvcLvl Name Serivce Level
Typ SCLSDDServiceLevel2Choice
1..1 Cd Name Code In the SEPA-Clearer, only the code ‘SEPA’ is
Typ SCLSDDServiceLevel1Code allowed. (Schema validation)
Acceptable Codes
1..1 LclInstrm Name Local Instrument Indication as to whether B2B or CORE direct
Typ SCLSDDLocalInstrument1Choice debit

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 15 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Cd Name Code May only contain the codes "CORE", “COR1” or
Typ ExternalLocalInstrument1Code "B2B“.(Schema validation)
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt In a COR-File only CORE- and/or COR1-Bulks
++TxInfAndSts are permitted.
+++OrgnlTxRef In a B2B-File only B2B-Bulks are permitted.
++++PmtTpInf Error code: XT43
Mixed submission of B2B, CORE and COR1
direct debits in a single file is not permitted.
Error code: XT43

Original transaction (pacs.003) must have been

processed in the SEPA-Clearer.
Error code: XT75
Acceptable Codes
1..1 SeqTp Name Sequence Type Direct debit type:
Typ SCLSDDSequenceType1Code FNAL: final
Document FRST: first
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt OOFF: one-off
++TxInfAndSts RCUR: recurring
+++OrgnlTxRef (Schema validation)
Acceptable Codes
0..1 CtgyPurp Name Category Purpose No additional technical checks are necessary
Typ CategoryPurpose1Choice over and above the schema
Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group
pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 16 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
1..1 Cd Name Code
Typ ExternalCategoryPurpose1Code
Document Length 1 .. 4
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.*
++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.*
++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 MndtRltdInf Name Mandate Related Information (AT-01 Unique Mandate reference) Unique mandate reference.
Typ SCLSDDMandateRelatedInformation1 (AT-16 Placeholder for the Placeholder for electronic
Document electronic signature data, if signature, where available.
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt applicable)
++TxInfAndSts (AT-17 The type of

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 17 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
Mandate (paper or e-Mandate)) Identifier of original creditor who issued the
(AT-18 Identifier of the original mandate.
Creditor who issued the Mandate) Unique mandate reference, as specified by
(AT-19 Unique mandate reference original creditor who issued the mandate.
as given by the original creditor Reason for changing mandate.
who issued the mandate) Date when mandate was signed.
(AT-24 Reason for Amendment of
the Mandate)
(AT-25 Signing date of the Mandate)
(AT-60 Reference of the validation
made by the Debtor Bank (if present
in DS-03))
1..1 MndtId Name Mandate Identification Unique mandate reference.
Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|'|\s]){1,35}
1..1 DtOfSgntr Name Date Of Signature Date when mandate was signed.
Typ ISODate
Document Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2}
0..1 AmdmntInd Name Amendment Indicator
Typ TrueFalseIndicator
0..1 AmdmntInfDtls Name Amendment Information Details

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 18 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
Typ SCLSDDAmendmentInformationDetails1
0..1 OrgnlMndtId Name Original Mandate Identification Unique mandate reference as specified by the
Typ SCLSDDId8 original creditor who issued the mandate..
Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|'|\s]){1,35}
0..1 OrgnlCdtrSchmeId Name Original Creditor Scheme Identification
Typ SCLSDDCdtrSchmeId1
0..1 Nm Name Name
Typ Max70Text
Document Length 1 .. 70
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.*
++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 19 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
0..1 Id Name Identification
Typ SCLSDDPrivateIdentification
1..1 PrvtId Name Private Identification
1..1 Othr Name Other
1..1 Id Name Identification

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 20 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|'|\s]){1,35}

1..1 SchmeNm Name Scheme Name
Typ FinancialIdentificationSchemeName2
1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary Only the code ‘SEPA’ is allowed. (Schema
Typ SCLSDDId9 validation)

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 21 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

Acceptable Codes
0..1 OrgnlDbtrAcct Name Original Debtor Account
Typ SCLSDDCashAccount8
1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ SCLSDDAccountIdentification4Choice
1..1 IBAN Name IBAN
Typ IBANIdentifier
Document Pattern [a-zA-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30}

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 22 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
1..1 Othr Name Other
Typ SCLSDDOrgnlDbtrAcctOther2
1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ Max34Text
Document Length 1 .. 34
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.*
++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 OrgnlDbtrAgt Name Original Debtor Agent
Document Typ SCLSDDOrgnlDbtrAgt

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 23 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 FinInstnId Name Financial Institution Identification

Typ SCLSDDOrgnlDbtrAgt1
1..1 BIC Name BIC
Typ BICIdentifier
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt {0,1}
1..1 Othr Name Other
Typ SCLSDDOrgnlDbtrAgtOther2
1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ Max35Text_SMNDA
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.*
++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 24 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

0..1 ElctrncSgntr Name Electronic Signature
Typ Max1025Text
Document Length 1 .. 1025
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.*
++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 RmtInf Name Remittance Information (AT-22 Remittance information) Structured or unstructured remittance
Typ SCLSDDRemittanceInformation1 information.
Document (Schema validation)
1..1 Ustrd Name Unstructured
Typ Max140Text
Document Length 1 .. 140
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.*
++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 Strd Name Structured Structured remittance information must not
Typ SCLSDDStructuredRemittanceInformation6 exceed 140 characters. Only information within
Document the <Strd> element is counted. The elements
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt including the contents within the tag <Strd> are
++TxInfAndSts also counted.
+++OrgnlTxRef Error code: XT33
+++++Strd All ISO 20022 field options are allowed

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 25 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

0..1 CdtrRefInf Name Creditor Reference Information

Typ SCLSDDCreditorReferenceInformation2
1..1 Tp Name Type
Typ SCLSDDCreditorReferenceType2
1..1 CdOrPrtry Name Code or Proprietary
Typ SCLSDDCreditorReferenceType1Choice

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 26 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Cd Name Code

Typ SCLSDDDocumentType3Code
Acceptable Codes
0..1 Issr Name Issuer
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.*
++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 Ref Name Reference
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.*
++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 27 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

0..1 UltmtDbtr Name Ultimate Debtor (AT-15 Name of the Debtor

Typ SCLSDDPartyIdentification10 Reference Party)
Document (AT-37 Identification code of the
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Debtor Reference Party)
0..1 Nm Name Name Name of ultimate debtor
Typ Max70Text
Document Length 1 .. 70
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.*
++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 PstlAdr Name Postal Address
Typ SCLSDDPostalAddress1
0..1 Ctry Name Country
Typ CountryCode
Document Pattern [A-Z]{2,2}
0..2 AdrLine Name Address Line
Typ Max70Text
Document Length 1 .. 70

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 28 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.*

++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 Id Name Identification Identifier of ultimate debtor
Typ SCLSDDParty4Choice
1..1 OrgId Name Organisation Identification
Typ SCLSDDOrganisationIdentification4
1..1 BICOrBEI Name BIC or BEI
Typ SCLSDDAnyBICIdentifier
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt {0,1}
1..1 Othr Name Other
Typ SCLSDDGenericOrganisationIdentification1

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 29 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.*
++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 SchmeNm Name Scheme Name
Typ SCLSDDOrganisationIdentificationSchemeN
Document ame1Choice
1..1 Cd Name Code
Typ SCLSDDExternalOrganisationIdentification1
Document Code
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Length 1 .. 4
++TxInfAndSts Pattern \S+.*

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 30 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

+++OrgnlTxRef WhiteSpace collapse

1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.*
++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 Issr Name Issuer
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.*
++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 PrvtId Name Private Identification
Typ SCLSDDPersonIdentification5

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 31 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 DtAndPlcOfBirth Name Date and Place of Birth
Typ DateAndPlaceOfBirth
1..1 BirthDt Name Birth Date
Typ ISODate
Document Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2}
0..1 PrvcOfBirth Name Province of Birth
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.*
++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 32 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 CityOfBirth Name City of Birth

Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.*
++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 CtryOfBirth Name Country of Birth
Typ CountryCode
Document Pattern [A-Z]{2,2}
1..1 Othr Name Other
Typ SCLSDDGenericPersonIdentification1
1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ Max35Text

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 33 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.*
++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 SchmeNm Name Scheme Name
Typ SCLSDDPersonIdentificationSchemeName1
Document Choice
1..1 Cd Name Code
Typ SCLSDDExternalPersonIdentification1Code
Document Length 1 .. 4
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.*
++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 34 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.*

++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 Issr Name Issuer
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.*
++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 CtryOfRes Name Country of Residence
Typ CountryCode
Document Pattern [A-Z]{2,2}
1..1 Dbtr Name Debtor (AT-14 Name of the Debtor) Debtor name.
Typ SCLSDDPartyIdentification9 (AT-09 Address of the Debtor) Debtor address.
Document (AT-27 Debtor identification code) Debtor identifier.

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 35 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
1..1 Nm Name Name Name of debtor.or additional informations
Typ Max70Text according to the original mesage
Document Length 1 .. 70
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.*
++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 PstlAdr Name Postal Adress Address of debtor.
Typ SCLSDDPostalAddress1
0..1 Ctry Name Country
Typ CountryCode
Document Pattern [A-Z]{2,2}
0..2 AdrLine Name Address Line
Typ Max70Text
Document Length 1 .. 70
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.*
++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 Id Name Identification Identifier of debtor.
Typ SCLSDDParty4Choice

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 36 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

Document Either 'Organisation Identification' or 'Private

+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Identification' must be selected (Schema
++TxInfAndSts validation)
1..1 OrgId Name Organisation Identification All ISO 20022 field options are
Typ SCLSDDOrganisationIdentification4 allowed.
1..1 BICOrBEI Name BIC or BEI
Typ SCLSDDAnyBICIdentifier
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt {0,1}
1..1 Othr Name Other
Typ SCLSDDGenericOrganisationIdentification1

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 37 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.*
++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 SchmeNm Name Scheme Name
Typ SCLSDDOrganisationIdentificationSchemeN
Document ame1Choice
1..1 Cd Name Code
Typ SCLSDDExternalOrganisationIdentification1
Document Code
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Length 1 .. 4
++TxInfAndSts Pattern \S+.*
+++OrgnlTxRef WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 38 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

Document Typ Max35Text

+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Length 1 .. 35
++TxInfAndSts Pattern \S+.*
WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 Issr Name Issuer
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.*
++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 PrvtId Name Private Identification 'Identification Type' under 'Other
Typ SCLSDDPersonIdentification5 Identification' may only contain the code 'SEPA'.
Document (Schema validation)
++TxInfAndSts All ISO 20022 field options are
+++OrgnlTxRef allowed.
1..1 DtAndPlcOfBirth Name Date and Place of Birth
Typ DateAndPlaceOfBirth

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 39 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 BirthDt Name Birth Date
Typ ISODate
Document Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2}
0..1 PrvcOfBirth Name Province of Birth
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.*
++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 CityOfBirth Name City of Birth
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.*
++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 40 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 CtryOfBirth Name Country of Birth

Typ CountryCode
Document Pattern [A-Z]{2,2}
1..1 Othr Name Other
Typ SCLSDDGenericPersonIdentification1
1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.*
++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 41 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
0..1 SchmeNm Name Scheme Name
Typ SCLSDDPersonIdentificationSchemeName1
Document Choice
1..1 Cd Name Code
Typ SCLSDDExternalPersonIdentification1Code
Document Length 1 .. 4
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.*
++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.*
++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 42 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
0..1 Issr Name Issuer
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.*
++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 DbtrAcct Name Debtor Account (AT-07 Account number (IBAN) of
Typ SCLSDDCashAccount7 the Debtor)
1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ SCLSDDAccountIdentification3Choice
1..1 IBAN Name IBAN Account number of debtor.
Typ IBANIdentifier
Document Pattern [a-zA-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30}

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 43 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
1..1 DbtrAgt Name Debtor Agent (AT-13 BIC of the Debtor Bank) BIC of the debtor agent
Typ SCLSDDBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentif
Document ication3
1..1 FinInstnId Name Financial Institution Identification
Typ SCLSDDFinancialInstitutionIdentification5Ch
Document oice
1..1 BIC Name BIC BIC of the debtor agent.
Typ BICIdentifier Debtor agent BIC is included in the
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) duplication check at single record
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt {0,1} level.
++TxInfAndSts Error code: AM05
1..1 CdtrAgt Name Creditor Agent (AT-12 BIC of the Creditor Bank) BIC of the creditor agent.
Typ SCLSDDBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentif
Document ication3
1..1 FinInstnId Name Financial Institution Identification
Typ SCLSDDFinancialInstitutionIdentification5Ch
Document oice

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 44 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 BIC Name BIC Validity check of BIC using SCL-Directory.

Typ BICIdentifier Error code: XT27
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt {0,1} Where applicable, error code XT74, if payment
++TxInfAndSts is forwarded via the other CSMs.
++++CdtrAgt Original transaction (pacs.003) must have been
+++++FinInstnId processed in the SEPA-Clearer.
Error code: XT75
1..1 Cdtr Name Creditor (AT-03 Name of the Creditor)
Typ SCLSDDId2 (AT-05 Address of the Creditor)
1..1 Nm Name Name Name of creditor.
Typ Max70Text
Document Length 1 .. 70
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.*
++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 PstlAdr Name Postal Adress Address of creditor
Typ SCLSDDPostalAddress1

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 45 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
0..1 Ctry Name Country
Typ CountryCode
Document Pattern [A-Z]{2,2}
0..2 AdrLine Name Address Line
Typ Max70Text
Document Length 1 .. 70
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.*
++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 CdtrAcct Name Creditor Account (AT-04 Account number (IBAN) of Account number of creditor.
Typ SCLSDDCashAccount7 the Creditor)
1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ SCLSDDAccountIdentification3Choice
1..1 IBAN Name IBAN IBAN of the creditor.
Typ IBANIdentifier
Document Pattern [a-zA-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30}

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 46 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

0..1 UltmtCdtr Name Ultimate Creditor (AT-38 Name of the Creditor
Typ SCLSDDPartyIdentification10 Reference Party)
Document (AT-39 Identification code of the
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Creditor Reference Party)
0..1 Nm Name Name Name of ultimate creditor
Typ Max70Text
Document Length 1 .. 70
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.*
++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 PstlAdr Name Postal Address
Typ SCLSDDPostalAddress1
0..1 Ctry Name Country
Typ CountryCode
Document Pattern [A-Z]{2,2}

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 47 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

0..2 AdrLine Name Address Line

Typ Max70Text
Document Length 1 .. 70
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.*
++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 Id Name Identification Identifier of ultimate creditor
Typ SCLSDDParty4Choice
1..1 OrgId Name Organisation Identification
Typ SCLSDDOrganisationIdentification4
1..1 BICOrBEI Name BIC or BEI
Typ SCLSDDAnyBICIdentifier
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt {0,1}

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 48 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Othr Name Other

Typ SCLSDDGenericOrganisationIdentification1
1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.*
++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 SchmeNm Name Scheme Name
Typ SCLSDDOrganisationIdentificationSchemeN
Document ame1Choice

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 49 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Cd Name Code

Typ SCLSDDExternalOrganisationIdentification1
Document Code
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Length 1 .. 4
++TxInfAndSts Pattern \S+.*
+++OrgnlTxRef WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.*
++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 Issr Name Issuer
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.*
++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 50 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 PrvtId Name Private Identification

Typ SCLSDDPersonIdentification5
1..1 DtAndPlcOfBirth Name Date and Place of Birth
Typ DateAndPlaceOfBirth
1..1 BirthDt Name Birth Date
Typ ISODate
Document Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2}
0..1 PrvcOfBirth Name Province of Birth
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.*

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 51 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse

1..1 CityOfBirth Name City of Birth
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.*
++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 CtryOfBirth Name Country of Birth
Typ CountryCode
Document Pattern [A-Z]{2,2}
1..1 Othr Name Other
Typ SCLSDDGenericPersonIdentification1

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 52 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.*
++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 SchmeNm Name Scheme Name
Typ SCLSDDPersonIdentificationSchemeName1
Document Choice
1..1 Cd Name Code
Typ SCLSDDExternalPersonIdentification1Code
Document Length 1 .. 4
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.*
++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 53 of 54

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary

Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.*
++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 Issr Name Issuer
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtStsRpt Pattern \S+.*
++TxInfAndSts WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 CtryOfRes Name Country of Residence
Typ CountryCode
Document Pattern [A-Z]{2,2}

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.002.001.03SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 54 of 54
SDD Payment Cancellation Request – camt.056.001.01


SEPA Direct Debit – Payment Cancellation Request

SDD annex 10 to appendix “SDD/SCL technical specifications” – camt.056.001.01 page 1 of 2

SDD Payment Cancellation Request – camt.056.001.01

Use of “Payment Cancellation Request” (camt.056.001.01)

This message is used to cancel individual direct debits (SDD-CORE and SDD-B2B) prior to settlement. The message is
transported from the creditor bank to the debtor bank. It is not described by the EPC but is supported for reasons of interop-
erability with other CSMs. It is not possible to cancel an entire bulk payment.
As the cancellation can only be effected prior to settlement, it is always booking-relevant. The debtor bank is debited the
equivalent value of the cancelled original direct debit on the <Interbank Settlement Date>, however the amount is refunded
promptly on the same day. Correspondingly, the submitter of the original direct debit receives the debited cancellation
amount to compensate for the submitted original bulk (gross settlement principle in both instances).
In contrast to the SCT service, owing to the fact that the payment is cancelled before settlement, there is no pacs.004.001.02
or camt.029.001.03 as a positive or negative response to camt.056.001.01 in the SDD service.
The SEPA-Clearer carries out a duplication check but does not make a cross reference check. For example, no check is
made as to whether the original payment was settled on the given date in the SEPA-Clearer or whether a cancellation re-
quest has already been submitted.
The message is a component of the input debit file (IDF) on the submitter side and a component of the debit notification file
(DNF) on the delivery side.

ISO message structure

A payment cancellation request contains:
 a single “assignment” (equivalent the group header in pacs-messages)
 control data
 an “underlying” element, consisting of one or more ”transaction information sequences”, each of which contains the
transaction data relating to a single underlying direct debit (pacs.003.001.02).

The “assignment” contains information required to process the entire message.

SDD annex 10 to appendix “SDD/SCL technical specifications” – camt.056.001.01 page 2 of 2


Message structure
Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks
(if available) SEPA-Clearer

Document Typ Document

1..1 FIToFIPmtCxlReq Name Payment Cancellation Request
Typ FIToFIPaymentCancellationRequestV01
1..1 Assgnmt Name Assignment The assignment contains informations for the
Typ SCLSDDCaseAssignment2 processing of the whole message.
1..1 Id Name Identification Reference number of the bulk.
Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35} <Id> is part of duplication check on bulk level
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq (unique daily reference).
++Assgnmt Error code: B14
The first 8 or 11 characters of Id must match the
BIC of Assigner in IDF. The rest of the field can
be freely defined.
Error code: B98
1..1 Assgnr Name Assigner IDF: To be completed with the BIC of the
Typ SCLSDDParty7Choice submitter for transmission to the SCL.
Document DNF: To be completed with “MARKDEFF” for
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq delivery from the SCL.
1..1 Agt Name Agent
Typ SCLSDDBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentif
Document ication4

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 1 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 FinInstnId Name Financial Institution Identification

Typ SCLSDDFinancialInstitutionIdentification7
1..1 BIC Name BIC Submission: BIC must be completed correctly
Typ BICIdentifier and eligible for transmission. Error code: B12
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq {0,1}
1..1 Assgne Name Assignee IDF: To be completed with “MARKDEFF” for
Typ SCLSDDParty7Choice submission to the SCL.
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq DNF: To be completed with the BIC of the
++Assgnmt settlement agent for delivery from the SCL.
1..1 Agt Name Agent
Typ SCLSDDBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentif
Document ication4

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 2 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
1..1 FinInstnId Name Financial Institution Identification
Typ SCLSDDFinancialInstitutionIdentification7
1..1 BIC Name BIC IDF: For submission in the SCL to be completed
Typ BICIdentifier with „MARKDEFF“.
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) Error code: B12
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq {0,1}
1..1 CreDtTm Name Creation Date Time
Typ ISODateTime
Document Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2}[T][0-9]{2,2}:
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq [0-9]{2,2}:[0-9]{2,2}[\S]*
1..1 CtrlData Name Control Data
Typ ControlData1
1..1 NbOfTxs Name Number Of Transactions Total number of single transactions in the bulk.
Typ Max15NumericText Must not exceed 100,000 (maximum parameter
Document Pattern [0-9]{1,15} of data records in the file). Error code: B02
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Total number of data records must be equal to
++CtrlData the actual number of individual data records in
+++NbOfTxs the file.
Error code: B03

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 3 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Undrlyg Name Underlying

Typ SCLSDDUnderlyingTransaction2
1..n TxInf Name Transaction Information Mandatory
Typ SCLSDDPaymentTransactionInformation31
1..1 CxlId Name Cancellation Identification Reference of the credit institution requesting the
Typ SCLSDDId7 cancellation.
Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35} Cancellation Id is an element of the duplication
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq check at single record level. Error code: AM05
1..1 OrgnlGrpInf Name Original Group Information
Typ SCLSDDOriginalGroupInformation3
1..1 OrgnlMsgId Name Original Message Identification Message Id of original payment
Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35}

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
1..1 OrgnlMsgNmId Name Original Message Name Identification Message typ of original payment
Typ SCLSDDOrgnlMsgNmId To be completed with “pacs.003” or “PACS.003”,
Document Pattern pacs\.003[A-Za-z0-9\.]{0,27} where necessary further characters in
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq PACS\.003[A-Za-z0-9\.]{0,27} accordance with schema validation permitted.
0..1 OrgnlInstrId Name Original Instruction Identification Instruction Id of original payment
Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35}
1..1 OrgnlEndToEndId Name Original End To End Identification End to End Id of original payment
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Pattern \S+.*
++Undrlyg WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 OrgnlTxId Name Original Transaction Identification Transaction Id of original payment
Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35} The original transaction (pacs.003) must have
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq been processed in the SEPA-Clearer.
++Undrlyg Error code: XT75
1..1 OrgnlIntrBkSttlmAmt Name Original Interbank Settlement Amount Original payment amount
Typ SCLSDDCurrencyAndAmount_2 In the absence of a total at the bulk level, the
Document FractionDigits 2 amount to be debited will be calculated from the
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq TotalDigits 18 total of all individual amounts (Original Interbank
++Undrlyg Inclusive 0.01 .. 999999999.99 Settlement Amount).
+++TxInf Pattern [0-9]{0,15}([\.]([0-9]{0,2})){0,1}
required Attribute: Ccy Typ SCLSDDCurrencyCode
Use required
Acceptable Codes

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 5 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
1..1 OrgnlIntrBkSttlmDt Name Original Interbank Settlement Date Interbank settlement date of original payment.
Typ ISODate
Document Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2} Must match date of the original transaction.
++Undrlyg If applicable, rejection via other CSMs using
+++TxInf error code: XT74
<IntrBkSttlmDt> must be at least a TARGET-day
and correspond to the current SEPA business
day or be up to 14 calender days in the future. If
the date of at least one transaction is the same
as the SEPA-Clearer business day and after
10.00 (= cut-off time for SEPA Core Direct
Debits) or 11.00 (= cut-off time for SEPA B2B
Direct Debits) or is in the past, the entire bulk will
be rejected.
Error code: B15

A cancellation is only permitted prior to

settlement. The submission must take place, at
the latest until 10.00 (= cut-off time for SEPA
Core Direct Debits) or 11.00 (= cut-off time for
SEPA B2B Direct Debits) on the settlement day
which corresponds to the <OrgblIntrBkSttlmDt>
(= <IntrBkSttlmDt> of the underlying pacs.003).
Error code: B15

In the absence of a settlement date in <GrpHdr>,

the <OrgnlIntrBkSttlmDt> of all transactions in
the bulk must be identical. If this is case, the
<OrgnlIntrBkSttlmDt> of the first
transaction is used as the settlement date. If no
<OrgnlIntrBkSttlmDt> identity exists, a bulk
rejection will occur.
Error code: B97

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 6 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
Note: In deliveries from the SCL all individual
transactions of the bulk contain also an identical

The current SCL <IntrBkSttlmDt> is assumed for

the duplication check.

The original transaction (pacs.003) must have

been processed in the SEPA-Clearer.
Error code: XT75
0..1 Assgnr Name Assigner IDF: must not be completed for submission.
Typ SCLSDDBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentif DNF: is completed upon delivery from the SCL.
Document ication4
1..1 FinInstnId Name Financial Institution Identification
Typ SCLSDDFinancialInstitutionIdentification7

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 7 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 BIC Name BIC IDF: must not be completed for transmission.
Typ BICIdentifier Error code: XT13
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq {0,1} DNF: for delivery from the SCL, to be completed
++Undrlyg with the BIC of the submitter of the bulk which
+++TxInf contain the cancellation.
1..1 CxlRsnInf Name Cancellation Reason Information Information on the reason for cancellation
Typ SCLSDDCancellationReasonInformation3
1..1 Orgtr Name Originator BIC or name of the institution requesting the
Typ SCLSDDId5 cancellation
1..1 Nm Name Name Name of the institution requesting the
Typ Max70Text cancellation
Document Length 1 .. 70
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Pattern \S+.*
++Undrlyg WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 8 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Id Name Identification BIC of the institution requesting the cancellation

Typ SCLSDDParty6Choice2
1..1 OrgId Name Organisation Identification
Typ SCLSDDOrganisationIdentification4
Typ AnyBICIdentifier
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq {0,1}
1..1 Rsn Name Reason Reason for cancellation.
Typ CancellationReason2Choice

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 9 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Cd Name Code Cancellation reason code (schema validation)

Typ CancellationReason4Code
Acceptable Codes
1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary Recall reasons “TECH” and “FRAD” can be
Typ Max35Text entered here (no ISO codes). No technical or
Document Length 1 .. 35 schema validation.
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Pattern \S+.*
++Undrlyg WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 OrgnlTxRef Name Original Transaction Reference
Typ extension
Document (SCLSDDOriginalTransactionReference13)

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 10 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 ReqdColltnDt Name Requested Collection Date

Typ ISODate
Document Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2}
1..1 CdtrSchmeId Name Creditor Scheme Identification
Typ SCLSDDCdtrSchmeId
1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ SCLSDDPrivateIdentification2
1..1 PrvtId Name Private Identification

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 11 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Othr Name Other

1..1 Id Name Identification
Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|'|\s]){1,35}
1..1 SchmeNm Name Scheme Name
Typ FinancialIdentificationSchemeName2

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 12 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary Only “SEPA” is allowed

Typ SCLSDDId9 (Schema validation).
Acceptable Codes
1..1 SttlmInf Name Settlement Information
Typ SCLSDDSettlementInformation13
1..1 SttlmMtd Name Settlement Method Only “CLRG” is allowed (Schema validation).
Typ SettlementMethod1Code
Acceptable Codes

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 13 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
1..1 ClrSys Name Clearing System
Typ SCLSDDClearingSystemIdentification1Choic
Document e
1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary Entry according to original payment
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Pattern \S+.*
++Undrlyg WhiteSpace collapse
Acceptable Codes
1..1 PmtTpInf Name Payment Type Information
Typ SCLSDDPaymentTypeInformation22
1..1 SvcLvl Name Service Level
Typ SCLSDDServiceLevel8Choice

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 14 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Cd Name Code Only “SEPA” is allowed (Schema validation)

Typ SCLSDDExternalServiceLevel1Code
Acceptable Codes
1..1 LclInstrm Name Local Instrument Indication as to whether B2B or CORE Direct Debit
Typ SCLSDDLocalInstrument2Choice
1..1 Cd Name Code Entry according to original payment.
Typ ExternalLocalInstrument1Code Only ‘CORE’, COR1’ or ‘B2B’ are allowed. (Schema
Document Length 1 .. 35 validation)
++Undrlyg In a COR-File are only CORE- and/or COR1-Bulks
+++TxInf are allowed. In a B2B-Bulk are only B2B-Bulks
++++OrgnlTxRef allowed.
+++++PmtTpInf Mixed submission of B2B, CORE and COR1 Direct
Debits in a single bulk is not permissible.
Error code: XT43
The original transaction (pacs.003) must have been
processed in the SEPA-Clearer.
Error code: XT75

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 15 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
Acceptable Codes
1..1 SeqTp Name Sequence Type Entry according to original payment.
Typ SequenceType1Code (Schema validation)
Acceptable Codes
0..1 CtgyPurp Name Category Purpose
Typ SCLSDDCategoryPurpose1Choice
1..1 Cd Name Code Entry according to original payment.
Typ ExternalCategoryPurpose1Code
Document Length 1 .. 4
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Pattern \S+.*
++Undrlyg WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 16 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary Entry according to original payment.

Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Pattern \S+.*
++Undrlyg WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 MndtRltdInf Name Mandate Related Information
Typ SCLSDDMandateRelatedInformation1
1..1 MndtId Name Mandate Identification Entry according to original payment.
Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|'|\s]){1,35}
1..1 DtOfSgntr Name Date of Signature Entry according to original payment.
Typ ISODate
Document Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2}

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 17 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

0..1 AmdmntInd Name Amendment Indicator Entry according to original payment.

Typ TrueFalseIndicator
0..1 AmdmntInfDtls Name Amendment Information Details
Typ SCLSDDAmendmentInformationDetails1
0..1 OrgnlMndtId Name Original Mandate Identification Entry according to original payment.
Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|'|\s]){1,35}
0..1 OrgnlCdtrSchmeId Name Original Creditor Scheme Identification
Typ SCLSDDCdtrSchmeId1

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 18 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

0..1 Nm Name Name Entry according to original payment.

Typ Max70Text
Document Length 1 .. 70
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Pattern \S+.*
++Undrlyg WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 Id Name Identification
Typ SCLSDDPrivateIdentification
1..1 PrvtId Name Private Identification

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 19 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Othr Name Other

1..1 Id Name Identification Entry according to original payment.
Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|'|\s]){1,35}
1..1 SchmeNm Name Scheme Name
Typ FinancialIdentificationSchemeName2

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 20 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary Entry according to original payment.
Typ SCLSDDId9 (Schema validation)
Acceptable Codes
0..1 OrgnlDbtrAcct Name Orignial Debtor Account
Typ SCLSDDCashAccount8

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 21 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Id Name Identification

Typ SCLSDDAccountIdentification5Choice
1..1 IBAN Name IBAN
Typ IBANIdentifier
Document Pattern [a-zA-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30}
1..1 Othr Name Other
Typ SCLSDDOrgnlDbtrAcctOther2

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 22 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ Max34Text
Document Length 1 .. 34
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Pattern \S+.*
++Undrlyg WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 OrgnlDbtrAgt Name Original Debtor Agent
Typ SCLSDDOrgnlDbtrAgt
1..1 FinInstnId Name Financial Institution Identification
Typ SCLSDDOrgnlDbtrAgt1

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 23 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
1..1 BIC Name BIC
Typ BICIdentifier
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq {0,1}
1..1 Othr Name Other
Typ SCLSDDOrgnlDbtrAgtOther2
1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ Max35Text_SMNDA
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Pattern \S+.*
++Undrlyg WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 24 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
0..1 ElctrncSgntr Name Electronic Signature Entry according to original payment.
Typ Max1025Text
Document Length 1 .. 1025
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Pattern \S+.*
++Undrlyg WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 RmtInf Name Remittance Information Purpose of payment
Typ SCLSDDRemittanceInformation5
1..1 Ustrd Name Unstructured Unstructured payment information Entry
Typ Max140Text according to original payment.
Document Length 1 .. 140
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Pattern \S+.*
++Undrlyg WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 Strd Name Structured Structured payment information
Typ SCLSDDStructuredRemittanceInformation7

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 25 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

0..1 CdtrRefInf Typ CreditorReferenceInformation2

0..1 Tp Typ CreditorReferenceType2

1..1 CdOrPrtry Typ CreditorReferenceType1Choice


Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 26 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Cd Typ DocumentType3Code

Acceptable Codes
0..1 Issr Typ Max35Text
Length 1 .. 35
Document Pattern \S+.*
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 Ref Typ Max35Text
Length 1 .. 35
Document Pattern \S+.*
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 27 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

0..1 UltmtDbtr Name Ultimate Debtor Ultimate debtor All sub-elements from the original
Typ SCLSDDPartyIdentification32 payment are supported.
0..1 Nm Name Name
Typ Max70Text
Document Length 1 .. 70
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Pattern \S+.*
++Undrlyg WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 Id Name Identification
Typ SCLSDDParty6Choice
1..1 OrgId Name Organisation Identification
Typ SCLSDDOrganisationIdentification41

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 28 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

Typ AnyBICIdentifier
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq {0,1}
1..1 Othr Name Other
Typ SCLSDDGenericOrganisationIdentification1
1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Pattern \S+.*
++Undrlyg WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 29 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

0..1 SchmeNm Name Scheme Name
Typ SCLSDDOrganisationIdentificationSchemeN
Document ame1Choice
1..1 Cd Name Code
Typ SCLSDDExternalOrganisationIdentification1
Document Code
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Length 1 .. 4
++Undrlyg Pattern \S+.*
+++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Pattern \S+.*
++Undrlyg WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 30 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

0..1 Issr Name Issuer
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Pattern \S+.*
++Undrlyg WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 PrvtId Name Private Identification
Typ SCLSDDPersonIdentification5
1..1 DtAndPlcOfBirth Name Date And Place Of Birth
Typ DateAndPlaceOfBirth

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 31 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 BirthDt Name Birth Date
Typ ISODate
Document Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2}
0..1 PrvcOfBirth Name Province Of Birth
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Pattern \S+.*
++Undrlyg WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 CityOfBirth Name City Of Birth
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Pattern \S+.*
++Undrlyg WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 32 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 CtryOfBirth Name Country Of Birth
Typ CountryCode
Document Pattern [A-Z]{2,2}
1..1 Othr Name Other
Typ SCLSDDGenericPersonIdentification1
1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Pattern \S+.*
++Undrlyg WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 33 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

0..1 SchmeNm Name Scheme Name
Typ SCLSDDPersonIdentificationSchemeName1
Document Choice
1..1 Cd Name Code
Typ SCLSDDExternalPersonIdentification1Code
Document Length 1 .. 4
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Pattern \S+.*
++Undrlyg WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 34 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Pattern \S+.*

++Undrlyg WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 Issr Name Issuer
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Pattern \S+.*
++Undrlyg WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 Dbtr Name Debtor Debtor. All sub-elements from the original
Typ SCLSDDPartyIdentification35 payment are supported.
1..1 Nm Name Name Debttor Name or additional informations according
Typ Max70Text tehe original payment.
Document Length 1 .. 70
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Pattern \S+.*
++Undrlyg WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 35 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

0..1 PstlAdr Name Postal Address Address of debtor
Typ SCLSDDPostalAddress1
0..1 Ctry Name Country
Typ CountryCode
Document Pattern [A-Z]{2,2}
0..2 AdrLine Name Address Line
Typ Max70Text
Document Length 1 .. 70
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Pattern \S+.*
++Undrlyg WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 Id Name Identification
Typ SCLSDDParty6Choice

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 36 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 OrgId Name Organisation Identification
Typ SCLSDDOrganisationIdentification41
Typ AnyBICIdentifier
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq {0,1}
1..1 Othr Name Other
Typ SCLSDDGenericOrganisationIdentification1

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 37 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Pattern \S+.*
++Undrlyg WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 SchmeNm Name Scheme Name
Typ SCLSDDOrganisationIdentificationSchemeN
Document ame1Choice
1..1 Cd Name Code
Typ SCLSDDExternalOrganisationIdentification1
Document Code
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Length 1 .. 4
++Undrlyg Pattern \S+.*
+++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 38 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Pattern \S+.*
++Undrlyg WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 Issr Name Issuer
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Pattern \S+.*
++Undrlyg WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 PrvtId Name Private Identification
Typ SCLSDDPersonIdentification5

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 39 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 DtAndPlcOfBirth Name Date And Place Of Birth
Typ DateAndPlaceOfBirth
1..1 BirthDt Name Birth Date
Typ ISODate
Document Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2}
0..1 PrvcOfBirth Name Province Of Birth
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Pattern \S+.*
++Undrlyg WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 40 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 CityOfBirth Name City Of Birth
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Pattern \S+.*
++Undrlyg WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 CtryOfBirth Name Country Of Birth
Typ CountryCode
Document Pattern [A-Z]{2,2}
1..1 Othr Name Other
Typ SCLSDDGenericPersonIdentification1

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 41 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Pattern \S+.*
++Undrlyg WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 SchmeNm Name Scheme Name
Typ SCLSDDPersonIdentificationSchemeName1
Document Choice
1..1 Cd Name Code
Typ SCLSDDExternalPersonIdentification1Code
Document Length 1 .. 4
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Pattern \S+.*
++Undrlyg WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 42 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Pattern \S+.*
++Undrlyg WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 Issr Name Issuer
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Pattern \S+.*
++Undrlyg WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 DbtrAcct Name Debtor Account Account of debtor.
Typ SCLSDDCashAccount16

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 43 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ SCLSDDAccountIdentification4Choice
1..1 IBAN Name IBAN Entry according to original payment
Typ IBAN2007Identifier
Document Pattern [A-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30}
1..1 DbtrAgt Name Debtor Agent Credit institution of debtor
Typ SCLSDDBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentif
Document ication4
1..1 FinInstnId Name Financial Institution Identification
Typ SCLSDDFinancialInstitutionIdentification7

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 44 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 BIC Name BIC Entry according to original payment.
Typ BICIdentifier Validity of BIC using SEPA BIC
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) Directory. Error code: XT27
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq {0,1}
1..1 CdtrAgt Name Creditor Agent Credit institution of creditor
Typ SCLSDDBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentif
Document ication4
1..1 FinInstnId Name Financial Institution Identification
Typ SCLSDDFinancialInstitutionIdentification7
1..1 BIC Name BIC Entry according to original payment

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 45 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
Typ BICIdentifier The original creditor agent BIC is part of the
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) duplication check at single record level.
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq {0,1} Error code: AM05
+++TxInf Validity of BIC using SCL-Directory.
++++OrgnlTxRef Error code: XT27
++++++FinInstnId The original transaction (pacs.003) must have
been processed in the SEPA-Clearer.
Error code: XT75
1..1 Cdtr Name Creditor Creditor. All sub-elements from the original
Typ SCLSDDPartyIdentification34 payment are supported.
1..1 Nm Name Name
Typ Max70Text
Document Length 1 .. 70
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Pattern \S+.*
++Undrlyg WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 PstlAdr Name Postal Address Address of debtor
Typ SCLSDDPostalAddress1
0..1 Name Country

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 46 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

Ctry Typ CountryCode

Pattern [A-Z]{2,2}
0..2 AdrLine Name Address Line
Typ Max70Text
Document Length 1 .. 70
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Pattern \S+.*
++Undrlyg WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 CdtrAcct Name Creditor Account Account of debtor.
Typ SCLSDDCashAccount16
1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ SCLSDDAccountIdentification4Choice

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 47 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 IBAN Name IBAN Entry according to original payment
Typ IBAN2007Identifier
Document Pattern [A-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30}
0..1 UltmtCdtr Name Ultimate Creditor Ultimate Creditor. All sub-elements from the
Typ SCLSDDPartyIdentification32 original payment are supported.
0..1 Nm Name Name
Typ Max70Text
Document Length 1 .. 70
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Pattern \S+.*
++Undrlyg WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 Id Name Identification
Typ SCLSDDParty6Choice

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 48 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 OrgId Name Organisation Identification
Typ SCLSDDOrganisationIdentification41
Typ AnyBICIdentifier
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq {0,1}
1..1 Othr Name Other
Typ SCLSDDGenericOrganisationIdentification1
1..1 Id Name Identification

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 49 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Pattern \S+.*
++Undrlyg WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 SchmeNm Name Scheme Name
Typ SCLSDDOrganisationIdentificationSchemeN
Document ame1Choice
1..1 Cd Name Code
Typ SCLSDDExternalOrganisationIdentification1
Document Code
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Length 1 .. 4
++Undrlyg Pattern \S+.*
+++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 50 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Pattern \S+.*
++Undrlyg WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 Issr Name Issuer
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Pattern \S+.*
++Undrlyg WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 PrvtId Name Private Identification
Typ SCLSDDPersonIdentification5

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 51 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 DtAndPlcOfBirth Name Date And Place Of Birth
Typ DateAndPlaceOfBirth
1..1 BirthDt Name Birth Date
Typ ISODate
Document Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2}
0..1 PrvcOfBirth Name Province Of Birth
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Pattern \S+.*
++Undrlyg WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 52 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 CityOfBirth Name City Of Birth
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Pattern \S+.*
++Undrlyg WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 CtryOfBirth Name Country Of Birth
Typ CountryCode
Document Pattern [A-Z]{2,2}
1..1 Othr Name Other
Typ SCLSDDGenericPersonIdentification1

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 53 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Pattern \S+.*
++Undrlyg WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 SchmeNm Name Scheme Name
Typ SCLSDDPersonIdentificationSchemeName1
Document Choice
1..1 Cd Name Code
Typ SCLSDDExternalPersonIdentification1Code
Document Length 1 .. 4
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Pattern \S+.*
++Undrlyg WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 54 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Pattern \S+.*
++Undrlyg WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 Issr Name Issuer
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtCxlReq Pattern \S+.*
++Undrlyg WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

camt.056.001.01; SCL SDD; 2017 page 55 of 55
SDD Interbank Direct Debit Return/Refund of a Collection (DS-05) – pacs.004.001.02SDD

SEPA Direct Debit – Interbank Return Direct Debit Return/Refund of a Collection (DS-05)

SDD annex 11 to appendix “SDD/SCL technical specifications” – pacs.004.001.02SDD page 1 of 2

SDD Interbank Direct Debit Return/Refund of a Collection (DS-05) – pacs.004.001.02SDD

Use of Interbank Return Direct Debit Return/Refund of a Collection (pacs.004.001.02)

This message is used to transport the direct debit R-transaction between payment service providers. It is possible to deduce
whether we are dealing with a refund or a return by referring to the entry in the ReturnOriginator field. If the entry in the
ReturnOriginator is a “name” we are dealing with a refund; if a “BIC” is specified then we are dealing with a return.

The message caters for single R-transactions only.

 Attribute R1 is implied by the 'message name', 'pacs.004.001', and the original message name identification,
 Message elements under ‘original transaction reference’ sequence are based on DS-04 attributes.

ISO message structure

A R-transaction contains:
 a single group header
 one or more ‘transaction information’ sequences, each of which contains a direct debit R-transaction as defined in DS-

Group header
The group header contains information required to process the entire message.

SDD annex 11 to appendix “SDD/SCL technical specifications” – pacs.004.001.02SDD page 2 of 2


Message structure
Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks
(if available) SEPA-Clearer

Document Typ Document

1..1 PmtRtr Typ PaymentReturnV02

1..1 GrpHdr Name Group Header The group header contains general processing
Typ SCLSDDGroupHeader6 information which applies to the whole payment.
1..1 MsgId Name Message Identification Bulk reference number.
Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35} <MsgId> is part of the duplication check at bulk
+PmtRtr level
++GrpHdr Error code: B14
The first 8 or 11 characters of Msgld must match
the BIC of the instructing agent in the IDF. The
rest of the field can be freely defined.
Error code: B98
1..1 CreDtTm Name Creation Date Time Bulk creation date and time.
Typ ISODateTime
Document Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2}[T][0-9]{2,2}:
+PmtRtr [0-9]{2,2}:[0-9]{2,2}[\S]*
1..1 NbOfTxs Name Number Of Transactions Total number of single transactions in the bulk.
Typ Max15NumericText
Document Pattern [0-9]{1,15} Must not exceed 100,000 (maximum parameter
+PmtRtr of data records in the bulk).
++GrpHdr Error code: B02
Total number of data records must be equal to
the actual number of individual data records in
the bulk.
Error code: B03

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.004.001.02SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 1 of 56

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 TtlRtrdIntrBkSttlmAmt Name Total Returned Interbank Settlement Amount Mandatory Total number of single transactions in the bulk.
Typ SCLSDDCurrencyAndAmount_Total Usage Rule: Only 'EUR' is allowed.
Document FractionDigits 2 Usage Rule: Amount must be 0.01 Integer value of up to 15 characters allowed.
+PmtRtr TotalDigits 18 or more and 999999999999999.99 Maximum number of decimal places allowed
++GrpHdr Inclusive 0.01 .. 999999999999999. or less. remains two.
+++TtlRtrdIntrBkSttlmAmt 99 Format Rule: The fractional part (Schema validation)
Pattern [0-9]{0,15}([\.]([0-9]{0,2})){0,1} has a maximum of two digits.
Currency designation is always ‘EUR’.(Schema

The total amount given must equal the sum of

the single transactions in the bulk
Error code: B05

Amount must be at least 0.01 but no more than

999999999999999.99 (Schema validation)
required Attribute: Ccy Typ SCLSDDCurrencyCode
Use required
Acceptable Codes
1..1 IntrBkSttlmDt Name Interbank Settlement Date Mandatory Settlement date for return.
Typ ISODate (AT-R4 Settlement Date for Return)
Document Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2} For submission not later than 10.00 (Core)
+PmtRtr respectively 11.00 (B2B) the current operating
++GrpHdr day of the SEPA-Clearer must be given.
For submissions after 15.00 (Core) respectively
13.00 (B2B) the next operating day of the
SEPA-Clearer must be given.
Error code: B15

"IntrBkSttlmDt" is part of theduplication check at

bulk and single transaction level.

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.004.001.02SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 2 of 56

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 SttlmInf Name Settlement Information

Typ SCLSDDSettlementInformation1
1..1 SttlmMtd Name Settlement Method Usage Rule: Only CLRG, INGA and Information on the settlement mechanism.
Typ SCLSDDSettlementMethod1Code INDA are allowed.
Document Only the code ‘CLRG’ is allowed.
+PmtRtr (Schema validation)
Acceptable Codes
1..1 ClrSys Name Clearing System
Typ SCLSDDClearingSystemIdentification1Choic
Document e

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.004.001.02SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 3 of 56

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary Code for the clearing system. For the
Typ Max35Text_Prtry SEPA-Clearer, only the entry ‘SCL’ is allowed.
Document Length 1 .. 35 (Schema validation)
+PmtRtr Pattern \S+.*
++GrpHdr WhiteSpace collapse
Acceptable Codes
0..1 InstgAgt Name Instructing Agent Usage Rule: Only BIC is allowed. Only to be used for submissions to the
Typ SCLSDDBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentif SEPA-Clearer.
Document ication3 Allocation of the BIC of the SCL participant which
+PmtRtr is linked with the TARGET2 sub-account
++GrpHdr assigned for settlement with the SEPA-Clearer.
Part of duplication check at bulk level.
Error code: AM05
1..1 FinInstnId Name Financial Institution Identification
Typ SCLSDDFinancialInstitutionIdentification5Ch
Document oice
1..1 BIC Name BIC BIC must be contained in Input Debit File (IDF).
Typ BICIdentifier
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) Error code: B10
+PmtRtr {0,1}

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.004.001.02SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 4 of 56

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

0..1 InstdAgt Name Instructed Agent Usage Rule: Only BIC is allowed. Only to be used for deliveries from the
Typ SCLSDDBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentif SEPA-Clearer.
Document ication3 Allocation of the BIC of the SCL participant which
+PmtRtr is linked with the TARGET2 sub-account
++GrpHdr assigned for settlement with the SEPA-Clearer.
1..1 FinInstnId Typ SCLSDDFinancialInstitutionIdentification5Ch
1..1 BIC Name Instructed Agent BIC may only present in the Settled Debit
Typ BICIdentifier File(SDF).
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) Fehlercode: B11
+PmtRtr {0,1}
1..n TxInf Name Transaction Information Mandatory Maximum of 100,000 data records in the bulk.
Typ SCLSDDPaymentTransactionInformation2
1..1 RtrId Name Return Identification Mandatory Reference number of the transaction given by
Document Typ SCLSDDId7 (AT-R5 Specific Reference of the the bank initiating the return.
+PmtRtr Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35} Bank Initiating the Return/Refund)
Return Id is part of the duplication check at single
record level.
+++RtrId Error code: AM05

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 OrgnlGrpInf Name Original Group Information Usage Rule: Element ‘Original Information from the original bulk in which the
Typ SCLSDDOriginalGroupInformation3 Group Information’ must be present original message was enclosed.
Document either in 2.2.3 ‘Original Group
+PmtRtr Information’ or in 2.2.4 ‘Transaction
++TxInf Information’.
1..1 OrgnlMsgId Name Original Message Identification Reference (<Msgld>) of original pacs.003 bulk.
Typ SCLSDDId7 In the case of deliveries from the SCL which
Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35} result from submissions from another CSM, the
+PmtRtr entry ‘UNMATCHED’ is allowed where
++TxInf necessary
1..1 OrgnlMsgNmId Name Original Message Name Identification Name of the rejected original message.
Typ SCLSDDOrgnlMsgNmId Usage rule: may be completed with “pacs.003”
Document Pattern pacs\.003[A-Za-z0-9\.]{0,27} or “PACS.003”, where necessary with additional
+PmtRtr PACS\.003[A-Za-z0-9\.]{0,27} further characters in accordance with schema
++TxInf validation.
0..1 OrgnlInstrId Name Original Instruction Identification Usage Rule: Mandatory if provided The ‘original instruction ID’ of the underlying
Typ SCLSDDId7 in the original instruction. pacs.003.
Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35} Is only given here if it already existed in the
+PmtRtr original direct debit.
1..1 OrgnlEndToEndId Name Original End To End Identification Mandatory The original creditor reference, End to End Id of
Typ Max35Text (AT-10 Creditor's reference to the the original direct debit.
Document Length 1 .. 35 collection)
+PmtRtr Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 OrgnlTxId Name Original Transaction Identification Mandatory Original reference of the creditor bank.
Typ SCLSDDId7 (AT-43 Creditor bank's reference of Transaction Id (TxId) of the original message.
Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35} the Collection)
+PmtRtr Usage Rule: Must contain a Where applicable error code XT74 or XT75, if
++TxInf reference that is meaningful to the payment is forwarded to another CSM..
+++OrgnlTxId Creditor's Bank and is unique over
1..1 OrgnlIntrBkSttlmAmt Name Original Interbank Settlement Amount Mandatory Original amount of original direct debit.
Typ SCLSDDCurrencyAndAmount_Tx (AT-06 Amount of the Collection in
Document FractionDigits 2 euro) Only ‘EUR’ is permitted as the currency
+PmtRtr TotalDigits 18 Usage Rule: Amount must be 0.01 designation.
++TxInf Inclusive 0.01 .. 999999999.99 or more and 999999999.99 or less. (Schema validation)
+++OrgnlIntrBkSttlmAmt Pattern [0-9]{0,15}([\.]([0-9]{0,2})){0,1} Format Rule: The fractional part
has a maximum of two digits. A maximum of two decimal places is permitted
(Schema validation)

Amount must be at least 0.01 and must not

exceed 999999999.99.
(Schema validation)
required Attribute: Ccy Typ SCLSDDCurrencyCode
Use required
Acceptable Codes
1..1 RtrdIntrBkSttlmAmt Name Returned Interbank Settlement Amount Usage Rule: Only ‘EUR’ is allowed. Return amount of the direct debit.
Typ SCLSDDCurrencyAndAmount_Tx Usage Rule: Amount must be 0.01
Document FractionDigits 2 or more and 999999999.99 or less. Only ‘EUR’ is permitted as the currency
+PmtRtr TotalDigits 18 Format Rule: The fractional part designation.
++TxInf Inclusive 0.01 .. 999999999.99 has a maximum of two digits. (Schema validation)
+++RtrdIntrBkSttlmAmt Pattern [0-9]{0,15}([\.]([0-9]{0,2})){0,1} Usage Rule: Element is equal to
the sum of ‘Original Interbank A maximum of two decimal places is permitted.
Settlement Amount’, (Schema validation)
‘Compensation Amount’ and
‘Amount’ in ‘Charges Information’. Amount must be at least 0.01 and must not
exceed 999999999.99.
(Schema validation)

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

Can be used for CORE-/COR1- und B2B-Direct

Debits. Only the correct- ness of the sum
(OrgnlIntrBkSttlm Amt> + <CompstnAmt> =
<RtrdIntr BkSttlmAmt>) is checked if
<CompstnAmt> and/or <ChrgsInf> is/are
Error code: XT78
required Attribute: Ccy Typ SCLSDDCurrencyCode
Use required
Acceptable Codes
0..1 RtrdInstdAmt Name Returned Instructed Amount Usage Rule: Only allowed in the If the element block "Charges
Typ SCLSDDCurrencyAndAmount_Tx case an Interchange Fee is Information" is used, the element "Returned
Document FractionDigits 2 included, i.e., ‘Amount’ under Instructed Amount" must also be completed in
+PmtRtr TotalDigits 18 ‘Charges Information’ is used. compliance with an ISO requirement.
++TxInf Inclusive 0.01 .. 999999999.99 .. Usage Rule: Only ‘EUR’ is allowed. Error code: XT13
+++RtrdInstdAmt Pattern [0-9]{0,15}([\.]([0-9]{0,2})){0,1} Usage Rule: Amount must be 0.01
or more and 999999999.99 or less. Should this be completed, although "Amount" in
Format Rule: The fractional part "Charges Information" is not completed: error
has a maximum of two digits. code: XT13

Amount must be at least 0.01 and must not

exceed 999999999.99.
(Schema validation)

Only ‘EUR’ is permitted as the currency

(Schema validation)

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

required Attribute: Ccy Typ SCLSDDCurrencyCode

Use required
Acceptable Codes
0..1 CompstnAmt Name Compensation Amount (AT-R6 Refund compensation Optional refund compensation recovered by the
Typ SCLSDDCurrencyAndAmount_Tx recovered by the Debtor bank from Debtor bank from the Creditor bank. Can be used
Document FractionDigits 2 the Creditor bank) only in Core Direct Debit; no validation by the
+PmtRtr TotalDigits 18 Usage Rule: ‘Compensation SCL.
++TxInf Inclusive 0.01 .. 999999999.99 Amount’ only applies to refunds,
+++CompstnAmt Pattern [0-9]{0,15}([\.]([0-9]{0,2})){0,1} which is indicated by the presence Compensation Amount’ only applies to refunds,
of ‘Name’ in ‘Return Originator’. which is indicated by the presence of
Usage Rule: Only ‘EUR’ is allowed. <RtrRsnInf><Orgtr><Nm>
Usage Rule: Amount must be 0.01 Error code: XT78
or more and 999999999.99 or less.
Format Rule: The fractional part Only ‘EUR’ is permitted as the currency
has a maximum of two digits. designation.
(Schema validation)

A maximum of two decimal places is permitted

(Schema validation)

Amount must be at least 0.01 and must not

exceed 999999999.99.
(Schema validation)
required Attribute: Ccy Typ SCLSDDCurrencyCode
Use required

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
Acceptable Codes
0..1 ChrgBr Name Charge Bearer Usage Rule: Only 'SLEV' is Charge bearer symbol.
Typ SCLSDDChargeBearerType1Code allowed. Only the code "SLEV" is allowed
Document (Schema validation).
Acceptable Codes
0..1 ChrgsInf Name Charges Information Usage Rule: Only one occurrence If the element block "Charges Information" is
Typ SCLSDDChargesInformation1 is allowed. used, the element "Returned Instructed Amount"
Document must also be completed in compliance with an
+PmtRtr ISO requirement.
++TxInf Error code: XT13
1..1 Amt Name Amount (AT-R8 Amount of the Interchange Currency designation is always ‘EUR’.
Typ SCLSDDCurrencyAndAmount_2 Fee ) (Schema validation)
Document FractionDigits 2 Usage Rule: Only ‘EUR’ is allowed.
+PmtRtr TotalDigits 18 Usage Rule: Amount must be 0.01 A maximum of two decimal places is permitted
++TxInf Inclusive 0.01 .. 999999999.99 or more and 999999999.99 or less. (Schema validation)
+++ChrgsInf Pattern [0-9]{0,15}([\.]([0-9]{0,2})){0,1} Format Rule: The fractional part
++++Amt has a maximum of two digits. Amount must be at least 0.01 but no more than
(Schema validation)
required Attribute: Ccy Typ SCLSDDCurrencyCode
Use required

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
Acceptable Codes
1..1 Pty Name Party
Typ SCLSDDBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentif
Document ication3
1..1 FinInstnId Name Financial Institution Identification (AT-13 BIC of the Debtor Bank)
Typ SCLSDDFinancialInstitutionIdentification5Ch
Document oice
1..1 BIC Name BIC
Typ BICIdentifier
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+PmtRtr {0,1}
0..1 InstgAgt Name Instructing Agent Usage Rule: Only BIC is allowed. Original submitter in the SCL of the bulk in which
Typ SCLSDDBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentif the R-transaction was enclosed.
Document ication3

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
1..1 FinInstnId Name Financial Institution Identification
Typ SCLSDDFinancialInstitutionIdentification5Ch
Document oice
1..1 BIC Name BIC Only permitted in the Settled Debit File (SDF),
Typ BICIdentifier may not be contained in the Input Debit File (IDF)
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) (submitted by SCL participant).
+PmtRtr {0,1} Error code: XT13
1..1 RtrRsnInf Name Return Reason Information Mandatory
Typ SCLSDDReturnReasonInformation1 Usage Rule: Only one occurrence
Document is allowed.
1..1 Orgtr Name Originator Mandatory (AT-R2 Identification of Initatior of the R-transaction
Typ SCLDDId5 the type of party initiating the r-
Document message) Only the BIC or the name (solely for
+PmtRtr Usage Rule: Limited to BIC to non-financial institutions) may be given.
++TxInf identify the bank originating the (Schema validation)
+++RtrRsnInf return or to ‘Name’ to identify the
++++Orgtr Debtor in the case of refunds. If ‘Name’ is completed we are dealing with a
Usage Rule: ‘Name’ is limited to 70 refund. If ‘BIC’ is completed we are dealing with
characters in length. a return.

Under the B2B scheme it is only permitted to

enter the "BIC" (ie a return).
Error code: AG02
1..1 Nm Name Name Únder the B2B scheme, it is not permitted to
Document Typ Max70Text enter the name of the return
+PmtRtr Length 1 .. 70 originator.
Pattern \S+.* Error code: AG02
WhiteSpace collapse
Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group
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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Id Name Identification

Typ SCLSDDParty3Choice
1..1 OrgId Name Organisation Identification
Typ SCLSDDOrganisationIdentification2
1..1 BICOrBEI Name BIC or BEI
Typ BICIdentifier
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+PmtRtr {0,1}
1..1 Rsn Name Reason Mandatory Reason for return/refund.
Document Typ SCLSDDReturnReason1Choice (AT-R3 Reason Code for Non-
+PmtRtr Acceptance)

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Cd Name Code See Message Element All acceptable return/refund codes according to
Typ SCLSDDTransactionRejectReason2Code Specifications below. the EPC’s IGs
Document (schema validation).
++TxInf For refund payments, only the codes ‘MD01’ and
+++RtrRsnInf ‘MD06’ are allowed.
++++Rsn Error code: XT76
The Code ‘AC13’ is only allowed to be used in
the SEPA B2B DIrect Debit Scheme.
Error code: XT33

The code MD06 can not be used in the

Error code: XT13
Acceptable Codes

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 OrgnlTxRef Name Original Transaction Reference Mandatory Informations of returned original message.
Typ SCLSDDOriginalTransactionReference1 (An exact copy of all attributes of
Document the received DS-04 which is being
+PmtRtr returned)
+++OrgnlTxRef Usage Rule: The message
elements under 'Original
Transaction Reference' must be
populated with the same value as
the message elements of the
original instruction as defined within
the following elements.
1..1 IntrBkSttlmDt Name Interbank Settlement Date (AT-26 Settlement Date of the Settlement date of the original direct debit.
Typ ISODate Collection) Where applicable, error code XT74, if payment is
Document Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2} forwarded via another CSM.
+PmtRtr The date of the original direct debit must be the
++TxInf same or before the date of <IntrBkSttlmDt> in
+++OrgnlTxRef <GrpHdr>.
++++IntrBkSttlmDt Error code: DT01
1..1 ReqdColltnDt Name Requested Collection Date (AT-11 Due date of the Collection) Due date of the collection of the original direct
Typ ISODate debit.
Document Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2}
1..1 CdtrSchmeId Name Creditor Scheme Identification (AT-02 Identifier of the Creditor) Identifier of the creditor from the original
Typ SCLSDDCdtrSchmeId message..

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Id Name Identification

Typ SCLSDDPrivateIdentification2
1..1 PrvtId Name Private Identification
1..1 Othr Name Other
1..1 Id Name Identification
Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|'|\s]){1,35}

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 SchmeNm Name Scheme Name

Typ FinancialIdentificationSchemeName2
1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary
Acceptable Codes
0..1 SttlmInf Name Settlement Information
Typ SCLSDDSettlementInformation3

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 SttlmMtd Name Settlement Method Information on the settlement mechanism.

Typ SCLSDDSettlementMethod1Code
Document Only the code "CLRG" is allowed.
+PmtRtr (Schema validation)
Acceptable Codes
0..1 ClrSys Name Clearing System
Typ SCLSDDClearingSystemIdentification1Choic
Document e
1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary Code for the clearing system. For the
Typ Max35Text_Prtry SEPA-Clearer, only the code "SCL" is
Document Length 1 .. 35 allowed.
+PmtRtr Pattern \S+.* (Schema validation)
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
Acceptable Codes
1..1 PmtTpInf Name Payment Type Information (AT-20 Identification code of the
Typ SCLSDDPaymentTypeInformation6 Scheme)
Document (AT-21 Transaction /
+PmtRtr Sequence Type)
++TxInf (AT-59 Category
+++OrgnlTxRef purpose of the Collection)

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 SvcLvl Name Service Level

Typ SCLSDDServiceLevel2Choice
1..1 Cd Name Code Constant ‘SEPA’ (Schema validation)
Typ SCLSDDServiceLevel1Code
Acceptable Codes
1..1 LclInstrm Name Local Instrument
Typ SCLSDDLocalInstrument1Choice
1..1 Cd Name Code Entry according to original payment.
Typ ExternalLocalInstrument1Code Only the codes ‘CORE’, ‘COR1’ or ‘B2B’ may be
Document Length 1 .. 35 entered.
+PmtRtr (Schema validation)
++TxInf In a COR-File are only CORE- and/or
+++OrgnlTxRef COR1-Bulks allowed. In a B2B-File are only
++++PmtTpInf B2B-Bulks allowed.

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

Acceptable Codes
1..1 SeqTp Name Sequence Type Direct debit sequence type
Typ SCLSDDSequenceType1Code (Schema validation)
Acceptable Codes
0..1 CtgyPurp Name Category Purpose Purpose of the transaction
Typ CategoryPurpose1Choice
1..1 Cd Name Code
Typ ExternalCategoryPurpose1Code
Document Length 1 .. 4
+PmtRtr Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary

Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+PmtRtr Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 MndtRltdInf Name Mandate Related Information (AT-01 Unique Mandate reference) Unique mandate reference.
Typ SCLSDDMandateRelatedInformation1 (AT-16 Placeholder for the Placeholder for electronic signature, if available.
Document electronic signature data, if Identifier of original creditor who issued the
+PmtRtr applicable) mandate.
++TxInf (AT-17 The type of Unique mandate reference as given by the
+++OrgnlTxRef Mandate (paper or e-mandate). original creditor when the mandate was issued.
++++MndtRltdInf (AT-18 Identifier of the original Reason for changing mandate.
Creditor who issued the Mandate) Date when mandate was signed..
(AT-19 Unique mandate reference
as given by the original creditor
who issued the mandate)
(AT-24 Reason for Amendment of
the Mandate)
(AT-25 Signing date of
the Mandate)
(AT-60 Reference of
the validation made by the Debtor
Bank (if present in DS-03))
1..1 MndtId Name Mandate Identification (AT-01 Unique Mandate reference) Unique mandate reference
Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|'|\s]){1,35}

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
1..1 DtOfSgntr Name Date Of Signature (AT-25 Signing date of the Date when mandate was signed
Typ ISODate Mandate)
Document Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2}
0..1 AmdmntInd Name Amendment Indicator Change indicator of the mandate from the
Typ TrueFalseIndicator original message, if available. Must be "true" or
Document "false".
+PmtRtr (Schema validation)
0..1 AmdmntInfDtls Name Amendment Information Details
Typ SCLSDDAmendmentInformationDetails1
0..1 OrgnlMndtId Name Original Mandate Identification (AT-19 Unique mandate reference Unique mandate reference as given by the
Typ SCLSDDId8 as given by the original creditor original creditor when the mandate was issued.
Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|'|\s]){1,35} who issued the mandate)
+PmtRtr Usage Rule: Mandatory if changes
++TxInf occur
+++OrgnlTxRef in "Mandate Identification",
++++MndtRltdInf otherwise not to be used.
0..1 OrgnlCdtrSchmeId Name Original Creditor Scheme Identification (AT-18 Identifier of the original Identifier of the original creditor who issued the
Typ SCLSDDCdtrSchmeId1 Creditor who issued the Mandate) mandate.
Document Usage Rule: Mandatory if changes

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

+PmtRtr occur in "Creditor Scheme

++TxInf Identification", otherwise not to be
+++OrgnlTxRef used.
0..1 Nm Name Name (Original AT-03 Name of the Name of original creditor
Typ Max70Text Creditor)
Document Length 1 .. 70 Usage Rule: If present, the new
+PmtRtr Pattern \S+.* name must be specified under
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse Creditor. Usage Rule: "Name" is
+++OrgnlTxRef limited to 70 characters in length.
0..1 Id Name Identification (AT-18 Identifier of the Original
Typ SCLSDDPrivateIdentification Creditor who issued the Mandate)
1..1 PrvtId Name Private Identification Usage Rule: Private Identification is
Typ SCLSDDPrty1 used to identify either an
Document organisation or a private person.

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Othr Name Other Usage Rule: Only one occurrence

Typ SCLSDDId4 of "Other" is allowed and no other
Document sub-elements are allowed.
+PmtRtr Usage Rule: "Identification" must be
++TxInf used with an identifier described in
+++OrgnlTxRef General Message Element
++++MndtRltdInf Specifications Chapter 1.6.2.
+++++AmdmntInfDtls Usage Rule: "Scheme Name"
under "Other" must specify "SEPA"
under "Proprietary".
1..1 Id Name Identification Identifier of the original creditor who issued the
Typ SCLSDDId8 mandate.
Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|'|\s]){1,35}
1..1 SchmeNm Name Scheme Name
Typ FinancialIdentificationSchemeName2

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary Only "SEPA" is allowed.

Typ SCLSDDId9 (Schema validation)
Acceptable Codes
0..1 OrgnlDbtrAcct Name Original Debtor Account
Typ SCLSDDCashAccount8
1..1 Id Name Identifikation
Typ SCLSDDAccountIdentification4Choice

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 IBAN Name IBAN

Typ IBANIdentifier
Document Pattern [a-zA-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30}
1..1 Othr Name Other
Typ SCLSDDOrgnlDbtrAcctOther2
1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ Max34Text
Document Length 1 .. 34
+PmtRtr Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
0..1 OrgnlDbtrAgt Name Original Debtor Agent
Typ SCLSDDOrgnlDbtrAgt
1..1 FinInstnId Name Financial Institution Identification
Typ SCLSDDOrgnlDbtrAgt1
1..1 BIC Name BIC
Typ BICIdentifier
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+PmtRtr {0,1}

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
1..1 Othr Name Other
Typ SCLSDDOrgnlDbtrAgtOther2
1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ Max35Text_SMNDA
Document Length 1 .. 35
+PmtRtr Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 ElctrncSgntr Name Electronic Signature (AT-16 Placeholder for the Placeholder for electronic signature
Typ Max1025Text electronic signature)
Document Length 1 .. 1025 (AT-17 The type of the mandate
+PmtRtr Pattern \S+.* (paper or e-mandate))
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse (AT-60 Reference of the
+++OrgnlTxRef validation made by the Debtor
++++MndtRltdInf Bank (if present in DS-03))
+++++ElctrncSgntr Usage Rule: If the direct debit is
based on an EPC electronic
mandate, this data element must
contain AT-60 which is the reference
to the Mandate Acceptance Report
Made by the Debtor Bank.
Usage Rule: This data element is not
to be used if the mandate is a paper

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

0..1 RmtInf Name Remittance Information (AT-22 Remittance Information) Structured or unstructured remittance
Typ SCLSDDRemittanceInformation1 information.
Document (Schema validation)
1..1 Ustrd Name Unstructured Usage Rule: 'Unstructured' may
Typ Max140Text carry structured remittance
Document Length 1 .. 140 information, as agreed between the
+PmtRtr Pattern \S+.* Creditor and the Debtor.
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse Usage Rule: Only one occurrence
+++OrgnlTxRef of 'Unstructured' is allowed.
1..1 Strd Name Structured Format Rule: 'Structured' can be Structured remittance information must not
Typ SCLSDDStructuredRemittanceInformation6 used, provided the tags and data exceed 140 characters. Only information within
Document do not exceed 140 characters in the <Strd> and </Strd> elements is counted. All
+PmtRtr length. tags and their contents located in this area are
++TxInf Usage Rule: Only one occurrence counted.
+++OrgnlTxRef of 'Structured' is allowed. Error code: XT33
+++++Strd All ISO 20022 field options are allowed.
0..1 CdtrRefInf Name Creditor Reference Information
Typ SCLSDDCreditorReferenceInformation2

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.004.001.02SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 29 of 56

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Tp Name Type

Typ SCLSDDCreditorReferenceType2
1..1 CdOrPrtry Name Code or Proprietary
Typ SCLSDDCreditorReferenceType1Choice
1..1 Cd Name Code
Typ SCLSDDDocumentType3Code

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.004.001.02SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 30 of 56

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
Acceptable Codes
0..1 Issr Name Issuer
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+PmtRtr Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 Ref Name Reference
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+PmtRtr Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 UltmtDbtr Name Ulimate Debtor (AT-15 Name of the Debtor Ultimate creditor
Typ SCLSDDPartyIdentification10 Reference Party)
Document (AT-37 Identification code of the
+PmtRtr Debtor Reference Party)
0..1 Nm Name Name Name of the ultimate creditor
Typ Max70Text
Document Length 1 .. 70
+PmtRtr Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.004.001.02SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 31 of 56

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

0..1 Id Name Identification Identifier of the ultimate creditor

Typ SCLSDDParty4Choice
1..1 OrgId Name Organisation Identification
Typ SCLSDDOrganisationIdentification4
1..1 BICOrBEI Name BIC or BEI
Typ SCLSDDAnyBICIdentifier
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+PmtRtr {0,1}
1..1 Othr Name Other
Typ SCLSDDGenericOrganisationIdentification1

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.004.001.02SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 32 of 56

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Id Name Identification

Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+PmtRtr Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 SchmeNm Name Scheme Name
Typ SCLSDDOrganisationIdentificationSchemeN
Document ame1Choice
1..1 Cd Name Code
Typ SCLSDDExternalOrganisationIdentification1
Document Code
+PmtRtr Length 1 .. 4
++TxInf Pattern \S+.*
+++OrgnlTxRef WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.004.001.02SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 33 of 56

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary

Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+PmtRtr Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 Issr Name Issuer
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+PmtRtr Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 PrvtId Name Private Identification
Typ SCLSDDPersonIdentification5

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.004.001.02SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 34 of 56

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
1..1 DtAndPlcOfBirth Name Date and Place of Birth
Typ DateAndPlaceOfBirth
1..1 BirthDt Name Birth Date
Typ ISODate
Document Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2}
0..1 PrvcOfBirth Name Province of Birth
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+PmtRtr Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 CityOfBirth Name City of Birth
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.004.001.02SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 35 of 56

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

++TxInf Pattern \S+.*

+++OrgnlTxRef WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 CtryOfBirth Name Country of Birth
Typ CountryCode
Document Pattern [A-Z]{2,2}
1..1 Othr Name Other
Typ SCLSDDGenericPersonIdentification1
1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+PmtRtr Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.004.001.02SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 36 of 56

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

0..1 SchmeNm Name Scheme Name

Typ SCLSDDPersonIdentificationSchemeName1
Document Choice
1..1 Cd Name Code
Typ SCLSDDExternalPersonIdentification1Code
Document Length 1 .. 4
+PmtRtr Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+PmtRtr Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.004.001.02SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 37 of 56

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

0..1 Issr Name Issuer

Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+PmtRtr Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 Dbtr Name Debtor (AT-14 Name of the Debtor) Debtor
Typ SCLSDDPartyIdentification9 (AT-09 Address of the Debtor)
Document (AT-27 Debtor Identification)
1..1 Nm Name Name Mandatory Name of debtor or addittional informations
Typ Max70Text (AT- 14 Name of the Originator) accordig the original payment
Document Length 1 .. 70 Usage Rule: "Name" is limited to
+PmtRtr Pattern \S+.* 70 charcters in length.
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 PstlAdr Name Postal Address (AT-09 Address of the Debtor) Address of debtor
Typ SCLSDDPostalAddress1 Usage Rule: "Postal Address" is
Document optional but mandatory if given by
+PmtRtr the Creditor in pain.008.001.02.

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.004.001.02SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 38 of 56

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

0..1 Ctry Name Country Country of debtor

Typ CountryCode
Document Pattern [A-Z]{2,2}
0..2 AdrLine Name Address Line Usage Rule: Only two occurrences Only two occurrencesof 'Address Line' are
Typ Max70Text of 'Address Line' are allowed. allowed.
Document Length 1 .. 70 (Schema vaildation)
+PmtRtr Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 Id Name Identification (AT-27 Debtor Identification) Identifier of debtor
Typ SCLSDDParty4Choice
1..1 OrgId Name Organisation Identification Usage Rule: Either "BIC or BEI" or May not be given simultaneously with
Typ SCLSDDOrganisationIdentification4 one occurrence of "Other" is <Id><PrvtId> (see below).
Document allowed. (Schema vaildation)
++TxInf All ISO 20022 options are allowed

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.004.001.02SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 39 of 56

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 BICOrBEI Name BIC or BEI

Typ SCLSDDAnyBICIdentifier
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+PmtRtr {0,1}
1..1 Othr Name Other
Typ SCLSDDGenericOrganisationIdentification1
1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+PmtRtr Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 SchmeNm Name Scheme Name

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.004.001.02SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 40 of 56

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
Typ SCLSDDOrganisationIdentificationSchemeN
Document ame1Choice
1..1 Cd Name Code
Typ SCLSDDExternalOrganisationIdentification1
Document Code
+PmtRtr Length 1 .. 4
++TxInf Pattern \S+.*
+++OrgnlTxRef WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+PmtRtr Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 Issr Name Issuer

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.004.001.02SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 41 of 56

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

Document Typ Max35Text

+PmtRtr Length 1 .. 35
++TxInf Pattern \S+.*
WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 PrvtId Name Private Identification Usage Rule: Either "Date and May not be given simultaneously with
Typ SCLSDDPersonIdentification5 Place of Birth" or one occurrence of <Id><OrgId> (see below).
Document "Other" is allowed. (Schema vaildation)
++TxInf All ISO 20022 options are allowed
1..1 DtAndPlcOfBirth Name Date and Place of Birth
Typ DateAndPlaceOfBirth
1..1 BirthDt Name Birth Date
Typ ISODate
Document Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2}

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.004.001.02SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 42 of 56

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

0..1 PrvcOfBirth Name Province of Birth

Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+PmtRtr Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 CityOfBirth Name City of Birth
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+PmtRtr Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 CtryOfBirth Name Country of Birth
Typ CountryCode
Document Pattern [A-Z]{2,2}

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.004.001.02SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 43 of 56

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Othr Name Other

Typ SCLSDDGenericPersonIdentification1
1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+PmtRtr Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 SchmeNm Name Scheme Name
Typ SCLSDDPersonIdentificationSchemeName1
Document Choice
1..1 Cd Name Code

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.004.001.02SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 44 of 56

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
Typ SCLSDDExternalPersonIdentification1Code
Document Length 1 .. 4
+PmtRtr Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+PmtRtr Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 Issr Name Issuer
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+PmtRtr Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 DbtrAcct Name Debtor Account (AT-07 Account Number of (IBAN) Account number of debtor.

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.004.001.02SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 45 of 56

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

Document Typ SCLSDDCashAccount7 of the Debtor)

1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ SCLSDDAccountIdentification3Choice
1..1 IBAN Name IBAN IBAN of creditor.
Typ IBANIdentifier
Document Pattern [a-zA-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30}
1..1 DbtrAgt Name Debtor Agent (AT-13 BIC of the Debtor Bank) BIC of paying agent
Typ SCLSDDBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentif
Document ication3
1..1 FinInstnId Name Financial Institution Identification
Typ SCLSDDFinancialInstitutionIdentification5Ch
Document oice

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.004.001.02SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 46 of 56

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 BIC Name BIC Check only if the direct debit is forwarded from the
Typ BICIdentifier SEPA-Clearer to STEP2: BIC must belong to a
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) registered reachable BIC of the respective
+PmtRtr {0,1} STEP2 SDD Service via the Deutsche
++TxInf Bundesbank.
+++OrgnlTxRef Error code: PY01
Debtor agent BIC is included in the duplication
check at single record level.
Error code: AM05
1..1 CdtrAgt Name Creditor Agent (AT-12 BIC of the Creditor Bank) BIC of the Creditor Bank
Typ SCLSDDBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentif
Document ication3
1..1 FinInstnId Name Financial Institution Identification
Typ SCLSDDFinancialInstitutionIdentification5Ch
Document oice
1..1 BIC Name BIC Validity of BIC using SEPA BIC Directory. Error
Typ BICIdentifier code: XT27
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+PmtRtr {0,1} If applicable, rejection via other CSMs using
++TxInf error code: XT74
++++CdtrAgt Check only if the direct debit is forwarded from the
+++++FinInstnId SEPA-Clearer to STEP2: BIC must belong to a
registered reachable BIC of the respective
STEP2 SDD Service via the Deutsche
Bundesbank ..
Error code: PY01

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.004.001.02SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 47 of 56

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
1..1 Cdtr Name Creditor (AT-03 Name of the Creditor) Creditor
Typ SCLSDDId2 (AT-05 Address of the Creditor)
1..1 Nm Name Name Mandatory Name of creditor.
Typ Max70Text (AT-03 Name of the Creditor)
Document Length 1 .. 70 Usage Rule: "Name" is limited to
+PmtRtr Pattern \S+.* 70 characters in length.
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 PstlAdr Name Postal Address (AT-05 Address of the Creditor) Address of creditor
Typ SCLSDDPostalAddress1 Usage Rule: "Postal Address" is
Document optional but is mandatory if
+PmtRtr provided by the Creditor.
0..1 Ctry Name Country Country of creditor
Typ CountryCode
Document Pattern [A-Z]{2,2}
0..2 AdrLine Name Address Line
Typ Max70Text
Document Length 1 .. 70
+PmtRtr Pattern \S+.*

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.004.001.02SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 48 of 56

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse

1..1 CdtrAcct Name Creditor Account (AT-04 Account number (IBAN) of Account number of creditor
Typ SCLSDDCashAccount7 the Creditor)
1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ SCLSDDAccountIdentification3Choice
1..1 IBAN Name IBAN IBAN of creditor.
Typ IBANIdentifier
Document Pattern [a-zA-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30}
0..1 UltmtCdtr Name Ultimate Creditor (AT-38 Name of the Creditor Ultimate creditor
Typ SCLSDDPartyIdentification10 Reference Party)
Document (AT-39 Identification code of the
+PmtRtr Creditor Reference Party)

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.004.001.02SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 49 of 56

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

0..1 Nm Name Name Name of the ultimate creditor

Typ Max70Text
Document Length 1 .. 70
+PmtRtr Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 Id Name Identification
Typ SCLSDDParty4Choice
1..1 OrgId Name Oranisation Identification
Typ SCLSDDOrganisationIdentification4
1..1 BICOrBEI Name BIC or BEI
Typ SCLSDDAnyBICIdentifier
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+PmtRtr {0,1}

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.004.001.02SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 50 of 56

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Othr Name Other

Typ SCLSDDGenericOrganisationIdentification1
1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+PmtRtr Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 SchmeNm Name Scheme Name
Typ SCLSDDOrganisationIdentificationSchemeN
Document ame1Choice
1..1 Cd Name Code
Typ SCLSDDExternalOrganisationIdentification1

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.004.001.02SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 51 of 56

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

Document Code
+PmtRtr Length 1 .. 4
++TxInf Pattern \S+.*
WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+PmtRtr Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 Issr Name Issuer
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+PmtRtr Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 PrvtId Name Private Identification
Typ SCLSDDPersonIdentification5

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.004.001.02SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 52 of 56

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 DtAndPlcOfBirth Name Date and Place of Birth
Typ DateAndPlaceOfBirth
1..1 BirthDt Name Birth Date
Typ ISODate
Document Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2}
0..1 PrvcOfBirth Name Province of Birth
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+PmtRtr Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.004.001.02SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 53 of 56

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 CityOfBirth Name City of Birth

Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+PmtRtr Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 CtryOfBirth Name Country of Birth
Typ CountryCode
Document Pattern [A-Z]{2,2}
1..1 Othr Name Other
Typ SCLSDDGenericPersonIdentification1

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.004.001.02SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 54 of 56

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Id Name Identification

Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+PmtRtr Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 SchmeNm Name Scheme Name
Typ SCLSDDPersonIdentificationSchemeName1
Document Choice
1..1 Cd Name Code
Typ SCLSDDExternalPersonIdentification1Code
Document Length 1 .. 4
+PmtRtr Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.004.001.02SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 55 of 56

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+PmtRtr Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 Issr Name Issuer
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+PmtRtr Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.004.001.02SDD; SCL SDD; 2017 page 56 of 56
SDD Interbank Reversal Instruction for a Collection (DS-07) – pacs.007.001.02

SEPA Direct Debit – Interbank Reversal Instruction for a Collection (DS-07)

SDD annex 12 to appendix “SDD/SCL technical specifications“ – pacs.007.001.02 page 1 of 2

SDD Interbank Reversal Instruction for a Collection (DS-07) – pacs.007.001.02

Use of the Interbank Reversal Instruction for a Collection (pacs.007.001.02)

This message is used to transmit the interbank reversal instruction from the creditor bank to the debtor bank.
The message caters for single interbank reversal instructions only. Bulk-level interbank reversal instructions are not supported by the


 Attribute R1 in DS-07 is indicated by the ‘message name', 'pacs.007.001', and the ‘original message name identification’,
 Attribute R2 is indicated by the combination of the ‘reversal originator’ with the ‘reversal reason’.
 ‘Original’ message elements are based on DS-04 attributes.

ISO message structure

A interbanken reversal message contains:

 a single group header

 a single original group header sequence
 one or more ‘transaction information’ sequences, each of which contains a interbank reversal instruction as defined in DS-07.

Group header

The group header contains information required to process the entire message.

SDD annex 12 to appendix “SDD/SCL technical specifications“ – pacs.007.001.02 page 2 of 2


Message structure
Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks
(if available) SEPA-Clearer

Document Typ Document

1..1 FIToFIPmtRvsl Typ FIToFIPaymentReversalV02

1..1 GrpHdr Name Group Header The group header contains general processing
Typ SCLSDDGroupHeader9 information which applies to the whole message.
1..1 MsgId Name Message Identification Bulk reference number.
Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35} <Msgld> is part of duplication check at bulk level
+FIToFIPmtRvsl (unique reference over 15 calendar days).
++GrpHdr Error code: B14
The first 8 or 11 characters of <Msgld> must
match the BIC of the instructing agent in the IDF.
The rest of the field can be freely defined.
Error code: B98
1..1 CreDtTm Name Creation Date and Time Bulk creation date and time.
Typ ISODateTime
Document Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2}[T][0-9]{2,2}:
+FIToFIPmtRvsl [0-9]{2,2}:[0-9]{2,2}[\S]*
1..1 NbOfTxs Name Number Of Transactions Total number of single transactions in the bulk.
Typ Max15NumericText
Document Pattern [0-9]{1,15} May not be ‘zero’ at point of submission to SCL
+FIToFIPmtRvsl as reversal is not supported at bulk level
++GrpHdr (Schema validation).
Must not exceed 100,000 (maximum parameter
of data records in the bulk).
Error code: B02

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.007.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page 1 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
Total number of data records must be equal to the
actual number of individual data records in the
Error code: B03
1..1 GrpRvsl Name Group Reversal Mandatory Usage Rule: Only Shows whether we are dealing with a bulk
Typ restriction (xs:string) "false" is allowed. reversal or the reversal of individual payments.
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Reversal at bulk level is not supported.
+++GrpRvsl Therefore, at time of submission to the SCL may
only be completed with ‘FALSE’. (Schema
Acceptable Codes
1..1 TtlRvsdIntrBkSttlmAmt Name Total Reversed Interbank Settlement Amount Mandatory Total number of single transactions (reversals) in
Typ SCLSDDCurrencyAndAmount_Total (AT-44 Amount of the reversal in the bulk.
Document FractionDigits 2 Euro)
+FIToFIPmtRvsl TotalDigits 18 Usage Rule: Only 'EUR' is allowed. Integer value of up to 15 characters is allowed.
++GrpHdr Inclusive 0.01 .. 999999999999999.99 Usage Rule: Amount must be 0.01 Maximum number of decimal places allowed
+++TtlRvsdIntrBkSttlmAmt Pattern [0-9]{0,15}([\.]([0-9]{0,2})){0,1} or more and 999999999999999.99 remains two.
or less. (Schema validation)
Format Rule: The fractional part
has a maximum of two digits. Currency symbol is always ‘EUR’.
(Schema validation)

The total amount given must equal the sum of the

single transactions in the bulk.
Error code: B05

Amount must be at least 0.01 and no more than

(Schema validation)

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.007.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page 2 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

required Attribute: Ccy Typ SCLSDDCurrencyCode

Use required
Acceptable Codes
1..1 IntrBkSttlmDt Name Interbank Settlement Date Mandatory Settlement date for reversal.
Typ ISODate (AT-R4 Settlement Date for the
Document Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2} reversal instruction) For submission not later than 10.00 (Core)
+FIToFIPmtRvsl respectively 11.00 (B2B) the current operating
++GrpHdr day of the SEPA-Clearer must be given.
For submissions after 15.00 (Core) respectively
13.00 (B2B) the next operating day of the
SEPA-Clearer must be given.
Error code: B15

<IntrBkSttlmDt> is part of duplication check at

bulk level (unique reference over 15 calendar
days) and single record level.

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.007.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page 3 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 SttlmInf Name Settlement Information

Typ SCLSDDSettlementInformation1
1..1 SttlmMtd Name Settlement Method Usage Rule: Only CLRG, INGA and Information on the settlement mechanism.
Typ SCLSDDSettlementMethod1Code INDA are allowed.
Document Only the code ‘CLRG’ is allowed.
+FIToFIPmtRvsl (Schema validation)
Acceptable Codes
1..1 ClrSys Name Clearing System
Typ SCLSDDClearingSystemIdentification1Choic
Document e
1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary Code for the clearing system. For the
Typ Max35Text_Prtry SEPA-Clearer, only the code ‘SCL’ may be used.
Document Length 1 .. 35 (Schema validation)
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Pattern \S+.*
++GrpHdr WhiteSpace collapse
Acceptable Codes
0..1 InstgAgt Name Instructing Agent Usage Rule: Only BIC is allowed. Only to be used for submissions to the
Typ SCLSDDBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentif SEPA-Clearer.
Document ication3 Allocation of the BIC of the SCL participant which
+FIToFIPmtRvsl is linked with the TARGET2 sub-account
++GrpHdr assigned for settlement with the SEPA-Clearer.

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 FinInstnId Name Financial Institution Identification

Typ SCLSDDFinancialInstitutionIdentification5Ch
Document oice
1..1 BIC Name BIC BIC must be contained in the input debit file (IDF).
Typ BICIdentifier Error code: B10
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+FIToFIPmtRvsl {0,1}
0..1 InstdAgt Name Instructed Agent Usage Rule: Only BIC is allowed. Only to be used for deliveries from the
Typ SCLSDDBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentif SEPA-Clearer.
Document ication3 Allocation of the BIC of the SCL participant which
+FIToFIPmtRvsl is linked with the TARGET2 sub-account
++GrpHdr assigned for settlement with the SEPA-Clearer.
1..1 FinInstnId Name Financial Institution Identification
Document Typ SCLSDDFinancialInstitutionIdentification5Ch
+FIToFIPmtRvsl oice

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 BIC Name BIC BIC may only be contained in the settled debit file
Typ BICIdentifier (SDF).
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) Error code: B11
+FIToFIPmtRvsl {0,1}
1..1 OrgnlGrpInf Name Original Group Information Contains general information from the original
Typ SCLSDDOriginalGroupInformation5 group header which is relevant for all payments.
Document Reversal at bulk level is not supported.
1..1 OrgnlMsgId Name Original Message Identification Reference (<Msgld>) of original bulk.
Typ SCLSDDId7 In the case of deliveries from the SCL which
Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35} result from submissions from another CSM, the
+FIToFIPmtRvsl entry ‘UNMATCHED’ is allowed where necessary
1..1 OrgnlMsgNmId Name Original Message Name Identification Message type of the original bulk.
Typ SCLSDDOrgnlMsgNmId
Document Pattern pacs\.003[A-Za-z0-9\.]{0,27} May be completed with ‘pacs.003’ or ‘PACS.O03’
+FIToFIPmtRvsl PACS\.003[A-Za-z0-9\.]{0,27} (Schema validation).
1..n TxInf Typ SCLSDDPaymentTransactionInformation5 Mandatory

1..1 RvslId Name Reversal Identification Mandatory Reference number of the payment service
Document Typ SCLSDDId7 (AT-R7 Specific reference of the provider initiating the reversal.
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35} Creditor Bank for Reversal Id is part of the duplication check at
the reversal) single record level.
Usage Rule: Must contain a Error code: AM05
+++RvslId reference that is meaningful to the
Creditor's Bank.

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

0..1 OrgnlInstrId Name Original Instruction Identification Usage Rule: Mandatory if provided Original Instruction ID of the original pacs.003.
Typ SCLSDDId7 in the original instruction.
Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35} Only be given if the ID was part of the original
+FIToFIPmtRvsl direct debit.
1..1 OrgnlEndToEndId Name Original End To End Identification Mandatory Original reference of the creditor
Typ Max35Text (AT-10 Creditor's reference to the
Document Length 1 .. 35 direct debit collection) End-to-End-ID oft he original direct debit
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 OrgnlTxId Name Original Transaction Identification Mandatory Reference of the creditor bank.
Typ SCLSDDId7 (AT-43 Creditor Bank Reference of Transaction ID of the original direct debit.
Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|']){1,35} the collection)
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Usage Rule: Must contain a Where applicable, error code XT75, if payment is
++TxInf reference that is meaningful to the forwarded to another CSM.
+++OrgnlTxId Creditor's Bank and is unique over
1..1 OrgnlIntrBkSttlmAmt Name Original Interbank Settlement Amount (AT-06 Amount of the Collection) Original amount of the original direct debit.
Typ SCLSDDCurrencyAndAmount_Tx Usage Rule: Only 'EUR' is allowed.
Document FractionDigits 2 Usage Rule: Amount must be 0.01 Integer value of up to 15 characters is allowed.
+FIToFIPmtRvsl TotalDigits 18 or more and 999999999.99 or less. Maximum number of decimal places allowed is
++TxInf Inclusive 0.01 .. 999999999.99 Format Rule: The fractional part two. (Schema validation)
+++OrgnlIntrBkSttlmAmt Pattern [0-9]{0,15}([\.]([0-9]{0,2})){0,1} has a maximum of two digits
Currency symbol is always ‘EUR’.
(Schema validation)

Amount must be at least 0.01 and no more than

999999999.99. (Schema validation)

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

required Attribute: Ccy Typ SCLSDDCurrencyCode

Use required
Acceptable Codes
1..1 RvsdIntrBkSttlmAmt Name Reversed Interbank Settlement Amount (AT-44 Amount of the reversal in Amount of the reversal.
Typ SCLSDDCurrencyAndAmount_Tx euro)
Document FractionDigits 2 Usage Rule: 'Reversed Interbank The correctness of the sum
+FIToFIPmtRvsl TotalDigits 18 Settlement Amount must be the <OrgnlIntrBkSttlmAmt> +
++TxInf Inclusive 0.01 .. 999999999.99 same as the Amount of the <ChrgsInf/Amt> =
+++RvsdIntrBkSttlmAmt Pattern [0-9]{0,15}([\.]([0-9]{0,2})){0,1} Collection (AT-06) plus any <RvsdIntrBkSttlmAmt> is checked, if
Charges. <ChrgsInf> is completed.
Usage Rule: Only 'EUR' is allowed. Error code: XT78
Usage Rule: Amount must be 0.01
or more and 999999999.99 or less. Integer value of up to 15 characters is allowed.
Format Rule: The fractional part Maximum number of decimal places allowed
has a maximum of two digits. remains two.
(Schema validation)

Currency symbol is always ‘EUR’. (Schema


Amount must be at least 0.01 and no more than

999999999.99. (Schema validation)
required Attribute: Ccy Typ SCLSDDCurrencyCode
Use required
Acceptable Codes

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
0..1 RvsdInstdAmt Name Reversed Instructed Amount Usage Rule: Only allowed in the If the element block "Charges Information" is
Typ SCLSDDCurrencyAndAmount_Tx case an Interchange Fee is used, the element "Reversed Instructed Amount"
Document FractionDigits 2 included, i.e., ‘Amount’ under must also be completed, in compliance with an
+FIToFIPmtRvsl TotalDigits 18 ‘Charges Information’ is used. ISO requirement.
++TxInf Inclusive 0.01 .. 999999999.99 Usage Rule: Only ‘EUR’ is allowed. Error code: XT13
+++RvsdInstdAmt Pattern [0-9]{0,15}([\.]([0-9]{0,2})){0,1} Usage Rule: Amount must be 0.01
or more and 999999999.99 or less. If completed, although "Amount" in "Charges
Information" is not completed:
Format Rule: The fractional part Error code: XT33
has a maximum of two digits.
The fractional part has a maximum of two digits.
(Schema validation)

Amount must be at least 0.01 and no more than

999999999.99. (schema validation)
required Attribute: Ccy Typ SCLSDDCurrencyCode
Use required
Acceptable Codes
0..1 ChrgBr Name Charge Bearer Usage Rule: Only 'SLEV' is Only SLEV is allowed.
Typ SCLSDDChargeBearerType1Code allowed. (Schema validation)
Acceptable Codes
0..1 ChrgsInf Name Charges Information Usage Rule: Only one occurrence If the element block "Charges Information" is
Typ SCLSDDChargesInformation1 is allowed. used, the element "Reversed Instructed Amount"
Document must also be completed, in compliance with an
+FIToFIPmtRvsl ISO requirement.
++TxInf Error code: XT13
1..1 Amt Name Amount (AT-R8 Amount of the Interchange The fractional part has a maximum of two digits.
Typ SCLSDDCurrencyAndAmount_Tx Fee) (schema validation)
Document FractionDigits 2 Usage Rule: Only ‘EUR’ is allowed.
+FIToFIPmtRvsl TotalDigits 18 Usage Rule: Amount must be 0.01 Only EUR is allowed (schema validation)
++TxInf Inclusive 0.01 .. 999999999.99 or more and 999999999.99 or less.
+++ChrgsInf Pattern [0-9]{0,15}([\.]([0-9]{0,2})){0,1} Format Rule: The fractional part Amount must be at least 0.01 and no more than
++++Amt has a maximum of two digits. 999999999.99. (schema validation)

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
required Attribute: Ccy Typ SCLSDDCurrencyCode
Use required

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
Acceptable Codes

1..1 Pty Name Party

Typ SCLSDDBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentif
Document ication3
1..1 FinInstnId Name Financial Institution Identification (AT-13 BIC of the Debtor Bank)
Typ SCLSDDFinancialInstitutionIdentification5Ch Usage Rule: Only BIC is allowed.
Document oice
1..1 BIC Name BIC
Typ BICIdentifier
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+FIToFIPmtRvsl {0,1}
0..1 InstgAgt Name Instructing Agent Usage Rule: Only BIC is allowed. Original submitter of the bulk
Typ SCLSDDBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentif
Document ication3 Original submitter in the SCL of the bulk in which
+FIToFIPmtRvsl the reversal was enclosed.

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 FinInstnId Name Financial Institution Identification

Typ SCLSDDFinancialInstitutionIdentification5Ch
Document oice
1..1 BIC Name BIC Only permitted in the Settled Debit File (SDF),
Typ BICIdentifier may not be contained in the Input Debit File (IDF)
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) (submitted by SCL participant).
+FIToFIPmtRvsl {0,1} Error code: XT13
1..1 RvslRsnInf Name Reversal Reason Information Usage Rule: ‘Reversal Reason Information on the reason for reversal.
Typ SCLSDDReversalReasonInformation1 Information’ must be present either
Document in ‘Original Group
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Information’ or ‘Transaction
++TxInf Information’.
+++RvslRsnInf Usage Rule: 'Reversal Reason
Information' is to be used to
indicate a reversal reason of the
individual transaction.
Usage Rule: Only one occurrence
of 'Reversal Reason Information' is
1..1 Orgtr Name Originator (AT-R2 Identification of the type of Reversal originator.
Typ SCLSDDId5 party that initiated the reversal)
Document Usage Rule: ‘Originator’ must be
+FIToFIPmtRvsl present either in ‘Original Group
++TxInf Information’ or ‘Transaction
+++RvslRsnInf Information’.
++++Orgtr ‘Name’ is limited to 70 characters
in length.

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Nm Name Name Reversal originator (client)

Typ Max70Text
Document Length 1 .. 70 Cannot be populated simultaneously with
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Pattern \S+.* originator/BIC.
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse (Schema validation)
1..1 Id Name Identification Reversal originator (client’s bank).
Typ SCLSDDParty3Choice
1..1 OrgId Name Organisation Identification
Typ SCLSDDOrganisationIdentification2
1..1 BICOrBEI Name BIC or BEI
Typ BICIdentifier
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+FIToFIPmtRvsl {0,1}

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Rsn Name Reason Usage Rule: ‘Reversal Reason Reason for reversal
Typ SCLSDDReversalReason1Choice must be present either in ‘Original
Document Group Information’ or
+FIToFIPmtRvsl ‘Transaction Information’.
1..1 Cd Name Code (AT-31 Reason Code for Reversal) Schema validation
Typ SCLSDDTransactionReversalReason2Code See Message Element
Document Specifications below.
Acceptable Codes
1..1 OrgnlTxRef Name Original Transaction Reference Mandatory Data of the original message
Typ SCLSDDOriginalTransactionReference1 (An exact copy of all attributes of
Document the received DS-04 being reversed)
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Usage Rule: The message
++TxInf elements under 'Original
+++OrgnlTxRef Transaction Reference' must be
populated with the same value as
the message elements of the
original instruction, as defined
within the following elements.
1..1 IntrBkSttlmDt Name Interbank Settlement Date (AT-26 Settlement date of the Settlement date of the original direct debit.
Typ ISODate Collection)
Document Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2} Where applicable error code XT74, if payment is
+FIToFIPmtRvsl forwarded via another CSM.
+++OrgnlTxRef The date of the original direct debit must be the
++++IntrBkSttlmDt same or before the date of <IntrBkSttlmDt> in
Error code: DT01

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 ReqdColltnDt Name Requested Collection Date (AT-11 Due date of the Collection) Due date of original direct debit
Typ ISODate
Document Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2}
1..1 CdtrSchmeId Name Creditor Scheme Identification (AT-02 Identifier of the Creditor) Identifier of the creditor from the original direct
Typ SCLSDDCdtrSchmeId debit
1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ SCLSDDPrivateIdentification2
1..1 PrvtId Name Private Identification

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
1..1 Othr Name Other
1..1 Id Name Identification Identifier of the creditor
Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|'|\s]){1,35}
1..1 SchmeNm Name Scheme Name
Typ FinancialIdentificationSchemeName2
1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

Acceptable Codes
0..1 SttlmInf Name Settlement Information
Typ SCLSDDSettlementInformation3
1..1 SttlmMtd Name Settlement Method Only ‘CLRG’ (Schema validation)
Typ SCLSDDSettlementMethod1Code
Acceptable Codes
0..1 ClrSys Name Clearing System
Typ SCLSDDClearingSystemIdentification1Choic
Document e

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary Only ‘SCL’ (Schema validation)
Typ Max35Text_Prtry
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
Acceptable Codes
1..1 PmtTpInf Name Payment Type Information (AT-20 Identification code of the Identification code of the schema
Typ SCLSDDPaymentTypeInformation6 Scheme)
Document (AT-21 Transaction / Sequence
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Type)
++TxInf (AT-59 Category purpose of the
+++OrgnlTxRef Collection)
1..1 SvcLvl Name Service Level
Typ SCLSDDServiceLevel2Choice
1..1 Cd Name Code
Typ SCLSDDServiceLevel1Code

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
Acceptable Codes
1..1 LclInstrm Name Local Instrument
Typ SCLSDDLocalInstrument1Choice
1..1 Cd Name Code Only the codes ‘CORE’, "COR1" or ‘B2B’ are
Typ ExternalLocalInstrument1Code allowed.
Document Length 1 .. 35 (Schema validation)
++TxInf In a COR-File are only nur CORE- and/or
+++OrgnlTxRef COR1-Bulks allowed. In a B2B-File are only
++++PmtTpInf B2B-Bulks allowed..
+++++LclInstrm Error code: XT43
Mixed submission of B2B, CORE and COR1
Direct Debits in one bulk is not allowed.
Error code: XT43
Acceptable Codes
1..1 SeqTp Name Sequence Type Sequence Type of the direct debit
Typ SCLSDDSequenceType1Code (Schema validation)

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
Acceptable Codes
0..1 CtgyPurp Name Category Purpose Purpose of the collection
Typ CategoryPurpose1Choice
1..1 Cd Name Code
Typ ExternalCategoryPurpose1Code
Document Length 1 .. 4
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 MndtRltdInf Name Mandate Related Information (AT-01 Unique Mandate reference)
Typ SCLSDDMandateRelatedInformation1 (AT-16 Placeholder for the
Document electronic
+FIToFIPmtRvsl signature data, if applicable)
++TxInf (AT-17 The type of Mandate (paper
+++OrgnlTxRef or e-Mandate)).

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
(AT-18 Identifier of the original
Creditor who issued the Mandate)
(AT-19 Unique mandate reference
as given by the original creditor
who issued the mandate)
(AT-24 Reason for Amendment of
the Mandate)
(AT-25 Signing date of the
(AT-60 Reference of the validation
made by the Debtor Bank (if
in DS-03))
1..1 MndtId Name Mandate Identification Unique mandate reference.
Typ SCLSDDId8 (schema validation only).
Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|'|\s]){1,35}
1..1 DtOfSgntr Name Date Of Signature Date when mandate was signed.
Typ ISODate
Document Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2}
0..1 AmdmntInd Name Amendment Indicator Reason for amendment of the mandate. If
Typ TrueFalseIndicator completed must be ‘TRUE’ or ‘FALSE’.
Document (Schema validation)
++TxInf If the field is not completed, ‘FALSE’ is assumed
+++OrgnlTxRef to be the default setting
0..1 AmdmntInfDtls Name Amendment Information Details
Typ SCLSDDAmendmentInformationDetails1

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

0..1 OrgnlMndtId Name Original Mandate Identification Unique mandate reference as given by the
Typ SCLSDDId8 original creditor who issued the mandate.
Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|'|\s]){1,35}
0..1 OrgnlCdtrSchmeId Name Original Creditor Scheme Identification Identifier of the original creditor who issued the
Typ SCLSDDCdtrSchmeId1 mandate.
0..1 Nm Name Name Name of the original creditor.
Typ Max70Text
Document Length 1 .. 70
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
0..1 Id Name Identification
Document Typ SCLSDDPrivateIdentification
1..1 PrvtId Name Private Identification
1..1 Othr Name Other
1..1 Id Name Identification Identifier of the original creditor who issued the
Typ SCLSDDId8 mandate.
Document Pattern ([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|'|\s]){1,35}

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 SchmeNm Name Scheme Name
Typ FinancialIdentificationSchemeName2
1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary Only the code ‘SEPA” is allowed.
Typ SCLSDDId9 (Schema validation)

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

Acceptable Codes
0..1 OrgnlDbtrAcct Name Original Debtor Account
Typ SCLSDDCashAccount8
1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ SCLSDDAccountIdentification4Choice
1..1 IBAN Name IBAN
Typ IBANIdentifier
Document Pattern [a-zA-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30}

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
1..1 Othr Name Other
Typ SCLSDDOrgnlDbtrAcctOther2
1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ Max34Text
Document Length 1 .. 34
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
0..1 OrgnlDbtrAgt Name Original Debtor Agent
Document Typ SCLSDDOrgnlDbtrAgt
1..1 FinInstnId Name Financial Institution Identification
Typ SCLSDDOrgnlDbtrAgt1
1..1 BIC Name BIC
Typ BICIdentifier
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+FIToFIPmtRvsl {0,1}
1..1 Othr Name Other
Typ SCLSDDOrgnlDbtrAgtOther2
Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group
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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
1..1 Id Name Identification Only ‘SMNDA’ permitted. (Schema validation)
Typ Max35Text_SMNDA
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 ElctrncSgntr Name Electronic Signature Placeholder for electronic signature.
Typ Max1025Text
Document Length 1 .. 1025
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 RmtInf Name Remittance Information (AT-22 Remittance information) Structured or unstructured remittance information
Typ SCLSDDRemittanceInformation1 (Schema validation)
1..1 Ustrd Name Unstructured
Typ Max140Text
Document Length 1 .. 140
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
1..1 Strd Name Structured Structured remittance information must not
Typ SCLSDDStructuredRemittanceInformation6 exceed 140 characters. Only information within
Document the <Strd> element is counted. The elements
+FIToFIPmtRvsl including the contents within the tag <Strd> are
++TxInf also counted.
+++OrgnlTxRef Error code: XT33
+++++Strd All ISO 20022 field options are allowed.
0..1 CdtrRefInf Name Creditor Reference Information
Typ SCLSDDCreditorReferenceInformation2
1..1 Tp Name Type
Typ SCLSDDCreditorReferenceType2
1..1 CdOrPrtry Name Code or Proprietary
Typ SCLSDDCreditorReferenceType1Choice

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
1..1 Cd Name Code
Document Typ SCLSDDDocumentType3Code
Acceptable Codes
0..1 Issr Name Issuer
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 Ref Name Reference
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 UltmtDbtr Name Ultimate Debtor (AT-15 Name of the Debtor Ultimate debtor
Typ SCLSDDPartyIdentification10 Reference Party)

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

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Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

Document (AT-37 Identification code of the

+FIToFIPmtRvsl Debtor Reference Party)
0..1 Nm Name Name Name of ultimate debtor
Typ Max70Text
Document Length 1 .. 70
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 Id Name Identification Identifier of ultimate debtor
Typ SCLSDDParty4Choice
1..1 OrgId Name Organisation Identification
Typ SCLSDDOrganisationIdentification4
1..1 BICOrBEI Name BIC or BEI
Typ SCLSDDAnyBICIdentifier
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+FIToFIPmtRvsl {0,1}

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.007.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page 31 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Othr Name Other
Typ SCLSDDGenericOrganisationIdentification1
1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 SchmeNm Name Scheme Name
Typ SCLSDDOrganisationIdentificationSchemeN
Document ame1Choice

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.007.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page 32 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Cd Name Code

Typ SCLSDDExternalOrganisationIdentification1
Document Code
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Length 1 .. 4
++TxInf Pattern \S+.*
+++OrgnlTxRef WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 Issr Name Issuer
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.007.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page 33 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 PrvtId Name Private Identification

Typ SCLSDDPersonIdentification5
1..1 DtAndPlcOfBirth Name Date and Place of Birth
Typ DateAndPlaceOfBirth
1..1 BirthDt Name Birth Date
Typ ISODate
Document Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2}
0..1 PrvcOfBirth Name Province of Birth
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.007.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page 34 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

+FIToFIPmtRvsl Pattern \S+.*

++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 CityOfBirth Name City of Birth
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 CtryOfBirth Name Country of Birth
Typ CountryCode
Document Pattern [A-Z]{2,2}
1..1 Othr Name Other
Typ SCLSDDGenericPersonIdentification1

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.007.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page 35 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 SchmeNm Name Scheme Name
Typ SCLSDDPersonIdentificationSchemeName1
Document Choice
1..1 Cd Name Code
Typ SCLSDDExternalPersonIdentification1Code
Document Length 1 .. 4
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group
pacs.007.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page 36 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary

Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 Issr Name Issuer
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 Dbtr Name Debtor (AT-14 Name of the Debtor) Debtor
Typ SCLSDDPartyIdentification9 (AT-09 Address of the Debtor)
Document (AT-27 Debtor Identification Code)
1..1 Nm Name Name Name of the Debtor or additional informations
Typ Max70Text according the original payment
Document Length 1 .. 70
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.007.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page 37 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

0..1 PstlAdr Name Address of the debtor Address of the debtor

Typ SCLSDDPostalAddress1
0..1 Ctry Name Country Country of the debtor.
Typ CountryCode
Document Pattern [A-Z]{2,2}
0..2 AdrLine Name Address Line Maximum of two occurrences of ‘address line’
Typ Max70Text allowed.
Document Length 1 .. 70 (Schema validation)
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 Id Name Identification Identifier of debtor
Typ SCLSDDParty4Choice

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.007.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page 38 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 OrgId Name Organisation Identification May not be given simultaneously with
Typ SCLSDDOrganisationIdentification4 <Id><PrvtId> (see below).
Document (Schema vaildation)
++TxInf All ISO 20022 field options are allowed.
1..1 BICOrBEI Name BIC or BEI
Typ SCLSDDAnyBICIdentifier
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+FIToFIPmtRvsl {0,1}
1..1 Othr Name Other
Typ SCLSDDGenericOrganisationIdentification1

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.007.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page 39 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
1..1 Id Name Identification
Document Typ Max35Text
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Length 1 .. 35
Pattern \S+.*
WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 SchmeNm Name Scheme Name
Typ SCLSDDOrganisationIdentificationSchemeN
Document ame1Choice
1..1 Cd Name Code
Typ SCLSDDExternalOrganisationIdentification1
Document Code
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Length 1 .. 4
++TxInf Pattern \S+.*
+++OrgnlTxRef WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary
Typ Max35Text

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.007.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page 40 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

+FIToFIPmtRvsl Length 1 .. 35
++TxInf Pattern \S+.*
+++OrgnlTxRef WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 Issr Name Issuer
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 PrvtId Name Private Identification May not be given simultaneously with <Id><
Typ SCLSDDPersonIdentification5 OrgId > (see below).
Document (Schema vaildation)
++TxInf All ISO 20022 field options are allowed.
1..1 DtAndPlcOfBirth Name Date and Place of Birth
Typ DateAndPlaceOfBirth
Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group
pacs.007.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page 41 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 BirthDt Name Birth Date

Typ ISODate
Document Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2}
0..1 PrvcOfBirth Name Province of Birth
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 CityOfBirth Name City of Birth
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.007.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page 42 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 CtryOfBirth Name Country of Birth

Typ CountryCode
Document Pattern [A-Z]{2,2}
1..1 Othr Name Other
Typ SCLSDDGenericPersonIdentification1
1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.007.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page 43 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
0..1 SchmeNm Name Scheme Name
Document Typ SCLSDDPersonIdentificationSchemeName1
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Choice
1..1 Cd Name Code
Typ SCLSDDExternalPersonIdentification1Code
Document Length 1 .. 4
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.007.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page 44 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
0..1 Issr Name Issuer
Document Typ Max35Text
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Length 1 .. 35
Pattern \S+.*
WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 DbtrAcct Name DebtorAccount (AT-07 Account number (IBAN) of Account number of the debtor
Typ SCLSDDCashAccount7 the Debtor)
1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ SCLSDDAccountIdentification3Choice
1..1 IBAN Name IBAN IBAN of the debtor
Typ IBANIdentifier
Document Pattern [a-zA-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30}
1..1 DbtrAgt Name Debtor Agent (AT-13 BIC of Debtor Bank) BIC of Debtor Bank
Typ SCLSDDBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentif

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.007.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page 45 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

Document ication3
1..1 FinInstnId Name Financial Institution Identification
Typ SCLSDDFinancialInstitutionIdentification5Ch
Document oice
1..1 BIC Name BIC Validity of BIC using SCL Directory.
Typ BICIdentifier Error code: XT27
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+FIToFIPmtRvsl {0,1} Check only if the direct debit is forwarded from the
++TxInf SEPA-Clearer to STEP2: BIC must belong to a
+++OrgnlTxRef registered reachable BIC of the respective STEP2
++++DbtrAgt SDD Service via the Deutsche Bundesbank.
+++++FinInstnId Error code: PY01
1..1 CdtrAgt Name Creditor Agent (AT-12 BIC of the Creditor bank) BIC of the Creditor bank
Typ SCLSDDBranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentif
Document ication3
1..1 FinInstnId Name Financial Institution Identification
Typ SCLSDDFinancialInstitutionIdentification5Ch
Document oice

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.007.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page 46 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 BIC Name BIC Creditor agent BIC is included in the duplication
Typ BICIdentifier check at single record level
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}) Error code: AM05
+FIToFIPmtRvsl {0,1}
++TxInf Validity of BIC using SCL-Directory.
+++OrgnlTxRef Error code: XT27
+++++FinInstnId Check only if the direct debit is forwarded from the
SEPA-Clearer to STEP2: BIC must belong to a
registered reachable BIC of the respective STEP2
SDD Service via the Deutsche Bundesbank.
Error code: PY01
1..1 Cdtr Name Creditor (AT-03 Name of the Creditor) Creditor
Typ SCLSDDId2 (AT-05 Address of the Creditor)
1..1 Nm Name Name Name of the creditor.
Typ Max70Text
Document Length 1 .. 70
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 PstlAdr Name Postal Address Address of the creditor.
Typ SCLSDDPostalAddress1
0..1 Ctry Name Country Country of the creditor.

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.007.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page 47 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

Document Typ CountryCode

+FIToFIPmtRvsl Pattern [A-Z]{2,2}
0..2 AdrLine Name Adress Line Maximum of two occurrences of ‘address line’
Typ Max70Text allowed. (Schema validation)
Document Length 1 .. 70
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 CdtrAcct Name Creditor Account (AT-04 Account number (IBAN) of Account number of the creditor
Typ SCLSDDCashAccount7 the Creditor)
1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ SCLSDDAccountIdentification3Choice
1..1 IBAN Typ IBANIdentifier IBAN of the creditor
Pattern [a-zA-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30}

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.007.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page 48 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

0..1 UltmtCdtr Name Ultimate Creditor (AT-38 Name of the Creditor Ultimate creditor
Typ SCLSDDPartyIdentification10 Reference Party)
Document (AT-39 Identification code of the
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Creditor Reference Party)
0..1 Nm Name Name Name of ultimate creditor
Typ Max70Text
Document Length 1 .. 70
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 Id Name Identification
Typ SCLSDDParty4Choice
1..1 OrgId Name Organisation Identification
Typ SCLSDDOrganisationIdentification4

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.007.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page 49 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 BICOrBEI Name BIC or BEI

Typ SCLSDDAnyBICIdentifier
Document Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3})
+FIToFIPmtRvsl {0,1}
1..1 Othr Name Other
Typ SCLSDDGenericOrganisationIdentification1
1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.007.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page 50 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
0..1 SchmeNm Name Scheme Name
Document Typ SCLSDDOrganisationIdentificationSchemeName1
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Choice
1..1 Cd Name Code
Typ SCLSDDExternalOrganisationIdentification1
Document Code
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Length 1 .. 4
++TxInf Pattern \S+.*
+++OrgnlTxRef WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 Issr Name Issuer
Typ Max35Text

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.007.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page 51 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 PrvtId Name Private Identification
Typ SCLSDDPersonIdentification5
1..1 DtAndPlcOfBirth Name Daten and Place of Birth
Typ DateAndPlaceOfBirth
1..1 BirthDt Name Birth Date
Typ ISODate
Document Pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2}

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.007.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page 52 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

0..1 PrvcOfBirth Name Province of Birth
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 CityOfBirth Name City of Birth
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 CtryOfBirth Name Country of Birth
Typ CountryCode
Document Pattern [A-Z]{2,2}

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.007.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page 53 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer

1..1 Othr Name Other

Typ SCLSDDGenericPersonIdentification1
1..1 Id Name Identification
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 SchmeNm Name Scheme Name
Typ SCLSDDPersonIdentificationSchemeName1
Document Choice

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.007.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page 54 of 55

Status Element/Attribut Format EPC references Contents and checks

(if available) SEPA-Clearer
1..1 Cd Name Code
Document Typ SCLSDDExternalPersonIdentification1Code
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Length 1 .. 4
Pattern \S+.*
WhiteSpace collapse
1..1 Prtry Name Proprietary
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse
0..1 Issr Name Issuer
Typ Max35Text
Document Length 1 .. 35
+FIToFIPmtRvsl Pattern \S+.*
++TxInf WhiteSpace collapse

Bold = Element, Italic = Attribut, Gray = Group

pacs.007.001.02; SCL SDD; 2017 page 55 of 55

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