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LL 4 University of Chicago Police Department GENERAL ORDER [ Bffective Datex ‘Numbers May 19, 20: __GO 1003 { Subject: Code of Conduct | References: | CALEA Standards: 26.1.1, 26.13, 26.15 (Partially), Tile VIE of the Civil Rights Act of | 1964, Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), University of Chicago Fiuman Resourees | Personnel Policies U-304, U-607 and U-70 ‘Reevaluation Date Annually Amends: | Approved By: | Marion C. Lyneb, Associate Vice Pr | and Chief of Police ‘Signature: ident | Signed original on file in Accreditation Office. 1003.1 PURPOSE The purpose of this general orders to establish the responsibilities of the University of Chicago Potice Department employees to conduct themselves in a manner tht promotes the highest level of professionalism and performence conceming legal, eticel, and moral issues 10032 SCOPE, A Policy B. Definitions ©. Regulations Establishing the Goals ofthe Depertment D. Regulations Establishing the Goss of Department Members E. Regulations Establishing the Duties of Department Members F. Rules of Conduct G. Penalties H. Military Courtesy ce #201202 tachment # BO Cond ae Cra an Page L of 4 CR Paget DEFO00184 ‘4 Confira! 6. 2 Receive, record and service immestately all complaints and requests for service in aecordance with Department directives. Provide security and care forall persons and property coming into their custody. ‘Maintain e military bearing and render military courtesy when in uniform. Maintain a courteous and respectful attitude toward all persons. Civitian Members Civilian members will perform thir assigned duties promptly and efficient. ‘They will: 1 2. Obey all laws and execute all lawful orders. ‘Be bound by the Policy, Rules, Regulations, Orders, Procedures, and Directives of the Department. 1003.8 RULES OF CONDUCT A Responsible Conduct 1 60 1098 ‘Violation of any lew or ordinance, ‘Any action or conduet which impedes the Department's efforts to achieve {ts polfey and goals or brings discredit upon the Departmen. COMMENT: ‘This Rule applies to both the professional and private conduct ofall members. It prohibits any and all conduct witch is contrary to the letter and spirit of Departmental policy or goals or which would reflect adversely upon the Department or its members. It includes aot only fl unlawful acts by members but also all acts, which alshough not “unlawfl in themselves, would degrade or bring disrespect upon the member or the Department, including public and open association with persons of known bad or esiminal repitaion inthe community unless such tssociation is in the performance of police cutis, It also includes any action contrary to the stated policy, goals, rues, regulations, orders or directives of the Department Any failure to promote the Depastent’s efforts to inaplement its policy ot accomplish its goals. cA. # 2013-02 Code of Conduct Attachment 0S at, Page of Y CR, Page # DEFO00165 Contigential 60 1003 u 12, 13, COMMENT: This Rule probibits any omission or feilure to act by any member ofthe Department, whether on ot off duty, which act would be required by the slated policy, goes, rules, regulations, orders and directives of the Department. It applies fo supervisory and other members ‘vo, theough carelessness, inefficiency or design fail to implement alt policy goals rules, regulations, orders and directives of the Department or fail to repor to the Department any and all nown violations of same, oF ‘who through carelessness, inefficiency oc design fail to become aware of any such violation, when their assigned duty or spervisory responsibility ‘would require them to become so aware. ‘Any conduct or action taken to use the official position for personal gain or influence. Failure to perform any duty. Disobedience of an order or directive, whether writen, by electronic means, or orally, COMMENT: This Rule prohibits disobedience by a member of any lewfil written or orl order or directive of a superior officer of another member of eny rank who is relaying the order of superior. Insubor ation or disrespect toward a supervisory member on or off duty Disrespect to or maltreatment of any person, while on or off duty. ‘Engaging in any unjustified verbel or physica! alterestion with any person, ‘while on or off duty. COMMENT: Rules 8 and 9 prohibit the use of any excessive force by any member. These rules prohibit brutality, paysical or verbal maltreatment of any citizen while on or off duty, and any unjustified alteceation of any Kind, Inattention to duty Incompetency of inefficiency in the performance of duty. Pailure to wear the uniform as prescribed in the GO entitled “Uniform Provisions and Personal Appearance Standards.” Failure to adequately secure and care for Departmental property. COMMENT: Department members shall not use Departmental property for purposes other than official business without supervisory approval CR, # 2013-02 Code of Conduct Attachment #20 att Page 3.of YL CR Page #__ DEFO00166 i | | { ‘Members shall use Departmental property only forthe purpose for which i {was intended and shall not alter said property without command Jevel, ‘| approval. Department members shall be requied to surrender ' Departmental property issued upor termination of employinento: before | beginning an extended absence from duty other than leave with pay. Any employee who fails to surender issued property upon tamination willbe \ required to make restitution, i 14. Making a falso report, whether in writing, by electronic means, or orally. i 15, Intoxication on or off duxy. COMMENT: Members shall nt drink alechotio beverages within eight hours prior to reporting for duty and sball not be under the influence of such while on duly. The use of ilicit drugs, whether on oF off daty, fs | prohibited i i 16, Entering any tavern or bar while on duty ot in uniform, except in the performance of duty. i 17. Deikingaechois beverages while on duty oe union, anspor ‘alcoholic beverages on or in Department property while on duty, except in the performance of an official police action, 18, Failure to submit immediately a written report when any member, including self, is under investigation by any lew enforcement agency other than the University of Chicago Police Department. 19, Failure to report promptly to any applicable agency or department any information conceraing any crime ot other unlawful action. 20. Failure to report to the Department any violation of the Code of Conduct or any other improper conduct which is contrary to the policy, orders or directives of the Department. I COMMENT: Should the violator be the immediate supervisor, then the ‘member may submit the written notification to the next highest-ranking clcer. : 21. Failure to obey Department otders concerning other employment, ! ocupation, o profession, 22, Pathe to provide he Department with acute adress my telephone / number. | by cr.¥2013.02 = 0 1002 Code of Condit attachment # ZO I Att, Page 4 of 4 cor. Page Confidential DEFO00167

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