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4 COMMAND CHANNEL REVIEW - SUSTAINED UNIVERSITY oF CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTIIENT TEE RECENT | I > t fi. ape mele oe mn bon j COMPLAINT REGISTER INVESTIGATION NO. Asslatant Chiat of Police: UCPD oncom 1 00 Nor concuee care wimareo 14 March 2013, L To: Marlon C, Lynch, Chief of The University of Chicago Police Department PLEASE SUBINT THiS COMMAND CHANNEL REVIEW FOR THROUGH CHANNELS WTH THE CASE FILET: G Seputy chit, Support Services Buceas otter: A reconteno oprions a exten (3 reconmenD oprions wor 9 cRarED rt TY fe on v3 SRE RECENT ONT dl ‘— sconcur 1 (20n0r I Recouen ornions ae axanreD concur” _evowmeno options nor 8 sRANTED Perec Vit lie wm fests PS Mscen 201 {| oar necemeDByCNT i 1 eo T_ecowucie conan a os q : [1 !20NOTconcu® «RECOM Ceo oT BE oRAED {RE ~ pie \ a Soe RROD TTR i | areenoror [1 veovcum 1. comennorrons nase j 12080 1 econo oprons nor aor TEENS 1D teoveur 1D poner concur recosmenn orrions oc orasrEC 1 Revoumeno opnions wor ac orwwre> i Coffidential 8 EXHIBI EEE finte wa [BRE FRUARDES OY OT i | gpararTenenoer onomaana ALTERNATE FRONGS ANSON AN ALTERNATE Eee 1) econarenpacionts REQUIRED WHEN 0 NOT CONCUR™ HAS BEEN CHECKED. 2019-02 |) verbs es) Aitachment No, IT #4 DEFO00106 jersity of Chicago Police Department | SUMMARY REPORT DIGEST [PATE OF REPORT (nateso-¥1) >) Complaint Against Department Member 44 March 2013 TNETRUCTIONS ; CASES ARE TO BE CLABSIFED As EINER EXONENATED, UNFOUNDED, SUSTANED OR NOT SUSTANED. IYVESTIGATOR WL SUE#UIT ORIGINAL AND ONE (1) COPY ‘TO: Maton Gre; Atti Vise Peden a Cnet tee FROM SNVESTOATORS KAME RANK —~STARNIAIBER ONT OF ASSIONUENT SREP RESET PRE REST TE sear OR REDE 58th Street and Maryland - DCAM 23 February 2013 1290-1400 |Special Assignment TR JSTARNG, | REATOF ASSONTENT [Janets Marcetls lbeT| 301 | Special Assionmont |, Mitton Owens jC | Exempt | Special Assignment zk § femme por SRESEARORTENT [DOT TTR THRESENCEETY rar Pon [aor our is orouy | nace 2010 BLovouny ty orroury k [ CG oubuY Ul omoury [mz pooRESS ar T ERROR ERRRCE OE RGEFRIATN [ein ooter-ucpo 0545. pros Ave. chicago IL jrsmuaisi fo | Uoro stat ik i oe if | | Poor 5 STATE TECERRONE | SRE DOE NOSTRIN a: a [ADORESS ORF "YAVE] TELESTONE [SEXACE | D0 BINGEAFTIUATION 1g [conse onasoin-ucro 0048. Drxlme. cranes ik pravue fpme fucPo st 2 [2 Gorton Hughes UPD Poss Deine eheage a —«*(aviaetet [uw _(UePD Se | * eve sanee-ucro Fasc. Owiine _chcaye Kh ‘prsranear w _(oceO i feet canme (GEE ATTAGHED BHEET FOR ABEITIONAT ASOUSED, COMPLAINANTS, VITIVS, WITNESSES, |as a rut ofan incident hat occur on 29 February 20% Between the hours af 1280-1400 ours, the follwing jaogatone wore raze bythe complaint, Deputy Chief Kavin Bookor: 1) Detective Janalle Maroalis operated outside ofthe normel parameters of her dutes and violated the department's Code jo! Conduct when sho actively engaged in @ protest inal she was observing as 2 result ofa special wssignment. ALLEGATIONS la) Deputy Chief Maton Owons failed to take action regarding Det. Marcas’ dacsion to actively engage in the protest { ltneraby voting the Department's Code of Conduct, J) Teresita tan ERNE ‘ 2013602 Cdpfidential DEF000107 tats sasaas Pa Fngon Soe lope lester eee Re MCE ceien ct te scvsed monbere Summary of Preven Aconk ad Rear Pres Canin HS i Jbe Included ws attacrments, ee aR SReTe aa eGo GATT AR, ARATE TREES OOS POT ETT on 04 March 2019 at approximately 0800 hours, the Reporting Deputy Chief (R/DG) was assigned to investigation Sompiaint Register (CR) #2013-02 In which the Complainant, Deputy Chivf Kevin Boker, outlined several alegations Jagainst the accused officers, Detactive (Det) Janelle Marcelis and Deputy Criaf (20) Niton Owens, The foloning is the [Summary into the allegations vhich wore supported by a signed sworn affcavit (AR. 3) As a rosut of en incident that occurred on 23 Februzty 2018 baleen ths hours of 1290-1400, the fllowing allegations were made by the complainant Allegation #1 is that Det. Janelle Marcals operated outside of the normal parameters of her duties and viclated the Departments Code of Conduct when she actively engaged in 2 protest that she was observing a5 result of 9 spec assignment Ailegatton #2 is the DC Mitton Owens falled fo take action regarding Det. Marcalis' decision to actively engage in the protest thereby violating the Dopartment’s Coce of Concict. The feloning summary doseribes the Investigation ino both allegetions due fo the fact thatthe allegations are related and intertwined: suNMMany lon 04 March 2013 at approximately 1256 hours, OC Kevin Booker provides an audio recorded and trensarbad staloment for this investigation, In hs statement (All, 2), DC Sooker stated that ne wa responsta for developing the operations plan for the 23 Fearuary 2018 Centar for Care and Discovery Patiant Wiove, OC Rocker stated that prior othe event he leashed that fhe FLY and SHE groups would be taking pact in an organized demonstration during the CCD move sn that he plannad for this panioular demonstration within his operations plan. OC Booker stated that within his oporations pian (Ats. 7 & 18), Dot. Macostis was assigned fo Post 11 within the intaligenca group reporting drocty to DC Owens. DC Booker stated that [Dol Marcell’ assignment was to gather intelligence on what the group's actions wore thai day as well as adress any groups that might have inftrated the orginal protest groups, SEE CONTINUATION PAG: ERE RSS ARERETT To ASR OF TOTS Rerrmcascaiawens) Nacsa atnieawinahorke 16, 19 0 rer) Scamiatie re Wage ap wetadators Aue vomion wilde Gadbyruncar om Ovpov'al ecm wnsonion fr Decpiamy Aton wie ate ty ine suenigeor The recommonceton wise er ALs stared hag, seamen Wl NOY oe rad fo ech stand legson, eee Gain rind vo dclvary aston warruvd 2 Inthe aosaedmarber ba relandae. 8 Tra Be wooed rare be cspeedior ne econ nba cf dye |S PESATION 1 foinat Det Jenello Marcos operated outside ofthe nocnal parameters of a dutes and vilated the lDeparimant’s Code of Conduct whan she actively angagad in a protest that she was abserving as result of a special sssignment. NDING: SUSTAINED 1ased on Deputy Cet Kevin Booker's ICS Plan for te 23 Fobruary 2013 (At. 17 & 18), there does not appear to be any instruction or orcer for tre intligonoo unit taal Dot. Maroels was assigned to that day to enter andor infitrate the Jemonsitation group. Based on the [CS plan, Det, Marcolls' assignment was simply to gather inlellgence and videotape the vant along with Detectives James and Hughes. On the morning of 23 February 207, Det. Marcets’ Instruction charges. Fram slaternanis provided by Commander O'Addabbo, Datectives Marcell, James, and Hughes, es well as Deputy Chit fowans himset (Att, 14 8, 16, 16 & 13 respectively), tis apparent thal OC Owens id instruct Det. Marcas to enter tho, Jgroup with the purposes of blending in” with the demonstration. Based on that instruction, Det, Marcolis stated as sho Fontared ‘he protest group, she voluntary took sign and tickers in an effort io ether “bland in” of "be a protestor.” Det IMarcells' vauntary decision fo actively engage inthe orotast by ‘aking a sign and stickers uimately resulted inthe Jombarrassmant anv discredit of the University of Chicago and its Police Deperiment. As a reaui of her decision, Det Iercolis ulmetaly volated the UCPO Generel Order 1009 (At, 20) entited ‘Code of Conduet” under Part 1003.8, Section cle #2 which states lis ¢ vclelion of cade of conduct whan “any action or conduct impedes the Departinent’s efots to fechieve its pciley and goals and brings discredit upon the apartment. TTA TED FA RENTS ST GION OTE COT TEO a SO (04 March 2013 Hid March 2013, aalaaor wi iste Goponand Graal viene by | WESTRTERS NATURE ‘Comping ho tvadtatr Seaton RECOMMENDATIONS Fron SEE CONTINUATION PAGE #4 TF RECESSATY USE DOPO CONTIRINTON PRGETO CONTIUEPNY Ee idential DE F000108

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