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Product Information Silicon Carbide ESK-SIC GmbH

E-ABRASIC P 12 to P 220
for coated abrasives products

Grain size distributions

The testing of E-ABRASIC P 12 to P 220 grits according to FEPA-Standard 43-1:2006 resp. ISO 6344 is carried out by comparative
sieving of mastergrit and sample on common use utility test sieves.

The test shall be carried out with test sieving machines giving reproducible and comparable results e. g. RO-TAP-test sieving machines
according to FEPA-Standard 43-1:2006 resp. ISO 9284.

The mastergrits represent the reference for the grain size testing for coated abrasives products.

Each supply of mastergrits shall be accompanied by a test certificate of the Staatlichen Materialprüfungsanstalt Darmstadt (MPA
Darmstadt) indicating the sieving analysis and the respective date of test of the mastergrits. The result shall be related to the certified
values of the mastergrits of MPA Darmstadt and hence to the corrected sieve analysis of the sample.

Tabelle 1. Grain size distribution of E-ABRASIC P 12 to P 220 grits

Test sieve 1 Test sieve 2 Test sieve 3 Test sieve 4 Test sieve 5
sum of sum of
sum of sum of remain-
residue residues Apertur - aperture residues on
Grit aperture aperture aperture residues on residues on der in
on test on test size size test sieves
designation size size size test sieves test sieves bottom
sieve 1 sieves 1, 2, 3, 4
1, 2 and 3 1, 2, 3 and 4 pan
1 and 2 and 5
w Q1 w Q2 max. w Q3 w w Q5 min. ∆ Q max.

mm μm % mm μm % mm μm % mm μm % mm μm % %

P 12 3.35 - 0 2.36 - 1 2.00 - 14 ± 4 1.70 - 61 ± 9 1.40 - 92 8

P 16 2.36 - 0 1.70 - 3 1.40 - 26 ± 6 1.18 - 75 ± 9 1.00 - 96 4
P 20 1.70 - 0 1.18 - 7 1.00 - 42 ± 8 - 850 86 ± 6 - 710 96 4
P 24 1.40 - 0 1.00 - 1 - 850 14 ± 4 - 710 61 ± 9 - 600 92 8
P 30 1.18 - 0 - 850 1 - 710 14± 4 - 600 61 ± 9 - 500 92 8
P 36 1.00 - 0 - 710 1 - 600 14 ± 4 - 500 61 ± 9 - 425 92 8
P 40 - 710 0 - 500 7 - 425 42 ± 8 - 355 86 ± 6 - 300 96 4
P 50 - 600 0 - 425 3 - 355 26 ± 6 - 300 75 ± 9 - 250 96 4
P 60 - 500 0 - 355 1 - 300 14 ± 4 - 250 61 ± 9 - 212 92 8
P 80 - 355 0 - 250 3 - 212 26 ± 6 - 180 75 ± 9 - 150 96 4
P 100 - 300 0 - 212 1 - 180 14 ± 4 - 150 61 ± 9 - 125 92 8
P 120 - 212 0 150 7 - 125 42 ± 8 - 106 86 ± 6 - 90 96 4
P 150 - 180 0 - 125 3 - 106 26 ± 6 - 90 75 ± 9 - 75 96 4
P 180 - 150 0 - 106 2 - 90 15 ±5 - 75 62 ± 12 - 63 90 10
P 220 - 125 0 - 90 2 - 75 15 ± 5 - 63 62 ± 12 - 53 90 10

Stand 20. September 2013, E-ABRASIC-P12 to P220 KV EN 07_14.docx

ESK-SIC GmbH • Günter-Wiebke-Straße 1 • 50226 Frechen-Grefrath • Germany

Tel. +49 (0) 22 34-512-0 • Fax +49 (0) 22 34-512-100 • •
Product Information Silicon Carbide ESK-SIC GmbH


E-ABRASIC P 12 to P 220 for coated abrasive products

The sample is in accordance with the standard when the corrected sieve analysis of the sample is within the permissible limits given in
table 1. If the values of the corrected sieve analysis are not within the permissible limits a second sample shall be taken and a new
sieving carried out.

Example: Test sieving of the grain P 80.

The corrected sieving analysis of the sample indicates that the permissible limit of the grain P 80 is in accordance with the standard for
coated abrasives grains according to table 1.

Testing of macrogrits P 12 to P 220 FEPA-Standard 43-1:2006 resp. ISO 6344

Abrasive: Silicon Carbide Supplier/Purchaser: Braun .

Grit designation: P 80 .

Test sieving machine: A 1 Quantity of sample: 100 (g) Delivery/Date: 30.05.84 .

Sieving analysis Permissible

Sieve of the mastergrits Difference Sieving Corrected limiting
designation (column 3 – analysis of sieving values
according on nest of column 2) the sample analysis of according to
Test sieve to MPA- utility test on nest of the sample Standard Remarks
certificate sieves utility (column 5 – 43-GB-1984
test sieves column 4) Part 2
table 2
mm/µm % % % % % %

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 355 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 250 1 1 0 1 1 max. 3

3 212 24.5 22 - 2.5 25 27.5 20 – 32

4 180 77.5 81 + 3.5 83 79.5 66 – 84

5 150 98 98 0 98 98 min. 96
bottom pan
- 2 2 0 2 2 max. 4

Date of test: 30.05.06 Tester: P. Miller .

The data quoted in this leaflet are typical for the material. They are intended as a guide and should not be used in preparing specifications. The product data may deviate from the
figures given and represent our latest findings. We reserve the right to alter product data with the scope of technical progress or new developments.

Recommendations given do not absolve the user from the obligation of investigating the possibility of infringement of third parties‘ rights and, if necessary, clarifying thesituation.

Stand 20. September 2013, E-ABRASIC-P12 to P220 KV EN 07_14.docx

ESK-SIC GmbH • Günter-Wiebke-Straße 1 • 50226 Frechen-Grefrath • Germany

Tel. +49 (0) 22 34-512-0 • Fax +49 (0) 22 34-512-100 • •

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