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A. Kegiatan Pendahuluan (Opening Activity)

1. Menyiapkan fisik dan psikis peserta didik dengan menyapa dan memberi salam.
(Preparing students’ attention with greeting and checking students’ attendance)
“Good morning / afternoon everybody / hello everyone / Hi students”
How are you today? / how are you getting on? / how’s life? / what do you feel today?
“who is absent today? / who isn’t here today? / what’s the matter with Vera today?
What’s wrong with Ayu today?

2. Menyampaikan rencana kegiatan baik, individual, kerja kelompok, dan melakukan

observasi. (telling the planning of activity in individual, group working or doing
“in this nice occasion, we would like to conduct individual working / group working /
some observations. So, please attention and prepare everything.

3. Mengajukan pertanyaan yang menantang untuk memotivasi. (asking questions for

students’ motivation)
Are you ready for the challenge today?
Is everything ok?
Ok. Good. Keep spirit until the end of learning.

4. Menyampaikan manfaat materi pembelajaran (telling the benefit of learning materials)

“ the benefit of the learning materials is .....
This material will give some benefits for you, such as .......

5. Menyampaikan kompetensi yang akan dicapai peserta didik (telling competency that
will be achieved by students)
“at the end of the lesson, the students will be able to .................
The competency that will be achived in the material is ...............

6. Mengaitkan materi dengan materi pembelajaran sebelumnya (correlating the last

material with the material that will be studied today)
Last week, we learned about .................. because of that we will study about ......... right

7. Mendemonstrasikan sesuatu yang terkait dengan materi pembelajaran (demonstrating

something that related with the learning material)
“I need a student to come to the front. Let’s have a conversation and Please answer my
“I have something for you.. what is it? could you tell me? ...................

B. Kegiatan Inti (Teaching activity)

In this activity, the supervisor have to observe the teacher in the following term :
1. The language of classroom management
a. giving instruction
 come to the front please
 write it on the board
 make groups of four
 move your desk into groups
 work by yourself
 work in pairs
 who would like to read?
 etc
b. sequencing
 now, we will go to the next exercise
 next one please
 your time is up
 have you finished?
 etc
c. interaction
 that’s interesting
 that really is very kind of you
 don’t worry about it.
d. asking play games
 let’s play a game
 let’s have a quiz
 let’s play guessing
e. sitting – standing
 come in
 come inside
 stand up
 stay outside
 sit down please
2. The language of error correction (giving feedback to the students) i.g very good,
well done, terrific, that’s nice, you did a great job, double thumb for you, good try
but not quite right, have another try, you were almost right, etc

3. Classroom language : simple instruction

(come in, stnad up, pay attention everyone, open your book page 21, any questions?,
show me your work, keep silent please, look at activity two, etc)

C. Kegiatan Penutup (Closing Activity)

In this activity, the supervisor have to pay attention in the following term :
1. Conclusion and reflection
( who can conclude our material for today? /What is the conclusion of our material
today? / Who can give more example of our material today?
This is your homework for next week / do exercise 20 on page 100 for your
homework / prepare the next chapter for Monday.
2. Saying Goodbye ( see you again next week, have a nice day, goodbye everyone, see
you tomorrow, have a good holiday, etc

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