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Term 1 Subject: English Language Year Group: 12

Unit Topic Learning Outcomes Real World / UAE Application Assessment Methods

1a) Context and identity. Students to analyse a range of written, spoken or multi- Texts used for language study will Exam response: Students will
. modal data from the 20th and 21st century. Students will come from a range of different times complete a comparative exam
be introduced to the rules of language and the and places. All sources are non-fiction response on two unseen texts
terminology that they need to use to in order to write texts from the 20th and 21st century. from the 20th and 21st century.
about language in this course. This includes mode, field, A range of the texts will be UAE based
function, audience, discourse, pragmatics, graphology, sources to ensure relevance to
grammar, syntax, lexis and semantics. They will analyse student lives.
texts independently and collaboratively for these features,
considering how these features shape personal identity.
Students will study a range of non-fiction sources from the
20th and 21st century and analyse how they show
someone’s personal identity using the features listed
above. Further to this, students will be asked to consider
concepts, issues such as social, cultural, and gender
Students will be learn to apply theory and analyse
theorists’ ideas. These will including Crystal, Labov,
Trudgill, Zimmerman, Tannen and Bernstein...

1b) The Creation of Voice Students to create a range of short texts on different Texts studied are non-fiction texts Exam Response: Students to
topics and forms. Students will be taught a range of non- based on real-world events. All re-write the information from
fiction codes and conventions in order to enable them to sources are non-fiction texts from the two unseen texts into an
construct their own piece of writing. They will use their 20th and 21st century. A range of the alternative genre, with a
knowledge of textual analysis from Unit 1a in order to re- texts will be UAE based sources to different purpose, audience
create a source text for an alternative genre, purpose, ensure relevance to student lives. and context.
audience and context. They will learn to use source data
effectively in their own writing.
Student learning will focus on crafting their writing
including high-level punctuation and grammar as well as
suitable vocabulary and a range of styles.

Term 2 Subject: English Language Year Group: 12

Unit Topic Learning Outcomes Real World / UAE Application Assessment

2a) Spoken Language Today. Students to complete a range of analytical tasks based on All texts analysed are from a source Exam response: Students will
how English differs across different contexts. Students will booklet that uses transcripts from complete a Unit 2, Section A
be introduced into phonemics at this stage in the course in different regions and cultures around response.
preparation for their Unit 2 exam. They will learn about the world. All sources are non-fiction
the different sounds in the phonic alphabet and texts from the 21st century. A range
understand how to analyse these sounds, as well as the of the texts will be UAE based sources
prescribed manner of writing about them. They will learn to ensure relevance to student lives.
about how sounds are created through ideas such as
dental fricatives and alveolar sounds, as well as glottal
stops and micro pauses.
Students will be taught to analyse non-fiction source
material for phonology, morphology, graphology, lexis
(including code switching and blending), syntax and
discourse. They will learn about the versions of English
spoken across the world and compare these to Standard
English, as well as identifying how global ‘Englishes’
represent regional and cultural identity.
Alongside this, they will learn to make links across a range
of source material.
As part of this unit, students will be expected to develop
their knowledge of the theorists that were taught in Unit 1.
This theoretical knowledge will be added to through the
introduction of language development models including
Kushru, Schneider and MacArthur, as well as
demonstrating an awareness of Pidgins and Creoles and
how languages form.

2b) Written Language 19th - Students will study a range of language frameworks, All texts analysed are from a source Mock AS exams: Full mock
21st century. including Standard English, and complete a range of booklet that uses transcripts from exam schedule – Unit 1 and
written and verbal discussions. Students will learn about different regions and cultures around Unit 2.
the development of English over the last three decades the world. All sources are non-fiction
and how English has become a global language. This texts from the 19th, 20th and 21st
section explores wider issues of global English and century. A range of the texts will be
students must consider: UAE based sources to ensure
- the context in which the language may be used relevance to student lives.
- the influence of other languages on 21st century
- the role of English as an international language.
Students will learn how to apply a range of theorists to this
question response and to discuss the development of
English across time and place. Students will be taught
about cultural heritage and identity and how language is a
means of displaying

Term 3 Subject: English Language Year Group: 12

Unit Topic Learning Outcomes Real World / UAE Application Assessment Methods

3a and b) Practice papers for Students will spend this term looking at previous exam Texts studied are non-fiction texts AS exam, (14 and 16thth May
paper 1 and Paper 2. papers, exemplar responses, mark schemes to ensure that based on real-world events. All texts in 2018).
they are fully aware of the expectations for their AS exams. analysed are from a source booklet
They will complete a range of past papers and be given that uses transcripts from different
detailed feedback to develop their responses. regions and cultures around the
Students will revise, develop and analyse theory ensuring world. Sources are non-fiction texts
that they are confident and able to apply a range of theory from the 19th, 20th and 21st century. A
to all units. range of the texts will be UAE based
sources to ensure relevance to
student lives

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