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Archs oral Bid. Vol. 34, No. 10, pp. 821-824, 1989 0003-9969/89 $3.00 + 0.

Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved Copyright 0 1989 Pergamon Press plc


‘L.S.U. School of Dentistry, 1100 Florida Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70119, ‘University of Texas Health
Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas, ‘University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and ‘Vinta Ouray Indian Health Center, Fort Duchesne, Utah, U.S.A.

(Accepted 22 March 1989)

Summary-Fourteen subjects between 7 and 17 years of age with an equal distribution of low and high
cartes activity were given: (1) a 10% sucrose rinse, (2) a reference candy, (3) a reference candy with 3%
dicalcium phosphate dihydrate, and (4) a reference candy with 0.75% calcium lactate on four different
occasions. Plaque samples were collected before and at 15-min intervals after the sucrose rinse or food
challenge for a period of 1h on each occasion. Plaque samples were centrifuged and the extracellular
plaque fluid analysed by a microtechnique for pH, total calcium and inorganic phosphorus concentration.
There was no significant increase in calcium and phosphorus in plaque fluid for the group using candy
with added calcium compared to the reference candy or sucrose rinse. There was no significant difference
between the measurements in subjects grouped as caries active or inactive. The results suggest no benefit
can be expected from adding dicalcium phosphate dihydrate and calcium lactate to candy to decrease
demineralization during a cariogenic challenge.

INTRODUCTION an individual rather than from pooled samples. Our

aim was now to examine the relative changes in
There is an immense body of data concerning the
plaque fluid pH, total calcium and inorganic phos-
effects of calcium and phosphate dietary supplements phorus induced by dicalcium phosphate dihydrate
in preventing animal and human dental caries. Sup- and calcium lactate additives in a reference chewable
plementation has been successful in reducing caries in fruit-flavoured candy.
animals, but there is no conclusive information to
substantiate this effect in humans. Dicalcium phos-
phate reduced caries by 90% in animals (Stralfors, MATERIALS AND METHODS
1961); these findings have not been validated in
human trials (Averill and Bibby, 1964; Ship and Nine boys and five girls between the ages of 7 and
Mickelsen, 1964; Finn and Jamison, 1967). Calcium 17 years with a mean age of 12.6 (SD 3.3) years were
lactate has also proved effective in reducing caries in studied. Subjects were screened and obtained from
rats (McClure, 1960). An in vitro study (Shrestha, the 6-month recall list of patients at the University of
Mundorff and Bibby, 1982) indicates that calcium Texas School of Dentistry at San Antonio. Each
lactate reduces enamel solubility. subject and parent reviewed and signed a consent
The effect of calcium and phosphate supplementa- form approved by the Institutional Review Board
tion is to increase the buffering potential and decrease for human subjects. The high caries activity group
the demineralization capacity of plaque (Nizel and (7 subjects) had four or more new carious lesions
Harris, 1964) at the site of cariogenic challenge. during the preceding 6 months and the low caries
Jenkins (1966) and Edgar and Tatevossian (1971) activity group (7 subjects) had no carious lesions for
have estimated that between 25 and 35% of plaque the same period. The mean ages of the caries active
is extracellular fluid. The calcium and phosphorus group and caries inactive group were 13.2 (SD 3.5)
concentration in pooled samples of plaque fluid has and 11.9 (SD 3.2) respectively. All carious lesions
been quantified (Tatevossian and Gould, 1976); and were restored before the study.
analysed after ingestion of a boiled sweet (Tatevos- The test foods in this double-blind study were (1)
Sian, 1987) when no relative changes in total or 10 ml solution of 10% sucrose rinse as a control, (2)
ionized calcium and inorganic phosphorus were de- a reference chewable fruit-flavoured candy, (3) the
tected. Ashley (1975), in a study on ash samples of reference candy with 3% dicalcium phosphate dihy-
plaque, reported a fall in whole plaque calcium and drate and, (4) the reference candy with 0.75% calcium
phosphate after an exposure to sugar. lactate.
Recently, a microtechnique has been developed to The individuals were asked to refrain from oral
measure the pH, calcium and phosphorus concen- hygiene for 48 h before plaque collection, and not to
tration of plaque fluid in a sample taken from a few consume any food or beverage 1 h before collection.
teeth within a single mouth (Rankine et al., 1985). Five plaque collections were made at 15-min intervals
The advantage of this technique is that it allows from time zero to 60min. After the first collection,
concurrent measurement of changes in plaque from the subject was asked to rinse with the sucrose

822 C. A. N. RANKME et al.

solution or chew 15 g of one of the three test candies with a Perkin-Elmer Model HGA400 graphite fur-
for 5 min and then swallow. Each subject was nace. Pyrolytically coated graphite tubes (Perkin-
also asked to swallow vigorously before plaque col- Elmer Corporation, Norwalk, Conn., U.S.A.) were
lection to remove residual saliva. Small amounts of used in the furnace. Background emission correction
plaque, equally distributed throughout the mouth, with a deuterium lamp was used during all analyses.
were removed from the buccal, lingual and interprox- The wavelength (422.5), slit width (0.7 alternate) and
imal supragingival surfaces of all teeth (with excep- lamp current (15 mA) were all in accordance with
tion of the lower incisors) with a T 23 scaler published analytical recommendations (Powell and
(American Dental Manufacturing Co., Missoula, Tease, 1982). Calcium standards and plaque fluid
Mont., U.S.A.). After the initial collection process samples were introduced into the furnace using a
with the 10% sucrose rinse, the individual was given Perkin-Elmer AS-40 auto-sampler to provide opti-
a dental prophylaxis, and asked to return at a later mal analytical precision. Ten microlitre samples from
date for a repeat procedure with a different foodstuff. the remaining 225 ~1 diluted sample were siphoned
The sequence of testing the foods was the same for and placed in the graphite tube. Peak area during a
each subject. The order of tests was: (1) the sucrose 5-s atomization (integrated absorbance) was dis-
rinse; (2) the candy with calcium lactate; (3) the candy played and recorded on a Perkin-Elmer PR-100
with dicalcium phosphate dihydrate, and (4) the printer. The operating conditions for the atomic
candy. The subjects were instructed to brush thor- absorption spectrophotometer and the graphite fur-
oughly after each test procedure rather than receiving nace unit are shown in Table 1.
a dental prophylaxis. There was a minimum of 2-4 This procedure for calcium analysis enabled mea-
days between tests. surements between 10 and 250 parts per billion
The plaque samples were placed immediately under calcium. System error from use of a standard was less
heavy mineral oil in a specially designed glass micro- than 1%.
centrifuge tube (Rankine et al., 1985). The tube was The statistical model for this experiment was
centrifuged at 40,OOOgat 4°C for 1 h. After centrifu- an analysis of variance for repeated measures. The
gation, three layers were discernible: plaque residue between-groups factor was a comparison of caries
composed of cells and extracellular debris was at the active and caries inactive groups of patients. The
bottom; the mineral oil formed the top layer, and the variables for the repeated measures design were pH,
extracellular plaque fluid was the middle layer. total calcium or inorganic phosphorus and time (0,
Samples of between 100 and 200 nl of plaque fluid 15, 30, 45 and 60 min). An analysis of variance was
were retrieved from the microcentrifuge tube under a performed using time zero as the covariate in the
dissection microscope with specially designed mi- repeated measures model. The calcium means were
cropipettes (Rankine et al., 1985). Thus the microcen- adjusted to correct for initial fluctuations in calcium
trifuge tube was broken at an inscribed line over the levels using standard computer software (Dixon,
heavy oil layer, approx. 2 mm above the plaque fluid. 1981) with time values being the covariate.
A micropipette was gently inserted into the tube
through the oil into the plaque fluid and the sample RESULTS
drawn up by slight suction. The first sample (approx.
150 nl) of plaque fluid was diluted into 300 ~1 of The mean pH changes for the 14 subjects with
distilled deionized water, and analysed for total cal- sucrose and the three types of chewable fruit-
cium and inorganic phosphorus concentration. flavoured candy were similar (Table 2). Stephan pH
The second micropipette sample was placed on a curves were derived; the analysis of variance for the
MI-408 needle pH electrode (Microelectrodes, Inc., means showed no significant difference between the
Londonderry, N.H., U.S.A.) in a specially designed tested foods.
Plexiglas cell filled with heavy mineral oil to prevent The total calcium concentration in all tests showed
dehydration, condensation and CO, loss. A microma- an initial increase, then a decline (Table 3). The
nipulator was used to bring a modified reference results were inverse in relation to the pH curves. The
electrode in contact with the plaque fluid sample for plaque fluid changes in total calcium after all three
pH measurement. candies were similar. Note that at the 15-min interval
Seventy-five microlitres of the first diluted sample the plaque assay after the standard candy did not
were mixed with an equal volume of malachite green- peak, whereas the others peaked and were higher at
ammonium molybdate reagent and analysed spec- 15-min intervals.
trophotometrically for inorganic phosphorus in a The significantly higher baseline of total calcium
microquartz cell. The total calcium content of the for the candy with calcium lactate was probably
remainder was analysed on a Perkin-Elmer Model attributal to the dental prophylaxis being done after
3030 atomic absorption spectrophotometer equipped the sucrose rinse and before the calcium lactate test

Table 1. Atomic absorption parameters

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
(drying) (ashing) (atomizing) (conditioning)
Temperature (“C) 110 1000 2600 2700
Ramp time (s) 10 10 1 1
Hold time (s) 25 15 5 1
Internal aas flow mlimin 50 50 50 50
Plaque responses to Ca added to candy 823

Table 2. pH changes in plaque fluid after carious challenge (mean f SD; n = 14)
Test food 0 min 1Smin 30 min 45 min 60 min
Sucrose 6.14f0.66 5.01 kO.44 5.38+0.55 5.54kO.53 6.02kO.55
Candy 6.32 f 0.72 5.16 f 0.34 5.31 + 0.48 5.62 f 0.52 5.86 + 0.62
Candy with dicalcium phosphate dihydrate 6.34kO.68 5.17kO.36 5.32~040 5.60+0.40 5.81 +0.45
Candy with Ca lactate 6.45kO.54 5.11 rtO.41 5.36kO.34 5.62f0.41 5.62kO.41

Table 3. Calcium changes in plaque fluid after carious challenge (mean f SD; n = 14)
Total calcium (mM)
Test food 0 min 15 min 30 mm 45 min 60 min
Sucrose 2.50 + 0.79 4.48 + 1.75 3.90 &-2.08 3.59 + 1.53 3.27 + 1.12
Candy 2.50 f 1.73 3.93 f 3.19 4.01 f 1.85 4.07 + 2.19 2.70 + 1.91
Candy with dicalcium phosphate dihydrate 2.38 + 0.90 5.33 f 2.63 4.34 If 2.61 3.54 f 1.68 2.69 + 1.04
Candy with Ca lactate 3.63 + 2.15 6.08 + 3.25 4.99 k 2.12 5.01 k 1.77 4.29 k 3.20

in all 14 subjects. Prophylaxis should ideally have These various constituents, such as pH, calcium
been done at the start of the study. Therefore, use of concentration, phosphorus concentration, protein
analysis for covariance to adjust for baseline differ- components and other major and minor trace ele-
ences permitted a more accurate comparison of the ments, determine the activity in solution of basic
three tested foods and sucrose (Fig. 1). The candy calcium phosphate salts which arises out of the degree
with calcium lactate produced a borderline significant of saturation of the plaque fluid by enamel mineral.
increase (F = 5.1, d’ = 1, dfd = 38, p = 0.06) in total Whether the constituents create an undersaturated or
calcium compared to the reference candy. The candy supersaturated environment at the interphase will
with dicalcium phosphate dihydrate followed the determine the stability of that mineral. With under-
changes produced by calcium lactate, but was not saturation, caries is initiated, whereas with supersatu-
significantly different in effect from the sucrose con- ration the integrity of the tooth is maintained.
trol. The changes in concentration for phosphorus in The concentrations of total calcium and inorganic
plaque fluid had no consistent pattern (Table 4). phosphorus in plaque fluid before our tests were
There were no significant differences between the similar to those of Tatevossian and Gould (1976).
caries active and inactive groups for all the variables The pH changes formed a Stephan curve for the
and foods tested. Overall, the caries inactive group sucrose rinse and the foods, but the subsequent
had higher (p = 0.09) calcium at the beginning of the changes in total calcium and phosphorus were incon-
test than the caries active group. sistent with those in previous studies. Rankine et al.
(1985) demonstrated an increase in the total calcium
DISCUSSION and phosphate after a sucrose rinse in humans. In the
macaque monkey, Edgar, Bowen and Cole (1981)
The initial processes of cariogenesis take place at also observed a significant increase in total calcium
the tooth-plaque interphase. The complexity of dem- and no change in phosphorus in pooled samples of
ineralization and remineralization in the lesion on the plaque fluid after a sucrose challenge.
enamel surface suggests that a better understanding Our results and those of similar studies that have
of plaque fluid is needed. It is the activity of various demonstrated an increase in calcium in plaque after
biochemical constituents of this fluid that determines a sucrose challenge raise the question of the origin of
the capacity of the tooth to resist demineralization. the calcium increase with decreasing pH. It could
come from: (1) demineralization of the tooth, (2)
bacteria in plaque, (3) diffusion from saliva facilitated
by sucrose and coupled to binding of calcium by
plaque constituents, or (4) from extracellular mineral-
s 5.0-
ized components within the plaque. It is conceivable
_fg 4.5- that a transient cariogenic environment is developed
E 4.0-
soon after the sucrose challenge as indicated by the
.2 lowest pH attained. Under these conditions enamel
+ 3.5-
could be demineralized, producing the observed in-
5 3.0- crease in calcium.
'i; The pattern of change in inorganic phosphorus in
c 2.5,
0 Crmd” 0 candy w/caLects40 plaque fluid had large standard deviations, particu-
2.0- larly for the sucrose rinse. Dental prophylaxis at the
. Cs"d"wlDCm .sucmw

1.5 ! I I I I 1 1 1
start of the study probably could have eliminated
-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 this. Sources of inorganic phosphorus in plaque fluid
Minutes could be the tooth, saliva, intracellular fluid or
Fig. 1. Calcium changes in plaque fluid during a carious mineralized components within the plaque.
challenge after a baseline adjustment (n = 14). DCPD = With test foods containing a calcium additive, one
dicalcium phosphate dihydrate. might expect an increase of calcium in the plaque
824 C. A. N. RANKINE er al.

Table 4. Phosphorus changes in plaque fluid after carious challenge (mean f SD; n = 14)
Phosphorus (mM)
Test food 0 min 15 min 30 min 45 min 60 min
Sucrose 12.59 + 7.00 11.84 k 7.46 12.14 + 5.36 11.97 + 4.95 10.43 + 5.23
Candy 11.05~3.00 11.76k2.96 11.47k3.73 10.71 f4.10 9.59+2.60
Candy with dicalcium phosphate dihydrate 11.38 k 1.91 11.78 i 2.16 10.96 _+3.04 10.07 k 2.47 9.37 k 2.03
Candy with Ca lactate 12.79 k 3.10 13.14 + 4.34 12.35 + 4.03 12.36 k 4.33 10.77 + 3.24

beyond that found with a sucrose rinse and a refer- Jenkins G. N. (I 966) The influence of environmental fluids
ence food. This could produce conditions favourable on enamel solubility. J. dent. Res. 45, 662-669.
to the reversal of the physico-thermodynamic process McClure F. J. (1960) The cariostatic effect in white rats of
phosphorus and calcium supplements added to the flour
of deminerahzation; our results did not suggest this.
of bread formulas and to bread diets. J. Nutr. 72,
This does not preclude the possibility that our system 131-136.
could create a change in binding potential of calcium, Nizel A. E. and Harris R. S. (1964) The effects of phosphates
or increase the percent of ionized calcium in plaque. on experimental dental caries: a literature review. J. dent.
Further studies similar to ours and that of Tatevos- Res. 43, 1123-l 135.
sian (1987) need to be conducted on the concentra- Powell L. A. and Tease R. L. (1982) Determination of
tion levels of ionized calcium and inorganic calcium, magnesium, strontium, and silicon in brines by
phosphorus during a cariogenic challenge. graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. Analyf.
Chem. 54, 21542158.
Rankine C., Margolis H. C., Moreno E. C. and Vogel
G. L. (1985) Microanalytical determination of pH, cal-
Ashley F. P. (1975) Effects of single exposure to sugar on cium, and phosphate in plaque fluid. J. denf. Rex 64,
calcium and phosphorus concentrations of dental plaque. 12751280.
J. dent. Res. 54, 1015-1018. Ship I. I. and Mickelsen 0. (1964) The effects of
Averill H. M. and Bibby B. G. (1964) A clinical test of calcium acid phosphate on dental caries in children: a
additions of phosphate to the diet of children. J. dent. Res. controlled clinical trial. J. dent. Res. Suppl. 6, 43,
Suppl. 6, 43, 115&l 155. 11441149.
Dixon W. J. (1981) BMPD Stafisfical Software 1. University Shrestha B. M., Mundorff S. A. and Bibby B. G. (1982)
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of plaque. In: Tooth Enamel II (Edited by Feamhead Stralfors A. (1961) Inhibition of dental caries in hamsters.
R. W. and Stack M. V.) pp. 229-232. Wright, Bristol. v. the effect of dibasic and monobasic calcium phosphate.
Edgar W. M., Bowen W. H. and Cole M. F. (1981) Odonl. Revy 12, 236256.
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of plaque fluid and saliva in irradiate primates. J. oral dental plaque and their concentrations after overnight
Path. 10, 284295. fasting and after ingestion of a boiled sweet. Archs oral
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