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Transform Schemes Applied on Non-Finish-to-Start Logical

Relationships in Project Network Diagrams

Ming Lu, M.ASCE1; and Hoi-Ching Lam2

Abstract: Critical path analysis on a project network having non-finish-to-start 共FS兲 logical relationships with lags is generally referred
to as precedence diagram method 共PDM兲. A PDM-based scheduling analysis is facilitated by mainstream project scheduling software
共such as P3兲. However, PDM compounds total float determination and interpretation, potentially causing anomalous effects on critical
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path identification. In the present research, we generalize those particular circumstances that entail applying non-FS logical relationships
on construction projects. We then propose generic transform schemes such that non-FS relationships in a PDM network can be detected
and transformed—automatically—into equivalent FS. Moreover, we provide analytical proofs for the transform schemes being proposed
to justify the logical equivalency between the original PDM network and the transformed activity-on-node 共AON兲 network only having
FS logical relationships. A PDM network example demonstrates that confusions would arise in interpreting P3’s critical path analysis
results, but not in the case of the transformed AON counterpart. In conclusion, the transform schemes being proposed lead to better
understanding of the scheduling results when critical path analysis is performed on a PDM network. This also paves the way for
conducting further sophisticated scheduling analysis 共such as resource loading or Monte Carlo simulation兲 on a PDM network.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲CO.1943-7862.0000062
CE Database subject headings: Scheduling; Critical path method; Construction management.

Introduction and Background to a more complicated form called precedence diagram method
Since its formalization in the 1950’s, the critical path method After the circle-and-connecting-line technique 共later called
共CPM兲 has contributed significantly to planning, control, and per- AON兲 was introduced in a Navy Bureau of Yards and Docks
formance monitoring of construction projects. To enable CPM- study in the 1960’s, Fondahl 共1961兲 recognized that AON-based
based scheduling analysis, it is a prerequisite to apply network critical path analysis could not allow overlapping unless activities
diagramming techniques so to represent a project with activity were further divided. The PDM was introduced in a 1964 IBM
publication 共the user’s manual for the IBM 1440 program兲, using
nodes linked by precedence relationships that are imposed by
three relationships 关finish-to-start 共FS兲, start-to-start 共SS兲, and
construction technology or any other logical constraints on the
finish-to-finish 共FF兲兴 and positive lags to depict partially concur-
project. The resulting network diagram serves as a model of a
ring or overlapped working progress between activities 共Moder
complex project system and facilitates analysis and control of
and Philips 1970兲. The start-to-finish 共SF兲 relationship and nega-
time, resource, and cost. In comparison with the activity-on-arrow
tive lags were later added to the PDM by Ponce-Campos 共1970兲.
format, activity-on-node 共AON兲 network diagramming does not The PDM permits modeling mutually dependent activities, which
require the use of any artificial dummy activities and allows the are performed partially in parallel instead of in series. In short,
planner to specify more than one logical relationship between compared with conventional AON networks featuring FS logic
activities. only, PDM networks with “smart” relationships are more com-
Moreover, AON lends itself well to the object oriented pro- pact, flexible, and realistic to represent construction projects 共i.e.,
gramming scheme as implemented in major project management Harris 1978; Wiest 1981; Valls and Lino 2001; Lock 2003兲.
software systems 共i.e., each activity is a specific instance of the Nowadays, popular commercial CPM scheduling software
generic “activity” object definition兲. Herein, we present a brief systems—such as Primavera Project Planner 共P3, Oracle Corp-
history of AON to shed light on how AON originated and evolved oration, Redwood Shores, Calif.兲 and Microsoft Project 共MS
Project, Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, Wash.兲—provide the
Associate Professor, Construction Engineering and Management, functionality for defining four relationship types between activi-
Dept. of Civil and Structural Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ., ties.
Hong Kong, China 共corresponding author兲. E-mail: cemlu@ Harris 共1978兲 and Ioannou and Harris 共2003兲 emphasized the
need for the use of two links 共SS and FF兲 between two overlap-
Research Associate, Dept. of Civil and Structural Engineering, Hong ping activities to model consecutive construction processes re-
Kong Polytechnic Univ., Hong Kong, China. E-mail: ceching@ peating on multiple work units. Notably, MS Project only permits
specifying one relationship between two activities, while P3 is
Note. This manuscript was submitted on June 24, 2008; approved on
March 4, 2009; published online on August 14, 2009. Discussion period deemed more construction friendly by providing the flexibility of
open until February 1, 2010; separate discussions must be submitted for connecting two activities with more than one relationship. In Fig.
individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Construction 1, we generalize two common cases for possible use of two smart
Engineering and Management, Vol. 135, No. 9, September 1, 2009. relationships to connect two construction activities. The case of
©ASCE, ISSN 0733-9364/2009/9-863–873/$25.00. “SS/FF staggered” uses a pair of SS/FF to relate two partially


J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 2009.135:863-873.

FF lag tinuity as one main consideration in scheduling 共Ioannou and
A Harris 2003兲.
The smart precedence relationships of PDM potentially com-
SS lag plicate float determination and interpretation, and cause anoma-
B lous effects on critical path identification. Compared with the
simple AON format, PDM diagram users have to think harder to
understand the logic depicted, and as a result, “PDM, in its so-
phistication, takes a step backward in communication capability”
a) SS/FF staggered 共O’Brien and Plotnick 1999兲. One straightforward solution is to
transform non-FS relationships with lags into FS relationships at
the expense of adding additional activities prior to standard for-
FF lag ward and backward pass calculations 共Elmaghraby and Kambu-
A rowski 1992; Herroelen et al. 1998兲. Although these additional
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activities may appear relatively cumbersome, the resulting net-

SS lag work diagram provides a clearer understanding of the sequence of
B work 共Oberlender 2000兲. Kim and Garza 共2005兲 applied heuristic
rules to deal with the forward and backward analysis on simple
PDM networks that schedule two or three activities on two dif-
ferent activity calendars. Their analysis of imposing multiple ac-
b) SS/FF enveloped tivity calendars on PDM networks was much compounded by the
presence of smart relationships with lags. They maintained “if the
Fig. 1. Two scenarios for possible use of two smart relationships in
lag time property does not correspond to the predecessor’s calen-
connecting two activities
dar, the lag can be replaced with an activity that has a different
calendar to correctly represent the lag property.”
It is noteworthy that transformation of non-FS relationships
concurring activities. Note that FS technological dependency has been dealt with on case-specific basis in the literature; generic
binds the two activities in regard to a particular unit of work. To transform schemes are yet to be formalized for analytically trans-
make it more clear, let us consider two foundation tasks in con- forming non-FS relationships with lags into straightforward FS
structing a storage building: Activity A “footing excavation” pre- with zero lag. In the present research, we generalize those par-
cedes Activity B “footing concreting” with SS and FF, which bind ticular circumstances that entail applying non-FS logical relation-
the start ends and finish ends of the two activity nodes. The sec-
ships on construction projects. We then propose generic transform
ond “SS/FF enveloped” case differs in that A precedes B on the
schemes such that non-FS relationships in a project network can
start ends with a SS, while B precedes A on the finish ends with a
be detected and transformed—automatically—into equivalent FS.
FF. As such, Activity B can be seen as being enveloped inside
Activity A. One such practical example is to install a bulky boiler The proposed transform schemes not only lead to better under-
inside a building services room being constructed: Activity B of standing of the scheduling results when CPM analysis is per-
“installing the boiler” is logically enveloped inside Activity A of formed on a PDM network with smart relationships, but also pave
“erecting drywall and door” with the use of SS/FF pair. the way for conducting sophisticated scheduling analysis based
An industry survey 共Galloway 2006兲 found that construction on the transformed AON network, including 共1兲 imposing activity
professionals tend to prefer the use of smart relationships 共non-FS calendars and resource calendars, 共2兲 resource leveling and allo-
logic with lags兲 to describe the partially overlapping logic be- cation under resource availability constraints, and 共3兲 assessing
tween activities or to model simple repetitive projects comprising the variability in project duration from activity time variability by
a small number of construction units. The ensuing scheduling the project evaluation and review technique 共PERT兲.
analysis is readily facilitated by mainstream CPM computer soft- In the present research, we apply the “interruptible” algorithm
ware such as P3. Notably, the present research mainly bears rel- on PDM networks, which are formalized in construction planning
evance to those projects that lend themselves well to CPM and textbooks 共e.g., Wiest and Levy 1977; Ahuja et al. 1994兲 and
related computer tools such as P3. For example, when two work implemented in mainstream CPM software 共such as P3兲. This
units are concerned in construction planning, the SS/FF staggered means continuity on activity progress is not a hard constraint;
PDM network 共Fig. 1兲 is sufficient to express the sequence for instead, to satisfy logical constraints of non-FS relationships with
executing the two units along with specifying the time duration lags, activity progress can be interrupted and activity finish time
for each unit 共which is demonstrated in a non-FS transform
can be accordingly delayed. As a result, activity duration 共i.e., the
scheme discussed in later sections兲. Given more than three work
difference between early finish time and early start time兲 can be
units that may differ from one another in terms of work content
and time duration, all work units are bundled inside a PDM ac- longer than the original activity time input.
tivity, except for the first one whose time duration can be inferred Henceforward, we designate a PDM network as an AON net-
from the lag time of SS. Thus, PDM fails to express the execution work having non-FS logical relationships with positive lags,
sequence among different work units and define time duration for while an AON network specifically refers to an AON network
each work unit in an explicit way. In the case that the planner only having FS logical relationships with zero lag. In the follow-
intends to schedule complicated repetitive projects comprising a ing section, we first reveal some anomalous effects in total float
large number of construction units, instead of CPM, repetitive 共TF兲 determination and critical path identification in relation to
scheduling methods 共e.g., techniques based on balancing produc- using P3 on PDM networks, with an example project network
tion lines兲 should be employed, with attaining resource work con- containing three types of non-FS logical relationships.


J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 2009.135:863-873.

ST A B D A FF: f
1 day (a)
1 day 1 day
SS: s B
a) PDM Network (with positive/zero lag)
Fig. 2. PDM network containing SS/FF/SF relationships for case
A1 A2
(s) (a - s)
Precedence Diagram Method Network Example
B1 B2
We devised a typical PDM project network 共in Fig. 2兲 that con- (b – f) (f)
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tains SS/FF/SF relationships with positive lag time. Note a SS b) Equivalent AON Network (without lag)
relationship with 1-day lag and a FF relationship with 1-day lag
relate B to C while a SF relationship with 1-day lag links E to D. Fig. 4. PDM-to-AON conversion—staggered SS/FF
All the other relationships are straightforward FS with zero lag.
The activity times are given in Table 1. Next, we entered the
project data in P3 and executed P3 under the interruptible option
for scheduling activity duration. P3-produced CPM analysis re-
sults are shown in Fig. 3 and in Table 1. finish end. For example, the TF is zero on Activity B’s start,
Note, P3 provides three options for deriving TF for an activity, but 2 days on Activity B’s finish; Activity D has 4-day TF on
namely; 共1兲 the start float 共i.e., the difference between late start its start and 2-day TF on its finish.
time and early start time兲; 共2兲 the finish float 共i.e., the difference 3. By articulating activity start ends or activity finish ends with
between late finish time and early finish time兲; or 共3兲 the most zero TF, a continuous critical path is identified to span Ac-
critical float 共i.e., taking the smaller value of start float and finish tivity A—FS relationship linking A and B—B’s start end—SS
float.兲 The following observations can be made from P3’s sched- relationship linking B and C—Activity C—FS relationship
uling results: linking C and E—Activity E. Adding up activity times and
1. By the “most critical” option, all activities are found critical relationship lags along the critical path results in the total
except for Activity D 共TF= 2 days兲. project duration of 12 days.
2. By contrasting the start float and the finish float, given one The project network used in the case study is small and
particular activity, the presence of non-FS logical relation-
simple. Yet, it is not straightforward to comprehend and commu-
ships leads to various float values on the start end and the
nicate the scheduling results, making it difficult to utilize them to
control project execution. In particular, the following two issues
remain unclear and hence justify further clarification: 共1兲 the TF is
Table 1. Activity Times and P3-Produced TF Results in PDM Case zero on B’s start, but 2 days on B’s finish; what does that imply?
Study 共2兲 How come D has 4d TF on start while only 2 days TF on
TF finish? To clarify the CPM results, we develop transform schemes
Duration 共most critical, for analytically processing non-FS relationships with positive lags
Activity 共days兲 start float, end float兲 in PDM into equivalent FS with zero lag, as presented in the
A 3 0,0,0 following sections.
B 3 0,0,2
C 5 0,0,0
D 2 2,4,2 Transform Scheme for SS/FF Staggered
E 3 0,0,0
Fig. 4 shows the transformation of a SS/FF staggered case into
straightforward FS relationships. Note activity duration is shown
in the bracket inside the activity node and the relationship lag
time is marked next to the relationship arrow. A1 and A2 can be
taken as components of the original Activity A. The duration of
Activities A1 and A2 is “s” 共equal to the SS lag time兲 and “a − s”
共i.e., the duration of whole Activity A minus SS lag time兲, respec-
tively. Similarly, the duration of Activities B1 and B2 is “b − f”
共duration of whole Activity B minus FF lag time兲 and “f” 共FF lag
time兲, respectively. To simplify mathematical representations, we
assume the project start time is zero; and a relative origin on the
timeline aligns with the start event of the preceding Activity A.
The equivalency of the two networks in Fig. 4 共PDM versus
AON兲 in terms of CPM analysis can be analytically proven as
Fig. 3. P3 scheduling results output snapshot will be discussed next.


J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 2009.135:863-873.

Critical Path Analysis on Precedence Diagram Method Table 2. Summary of Start Floats and Finish Floats in Scheme 1
Network PDM network AON network

Forward Pass Calculation Start float Finish float Start float Finish float
For activities with no predecessor relationships, ES = 0 Activity 共LS-ES兲 共LF-EF兲 Subactivity 共LS-ES兲 共LF-EF兲
A 0 T−a− f Al 0 0
Activity A: ESA = 兵project start time = 0其 = 0 共1兲
A2 T−a− f T−a− f
EFA = 兵ESA + DA = 0 + a = a其 = a 共2兲 B T−b−s 0 Bl T−b−s T−b−s

再 冎
B2 0 0
project start time = 0

再 冎
Activity B: ESB = max =s
ESA + SSAB = 0 + s

再 冎
EFA2 = a
T = max = max共a + f, b + s兲
ESB + DB = s + b EFB2 = max共a + f, b + s兲
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EFB = max = max共a + f, b + s兲 共4兲

EFA + FFAB = a + f 共18兲
Total project duration

T = max 再 EFA = a
EFB = max共a + f, b + s兲
冎 = max共a + f, b + s兲 共5兲
Backward Pass Calculation
For activities with no successor relationships, LF = T

Activity B2: LFB2 = 兵total project duration = T其 = T 共19兲

Backward Pass Calculation
For activities with no successor relationships, LF = T LSB2 = 兵LFB2 − DB2 = T − f其 = T − f 共20兲

Activity B: LFB = 兵total project duration = T其 = T 共6兲

Activity B1: LFB1 = 兵LSB2 = T − f其 = T − f 共21兲
LSB = 兵LFB − DB = T − b其 = T − b 共7兲

再 冎
LSB1 = 兵LFB1 − DB1 = 共T − f兲 − 共b − f兲其 = T − b 共22兲

再 冎
total project duration = T
Activity A: LFA = min =T−f
EFB − FFAB = T − f total project duration = T
Activity A2: LFA2 = min =T−f
共8兲 LSB2 = T − f

再 冎
LFA − DA = T − a − f
LSA = min = min共T − a − f,T − b − s兲 = 0
LSB − SSAB = T − b − s LSA2 + 兵LFA2 − DA2 = 共T − f兲 − 共a − s兲其 = T − a − f + s 共24兲

再 冎
LSA2 = T − a − f + s
Activity A1: LFA1 = min
LSB1 = T − b
Critical Path Analysis on Activity-on-Node Network
= min共T − a − f + s, T − b兲 共25兲
Forward Pass Calculation
For activities with no predecessor relationships, ES = 0 LSA1 = 兵LFA1 − DA1 = min共T − a − f + s,T − b兲 − s其
Activity A1: ESA1 = 兵project start time = 0其 = 0 共10兲 = min共T − a − f, T − b − s兲 共26兲

EFA1 = 兵ESA1 + DA1 = 0 + s = s其 = s 共11兲 The above deductions on the PDM network and the counterpart
AON network arrive at the identical total project time 共T兲, which
Activity A2: ESA2 = 兵EFA1 = s其 = s 共12兲 is max共a + f , b + s兲. In Table 2, we further contrast the TFs result-
ing from early or late activity times, as determined from the for-
EFA2 = 兵ESA2 + DA2 = s + 共a − s兲 = a其 = a 共13兲 ward and backward analysis on the two networks.
The following interpretations of PDM results are made by re-
Activity B1: ESB1 = 兵EFA1 = s其 = s 共14兲 lating to those results from the equivalent AON counterpart:
1. The start float on A is 0 and the finish float on A is T − a − f.
EFB1 = 兵ESB1 + DB1 = s + 共b − f兲 = b − f + s其 = b − f + s 共15兲 This actually denotes that the initial portion of A 共i.e., A1, the

再 冎
duration of which is equal to the SS lag time s兲 has zero TF
and is critical; while the remaining portion of A 共i.e., A2兲 has
EFA2 = a
Activity B2: ESB2 = max = max共a,b − f + s兲 a TF of T − a − f. Thus, A2 can be critical or noncritical, de-
EFB1 = b − f + s pending on the value of T − a − f being equal to zero or not.
共16兲 2. The start float on B is T − b − s and the finish float on B is 0.
This actually denotes that the final portion of B 共i.e., B2, the
EFB2 = 兵ESB2 + DB2 = max共a,b − f + s兲 + f其 = max共a + f, b + s兲 duration of which is equal to the FF lag time f兲 has zero TF
and is critical; while the remaining portion of B 共i.e., B1兲 has
a TF of T − b − s. Thus, B1 can be critical or noncritical, de-
Total project duration pending on the value of T − b − s being equal to zero or not.


J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 2009.135:863-873.

Backward Pass Calculation
A For activities with no successor relationships, LF = T
SF: s Activity B: LFB = 兵total project duration = T其 = T 共32兲

B LSB = 兵LFB − DB = T − b其 = T − b 共33兲

Activity A: LFA = 兵total project duration = T其 = T 共34兲
a) PDM Network (with positive/zero lag)

LSA = min 再 LFA − DA = T − a

LFB − SFAB = T − s
冎 = min共T − a, T − s兲 共35兲

A1 A2
(s) (a - s)
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Critical Path Analysis on Activity-on-Node Network

B1 B2 Forward Pass Calculation

(b) (0) For activities with no predecessor relationships, ES = 0
b) Equivalent AON Network (without lag) Activity A1: ESA1 = 兵project start time = 0其 = 0 共36兲

Fig. 5. PDM-to-AON conversion of SF relationship EFA1 = 兵ESA1 + DA1 = 0 + s = s其 = s 共37兲

Activity A2: ESA2 = 兵EFA1 = s其 = s 共38兲

Transform Scheme for SF with Lag
EFA2 = 兵ESA2 + DA2 = s + 共a − s兲 = a其 = a 共39兲
The transformation of a SF relationship is shown in Fig. 5. Note
that in Fig. 5, Activities A1 and A2 in the AON network are
components making up the original Activity A in the PDM net- Activity B1: ESB1 = 兵project start time = 0其 = 0 共40兲
work. Symbols used for float times and precedence relationships
are the same as described above. The duration of activities A1 and EFB1 = 兵ESB1 + DB1 = 0 + b = b其 = b 共41兲

再 冎
A2 is s 共SF lag time兲 and a − s 共duration of whole Activity A
minus SF lag time s兲, respectively. Similarly, Activities B1 and EFA1 = s
Activity B2: ESB2 = max = max共b, s兲 共42兲
B2 in the AON are two components making up the original Ac- EFB1 = b
tivity B in the PDM network. It is noteworthy that to represent the
SF logic, Activity B2 in the AON is actually a dummy, which has EFB2 = 兵ESB2 + DB2 = max共b,s兲 + 0其 = max共b, s兲 共43兲
zero duration and denotes the finish milestone for Activity B.
Total project duration

再 冎
Thus, the duration of Activity B1 in the AON network is the same
as that of Activity B in the PDM network 共i.e., b兲. To simplify EFA2 = a
mathematical representations, we assume the project start time is T = max = max共a, b, s兲 共44兲
zero; a relative origin on the timeline is aligned with early start EFB2 = max共b, s兲
events on A and B. The equivalency of the two networks in Fig. 5
共PDM versus AON兲 in terms of CPM analysis can be analytically Backward Pass Calculation
proven as will be shown next. For jobs with no successor relationships, LF = T
Activity B2: LFB2 = 兵total project duration = T其 = T 共45兲
Critical Path Analysis on Precedence Diagram Method
LSB2 = 兵LFB2 − DB2 = T − 0其 = T 共46兲
Forward Pass Calculation
Activity B1: LFB1 = 兵LSB2 = T其 = T 共47兲
For activities with no predecessor relationships, ES = 0

Activity A: ESA = 兵project start time = 0其 = 0 共27兲 LSB1 = 兵LFB1 − DB1 = T − b其 = T − b 共48兲

EFA = 兵ESA + DA = 0 + a = a其 = a 共28兲 Activity A2: LFA2 = 兵total project duration = T其 = T 共49兲

Activity B: ESB = 兵project start time = 0其 = 0 共29兲 LSA2 = 兵LFA2 − DA2 = T − 共a − s兲其 = T − a + s 共50兲

EFB = max 再 ESB + DB = 0 + b

ESA + SFAB = 0 + s
冎 = max共b, s兲 共30兲 Activity A1: LFA1 = min 再 LSA2 = T − a + s
LSB2 = T
冎 = min共T − a + s,T兲

Total project duration

T = max 再 EFA = a
EFB = max共b, s兲
冎 = max共a, b, s兲 共31兲
LSA1 = 兵LFA1 − DA1 = min共T − a + s,T兲 − s其 = min共T − a, T − s兲


J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 2009.135:863-873.

Table 3. Summary of Start Floats and Finish Floats in Scheme 2
PDM network AON network
Start float Finish float Start float Finish float
Activity 共LS-ES兲 共LF-EF兲 Subactivity 共LS-ES兲 共LF-EF兲
A min共T − a , T − s兲 T−a A1 min共T − a , T − s兲 min共T − a , T − s兲
A2 T−a T−a
B T−b min共T − b , T − s兲 B1 T−b T−b
B2 min共T − b , T − s兲 min共T − b , T − s兲

Through the above analysis, the transformed AON model Application on Case Study
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yields the same CPM results as the original PDM model, such as
identical total project duration 共T兲, activity start times and finish Application of the analytical transformation schemes as derived
times. In Table 3, we further contrast the TFs, which are deter- above leads to automatic production of the equivalent AON net-
mined from early or late activity times as derived from the for- work with straightforward FS logical relationships only, as given
ward and backward analysis on the two networks. in Fig. 6. Also shown in Fig. 6 are activity times and floats cal-
The following interpretations of PDM results are made by re- culated by classic CPM. In this case study, additional relation-
lating to the results from the equivalent AON counterpart: ships are inserted to the basic networks for case “SS/FF
1. The start float on A is min共T − a , T − s兲 and the finish float on staggered” and case “SF” 共i.e., as seen in Fig. 2, an additional FS
A is T − a. This actually denotes that the initial portion of A relationship is linked to B’s start in the case of SS/FF staggered;
共i.e., A1, the duration of which is equal to the SF lag time s兲 additional FS relationships enter the start ends of D and E, respec-
has a TF of min共T − a , T − s兲; while the remaining portion of tively in the “SF” case兲. Nonetheless, the logical equivalency of
A 共i.e., A2兲 has a TF of T − a. Because min共T − a , T − s兲 is no the basic networks still holds. In general, the basic network trans-
greater than T − a, thus, A1 is more critical than 共or at least as formation can be dealt with at a local level and then be plugged
critical as兲 A2. In other words, if A2 is critical 共i.e., T − a into the project at a global level.
= 0兲, then A1 is also critical and the whole activity A is criti- The critical path in the original PDM network were identified
cal. from previous P3 analysis as A-B’s start-SSBC-C-E 共12 days in
2. The start float on B is T − b and the finish float on B is total project duration兲, which now translates to A-B1-C1-C2-
E1-E2 in the equivalent AON network 共also 12 days in total
min共T − b , T − s兲. With reference to the counterpart AON
project duration shown Fig. 6兲. As to the SS/FF staggered sce-
network, B1 is equivalent to B, as B2 is a dummy denoting
nario between B and C, the implication of B’s start being critical
the finish milestone on B. Thus, Activity B has a TF of T
and B’s finish having 2-day TF is clarified: the initial portion of B
− b. Thanks to the SF logical constraint imposed between A
共i.e., B1, whose duration is equal to the SS lag of 1 day has zero
and B, B’s finish event needs to be intentionally delayed,
TF and stays on the critical path, while the remaining portion on
thus possibly resulting in a lesser TF on B’s finish given that B 共i.e., B2, whose duration is 2 days, or B’s duration of 3d minus
T − s is less than T − b. B1’s duration of 1d兲 has 2-day TF and is off the critical path. As
It is noteworthy in Fig. 5 when A’s duration 共a兲 is less than the to the SF logic binding E and D, the fact that D has 4d TF on its
lag time of SF 共s兲, the duration of A2 in the converted AON 共i.e., start and 2-day TF on its end can be explained as follows: Activity
a − s兲 turns negative. However, this does not overthrow the valid- D has 2-day less TF on its finish is due to an mandatory 2-day
ity of the transform scheme, nor brings about confusions on criti- delay on its early finish time imposed by the SF logic.
cal path results from both PDM and AON networks. For instance, In short, the transform schemes being proposed can be auto-
all the floats are actually independent of the difference of a − s 共as matically applied to aid the interpretation of critical path results
seen from Table 3兲. When a − s is zero or negative, A2 in the AON for the PDM network featuring SS/FF staggered or SF relation-
can be taken as a dummy inserted for maintaining particular logic. ships between activities. To make the proposed approach more
Next, we apply the above two transform schemes on our case generic so as to address various scenarios for applying non-FS
study so as to shed light on the critical path analysis results from logical relationships on construction projects, we generalize a
the PDM example network. total of six transform schemes that are likely to be encountered in

0 3 3 3 1 4 4 2 6 6 2 8 10 0 10
SS A B1 B2 D1 D2
0 0 3 3 0 4 6 2 8 10 4 12 12 2 12
ES Dur EF 4 4 8 8 1 9 9 1 10 10 2 12
Task Name C1 C2 E1 E2
LS TF LF 4 0 8 8 0 9 9 0 10 10 0 12

Fig. 6. Equivalent AON network of case study


J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 2009.135:863-873.

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Fig. 7. Examples of PDM-to-AON transformation

planning construction projects 共Fig. 7.兲 Similar to the above Moreover, we provided analytical proofs for the transform
SS/FF staggered scheme and “SF” scheme, we analytically schemes being proposed to justify the logical equivalency be-
proved the equivalency of the other four transform schemes, tween the original PDM networks and the converted AON net-
namely, 共1兲 “SS” with lag, 共2兲 “FS” with lag, 共3兲 “FF” with lag, works only having FS. As illustrated with a P3 application on a
and 共4兲 SS/FF enveloped. The proofs along with the contrast of PDM network example featuring SS, FF, and SF, confusions
TF results between the original PDM network and the equivalent would arise in interpreting P3‘s results from the PDM network,
AON network are presented in Appendix 1. but not in the case of its AON counterpart.
In conclusion, the proposed transform schemes lead to better
understanding of the scheduling results when critical path analy-
Conclusions sis is performed on a PDM network. This also paves the way for
performing further sophisticated scheduling analysis on a PDM
In forming an AON network diagram for project scheduling, con- network, as the transformed AON network provides a nonambigu-
struction professionals tend to prefer the use of non-FS logical ous straightforward foundation to take on the addition of more
relationships with lags 共1兲 to represent the partially overlapping complex constraints to project scheduling analysis. Examples are
logic between activities or 共2兲 to model simple repetitive projects 共1兲 resource requirements can be specified for each activity in the
comprising a small number of construction units. Critical path resulting AON network for conducting resource leveling analysis;
analysis on the resulting project network is generally referred to 共2兲 by defining pessimistic, optimistic, and most likely times for
as PDM. The “smart” precedence relationships of PDM com- each activity on the resulting AON network, the PERT—coupled
pound TF determination and interpretation, potentially causing with Monte Carlo simulation—can be applied so as to assess
anomalous effects on critical path identification. One straightfor- variability in project duration.
ward solution is to transform non-FS relationships with lags into
FS with zero lag at the expense of adding extra activities prior to
conducting forward and backward pass calculations. However,
such relationship transformations are dealt with on case-specific
This research was funded by a Niche Area Research Grant of the
basis in the literature; generic transform schemes are yet to be
Hong Kong Polytechnic University 共A/C No. BB89兲.
In the present research, we generalized those particular cir-
cumstances that entail applying non-FS logical relationships on Appendix I
construction projects. We then proposed generic transform
schemes such that non-FS relationships in a project network can The details of PDM-to-AON transformation of four cases 共i.e.,
be detected and transformed—automatically—into equivalent FS. SS, FS, FF, SS/FF enveloped兲 are shown as follows.


J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 2009.135:863-873.

Table 4. Float Times of PDM Network with SS Relationship and Equivalent AON Network
Network Activity Early start Late start Early finish Late finish TF
PDM A 0 min共T − a , T − b − s兲 a T = max共a , b + s兲 min共T − a , T − b − s兲
B s T−b b+s T = max共a , b + s兲 T−b−s
AON Al 0 min共T − a , T − b − s兲 s min共T − a + s , T − b兲 min共T − a , T − b − s兲
A2 s T−a+s a T = max共a , b + s兲 T−a
B s T−b b+s T = max共a , b + s兲 T−b−s

Start-to-Start Relationship EFA1 = 兵ESA1 + DA1 = 0 + s = s其 = s 共63兲

The details of PDM-to-AON transformation of SS relationships
are summarized in Fig. 7 and Table 4. Activity A2: ESA2 = 兵EFA1 = s其 = s 共64兲
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Critical Path Analysis on Precedence Diagram Method

Network EFA2 = 兵ESA2 + DA2 = s + 共a − s兲 = a其 = a 共65兲

Forward Pass Calculation. For activities with no predecessor Activity B: ESB1 = 兵EFA1 = s其 = s 共66兲
relationships, ES = 0
Activity A: ESA = 兵project start time = 0其 = 0 共53兲 EFB = 兵ESB + DB = s + b其 = b + s 共67兲
Total project duration
EFA = 兵ESA + DA = 0 + a = a其 = a 共54兲

Activity B: ESB = Max兵ESA + SSAB, 0其 = s 共55兲 T = max 再 EFA2 = a

EFB = b + s
冎 = max共a, b + s兲 共68兲

EFB = 兵ESB + DB = s + b其 = b + s 共56兲

Backward Pass Calculation. For activities with no successor
Total project duration

再 冎
relationships: LF = T
EFA = a
T = max = max共a, b + s兲 共57兲 Activity B: LFB = 兵total project duration = T其 = T 共69兲
EFB = b + s

LSB = 兵LFB − DB = T − b其 = T − b 共70兲

Backward Pass Calculation. For activities with no successor
relationships, LF = T
Activity A2: LFA2 = 兵total project duration = T其 = T 共71兲
Activity B: LFB = 兵total project duration = T其 = T 共58兲
LSA2 = 兵LFA2 − DA2 = T − 共a − s兲其 = T − a + s 共72兲
LSB = 兵LFB − DB = T − b其 = T − b 共59兲

Activity A: LFA = 兵total project duration = T其 = T 共60兲 Activity A1: LFA1 = min 再 LSA2 = T − a + s

再 冎
LSB = T − b
LFA − DA = T − a = min共T − a + s, T − b兲 共73兲
LSA = min = min共T − a, T − b − s兲
LSB − SSAB = T − b − s
共61兲 LSA1 = 兵LFA1 − DA1 = min共T − a + s,T − b兲 − s其
= min共T − a, T − b − s兲 共74兲
Critical Path Analysis on Activity-On-Node Network

Forward Pass Calculation. For activities with no predecessor Finish-to-Start Relationship

relationships, ES = 0
The details of PDM-to-AON transformation of FS relationships
Activity A1: ESA1 = 兵project start time = 0其 = 0 共62兲 are summarized in Fig. 7 and Table 5.

Table 5. Float Times of PDM Network with FS Relationship and Equivalent AON Network
Network Activity Early start Late start Early finish Late finish TF
PDM A 0 0 a a 0
B a+ f a+ f a+b+ f T=a+b+ f 0
AON A 0 0 a a 0
L a a a+ f a+ f 0
B a+ f a+ f a+b+ f T=a+b+ f 0


J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 2009.135:863-873.

Table 6. Float Times of PDM Network with FF Relationship and Equivalent AON Network
Network Activity Early start Late start Early finish Late finish TF
PDM A 0 T−a− f a T− f T−a− f
B 0 T−b max共a + f , b兲 T = max共a + f , b兲 min共T − b , 0兲
AON A 0 T−a− f a T− f T−a− f
Bl 0 T−b b− f T− f T−b
B2 max共a , b − f兲 max共a , b − f兲 max共a + f , b兲 T = max共a + f , b兲 0

Critical Path Analysis on Precedence Diagram Method LSB = 兵LFB − DB = 共a + b + f兲 − b其 = a + f 共92兲

Activity L: LFL = 兵LSB = a + f其 = a + f 共93兲
Forward Pass Calculation. For activities with no predecessor
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relationships, ES = 0 LSL = 兵LFL − DL = a + f − f = a其 = a 共94兲

Activity A: ESA = 兵project start time = 0其 = 0 共75兲
Activity A: LFA = 兵LSL = a其 = a 共95兲
EFA = 兵ESA + DA = 0 + a = a其 = a 共76兲
LSA = 兵LFA − DA = a − a = 0其 = 0 共96兲
Activity B: ESB = 兵EFA + FSAB = a + f其 = a + f 共77兲
Finish-to-Finish Relationship
EFB = 兵EFB + DB = a + f + b其 = a + b + f 共78兲
The details of PDM-to-AON transformation of FF relationships
Total project duration
are summarized in Fig. 7 and Table 6.
T = 兵EFB = a + b + f其 = a + b + f 共79兲
Critical Path Analysis on Precedence Diagram Method
Backward Pass Calculation. For activities with no successor
relationships: LF = T Forward Pass Calculation. For activities with no predecessor
Activity B: LFB = 兵total project duration = T其 = T 共80兲 relationships, ES = 0
Activity A: ESA = 兵project start time = 0其 = 0 共97兲
LSB = 兵LFB − DB = 共a + b − f兲 − b其 = a + f 共81兲
EFA = 兵ESA + DA = 0 + a = a其 = a 共98兲
Activity A: LFA = 兵LSB − FSAB = a + f − f = a其 = a 共82兲
Activity B: ESB = 兵project start time = 0其 = 0 共99兲
LSA = 兵LFA − DA = a − a = 0其 = 0 共83兲
EFB = max兵EFA + FFAB,ESB + DB = a + f,b其 = max兵a + f,b其
Critical Path Analysis on Activity-on-Node Network 共100兲
Total project duration
Forward Pass Calculation. For activities with no predecessor
relationships, ES = 0 T = max兵EFA, EFB其 = max兵a + f, b其 共101兲
Activity A: ESA = 兵project start time = 0其 = 0 共84兲
Backward Pass Calculation. For activities with no successor
EFA = 兵ESA + DA = 0 + a = a其 = a 共85兲 relationships, LF = T
Activity B: LFB = 兵total project duration = T其 = T 共102兲
Activity L: ESL = 兵EFA = a其 = a 共86兲
LSB = 兵LFB − DB = T − b其 = T − b 共103兲
EFL = 兵ESL + DL = a + f其 = a + f 共87兲
Activity A: LFA = 兵LFB − FFAb = T − f其 = T − f 共104兲
Activity B: ESB = 兵EFL = a + f其 = a + f 共88兲
LSA = 兵LFA − DA = T − f − a其 = T − a − f 共105兲
EFB = 兵ESB + DB = a + f + b其 = a + b + f 共89兲
Total project duration Critical Path Analysis on Activity-on-Node Network
T = 兵EFB = a + b + f其 = a + b + f 共90兲
Forward Pass Calculation. For activities with no predecessor
relationships, ES = 0
Backward Pass Calculation. For activities with no successor
Activity A: ESA = 兵project start time = 0其 = 0 共106兲
relationships, LF = T
Activity B: LFB = 兵total project duration = T其 = T 共91兲 EFA = 兵ESA + DA = 0 + a = a其 = a 共107兲


J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 2009.135:863-873.

Table 7. Float Times of PDM Network with SS/FF Enveloped Relationship and Equivalent AON Network
Network Activity Early start Late start Early finish Late finish TF
PDM A 0 min共T − a , T − b − f − s兲 max共a , b + f + s兲 T = max共a , b + f + s兲 min共T − a , T − b − f − s , 0兲
B s T−b− f b+s T− f T−b− f −s
AON Al 0 min共T − a , T − b − f − s兲 s min共T − a + s , T − b − f兲 0
A2 s T−a+s a− f T− f T−a
A3 max共a − f , b + s兲 T− f max共a , b + f + s兲 T = max共a , b + f + s兲 0
B s T−b− f b+s T− f T−b− f −s

Activity B1: ESB1 = 兵project start time = 0其 = 0 共108兲 EFB = 兵ESB + DB = s + b其 = b + s 共122兲
Total project duration
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EFB1 = 兵ESB1 + DB1 = 0 + 共b − f兲 = b − f其 = b − f 共109兲

T = 兵EFA其 = max共a, b + f + s兲 共123兲

Activity B2: ESB2 = max 再 EFA = a

EFB1 = b − f
冎 = max共a, b − f兲 Backward Pass Calculation. For activities with no successor
relationships, LF = T
Activity A: LFA = 兵total project duration = T其 = T 共124兲

再 冎
EFB = 兵ESB + DB = max共a, b − f兲 + f其 = max共a + f, b兲
LFA − DA = T − a
共111兲 LSA = min
LSB − SSAB = T − b − f − s
Total project duration
= min共T − a, T − b − f − s兲 共125兲
T = 兵EFB2其 = max共a + f, b兲 共112兲
Activity B: LFB = 兵LFA − FFBA = T − f其 = T − f 共126兲
Backward Pass Calculation. For activities with no successor
LSB = 兵LFB − DB = 共T − f兲 − b其 = T − b − f 共127兲
relationships, LF = T

Activity B2: LFB2 = 兵total project duration = T其 = T 共113兲 Critical Path Analysis on Activity-on-Node Network

LSB2 = 兵LFB2 − DB2 = T − f其 = T − f 共114兲 Forward Pass Calculation. For activities with no predecessor
relationships, ES = 0
Activity B1: LFB1 = 兵LSB1 = T − f其 = T − f 共115兲 Activity A1: ESA1 = 兵project start time = 0其 = 0 共128兲

LSB1 = 兵LFB1 − DB1 = T − f − 共b − f兲其 = T − b 共116兲 EFA1 = 兵ESA1 + DA1 = 0 + s = s其 = s 共129兲

Activity A: LFA = 兵LSB1 = T − f其 = T − f 共117兲 Activity A2: ESA2 = 兵EFA1 = s其 = s 共130兲

LSA = 兵LFA − DA = T − f − a其 = T − a − f 共118兲 EFA2 = 兵ESA2 + DA2 = s + 共a − s − f兲 = a − f其 = a − f 共131兲

Start-to-Start/Finish-to-Finish Enveloped Relationship

Activity A3: ESA3 = max 再 EFA2 = a − f
EFB = b + s
冎 = max共a − f, b

The details of PDM-to-AON transformation of SS/FF enveloped + s兲 共132兲

relationships are summarized in Fig. 7 and Table 7.
EFA3 = 兵ESA3 + DA3 = max共a − f, b + s兲 + f其 = max共a, b + f + s兲
Critical Path Analysis on Precedence Diagram Method
Network 共133兲

Forward Pass Calculation. For activities with no predecessor Activity B: ESB = 兵EFA1 = s其 = s 共134兲
relationships, ES = 0
EFB = 兵ESB + DB = s + b其 = b + s 共135兲
Activity A: ESA = 兵project start time = 0其 = 0 共119兲
Total project duration

EFA = max 再 ESA + DA = 0 + a

EFB + FFBA = b + s + f
冎 = max共a, b + f + s兲
T = max兵EFA3其 = max共a, b + f + s兲 共136兲

共120兲 Backward Pass Calculation. For activities with no successor

relationships, LF = T
Activity B: ESB = 兵ESA + SSAb = 0 + s其 = s 共121兲 Activity A3: LFA3 = 兵total project duration = T其 = T 共137兲


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