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Ngurah Riska Gunawan, I Putu. 2017. The Relationship Of Motivating And Control With
Recurrence In Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients. Thesis, Nursing Science Program, College of
Health Sciences Buleleng. Supervisor (1) Ns. I Dewa Ayu Rismayanti, S.Kep., M.Kep. Mentor
(2) Ns. Qamariah, S. Kep., M.Sc.

Motivation is an activity that puts a person or a group that has specific and personal needs,
Control is the main policy for moral behavior, but not everyone must have that policy, Relapse is
a condition of re-appearance of signs and symptoms of a disease after subsiding on Patients with
pulmonary tuberculosis. The purpose of this research is to know the Relationship of Motiovasi
And Control With Recurrence. Desai this research is Descriptive cross sectional. The study
sample consisted of 42 people. Sampling technique by means of saturated sampling and
instumen data collection using questionnaire sheet. The data analysis uses the distribution of
frequency and spearman rho test with alpha 0,05, and Chi Square Analysis is actually a non
parametric statistic. This is because the data for Chi Square test is category (Ordinal, nominal,
ordinal). The results showed that there is a statistically significant relationship between the
Relationship Motivation and Control. With the value p = 0.013 (<0.05) and the value r = 0.379,
then H0 is rejected, which means there is Relationship Motivation and Control. And the result of
motivation relation with recurrence with p = 0,038 from result can be interpreted existence of
significant relation between motivation with relapse, simultaneous analysis of motivation and
control relationship with recurrence with value OR: 3.108 While Motivation As Variable
Konfouding And Control3,1 Meaning Have Good Control Level.

Keywords: motivation, control, recurrence, pulmonary tuberculosis.

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