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Nocturnal Asthma Symptoms and Poor Sleep Quality Among

Urban School Children with Asthma

Maria Fagnano, MPH; Aiison L Bayer, MPH; Carrie A. isensee, BA; Teiva Hernandez, BA;
Jiii S. Halterman, MD, MPH
From the Department of Pediatrics and the Strong Children's Research Center, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistrv
Rochester, NY
Address correspondence to: Maria Fagnano, MPH, university of Rochester Medicai Center, Department of Pediatrics, 601 Elmwood Avenue
Box 777, Rochester, New York 14642 (e-mail:
Received for publication July 28, 2010; accepted May 16, 2011.

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to describe nocturnal clinically significant cutoff of 41, indicating pervasive sleep
asthma symptoms among urban children with asthma and assess disturbances among this population. Sleep scores were worse
the burden of sleep difficulties between children with varying for children with more nocturnal asthma symptoms compared
levels of nocturnal symptoms. with those with milder symptoms on total score, as well as
METHODS: We analyzed baseline data from 287 urban children several subscales, including night wakings, parasomnias, and
with persistent asthma (aged 4-10 years) enrolled in the School- sleep disordered breathing (all P < .03). Parents of children
Based Asthma Therapy trial; Rochester, New York. Caregivers with more nocturnal asthma symptoms reported their child
reported on nocturnal asthma symptoms (number of nights/2 having fewer nights with enough sleep in the past week
weeks with wheezing or coughing), parent quality of life (Juni- (P = .018) and worse parent quality of life {P < .001).
per's Pediatric Asthma Caregivers Quality of Life Question- CONCLUSIONS: Nocturnal asthma symptoms are prevalent in
naire), and sleep quality by using the validated Children's this population and are associated with poor sleep quality and
Sleep Habits Questionnaire. We used bivariate and multivariate worse parent quality of life. Thesefindingshave potential impli-
statistics to compare nocturnal asthma symptoms with sleep cations for understanding the disease burden of pediatric
quality/quantity and quality of life. asthma.
RESULTS: Most children (mean age, 7.5 years) were black
(62%); 74% had Medicaid. Forty-one percent of children
KEYWORDS: asthma; childhood; quality of life; sleep; smoke;
had ititermittent nocturnal asthma symptoms, 23% mild persis-
tent, and 36% moderate to severe. Children's average total
sleep quality score was 51 (range, 33-99) which is above the ACADEMIC PEDIATRICS 201 1;1 1:493^99

WHAT'S NEW lems may have significant and lasting effects on

Nocturnal asthma symptoms are prevalent among urban mental health, as they have been linked to anxiety and
children with asthma and are associated with poor depression, aggressive behaviors, and attention problems
sleep. These findings have potential implications for in adulthood.'*
children's daytime functioning and parents' sleep and Existing research suggests a relationship between asthma
quality of life. The burden of nocturnal asthma symp- and sleep problems.^"^ Asthma has been associated with
toms and poor sleep warrants further consideration. poorer sleep quality, even among children with well-
controlled, stable symptoms.^ However, it is not clear
how the relationship between sleep quality and asthma is
A S T H M A IS O N E of the most common chronic diseases affected by varying degrees of nocturnal asthma symptoms
affecting children in the United States.''^ In particular, or how it contributes to the burden of asthma on families.
underserved and minority populations are significantly The extent of sleep problems among urban school children
burdened by asthma morbidity and also suffer higher with asthma merits further investigation.
rates of asthma-related emergency department visit, hospi- Understanding the burden of nocturnal asthma symp-
talization, and death.' toms and poor sleep quality is important in understanding
Illnesses like asthma, which often include nighttime the total impact of asthma on the child and the family.
symptoms, can negatively affect the quantity and quality Additionally, sleep quality may be an area that warrants
of a child's sleep. Poor sleep can cause daytime sleepiness, more attention from health care providers in the treatment
poor school attendance and performance, and parental and control of pediatric asthma. Our objectives for this
work absenteeism.^ Additionally, childhood sleep prob- study were to describe nocturnal asthma symptoms among


Copyright © 2011 by Academic Pediatrio Association 493 November-December 2011

a group of urban children with persistent asthma and to 33-99). Higher scores indicate worse quality of sleep. A total
assess the burden of sleep difficulties among children in sleep score of 41 on the CSHQ has been reported as a clinical-
this group with varying levels of nocturnal symptoms. cutoff for identification of probable sleep problems.'^
We hypothesized that nocturnal asthma symptoms affect The Appendix Table shows the 8 subscales for the
the majority of these children and that increased nocturnal CSHQ: bedtime resistance (5 items), sleep onset delay
symptoms would negatively affect the children's quality of (1 items), sleep duration (3 items), sleep anxiety (3 items),
sleep, as well as children and parent's quantity of sleep and night wakings (3 items), parasomnias (7 items), sleep disor-
parent quality of life. dered breathing (3 items), and daytime sleepiness (8 items).
An example of a question from each subscale is shown.
We used baseline data from the School-Based Asthma
Therapy (SBAT) trial in Rochester, New York (September We assessed child's sleep quantity by using the
2007-June 2009).^ We identified children (aged 3-10 following question: "During the past week (7 nights), on
years) with asthma in the Rochester City School District how many nights did your child get enough sleep for his/
through school health forms and performed telephone her age?" The mean number of days with enough sleep
screening with primary caregivers to assess the severity (range, 0-7) is reported. We also asked parents to report
of the child's asthma. Children were eligible for the the length of time the child usually sleeps each day,
SBAT trial if they had physician-diagnosed asthma and including nighttime sleep and naps.
parent-reported persistent symptoms at the time of
screening (primary study's participation rate was 74%). ASSESSMENT OF PARENT'S SLEEP AND QUALITY OF LIFE
Children were excluded if they had significant medical To assess parent's sleep, we asked, "Over the past
conditions that could interfere with assessment of asthma 2 weeks (14 days), how many nights did you wake up or
outcomes, were unable to speak English, or were planning lose sleep because of your child's asthma?" Parent's
to leave the school district during the study period. Data quality of life was assessed using Juniper's Pédiatrie
for this analysis are from an in-home baseline assessment Astbma Caregivers Quality of Life Questionnaire.'^ This
conducted at the start of the school year (September to 13-item scale measures the degree to which the child's
November), prior to the initiation of the intervention. asthma interfered with the parent's normal daily activities
During this time period, 304 children were enrolled. The over the past week. Responses range from 1 ("all of the
University of Rochester's Institutional Review Board time") to 7 ("none of the time"). The scores are averaged
approved this study. Informed consent was obtained for a mean quality of life score, ranging from 1 to 7, with
from all caregivers and assent from all children aged s 7 higher scores indicating better quality of life.
ASSESSMENT OF CHILD'S NOCTURNAL ASTHMA SYMPTOMS We assessed children's demographic variables, including
To assess nocturnal asthma symptoms, we asked age, gender, race (black, white, other), ethnicity (Hispanic,
parents: "Over the past 2 weeks (14 days), how many non-Hispanic), and insurance (Medicaid, other). We also
nights did your child have any wheezing, coughing, tight- collected information regarding the child's exposure to envi-
ness in the chest or trouble breathing?" We then used ronmental tobacco smoke, and several caregiver measures,
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute guidelines'*' to including caregiver education (less than high school, more
categorize the level of nocturnal asthma severity for each than or equal to high school) and parent depression.
child. Based on the symptoms reported, cbildren were We measured parent depression using the Kessler
categorized into 3 groups. Those with intermittent symp- Psychological Distress Scale (KIO).'"* The KIO is a
toms experienced 0 or 1 night of asthma symptoms in 10-item scale that rates the frequency of experiencing
the previous 2 weeks. Children with mild persistent symp- specific instances of depression and anxiety over the past
toms experienced 2 to 4 nights of asthma symptoms, and 4 weeks. Each item is scored on a scale of 1 ("none of tbe
those with moderate/severe persistent symptoms had time") to 5 ("all of the time") for a range of 10 to 50, with
more than 4 nights of asthma symptoms in the previous higher scores indicating a higher risk of depression. A score
2 weeks. of S:20 on the KIO was used to define mild-to-severe
depressive symptoms based on prior use of this scale.'^
ASSESSMENT OF CHILD'S SLEEP QUALITY The child's exposure to environmental tobacco smoke
We used the abbreviated version of tbe Children's Sleep was measured both by parent report and by the child's co-
Habits Questionnaire (CSHQ)" to assess quality of sleep tinine values. We recorded the number of smokers living in
for the children. This is a previously validated 33-item scale tbe child's home ("How many people living in tbe child's
composed of 8 subscales, with a recall period of the previous home smoke?"), tbe smoking status of the primary care-
week. Responses are recorded as "usually," "sometimes," or giver ("Does the child's primary caregiver smoke?"), and
"rarely." Each question is scored 1 to 3, (1 being rarely, 2 the household rules regarding in-home smoking and
being sometimes, and 3 being usually) and then summed smoking bans.'^ To further evaluate children's smoke
to create a total sleep score (with tbe total ranging from exposure, we also measured salivary cotinine. Salivary

Table 1. Population Demographics and Nocturnal Asthma Symptoms"

Nocturnal Mild Persistent Moderate/Severe
Characteristic Overall Symptoms Nocturnal Symptoms Nocturnal Symptoms P Value
Overall, No. 287 117 66 104
Child age, mean (SD) 7.5 ± 1 . 8 7.6 ± 1 . 7 7.6 ± 1 . 8 7.3 ± 1 . 8 .275
Child gender, male 168(59) 68 (58) 38 (58) 62 (60) .959
Child race
Black 178(62) 76 (65) 40(61) 62 (60) .789
White 21(7) 1(6) 4(6) 10(10)
Other 88(31) 34 (29) 22 (33) 32 (31)
Child ethnicity, Hispanic 83 (29) 33 (28) 24 (36) 26 (25) .275
Controller medications, yes 193(67) 78 (67) 48 (73) 67 (64) .524
Insurance, Medicaid 211 (74) 81 (69) 45 (68) 85 (82) .059
Parent education, less than high school 123(43) 46 (39) 32 (35) 54 (52) .055
Parent depression, mild to severe 99 (35) 25 (22) 27 (41) 47 (45) .001
depressive symptoms
Cotinine, mean ng/mL (SD) 1.3 ± 2 . 2 1.1 ± 1 . 6 1.1 ± 1 . 7 1.7 ±2.8 .058
Primary caregiver smokes 110(38) 36(31) 26 (39) 48 (46) .062
a 1 smoker in home 153(53) 50 (43) 39 (59) 64 (62) .011
No home smoking ban 118(41) 39 (33) 27(41) 52 (50) .041
"Data shown are No. (%) unless othenwise indicated.

cotinine is a biological byproduct of nicotine and can be parents reported that their children usually slept for a total
used as an objective indicator of smoke exposure.''''^ of 9.0 hours each day (SD 1.6). Table 1 shows the sample
Cotinine has been shown to indicate smoke exposure population demographics by nocturnal asthma symptoms.
from a period of 1 to 1.5 days prior to sampling.'^ Saliva The average age of the children was 7.5 years. Most of
was collected by program staff members by using standard the children (59%) were male, black (62%), and had
techniques, and samples were transported to Salimetrics Medicaid insurance (74%). Many of the children used
Inc (State College, PA), where they were assessed with controller medications, with 67%, 73%, and 64% (intermit-
a standard enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results tent, mild persistent, and moderate/severe, respectively) re-
were reported in nanograms per milliliter. porting current use of a preventive medication. Many of the
We performed analyses using SPSS version 17 software children's parents never graduated high school (43%), and
(SPSS Inc, Chicago, 111). We used bivariate and multivar- 35% had symptoms of mild-to-severe depression. More
iate statistics to compare nocturnal asthma symptoms and than half (53%) of the children lived with 1 or more
sleep quality, sleep quantity, and quality of life. Analysis smokers, 38% of the primary caregivers smoked, and 41%
of variance tests were used to compare mean sleep scores of families had no ban on smoking in the home. The chil-
and nocturnal asthma severity. We conducted general dren's total mean cotinine level was 1.28 ng/ML (SD 2.2).
linear model regression analysis predicting children's There was a significant association between parent
quality of sleep and controlling for standard demographic depression and nocturnal asthma symptoms in this popula-
variables (child age, parent education) and parent depres- tion, with a higher prevalence of parent depressive symp-
sion, as this measure was significantly different between toms among children with more significant nighttime
groups at baseline. Using cotinine as a marker, we also symptoms (intermittent 22%, mild persistent 41%,
controlled for smoke exposure, which has been shown to moderate/severe 45%; P = .001). Compared with children
influence sleep quality.^° Because the cotinine data were with fewer symptoms, there was a trend for children with
not normally distributed, we used the natural log function more severe nocturnal asthma symptoms to have higher co-
to transform the data prior to analysis. A 2-sided a <.O5 tinine levels (P = .058). Further, more children with
was considered statistically significant. moderate/severe nocturnal asthma symptoms were living
in a home with at least 1 smoker compared with children
with less severe symptoms (43%, 59%, 62%, for intermit-
RESULTS tent, mild persistent, and moderate/severe symptoms,
Among 304 children enrolled in the SBAT trial, 287 respectively; P — .011). Parents of children with more
(94%) were included in this study. We excluded children significant nighttime symptoms were also more likely to
under the age of 4 for these analyses because the CSHQ report not having a home smoking ban.
is not validated for children in that age range (n = 13). Table 2 shows nocturnal symptom severity and quality
Children with incomplete data also were excluded (n = 4). of sleep for this population of children. Overall quality of
Of the 287 children in our final data set, only 41% had sleep, as measured by the total sleep score of the CSHQ,
intermittent nocturnal symptoms, and the remaining 59% was worse for children with more nocturnal asthma symp-
had persistent nocturnal symptoms (23% mild persistent, toms compared with those with milder symptoms (49.8 vs
and 36% moderate-to-severe persistent). On average, chil- 50.7 vs 53.5, for children with intermittent, mild persistent,
dren had at least 1 night with symptoms per week. Overall, and moderate/severe persistent nocturnal symptoms.

Table 2. Nocturnal Symptom Severity and Quality of Sleep Using Childhood Sleep Habits Questionnaire*

Intermittent Mild Persistent Moderate/Severe

Qverall Nocturnal Symptoms Nocturnal Symptoms Nocturnal Symptoms P Value
Total sleep score 51.3 ±9.5 49.8 ± 9.6 50.7 ± 8.5 53.5 ± 9.7 .012
Bedtime resistance 8.9 ±3.0 8.8 ±3.0 8.7 ± 2.9 9.0 ±3.0 .790
Sleep-onset delay 1.7 ± 0.9 1.8 ±0.9 1.7 ±0.9 •1.7 ±0.8 .487
Sleep duration 4.2 ± 1.6 4.1 ± 1.6 4.0 ± 1 . 4 4.4 ±1.8 .204
Sleep anxiety 5.6 ± 2.1 5.4 ±2.1 5.8 ±2.0 5.7 ±2.2 .460
Night wakings 4.4 ±1.4 4.1 ± 1.4 4.4 ± 1.3 4.7 ± 1.4 .016
Parasomnias 9.8 ±2.3 9.3 ± 2.0 9.9 ±2.4 10.4 ±2.4 .002
Sleep disordered breathing 4.2 ±1.5 4.0 ± 1.4 4.0 ±1.2 4.5 ± 1.6 .027
Daytime sleepiness 15.2 ±3.8 14.8 ±3.7 14.8 ±4.0 15.9 ±3.7 .064

*Data shown are mean ± SD unless otherwise indicated.

respectively; P = .012). The mean total sleep score for chil- selves lost sleep (intermittent 0.2, mild persistent 1.6,
dren in each asthma severity level was above the clinically moderate/severe 4.3, P < .001). Additionally, we found
significant CSHQ cutoff of 41, indicating pervasive sleep that parents reporting more nocturnal asthma symptoms
disturbances among this population of children with had significantly lower quality of life scores compared
asthma. Additionally, there was a trend for the percentage with parents reporting fewer symptoms (intermittent 5.9,
of children above the CSHQ cutoff to increase with mild persistent 5.3, moderate/severe 5.0, P < .001). There
increased symptom severity (82.9%, 87.9%, and 92.3% was no difference in total number of hours of sleep reported
for children with intertnittent, mild persistent, and for children with different levels of asthma severity.
moderate/severe persistent nocturnal symptoms, respec-
tively; P = .108). There were also significant associations
between nocturnal symptom severity and scores on several DISCUSSION
sleep subscales, including night wakings, parasomnias, and In this study, we found a substantial burden of both
sleep disordered breathing. These relationships remained nighttime asthma symptoms and poor sleep among urban
significant when controlling for potentially confounding children with significant asthma. Overall, 59% of children
variables, including child's age, parent education, parent had persistent nighttime asthma symptoms, and nearly half
depression, and smoke exposure (data not shown). There (46%) of children had at least 1 night per week of inade-
also was a trend for children with more severe nocturnal quate sleep. Children's sleep quality, indicated by the total
asthma symptoms to have higher daytime sleepiness scores sleep score on the CSHQ and several subscales, decreased
compared with those with less severe symptoms (inter- as their nocturnal asthma symptoms increased. The likeli-
mittent 14.8, mild persistent 14.8, moderate/severe 15.9, hood of the child having inadequate sleep, the parent
P = .06). There were no associations between nocturnal having lost sleep, and poorer parental quality of life incre-
asthma symptoms and bedtime resistance, sleep onset mentally increased as the frequency of nocturnal asthma
delay, sleep duration, and sleep anxiety. symptoms increased. Importantly, we found that the
We next considered the relationship between nocturnal mean total sleep score for children in each asthma severity
asthma symptoms and the quantity of the child's and level was above the clinically significant CSHQ cutoff of
parent's sleep, while controlling for pertinent confounders 41, indicating pervasive sleep disturbances among this
(Table 3). Overall, 46% of parents reported that their child population of children with asthma.
did not get enough sleep for at least 1 night in the prior A few prior studies have assessed the relationship
week. Parents of children with more severe nighttime between sleep disturbance and asthma. Stores and
asthma symptoms reported fewer nights that their child colleagues^ explored both subjective and objective sleep
had enough sleep over the past week (intermittent 5.9, disturbances among cbildren with nocturnal asthma,
mild persistent 5.5, moderate/severe 5.2, P = .018), and compared with a nonasthmatic control group. Compared
several more days per 2-week period in which they, them- with controls, children with nocturnal asthma experienced

Table 3. Regression Analysis of Quantity of Sleep and Caregiver Quality of Life by Nocturnal Symptom Severity*

Intermittent Mild Persistent Moderate/Severe

Nocturnal Symptoms Nocturnal Symptoms Nocturnal Symptoms P Value
Hours child usually sleeps each day 9.0 ±1.6 8.9 ± 1 . 2 9.2 ±1.8 .678
Nights child had enough sleep 5.9 ±1.8 5.5 ±1.5 5.2 ±2.3 .018
(range, 0-7) over past week
Nights parent lost sleep (range, 0.2 ± 0.6 1.6 ± 1.6 4.3 ± 4.6 <.OO1
0-14) over past 2 weeks
Parental quality of life (range, 1-7) • 5.9 ± 1.1 5.3 ± 1.1 5.0 ±1.2 <.OO1
over past weekf

*Regression analyses include child age, parent education, smoke exposure based on salivary cotinine, and parent depression.
tParent quality of life assessed using Juniper's Pédiatrie Asthma Caregivers Quality of Life Questionnaire, which includes a 7-point Likert
scale. 1 = all of the time, 7 = none of the time.

worse sleep in both polysomnography tests and question- income asthmatic children who are at greater risk of grade
naires. They also found improvement in sleep after treat- failure.^^ Additionally, exploratory studies indicate that sleep
ment of the nocturnal asthma symptoms. Similarly, Sadeh disturbances in children with nocturnal asthma may affect
and colleagues^ explored sleep disturbances among children cognitive functioning as well as mood and behavior.^
with well-controlled asthma using wrist actigraphs to Nocturnal asthma symptoms may also affect the func-
measure sleep disturbances and peakfiowmeters to measure tioning of the parent or caregiver. Prior studies have shown
pulmonary function. The investigators found that well- that parents of children with frequent nocturnal symptoms
controlled asthmatic children experienced poorer sleep are more likely to miss work, which may result in lost
quality compared with controls, and peak fiow measures wages.'' Funher, parents experiencing sleep disturbances
were correlated with sleep quality. However both of these related to their child's illness may have increased daytime
studies were limited by small sample sizes and targeted fatigue themselves as well as negative mood.^ We found
recruitment from respiratory clinics. Our study is unique that parents of children with frequent nighttime symptoms
in assessing sleep disturbances among a large community reported more nights of lost sleep as well as lower quality
sample of young, urban school children with significant of life, even when controlling for depressive symptoms.
asthma symptoms. Unlike previous studies, we examined Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke has been
sleep quality in relationship to varying degrees of asthma shown to be an imponant factor infiuencing both nocturnal
severity and included important covariates such as parent asthma symptoms and sleep quality. In a recent study, Yolton
depression and smoke exposure. Further, our study explored and colleagues^" found that sleep is negatively affected by
the burden of nocturnal asthma symptoms on both children environmental tobacco smoke exposure among asthmatic
and families by considering various forms of childhood children. Similarly, Morkjaroenpong and colleagues^^
sleep disruption, parental sleep, and quality of life. indicate that nocturnal symptoms are particularly sensi-
Our use of the CSHQ allowed for collection of informa- tive to environmental tobacco smoke.^^ Since as many as
tion about sleep from a validated sleep quality measure for 50% of urban children with asthma live with a smoker,
school-age children. It was designed to provide comprehen- smoke exposure likely is a very peninent factor in ampli-
sive information, including both clinical sleep problems fying sleep difficulties in this population. '^•^° Our findings
and parent-reported individual sleep concerns that may funher support the contribution of ETS to nocturnal
fall outside of clinical definitions of sleep disorders." asthma symptoms and reinforce the need for further
The use of a sleep quality scale in this group allows for investigation into the relationship between ETS and
a thorough base of information on the variety of ways that sleep difficulties among urban children with asthma.
sleep problems may manifest among children with asthma. The imponance of nocturnal asthma symptoms is high-
Overall, we found that children with moderate-to-severe lighted in the national asthma guidelines, since the pres-
nocturnal asthma symptoms had significantly worse ence of nighttime symptoms receives greater severity
sleep scores on several sleep subscales, including night weighting compared with the other symptoms.'" Many
wakings, parasomnias, and sleep disordered breathing. parents may underreport their children's and their own
Previous research has shown that night wakings in chil- sleep difficulties to primary medical care providers, which
dren can significantly impact daytime functioning for may lead to a lack of awareness and subsequent inadequate
both children and their parents. This can include daytime prescription of preventive therapy.^ ' '^^ The goals of asthma
sleepiness, increased behavior problems, decreased therapy specifically include helping individuals with
neurocognitive functioning, and family stress.^' Funher, asthma control their symptoms so that they can sleep
parasomnias have often been associated with negative well. Clearly, these goals are not being met by numerous
outcomes, panicularly daytime sleepiness,^^ and the rela- individuals, and our study adds to the emerging body of
tionship between sleep disordered breathing and behavior literature, indicating that nocturnal asthma symptoms and
problems also has now been well documented.•^•'"'^^ poor sleep warrant funher attention.
Importantly, sleep problems in early life have been There are some limitations to this study. First, this is
linked to emotional and behavioral difficulties, including a cross-sectional study and we cannot determine causality
anxiety, depression, aggressive behaviors, and attention or directionality from these analyses. Second, although
problems in adulthood.'* a validated sleep scale was used, quality of sleep was
Among children with asthma, sleep disturbance due to only assessed by parent report and was not confirmed by
nocturnal symptoms can greatly infiuence health and more objective assessment. Similarly, child and parent
well-being, and may contribute significantly to their sleep quantity were measured at 1 time point by parent
disease burden. Previous studies have shown that children repon only. Additionally, this study lacks a healthy control
who suffer from nocturnal asthma symptoms have negative group for comparison, and therefore these results can only
outcomes in daytime functioning. Nocturnal asthma symp- be generalized to a similar urban, pédiatrie population with
toms are associated with both poorer school attendance and significant asthma. We purposely selected a group of chil-
school performance.^ Possibly linked to increased school dren with persistent asthma symptoms at the time of
absence, asthmatic children have been found to have screening for this study, yielding a relatively homogenous
poorer school performance and increased risk of learning group. Despite this, the prevalence of nocturnal symptoms
difficuUies compared with their healthy counterparts.^^'^* among this group is striking. Some sources of unmeasured
This negative effect may be especially pronounced in lower- confounding, such as child's weight status, stress, family

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Table. Assessment of Quality of Sleep: 8 Subscales Witbin the Childhood Sleep Habits Questionnaire

No. of items
in scale Sampie Question
Bedtime resistance 5 Chiid struggies at bedtime (cries, refuses to stay in bed)
Sieep-onset deiay 1 Chiid fails asieep within 20 minutes after going to bed
Sieep duration 3 Chiid sieeps too iittie
Sieep anxiety 3 • Chiid is afraid of sieeping in the dark
Night wakings 3 Child awakes more than once during the night
Parasomnias 7 Child sieepwalks during the night
Sleep disordered breathing 3 Child seems to stop breathing during sleep
Daytime sleepiness 8 Chiid takes a long time becoming alert in the morning
©2011 Elsevier

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