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Nama : Anggun Amanda Saveria

NIM : 31101500478

1. Pemeriksaan apa saja yang harus dilakukan pada kasus diskenario? Gambar, video


Sumber: Hobkirk, J. a., 1989. A Colour Atlas of Complete Dentures. , p.73.

2. Bagaimana perawatan pada kasus diskenario? Prepostesik

Tahapan pekerjaan pembuatan gigi tiruan lengkap dapat dirinci sebagai berikut:
1. Membuat sendok cetak individual
2. Membuat desain gigi tiruan lengkap pada model kerja
3. Membuat model malam sebagai base plate (plat dasar) dan occlusal bite rim (galangan gigit
4. Menentukan Maxillo Mandibular Relationship
5. Pencatatan relasi sentrik
6. Pemasangan model pada articulator
7. Penyusunan 6 gigi anterior rahang atas
8. Penyusunan 6 gigi anterior rahang bawah
9. Penyusunan 5 gigi posterior rahang atas
10. Penyusunan 5 gigi posterior rahang bawah
11. Memodel malam (wax contouring)
12. Penanaman dalam cuvet
13. Finishing, Polishing
14. Insersi & control
Sumber: Hobkirk, J. a., 1989. A Colour Atlas of Complete Dentures. , p.73.

3. Bahan selain akrilik, untuk pasien yang alergi dengan akrililik?

(Attachments & Laboratorium 2017)

Sumber: Attachments, E. & Laboratorium, P., 2017. Journal of Vocational Health Studies

4. Apa akibat jika tidak dilakukan perawatan ?

Kehilangan gigi dapat berpengaruh terhadap aktivitas sosial. Hal ini selaras dengan pendapat
McGrath bahwa kehilangan gigi dapat memengaruhi keadaan fisik seperti penampilan estetik,
terganggunya sistem mastikasi, dan memengaruhi kenyamanan bicara. (Siagian 2016)
Sumber: Siagian, K. V, 2016. Kehilangan sebagian gigi pada rongga mulut. , 4.

5. Patofisiologi terjadinya edentulous pada pasien DM?

Rate of tooth loss in patients with DM is not only higher compared with nondiabetic patients, but also
more rapid, resulting in faster rates of edentulism at a younger age. The main causes of tooth loss are
dental caries and periodontal disease, which are exacerbated by the presence of the dental biofilm and
dental plaque. It appears that DM per se does not directly contribute to tooth loss, but the combined
effects of hyposalivation and peripheral neuropathy that affect manual dexterity are significant
contributing factors, because they promote the formation, persistence, and growth of dental plaque. It
is also important to note that the same causal lifestyle factors for Type 2 DM—poor levels of health
education, personal neglect, and poor lifestyle choices reflected in poor dietary choices—are also
contributing factors to dental disease, with poorer levels of oral hygiene seen in this same group of
patients. (Anon n.d.)
Sumber: Anon, oral medecine-Ingle.pdf.
6. Apakah terdapat hubungan antara edentulous dan luka pada sudut mulut?
Located bilaterally at the commissures of the lips, angular cheilitis is characterized by weeping focal
ulcerations showing cracking, keratosis, and mild erythema. In most instances, the disease is caused
by, or secondarily infected with, Candida albicans. Predisposing factors are commonly encountered:
decreased vertical intermaxillary dimension, pronounced angular skin folds, vitamin B complex
deficiency, pernicious anemia, and HIV infection. (Anon n.d.)
sumber: Anon, Oral Pathology-Regezi.pdf.

7. Mengapa alveolar ridge bisa sedang, rendah dan tinggi?

The alveolar ridge height can be calculated from top of the ridge to the anatomical landmark, such as
the maxillary sinus or mandibular canal in the posterior region. In the maxillary anterior region, the
base of the nose is used, while in the mandible, the inferior border of the mandible is used.
The initial phase of the residual ridge resorbtion is actually started immediately after the tooth is
extracted that can cause lost of periodontal membrane that has the ability to regenerate bone. The lost
of the alveolar bone occurs in the labiolingual region and vertical height causing the ridge become
narrower, and in some cases also causing it to shape like sharp knife (knife edge). Next, processus
alveolaris becomes low, round or flat. As the resorbtion continues, alveolar bone and basal bone can
become small, and ridge become shortened. If it occurs in the mandible, it will cause problems for
prosthodontics to make full denture.
The alveolar ridge height can be classified into four classes; class I, the alveolar ridge height is
adequate, but less wide and usually accompanied by the deficiency of the lateral or undercut regions;
class II, the height and width of the ridge is less, there is sharp ridge like a knife; class III, alveolar
ridge resorbtion until basiliar bone that can cause sharp configuration on the ridge; class IV,
resorbtion of the basiliar bone occurs, so the mandible become as thin as pencil with ridge in the
maxilla become flat. (Kuntjoro & Widajati 2010)
Sumber: Kuntjoro, M. & Widajati, W., 2010. Alveolar ridge rehabilitation to increase full denture
retention and stability. , 43(4), pp.181–185.

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