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Gabby DiNucci


-Contains the DNA (has the instructions on how to build protein)
-Has 2 membranes around it called the Nuclear Envelope
The Nucleolus
-Small dense region found inside of the Nucleus and it forms ribosomes
-Stores water, nutrients, minerals, etc.
-Large storage house of the cell
-Is bound by a membrane
-Membrane bound sack made of lipids
-Transportation mechanism for the cell
-Stores and moves materials around the cell
-Organelle that digests food, waste, cell parts, and foreign invaders
-Destroys worn out or damaged organelles
-Carries digestive enzymes to vesicles or engulfs particles
-Can break apart excess glucose and helps to preform intracellular digestion
-Web of proteins in the cytoplasm
-Made up of protein fibers, helps cell retain its shape, move in its environment, and move
its organelles
-Acts as a road way
-Made in the nucleolus
-Where protein is assembled
-Smallest organelle
-No membrane
-Floating freely in the cell or on the Rough ER
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
-It is a system of folded membranes
-Close to the nucleus
-Ribosomes are attached
-Packages proteins and sends them to the Golgi Apparatus in vesicles
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
-No ribosomes are attached
-Makes lipids, packages them into vesicles and sends them to the golgi apparatus in
Golgi Apparatus
-“Post office” of the cell
-Proteins that are produced in the Rough ER go here
-Proteins are modified, sorted, and packaged here
-After the protein is packaged, a part of the Golgi breaks off and forms a small vesicle
and the vesicle transports it to anywhere else in the cell
-Breaks sugar down into energy that the cell can use
Cell Membrane
-Encompasses the entire cell and determines what comes in and out of the cell
-Jelly like fluid all around the inside of the cell
-All of the organelles are in it

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