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Evoking change in the organization

Name of the client:

Sport, Health & Well-being department, University
of Vigo

Project leader name: Javier Rial Jakob Kunert

Internship 2018
Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 2
The project definition .............................................................................................................................. 2
The central internship assignment: ................................................................................................. 2
Parallel internship assignments:...................................................................................................... 2
The delineation of the result ............................................................................................................... 2
Intended professional product: ....................................................................................................... 2
Reason for the product and users of the product: .......................................................................... 3
Preconditions for the realization of the project .............................................................................. 3
Project organization - HappyGoRunning ............................................................................................. 3
Internal project organization HappyGoRunning: ............................................................................ 3
External project organization: ......................................................................................................... 4
Work break down structure: ................................................................................................................... 4
Communication ............................................................................................................................... 8
Risk analysis ..................................................................................................................................... 8
Measuring the success and Quality control .................................................................................... 8
Money control ................................................................................................................................. 8
Methodical and evidence-based approach ........................................................................................... 10
Collaboration & Networking.................................................................................................................. 12
Communicates optimally and Teamwork.............................................................................................. 12
International and intercultural environment ........................................................................................ 14
Appendix................................................................................................................................................ 15


The University of Vigo is a public school with multiple campuses in the province of Galicia, Spain and
with about 1800 staff members and approximately 22.000 students. The Sports, Health & Well-being
department is situated within the greater structure of this public institution. The department
coordinates all Sports and Health-related activities for the University of Vigo, including the campuses
in Ourense and Pontevedra (For a detailed description of activities see appendix image 1).
It is important to acknowledge that even though there is an existing formal structure it does not
reflect on the daily work atmosphere. The permanent employees are open-minded, helpful and
always friendly.
The department is rather a team than a machine. In regard to the interns, the same applies. The mix
of Spanish/Galician and English-speaking people make the workplace enjoyable and challenging at
the same time. Javier Rial as the head of the sports services appreciates pro-activity and supports
independent thinking and thus is assigns open tasks with freedom for self-interpretation and self-
actualization (For a detailed description of the department see appendix image 3).

The project definition

The central internship assignment:

The central internship assignment is to monitor the promotion and to assist in the organization of
the “HappyGoRunning” event.

The main tasks in are going to be:

- Setting up a promotion strategy for the event
- Executing the promotion strategy
- prepare meetings, important document and keeping track of the progress

Parallel internship assignments:

Next to that I will be involved in the Active campus Europe project. Main core tasks will be a
translation from German to English as there are many German universities involved in the project,
moreover I together with my colleagues I will think about ways to improve the program and the
communication. Moreover, I will take upcoming tasks of the daily business of the Sports service that
cannot be foreseen.

The delineation of the result

Intended professional product:

The intended professional product is a “Happy Go Running Handbook” which is mainly targeted to
improve the understanding of the event for trainees involved in the organization and promotion of
the event. It is supposed to give an overview of the Event, what has to be considered in the
organization and promotion and where to find the documents needed for the execution of the event.
Moreover, the Handbook shall give practical advice on how to improve the promotion of the event,
part of that will be a pattern website design for the event.

Reason for the product and users of the product:

Due to a scarcity of human resources the department needs its trainees to work as independently as
possible. My supervisor and I agreed that by developing a guide that outlines the processes of the
organization of the Happy Go Running event the department would greatly benefit in the long term
as the trainees and permanent employees can work more efficiently. In that sense the desired
change is an improvement in organizational procedures.

Preconditions for the realization of the project

The preconditions for the realization and successful implementation are that the host organization is
open to suggestions, helps to explore possible solutions, and that makes an effort to use the
delivered professional product. Moreover, it is necessary that the host organization give me enough
space in terms of time and access to sources to conduct research, and develop the professional

Project organization - HappyGoRunning

Internal project organization HappyGoRunning:

Coordinator: Javier Rial

Direction carreira/circuíto: José Luis Armada

Direction Andaina: Carlos Garrido (P. Trevinca)

Volunteers: Rubén Arcos

Secretary: Román Lago

Security: José Luis Domínguez (AVA)

Resources/Materials: Jesús Campos

Protocol: Conchi Hermida

Cidade Universitaria: Montserrat Alonso

Communication &

Promotion: Jakob & Iago

External project organization:

Important stakeholders:

- Municipality of Vigo
- The community of Montes de Beade
- Internal Information Dir. Infrastructures
- Internal Information Dir. OMA
- Local Police in Vigo
- Coca-Cola
- Galega Narcotrafico Foundation
- Club Pena Trevinca (in charge for the track)
- SOOM Managment
- Campus do Mar Gifts (Volunteers)

Work break down structure:

The following listing distinguishes between the different main tasks, the subtasks and/or the
collaborators that are involved in the organization of the Happy Go Running event. Whilst the
promotion is my main duty, I will assist the coordinator in fulfilling the below-listed tasks.


An overview of the channels to promote the event can be found in the appendix image 2.

1. Creating strategy

2. Get in touch with partner Universities

3. On-Campus Promotion

4. Online Promotion

5. Distribution of information material

6. Invitations to clubs

7. Sign in - a guide for international participants

Major Organisation Task list:
1. Set date of celebration
2. Set up a workflow chart
3. The first meeting for assignment of tasks and timing
4. Request help from the Social Council
5. Find consensus with the Galaico-Duriense University Career

6. List of necessary material
7. Communication University City
8. Publish General and Galaico-Duriense regulations
9. Identify / coordinate sponsorship
Services to hire:
1. Ambulance service at SPRL
2. Megafonia Service - Team Relay
3. Goal zone assembly - Team Relay
4. Coca-Cola Team Relay services
5. North Championship Services
6. Ludoteca - Da Vinci cafe
7. Animator / Speaker Terio Carrera
8. Ana Cidrás: Tematización and Photocall of Happiness
9. Animation group – Batukada
Contact Collaborators for Products providing:
1. Coca-Cola: isotonic
2. Coca-Cola: waters
3. Gadis: energy barriers, fruit piece
Get Permissions:
1. Municipality permit
2. Xunta permit fee-fees
3. Permit mountain service
4. The community of Montes de Beade
5. Internal Information Dir. Infrastructures
6. Internal Information Dir. OMA
Race circuit:
1. Race map and career profile
2. Mercantile Communication
3. Communication The Willows
4. Commercial Mercantile Communication
5. Request to free Parking Philology
6. Develop plan implementation / assembly
7. Repairs - Dir. Technical Works

8. mark race mileage
9. Request to release pergola - Parque Móvil
Prepare Racetrack:
1. Prepare descriptive flyer
2. Travel and profile map
3. Report cuts to the Local Police in Vigo
Ensure Security and Info:
1. Confirm RC insurance
2. Get insurance against accidents
3. Review the emergency action protocol
4. Circuit map with evacuation points
5. Security Plan - AVA
6. Update emergency number listings
7. Hire medicalized ambulance service SPRL
8. Establish a reference hospital according to the insurance policy
9. Call r. security (police, civil guard, civilian and campus)
10. Communication CDU management about access and parking
11. Establish physical location of the documentation (permissions, etc.)
12. Communicate change to board Chief of Security
13. Signalling for zones and services
Secretary tasks:
1. Alternative circuit signalling
2. Draw Safety Contacts Card
3. Coordinate contract with company in charge of timing (CCN)
4. Request volunteers for secretarial tasks
5. Dorsal Design
6. Request necessary material for bags and prizes
7. Coordinate storage of excess material
8. Deliver food tickets to volunteers and organization
1. Convene evaluation meeting
2. Coordinate recollection of chips after the race
3. Invitation to authorities

4. Update Communication Plane
5. Coordination act awards prizes
6. Stage preparation award ceremony / necessary material
Contact Collaborators:
1. List of necessary material
2. Electric bicycles - Norbike
3. Mobile Parked Van
4. Uvigo TV - Happy recording
Hire Image taking and ensure sponsor visibility:
1. Uvigo TV (Promotional)
2. Coca-Cola
3. Deseños imaxe
4. create list of necessary material for the day of the race
5. Location map of billboards
6. Image design of the university career
7. Erasmus image design
8. Banners from Anonymous Adv
Organise Gifts/Merchandise from:
1. Dynamization Universities and Clubs - AVA
2. 900 Gifts for the participants - Bietonova
3. Book Camino Santiado Route - OU; San Jordi
4. Bodegas Val Miñor - Anonymous
5. Banco Santander
6. Local University City
7. Anfaco
8. Trophies and medals - Octavio Cerviño
Recruitment of Volunteers:
1. Arrange compensations: Galega Narcotrafico Foundation - Winners gift
2. Arrange compensations: Campus do Mar Gifts
3. Send Invitations
4. arrange endowment
5. preparatory meeting
6. organise transportation


We agreed on regular feedback moments in which Javier, Iago and I (Jakob) going to talk about the
progress made and what needs to be done. Besides that, it is important that Iago and I communicate
daily to promote the event in the best possible manner.

Risk analysis

There is a various risk that could lead to a rather less successful outcome of the project.
Miscommunication is the biggest of these risks. Due to language barriers between my colleges and
me there is a huge potential for understanding each other wrong, which could end up in executing
tasks the wrong way. Also, it can slow down processes and build a culture of hesitation. We can avoid
that by being honest with each other and keeping the level of communication in easily
understandable language.
For the event organization itself there is the potential that some of the sponsors might resist, or
drop-out late, however, due to the fact that the event is well-established this risk is rather lower.
Furthermore, it could be the case that some permissions are not given in time. We can avoid that by
requesting those permissions early to give us time to think about solutions.
For the promotion of the event there is the risk that it might be inefficient. To avoid that we will
identify the target groups need and adjust the promotion accordingly.

Measuring the success and Quality control

To measure the success of my work as the coordinator of the HappyGoRunning promotion there are
several ways to measure the success.

1. The number of participants in the HappyGoRunning Event

2. The engagement and popularity increase of the events social media presence
3. My supervisor’s subjective judgment of my work

To measure the success of the change of my intended change/professional product I have to rely on
my supervisors’ feedback as the product will be used after I left the organization.

Money control

The project “HappyGoRunning – Handbook” does not require any financial goods.

The project - HappyGoRunning event - Budgeting

Provide / Beneficiary Amount

Arte Digital 100,00
Agrupación Viguesa de Atletismo (AVA) 1.210,00
Cafetería Leonardo da Vinci 200,00
Octavio Cerviño 200,00
Teltek Video Research 800,00
Eleuterio Carrera Amil 450,00
Di la mama 100,00
Organizia 250,00
Bate no cobre 400,00
Champion Chip Norte 600,00
Atletas mellor clasificados 1.800,00
Mapfre 300,00
Fundacion Galega contra o Narcotráfico 700,00
Provedor técnico 5.000,00
Team Relay 1.000,00
Champión Chip Norte 750,00
La marita café 250,00
TOTAL 14.110,00

Summary of imputation of expenses

Party Amount
S.A 250,00
Social 5.000,00
Concello de
Vigo 1.750,00
Ext Univ 6.410,00
participantes* 700,00
TOTAL 14.110,00

Table 1 - Budget plan HappyGoRunning

Time control

Main phases:
1. Promotion research / Event Promotion &

2. Event day & evaluation

3. Research professional product / ACE


4. Professional product development / ACE


5 Presentation of product / ACE project


Event day HappyGoRunning – 22nd of april

Finalizing professional product - 18th of may

Evaluation of the project and product - 22nd of may

Methodical and evidence-based approach

In line with the focus of the internship/project – the promotion and organization of sports events and
the development of effective strategies to promote those I chose to gather valuable input through
various sources such as, articles, blogpost, established models and best practice examples.
All the results are going to be worked out in cooperation with Iago and discussed with our supervisor
Javier on a weekly basis to ensure that the project develops in the right direction. I plan to share my
gained knowledge and the experience I already have during these feedback moments to open a
dialog about potential improvements.


Promotion Effective 5P´s



Figure 1 - Methodical approach to an effective event promotion

The two models that I will use have been taught by the Hanze and I am eager to apply them. To
ensure the correct use of the model I refreshed my knowledge about these models before the

Customer journey: Using Customer Journey Maps to Improve Customer Experience - Adam
Richardson ( 15th of November 2010) -

Marketing mix 5Ps: The 5 Ps of marketing – (31st of January 2018) -

Event promotion:

The strategies and content I will create to promote the event will be based on articles like the

Event Marketing: How to Successfully Promote an Event – Heather Truettner (1st of December 2017)

The 6 Online Marketing Strategies Every Entrepreneur Needs - Jayson DeMers ( 14th of July 2016) -

7 Digital Marketing Strategies That Work: A Complete Guide – Elissa Hudson ( 10th of May 2018) –

Online Marketing – Optimizely ( 2018)

Best practice examples:

To get a better understanding of how to organise an event I will use the following handbook:
Developing best practices in events management - Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences

And when thinking about potential improvements I will take successful events, such as the below
listed ones, into consideration:

New York Marathon:

Tenerife Bluetrail:

Dam tot Dam Loop:

Parisversailles (run):

Collaboration & Networking

Collaboration and networking come naturally to me as I like to be involved in various activities and
different parties. I will actively contribute to the goal of the Sports department to deliver excellent
sports services for everyone by:

- assisting in the organization and promoting the “HappyGoRunning” event

- by developing a professional product that will help to organize and to promote the event more
easily in future - “HappyGoRunning Handbook” -
- by developing and assisting in the Active Campus Europe program
- by updating the “Trainee bible” ( an introductory guide to the sports department for new trainees )
- by promoting other events on behalf of the Sports department

Moreover, I got in touch with a new student sports association “Club Deportivo Minas y Energía –
CDME” and after talking to those responsible I decided to dedicate extra time in the development of
the club as an Honors-project.
Doing this I can make optimal use of the expertise I acquired during the studies and in addition gain
valuable experiences as sports professional working in an intercultural environment.

My work as a change agent within the “Club Deportivo Minas y Energia” will have benefits for both
sides the association and the sports department. The association will benefit from my work since I
will help to develop the club in terms of Policymaking, Event organization & promotion, Strategic
planning and facilitating entrepreneurial thinking. And the sports department will profit as it is
seeking to establish a stronger connection to the students on campus. As this project does not relate
to the internship itself I excluded it from the planning process.

Communicates optimally and Teamwork

In general, I will approach everyone I interact with in a polite manner by actively listing, asking
questions and an open body language. As I feel most comfortable in a relaxed environment I will try
to find a common sense of humor. The biggest challenge for effective communication is going to be
the language barrier, however, through the preparation of notes in Spanish/Galician, slowing down
my speed of talking, using simple English and use of body language I am looking forward to mastering
a new way of communicating in an unknown environment. Moreover, I am taking a language course
that might help me to understand some parts of their conversations in the near future.

During my time in the sports department I will be in contact with five to nine people on my regular
basis. For an overview see in the appendix image 3. When working and communicating with my
colleges I will keep the following things about the individuals in mind.


Javier Rial is the general coordinator of the Wellbeing, Health and Sports Department, and direct
supervisor. He will give me most of the tasks, he will also help me with challenges I might face. Javier
speaks good English and wants to improve his English skills by talking to the Erasmus+ interns. He is a
strong advocate of an “open-door policy”, meaning that it is possible to express ideas or concerns all
the time. Javier is very busy most of the time and sometimes there are days where I will not get the
chance to talk to him. If this happens, it is important that I take the initiative. I will think of ideas and

discuss them with Javier, he is likely to be supportive.


Román is the manager of the Sport and Health area and innovation. He is the one to talk to if I have
problems with my computer or with one of the programs used in the organization. Also, Román is the
one who sets up the membership status on deported (the department website). Román speaks good
English, but prefers Spanish.


Eduardo is the technical specialist in Sports Activities (Facilities and Competitions Area). This means
that he is the one I have to talk to if I want to book the sports hall for events and sports games.
Moreover, he can help me to obtain needed equipment. Eduardo likes to speak Spanish much more
than English, so that I will try to approach him in Spanish as good as possible.

Alex & Miguel

Alexandre is the technical specialist in Sports Activities (Activities and Communication area).
However, if he is needed in the other campus in Pontevedra, Miguel substitutes him. I can contact
them both regarding questions of communications. I will be in contact with them to promote
“HappyGoRunning” and other sports event through several channels (Screens, Social Media,
Newspaper, etc.). Furthermore, they can help me out with their broad range of contacts in the


Rubén is still a student at the University of Vigo, and as a side job he helps out at the sports service.
Rubén coordinates the university sports teams and the university sports leagues. He is also involved
in the “HappyGoRunning” event and in charge of the volunteers. I will help him recruiting those.


Claudia is another student worker who is studying translation. She is coordinating the Active Campus
Europe (ACE) project, translating texts from Galician/Spanish to English and helps in different
administrative tasks. I will help hear in the ACE project by translating from German to English and
helping her to improve the program by using my knowledge as sport professional. Claudia is open
and approachable.


Magdalena is an intern from Poland with a Masters in logistics, administration and transportation.
She is involved in the ACE project and administrative issues. Her English is good and she speaks a bit
of Spanish and Galician. She is very approachable and helpful. We share an office and going to help
each other out in our daily tasks by brainstorming together and giving constructive feedback.


Iago is a Galician student worker as well. His background is in communication and his English is good
enough to understand each other if I slow down my talking. He will be one of my closest alleys in the
promotion of the “HappyGoRunning” event. Together we will work on promotion plans and the
execution. Iago sometimes forgets about things so that I will take care that we finish our tasks.


Yilmaz is Turkish Erasmus student with a bachelor in Sports Coaching. He is in charge of the Train and
Talk program. His English is good and he prefers a casual way of communication. Sometimes he is a
bit too easy going so that I will try to help him accomplish his tasks successfully.

International and intercultural environment

The sports department of the University of Vigo is located in an international environment unknown
to me. I will have to pay more attention to what I say and how I phrase it not to offend any of my co-
workers. As I am going to work with people from Poland, Turkey, and Spain/Galicia I must consider
the different cultures, their values, and beliefs. One interesting aspect I will be cautious with is the
regional point of view regarding the independence of Galicia region from the rest of Spain. The
people of Galicia speak a Galician and have their own traditions and values. There is an ongoing
struggle between the province and the state of Spain.
Also, the Galician people have a different life rhythm, like different times for breaks and eating.
Moreover, currently there is a huge feminism movement going on fighting the patriarchal order. As I
grew up in a context in which gender equality is no problem I will try to emphasize the people and
their need to fight for their rights.
From my research about the Hispanic culture I found out that they are masters in finding last-minute
solutions. A commonly used word is “tranquilo” which means as much as “stay cool/calm” it reflects
their approach and believes that everything will work out just fine. I am looking forward to
experiencing a different way of approaching work like the one I am used to. I believe that this
experience will add value to my intercultural understanding and the development of my professional
In order to understand the perspective of the host organization better I will keep asking open
questions, observe their way of working and also consider the role of the sports department in the
bigger context of being part of a big public university.

Javier Rial Jakob Kunert
Head of Sports Services - University of Vigo Student intern - University of Vigo


Image 1 - Organigram Sport, Health & Well-being department and Services

Image 2 - Happy Go running promotion channels

Image 2 - GANTT Chart

Image 3 - Organigram Sports Health & Well-being department (March 2018

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