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Andrew Qian


Bullet Outline
● Problem - high amounts of traumatic brain injury cases every year, yet no
effective way to heal it
● A lot of focus in regards to this topic has shifted to glial cells, and the role they
play in the brain, especially during brain healing.
Overview of Research Direction:
● Research Question​ - What is the effect of glial cells, especially astrocytes, on TBI
and neuroplasticity?
● Main focus is on astrocytes, type of glial cell, and the role that they play in
neuroplasticity, which is ​the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new
neural​ ​connections throughout life.
● Researching whether or not astrocytes, and the gliotransmitters that they release,
have any effect on regulating neuroplasticity. If so, whether or not that process
can be stimulated to be enhanced.
Hypothesis and Thesis:
● Hypothesis​ - ​If we stimulate astrocytes in the brain, the astrocytes will begin an
increased release of gliotransmitters, enhancing neurogenesis and promote
● Working Thesis​ - Stimulating Astrocytes through various techniques will result in
an increased release of gliotransmitters from astrocytes, which will then prompt a
more regenerative response from the brain as the gliotransmitters help to regulate
faster neurogenesis.
Control 1: Stimulating Astrocytes
Astrocytes are known to release gliotransmitters after it bonds to neurotransmitters released from
other cells in the brain. These gliotransmitters help to regulate many neuronal processes.
-Gliotransmitter Release from Astrocytes: Functional, Developmental, and Pathological Implications in the Brain. (Harada, K.,
Kamiya, T., & Tsuboi, T. (2015)).
Control 2: Ensuring Neurogenesis Happens at the Right Area
Neuroplasticity helps the brain recover from injury. However, this stimulation must be controlled
and made sure that it does not lead to harmful effects in the brain.
-​How Do Astrocytes Participate in Neural Plasticity? (Haydon, Philip G., and Maiken Nedergaard.)
-What Is Neuroplasticity? (Campbell, Celeste.)


● Traumatic Brain Injury affects hundreds of thousands of people every year, and leads to
tens of thousands of deaths, as well as may chronic injuries
● Further research would lead to ability to decrease lives lost/amount of chronic injuries.

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