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Poison Gas

WWI Modern

By Ava Wilkinson
Poison Gas was especially
A Zeppelin is a large used to disable or kill an
German dirigible airship enemy in warfare. German
during the 20th century. forces used this war
It revoltonized warfare tactect at the time. It was
because it could be used used occasionaly in an-
to spy on other coun- cient times but was used
tries from the air and more frequently during
later, drop bombs. The WWI because it was more
Germans used this a lot. effective.
Convoys Automatic machine
U-Boats gun

A convoy is a group of ships

traveling together. Convoys A machine gun is a
revolutionized warfare be- fully automatic
A U-Boat was a Ger- cause it created protection mounted or portable
man submarine used for other war ships. The
British used convoys. firearm. It revolution-
during WWI. It ized warfare bedause
changed warfare be- you could shoot guns
cause it created a Airplane
a lot faster and they
new way to attack were more effective.
other countries,
which was under wa- Sources:
ter. The Germans al-
so used this. introduce-poison-gas

Airplanes became more

sophisticated throughout age-unrestricted-warfare/
WWI and revolutionized
warfare because countries
were now able to drop convoy-system-introducedhttps:
bombs on other countries.

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