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Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 00:00–00 (2014)

Quantitative Contrast-Enhanced MRI with

Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles Using Ultrashort
Time-to-Echo Pulse Sequences
Codi Amir Gharagouzloo,1,2 Patrick N. McMahon,1,3 and Srinivas Sridhar1,2,3*

Purpose: Conventional MRI using contrast agents is semi- imaging toolbox. Advances in patient monitoring and
quantitative because it is inherently sensitive to extravoxular follow-up need to be quantitative, objective, specific,
susceptibility artifacts, field inhomogeneity, partial voluming, sensitive, reproducible, and safe (1–3). Currently, only
perivascular effects, and motion/flow artifacts. Herein we dem- nuclear medicine provides an effective means of quanti-
onstrate a quantitative contrast-enhanced MRI technique using fying contrast agents (CAs) in vivo (4). However, the
ultrashort time-to-echo pulse sequences for measuring clini- radioisotopes involved in these procedures are hazard-
cally relevant concentrations of ferumoxytol, a superparamag- ous, thus the use of nuclear medicine is not warranted
netic iron oxide nanoparticle contrast agent with high for repeat structural and functional imaging (5). Clinical
sensitivity and precision in vitro and in vivo.
implementation of alternative quantitative imaging tech-
Methods: The method achieves robust, reproducible results by
niques could revolutionize patient care.
using rapid signal acquisition at ultrashort time-to-echo (UTE) to
produce positive contrast images with pure T1 weighting and little MRI provides information about blood and tissue with-
T2* decay. The spoiled gradient echo equation is used to transform out the use of harmful radiation. Over the last decade,
UTE intensities directly into concentration using experimentally many researchers have attempted to collect and analyze
determined relaxivity constants and image acquisition parameters. MRI data in a quantifiable manner (6). MRI, however,
Results: A multiparametric optimization of acquisition parame- remains semiquantitative because it is inherently sensitive
ters revealed an optimal zone capable of producing high- to extravoxular susceptibility artifacts, field inhomogene-
fidelity measurements. Clinically relevant intravascular concen- ity, partial voluming, perivascular effects, and motion/
trations of ferumoxytol were measured longitudinally in mice flow artifacts (7). Imaging techniques that employ a time-
with high sensitivity and precision (7.1% error). MRI meas- to-echo (TE) of half a millisecond or more are particularly
urements were independently validated by elemental iron anal-
susceptible to heterogeneous signal modifications and are
ysis of sequential blood draws. Automated segmentation of
therefore difficult to interpret (8). Despite the relationship
ferumoxytol concentration yielded high quality three-
dimensional images for visualization of perfusion. between MRI signal intensity and CA concentration being
Conclusions: This ability to longitudinally quantify blood pool widely recognized to be complex and nonlinear (8,9), cur-
CA concentration is unique to quantitative UTE contrast- rent models for contrast CA quantification assume a linear
enhanced (QUTE-CE) MRI and makes QUTE-CE MRI competi- relationship between signal intensity and CA concentra-
tive with nuclear imaging. Magn Reson Med 000:000–000, tion or a linear relationship between CA concentration
2014. V C 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. and relaxation rate (10–13). The error for these models
varies from 15% to 30% (Table 1), which is attributed to
Key words: quantification; ultrashort TE (UTE); ferumoxytol;
superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticle (SPION)
complicated in vivo signal artifacts, such as flow, organ
movement, and susceptibility changes. Given the current
limitations in absolutely quantitative MRI, new acquisi-
tion and analysis methods are greatly needed.
INTRODUCTION We report a quantitative contrast-enhanced MRI tech-
The ability to measure structural and functional features nique that uses an ultrashort time-to-echo (UTE) to generate
of health and disease is limited by our current clinical positive-contrast images of superparamagnetic iron oxide
nanoparticles (SPIONs) in vivo. Ultrafast (e.g., 10–200 ms)
1 signal acquisition has the benefit of producing positive con-
Nanomedicine Science and Technology Center, Northeastern University,
Boston, Massachusetts, USA. trast images instead of dark contrast images by acquiring
Department of Bioengineering, Northeastern University, Boston, Massa- signal before tissue magnetization in the transverse plane
chusetts, USA. dephases (14), thus allowing complete T1 contrast enhance-
Department of Physics, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. ment from SPIONs (15). We hypothesize that UTE is
*Correspondence to: Srinivas Sridhar, 110 Dana, 360 Huntington Avenue, uniquely suited for measuring the concentration from clini-
Boston, MA 02115. E-mail:
cally relevant concentrations of FDA-approved ferumoxy-
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of
this article. tol. Here, we demonstrate that quantitative UTE contrast-
Grant sponsor: National Institutes of Health (NIH); grant number: HHS/ enhanced (QUTE-CE) MRI is a robust technique for quanti-
1U54CA151881 CORE1; grant sponsor: Center for Integration of Medicine
& Innovative Technology (CIMIT); grant number: 13–1087; National Science fying blood pool ferumoxytol in vitro error 3.0% and in
Foundation (NSF) IGERT fellowship (awarded to CAG) under NSF-DGE- vivo 7.1% error in the clinical range. The image acquisition
0965843. method is anchored in theory and is compatible with exist-
Received 5 June 2014; revised 9 July 2014; accepted 2 August 2014
ing clinical SPION formulations and scanners, thus QUTE-
DOI 10.1002/mrm.25426
Published online 00 Month 2014 in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary. CE MRI shows high potential as a quantitative imaging
com). method that is immediately applicable to human scans.
C 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
V 1
2 Gharagouzloo et al.

Table 1
Reported Precision of CA Quantification Using MRI
Method Percent error CA ROI Scan time Study
QUTE-CE 7.1% in vivo, Ferumoxytol Vasculature 8 min, 22s Present study
3.0% in vitro (SPION)
In vivo
Dynamic contrast-enhanced 15.4% 6 4% Gadolinium Tissue 1.12 s/slice; Walker-Samuel
MRI with vascular input 4 min, 40 s total et al. (12)
Dynamic contrast-enhanced 30.63% Gadodiamide Vasculature 5 s/slice; Schabel and
MRI 6–9 min total Parker (11)
Gradient echo fast field echo 12.7% 6 9.1% SPION Tumor 3.22 s/slice; Langley et al. (31)
4 min, 18 s total
In vitro
Delta relaxation enhanced MRI 8.2% 6 11.7% Gadofluorine M Phantom 12 min, 48 s/slice Hoelscher et al. (32)
Susceptibility gradient mapping 11.14% SPION Phantom 2 min, 30 s Zhao et al. (30)
Quantitative susceptibility 1.2% Gadolinium Phantom 0.6 s/slice de Rochefort
imaging et al. (9)
Rapid acquisition with 24.13% Fluorine based Stem cells 7 min, 46 s Srinivas et al. (13)
refocuses echoes in pancreas

THEORY Under these approximations, the UTE signal intensity

can be approximated by the spoiled gradient echo
The image intensity in a given voxel measured by
(SPGR) equation (16)
QUTE-CE MRI is a function of both image acquisition
and material parameters: 1  eTRR1
I¼Kr  eTER2  sin u  [3]
1  eTRR1  cos u
I ¼ fðTE; TR; u: T1 ; T2 : K; rÞ
1  eTRðR10 þr1 CÞ
I¼Kr  eTEðR20 þr2 CÞ  sin u  [4]
where TE is the time-to-echo, TR is the repetition time, 1  eTRðR10 þr1 CÞ  cos u
and u is the flip angle. TE, TR, and u are image acquisi-
tion parameters defined by the user. T1 and T2* are the Once the relaxivity constants have been obtained, the
longitudinal and transverse relaxation times, respec- image acquisition parameters have been established, and
tively, that depend on the medium under investigation Kq has been calibrated, unknown SPION concentrations
and the magnetic field strength. K is the constant that can be quantified experimentally using Equation [4].
relates the UTE signal intensity as seen by the coil and q This procedure was validated both in vitro and in vivo
is the proton density of the medium. For ultrashort TE using the techniques described below.
values, T2* effectively equals T2.
T1 and T2 can be written in terms of their reciprocals,
called relaxation rates R1 and R2, respectively, for the METHODS
facile determination of relaxivity constants. For imaging QUTE-CE uses CA-induced T1 shortening, combined
at a single magnetic field strength (7T in this study), the with rapid signal acquisition at UTEs, to minimize T2*
explicit field dependence is omitted. Here, the medium decay. The procedure is summarized in Figure 1. The
under investigation is ferumoxytol (Feraheme, AMAG relevant steps are as follows:
Pharmaceuticals, Waltham, Massachusetts, USA) uni-
formly mixed in blood. Thus, R1 and R2 are a function of 1. Calibration phantoms containing blood (1% hepa-
the initial relaxation rate of the blood (R10 and R20 ), the rin) are doped with clinically relevant concentra-
longitudinal and transverse relaxivities (r1 and r2), and tions of ferumoxytol (0–150 mg/mL);
ferumoxytol at given concentrations C. 2. for each calibration sample, T1 and T2 are meas-
For concentrations in which the relaxation rate is linear, ured, from which R10 , r1, R20 , and r2 can be extrapo-
lated (Supplementary Fig. 1);
R1 ¼ R10 þ r1 :C [1] 3. a UTE protocol is established with optimized TE,
R2 ¼ R20 þ r2 :C [2] TR, and u image acquisition parameters and a fixed

FIG. 1. Flow chart for ferumoxytol blood concentration measurements. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available
QUTE-CE MRI with Ferumoxytol 3

trajectory (17,18), precalculated with a symmetric ity measurements were made inside a 72-mm Bruker
phantom; quad coil.
4. K is measured together with q as Kq, assuming the The relaxivity of calf blood was determined to be com-
proton density of whole blood is constant, and parable to that of mouse blood, and all calculations using
serves as a calibration for the given UTE protocol; relaxivity constants were performed using the average fit-
5. positive-contrast images using the optimized param- tings from the three separate measurements: R10 ¼
eters are acquired in vivo; and 0.85 s1, r1 ¼ 2.12 mM1s1, R20 ¼ 53.22 s1, and
6. CA concentrations in each voxel are calculated r2 ¼ 33.15 mM1s1 (Supplementary Fig. 1, Supplemen-
directly from UTE signal intensity by application of tary Table 1) [conversion factor: concentration iron (in
the theory described below. mM) ¼ concentration iron (in mg/mL)/55.845]. For com-
parison, the longitudinal relaxivity was similar to one
reported in the literature at 7.1T of 2 mM1s1, albeit
Characterization of Ferumoxytol Relaxivity in Blood for water (19). The r2 for water was 95 mM1s1, the dif-
MRI images were obtained at ambient temperature ference attributed here as either influenced by the media
(25 C) using a Bruker Biospec 7.0T/20-cm USR hori- under study (blood versus water) or inaccuracies in the
zontal magnet (Bruker, Billerica, Massachusetts, USA) multiecho spin-echo measurements. Nevertheless, T2/
and a 20-G/cm magnetic field gradient insert T2* decay for the experiments made herein would be
(ID ¼ 12 cm) capable of a 120-ms rise time (Bruker). negligible; even at a ferumoxytol concentration as high
1% whole heparinized male Swiss Webster mouse as 150 mg/mL, an r2 of 100 mM1s1 would only amount
blood (BioChemed Services, Winchester, Virginia, USA) to a 0.29% decay of signal from the SPGR equation at
and calf blood (Lampire Biological Laboratories, Otts- TE ¼ 120 ms (the high range for the optimization experi-
ville, Pennsylvania, USA) was stored at 4 C for 0–11 ment) or a 0.03% decay at TE ¼ 13 ms (the value used for
days until experiments. in vitro and in vivo experiments); consequently, inaccur-
R10 and r1 were measured with a variable TR spin- acies in this measurement played a negligible role in our
echo sequence and R20 and r2 were measured with a calculations.
multiecho spin-echo sequence with TR fixed. ParaVison
5.1 software was used to draw regions of interest (ROIs) Kq Calibration
and calculate relaxation rate values. Decay curves
were fit with a monoexponential decay equation to cal- Unlike the four relaxivity constants in Equation [4],
=T2 which only need to be measured for each magnetic field
culate T2, y ¼ AþC1 e , and a monoexponential strength, Kq is a constant that needs to be determined for
growth saturation recovery equation to calculate T1, each imaging protocol, as it depends on acquisition
=T1 parameters (TE, TR, u, matrix size) and coil hardware.
y ¼ AþC2 ð1  e Þ, where A is the absolute bias, C1
is the signal intensity at TE ¼ 0, and C2 is the signal Thereafter, Kq can be used for all subsequent scans. Cali-
intensity at TR ¼ 1 (Supplementary Fig. 1, Supplemen- brating Kq is straightforward and was executed using the
tary Table 1). Three separate experiments were per- following steps:
formed and the relaxivities were averaged to reduce
1. Ferumoxytol-doped blood was prepared at known
statistical error. In one experiment, 2-mL ferumoxytol-
doped blood phantoms were scanned one at a time
2. A UTE protocol with specific acquisition parame-
(mouse blood), whereas in two other experiments, six
ters was performed using the phantoms as prepared
ferumoxytol doped phantoms filled with calf blood (0–
from Step 1.
250 mg/mL ferumoxytol) were arranged in pentagonal
3. ROIs were drawn on the images inside the vials in
fashion, with the 0 mg/mL vial at the center. Only meas-
the center z-axis axial slice of the three-dimensional
urements from 0–150 mg/mL ferumoxytol were used to
(3D) image to obtain a mean intensity and standard
calculate relaxivity to remain in the linear relaxation
rate regime. For T1 measurements, the image acquisition
4. The intensity from Step 3 was used in conjunction
parameters were as follows: field of view (FOV) ¼ 5  5
with the SPGR equation to determine Kq (TE, TR, u,
cm2; 2 mm slice thickness, TE ¼ 4.2 ms; TR ¼ 100–2500
C are known parameters, and relaxivity constants
ms; rare factor of 1; 17 min, 26 s scan time. No satura-
were measured in a previous experiment).
tion pulse was used, and the maximum TR of 2500 ms
5. The average value of Kq was taken as a calibration
was greater than 5 T1 for all doped blood concentra-
tions. For T2 measurements, the image acquisition
parameters were as follows: FOV ¼ 5  5 cm2; 3 mm Once this procedure was completed, Kq was used for
slice thickness; TR ¼ 1500 ms; TE ¼ 4.2–133.2 ms (30 all subsequent quantitative calculations using this
echoes); 4 min, 34 s scan time. The large range of TE protocol.
values was needed to accommodate all concentrations
present in the imaging space. Decay and growth curve
In Vivo Experimental Procedure
fits can be found in Supplementary Figures 2, 3, and 4.
For mouse blood, ferumoxytol-doped phantoms were All animal experiments were conducted in accordance
placed inside the coil individually to reduce noise, and with the Northeastern University Division of Laboratory
TE and TR values were adjusted for each concentration Animal Medicine and Institutional Animal Care and Use
range individually for optimal curve fitting. All relaxiv- Committee The same quadrature 300 MHz, 30 mm
4 Gharagouzloo et al.

Mouse MRI coil was used for all in vivo work (Animal blood. Briefly, preparation of IONP-doped media
Imaging Research, LLC, Holden, Massachusetts, USA). involved the full digestion of the sample in a Milestone
Healthy anesthetized Swiss Webster mice (n ¼ 5) received Ethos Plus Microwave. Full digestion was achieved by
a one-time intravenous bolus injection of 0.4–0.8 mg feru- taking 0.1 mL of sample and adding 6 mL of concen-
moxytol for a starting blood pool concentration of 100– trated nitric acid, 2 mL of hydrogen peroxide, and 2 mL
200 mg/mL (diluted to 4 mg/mL in phosphate-buffered of pure water and running a protocol on the microwave
saline) and were imaged longitudinally after injection (0, that ramped the temperature up to 210 C for 15 minutes.
2, and 4 h). Precontrast images were also acquired. Given Following digestion, the samples were dried, resus-
the assumption that blood in mice is about 7% of body pended in 5 mL of 2% nitric acid, and measured using
weight, for a 50-g mouse an initial yield of 115–230 mg/ ICP-AES. A standard curve using a monoelemental iron
mL was predicted. This is similar to clinical concentra- was run to ensure high instrument fidelity (r2 ¼ 1.000).
tions where an injection of 510 mg produces a blood con- Each data set (n ¼ 5) was fitted with the pooled slope
centration of about 100 mg/mL for a total blood volume in and average intercept (n ¼ 3 per set) to account for offsets
the average adult human of 5 L. in baseline iron content, for a total of n ¼ 15 in vivo
A single UTE protocol was used for all images. To measurements.
establish the UTE protocol, the following parameters
were fixed: FOV ¼ 3  3  3 cm3; matrix mesh size ¼ 200 RESULTS
 200  200; TE ¼ 13 ms; TR ¼ 4 ms; and u ¼ 20 . TR
was slightly higher than the optimal value because of 3D UTE-CE Imaging with Ferumoxytol
hardware and memory constraints. We analyzed a 50-mL 3D UTE-CE imaging with ferumoxytol produced unique
cylindrical phantom filled with 5 mM CuS04 to deter- images, as most organs that are completely invisible
mine the k-trajectories for image reconstruction. without SPIONs contrast become visible with SPIONs
contrast (Fig. 2a,c). Precontrast signal from blood enter-
Image Processing ing the periphery of the image space into the stomach
was apparent because of incoming water protons with
Reconstructed 3D intensity image data were rescaled back
fresh longitudinal magnetization compared with those
to the original intensity measurement (as necessary with
that had already been saturated. Postcontrast images ren-
Bruker file format files, one must divide by the receiver
dered high CNR images of all the vasculature in which
gain and multiply by scaling factor called SLOPE). Inten-
nanoparticle iron circulated (Fig. 2b,c). Thus, UTE
sity data were then converted to concentration via theory
allowed for completely T1-weighted snapshot images of
using a custom MATLAB (MathWorks, Natick, Massachu-
CA distributed in vivo. This is atypical in MRI, in which
setts, USA) script to solve numerically the nonlinear
contrast is usually added or subtracted from already
SPGR intensity in Equation [4]. The signal-to-noise ratio
apparent regions, and more like nuclear imaging techni-
(SNR) is defined as the average signal from an ROI
ques, from which image contrast is solely dependent on
divided by the standard deviation of the noise, as meas-
CA location and concentration.
ured in an ROI located in air outside the sample. For the
contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) in phantoms, the mean sig-
nal from undoped blood intensity was subtracted from 100 UTE Experiments Reveal an Optimal Zone at 7T
the measurement made in doped blood; for in vivo meas- The ability to predict CA concentrations from UTE inten-
urements, tissue surrounding the vasculature was used sity using the SPGR equation is influenced by image
for contrast. The time-adjusted SNR and CNR takepinto ffiffiffiffiffiffiffi acquisition parameters TE, TR, and u. A 3D UTE radial
account the duration of the scan by dividing by TR, k-space sequence (readily available from the Bruker tool-
which normalizes SNR and CNR by the scan time. box) was selected, and the following imaging protocol
was established: FOV ¼ 3  3  3 cm3; matrix mesh
Autosegmentation Using 3DSlicer size ¼ 128  128  128; and 51,360 radials, which ren-
3D autosegmentation was rendered with 3DSlicer (http:// dered 234 mm x-y-z resolution images with a 3-min scan (20) using established modules. First, all time for TR ¼ 3.5 ms. The image reconstruction trajectory
voxels within the range of the mean concentration 6 2.5 was fixed using a 5-mM copper sulfate (CuSO4) phantom
standard deviations as measured in the left ventricle constructed from a 50-mL centrifuge tube. Experiments
were selected (ThresholdEffect module). The GrowCut were performed on whole calf and mouse blood (1%
algorithm module was then used to separate out the vas- heparin) doped with ferumoxytol (0–250 mg/mL). We
culature from the rest of the image. The ChangeLabel used a high bandwidth radiofrequency pulse to avoid
Effect module was used to uniquely select the vascula- complications for cases in which a low bandwidth com-
ture segment, for which a model was created with the pared with T2* may cause a curved trajectory for the
Model Maker module. magnetization vector Mz out of the z-plane (21). Assum-
ing T2* ≈ T2 at UTE values, the 200 kHz band-
width yielded ultrafast excitation compared with the
Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission lowest T2 value of 5.5 ms at 150 mg/mL. All experiments
performed on acquisition parameters optimization were
Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectros- performed with a 72-mm Bruker quad coil.
copy (ICP-AES) was performed to analyze the iron-oxide For calf blood, 100 scans were executed covering com-
nanoparticle (IONP) content in doped whole animal binations of five TEs (13, 30, 60, 90, and 120 ms), five
QUTE-CE MRI with Ferumoxytol 5

FIG. 2. 3D radial UTE images of fer-

umoxytol injection in mice. a, b:
Precontrast (a) and postcontrast (b)
image of the whole upper body
(5 cm3 isotropic FOV, 250 mm3 iso-
tropic resolution, TE ¼ 13 ms, TR ¼ 8
ms, u ¼ 16 ). c, d: Precontrast (c)
and postcontrast (d) images of the
thoracic region (3 cm3 isotropic
FOV, 150 mm3 isotropic resolution,
TE ¼ 13 ms, TR ¼ 3.5 ms, u ¼ 20 ).

TRs (3.5, 5, 7, 9, and 11 ms), and four us (10 , 15 , 20 , between the measured signal intensity and the SPGR
and 25 ). Six 2-mL phantoms of ferumoxytol-doped calf equation for known concentrations at the optimized
blood at (0–250 mg/mL ferumoxytol) were arranged in parameters was excellent (Fig. 3d). The absolute values
pentagonal fashion with the 0 mg/mL vial at the center for SNR and CNR at 150 mg/mL ferumoxytol in the opti-
inside of a 72-mm Bruker quad coil. Kq was calibrated mal zone were 72 and 57, respectively (Fig. 3e). The
per image, with the 0 concentration exceptionally time-corrected SNR and CNR also tended to be higher in
excluded in calculations because the noise from sur- the optimal zone (Supplementary Fig. 5). Relaxation rate
rounding high concentrations rendered a poor measure- measurements were repeated after the experiment to
ment. It was found that higher concentration UTE ensure that no blood coagulation was present (Supple-
signals deviated from their optimal values from the mentary Fig. 1). These results validate the use of the
SPGR equation, owing to the nonlinear behavior of the SPGR equation (Eq. [4]) to determine unknown concen-
relaxation rate at high concentrations, thus only 0, 50, trations and are the basis of QUTE-CE MRI.
100 and 150 mg/ml phantoms were considered in the To ensure validity of phantom measurements, experi-
analysis in Figure 3. The results are thus relevant for ments were repeated with mouse blood with five TEs
clinical concentrations of ferumoxytol, considering 100 (14, 30, 60, 90, and 120 ms) and five TRs (4, 5, 7, 9, and
mg/mL is roughly equivalent to a single intravenous 11 ms) at u ¼ 20 (Supplementary Fig. 6). Six 2-mL vials
bolus of 510 mg in adult humans. Accuracy was of ferumoxytol (50, 75, 100, 125, 150, and 175 mg/mL)
observed to be most stable at TE ¼ 13 ms, TR ¼ 3.5 ms, were arranged around a center vial of 5 mM CuSO4 .The
and u ¼ 20 (Fig. 3a). In this optimal zone, the average same pattern for the optimal zone was confirmed in
in vitro error between QUTE-CE measurements and mouse blood, with absolute concentration errors similar
known ferumoxytol concentrations was <4 mg/mL, but to the previous experiment.
increased significantly as TR and u deviated (Fig. 3b).
However, changes in TE up to 120 ms had little impact
QUTE-CE Calibration and Validation for Mouse Imaging
on concentration measurements (Fig. 3c). This informa-
tion is crucial for obtaining precise concentration meas- The same imaging protocol and coil was used as for in
urements from theory, and to our knowledge represents vivo experiments (see Methods). Phantoms (0–150 mg/mL
the first such account in the literature. The agreement ferumoxytol) were placed one at a time for calibration of
6 Gharagouzloo et al.

FIG. 3. Optimization of QUTE-CE image acquisition parameters. a: Heatmap of the standard error in concentration as a function of u,
TE, and TR. The lowest error is observed at u ¼ 20 , TE ¼ 13 ms, and TR ¼ 3.5 ms. b: Variation in the measurement residual by changing
TR, with the optimal curve shown in blue. Fixed parameters: u ¼ 20 and TE ¼ 13 ms. c: Variation in the measurement residual by chang-
ing TE, with the optimal curve shown in blue. Fixed parameters: u ¼ 20 and TR ¼ 3.5 ms. d: Agreement between measured signal inten-
sity (circles) and theory (dashed line) under optimal image acquisition parameters for samples with known concentrations. e: Measured
SNR (black) and CNR (gray) ratio as a function of ferumoxytol concentration under optimal image acquisition parameters. [Color figure
can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]

Kq to produce ideal images with low noise (Fig. 4a). To assess in vitro performance of QUTE-CE MRI,
This protocol and calibration was used for all subsequent doped phantoms were created by serial dilution of feru-
in vitro and in vivo experiments. moxytol from 128 and 96 mg/mL. 3D UTE was performed
QUTE-CE MRI with Ferumoxytol 7

FIG. 4. Measurement of ferumoxytol concentration in whole calf blood phantoms. a: Measured Kq values (circles) and the calibration
value (dotted line) set to the average value from doped vials demonstrates that Kq is constant for the concentraiton range of interest at
optimal imaging parameters (u ¼ 20 , TE ¼ 13 ms, TR ¼ 4 ms). b: Agreement between measured and actual ferumoxytol concentration for
phantoms containing concentrations of ferumoxytol (circles). Line y ¼ x (dotted line) is shown for comparison. Inset: Linear regression
residuals about y ¼ x for experimental measurements. c: 2D positive-contrast slice image from a 3D optimized UTE pulse sequence.
Phantoms contain 128, 96, 64, and 0 mg/mL ferumoxytol, respectively (counterclockwise). d: Corresponding ferumoxytol concentration
as calculated by theory. e: Concentration profile along the z-axis of the doped phantoms demonstrates the effect of B1 inhomogeneity
on concentration measurements. Measurements are always most precise in the center (z-axis slice position ¼ 0). [Color figure can be
viewed in the online issue, which is available at]
8 Gharagouzloo et al.

FIG. 5. Measurement of ferumoxytol concentration in vivo. a: Representative precontrast QUTE-CE image rendered with 3DSlicer, dem-
onstrating that the mouse interior is invisible. b: Corresponding postcontrast image of a mouse treated with a 0.4- to 0.8-mg bolus of
ferumoxytol, showing clear delineation of the thoracic vasculature. c: Automated segmentation, centered at one standard deviation of
the measured mean, allows reconstruction of regions containing the contrast agent. d: Agreement between ferumoxytol concentration
measured by QUTE-CE MRI (in vivo) and ICP-AES (ex vivo, of drawn blood). Inset: Measured residuals show excellent agreement, with
an average of 7.07% error (6.01 6 4.93 mg/mL, maximum 13.5 mg/mL error). Inset: Representative 2D slice positive-contrast image dem-
onstrating ROI placement for the QUTE-CE image analysis. e: Measured ferumoxytol blood concentration as a function of time, demon-
strating sufficient accuracy to permit calculation of contrast agent half-life by imaging alone.

and concentrations were calculated voxel by voxel for ity was most significant for the highest concentrations,
images containing multiple phantoms (Supplementary adding about 10% error to the 128 mg/mL phantom at a
Fig. 7). A linear correlation (R2 ¼ 0.998) was observed distance of 50 mm.
between the measured and known ferumoxytol concen-
trations (Fig. 4b). The average residual error in measured
Quantification of Blood Pool Ferumoxytol In Vivo
concentration was found to be 2.57 6 1.34 mg/mL, or
3.04% for samples between 48 and 128 mg/mL (Fig. 3b, Comparison of the precontrast (Fig. 5a) and postcontrast
insert). Measurements were taken at the center of the z- (Fig. 5b) images showed positive-contrast enhancement,
axis in the imaging space, after converting from UTE facilitating clear delineation of the mouse vasculature
intensity to concentration (Fig. 4c,d), to minimize inho- with a comparable SNR (23.2–49.4) and CNR (4.0–41.5)
mogeneous effects from imperfect transmit field (Bþ 1 ) and to similar ferumoxytol concentrations in vitro. 3-D seg-
receive (B1 ) homogeneity. We assessed the effect of B1 mentation with 3DSlicer, centered the measured mean
inhomogeneity on concentration measurements as a concentration 6 2.5 standard deviations, allowed recon-
function of distance deviated from the center z-axis struction of numerous vessels (Fig. 5c). To quantify feru-
along the tubular phantoms as far as possible in the 3D moxytol concentration in blood, blood (200 mL) was
images (Fig. 4e, Supplementary Fig. 8). B1 inhomogene- drawn after each imaging session and its iron content
QUTE-CE MRI with Ferumoxytol 9

was measured by ICP-AES analysis (Fig. 5d, Supplemen- concentration, including UTE, we were able to use the
tary Fig. 9). QUTE-CE proved to be highly accurate, with SPGR equation to accurately measure ferumoxytol con-
an average of 7.07% (6.01 6 4.93 mg/mL) error across all centrations in vitro and in vivo. This optimized UTE
15 measurements (concentrations 30–160 mg/mL). The protocol allows signals to be acquired microseconds after
maximum observed residual error in vivo was 13.50 mg/ excitation, before cross-talk between voxels can occur,
mL, compared to 5.0 mg/mL in vitro (Fig. 5d, inset). The thereby eliminating both extravoxular susceptibility and
linear correlation coefficient between ICP-AES and flow effects. Indeed, the average blood flow velocity in
QUTE-CE measurements was R2 ¼ 0.954. The QUTE-CE mice is 10–100 mm/s (excluding the largest arteries)
ROI for quantification was routinely drawn in left ventri- (33), thus blood displacement is two orders of magnitude
cle throughout several slices (Fig. 5d, insert) and ana- less than the voxel size during image acquisition. A low
lyzed in a blinded manner. Almost all ROIs were within TR suppresses flow effects for concentration quantifica-
5 mm of the center of the z-axis, which minimized error tion as well as suppressing precontrast tissue signal, ren-
from B1 inhomogeneity; thus there was no correlation dering high SNR and CNR ratios similar to those
between error and distance to the center of the z-axis. observed in vitro. Importantly, this optimization of the
Longitudinal measurements of ferumoxytol concentration UTE protocol yields a strong correlation between the
in vivo showed a clear, reproducible decay in blood pool theory and experimental measurements, allowing the
concentration, making it possible to measure the half-life QUTE-CE image contrast to be quantified with a preci-
of the CA from images alone. The ferumoxytol half-life sion two to four times that of other reported techniques.
was found to be 3.92 6 0.45 h, with an average Longitudinal QUTE-CE measurements can be used to
R2 ¼ 0.988 across five mice (Fig. 5e). determine pharmacokinetic parameters. We have demon-
strated the ability to distinguish time-dependent changes
in blood pool ferumoxytol concentration with a precision
of 0.1 mM at 7T up to 3 M for the estimation of CA
Ferumoxytol and other SPIONs are generally considered half-life. These measurements were independently vali-
poor candidates for quantitative imaging due to their dated ex vivo using ICP-AES. The ferumoxytol half-life
high T2* relaxivity, which results in negative-contrast measured in mice by QUTE-CE MRI (3.92 6 0.45 h) is
imaging (22). However, the biocompatibility of SPIONs comparable to that measured by others using radiola-
makes them an attractive candidate for nanoparticle beled ferumoxytol in rats (3.9 h) and rabbits (4.4 h) (34).
contrast-enhanced MRI (23–25), and even as an alterna- Importantly, QUTE-CE concentration measurements are
tive to the widely used gadolinium contrast agents, extrapolated directly from UTE signal intensities, with-
which is now recognized to result in nephrotoxicity, par- out pharmacokinetic modeling or image registration. As
ticularly for renally impaired patients (26,27). Quantifi- such, no assumptions about tissue structure or function,
cation of SPIONs using ultrafast acquisition with UTE or or heterogeneities contained therein, are required for
SWIFT pulse sequences is currently under investigation concentration analyses. This ability to longitudinally
(28,29). Our use of the UTE pulse sequence, which quantify blood pool CA concentration is unique to
allows us to acquire a signal before the transverse mag- QUTE-CE MRI.
netization is dephased (14), takes advantage of the r1 Transitioning QUTE-CE MRI for clinical use will
relaxivity of SPIONs. The ferumoxytol concentration is require overcoming several additional challenges. Utili-
directly extrapolated from measured signal intensity by zation on clinical machines may result in larger B0 and
using the SPGR equation, which describes the signal B1 inhomogeneity. The placement of the coil can vary
evolution and holds true under the optimized conditions between patients on a clinical machine, which can lead
studied here. to additional error resulting from the varying B0 profile.
Published methods to quantify CA concentration Standardization of patient placement may be effective in
(Table 1) generally rely on the linear relationship reducing this error. B1 inhomogeneity may be greater in
between measured signal intensity or R1 relaxation rate larger coils, thus the extent to which B1 inhomogeneity
and concentration. There still remains a high degree of is present should be determined for x, y and z locations
error with this approach in vivo, reported on the order of within the coil. We have shown that measurements
15%-30% (11–13), due to heterogeneous, nonlinear sig- taken at the coil center in vitro minimized this effect. A
nal changes that are not adequately described by theory future improvement of the technique could include rapid
when measuring in vivo. Complex nonlinear modeling Bþ1 mapping to correct for inhomogeneity (35) or use of a
has shown limited success (9,30,31) (13% 6 9% error in homogeneous phantom to accompany patients for back-
vivo) but is sensitive to magnetic susceptibility, imper- calculating the flip angle along the z-axis.
fect B0 shimming, and chemical shifting, all of which These challenges may be offset by increases in sensi-
worsen at longer TEs and are thus avoided in QUTE-CE tivity and a decreased scan time. The ferumoxytol oper-
MRI. More recently, researchers have attempted to dis- ating range and precision should decrease as a function
tinguish between CA and tissue signals using a custom- of magnetic field strength. For example, transitioning
built coil to introduce a time-dependent magnetic field; from a research grade (7T) to clinical grade (1.5T or 3T)
however, no in vivo results have been reported (32). scanner would lower the measurable concentration range
Our ability to achieve robust, reproducible results is by a couple of orders of magnitude due to increased CA
primarily physical and is contingent on multiparametric r1 relaxivity at lower field strengths (36), although organs
optimization of TE, TR, and u. By choosing optimized may no longer be as invisible to UTE pulse sequences
image acquisition parameters to minimize the error in compared with 7T. The use of clinically available
10 Gharagouzloo et al.

multichannel coils is expected to increase SNR and include measurements of other CAs in organs outside
accelerate scan time. the vasculature for image-guided drug delivery.
Ferumoxytol-based blood-pool functional diagnostics
may be the most immediate application of QUTE-CE
MRI. Current functional MRI techniques, such as ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI, are unable to produce We acknowledge Saaussan Madi for helpful discussion
robust, reproducible results due to their inability to mea- and technical help, Alexei Matyushov for developing the
sure the intravascular CA concentration as a function of script of the MATLAB code, and Mukesh Harisinghani
time (37,38). A 3D QUTE-CE image could be employed for providing ferumoxytol. We also thank Anne L. van
after a sequence of short two-dimensional (2D) images to de Ven for help editing the manuscript.
provide a time point to better fit the model for the arte-
rial input function. Alternatively, 2D QUTE-CE MRI REFERENCES
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