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Court of Appeals, State of Michigan

Jane E. Markey
Daniel W Rudd v City of Norton Shores Presiding Judge

Docket No. 343759 William B. Murphy

LC No. 17-004334-CZ Jane M. Beckering


The Court orders that the motion for immediate consideration of motion to stay execution
of judgment pending appeal and motion to waive the transcript requirement of MCR 7.209(A)(3) is
GRANTED. The Comi also orders that the motion for leave to file reply to response to emergency
motion to stay execution of judgment pending appeal is GRANTED and the reply brief filed with the
motion is accepted.

The Com1 orders that the motion to waive the transcript requirement of MCR 7.209(A)(3)
is DISMISSED as moot because the transcript of the May 21, 2018 hearing has been provided.

The Court orders that the emergency motion to stay execution of judgment pending
appeal is DENIED.

A true copy entered and certified by Jerome W. Zimmer Jr., Chief Clerk, on

MAY 3 1 2018

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