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Dysphagia (2012) 27:452–459

DOI 10.1007/s00455-011-9389-2


Deglutitive Subglottic Air Pressure and Respiratory System Recoil

Roxann Diez Gross • Ricardo L. Carrau •
William A. Slivka • Ronit G. Gisser •
Libby J. Smith • David J. Zajac • Frank C. Sciurba

Received: 19 April 2011 / Accepted: 19 December 2011 / Published online: 24 January 2012
Ó Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012

Abstract The purpose of this experiment was to confirm on pressure showed that there was no effect (F = 0.63;
the presence of positive subglottic air pressure during P = 0.43). By confirming the presence of DPsub in healthy
swallowing, known as deglutitive subglottic air pressure adults and showing that respiratory system recoil is the
(DPsub), in a group of healthy individuals. We also sought most likely mechanism that generates DPsub, treatment of
to determine if respiratory system recoil is responsible for persons with dysphagia has even greater potential to be
generating the pressure. Ten healthy volunteers underwent expanded to include consideration of factors that affect
direct DPsub measurement via percutaneous puncture of respiratory control and recoil forces.
the cricothyroid membrane. Simultaneous DPsub and nasal
airflow volumes were recorded while participants swal- Keywords Subglottic air pressure  Lung volume 
lowed calibrated boluses over a wide range of lung vol- Recoil  Dysphagia  Swallowing  Deglutition 
umes. Body plethysmography was used to determine Deglutition disorders
functional residual capacity and residual volume. A custom
respiratory recoil measurement system was used to mea-
sure recoil pressures. Regression analysis of lung volume The association between the generation of subglottic air
on DPsub and lung volume on recoil pressure yielded pressure during the pharyngeal phase of swallowing, called
strong linear relationships (P \ 0.0001, R2 = 0.71 and deglutitive subglottic air pressure (DPsub), and improved
P \ 0.0001, R2 = 0.69, respectively). A mixed-model swallowing function was first described nearly 20 years
analysis of the effect of method (direct puncture or recoil) ago by studies that compared swallowing physiology in
patients with open versus closed tracheostomy tubes.
Investigators reported that when the tube was closed during
R. D. Gross  R. L. Carrau  R. G. Gisser  L. J. Smith
swallowing, significant physiologic changes occurred,
Department of Otolaryngology, Eye and Ear Institute,
School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, including the reduction or elimination of prandial aspira-
200 Lothrop St., Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA tion (food and drink entering below the true vocal folds and
into the trachea) [1–5]. Although not measured directly,
W. A. Slivka  F. C. Sciurba
researchers and clinicians speculated that closing the tube
Division of Pulmonary, Allergy and CCM, UPMC
Comprehensive Lung Center, School of Medicine, enabled the generation of DPsub and that a relationship
University of Pittsburgh, 3601 Fifth Ave., 4th Floor, between the subglottic pressure and swallowing function
Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA seemed to exist. The resulting subglottic pressure theory
for swallowing states that subglottic mechanoreceptors
D. J. Zajac
Craniofacial Center, University of North Carolina, provide respiratory-related afferent input to the brainstem
Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA central pattern generator for swallowing and that efferent
output is modified accordingly [6]. The viability of this
R. D. Gross (&)
theory is entirely dependent upon confirmation of the
The Children’s Institute of Pittsburgh, 1405 Shady Ave,
Pittsburgh, PA 15217, USA presence of positive (above atmospheric) air pressure
e-mail: below the closed vocal folds at the time of each swallow.

R. D. Gross et al.: Deglutitive Subglottic Air Pressure 453

In patients with indwelling tracheostomy tubes, sub- First, there was only one subject, and consequently, gener-
glottic airway pressure measurements during swallowing alization of the findings has been limited. Second, the lung
are readily obtainable because the tubes are positioned volumes were estimated and not measured directly.
within the trachea below the vocal folds. The location of Accordingly, the purpose of the present experiment was to
the tube creates open communication between the trachea use the same method to confirm the presence of DPsub
and the atmosphere; thus, DPsub is equal to atmospheric generation in a larger group of healthy individuals and to
pressure (zero) when the tube is open during swallowing. correlate the subglottic pressures with known lung volumes.
In 1994, Gross et al. [7] described a single patient who was The second objective of our experiment was to obtain
observed to aspirate under fluoroscopy when her trache- within-subject comparisons of DPsub values and respiratory
ostomy tube was open. A direct measurement of DPsub in system recoil pressures to determine if lung-thoracic unit
the aspirating condition showed that zero DPsub was recoil is responsible for generating DPsub. There were three
present during the swallow. In that same patient, aspiration hypotheses: (1) DPsub would be detected and measured in
could be prevented by occluding the tube with a one-way all subjects. (2) DPsub pressure would be dependent upon
airflow valve that closed spontaneously at the onset of lung volume at swallow onset. (3) Respiratory system recoil
deglutitive apnea (Passy-Muir, Inc.). The DPsub that was pressures would be highly correlated with DPsub pressures.
measured in the occluded condition was 9.3 cmH2O [7, 8].
In another study, DPsub values ranging from 7 to 10
cmH2O were reported in nonaspirating patients with Methods
indwelling tracheostomy tubes [9].
Extremes in lung volumes at swallow onset have also To achieve our objectives and to test our hypotheses, a
been used as a means to manipulate DPsub [6]. In that study prospective, repeated-measures design was used. The
by Gross et al. [6], 28 healthy volunteers swallowed stan- experiment consisted of three separate steps that all took
dardized boluses under fluoroscopy at three targeted lung place on the same day.
volumes: total lung capacity (TLC), functional residual
capacity (FRC), and residual volume (RV). Significant
durational differences in pharyngeal swallowing physiology
were measured when the lung volumes were compared. The
This investigation was approved by the University of
authors attributed the changes in swallowing physiology to
Pittsburgh Institutional Review Board. Each participant
alterations in DPsub generation; however, subglottic pres-
signed a consent form prior to participation in any portion
sures were not measured directly.
of this experiment. A total of ten nonsmoking volunteers
As previously stated, DPsub is easily measured in tra-
consisting of 6 males and 4 females of mixed ethnicity
cheostomy patients because there is direct access to the
completed the experiment. The average age was 32.5
subglottic air space. Subglottic pressure readings have been
years (range = 27–37). The average height was 67.3 in.
taken in healthy persons using topical anesthesia on the
(range = 61–71), average weight was 152 lbs. (range =
pharynx and larynx to place pressure-measuring catheters
104–172), and average body mass index was 23.52
through the vocal folds and into the subglottic air space [10,
(range = 20.39–29.62).
11]. Due to the methods used, only dry swallows could be
Four different screening procedures were completed on
studied. To determine if DPsub is also present in healthy
each participant prior to data collection:
persons during bolus swallowing and to avoid using anes-
thesia or placing instrumentation between the vocal folds, (1) Cognitive screening was completed using the Folstein
Gross et al. [12] used a direct cricothyroid puncture tech- Mini Mental Exam (MME) [13]. All participants
nique to detect and measure DPsub across a variety of lung scored 29 or 30 on the MME indicating that cognitive
volumes in a healthy person. Their findings provided addi- functioning was intact.
tional evidence to show that DPsub is also generated while (2) Each participant also completed a screening ques-
swallowing food boluses (pudding) and is a likely compo- tionnaire [14] to assure that none had a history of
nent of normal swallowing physiology. In addition, the swallowing difficulty, closed head injury, neurologic
investigation revealed a linear relationship between the disease, muscle disease, or respiratory disease.
estimated lung volume at the time of the swallow, the (3) All subjects passed a respiratory screening using the
amount of air pressure generated, and polarity of the pres- best of three forced exhalations into a hand-held
sure recordings. The authors postulated that respiratory spirometer. Criterion for inclusion stated that the ratio
system recoil was the most plausible physiologic mecha- of the amount of air exhaled in 1 sec (FEV1) over the
nism that could be responsible for generating DPsub. Nev- total amount of air exhaled (forced vital capacity or
ertheless, their experiment had two important limitations. FVC) had to be greater than 70%.

R. D. Gross et al.: Deglutitive Subglottic Air Pressure 453

In patients with indwelling tracheostomy tubes, sub- First, there was only one subject, and consequently, gener-
glottic airway pressure measurements during swallowing alization of the findings has been limited. Second, the lung
are readily obtainable because the tubes are positioned volumes were estimated and not measured directly.
within the trachea below the vocal folds. The location of Accordingly, the purpose of the present experiment was to
the tube creates open communication between the trachea use the same method to confirm the presence of DPsub
and the atmosphere; thus, DPsub is equal to atmospheric generation in a larger group of healthy individuals and to
pressure (zero) when the tube is open during swallowing. correlate the subglottic pressures with known lung volumes.
In 1994, Gross et al. [7] described a single patient who was The second objective of our experiment was to obtain
observed to aspirate under fluoroscopy when her trache- within-subject comparisons of DPsub values and respiratory
ostomy tube was open. A direct measurement of DPsub in system recoil pressures to determine if lung-thoracic unit
the aspirating condition showed that zero DPsub was recoil is responsible for generating DPsub. There were three
present during the swallow. In that same patient, aspiration hypotheses: (1) DPsub would be detected and measured in
could be prevented by occluding the tube with a one-way all subjects. (2) DPsub pressure would be dependent upon
airflow valve that closed spontaneously at the onset of lung volume at swallow onset. (3) Respiratory system recoil
deglutitive apnea (Passy-Muir, Inc.). The DPsub that was pressures would be highly correlated with DPsub pressures.
measured in the occluded condition was 9.3 cmH2O [7, 8].
In another study, DPsub values ranging from 7 to 10
cmH2O were reported in nonaspirating patients with Methods
indwelling tracheostomy tubes [9].
Extremes in lung volumes at swallow onset have also To achieve our objectives and to test our hypotheses, a
been used as a means to manipulate DPsub [6]. In that study prospective, repeated-measures design was used. The
by Gross et al. [6], 28 healthy volunteers swallowed stan- experiment consisted of three separate steps that all took
dardized boluses under fluoroscopy at three targeted lung place on the same day.
volumes: total lung capacity (TLC), functional residual
capacity (FRC), and residual volume (RV). Significant
durational differences in pharyngeal swallowing physiology
were measured when the lung volumes were compared. The
This investigation was approved by the University of
authors attributed the changes in swallowing physiology to
Pittsburgh Institutional Review Board. Each participant
alterations in DPsub generation; however, subglottic pres-
signed a consent form prior to participation in any portion
sures were not measured directly.
of this experiment. A total of ten nonsmoking volunteers
As previously stated, DPsub is easily measured in tra-
consisting of 6 males and 4 females of mixed ethnicity
cheostomy patients because there is direct access to the
completed the experiment. The average age was 32.5
subglottic air space. Subglottic pressure readings have been
years (range = 27–37). The average height was 67.3 in.
taken in healthy persons using topical anesthesia on the
(range = 61–71), average weight was 152 lbs. (range =
pharynx and larynx to place pressure-measuring catheters
104–172), and average body mass index was 23.52
through the vocal folds and into the subglottic air space [10,
(range = 20.39–29.62).
11]. Due to the methods used, only dry swallows could be
Four different screening procedures were completed on
studied. To determine if DPsub is also present in healthy
each participant prior to data collection:
persons during bolus swallowing and to avoid using anes-
thesia or placing instrumentation between the vocal folds, (1) Cognitive screening was completed using the Folstein
Gross et al. [12] used a direct cricothyroid puncture tech- Mini Mental Exam (MME) [13]. All participants
nique to detect and measure DPsub across a variety of lung scored 29 or 30 on the MME indicating that cognitive
volumes in a healthy person. Their findings provided addi- functioning was intact.
tional evidence to show that DPsub is also generated while (2) Each participant also completed a screening ques-
swallowing food boluses (pudding) and is a likely compo- tionnaire [14] to assure that none had a history of
nent of normal swallowing physiology. In addition, the swallowing difficulty, closed head injury, neurologic
investigation revealed a linear relationship between the disease, muscle disease, or respiratory disease.
estimated lung volume at the time of the swallow, the (3) All subjects passed a respiratory screening using the
amount of air pressure generated, and polarity of the pres- best of three forced exhalations into a hand-held
sure recordings. The authors postulated that respiratory spirometer. Criterion for inclusion stated that the ratio
system recoil was the most plausible physiologic mecha- of the amount of air exhaled in 1 sec (FEV1) over the
nism that could be responsible for generating DPsub. Nev- total amount of air exhaled (forced vital capacity or
ertheless, their experiment had two important limitations. FVC) had to be greater than 70%.

454 R. D. Gross et al.: Deglutitive Subglottic Air Pressure

(4) To ensure that the true vocal folds could fully adduct, teaspoons using a syringe. The viscosity of the pudding was
transnasal endoscopic examination of laryngeal func- approximately 43,950 cps (spindle #4, 20 rpm; Brookfield
tion was completed approximately 10 min before Viscometer, Middleboro, MA). Once the bolus was placed
proceeding to step 1 of the experiment. For this within the mouth, the subjects were instructed to keep their
screening, the nasal passage was decongested using lips closed and to swallow the entire bolus with one swal-
AfrinÒ nasal spray. Topical anesthetic (2% viscous low. Three target lung volumes were randomly assigned: (1)
lidocaine) was then applied with a cotton swab to the total lung capacity (TLC), (2) tidal volume (TV), and (3)
surfaces of the inferior meatus of the nares. The functional residual capacity (FRC). For the TLC condition,
flexible endoscope was then passed along the floor of the participant was told to ‘‘fill your lungs with air and then
the nose and positioned above the larynx. Vocal fold swallow’’; for TV, ‘‘swallow at the top of a normal breath’’;
motion was observed as each subject completed and for FRC, ‘‘swallow at the bottom of a normal breath.’’
breath-holding and coughing tasks. The endoscopic To signal that the bolus had been swallowed and to place a
examination was recorded and complete vocal fold mark within the raw data, an EMG surface electrode was
adduction was reverified by reviewing the images. placed over the muscles on the palmar surface at the base of
the subject’s thumb. Each subject was instructed to move
their thumb toward the palm after they swallowed the bolus.
Step 1: Measurement of Deglutitive Subglottic Air This motion resulted in an increased EMG signal when
Pressure compared to the baseline and allowed bolus swallows to be
easily distinguished from saliva swallows. All swallows
Simultaneous nasal airflow and subglottic pressure mea- were easily identified by the combined presence of the
surements were made during bolus swallowing. For each EMG signal and deglutitive apnea where respiratory airflow
subject, air flow and air pressure transducers were calibrated equals zero (Fig. 1). The goal was to record five swallows
using previously described methods [12]. Nasal airflow was per lung volume for a total of 15 swallows per subject.
detected by means of a snuggly fitted nasal mask with a flow
tube that was connected to a heated pneumotachograph Step 2: Pulmonary Function Testing
(Fleisch, #1, Switzerland). To reduce dead space to less than
30 cc and limit the rebreathing of CO2, the pneumotacho- Within 1 h of completing step 1 and without additional
graph was positioned directly to the nasal mask by using a food intake, pulmonary function testing was completed so
custom headgear. Direct measurement of DPsub was that lung volumes could be calculated for DPsub pressures
obtained via a percutaneous puncture of the cricothyroid that were obtained in step 1 and recoil pressures obtained in
membrane by an otolaryngologist. Approximately 2 cc of a step 3. A body plethysmograph (Model MasterScreen
lidocaine and epinephrine mixture was injected in the area Body, Jaeger/CareFusion, Yorba Linda, CA) was cali-
over the cricothyroid membrane to anesthetize the skin and brated prior to testing according to the manufacturer’s
control bleeding. Next, a small needle (19–21 gauge) that guidelines. FRC was determined via thoracic gas volume
was housed within a polyethylene catheter was inserted technique where three to five separate, acceptable trials
through the skin and cricothyroid membrane. Following the yielded values within 5% of the mean reported FRC. TLC
insertion, the needle was withdrawn leaving the catheter in and residual volume (RV) were determined to ensure that
the air space below the true vocal folds. The distal end of the no subject was restricted or hyperinflated. Forced vital
catheter was then connected to the pressure transducer capacity testing was also performed in standard fashion to
which was referenced to atmosphere. During data collec- confirm normal forced spirometry results.
tion, the catheter’s position within the airway was stabilized
manually. No anesthesia was applied to the larynx or Step 3: Measurement of Lung-Thoracic Unit Recoil
pharynx to assure that swallowing function would not be
affected by sensory loss. The simultaneous subglottic Subjects walked approximately 15 ft from the body ple-
pressure and nasal airflow signals were digitized to a thysmograph to the custom lung mechanics system used to
computer at a rate of 500 samples per second with 16-bit assess respiratory system recoil. They sat for a minimum of
resolution using WinDaq/Pro model 720 (DATAQ Instru- 10 min prior to further testing. No significant change in
ments, Akron, OH), a computer-based signal acquisition FRC was assumed as a result of this relocation. Plethys-
and processing system. The computer was used to display, mographically determined FRC was used to reference
record, and analyze the data. absolute lung volume against quasistatic respiratory system
For each participant, 20 single boluses of 5 ml of recoil measurement. The custom respiratory recoil mea-
ambient-temperature pudding (Hunt’s Snack PackÒ, surement system consisted of a pneumotachograph (model
ConAgra Foods) were premeasured onto individual plastic 3700, Hans Rudolph, Kansas City, MO), differential

R. D. Gross et al.: Deglutitive Subglottic Air Pressure 455

Fig. 1 Example of the raw data from one swallow. The tracing at the top is from the flow transducer. The tracing underneath flow is from the
pressure transducer. The next line below is from the palmar surface EMG electrode. The bottom tracing is the integrated flow signal

pressure transducers (model MP45-871, Validyne Engi- relaxation of the abdominal muscles. Each subject took
neering, Northridge, CA), and a pneumatic occlusion valve practice breaths by inhaling to just below total lung
(model 9340, Hans Rudolph). Transduced signals were capacity and then exhaling passively. Once the subject
processed (CD19 Carrier Demodulator, Validyne), digi- could perform the maneuver without evidence of abdomi-
tized, and displayed in real time during testing. nal or chest muscle activity, he/she was instructed to
To simulate the central inhibition of respiratory muscles breathe through a low-resistance rubber mouthpiece with
that occurs during deglutitive apnea, each subject was nose clips in place. Each participant supported their cheeks
instructed to inhale until their lungs were nearly full and with both hands to prevent the buccal spaces from filling
then to passively exhale without using respiratory muscle with pulmonary air. Following four or more resting tidal
effort. Surface electromyography (sEMG) recordings were breaths to establish FRC, the subject was instructed to
used to detect possible respiratory muscle activity during inspire to near TLC and exhale passively to FRC.
the passive exhalations. Two standard 2-cm-diameter Ag/ Simulation of true vocal fold closure during swallowing
AgCl EMG electrodes were coated with electrolyte gel and was achieved by setting an occlusion valve to close for
then secured to the skin which was first cleaned using an 650 ms at random times during each passive exhalation.
alcohol pad. The electrodes were placed on the abdomen The 650-ms duration was selected because it is consistent
parallel with the fiber alignment of the upper and lower with the mean deglutitive apnea duration measured in our
rectus abdominis muscles. Two electrodes were also posi- previous investigations that used normal subjects [14, 15]. It
tioned horizontally on the chest over the pectoralis muscle. is also very close to the 623-ms mean duration of vocal fold
The ground electrode was placed at the level of the ster- closure that was reported by Kawasaki et al. [16] and the
num. The sEMG signal was preamplified (Grass Instru- average true vocal fold closure time of 700 ms (±80)
ments model P511 high-performance AC preamplifier, reported by Shaker et al. [17]. The occlusion valve closure
Astro-Med, Inc., West Warwick, RI) and bandpass filtered was activated by the test technician and expiratory airflow
between 100 and 1 kHz. A notch filter was set at 60 Hz. was interrupted two to four times in stepwise fashion. At
The EMG signal was displayed on a computer screen least 10 acceptable interrupter-derived pressure and volume
viewable by the subject as biofeedback to facilitate exhalation data points were obtained from each participant.

456 R. D. Gross et al.: Deglutitive Subglottic Air Pressure

The valve closure was controlled in such a way that subjects

were not able to anticipate the pressure measurements.
Acceptable quasistatic airway pressure measurement was
characterized by a short plateau of the airway pressure
tracing and without evidence of abdominal or chest muscle
EMG activity. Every time that the occlusion valve closed,
the airway pressure was measured and recorded by the
computer. Each passive breath generated between one to
three pressure measurements at random lung volumes.

Data Analysis

A total of 90 of a potential 150 swallows were recorded.

Subglottic pressure data were lost when the tube became Fig. 2 Direct pressure method showing the linear relationship
occluded or ‘‘kinked’’ due to the upward laryngeal motion between lung volume in l and DPsub in cmH2O. Each filled circle
under the skin that is associated with swallowing. Also, if represents a single swallow
an ‘‘EMG marked swallow’’ was followed by additional
unmarked swallows, the DPsub data were not included in
the final analysis because the pattern indicated that the
entire bolus may not have been swallowed at one time.
Using this criterion, a total of 71 of 90 data points (swal-
lows) were analyzed from the step 1 experiment. To
determine tidal volume for each swallow, the nasal airflow
signal was integrated using a computer program within
WinDaq called advanced CODAS. Absolute lung volume
was then calculated by adding the FRC to the tidal volume
that was measured during deglutitive apnea.
For the interrupter method in step 3, occasional outliers
were easily identified by the presence of very high pressure
(contraction of expiratory muscles during exhalation),
negative pressure (brief inhalation), or zero pressure (if Fig. 3 Interrupter method showing a significant linear relationship
they came off of the mouthpiece). These pressures were not between lung volume in l and pressure in cmH2O measured during
passive exhalation
included in the analysis of the recoil pressures.
All final pressure and volume data were statistically yielded a significant linear relationship between volume on
analyzed with SAS v9.2 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). A pressure (P \ 0.0001, R2 = 0.69). After adjusting for sub-
significance level of 0.05 was preset prior to statistical ject, 69% of variance in recoil pressure was explained by
analysis. Data were analyzed using linear regression to volume and subject (38% by volume and 31% by subject)
examine the relationship between pressure and volume. A (Fig. 3).
linear mixed-model analysis accessed the effect of method A mixed model was used to analyze the effect of method
(direct puncture or interrupter) using compound symmetry (direct puncture and interrupter) on pressure, adjusting for
correlation matrix. volume and allowing a repeated-subject effect. There was
no effect of method (F = 0.63; P = 0.43). Volume was a
significant covariate (F = 252.26; P \ 0.0001). The
Results interaction between volume and method was not significant
(F = 0.07; P = 0.79) (Fig. 4; Table 1).
Linear regression of volume on pressure for step 1 (direct
measurement of DPsub) yielded a significant linear rela-
tionship between volume and pressure (P \ 0.0001, Discussion
R2 = 0.71). After adjusting for subject, 71% of variance in
pressure measurements can be explained by volume and Deglutitive Subglottic Air Pressure
subject (53% by volume and 18% by subject) (Fig. 2).
Linear regression of volume on pressure using the In all participants, air pressures above atmospheric were
interrupter method to measure lung-thoracic recoil also consistently detected in the subglottic airspace during the

R. D. Gross et al.: Deglutitive Subglottic Air Pressure 457

the type of instrumentation used, dry versus bolus swal-

lows, and/or to lung volume at the time of the swallow. A
possible explanation for biphasic pressures may be dis-
covered when the action of the diaphragm during swal-
lowing apnea is considered.
Hardemark Cedborg and her research team [18] were the
first to use intramuscular EMG to study diaphragmatic
muscle activity during swallowing apnea. Their study
revealed that during passive exhalation, diaphragmatic
muscle activity was initially quiescent, but that a consistent
increase in diaphragmatic muscle activity occurred just prior
to the pharyngeal swallow. The authors postulated that the
diaphragm becomes active prior to swallow onset to main-
tain lung volume during the swallow to assist with DPsub
Fig. 4 Combined data is graphed to show that both methods produce
similar pressures. The filled circles represent DPsub and the triangles generation and to assure that there will be sufficient air for
represent recoil pressures in cmH2O postswallow exhalation. The onset of diaphragmatic muscle
contraction may be more easily detected in the experiments
that placed catheters between the vocal folds because the
Table 1 Statistical table presence of the catheter may prevent complete closure and
Effect Num Denum F value P value permit a slight draw of air when the diaphragm becomes
DF DF tonic. It is also possible that an initial drop in tracheal air
pressure may be detected only at lower lung volumes (near
Method (puncture or 1 6 0.63 0.43
recoil) or at FRC) where the lung-thoracic unit is closer to
Lung volume 1 189 252.26 \0.0001 homeostasis.
Volume*method 1 189 0.07 0.79 Wheeler Hegland et al. [19] were the first to examine
lung volumes at the time of swallow initiation in healthy
Num DF degrees of freedom in the numerator; Denum DF degrees of
young subjects. Consistent with previous reports, they
freedom in the denominator
measured a predominant breathing and swallowing pattern
pharyngeal phase of swallows that occurred above FRC. of exhale-swallow-exhale and a second most frequent
The pressures that were measured (DPsub) replicate and pattern of inhale-swallow-exhale [18, 20–23]. A new and
support those that were previously reported by showing a significant finding of theirs was that lung volume at swal-
significant linear relationship between lung volume and low onset was not associated with the respiratory pattern.
DPsub [6, 12]. Subjects exhaled down to or inhaled up to a specific range
Subglottal pressure generation during dry (saliva) swal- of 43–64% of vital capacity (VC), where 95% of all
lowing at unknown lung volumes was studied previously by swallows occurred. The authors speculated that this lung
Shaker et al. [10] who made the measurements by placing a volume range may enable the safest and most efficient
solid-state strain gauge catheter between the vocal folds. swallowing motor output. To examine the possible DPsub
They reported a ‘‘biphasic’’ pattern with pressures initially range that might be associated with the lung volume range,
falling below atmospheric then rising above atmospheric. we converted our lung volumes to VC. Wheeler Hegland
Their findings were consistent with Shin et al. [11] who also and colleagues reported that paste consistency was swal-
placed a pressure transducer through the vocal folds into the lowed at a mean VC of 51.16% and thin-liquid VC was
trachea of at least one human subject; however, Shin also 56.27%. In our subjects, this range of VC was found to
took intramuscular EMG recordings of the thyrohyoid have produced DPsub pressure that ranged from 5.5 to 9.5
muscle. Using this combined method, they noted that the cmH2O (Fig. 5). This pressure range is similar to a previ-
subglottic pressures initially elevated with swallow onset, ously proposed optimal DPsub range of 7–10 cmH2O that
dropped with laryngeal elevation, and then rose again while was based upon data from nonaspirating tracheostomy
the larynx was in descent [11]. patients. The range is also consistent with the average
Similar biphasic air pressure recordings, obtained by subglottic pressure of 6.0 ± 1.8 mmHg (8.1 cmH2O,
cricothyroid puncture, were reported by Gross et al. [12], 5.7–10.6 cmH2O), that was reported by Shaker et al. [10].
but only for swallows that occurred near FRC. The same More recently, Wheeler Hegland et al. [24] found that
pattern was observed during this experiment, but again, healthy individuals timed swallows to occur at significantly
only for swallows occurring at or near FRC. Similarities higher lung volumes when drinking from a cup compared
and differences between the experiments may be related to to single-bolus swallows.

458 R. D. Gross et al.: Deglutitive Subglottic Air Pressure

Fig. 5 Lung volumes converted

to % vital capacity and the
associated DPsub values. The
darkest area highlights the
mean VC range reported by
Wheeler-Hegland et al. [19].
The vertical lines surround our
swallows that occurred within
their mean VC range and also
bracket the associated DPsub
range. The large shaded area is
where 95% of all swallows
occurred in the Wheeler-
Hegland et al. study

Respiratory System Recoil system recoil is the mechanism that generates DPsub, our
experiment supports the subglottic pressure theory for
This experiment has also provided direct evidence to swallowing. Our findings suggest that factors affecting
confirm that in healthy individuals, DPsub is generated by respiratory control and respiratory system mechanics may
respiratory system recoil pressure. The experimental need to be considered and evaluated when treating persons
method used passive exhalation to simulate the inhibition with dysphagia. For example, in addition to addressing
of respiratory muscles that occurs during swallowing, and a impaired coordination of the respiratory cycle with swal-
brief occlusion of 650 ms simulated closure of the true lowing in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary
vocal cords that also occurs when swallowing. This tech- disease [15, 27], they may need to be instructed to time the
nique replicated DPsub because when the glottis is open, a onset of their swallows to occur at higher tidal volumes in
continuous column of air exists from the mouth to the distal order to compensate for poor recoil and reduce their risk of
lung alveoli. Mouth pressure reflects the subglottic pressure prandial aspiration. Dysphagic patients with Parkinson’s
since the subglottis is in open communication with the disease, who also have disordered breathing and swallow-
mouth. The method also took advantage of the fact that ing coordination [14, 28], may also have impaired recoil
compliance of the total respiratory system is basically and may benefit from therapies that target lung volume at
linear over the midrange of the respiratory system’s recoil swallow onset, in addition to traditional methods that focus
from 75% of TLC to FRC. The basic interrupter technique on strengthening swallowing musculature. Lastly, any
that we employed has been shown to be a valid method for factors that affect lung volume and recoil, such as the
measuring tracheal pressure during passive expiratory air- position of the body during deglutition, may need to be
flow in anesthetized and anesthetized/paralyzed adults [25, taken into consideration when swallowing function is being
26]; prior to this experiment it had not been used in alert evaluated and treated.
individuals. Our results are consistent with those of Shin
et al. [11] who used direct airway punctures to simulta- Study Limitations
neously measure subglottal and intrathoracic pressures
during water swallows in felines. In their experiment the Due to the invasive nature of direct airway puncturing
two pressures were described as ‘‘nearly identical.’’ and the technical difficulties with maintaining a patent
subglottic catheter during laryngeal movement, we elec-
Summary ted to study 10 subjects and not a larger group. The
generalization of the study findings may be limited by the
By confirming and characterizing the presence of DPsub sample size and our use of a relatively young, healthy
generation in healthy adults and showing that respiratory group.

R. D. Gross et al.: Deglutitive Subglottic Air Pressure 459

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17. Shaker R, Milbrath M, Ren J, Campbell B, Toohill R, Hogan W.
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Acknowledgments The authors acknowledge Marike Vuga, PhD, 18. Hardemark Cedborg AI, Sundman E, Boden K, Witt Hedstrom H,
for statistical support. This investigation was supported by the UPMC Kuylenstierna R, Ekberg O, et al. Coordination of spontaneous
Competitive Medical Research Fund and the Parkinson Foundation of swallowing with respiratory airflow and diaphragmatic and
Western Pennsylvania. Sheryl Ross, MA, CCC/SLP for assisting with abdominal muscle activity in healthy adults. Exp Physiol. 2009;
data collection. 94(4):459–68.
19. Wheeler Hegland KM, Huber JE, Pitts T, Sapienza CM. Lung
volume during swallowing: single bolus swallows in healthy
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