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Proclaiming the Gospel; Equipping the next generation; Mobilizing the church throughout the world

November 25, 2015

Shalom Dear Partner and Friend,

Greetings in our Lord Jesus. As we enter this season of thanksgiving, Darlene and I treasure
two thoughts that come out of our hearts.
First of all, we thank God for giving us His Son, Jesus The Messiah through whom we all enter
into eternity to worship Him, we thank God for His grace. Secondly, we thank God for the family
of God in you as we help each other to serve together in His kingdom. We thank God for your
prayers and financial support to World Mission Outreach in order for us to be able to go to fulfill
His great commission of Matthew 28:19; to make disciples of all nations unto Him, and the
privilege to work with the churches (the body of Messiah) for the follow up of new believers that
our ministry reaches out to.

World events are happening before our eyes as prophesied in the Scriptures foretold by God,
His word is true. All that is written will come to pass, as we go about our Father's business to
bring His Son Jesus to the world; to Jews and Gentiles as the Bible says in Romans 1:16.
Thank you for your partnership unto Jesus our King.

Germany - Muslim Refugee Outreach

As you have heard many Syrian refugees are coming into Europe. Many lives have been lost at
sea. It is difficult for governments to differentiate the needy ones versus terrorists infiltrating as
refugees. Romans 13 speaks of government to stop the wicked ones. We pray for wisdom for
governments. If Romans 13 is read carefully, it is clear God uses Government for protection.

God uses us the church for compassion and to bring hope with the Gospel of Jesus.
As believers of the Living Lord Jesus, The Messiah, we have a great privilege to bring the
Gospel of Jesus, The hope of the world to fulfill His great commission - Matthew 28:19.

Last month, Darlene and I were invited by Youth With Mission in north Germany to teach on
evangelism in the classroom and on the field by taking a team to the refugee camps. It was a
challenge for many students to share the Gospel to Muslims. We prayed hard before we went
as it is important to depend on the Spirit of God for this. It is a new concept for many westerners
to share to Muslims. However living in the Middle East, it has given us an understanding on
sharing to Jews and Muslims - a principle learned from Romans 1:16

We met Fitim, a Muslim from Albania in the midst of all the Muslim refugees. After sharing the
Gospel to the group, I had the opportunity to speak directly with Fitim about the divinity of Jesus
and the nature of Fitim's personal sin and the penalty being death. He was searching for truth,
The spirit of God touched his heart to see his spiritual needs.
After an invitation, he surrendered his heart to Jesus as Lord
God and Savior. It was a true decision. The whole team (both
Germans and Americans) were so encouraged to keep on
going. God is in the business of redemption. In fact, a team
from YWAM is coming to Israel to bring hope to Jews and
Arabs in January 2016, please pray for wisdom in leading this

Fitim is now being discipled by the same YWAM team in north

Germany. Pray for more to come to faith in Jesus, the only
hope for the Muslims. There is a huge opportunity to bring the
Gospel to these refugees.

Thank you friends for your continued partnership. We THANK God for you. Your prayers and
financial support help us to serve and to bring Jesus to the World in this ministry of evangelism.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you and your family. May the Lord bless you.

Love in Him,

Henry and Darlene

PS - Please keep us in prayer as we head back home to Jerusalem

next week. Also that we are able to reach our budget for 2015. We
pray to end this year strong. The thermometer shows our goal and
where we are at. Thank you for helping us as you can. No amount is
too small.

To support WMO ministry, please mail checks to the following address.

All gifts are tax deductible and a tax receipt will be mailed to you at the
end of the year.

All support for tax receipts send to:

World Mission Outreach
Boeckmann & Associates, C.P.A.
360 Hoohana St., Ste, 201
Kahului, Hawaii. 96732

You can also visit our website at for secure online giving & updates

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