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Subjects : Natural Sciences

Class / Semester : VII / Even
Learning materials : The Interaction of Living Organisms with Environment
Time Allocation : 15 Minutes

A. Core Competencies
KI 3: Understanding knowledge (factual, conceptual and procedural) based on curiosity
about science, technology, arts, culture and events related to the phenomenon of the
KI 4: Try, process, and menyaji in the realm of concrete (use, disassemble, assemble,
modify, and create) and the realm of the abstract (writing, reading, counting,
drawing, and writing) in accordance with the learned in school and other sources that
are similar in viewpoint /theory,

B. Basic competencies
3.7.Analyzing the interaction between living things and their environment and the
population dynamics as a result of the interaction.
4.7.Presents the work on the impact of rotation and revolution of the earth and the moon for
life on Earth, based on the observation or tracking information sources.

C. Indicators of Competence Achievement

3.7.1. Environmental observation and identify biotic and abiotic components

D. Learning objectives

1. Learners can undertake environmental scanning and identifying the biotic and abiotic

E. Learning materials

 Environmental concept
 Things that are found in the environment

F. Learning methods
 Two Stay Two Stray (TSTS)
G. Media / Tool and Learning Resources
a. Media/Tools
1). Media
 laptop
 Infokus

b. Learning Resources
 Kemdikbud seventh grade science textbooks rev 2017
 Other relevant science textbooks.
 Internet
 Surrounding environment

H. Learning Activities
Steps Learning Experiences Time Alocation

Introduction 1. Teacher enters the classroom and greets the 3 Minutes

“Good morning/Good afternoon students.
How are you today?”
“I’m fine. Thanks”
And introduce her/his self.
2. Prepares the student to study.
Main Activities 1. Teacher gives explanation about Past 10 Minutes
Continuous: affirmative, negative,
questions and short answer.
2. Teacher divides students into small groups
consist of four to five students.
3. Teacher explain the materials and gives the
LKPD to each groups.
4. Students fill up the LKPD
5. Two students from each groups leave their
group and visit to other group.
6. Two students who stay in the group have
task to give the information to their guest.
7. Back to the group and discuss about the
information from another group.
8. Presentation discuss result in front of class.
Closing 1. Teacher gives reward for the best group. 2 Minutes
2. Teacher gives students homework.
3. Teacher guides students to make
4. Teacher closes the meeting.
Total 15 Minutes

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