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The Internotionai Journal cf Periodontics a Restorative Dentistry


Bone Regeneration in the

Edentulous Ridge Expansion
Tectinique: Histologie and
Uitrastructural Study of 20
Ciinical Cases

Agostino Scipioni. MD. DDS' An adequate voiume of heol-

Giovanni B. Bruschi. MD, DDS' fhy Pone tissue at reoipienf sifes
Gaetanc Caiesini. MD, DDS' is o fundomentol prerequisite
Ernesto Bruschi, DDS'
for a fovoroPle long-term prog-
Cesare De Martino, MD"
nosis of osseointegrated im-
plants,'-^ The edentulous ridge
expansion (ERE) technique was
The edentulous ridge expansion (FRE) technique is a partiai-thici<ness fiap
deveioped in 198Ó and first
procedure for impiant surgery that was developed in 1986. The ERE tech-
reported on 2 years later.^ The
nique permits the use of osseointegrated impionts at sites whase minimai
ERE technique is used to re-
orofdciai dimensions are insufficient tor traditionai impiant surgery. The pre-
sent work is a histoiogic and ultrastructurai study at hard tissue repair
establish adequate orofaoial
modaiitjes ot edentulous sites that were treated with the ERE technique in dimensions of defecfive oiveo-
20 humans. Biopsies were obtained frpm the tissue regenerating within the lar ridges during implant inser-
surgically created bpne gap between the mobile buccal and nonmobiie tion. The bone regenerotion
iinguai or paiafal bone-periosteum plates ("bane flaps") on days 40. 90. induced by the ERE technique
i20, 150, and 480 (day 0 = day of Implant insertion). The results suggest that is not memProne-guided and
osteabiasts differentiate from preexisting mesenchymai ceiis iocated on does not involve the implan-
the ariginai fissure walis. with cansequenf deposifion pf new bone in the tation of osteoinduotive or os-
surgically creafed intrabpny defect, (int J Periodontics Restorative Dent teooonduotive materials.
1999,-19:269-277.) The ERE technique wos Ini-
tially used in young odults to
correct alveolar bone detects
that resulted trom trauma or
agenesis of one or more teeth."
In such patients the buccal por-
tion ol the edentulous ridge
'Privóte Prootioe, Rome, Italy is generaliy deformed by
"Heod. Department ot Ceii Pothoiogy and Flectron Microscopy odvanoed Pone loss. The orofo-
Dermatologie o i institute St Mono and St Gollicono, Rome, Itoiy.
cial dimensions of the orest in
Reprint requests: Di Agostino Scipioni, Vio di Porta Pinciano 4, such areas are, therefore,
00187 Rome, Itoly, e-mail: bsc@exhibit,it trequently not sufücient to allow

Volume 19, Number 3,1999


the insertion of denfoi implants. were inserfed wifh fhis tech- 3. The buccai bcne-peries-
The ERE fechnique was subse- nique; the success rate, col- feum piate is mobilized and
quenfly used in patienfs who culafed on the basis of the displaced focialiy. The dis-
had muifipie foofh loss and parameters suggested by Ai- piacemenf, which is observ-
associated bone atrophy.^ brektsson et ai.^ was 97%. ed at marginal level, corre-
Several fypes ef esseoinfe- The aim of fhe presenf werk sponds fe a small hinge-like
grafed implanfs have been was te desoribe fhe hisfoiogic rofation of fhe buccai piafe
used for fhe ERE fechnique. events that lead to fhe oom- at basai bone ievei. The size
Bofh press-fif (Tübingen [Fria- piefe bene fili ever time of fhe ef the resuifing infrabony fis-
teo), IMZ (Friatec}, and Frioiit-2 space wifhin the infrabony fis- sure is befween 4 ond 8 mm
sfepped cyiinder [Friafec)) ond sure created by the ERE tech- at the marginai level. Larger
screw-fit (Brânemark System nique between the mobile fa- dispiacemenfs can be ob-
(Nobei Biecare) and Friaiif-2 ciai and nonmobile iinguai or toined at sites where a
sfepped screw) implanfs have paiatai bene-periosteum plates higher propcrticn ef cancel-
been used successfully, in oddi- of the expanded aiveoiar ridge. ieus bene granfs elasficity to
fien, fhe ERE fechnique has aiso The study was carried out in 20 fhe displaced bcne-perics-
been used successfuiiy for sin- humans. feum pidte.
gie-phase implants (Tübingen). 4. Appropriateiy sized impiants
Impianf selecfion fcr fhe ERE are inserfed and sfabiiized
technique, therefore, should Methiod and materials within the surgically created
be guided primarily by fhe fissure. The displaced "bone
morphoicgic demands of fhe A tetai of 20 patients who re- ficp" hcs strong elasticity
edenfuious area te be treoted. ceived befween 2 and 4 im- and thus cioses back on the
The Ei?E feohnique permits pianfs in a single ERE surgery impianfs.
the insertion of implants with were randomiy seiecfed fcr 5. The flaps are sutured.
ideoi dimensions—cicseiy ap- biopsy. All 20 patients were
proximating these ot the dentai informed abeuf the nature ef Every patienf was recaiied
roots they are repiocing—in the sfudy and granfed fheir only once fer biopsy. A smail
sifes that are normaily consid- censent. The bicpsy procedure frephine (exfernai diameter 1.8
ered fo be inapprepriafe for did not oause any additienai mm, internal diamefer 1.3 mm)
impiant fherapy discomfcrt to the patienfs. was fobricafed by serrating a
Expérimentai resuifs from a The basic steps of the ERE needie for epidural anesthesia:
beagle dog modei confirmed technique are: it was used te harvest a sampie
fhaf bone regenerafion occurs ot the hard tissue that fiiied fhe
wifhin fhe infrobony fissure fhaf 1. A partiai-fhickness flap is eie- originai space between the 2
is creafed in fhe ERE technique vated fo expose the impiant separated bone-pericsteum
and that esseointegration oc- site. plates. The biopsies were col-
curred to the same degree in 2. A # 64 Beaver biade (Becton lected after intervals ot 40. 90,
the regenerated area as in cen- Dickinson Acute Care) is 120, 150, and 480 days (day 0 =
troi sites where traditienai im- used fe creafe a verticai doy cf impiant inserfion).The laf-
plant surgery was appiied.* infrabony fissure extending esf biopsies ccrresponded to
iVloreever, the ERE technique is frem fhe margin ef fhe resid- 3óO days of impianf ioading. In
highiy reliabie. Frem 198Ó te uai alveelar crest tcwerd the every patient, the approximate
1993 a tetai cf 1,078 impianfs basai bone. minimum and maximum width

The Internofionai Journal of Periodonfics & Restorafive Dentisfry


of the marginal bone gap that

existed immediately after
implant insertion wos measured
m 1 Summary of biopsies tai<en
Interval between Bone gap at
with a periadontai probe and Patient/ Age Smoker implant insertion Site of margina level (mm]
recorded (Tabie 1). gender (y) (Y/N) and biopsy (days) biopsy' Min Max
The rod-shaped specimens 1/M 41 N 40 25(13) 4.5 6.0
of mineralized tissue were 2/M 58 Y 40 25(14] 5.5 6.5
3/F 35 Y 40 35(19] 4.5 S.O
ropidly fixed in a picric acid-
4/M 45 Y 90 15(4] 4.5 6.0
poratormaidehyde solution^ 5/F 42 Y 90 24(12] 4.0 5.0
with 2% glutaraldehyde. The 6/M 42 N 90 25(13] 4.5 4.5
undecaioified tissues were moin- 7/F 5Ö N 90 36(19] 4.0 4.0

tained in blocks in the same fixo- 8/F 38 N 120 15(4] 4.0 5.0
9/F 53 Y 120 16(3] 5.S 5,0
tive. Subsequently the blocks 10/M 44 N 120 21 (9] 4.5 4.5
were postfixed in unbuffered 11/F 41 N 120 2S(13) 5,5 5,5
OsOj ond embedded in Epon 12/F 42 Y 120 25(13) 5.5 6.5

812 (Serva Feinbiochemica). 13/M 37 Y 120 46 (30) 4.5 5.5

14/F 45 Y 150 15(4) 4.0 S.O
Plastic sections 1 [jm thick were 15/F 48 N 150 15(4) 4.0 6.0
cut trom the undecaicified 16/IVl 47 N 150 2S(13) 4.0 6.0
bloci<s. sfained with 1% toiuidine 17/F 42 Y 150 26(14) 4.0 4.0

blue, and abserved with a iight 18/IVl 56 Y 150 36(19) 5.5 6.5
19/M S3 N 480 2S(13) 4.5 6.0
microscope. Additional, thinner 20/F 55 Y 480 46 (30) 5.5 6.0
sections 130 to 150 nm thici<
"Fédáralion Dentaire Internatiünaie tooth numbering system (Universal System number; in paren-
were stoined with uronil ocetate
ond leod citrate and studied
with the H7000 Eiectron Micro-
scope (Hitachi).

Results resuited in the formation of new primitive biood clot were found
hord tissue wifh an ompie gain in the interstitioi tissue. There
Figure 1 shows 3 titonium im- in buccoi ridge volume. Examin- were also fragments of matute
pionts piaced within an ex- ation of fhe 40-day biopsies bone frabeculoe in the superfi-
panded aiveolar ridge that was with the light microscope cial region (Fig 5). iHowever,
prepared according to the pro- demonstrated the presence of these were probably microfrao-
tocoi of fhe ERE technique. highly ceiiuiar and actively pro- ture frogments resulting from
Figures 2 and 3 illusfrate the pro- iiferating young bone (Fig 4). A the surgicai procedure or por-
cedure that was used to collect iayer of osteoid covered the tions of mature bone that were
the somples of hard fissue that frabeculae. The osteoid iayer pici<ed up by the trephine on
formed within the surgicaiiy cre- was often in ciose contact with the peripheral waiis of the intra-
oted bone defecf. osteoblasfs, tibroblasfs (proba- bony tissure. Numerous flat-
The surgically created intra- biy precursors of osteobiosts), tened fibroblasts and parallel
bony fssure was initiaiiy fiiied by and interstitioi fissue containing bands ot connective tissue
a coagulum. and ciinicaiiy one several blood vessels (Fig 4). fibers were visible between the
could observe that its repair Scattered erythrocyfes of the young and the mature bone.

Voiume 19, Number 3,1999


Fig 1 Implant site is exposed with a Fig 2 After exposure of the tissues dur- Fig 3 Hollow created by the trephine.
superimposed partiai-thickness flap ing stage 2 surgery, smaii trephine Comparison with Figs I and 2 shows
Three identicai iMZ impianfs (diameter 4 (exterhai diameter 1.3 mm, internai thot the biopfic sampie has been gath-
mm, iength I5mm)areplqcedwitiiin diameter 1,3 mm) is used to seiectiveiy ered setecfiveiy, wifhih the boundaries
the bone fissure. Note the surgicaiiy cre- gather a biaptic sampie of the newly of fhe original intrabony fissure that was
afed crestai bone gap, with a minimum farmed hard tissue. fiiled ohiy by a caaguium during stage
width at 4 mm, as weli as the mesiai and I surgery.
distai bone-releasing incisians.

Fig 4 i\ :.' .'I 'I •' .• .'• •^,(.•1 j ; •,' I il h 'U'i .1 lew bone trabeculae with Fig 5 ivliciophotogrnph ol thr^pp i^ortirn o' o 4n-iiny
numerous osieobiasf-containing iacuhae. The interstitial tissue undecaiclfied preparation shaws connective tissue with tiat-
contains numerous fattened celis (fibroblasfs) dnd btood ves- tened fibroblasts oriented in parailei iines and portions of fhe
sels. Some flattened ceils are embedded in ond/or are in preexisting iaterat bone walis fhat were picked up by the
clase relationship with the peripheral osleoid. (Originai magni- trephine on the margin of the originat intrabony fissure.
fication y. 400: toluidine blue stain.) (Originai magniñcofion x 200; foiuidine biue sfain.)

The Internotionol Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry


fig 6 Transmission electron micrograph fig 7 Transmission electron micro-

of osteoid tissue shows an osfeoblast-like graph shows progressive mineralization
ceii and smaii bodies of crysfai (arrow- af the osteoid matrix. An osteocyte can
heads). (Originai magnification y. 4,0a0.) be seen on the right. (Originai magnifi-
cation X 3.500.)

fig 8 (right) Transmission eiecfron

micrograph demonstrates 2 types of
ossificatian. A portion of a deveioping
trabecuia contains minerai deposifs in
ciose reldtionship with large caildgen
fibers (boffom). while smail hydroxyap-
afife crystals lie free in the matrix (tap).
A dark iine. probabiy a result of mineral
condensation, separates the deveiop-
ing trabecuia from the matrix. (Original
magnification x 20.000.)

Electron microgrophs made dark front fhot wos probobiy o wos presenf ot the periphery of
ot on eariy stage of ossificofion result of highiy compoct mi- new bone frobecuioe.
showed thaf the intercellular neraiization. in the 40-day biop- in fhe 150-doy specimens
motrix contoined coliogen fi- sies the new bone, oontoining fhe primory frabecuioe of
bers thot were mostly of smoli osteocyfes wifhin iocunoe. wos woven bone hod been reploo-
diameter; the fibers were either surrounded by an osteoid ioyer ed by more moture conceilous
isoiated or o g g r e g o t e d in with osteoblosts ond by o bone, Celi-rich bony trobecuioe
bonds, with mony smoll de- matrix in vorious stages of min- were surrounded by o thin ioyer
posifs of oaioium soit. Mossive eraiizotion (Figs ó to 8). of osteoid tissue thot wos cov-
mineralization of matrix ond The successive biopsies of ered by eiongoted celis, which
collogen fibers wos present doys 90 and 120 showed motu- were probobiy osfeobiosf pre-
within the frabecuioe, whiie on rotion of the regeneroted bone; cursors. The fine sfrucfure of the
occumuiotion of scattered there wos a progressive increase periphery ot a bone trobeouia
hydroxyapatite crystals oo- of the coicified mafrix, in which is iilusfrated in Fig 11.
ourred in the osteoid seoms. numerous osteocytes were Atter 480 doys the trobecu-
These 2 ditterenf ossification iocoiized (Figs 9 ond 10). A dis- iae hod the chorocteristics of
layers were separoted by o continuous Ioyer ot osteobiosts moture bone, with osteobiasts.

Volume 19. Number 3.1W9


Fig 9 Transmission eieciron mcrograptt äiow-, slago of Im- FgiO i f i j t « . J If

becular mineraiizaiion subsequent fo fig 8. Three osteocytes tion of the motrix 150 days after the edentulous ridge expan-
are localized in iarge iacunae. Note that one of the osteo- sion technigue.Visibie Ofe:{l) isiets of mature bone surround-
cytes projects a ciiium toward the mineraiized matrix (arrow- ed by different layers of progressively less mature tissues that
head). fOfigina/magn/Rcaton X 2.500.) are continuous with one another, and (2) newiy formed bone
rich in osteocyfe iocunae. osteoid. and a iayer of flattened
ceiis (fibrobiasts). (Originoi magnification x JDD, toiuidine blue

Fig 11 Transmission eiectron micrograph of newiy formed Fig 12 Microphofograph of a specimen collected on the
bone collected i50 days after the edentulous ridge expan- bone eres' that deveioped in the intrabony fissure of the eden-
sion shows the periphery of a caidfied trabecuia. A weil- tulous ridge expansion befween 2 neighboring impiants 480
deveioped osteobiast. right projects numerous micravilii days after the edentuious ridge expansion (360 days from
(orrowheads) toward and within the mineraiized tissue: this impiant ioading) shows fully mature hard and soft tissues. Left
asteoblast is probaÈ:)iy iocated in the asteoid. Left, a typicai to right: connective tissue, the 2 celiuior layers of the perios-
asteocyte in a iacuna Note that the caicified tissue is highly teum, and Iameiiar bone (b) thai contains rare asteocytic
mineralized and compact. (Originoi magnification x 2.500.) iacunae. The arrowheods indicate some afthe numerous
canallcuii carrying osteocytic ceii processes. (Original magnifi-
cation X 400: taluidine blue stain.)

The internatianol Journoi ot pgnodontics & Restorative Dentistry


Fig 13 Microphotograph of a mafure Haversian canal found Fig 14 Transmission eleofron micrograph shows a portion of
in a deeper segment of fhe specimen shown in Fig 12 con- fhe Hoversion canal of Fig 13 in a successive (thin) secfion
fains a biood vessei (v) and fiaftened, peripheraiiy iocafed with endofheiial ceiis and on osfeocyte fhot projects o ceii
osteoblasfs (arrowfieod). The arrow depicfs a ceil of the process toward fhe lumen. (Originai magnification x 2.500.)
endosfeai iayer (Originai mognlUcotion x 400: foiuidine biue
stain )

csteocyfes wifhin lacunae, and

i-iaversian canals wifh pariefai Changes in primary cell types over time
elongated asfeabiasts (Figs 12 Day Primary ceil type and location
fo 14). In the lacunae ef the tra- 40 Osteoblasts and fibroblasfs in ciose contact with the osteoid
beculae the osteocytes ap- iayerof the young trabecular bone
peared in differenf morphcicgic Scattered erythrocytes within blood vessels and flattened fibro-
blasts (probably precursors of osteobiasts] among paraiiel
sfages: healthy cells, cells show- bands of connective tissue fibers in the interstitial tissue
ing regressive iesicns, and com- 90-120 Numerous osteocytes within tiie progressively increasing
pletely degenerated cells. calcified matrix
Table 2 summarizes fhe Osteoblasts at the periphery of the new trabecuiae
150 Elongated cells representing O5teoblasts line fhe thin osteoid
changes in primary oell fypes
layer of osteocyte-rich bone trabeculae
fhaf were observed ever fime. 480 Osteocytes in different morphologic stages in the lacunae of
Ne differenoes in the healing mature bone trabeculae
process were noticed between Parietal elongated osteobiasts within i-iaversian canals
smokers and nonsmekers. ner
between males and femaies.

Voiume 19. Number 3,1999


Discussion modes of calcification; (3) dif-

ferent stages of osteocyte
The resuits indicóte that the sur- deveiopmenf; and (4) progres-
gicol distraction of the alveoiar sive bone maturation.
crest tor the creation ot an im- The present results showed
piant housing within 2 walls of teatures of intramembronous
spongiosa promotes bone for- ossification and the formation
mation ond ossecintegration of of a spongiosa of woven bone.
the implont(s) within a period Concurrentiy, an occumuiation
thot does not exceed 4 months. of scatfered hydroxyapotite
it is i<nown that strong iocal crysfais occurred in the coila-
metabolic activity follows any gen matrix of the osfeoid.
mechanical trauma to bone, These 2 different modes of
such as o frocture. In ERE the bone formafion were observed
new bone is conceivably syn- in adjocent tissue loyers that
thesized by osteocytes and were separated by an eiec-
osteobiosts that differentiate tron-dense mineraiization fronf.
from preexisting cells located This front was previously de-
along the walis of the original scribed by Sennerby'° who in-
surgicaiiy produced alveoiar fis- terpreted if as a iamina limi-
sure. The osteoblost precursor fqns-iike sfruoture.
ceiis situated in fhe periosteai, The funcfionai ioading thof
endosteal, and bone marrow tis- follows the integrafion period
sues are probobiy octivated. probabiy has an important roie
The 2 basic prerequisites tor in the mofurotion of the regen-
bone regeneration are: (1) a erated bone. Considering the
solid nutritionai base provided bone ciassificafion suggesfed
by a minimum 1- to 1.5-mm by Lekhoim and Zarb," the
thici<ness of the bone fiaps; structures of the earlier biopsies
and (2) on ampie periosteai were consistent with bone of
blood supply ieoding to fhe Types 3 ond 4, whiie the speci-
neoangiogenesis' necessory mens coiiected after 1 year
for the newiy formed bone tro- (360 doys) ot functional iooding
beculae. The periosteum oon- contained lameiiar bone with
tains many capillaries, arteri- osteons and a reiativeiy sparse
ales, and venuies trom which osteocyte population.
newiy formed vessels are
spread to the new bone tra-
becuiae ond iHoversion canals.
Bone formation within the intra-
bony fissure of the ERE tech-
nique is demonstrated by: (J)
the presence of woven bone
and numerous osteocytes; (2) 2

Tine International Journal of Periodonlics & Restorative Denlisiry


Acknowledgments 6. Soipiani A. Bruschi GB, Giorgio M,

Berglundh T. Lindhe J, Heoiing at
impldnts with and without primary
The authors wish to ooknowledge the
b o n e c o n t o o t : An experimentoi
editoridi assisfonce of Dr Dovid R,
study in dogs. Ciin Oroi Impionts Res
Leidner in the various stages of prepdro-
tion of the manuscript. They also extend
their thani<s to Sergio Di Pizio for his con- 7. Albrekfsson T Zarb G, Worthington R
tribution in the preparotion af the light Eriksson AR. The long-term efficacy
and eiectron microscope sections. ot currently used dentai implants: A
review o n d proposed criteria of
success, int J Oroi Maxiliofoc
implants !986:l•11-27
8. Zamboni L. De Martina C Buffered
picric acid-formaldehyde: A new
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rapid tixotive for elecfron microscopy
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Impionts 1994:9'13-29. Ital J Osseointegrafion 1992:3:8-28.
3. Scipioni A, Brusahi GB. Prosthetic soiu- 11. Lekhoim U. Zorb GA. Patient selection
tions on Frialit implants (Tübingen ond preporotion. In: Bränemork P-l,
type). Presented ot the 4fh Infer- Zarb GA. Aibrektssan T (eOs). Tissue-
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d, Bruschi GB. Scipioni A. Alveolar aug-

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The edenfuiaus ridge expansion
teohnique: A five-yeor study. Int J
Periadantios Resforative Dent 1994:

Voiume 19, Number 3,1999

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