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idiosyncratic or idiosyncrasy - 1.

a characteristic, habit, mannerism, or the like, that is peculiar to an individual.

the physical constitution peculiar to an individual.
a peculiarity of the physical or the mental constitution, esp. susceptibility toward drugs, food, etc.
Compare allergy ( def. 1 ) .

hysterical something funny

proposterous – weird, contrary to common sense.

Conjecture – guess work

perils – serious and immediate danger, The dangers or difficulties that arise from a particular situation
or activity

inept – showing no skill, clumsy

clumsy – lacking physical coordination, skill or grace

condescending - Acting in a way that betrays a feeling of patronizing superiority

sly – clever in concealing ones aims or ends

quench – to supress such as thirst, fire

teetotaler – non – drinker

murky – dark, gloomy and cheerless

crepuscular – dim , indisctinct,

relentless – cruel

narcissist – boaster, braggart, egotist, self-centered person

colloquial – casual conversation,

adamant – firm

predicament – difficult situation, perplexing,

anxiety – worry, tension

abhorrence – disgust,

retrospect – to look at the past with thought,

naïve – having or showing unaffected simplicity, lack of experience, or lack of sophistication

sophisticated – a person with experience, worldly wise, has classy taste

drat – crap, used to express mild discomfort, to damn

noxious – harmful influence on mind or behavior on others . Make others sick.

nauseated – make sick, disgust. FEELING for yourself

misogynist, chauvinist – women hater

condescension – act of superiority

shenanigans – mischievous trick, trickery

excruciating – pain, tortorous

aggravate – to make more worse or severe, to annoy irritate

ininerate – to burn or reduce to ashes

ludicrious – absrdly false, foolish or inept

imminent – likely to occur.

Frivolous – not worthy of serious notice , not important

colloquial – using conversation or involving conversation

ramifications – consequences

cogent- apt, ideal,convincing

1. Causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial.
2. Involving heated argumen

pretence – false show of something

pretending or feigning; make-believe: My sleepiness was all pretense.
2. a false show of something: a pretense of friendship.
3. a piece of make-believe.
4. the act of pretending or alleging falsely.
5. a false allegation or justification: He excused himself from the lunch on a pretense of urgent
6. insincere or false profession: His pious words were mere pretense.
7. the putting forth of an unwarranted claim.
8. the claim itself.
9. any allegation or claim: to obtain money under false pretenses.
10. pretension (usually fol. by to ): destitute of any pretense to wit.

Suffering – agony, ordeal, affliction

Contentious – tending to argument, quarrelsome - antagonistic, petulant

Thesaurus -
strange – aberrant, weird, astounding, erratic, eccentric, outlanding, perplexing, quaint, uncanny,
idiosyncratic, ludicrous,

sad – melancholy, dejected, disconsolate, lugubrious,

fear – means apprehension ,anxiety, synonyms - premonition

irritate – exasperate, abrade, affront, aggravate, provactive

obnoxious – annoying, disgusting, unpleasant,

healthy – vigorous,

diasppoint – baffled, thwart,

dull -

lively -

odd -

suspicious -


amazing, remarkable


absurd -

Need to look up -

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