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Ultimate Lateral Resistance to Piles in Cohesionless Soils Lianyang Zhang’; Francisco Silva’; and Ralph Grismala® Abstract: Soveral methods are available for predicting the ultimate lateral resistance to piles in cohesionless sols. However these rethods ofen produce significantly diferent ultimate resisance values. This makes i difficult for practicing engineers to effectively select the appropriate method when designing laterally loaded piles in cobesiolest soils. By anslyzing the latcal soil resistance ditic bation slong the wid ofthe pile and based on the tet results of mode rigid pics in cobesitless soi collected fom the published literature, a simple method is proposed for caleulaing the ultimate Inter resistance (inclading frontal soil resistance and side sheer resistance) to piles in cohesioness soils. The calculate ultae lateral resistance from the proposed method agrees well with that ‘obisined ftom centrifugal tests of flexible model piles. Predicting the lateral laad capacity of laboratory and fed rigid tet piles in cohesionless soils DOI: 10.1061/ASCE)L090.0241(2005)131:1(78) the proposed method also yields satishetry result, GE Database subject headings: Cohssionless soils; Piles; Soll resistance; Lateral forces; Pile tests, Introduetion Piles have been used extensively for supporting axil and leer loads for a variety of structures including heavy building, trans- ‘mission tines, power stations, and highway structures. In many ‘ates, Inert loads govern the design of ples. A key element in tho design of laterally loaded piles is the determination ofthe akimate lateral resistance that can be exerted by the sil against the pile (Murif and Hamilton 1993), For exemple, the ultimate lateral resistance is required for ealulting the py curves, which are used inthe analyses of piles. Several methods have been published for preditng the ulti= ‘mate lateral resistance to piles in cobesionless sols (Brinch Hansen 1961; Broms 1964; Reeve et al. 1974; Poulos and Davis 1980; Fleming etal. 1992). However these methods often pro- duce significantly differet ulimate resistance values. This makes it dial for practicing engineers to effetively select the appro- priate method when designing laterally loaded piles in eohetion- Tess sil ‘Because the problem of determining the ulimate resistance to 2 laterally loaded pile is tree dimensional and nonlinear, finding «rigorous solution is highly unlikely, Thus existing solutions for limate lateral resistance are either of a semierpiiel natare or employ approximate anniysis which oftn involves considerable impliflestions (Jamiolhowski and Garassine 1977). Theve ap- "Tasnical Species, FCF Conolng, 33 Haydon Ave, Longin, A021, Est harg@etonaling com senor Vie President, ICF Consuking, 33 Hayden Ave, Lexington, MA,02421. Eait SuveG@iefonelig cor. ice Preside, ICF Consling, 33 Hayden Ave, Leringan, MA 0222 Bona: rrisnala@ictonetingcom ‘Noe, Discussion ope ua ne 1, 2005. Seperate cussions eat be samt fr invita paper. 7 etend the eosng date by one mont, 2 writen request mist be Sle with the ASCE Managing Bator ‘The menusrpt for ts paper wis smite fer review and poste publiatin on Oso 77,2003; approved om May 25, 200, This pape IS put of ie Jounal of Geotechnical ad Gevennironmentl Enginaer ng, Val. 131. No, Jun 1, 2008. ASCE, ISSN 1OHD281/2001 TH 831825., proximations may account forthe significantly diferent ulate resistance values obtsined From the different msthods. ‘This paper frst reviews te existing methods fr proitng the timate lateral resistance 10 piles in cohesionies soils. By ana- Iyzing the Iteral soil sistance dsrbution along the width ofthe pile and based on test results of eight modal rigid piles in coho sionless soils from the published literature, «simple method fs developed fr calculating the ultimate atral resistance (inchading Siontal soil resistance and side shear resistance) to piles In cahe- sionless avils. Because the proposed method considers the ult ne resistance f the soil (not oF the pile) itis applicable to both exible and rigid piles. To check the accuracy of the propored method, its fst used to caloulsto the ultimate lateral resistance to flexible model test ples in a centfugo, The calculated values agree well with those obtainod from tho teste, Predicting the | eral load capacity of rigid test piles in cohesonles sols using the proposed method also yields satsictry results, Methods for Predicting Ultimate Lateral Resistance Several methods ae available for determining the ultimate lateral resistance to piles in cohesionless sols (eg, Brinch Hansen 1961; Brome 1964; Reese etal. 1974; Poulos and Davis 1980; Fleming etal. 1992), Some of them aro briey reviewed inthis Paper, ‘Brinch Hansen (1961) prespoted an expression for predicting the ukimate lateral resistance to piles in a general c-8" sci, where © and ar, respectively, the cohesion and the effective intemal tietion angle of the sol. Fora cohesionlss sol, c= 0 and the ultimate lateral resistance can be euleulated by De Ke 0 Where pymulimate lateral resistance inthe unt of forse per ple length; Ky=Hiansen earth pressure coefficient which isa fnction effective unit weight of soi; depth from the ground suggested the following expression fo ales ‘ng theultimate letoral retstance in cahesonles soils: pee [OF GEOTECHNICAL AND GEOENVIRONMENTAL. ENGINEERING © ASCE | JANUARY 2008 VOU .(E( NO-1. pp. 7E-88 Pea BKB ® where Kyrtasi(45*+9°/2)~pasve car presse cefcen. ‘Using Ba. (2), Broms (1968) prepared chats in nondiensionsl form giving the Iateal capacity of pls in terms ofthe plastic ‘moment and geometry ofthe ple Roose et (1974) sagueted t mare complicate, but neve Ales sl approxiate, variation of ite Inter tesstacce ‘vith dep aang ve acount of the wedge ype fle ner the pound suros and plenestaln falar at a consderble dept fetow the ground surfice. The vlve of py with depts can bz determined from the lesser valve given by Es. a) and GP) [tt K)+a8, Kuna +24 f(a }enaains] oo, (cc pound tc) 2. eR + KiKi tan! K,) 3 (ell below ground surface) ‘whereK,,=tar"(45°—/2)=active earth presare coefficient; Ky bret earth pressure coefficient; B45° +672; awangle do- fining the shape of the wedge; and effective internal fiction angle. The pots of Eas. (a) and 30) wil intersect ata depth Above zB, (3a) sured fo calealate p, Below =, Eq. (38) used to calelste p, [By realizing that some terms inthe Reese eal (1974) formu lation ofp, can be taken at constant with litle enor, Borgard and ‘Matlock (£980) simplified Eq. @) by grouping the terms to form factors that vary with . The ultimate lteral resistance py is taken asthe lesser of en(Cet Che (sa) (oar ground surftes) am Cry 43) (well betow ground surface) “The paremeters Ci, Cy, and Cyn functions of @” and are pre senied by Borgard and Matlock (1980), Fleming etal. (1992) assume p, proportional to the square of the passive earth prossre coffcen, i, an Kee © For amos all astualy occuring cobesioless sols, K, wil be eater then 3. So Eq, () wil give grester vas than fx. . The methods desrbed shove ofen produce signfesntiy dit ferent ultiate Ia resistance vakes (Fleming eta. 1992) “his makes it elt fr practicing engines to efostvely se let the appropriste method when designing inal loaded piles in cobeioless si ‘Components of Lateral Soll Resistance ‘As shown in Fig. 1, the soil resistance to the ateral movement of| {he pile can be expressed in two components: the frontal normal reaction and the side fition reaction (Briaud and Smith 1983; Smith 1987). The ultimate stra resistance that canbe exerted by the sil againt the pile can be given by = Bx =e SS ss sas a ee Pow a Fg, 1. Distribution of front earth pressure and side sbear around pile subjected to lateral loud (ater Smith 1987) Pn QF © where Qunet timate frontal onal sol resistance and Feast ‘tirade Intera shear dag. Q and (bot in the unit of foce! Teng) canbe estinsted a flows 2- Want (7a) FH Etaa® cy where 3 diameter ofthe pile; y=shape factor to secount for the onuniforn distribution of earth pressure in font of the pile; € shape factor to account forthe nonuniform distribution of lateral shear drag Poymmanimum earth pressure at 00; 80d tom rari side shear resistane: at Om 1/2 (See Fig. 1). Ae- cording to Briand end Smith (1983), and & can be taken as ‘shown in Table J ‘Sutetinting Eq, (7) in Ea, (6, the ultimate Intra resistance that can be exerted by the oil against the ple p, canbe expressed a= (Pt Era ® ‘The estimation of pou, and Toy 8 discussed inthe next ection. ‘Maximum Earth Pressure Pex and Maximum Side Shear Resistance trax {A few invertigators hve monsured actual soil pressure dist Won along the length of rigid piles using pressure transducers (Adams and Radhalsishun 1973; Chari and Meyethof 1983; Joo 1985; Meyethof and Sasiry 1985; Prasad and Chari 1999), Table 2 lists the details of the test piles and the soil properties. Fis. 2 ‘hows the distribution of the measured maxietam earth presse io 20 JOURNAL OF GEOTECHNICAL AND GECENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING © ASCE / JANUARY 2006 79 ‘Table 2 List of Model Test lee ile dimensions te Sol pep Booey L 2 y e fou amber (om) (am ante?) © (ran) Reference t “aus ios 1st 31 3s ‘Adan and Racks (1973) 2 4s 1016 176 4s ss 3 19 730 Iso 6 180 Chas an Meyetor (1983) 4 x00 ne 146 0 v0 40 (1988) 5 9300 40 Be 38 ° Meyecot and Say (1989) 6 siz0 wae 16s 35 100 Prasad and Chat (1999) 7 eo 120 m3 a 1300) “ sno 120, 183, 485 Iso Pan with depth. By diving the mesure Pox BY 3¥K p YK,2 sid 9(Ci2/B+C2) or YCs, ene ean get the distribution of the normalized Poa With depth shown reepootvely in Figa. 3-5, The figures show that K,"yz ean bo used to estimate th ultimate Pew i Pose” Kee ®) ‘which is equivalet to Ba, (8), Since no dais ofthe measured maximum side shear resistance “ime a be found in the Hteraur, we astume that the ultimate “ui the same asthe ultimate vertical shear retisance estimated with the following equation fom API (991) a= Ky tan 9) where X=lateral earth pressure coefficient (ratio of horizontal to vertical effective stress) and Binterface fiction ange between the pie and the si a function of sol type and density) Different ‘values of and 8 have been reported in he terature(Povloe and Davis 1980; NAVFAC 1982; Kulhawy et al, 1983, Kulhawy 1984, 1991; Tomlinson 1986; API 1991; Rendolph etal, 1994; ‘Wong and Teh 1995). We recommend following the guielines by 0 a Wo we 8 Ie outa) Fig, 2. Distribution of measured maximum earth pressure Pas With epi Kuthawy etal. (1983) and Kulhawy (1991) seramarized in Tables Band 4, Comparison of Calculated Ultimate Lateral Resistance with That from Centrifugal Tests of Flexible Model Piles Barton and Finn (1983) conducted lateral loading tests on model piles in a centrifuge. OF citeular cross section and constructed fom aluminum tubes with nominal diameters of 9, 12, and 16 mm, te piles had a minimum lengh-to-diameter ratio of 2050 that they behaved ac flexible piles. The piles were, strain gaged interaly to record the cstbution of bending moment, and en- bedded in uniform dense sund wit friction angle )'=43°, The bending moment disiibutions measured inthe central model pile tess were then used to drive the ultimate lateral resistance at different depts. Fg. 6 shows the ratio ofthe ealuleted ultimate Intra resistance from different methods t that derived from the cenritigal model pile tests. Considering sil erosion and tension cavity nea the soil surface, the two datapoints et depts smaller ‘than 1 pile diameter are not considered. Prom Fig. 6, we can see that th calculated ultimate resistance from the proposed method (Ba, (8)] agrees well with that from the centifigal model pile 10 By eo ee 10 aaa Fig. 3. Dinibution of ps/ 3K With depth 01 JOURNAL OF GEOTECHNICAL AND GEOENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING © ASCE / JANUARY 2008 ‘Table 2. List of Model Test Pes Pile dmeeions Soll poperioe Becenticty L 2 7 ¥ of lading Noster om) (om) avin © oo) Reference r was ois 157 3 ‘Ades and Rabati (1973) 2 aaa 1s 116 4s ans 3 oa 780 150 4 750 (Cari and Meyer (1983) 4 00 0 186 ” 700 seo (1985) 5 x00 740 16 as o Moyet and Say (985) 6 6120 10 16s 38 1500 Prasad and Chari (1999) 1 oo imo 173 By 1300 5 ero 102.0 183, 455 1500 Paw with dept. By dividing the measured Pe by 21K, ¥K,2, and y(Ci2/B+C;) or ¥C;, one ean get the distribution of ths normalized Ps With depth as shown respectively in Figs. 3-5. ‘The figures show that K,Pyz can be used 1 estimate the ultimate Pane ie. Pam = Kee () hich is equivalent to Fa, (5). Singe no data of the measured maximum side shear resistance au oa be found in the terature, we assume that theultimate “me ithe same asthe ultimate vertical shear resistance estimated ith the following equation from API (1991) ‘rn Kye tan 49) where K=lateral earth pressure coeficen (ratio of horizontal to vertical elfective sess; and 8 interface fiction angle between the pile and the sil (a function of sol type an density), Different valves OF K and & have been reported in the lteraure (Poalos snd Davis 1980; NAVFAC 1982; Kulhay et al. 1983, Kulhawy 1984, 1991; Tomlinson 1986; APT 1991; Randolph ct al. 1994; "Wong and Teh 1995), We recommend following the guidelines by Gata : | 8 200 ee io wo so Ow te Ponti) Fg, 2. Distibuton of measured maximum earth presse Py With epi Kuthawy etal. (1983) and Kathawy (1991) sumenarized in Tables Band 4 ‘Comparison of Calculated Ultimate Lateral Resistance with That from Centrifugal Tests of Flexible Model Piles ‘Barion and Finn (1983) conducted lateral loading tests on mode! piles in @ centrifuge. Of circular erose section and constracted fom stuminum tubes with nominal diameters of 9, 12, and 16 mu, the piles had « minimum lengh-t lateral capacity H, ofthe pile ean be obtained by solving the following two equilibrium ecuations fora and H, toe [noe J rand Be (a) i) Bt de f (Pm * EraadBE de (11) ‘where eXtecentcity of loading; a= depth tothe point of rotation; snd Lembedéed length of the pile (00 Fig. 8). According to Prasad and Char (1999), a and H, ean be obtained by 7 Table 4, Recomended Values of 8 by Kalhawy eto (1983) and Kubawy (991) Bie ope 3 ough concrete 108" Smooth cosets @r-198" (Ge, rear ) Rough sect 07-0998" (Le, sepeaper pile) Smooth es 5-000" (i, pipe ile of Ht) Wood te, tender (08-0999 pile) Ded ae bt Lop ‘sing dey method or with tempore casi nod good ‘onnvution eaniques Ded ha bi 03-1096" ‘wa tay method ‘ign vases ‘oepond to more ceafil eoutuction methods) JOURNAL OF GEOTECHNICAL AND GEOENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING B ASCE /JANUARY 2008 81 Plenty moans as oo or 08 co 1 41 42 43 ta as p 2 oe ° Pie do. Fla. & Conpariton of calculated ultimate Iter cesistanes 2, with that obtained from centrifugal model ple tests by Bart sn Pian 983) ee a= [> (0.567L-+2.76) + (5.30713 + 7.28e2-+ 10.541¢L)"5/2.1996 (12a) 2 Hy 03iaK, fend y082.20~ 1.70) (128) uations (120) and (125) ae ed pet he ar Ind copay of laboratory snd ld vigd tt ples ir cokes Soi a shown in Table 8 In th the pies 13 ae eae ne conse em sel abes ares 1417 are ls ted conc dled sa, For te clean of ate ee ium sie soa reounee ra Tab 3 end 4 ee tse oe sine K and 8, To dete E Kyn Ivan! itl oes Ky The rss ae iso shown in ig 9. He casnclegens ssl pett he a fed eapciy tad oe Fn Wi “| | Sch Wana greens ONeytat oat ect ee Ses Ed Saget Oe, coy Gm sty Ginn ? Y Fig. 7. Assumed sil pretuce dstibaion under lateral loads by siterent researcher (aller Prasad and Chari 1990) Fig. 8, Proposed cisuibution of froma sol resistance snd side shear resbtance ee EE eee ‘Summary and Conclusions A simple method is proposed for ealeulsting the ultimate resis. lance exered by the cobesionless soil against laterally Wade piles. The ultimate lteral resistance consists Of frenal wil tei, tance and side shear resistance [see Eq (8). The font sil resis {ance canbe estimated fiom theultimate maximum earth posse Pow by considering the shape factor [se Eas. (Ta) and GS), ‘where Pou Can be obtained from an expresion equveten oth, by Fleming etal. (1992) fsee Egg. (6) and (9)} The side shore ‘ssisanes can be estimated from the ultimate maximam ede hear resistance Tag by considering the shape factor f [eee Ea, (76) aad (@), whe “mq, cad be simply obtained from the AT (1991) method (Eq, (10}]. Because the proposed method cored, the altimats resistance ofthe soi (act ofthe pile apple to both Heaible and rigid piles. The ealclated ulate later! res, ‘auce sing the Proposed method agrees well with that obtsined fom centrifugal tents of flexible model ples, Applying the pro. Posed method to predict the Intral load capacity of ngid labor ‘ory and fel tot piles in cohesionless sols also yilds susie, tory results. Proceed 0) Moasured (2) Fig. 9. Comparison of pected and observed later loud capacity of sig piles 821 ZOURNAL OF GEOTECHNICAL AND GEOENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING @ ASCE [JANUARY 2008 “Table 5. Compaen of Price and Observed Lateral Lond Capacity of Rigid Piles Pile Dimers _—_Soil propa Saeco Eee Lo By dlp Ey ae Number (es) (om) Nie) Yom NAN 6 Reference v wis we 7 STS OSD “167 ‘Adkns and Rabkin (1973) 2 445 lle 126 «#8 SITS Sk as n03 3 4s 62:6 BITS 8 -120 4 aus 08116 4 3ITS 0k 024 292 5 mo ms 1820 © 0H 836 09 Meyer a (1981) 6 mos a3 0 oon 0008 na 7 mo 750 i806 wo 205308 S07 Cac an Meyer (1983) ® poo O46 oT 16 Joo (1988) ° sooo 246 HDA 4a 0 sono 0363S 0 30k 04 Meyer and Sat (1985) hb 620 oss 5 DDB oie Pena and Chari 1999) 2 620 120-1730 0H 36 1s, 620 W918 SS 1500178 AS “39 ta “6000 900017038, -600) aH 32 Ades snd Radhatisoa (1973) 1s + 6900 9000-17935: 24000 900866 38 16" 6909 © 9000-17-38 BhooD} too a 7 5490 6006S Oo m0 IS os Baan ea. (1981) ‘ ‘Average eer (0) 2 ‘ne: Ui) ond Ui, ae rape ie Sawdon led ape References ‘Adan, J and Radha, M.S. (1973), "Te nea eps of| ‘exp sigied footings” Proc. 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