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U izlaganju će se predstaviti do sada neobjavljeno i neprevedno pismo Josipa Severa

koje je poslano iz Kine u Zagreb otprilike godinu dana prije smrti autora. Budući da
smatramo kako je pismo u osnovi pjesma, analizi će se pristupiti strukturalistički
imajući u vidu sva obilježja pisma i lirske pjesme. Osim analize pisma/pjesme, velik će
naglasak biti na mišljenju Josipa Severa o Kini i društveno-kulturnoj situaciji u to
vrijeme. Ona podrazumijeva postupno otvaranje "vrata kineskog hrama kulture zapadu"
kako je i navedeno u polaznom tekstu. Osim navedenog, propitat će se i uloga
(ne)demokratskog društva u stilskoj dominanti (ako ista uopće postoji) toga vremena.
Usporedit će se i odnos društva prema književnosti u Jugoslaviji i Kini. U konačnici,
predstavit će se veliki utjecaj koji književnost može imati na ugled države u kojoj


The main goal of the essay is to present the letter written by Josip Sever. The
aformentioned letter has never been translated or published thus far. The letter itself was
sent from China to Zagreb (Croatia) around one year before the author passed away.
Upon carefull consideration, we have determined that the letter is a mixture of a poem
and a letter and therefore we will take into account both of these genealogical traits.
Apart form analysis of the letter/poem, the essay will be focused on the thought of Josip
Sever towards China and the social/cultural situation of that time. It is visible from the
letter that the China is slowely but surely opening it's doors to the West. Also, we are
interested in questioning (un)democratic society in the literary dominant of the late 80's.
In conclusion, we will compare the relation between society and literature in Yugoslavia
and China and the implications of said interaction.

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