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Calculation of Levels at Centre line of Pipe :

2.95 2.2

+ 415.380

46.665 + 414.722

+ 413.020

+ 411.318
Centre Line of Pipe
+ 409.616

+ 407.914

+ 406.212

+ 404.132
P2 P1 Bracket
3 2 1


Tan θ = ( 415.38 - 404.132 )

( 50.469 - 2.200 )

= 11.248

θ = 13.117 o

Tan θ = 0.233
Cos θ = 0.974
Sin θ = 0.227
Radius of pipe = 1375.000 mm
Total Thickness = 48 mm
Total Radius = 1375.000 + 48.00
= 1423.000 mm
Vertical Distance = 1423.000 xCos ( 13.117 )
= 1385.870 mm


(45+220)/2 = 132.5 Beam Top

1- Centre line of pipe at Bracket = 404.132 + ( 46.67 x Sin ( 13.117 ))

= + 414.722 m
Beam Top of Bracket = 414.722 - 1.518
= 413.204 m

2- Centre line of pipe at Pier 1 = 404.132 + ( 39.17 x Sin ( 13.117 ))

= + 413.020 m
Beam Top at Pier 1 = 413.020 - 1.518
= 411.502 m

3- Centre line of pipe at Pier 2 = 404.132 + ( 31.67 x Sin ( 13.117 ))

= + 411.318 m
Beam Top at Pier 2 = 411.318 - 1.518
= 409.800 m

4- Centre line of pipe at Pier 3 = 404.132 + ( 24.17 x Sin ( 13.117 ))

= + 409.616 m
Beam Top at Pier 3 = 409.616 - 1.518
= 408.10 m

5- Centre line of pipe at P1 = 404.132 + ( 16.67 x Sin ( 13.117 ))

= + 407.914 m
Top of Pedastal - 1 = 407.914 - 1.386
= 406.528 m

6- Centre line of pipe at P2 = 404.132 + ( 9.17 x Sin ( 13.117 ))

= + 406.212 m
Top of Pedastal - 2 = 406.212 - 1.386
= 404.826 m
Design of Bracket :
Reaction from beam = 643.366 kN ( From Beam Sheet )
Width of bracket = 1000.00 mm



a. For Point load : 643.37 kN



S.F. = 643.366 kN
Max. B.M. = 441.671 kN-m

b. For u.d.l :


S.F. = 49.000 kN
Max. B.M. = 34.300 kN-m

Total Moment = a + b = 475.971 kN-m

Total shear = a + b = 692.366 kN

Design :
Grade of concrete = 20 N/mm2
Grade of steel = 415 N/mm2
Permissible Stress in concrete = 7 N/mm2
Permissible Stress in steel = 190 N/mm2

i. Design Constants :
m = 13.333
n = 0.329
j = 0.890
Q = 1.026

Required Eff. Depth = 475.971 x 10 ^6

1.026 x 1000.00

= 680.995 mm
Provided Eff. Depth = 1400.0 - 75.00 - 12.50
= 1312.500 mm
Hence OK
Provide 25 mm dia. bars
Required Area of steel = 475.971 x 10 ^6
190.000 x 0.89 x 1312.50

= 2144.083 mm2
Area of each bar = 490.874 mm2
No. of bars = 4.37 no's
Provide 5 bars of 25.0 mm dia.

Provided Area of steel = 2454.37 mm2

iii. Check for Shear :

Nominal shear stress = 692 x 10 ^3
1000 x 1312.50

= 0.528 N/mm2

Percentage of steel = 0.187 %

Pt τc
0.15 0.18
0.25 0.22

For , Pt = 0.187 , τc = 0.195 N/mm2

Provide Shear Reinforcement

Design Shear = V - τc * b * d = 692.366 x 10^3 - ( 0.195 x 10.000 x 1312.500 )
= 689.8 kN
Provide 10 mm dia. 4 legged stirrups.
Area of stirrups = 314.159 mm2

Spacing of stirrups (Sv) = 190 x 314.159 x 1312.500

689.8 x 10.0 ^3

= 114 mm

Min. Shear Reinforcement :

Asv = 0.4
b * sv 0.87 *fy
Provide 10 mm dia. 4 legged stirrups.
Area of stirrups = 314.159 mm2

Spacing = 0.87 x 415.000 x 314.159

0.4 x 1000.000

= 283.568 mm

Provide 10 mm dia. 4 legged stirrups at 100.00 mm c/c.

Analysis and Design of Caping Beam :

1. Calculation of Loads :
i. Due to self weight of pipe :
a. Left side pipe
Dia. of Pipe = 0.7 m
Thickness of Pipe = 10.8 mm
Unit weight of steel = 78.5 kN/m3
Span = 6 m
Weight of Pipe = 11.186 kN

b. Right side pipe

Dia. of Pipe = 0.45 m
Thickness of Pipe = 8.6 mm
Unit weight of steel = 78.5 kN/m3
Span = 6 m
Weight of Pipe = 5.726 kN

ii. Due to water :

a. Left side pipe
Unit weight of water = 10 kN/m3
Area of Pipe = 0.385 m2
Weight of water = 23.091 kN
Total Weight (W)= i + ii = 11.186 + 23.091
= 34.277 kN

b. Right side pipe

Unit weight of water = 10 kN/m3
Area of Pipe = 0.159 m2
Weight of water = 9.543 kN
Total Weight (W)= i + ii = 5.726 + 9.543
= 15.269 kN

iii. Due to pedestal:

a. Left side pipe = 1.3 x 1.30 x 0.75 x 24.00
= 30.420 kN

b. Right side pipe = 1.05 x 1.05 x 0.75 x 24.00

= 19.845 kN

64.697 35.114
6.5 0.8


Caping Beam



0.800 6.5 0.800





2. Analysis :
Self weight of beam = 0.75 x 1.000 x 25.000
= 18.75 kN / m

i. For self weight :


1.80 4.5 1.80


42.188 33.750
2.250 B

33.75 42.188

-30.375 -30.375



MA = 0 :
RB = 75.938 kN
RA = 75.938 kN

Calcualtion of B.M. :
At 'A' = -30.375 kN-m
At point of zero shear = 17.086 kN-m
At point 'B' = -30.375 kN-m
ii. For External loads :

64.697 1.00 35.114

1.800 4.5 1.800


64.697 35.114

6.574 6.574



MA = 0 :
RB = 28.540 kN
RA = 71.271 kN

Max. -ve B.M.( M ) = i + ii = -95.072 kN-m

Max. +ve B.M.( M ) = i + ii = 66.992 kN-m
Max. S.F.( V ) = i + ii = 147.209 kN

3. Design :
Grade of concrete = 30 N/mm2
Grade of steel = 415 N/mm2
Permissible Stress in concrete = 10 N/mm2
Permissible Stress in steel = 130 N/mm2
S.B.C. of soil = 350 kN/m2

i. Design Constants :
m = 9.333
n = 0.418
j = 0.861
Q = 1.798

ii. Design :
k = 0.329
j = 0.890
Q = 1.026

a. Check for Effective Depth:

Required Eff. Depth (d) = 95.072 x 10 ^6

1.798 x 750.00

= 265.488 mm
Cover = 50.0 mm
Provided Effective Depth = 1000.000 - 50.00 - 10.00
= 940.000 mm
Hence OK

b. Calculation of Reinforcement for -ve BM :

Required Area of steel = 95.072 x 10 ^6

130.000 x 0.86 x 940.00

= 903.924 mm2
Provide 20 mm dia. bars .
Area of each bar = 314.159 mm2

No. of bars = 903.924


= 2.88
or say 3
Provided Area of steel = 942.48 mm2

c. Calculation of Reinforcement for +ve BM :

Required Area of steel = 66.992 x 10 ^6

130.000 x 0.86 x 940.00

= 636.940 mm2
Provide 20 mm dia. bars .
Area of each bar = 314.159 mm2
No. of bars = 3
Provided Area of steel = 942.48 mm2

iii. Check for Shear :

Shear at 'd' from face of support = 147.21 - 18.75 x 0.940

= 129.577 kN

Nominal shear stress = 129.577 x 10 ^3

750 x 940.00

= 0.184 N/mm2

Percentage of steel = 0.134 %

Pt τc
0.15 0.19
0.25 0.23

For , Pt = 0.134 , τc = 0.183 N/mm2

Provide Shear Reinforcement.

Design Shear = V - τc * b * d = 129.577 0.183 750

0.228 kN

Minimum Shear Reiforcement :

Asv = 0.4
b * Sv 0.87 * fy
Hence, Provide 10 mm dia. 2 legged stirrups

Spacing ( Sv ) = 157.08 x 0 .87 x 415

0 .40 x 750

= 189 mm c/c

Hence, Provide 10 mm dia. 2 legged stirrups @ 175.000 mm c/c.

iv. Side face Reinforcement :

Side face Reinforcement on each face = 0.05% * b * d

0.05% * b * d = 0.05 x 750.0 x 940.0


352.50 mm2
Provide 16 mm dia. bars with
Area of each bar = 201.062 mm2
No. of bars = 2
Provided Area of steel = 402.12 mm2
Design of Combined Footing :

1. Calculation of Loads :
i. Due to Pipe :
Dia. of Pipe = 2.75 m
Thickness of Pipe = 16 mm
Unit weight of steel = 78.5 kN/m3
Span = 7.5 m
Weight of Pipe = 81.383 kN
ii. Due to water :
Unit weight of water = 10 kN/m3
Area of Pipe = 5.940 m2
Weight of water = 445.468 kN
iii. Weight of caping beam :
= 0.75 x 1.200 x 8.100 x 25.000
= 182.25 kN
For each Pier = 91.125 kN

iv. Weight of Pier :

= 0.75 x 0.750 x 6.000 x 25.000
= 84.38 kN

Total weight ( W ) = i + ii + iii + iv = 81.383 + 445.468 + 91.13 + 84.375

= 702.351 kN

Caping Beam

0.75 0.75

A 4.25 B


0.90 4.25 0.90





2. Design :
Grade of concrete = 20 N/mm2
Grade of steel = 415 N/mm2
Permissible Stress in concrete = 7 N/mm2
Permissible Stress in steel = 190 N/mm2
S.B.C. of soil = 200 kN/m2
i. Design Constants :
m = 13.333
n = 0.329
j = 0.890
Q = 1.026

ii. Size of footing :

Total load on footing = 702.351 + 702.351

= 1404.702 kN
Self weight of footing = 10 x 1404.702

= 140.470 kN

Required area of footing = 1404.702 + 140.470

0.90 4.25 0.90
= 7.726 m2

Provided area of footing = 6.050 x 2.500 0.875 1.25

= 15.125 m2 0.75
Hence OK 2.5

Net upward pressure on fooing = 1404.702 0.525 0.525 1.25


= 92.873 kN/m2 Plan

Pressure metre length = 92.873 x 2.500
= 232.182 kN/m

Upward pressure diagram

i. Shear forces : 2.125
S.F. at just left of 'A' = 208.964 kN A B
S.F. at just right of 'A' = -493.387 kN
S.F. at just right of 'B' = -208.964 kN
S.F. at just left of 'B' = 493.387 kN 208.964

S.F. will be zero at 'x' from 'A' = 493.387 S.F.D.


= 2.125 m 430.190

ii. Bending moments :

Sagging B.M. at 'A' = 94.034 kN-m 94.034 94.034
Sagging B.M. at 'B' = 94.034 kN-m
Sagging B.M. at outer face of B.M.D.
31.998 kN-m
column 'A' is =

Sagging B.M. at outer face of

31.998 kN-m
column 'B' is =

Max. Hogging B.M. occurs at

Point of zero S.F. = -430.190

Check for Effective depth :

Required Effective depth = 430.190 x 10 ^6

1.026 x 2500.0

= 409.462 mm
Provided overall depth = 750 mm

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