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2013 WMI Competition

Grade 9 Part 1 Logical Reasoning Test

Problems 1–30: 5 points each for a total of 150 points.
1. Given that quadrilateral ABCD ~ quadrilateral PQRS and the corresponding angles
to ∠A, ∠B, ∠C, and ∠D are ∠P, ∠Q, ∠R, and ∠S, respectively.
If ∠A:∠C:∠D=2:4:1 and ∠B:∠C=1:2, find ∠B – ∠P.
(A) 20° (B) 0° (C) 80° (D) 40°

2. The diagram on the right consists of small squares of length 1.

Draw a circle using A as center and AB as radius. How many
of the 6 points C, D, E, F, G, and H are inside that circle?
(A) 5 (B) 4 (C) 3 (D) 2

3. In △ABC, if AB = BC , then which one of the following statements is INCORRECT?

(A) △ABC may be an acute triangle
(B) △ABC may be an obtuse triangle
(D) Point A must be on the perpendicular bisector of BC

4. Let O be a point inside of △PQR that, following OP, OQ, and OR, respectively,
separates the triangle into 3 small triangles A, B, and C as shown in the left figure
below. If these 3 small triangles are placed on line L with O as their common vertex
shown in the left figure below, these three vertices are collinear and the line that
passes through them parallels to L. What kind of point is O in △PQR ?


(A) Center of gravity (B) Incenter (C) Circumcenter (D) None of Above
5. If a quadratic function y=ax +bx+c has its minimum value of –3 when x = –2
and a+b+c = 15, then a+b-c = ?
(A) 5 (B) 4 (C) 7 (D) 6

6. As shown in the right figure, ABCD is a rectangle with AB =8

and BC = 15. If AP = CR = 2 BP and AS = CQ = 2 DS , what is
the perimeter of quadrilateral PQRS?
85 51
(A) 51 (B) (C) 34 (D)
2 2

7. See the figure on the right. △ABC is a right triangle with ∠B = 25°
and ∠C = 90°. △DEF is an isosceles right triangle with ∠E = 90°.
︵ ︵
What is the angle measurement for BE + CAD ?
(A) 130° (B) 150° (C) 120° (D) 140°

8. See the figure on the right. If P, Q, R, and S are midpoints

of AB, BC, CD, and DA, respectively and ∠DSR = 15° and
∠QPS = 65°, then ∠1+∠2 = ?
(A) 115° (B) 125° (C) 110° (D) 120°

9. Four sisters sit together in order left to right. If Second sister sits in #4 seat, what is
the probability of the Oldest sister sits on the right of the Youngest one?
2 1 1 1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
3 2 3 4

10. Each of the small squares in the figure on the right has length 1. Which one of the
following statements is correct concerning the two rectangles ?
(A)No angles are symmetric and no sides are symmetric.
(B)Some angles are symmetric but no sides are symmetric.
(C)Some sides are symmetric but no angles are symmetric.
(D)These two rectangles are similar.

11. Move the graph of quadratic function y = 3x2 + 6x – 1 to the right and below each by
3 units. If the function of this new graph is y = ax2 + bx + c , what is (b + c – a) ?
(A) –10 (B) –4 (C) 8 (D) 14
12. As in the figure on the right, a circle is tangent to the y–axis and
intersects the x–axis at A(3, 0) and B(9, 0). If the center of this
circle is at (a, b), then ab = ?
(A) −12 3 (B) −18 3 (C) 12 3 (D) 18 3

13. Suppose A(0, 6), B(–8, 0), and C(0, –6) be the vertices of △ABC. If the incenter of
this triangle is at (a, b), then what is the value for (a – b)?
8 8
(A) (B) − (C) 3 (D) –3
3 3

14. (2, b) and (3, c) are two points on the parabola y=ax2. If the line that passes through
these two points intersects y–axis at (0, –3), then what is the value for (a + b – c)?
3 5
(A) –1 (B) –2 (C) − (D) −
2 2

15. If the sum of the height and upper side of a trapezoid is 15 and the sum of its height
and lower side is 21, then what is the maximum possible area for this trapezoid ?
(A) 63 (B) 36 (C) 81 (D) 72

16. As shown in the figure on the right, ABCD is a quadrilateral such

that AB / / EF / / DG , BF : FG : GC = 3:2:3, and 3 AE = 4GC .
What is AD : BC ?
(A) 3 : 4 (B) 4 : 5 (C) 5 : 6 (D) 7 : 9

17. As shown in the figure on the right, B is the midpoint of OP,

straight line PA is tangent to circle O at A. If PA = 6. What
is the area of △OAB?
(A) 4 3 (B) 3 3 (C) 12 (D) 9

18. Randomly pick 2 numbers from a group of 6 numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. What is the

probability of the smaller number is a factor of the larger number?
2 3 7 8
(A) (B) (C) (D)
5 5 15 15
19. As shown in the figure on the right, △ABC is an isosceles triangle
inscribed in circle O such that AB = AC . Extend BO so that it
intersects AC at D. If ∠BDC = 72°, what is the angle measure for ∠C ?
(A) 72° (B) 68° (C) 66° (D) 64°

20. Let the areas enclosed by each of the graphs y = –2x2 + 5, y = –(x + 5)2 + 5, and
y = 3(x – 5)2 – 5 with the x–axis be denoted as A, B, and C, respectively. Which one
of the following indicates the size relationship between them?
(A) A > B > C (B) B > A > C (C) C > A > B (D) A = B = C

21. Rectangle ABCD is a pool table with AB = 16.5 and AD = 24 .

Suppose a ball started from point P on AB to point Q, as shown
in figure on the right, and bounced off to R and then bounced
off to A. The dotted line indicated the ball’s traveling path.
If ∠PQB=∠RQC, ∠QRC=∠ARD, AP = 9 , and BQ = 15 , then PQ : QR : RA = ?
(A) 4:3:7 (B) 3:2:5 (C) 5:4:9 (D) 5:3:8

22. As in the figure on the right, AB and CD are two diameters

of circle O and AC is a chord. If ∠AOD=50°, then which
one of the following CANNOT be the degree measure of ∠AEC ?
(A) 120° (B) 112° (C) 125° (D) 118°

23. Function y = 4 − − x + 6 x obtains the its minimum value of P and maximum


value of Q in 1 ≤ x ≤6. How large is P + 2Q ?

(A) 6 (B) 7 (C) 8 (D) 9

24. As in the figure on the right, points D, E, and F are on BC, CA,
and AB, respectively, and they are not A, B, or C. If BD = 3 ,
CD = 4 , and both triangle △BCE and quadrilateral CEFD
have an area of 12, what is the area for △ABC ?
(A) 21 (B) 28 (C) 14 (D) 17.5

25. Let P be the vertex of parabola y = –2(x + 3)2 + 5. Four straight lines x = –39, x = –37,
x = 31, and x = 33 intersect this parabola at A, B, C, and D, respectively. Which one
of the following is a correct statement ?
(A) PA < PB (B) PB < PD (C) PB < PC (D) PD < PC
26. Toss an unbiased coin. If it comes up ‘tail’, then you have to pay the amount that is
equal to the number of points that shows up on the unbiased die you roll after the
coin toss. If it comes up ‘head’, then you have to pay the amount that is equal to the
total number of points that show up on the two unbiased dice you roll after the coin
toss. What is the probability that you have to pay more than $5 after one coin toss?
4 5 5 7
(A) (B) (C) (D)
9 9 12 12

27. As in the figure on the right, circles O1 and O2 intersect at

A and B. AC is the radius of circle O1. Extend CA and
CB so that they intersect circle O2 at D and E, respectively.
If AC = 6 , BE = 15 , and BC = AD , how long is DE ?
(A) 12 (B) 18 (C) 6 3 (D) 9 3

28. Following the previous problem, what is the degree measure for ∠E.
(A) 40° (B) 35° (C) 30° (D) 25°

29. Write an integral number from 1 to 35 on each of the 35 cards so that each card
would have a different number. Divide these 35 cards into A and B piles. Suppose the
card that has the number 23 is in pile A. If this card with the number 23 on it is
moved from pile A to pile B, then the arithmetic average of all the numbers on cards
in new pile A is ½ more than the average of the original pile A and the arithmetic
average of all the numbers on cards in new pile B is also ½ more than the average of
the original pile B, how many cards does the original pile A have?
(A) 13 (B) 15 (C) 14 (D) 16

30. As shown in figure on the right, square ABCS has length

of 6 5 . Suppose E and F are the midpoints of CD and
AD and CF intersects BE and BD at P and Q, respectively.
What is the area for △BPQ ?
(A) 30 (B) 24 (C) 27 (D) 21

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