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There are a whole lot of ‘elements’ in music. Just like

ingredients in a cake, all the elements work together to
form music that we play and listen to.

This is the VOLUME in music. The ‘louds’ and the ‘softs’.
These help create the mood in a piece.

Very Loud
Fortissimo ff (very loud)

Forte f (loud)

Mezzo Forte mf (moderately loud)

Mezzo Piano mp (moderately soft)

Piano p (soft)

Pianissimo pp (very soft)

Very Soft

This is the ‘tune’ in music – that bit you sing along to or
play. It is made up of notes of different pitches that are
arranged in a particular order. The notes are arranged also
using rhythm.

Rhythm is how the notes
are arranged – the
individual lengths of notes
put together. They fall in-
between or on the beat.

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